#also I just beat demons souls whoo!
fiveviktorklaus · 4 years
am I picturing the umbrella academy as a soulsborne-esque video game where all of the hargreeves have been “corrupted” and you have to defeat them to get them to return to their normal selves? yes. yes, I am. anyway, here’s how I’d see the fights going:
(putting this under a cut because - phew - I kind of got into detail with some of these! why can’t I design video games????) 
luther: tanky as hell. you have to fight him at range or he’ll just mow you down and toss you around like a ragdoll. his boss stage is inside of the academy and is tough because you’re fighting him in narrow corridors where it’s hard to create the space you need to fight him at range. he has a lot of health, so the key defeating him is patience, timing, and dodging so he hits the environment around you. it’s safe to say that the academy takes a lot of damage from it’s number one in this fight.
diego: fight takes place out in the city on a rooftop at night. unlike with luther, you don’t want to put too much distance between yourself and diego. he WILL win if you give him any opportunity to start sniping his knives at you. close ranged combat can also be tricky because he knows how to hold his own in hand to hand as well. you can try your hand at beating him fair and square, but ultimately this will be a gimmick fight that you can easily win by doing a side quest earlier in the game (back at the academy where you fight luther) where you are given the option to destroy grace. if you do, you can remove her head and throw it at diego during his boss stage. he will stop fighting and collapse in despair, giving you the opportunity to defeat him.
allison: fighting her is unique because - unlike with diego and luther - you will not be facing her directly. running straight up to allison is a TERRIBLE idea. she will rumor you. you will lose. every time. you don’t run right up to medusa and look her in the eye, do you? no! this stage will be more of a stealth mission than anything else. you will navigate your way through her arena (a movie set) and try to get the drop on her so that you can take her out. this can be particularly challenging as allison will have rumored several people to patrol and guard the area. don’t get caught!
klaus/ben: you’ll be fighting them, naturally, in a cemetery. and by ‘fighting them’, I mean that you’ll actually have to get through a full level of zombies and ghosts just to get anywhere near the two. once you finally reach klaus, the real fight begins! he will summon ben to defend him, which will make the fight incredibly, incredibly difficult. the trick to this fight will be wearing klaus out so that he has to take breaks in between summoning ben. it’s during those breaks that you jump in and attack, retreating to cover whenever ben appears again and tries to dismantle you with his tentacles. eventually you’ll win the fight and - when you do - klaus, now returned to his true self, will stumble off to find his other siblings.
five: want to fight an annoying boss? LOOK NO FURTHER. after finding a briefcase that teleports you to the commission (in which you will have to get through a level filled with agents and assassins), you’ll finally run into mr. five. this fight will be hard and you will probably die multiple times trying to beat him. the key to defeating five will be learning his patterns and timing because (a) he is quick (b) he hits hard and (c) he fights dirty. once you beat him (after, you know, crying your way through several deaths and respawns), you’re given the option to offer him a cup of coffee that you find earlier in the game while exploring. if you give him the coffee, he will gladly accept and will actually (hooray!) join you as an ally for the final boss.
vanya: welcome to the icarus theatre! are you ready to get your ass kicked? good! because this is where we find vanya all dressed up in her fancy suit! she (and the suit) look perfectly normal at the start. if you brought five along with you, he will engage as a distraction so you can attack whenever her back is turned. vanya will strike with sound waves and occasionally launch various objects at you. ouch. if you try to get too close, she will attempt to perform a grab attack that drains the life out of you if you get caught. this is almost always a one shot kill, so let’s avoid that! with some coordinated teamwork, you can and will take vanya down. while fighting vanya before, the music was sort of soft and eerie. as you approach her to check in after taking her down, you’ll notice that the boss health bar (which was just depleted) has suddenly refilled itself and vanya’s name on top of it has shifted to THE WHITE VIOLIN. a boss fight? with two stages? well, fuck. remember that eerie music before? it just shifted in volume and is exploding with sinister instrumentals (I like to imagine it being to something like ludwig, the holy blade). vanya, who is now transforming into glowstick mode and has upgraded her already edgy suit to Super Edgy White Suit, will wield her violin and will launch even larger sound waves at you that take up nearly the entire arena. sometimes she’ll fly up into the air and charge up particularly devastating sound wave attacks, only to slam into the ground towards you and unleash them in a circle around her. another attack? her bow. she can literally slice you in half with that thing, so it’s a good idea to avoid when she swipes it at you. the white violin is a very, very aggressive boss who rarely gives you space to breathe, so you’ll really have to take advantage of having five around for this part of the fight. this is the only fight in the game where playing it safe is punished, so be ready to strike hard and fast if you wanna take down the white violin!
the umbrella academy as a video game in general would be great. get on it, gerard!
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flowerrose14 · 5 years
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“Defective Detective”
HHHHH-Forgot to post these like an idiot<:”D Also freakin thank you @rainecloud020604 for helping me design the fella <3
This be me cold icecream fella Alfred, a fella whoo trusts no one and wishes to gain back the trust of folks in this world,it’s a reason why he signed up to be a detective, to just give folks some damn hope.Hates failing cause it’s like breaking his promise and pledge to those who trusted em with such. He gets treated horrible by his boss and don’t trust aaaannyone in that station- well, most of the times anyways.
Alfred was inspired by a writing project i had to do for school,a version of em for in inkwell and then a human version<:”D
Hope you all enjoy ^^ The Writing project is below here Warning there is a tad bit of blood and bit of heavy subjects. it’s also long as hell and you don’t have to read such i swear to ya <3 apologies
Alfred’s POV: The rusted, busted joke of a clock hadn’t even struck 10am, and already my nostrils were being assaulted by the strong stench of coffee being brewed. Yep, a very average morning in this broken, little police station of ours, your everyday back breaking and mind crushing routine, oh what fun, right? You get use to all the all-nighters you got to pull and gallons of bitter coffee your knackered body is forced to swallow.
My entire body flinched hearing the erupting laughter burst from my “faithful” colleagues’ mouths. My teeth gritting in an instant with distaste for those gullible idiots. This job is far from some measly joke. It was barely even a week ago-dear lord that jewel of pure disaster. The burning hot blood dripping from my shredded hands, the repulsive smell of smoke and the dreadful ringing of that bullet-
The deafening crash from a stack of paperwork being slammed onto my desk snapped me out of my horrid thoughts, now being greeted with the piercing glare of the devil himself (Or if you prefer, my boss.)
“What are you doing?!”
His booming voice questioned, adding more agony to my aching eardrums. A low growl bubbling in my throat as hatred began to boil in the pit of my stomach. Even though my mind, so desperately wanted to lash back at this man with a snide comment of how he looked like a bin-bag full of coleslaw, wearing that uniform. I sighed silently in defeat and forced the most painful, weakest smile imaginable. Another little part of me, slowly dying this morning as I kissed-up to that filthy pig. But before my forced words could even leave my mouth, his enraged voice filled my ears once more.
“YOU’RE THIS CLOSE TO LOSING THAT BADGE OF YOURS ALFRED!! Your performance has been appalling, and so help me god- one more slip up and you can kiss this job good-bye!”
My lifeless eyes just stared at him blankly, feeling the peering stares of comrades on us now, enjoying every moment of this delightful show of me getting immaturely ridiculed for no reason whatsoever. Guess that would be another thing you get use to here.
All my burned-out mind, could possibly puppeteer my body to do was just simply nod in response, knowing full well he wasn’t even going to dare. Basically, cause this demon absolutely adored tormenting me. Wincing in response as he stormed off back into his office, giving me the succulent chance to glare at him with every step he took, the moment his back was turned.
I didn’t even bother to turn and face the smirking faces of my “loyal” team mates, my dried up eyes instead wandering around my desk and sticking on to the very first file on the stack of paperwork…With an irritated huff, my hands plucked the piece of flimsy paper off of the mountain of sheets and documents. My eyes now scanning every word, as if I was a broken-down robot, doing its destructive routine over and over again.
“Missing. On Friday, 15th of November. A 9-year-old girl, by the name of Riley Grace was reported missing. Her distressed parents reporting once they had come home from a night out together, were greeted with a smashed window, ransacked rooms and their little girl gone. Police have searched the area, unfortunately not finding any leads or whereabouts of the child, or kidnapper- “
I was already scanning the contact info below and my eyes eventually landing on a heart-wrenching picture printed onto the paper. Now I was staring into the eyes of Riley Grace, a photo took in the lush, green fields of this year’s Spring. Her hair as golden as freshly bloomed sunflowers, emerald like eyes, rosy red cheeks, adorable smile and such a precious glow beaming from her face.
My eyes now dulling as a vile taste was planted into my mouth, my heart sinking into my dread filled stomach. Sick. The very first word that came to mind, how utterly sick you’d have to be in the head to do such a horrific thing, but for folks’ misfortune, this city was infested with these disgusting rats.
What was the exact action that lead me to this? Was it the dawning of my ragged, blood-stained jacket? The first steps out of the station and into the freezing cold streets, ready to face such a horrific world and be a “Hero”? Or was it simply the photo I had taken of this twisted gang that lead to me getting caught. Lead me to where I was now…
 Both my legs and heart were burning, like someone had carelessly set them both ablaze to make me suffer more then I already was. Like their deepest and most twisted desire was for my hope of escape to slowly burn with them. At this point I couldn’t even tell if the loud bang in my ears, was my pounding heartbeat, or my bounding footsteps, desperately wanting to escape this living nightmare.
My entire body jumped suddenly feeling the freezing, cold water sink into the fabric of my ragged, ripped clothes, the heaven’s opening and pouring down a damn ocean worth of water onto this god forsaken city. Great. Just wonderful, just perfect! Yes, all I ever wanted tonight was a rage filled storm, just perfect! It fit so well with this entire hell I had gotten myself into!
And just like that my thoughts were shattered into a million pieces, as my bruised face collided and crashed onto the soaking, rough pavement. A sickening crack giving me the most politest reminder, I had broken something once more. Oh, what joy. Tonight, was just getting better by the moment!
I felt my stomach twist horribly, as warm, oozing liquid began to leak from my swollen wounds, sinking deep and deeper into my already filthy clothes. I almost felt sorry for this body of mine, it’s fail skin decorated with too many bruises to count, it’s bines burning and feeling like there were slowly being melted and it’s poor crushed heart felt like it was about to explode at any moment.
 Though everything was in an ungodly amount of pure agony, it was difficult to even register as my mind began to suffocate me in its dreadful fears and darkest worries. Question, after question, regret, after regret. The entire weight of the world on my trembling shoulders, crushing me slowly as my head spun with questions that I pleaded answers for.
Why did I do this? Why this part of town? Why this gang? Why did I even bother being such a “hero”? Regret was the most-deadliest poison of all in my opinion, flowing through my bloodstream and tainting whatever hope I had left.
I knew. This was part of this soul crushing job. Faces would come ang go, your mind just grows use to it…But once it’s your time to bite the dust… Both your heart and soul scream out, pleading and begging. For someone, anyone to save your useless life.
It’s unfortunate how I lost this little, twisted game for “Chase”. My heart rocketing into my throat hearing those horrifying footsteps, echoing through the desolate alleyways.
Closer and closer. Louder and louder. Like a vicious, ferocious predator slowly closing in on its pathetic prey, on its mouth-watering prize… The world around my exhausted eyes began to fade, my broken mind confirming this was truly it, my crimson red blood sinking into the soaking wet pavement. The endless and deafening screams to “get up!” and “run!” were now slowly dying along with my shattered body.
Just I was about to accept my dreadful fate of becoming a new punching bag for this disgusting gang, just like little Riley… The ear-splitting sounds of sirens bursting my already in pain ear drums and jolting my mind awake in an instant. Once more I was consumed by such sickening questions that I would have begged answers for, key word folks is “would”.
My pale body, which was beautifully painted with too many wounds and bruises to keep track of, was still going through with the agonizing progress of shutting down. Even if my mind screamed it to stop.
However, as I slowly was losing my slender grip on this world, my body was suddenly lifted, not by those sick murders that had gave me a terrible beating beforehand. No. Instead the soft touch of my fellow colleagues, their soft and gentle voices filling my ears as they dragged my dying body into the back of what I hoped and prayed to be an ambulance. The blinding lights and voices were all such a blur to me, my body too weak to even keep its eyes open. Giving into the hellish pain and slowly fading out of consciousness.
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bamby0304 · 6 years
The Hart II: Highway
Summary: Off on her own, without the Winchesters, Bobby, Ellen or Jo, Lizzie tries to get back to what she does best… hunting. But time is running out, Dean’s soul is on the line, and now everyone knows Lizzie is psychic like Sam. Can the brothers and Lizzie work through their problems? Or will they lose everything?
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Bamby’s Masterlist The Hart Masterlist The Hart II: Highway Masterlist
Part Thirteen: Neck on the Line
Warnings: Normal stuff… angst, violence, Dean being a reckless a-hole.
Sam, Liz and I walked around the corner of an alleyway, flashlights in hand. Walking into the back alley of the abandoned buildings, we came to a pool of blood. Hurrying over, following the trail, we found a man lying on the floor, bleeding to death, his hand pressing to his neck where he'd been bitten.
"Hey, hey." Sam started as we knelt by the man. "Don't worry. We're gonna call you some help, okay?"
"Where is she?" I asked. "Where'd she go?"
The man lifted his hand, gesturing down the alley.
I gave Sam and Liz a nod, telling them to stay with the man while I headed off to find the monster that had did this to him and countless other victims.
There was some distance between the others and myself as I came to a stop in another alley way. Looking around, I had no idea which way to go in order to find the vampire. Willing to do whatever it takes, I lifted my arm and pulled my sleeve up before pressing the blade of my machete against my skin. Slowly and carefully, I cut myself, watching as blood began to drip to the floor.
"Smell that?!" I called out. "Come and get it!"
A woman, no older than Sam and Liz, came around the corner then. Only she wasn't a woman. She was a vampire.
Right on time.
Grinning smugly, I nodded at her. "That's right. Come on. I smell good, don't I? I taste even better."
She approached cautiously, looking to the machete in my hand.
Looking from her to my blade, I shrugged, dropping the weapon. "Come on! Free lunch!"
Charging at me, she grabbed my arms and lunged at my neck. I felt her teeth slide into my skin, causing a pain to shoot through me. Fighting against the pain, I managed to pull out a syringe and plunge it into her neck, emptying the contents into her system.
Coughing and shaking, she looked to me with wide eyes before she fell to the ground, unconscious.
Panting, I gave a little cheer. "Whoo!"
The sound of footsteps approaching had me look over to see Sam and Liz walking around the corner. Their eyes landed on the woman and then on my neck. A frown slowly grew on Sam's face as Liz rushed forward.
"You okay?" she asked tentatively, her hands grabbing my arm to check my cut before she looked to my bite.
"I'm fine," I assured her, gently pulling her hands back. Seeing Sam still frowning at me, I shrugged. "What?"
"Cutting it a little close, don't you think?"
I shook my head, not worried at all. The job was done, that's what mattered. "That's just chum in the water. Worked, didn't it?"
While I stood with the brothers, looking down at the tied up, blonde vampire sitting in front of me, I vibrated with an internal rage and a shameful fear. I hated vampires. No one- except for Bobby, maybe- knew how much I hated vampires, and at the same time they terrified me.
Despite all the things I had to do in this line of work, vampires were the worst monsters I'd ever come across. Vampires, and demons. But then, they were the things that ripped my family away from me.
The vampire began to stir as she woke, slowly looking up at the three of us.
Dean leaned over her. "You with us?" Her only response was to fight and struggle against her bonds. "Oh, yeah, sorry. You're not going anywhere."
"Where's your nest?" Sam got straight to the point.
She looked up at him, confused. "What?"
"Your nest," Dean pressed. "Where you and your bloodsucking pals hang out."
She looked to each of us, seeming distressed, but it was an act. "I don't know what you're talking about." The brothers looked to each other as they rolled their eyes. "Please! I don't feel good."
Turning around, Dean grabbed a syringe of the table behind him, showing it to her. "Yeah, well, you're gonna feel a hell of a lot worse if we give you another shot of dead man's blood."
Shaking her head, she looked to the needle with fear. "Just let me go."
Sam laughed. "Yeah, you know we can't do that."
"I'm telling you the truth!" she exclaimed. "I'm just... I took something. I'm freaking out! I don't know what's going on!"
Shifting on the spot, Sam looked to her confused now. "You took something?"
"Yes! I can't come down. I just want to come down."
Leaning forward so he was at eye level with her, he asked, "What's your name?"
"Lucy. Please. Just let me go."
"All right, Lucy, how about this?" Sam started, his caring and nice voice in place of his hunter one. "If you tell us what happened, we'll let you go."
"You will? " she asked, looking over to Dean and me.
I looked to Dean, pissed. He nodded in an obviously insincere way while also offering a quick smile to the monster who then turned to me.
You have got to be kidding me. Sighing, I nodded, though didn't smile.
Taking a deep breath, she began to speak. "Uh, I don't really... um, it's, it's not that clear. I was at Spider."
"Spider?" Dean asked.
"The club, on Jefferson," she explained. "And there was this guy. He was buying me drinks."
Her story had my interest. If this guy was probably a vampire as well if he's the reason she turned. "What did he look like?"
"He was old, like thirty." She shrugged. The look on both the brother's faces didn't go unmissed by me. "He had brown hair, a leather jacket. Uh, Deacon or Dixon or something. Said he was a dealer. He had something for me."
There was a look in Dean's eyes as if he just realised what I'd figured out. "Something?"
"Something new. 'Better than anything you've ever tried'. He put a few drops in my drink."
"Was the drug red and thick?" When she nodded to his question Dean looked over to Sam and me as Sam shook his head in disbelief while my blood began to boil at the thought. "Well, genius move there. That was vampire blood he dosed you with."
Lucy turned to Dean sharply. "What?"
"Yeah, you just took a big steamin' shot of the nastiest virus out there."
"You're crazy! He gave me roofies or something!" Turning away she now looked to Sam again. "The next thing I know, we're at his place, and he says he's gonna get me something to eat, just wait. But I get so hungry."
"So you busted out?" Sam asked, but we all knew the answer.
She nodded. "But it won't wear off, whatever he gave me?"
"Let me guess," I sighed. "Lights are too bright. You can hear everything. Sunshine stings."
"Yeah." She nodded again. "And smells. And I can hear blood pumping."
Dean shook his head. "Well, I hate to tell you this, sweetheart, but your blood's never pumping again."
"Not mine." She looked to each of us. "Yours. I can hear a heart beating from half a block away." This was no act, she really had no idea what was happening to her. "I just want it to stop."
"All right, listen, Wavy Gravy," Dean started. "It's not going to stop. You've already killed two people, almost three."
"No, I couldn't," she sobbed. "No! I was hallucinating!"
"You weren't," I snapped, getting impatient. "You killed them, okay? You've left a trail of corpses for us to follow."
She shook her head, crying. "No. No, it wasn't real! It was the drug! Please! Please, you have to help me!"
A hand on my arm caught my attention. I looked to see Dean gesturing for me to follow as Sam started for the next room. The two of us were right behind him as Lucy continued to yell out to us.
Ignoring her, Sam sighed as he turned to Dean and I. "Poor girl."
"We don't have a choice."
"Dean's right. She's a vampire, we're hunters. If we don't do this she'll just keep killing." There was no emotion in my voice. I was being cold, I knew that. But vampires seemed to bring out the worst in me. "If you guys won't-"
I'd been about to turn to leave when Dean grabbed my arm again, stopping me. Looking up into his eyes I could see he was still in hunter mode, but I could also see wonder. The change in my attitude had him questioning what was up with me.
But instead of asking, he gave a short nod. "I'll do it."
Letting go of my arm, he walked into the room again. I watched as Lucy struggled against her ties, begging for him to let her go. But Dean simply grabbed the machete, and with moves he'd used many times before, swiftly decapitated her.
Her head landed on the ground with a thump.
Now that she was dead, I turned for the door and walked out, needing to calm myself down.
Sam and I left the bar Lucy had told us about. The place was a buzz, so you'd think we would have found something, but no. We hadn't.
"That was a big, fat waste of time," I noted, frustrated, as we moved towards Liz who was leaning against a light post.
Sam sighed. "Look, three blondes have gone missing, including Lucy, all last sighted here. I'm telling you, Dean, this is the hunting ground."
As we reached Liz, she lifted her hand to point across the street. "Found him."
Looking over to where she was pointing, Sam and I could see a couple walking away from the bar and towards an alley. A thirty something man in a leather jacket and a young blonde woman.
I nodded. "Let's do this."
Pushing off the post, Liz turned to look at Sam and I. "We do this, I'm the one that gets to kill him." She left no room for questions, comments or arguments, because before we could speak she was already walking off.
Coming around the corner, we found the couple just in time as the man was about to feed the woman some blood from a dropper. Her mouth was open and ready, tongue sticking out. With a smile on her face, she was just as aware as Lucy had been.
Liz rushed forward first, grabbing the guy's arm and clocking him straight in the jaw.
"Hey!" the woman exclaimed.
But Sam and I were right there. "Get out of here. Go! Go!" Sam told her as he led her to the alley entrance while I turned to Liz.
Liz had been holding up her own against the vampire, but that didn't mean I was going to just stand there a leave her to it. So, without really thinking it through, I grabbed the vampire's jacket from behind and pulled him away from Liz before shoving him towards a wall.
He looked from her to me and right when I thought he was going to put up a fight, he made a break for it.
What the...?
"Come on!" Liz grabbed my arm before she started after the vampire, Sam and I right behind her.
Running down the alley, we came to a corner and rounded it as fast as we could. But as we made it to the other side we were made to come to a stop at the sight of Gordon Walker and Kubrick- one of the assholes who'd tried to kill Sam- standing right in front of us.
Gordon lifted his gun and I knew right then and there, he was going to kill all three of us.
But before he could pull the trigger, his gun flew across the alley way. That's when all eyes turned to Liz.
Gordon lifted his gun and before I realised what I was doing, I lifted my hand and sent the weapon flying across the alley.
In an instant, everyone turned to me. The brothers and I knew what this meant. I'd just shown Gordon that Sam wasn't the only 'psychic'. I might as well have screamed it out loud, because now, Gordon was going to kill me too.
Kubrick acted quickly, lifting his own gun and aiming it right at me.
"No!" Dean's arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me along with him until we were covered by a car in the alley.
Gun shots followed as Sam, Dean and I hid, moving to get to a wall in front of the car, so we had more cover. More shots started and I knew Gordon would have grabbed his gun back. Things weren't looking too good for us...
Looking around the corner briefly, Dean then turned to Sam and I, panting, "All right. Run. I'll draw them off."
"What?! No, you're crazy!"
I shook my head. "Sam's right. You won't make it."
But Dean ignored both of us as he darted out and into the line of fire, running across the alley and over to another car which he jumped onto before jumping over a fence. Kubrick ran after him, hot on his trail.
"Come on." Sam grabbed my hand as he got up but stayed low.
Every fibre in my being was screaming to stay, to go after Dean, to make sure he was okay. But at the same time, I didn't want to leave Sam, not if there was a chance Gordon would get him.
With a reluctant nod, I let Sam pull me along as we got out of there as fast as we could.
I paced in the room. We were staying in an abandoned hotel, our room filled with old mattresses and a few other furniture pieces. I guess deciding to stay off the grid had been a good idea, of Gordon might have found us earlier...
The door to the room opened as Dean walked in.
Having been sitting on a mattress on the floor, Lizzie pulled herself up at the sight of my brother. "Where the hell were you?!"
He seemed completely unconcerned by our worry. "Yeah. Sorry, I stopped for a slice."
I shook my head at him. "Nice move you pulled back there, Dean, running right at the weapons!"
"Well, what can I say? I'm a bad-ass." he grinned, tugging his jacket off. "So, I guess Gordon's out of jail."
"You think?" Lizzie rolled her eyes at him.
That reminded me of the million questions I'd been stewing on. "You know, how the hell did he know where to find us?"
It took a second before Dean's grin slipped as he seemed to realise something. "That bitch." Pulling his cell out of his pocket, he dialled in a number before putting it on speaker. "Hi, Bela."
"Hello, Dean." We could hear the smile in her voice.
"Question for you," Dean started as he began to pace. "When you called me yesterday, it wasn't to thank me for saving your ass, was it?"
Without hesitating, she answered as if there weren't a care in the world for her. "No. Gordon Walker paid me to tell him where you were."
Her answer had Dean pause. "Excuse me?"
She laughed lightly. "Well, he had a gun on me. What else was I supposed to do?"
Lizzie took the phone out of Dean's hand then. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe you could have picked up the phone and given us a heads up?!" she yelled. "Let us know that a psychotic killer was headed our way?!"
"I did fully intend to call, I just got a bit side-tracked." Bela just didn't seem to care.
"He tried to kill us!" Dean and Lizzie yelled at the same time, speaking into the phone.
"I'm sorry. I didn't realise it was such big deal. After all, there are three of you and one of him."
Dean shook his head at the phone. "There were two of them."
"Still, they were outnumbered-"
Cutting her off, Dean took the phone back from Liz. "Bela, if we make it out of this alive, the first thing I'm gonna do is kill you."
The smile in her voice was gone as Bela spoke, "You're not serious."
"Listen to his voice, Bela. You think he's serious?" Lizzie didn't even give her a chance to respond before she took the phone from Dean again and hung up.
Sam was standing by the window, keeping an eye out while Dean and I sat at the table. Dean was cleaning his gun while I sharpened a machete.
Looking over to the younger Winchester, I made sure he was preoccupied before I leaned over to Dean and spoke in a faint voice so only he could hear me. "Don't ever run off like that again, okay?"
A grin played on the corner of his lips. "You worried about me, Liz?"
"Yes," I snapped. "Of course I am. I care about you, Dean."
He stopped working on his gun and turned to me. "I couldn't sit there and do nothing. You and Sam needed a way out, I gave it to you."
"You could have died."
He shrugged. "I thought it was pretty obvious by now. If I have to die to keep you and Sam safe, then I'll do it."
"And I thought it was pretty clear that Sam and I don't want you dying for us," I countered, feeling an anger start to bubble inside me.
I didn't have much of a family for the past eight years. Yes, I had Bobby, Ellen, Jo and Ash, but sticking around wasn't exactly something I was known for. The longest I was ever at the Roadhouse was a month or two. With Bobby, I was stuck with him for a bit longer because he didn't like the idea of a minor hunting on their own. But once I was eighteen I tried not to stay in one place too long.
Dean and Sam, they meant a lot to me and if anything were to happen to them I wasn't sure if I'd be able to handle it. Sam was the brother I never had, and Dean... well he was a little more complicated.
"Guys, that vampire's still out there," Sam noted.
Pulling he gaze from me, Dean turned to his brother. "First things first."
"Gordon," I finished.
"When we find him, or if he finds us." Dean shrugged. "Well I'm just saying he's not leaving us a whole lot of options."
Sam nodded. "Yeah, I know. We've got to kill him."
That surprised me. Sam was always the one to give people chances. To decide to kill Gordon, just like that, and to say the words so calmly... it just didn't feel like a thing Sam would do, say, or even think.
"Really?" Dean sounded just as surprised as I felt. "Just like that? I thought you would have been like, 'No, we can't, he's human, it's wrong'," he spoke the last part with a mocking tone, mimicking Sam's voice.
Sam shook his head. "No, I'm done. I mean, Gordon's not gonna stop until we're dead. Or until he is."
Dean phone began to ring then. He picked it up off the table and took one look at the caller ID before scowling as he answered it angrily. "What?!"
"I don't like it when people hold grudges against me, and more to the point, I'd rather you didn't kill me. So, I went ahead and found Gordon's exact location for you," Bela spoke quickly, clearly trying to save herself.
"You're a hundred miles away. How the hell did you-"
She cut Dean off, going on. "Hello? Purveyor of powerful occult objects. I used a talking board to contact the other side."
I sighed. "Get to the point, Bela."
"Warehouse. Two stories, riverfront, neon sign outside."
"Thanks." Dean went to hang up when her voice stopped him.
"One more thing. The spirit had a message for you. 'Leave town, run like hell, and whatever you do, don't go after Gordon.' For whatever that's worth." With that, she hung up, leaving the three of us to wonder what the hell that meant.
Sam was ahead as Liz and I followed him down a flight of stairs, a trail of blood lead us further and further into the warehouse. We'd come to a furnished room where the vampire knelt on the ground in front of two bodies that hung from the roof by their tied wrists.
Once we were off the stairs I spotted a knife on the table and silently told Liz and Sam that I was grabbing it before I did just that.
"Go ahead," the vampire spoke, keeping his back to us. "Do it. Kill me."
"What happened here?" Sam asked, keeping the Colt aimed at the vampire.
"Gordon Walker." The tension in the vampire's voice let us know how he felt about the hunter. "I never should have brought a hunter here. Never," he sighed, getting to his feet. "I just..." He slowly turned to us. "I just wanted some kind of revenge. So stupid, exposing him to my family."
I shook my head at him. "Oh, yeah, you're such a family man."
"You don't understand."
"And we don't care." Liz glared at him.
But he just ignored her. "I was desperate! You ever felt desperate?" Yes... "I've lost everyone I ever loved. I'm staring down eternity alone. Can you think of a worse hell?"
"Well, there's Hell." I couldn't keep the attitude out of my voice.
"I wasn't thinking." The vampire's voice shook. "I just ... I didn't care anymore. Do you know it's like when you just don't give a damn? It's like... it's like being dead already. So just go ahead. Do it."
The whole time he was talking, I couldn't help but relate. Everything he said, it's how I felt when Liz and Sam had died. It's why I made the deal in the first place. I didn't want to be alone, just like he hadn't...
While the vampire had been talking Sam had inched closer and closer to the bodies. Now standing next to them, he turned to Liz and myself. "Guys. Head wasn't cut off, it was ripped off. With someone's bare hands."
Liz- who still stood next to me- turned to the vampire. "What did you do? Dixon, what did you do to Gordon?" When the vampire simply began to silently cry, refusing to answer, Liz stepped closer to him. "What did you do?!"
Slowly, he turned to look down at her. "I turned him."
There was a short pause as we all realised what this meant. Gordon was hard to beat while he was human. How were we supposed to beat him now? Vampires were difficult while at their worst, but Gordon was a well-trained hunter and knew his pray. We didn't stand a chance.
Liz lifted her machete so fast none of us had a chance to react before she cut the blade through the air and decapitated the vampire in one swift move.
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