#also I headcanon that president Snow will only discover later that she was a Baird
mitsuki91 · 4 months
Okay expanding on the take "Haymitch's girlfriend was the daughter of Maude Ivory": with other headcanons she was a Everdeen, sister of Katniss's dad, and so...
What if Haymitch choose Katniss not because she was a great hunter but because it was personal? I mean Peeta is strong. And likeable. A male with strong arms and charisma. It would had be the right choice, right? Investing on his survival. Hell, he was part of the pack, he seems to have more chance then Katniss anyway at first.
Instead there was this tiny angry sulking girl. Yeah great hunter, but unlikeable. Almost unlovable until Peeta makes her desirable.
But she has the same eyes as his late girlfriend. Color, and shape, even the eyebrows. Everdeen eyes, Haymich thought - even if, in reality, they were Baird eyes.
And he can not stand it. He can not stand to watch again while Coriolanus Snow kills her. He have to save her. He have to save her with a force that he did not feel with any other Tribute ever.
Because she is her.
Katniss is her. Connected. Bonded.
He looks in her eyes and he sees his loved one, memories buried in alchool resurfacing, all the happy times and he knew, he knew that winning is somehow worst then die, because it's train you can not left behind, because Capitol City will suck her life out of her, and yet...
He looks at her and sees her eyes and he knew, he could not let her die.
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