#also I gave him top surgery scars bc I’m the one drawing it and I do what I want!
sulphuric-onyx · 11 months
Rvbtober day 29: Head-cannon!
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BOW CHICKA BOW WOW BITCH! I’m so proud of this one, I love how it turned out, based on a hc that the energy sword gives it owner glowing tattoos while activated, also I love the idea of Tucker not knowing this until he picks it up out of armour like a year after getting it and goes “What the fuck!? This whole time!?” Because it never showed through the Kevlar and metal of his armour. Anyway see y’all tmrw for the quote! I’ve been looking forward to that prompt all month so I’m hyped for it :D
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yourboyfriendaizawa · 7 years
god, i love ur kitsune au so much.... can i request another installment please? /.\ maybe it had been a while since the reader visited, so aizawa gets worried?
I’m sorry this took so long to come out but I’m putting my head in my goddamn hands bc this was supposed to be a short little drabble and it turned out to be over 2,600 words long. Literally the longest thing I’ve written for this blog so far by almost 500 words. I can’t believe this.
Anyway. This is an AU where Aizawa is a kitsune the reader met on a mountain. All the backstory is written in so if you’re unfamiliar no worries.
It had been weeks since you’d visited the shrine you had built up on the mountain trail for Aizawa. In fact, from what he could gather, you hadn’t been seen on the mountain at all for almost a month now, and Aizawa was getting just a little worried.
The two of you had become close in the year since you’d first gotten lost on your way to visit one of the major shrines. He’d been surprised at first, when Hizashi had come to him a few weeks after the incident to tell him that there was a human who frequented the shine and had recently began ending all their prayers with a thanks to a certain black haired fox that had helped them down the mountain that fateful night. Not long after, Hizashi tricked him into meeting with you again so you could thank him yourself. He had insisted it was only because it was his job to make assist in fulfilling the wishes of the shine’s worshipers if possible, but Aizawa had a hunch it was to get him to take more interest in interacting with humans. Ironically, that’s exactly what had happened. After the first meeting, you had asked if you would see him again the next time you visited, and to everyone’s surprise (even his own,) he had told you he would be if you wanted him to.
Ever since, the two of you had seen each other on an almost weekly basis, and he’d grown fond of your company. At some point, you had revealed that you knew he was a kitsune, and although he had known this, now that you had said it out loud he no longer felt the need to dodge your questions about who he was and found it to be a relief that he could share himself with you. He enjoyed your reactions as he told you about the monsters and spirits he dealt with in order to keep the mountain safe, enjoyed hearing you describe your own life beyond the mountain where he had not traveled in years, and secretly enjoyed the feeling of your fingers gently working their way through his hair as he rested beside you while you sat quietly propped against a tree, either reading or sketching or simply enjoying the peaceful forest around you.
When you’d failed to show up one week, he had hardly thought about it, chalking it up to being busy with something, perhaps familial obligations or work, and assumed he would see you the week after. When you didn’t show up that week either, he found it strange, wracking his brain to see if he could remember you mentioning going on some sort of trip or vacation. After the third week without seeing you, Aizawa began getting antsy, asking the other kitsune on the mountain to keep an eye out for you. Now, after almost four weeks and still no sign of you, he was admittedly worried. He didn’t think you someone to just disappear without a word. There had to be a reason for your absence, and Aizawa was afraid of what that reason could be.
‘Aizawa’. Toshinori’s voice addressed him from the ground below the branch Aizawa had been lounging on, ‘I believe I have news of your human.’ Aizawa’s ears twitched at Toshinori’s choice of words, but said nothing about it, instead turning his gaze toward the ground to encourage Toshinori to continue. At the moment, Toshinori was wearing his in his fox form, his golden fur shining bright in the dappled patches of sun that shone between the leaves, ‘A woman came to my shrine today, praying for the swift recovery of their child. I saw their face in her mind.’
Aizawa’s heart skipped a beat, “Recovery? From what?”
Toshinori shook his head, ‘I don’t know for sure, but I believe it to be an injury. The woman seemed distraught, but she wasn’t begging for her child’s life, so I assume it isn’t anything life threatening.’
There was solace in those words at least, but still Aizawa was concerned. If it was bad enough to keep you away for so long, it must have been serious.”Will you tell me if the woman comes back?”
‘Of course.’ he replied.
Luckily, less than another week passed before Toshinori notified Aizawa the woman had returned, and without having been asked directed Aizawa in the direction he could find her. Aizawa had thanked him quickly, then set off quickly to find her.
Aizawa found your mother relatively quickly, he had noticed her scent just minutes after setting off. She smelled an awful lot like you, and he was well adjusted to tracking down your scent by now. He did not approach her, however, but rather followed her from a distance as she emerged from the forest to make her way back into town. He knew it would appear more than strange for him to simply walk up to a woman he had never met and ask about her injured child, so he reasoned with himself that the best solution to find out what had happened to you was to follow her home and see for himself. (Ok, so it sounded just as weird, but it was all he could come up with.) He did however take the time to don a light glamor to hide any traits that might make him stand out among the humans, his fox-like features fading away as he stepped into civilization for the first time in a long while.
Since you had told him a number of times that you always walked to meet him, he assumed you lived rather close to the entrance to the mountain trail, and it turned out he was right. It only took about fifteen minutes or so for your mother to turn into an urban neighborhood, and only a handful more before she approached a building where he assumed you lived.
Now that he had found where you were he released his glamour completely, reverting into his natural fox form, and hide in the brush nearby until night had long since fallen and the widows were dark, signaling the occupants had likely gone to bed before inspecting further. The last thing he wanted was to draw any sort of attention to himself. During this time, he wondered if you would be upset with him for the lengths he was going to check up on you. He knew it would have been weird for a stranger to do all of these things, but he was a friend, right? And he had no other way of contacting you. He didn’t have one of those cell phones you were always carrying around, and even if he did it wasn’t like they had service on the mountain anyway. This was all he could think of.
Regardless, when he was satisfied the noise inside had quieted, he emerged from the bush he had been curled up under, transforming from fox to human mid-stride and approached the front door. He used a claw to carefully flip the lock, absently hoping you wouldn’t be upset by that, and slipped inside.
Instantly, he knew he was in the right place, he could clearly smell your scent hanging in the air, warm and familiar. He let it lead him through the darkness until he came to a door he was certain you were behind, and he gently began turning the knob as quietly as he could, before entering.
And then he saw you, and he felt felt equal parts joy and sadness spread through him, both a surprise in their intensity.
Joy, because there you were, laying in bed safe and relatively sound, and sadness because he could very clearly see your leg propped up on top of three pillows and encased from the knee down in a white cast.
Also, you had clearly not been asleep as he had previously thought because you were currently sitting up and looking straight at him with eyes wide in surprise. “Shouta?” you almost whispered, and his heart warmed at the sound of your voice, “Why–How did you find– come in before someone sees you!”
Aizawa did as you asked, stepping inside and quietly shutting the door behind him. When he turned back to face you, the shock had mostly worn off, and now you were looking at him with an expression that fell somewhere between confusion and awe. “How did you find me?”
“Your mother has started frequenting Toshinori’s shrine to pray for your recovery.” He started, and you gestured for him to come closer to the bed where you were laid.
“Are your friends this lousy at keeping everyone's’ secrets, or just  ones that relate to me?” You asked him with a wry smile.
Aizawa gave a small shrug. “It doesn’t say anywhere that your prayers are kept secret. And I was the one who asked everyone to keep tabs. I was worried when I hadn’t seen you around for a while.” He said, surprising you both with his honestly. “What happened to you?”
You grimaced, but quickly tried to cover it up with a smirk as you told him, “I fell off a ladder, if you can believe it. Broke all three bones in my right ankle.” You laughed, trying to pass it off as if it were a joke, but he could tell by the way it sounded that you didn’t find it amusing. Neither did he. “The stupid hospital even set it wrong, twice, so that by the the time a surgeon got the chance to look at me, my ankle was so messed up I had to have two surgeries to correct it. I just had the second one a few days ago.” Aizawa could see the shine of tears in your eyes as you continued, and a pang of sadness gripped his chest, “I’m full of metal pins and rods now, and probably will be for the rest of forever. Not to mention the scars. And on top of all that I have to keep my leg elevated above my heart twenty three hours a day to keep the swelling from making things worse. I’m only allowed up to pee.”
You looked up at him then, and must have seen something on your face because you quickly tried to smile again, and said, “It could be worse though! I’m really lucky I didn’t hit my head or anything on the way down. And My surgeon was really good. He says I’m healing just the way I should be– or at the very least as quickly as I can given how bad the emergency room screwed me up. And my mom has been taking care of me while I can’t take care of myself.”
Despite your words, a tear escaped the corner of your eye when you blinked. Automatically, Aizawa’s hand came up to brush it away. “I’m sorry.” He said, unsure of how to comfort you.
“I’m sorry too, for making you worry. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t think of how to.” You said, bringing your own hand up to grasp his gently. “I’m glad you’re here though. I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” He told you in earnest, “I’m glad you aren’t mad at me for stalking your mother and breaking into your home.”
You laughed, and a small smile graced his lips at the sound. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze in response. “I might have been, if it were anyone else. But since it’s you, you’re forgiven.” You said, before your smile faded and a create fell between your eyebrows, your eyes dropping to your lap. “I’m not sure when I’ll be able to see you again though. I won’t be walking independently for a while, and even then the doctor says I probably won’t be back to normal for at least six months.”
“I’ll visit you here then.” he said, matter-of-factly. Your eyes snapped back up to his in shock, and he almost smiled again. “It wasn’t especially hard to get here.”
“You can do that? I thought you didn’t like to leave the mountain.” You told him.
Aizawa shrugged. “I never really had a reason to leave before. Now I do.” He said simply.
Your eyes began to water again, only this time you were smiling. “Thank you.”
“I should leave you now though, it’s late, and you clearly need to rest.” He said, attempting to release your hand, though you only gripped it harder.
“No, please, I’ve been so lonely, and I haven’t seen you in weeks.” You said in a rush, eyes wide and desperate. “Will you stay, just for a little while longer?”
He would never tell you, but with the way you were looking at him in the moment, he didn’t think he could deny you anything, no matter what it was you asked of him. You looked so tired and fragile, clinging to his hand as though it were a lifeline, there wasn’t any way he could tell you no. Instead, he placed his other hand on your shoulder, pushing gently as he said, “Scoot.”
You quickly obeyed, struggling only slightly with your cumbersome leg, making space for him. When there was sufficient room for him on the bed, he sat down next to you and said, “I’ll stay, but only if you promise to sleep soon.”
The smile you gave him in response was so warm and full of appreciation it made his heart thump in his chest. “Thank you.” You said, squeezing his hand in both of yours, before he noticed you wince ever so slightly.
“Are you in pain?” He asked, looking down at your leg as though he could spot the source of your pain through the plaster.
“Yeah, I think it’s time for me to take another round of medication. Can you reach it for me?” You asked, pointing behind him. Aizawa looked over to see a plethora of of pill bottles on the side table. “I need the ones from the bottle with the pink cap and the one on the far left.” He picked up the ones you specified, handing them to you and watching you open each before shaking out four pills total into your hand. Then he exchanged the pill bottles with you for the glass of water. You threw all of them back in one go, swallowing them in a big gulp. Your face scrunched up in disgust as you said, “Gross. Thanks.”
“Of course,” He replied, watching you pull up your covers and then lean into his side.
“You’re going to get your wish” You said, pouting just slightly, “These are pretty strong, I’ll probably be out in ten minutes tops.”
Aizawa huffed out something that almost sounded like a laugh and said, “That’s a good thing. You need to rest.”
You made a face up at him, but then a small smile slid onto your features again as you said, “Thank you for breaking into my house, and thank you for staying with me. Seriously.”
“I’m just glad you’re safe.” He replied as your head came to rest on his shoulder. “Don’t go making a habit of hurting yourself just to get me to stay over though.”
You hummed in response but said nothing more, and it wasn’t long until he felt you press into him further, your breath coming out slow and even. Aizawa realized that at this point he could probably slip out unnoticed, the medicine you had taken would probably keep you asleep as he moved you, but he found he wasn’t ready to leave you just yet. He’d just found you after a month of worrying, after all.
He leaned down just enough to press his lips gently to the crown of your head, and told himself, Staying a little longer can’t hurt.
(A/N: the injury the reader went through in this is actually word for word what happened to me in june of this year. I broke the heck out of my ankle falling off a ladder and the ER really did set it so poorly the surgeon was actually upset the first time he looked at me and I really did have to be in bed for almost a month and a half. It’s been a wild ride, but I’m almost back to walking without limp now so it’s all good!
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