#also I fucking hate that trend of filming yourself during songs at lives shows but that is another rant
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you-me-we-04 · 4 months ago
Don't really follow the band but I am going to get yelled at if I say the ghost phone ban from like an artist pov is a really good idea?
Like I get the accessibility stuff but I assume the band would still be putting out on content from the tour on official channels??
and maybe it because I have yelled at people at shows before for just ignore medical and other safety issues and not moving out of the way cause the were on their phones in their own worlds, and the phones are a big part of that problem.
Like to me the pros out way the cons.
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starrybbarnes · 5 years ago
dancing hearts | [b.b]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: there’s an app that’s all the rage, and Bucky wants no part in it.
Word Count: 1828 (a pretty solid word count, if i do say so myself)
Author’s note: before y’all ask, yes i did made a tiktok one shot. it was like a given. but this one shot is inspired by that trend where you record your s/o looking at you while dancing, and I know that’s something bucky would do. as always, I enjoy the feedback you guys give me ♡
Warnings: centenarian steve doing the savage dance (it’s canon). some tooth-rotting fluff, it’s lowkey sickening. oodles and oodles of fluff, i promise
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You knew you shouldn't have succumbed to the pleas of Peter and Shuri. But here you were, downloading an app that rewards people in recording themselves doing funny videos, and dances as well.
At first, you only used tiktok to just watch others, but then you started toying with features. As a SHIELD agent, you would sometimes record videos of you giving tours of the Stark building, and many people enjoyed that content. When your audience found out that you also worked alongside the Avengers, they begged you to find a way to include them in videos. 
It was no easy feat. At first, you would just videotape your friends while they’re working out, or if they had the time, a “day in the life of” type of clip, or you would film an occasional prank video, which the viewers would eat up.
The videos that would garner the most views, however, were the dancing videos. Yes, it is true that you got your ‘very serious and adult’ friends to do funny renditions of Savage and Say So. People could not believe that someone as old as Sam can do the splits, but yet, there he was. 
Another niche that your fans enjoyed was videos of you teaching the Avengers the popular dances. When you taught Steve the dance to Savage, he had stormed off grumbling how it’s ‘indecent’ and ‘humiliating.’ He did come back to finish the dance, though, and might you add, he did slightly better than you.
From duets with Peter, to breaking out in dance at the gym with Natasha, everyone enjoyed doing the dances with you. All except one.
You always knew Bucky was a serious one, but you have seen him crack a smile or two. And you have seen him shimmy once in a while when you played music in the kitchen. But for some reason, he was not fond of this new trend that was making waves throughout the Avengers compound. 
It’s not like you’re secretly recording him or anything. You ask everyone beforehand if they mind being recorded. But it seems like he doesn't want to do it, point blank. Steve says it might be because he’s just not a fan of being the center of attention. Sam thinks it because Bucky’s afraid to admit that he sucks at dancing. 
And today was no exception. It was a day off for the Avengers, so you thought this was prime time for some new footage of your friends dancing. You had decided you wanted to teach one of the harder dances, and just make a video out of the many times he might mess up.
You made your way to the kitchen and started to greet everyone. Your eyes landed on Bucky, who was at the kitchen island, eating Pad Thai. You softly said hello, and Bucky looked up. He had a small grin and politely waved hello. He offered his seat next to him, and told you to help yourself to some of his leftovers, which you happily agree to.
Despite ‘hating’ your ‘antics,’ Bucky was more than happy to hang out with you during lunch time. About ninety percent of the time, he’s pretty cold and broody, but the other ten percent he’s a pleasure to be around.
You kind of wished you knew what went on inside his head, simply on the basis that you like him. It’d be nice to know if you liking him was worth it. 
As you got your fair share of Pad Thai, you asked him if he wanted to do a video with him. A lot of your audience wanted to see the Winter Soldier in action, busting some moves.
Bucky nodded his head, “it’s not my cup of tea, doll. Why would I do something as ridiculous as that?” 
You frowned slightly. “There’s no harm in having a little fun, Buck.”
“Yeah, well, I just don’t wanna do it.” He then left his seat to the island to go sit at the kitchen table to finish his lunch.
You narrowed your eyes towards Bucky, not caring enough to argue over something small. He’ll come around eventually. 
Almost immediately, Steve walked into the kitchen, and your face lit up. You asked him if he was busy. He hesitated while saying no, but it didn’t matter. You told him he was going to take part in a dancing video.
Steve complained slightly, as the other Avengers started cheering him on to do it. You propped your phone against the fruit basket on the island, the camera facing towards the living room and kitchen table, with New York in the background.
You hit record and started guiding Steve along with the song. It was an upbeat song and it wasn’t long that he started to get the hang of it. Recording took no longer than 20 minutes, but you quickly got to editing the video. Once done, you posted it, excited to see your followers’ reaction. 
You took a quick snack break and decided to see the comments of the video. Everyone loved it: comments ranging from adoration to slightly thirsty for Captain America. You showed the comment section to Steve, and he couldn’t stop cracking up. 
Then there was a top comment that was gaining popularity. Steve read it while slightly smirking, and decided to show it to you. “Check it out,” Steve said, “looks like people are spotting an admirer.”
You were confused at what he was talking about, and that’s when you saw the comment:
mary: has anyone noticed Bucky in the background?! He keeps looking at y/n with heart eyes! 
Sure enough, when you went back to look at the footage, you saw that Bucky was feigning eating his lunch, whilst staring at you, albeit with his heart fluttering. 
You thought the gesture was endearing, and it only made you wonder more if Bucky really thought of you in that way. It was time to get the bottom of it. 
 “Hey Buck, is it okay if I record here? The lighting is better, but I just wanna make sure I’m not intruding,” you said with slight concern. 
Bucky smiled at you, “you’ll never intrude on me, Doll. You can have as much or as little sunlight when you’re around me.”
You giggled like a schoolgirl and went on with your plan. You decided to place your phone by a pile of books on the kitchen table where Bucky was sitting, inconspicuously flipping the camera so that it was facing him. 
The song that you decided to ‘record’ was an upbeat and fun one, and you’ve already learned the dance. There had been a challenge going around that you would film your significant other reacting to you dancing said song, and it was very popular. However, you didn’t have a significant other, but Bucky was definitely a close second. 
As the song started playing, Bucky’s eyes started to light up and became very interested as to how you were going to dance to it. His head started bobbing along to the song, mouthing some of the lyrics. 
Then it got to the chorus. You started doing the moves along with the song, and Bucky’s face said it all. He was enamored. He started to cheer you on, mimicking the moves you were doing, and clapping once you finished your little dance number. 
As you finished your dance, your phone finished recording and saved the video to your photo album. You took a seat at the kitchen table and quickly skimmed the video. Your cheeks started burning red as you captured a moment of Bucky smiling really big while you were dancing.
You kept replaying the video when Bucky called your name. “How’s the video looking, sweetheart?” he asked as he tried to read your face.
 Your face started to go red again. You didn’t think you would get this far. Your mind started racing and tried to think of anything, anything, to cover up your true motives.
“I… the video didn’t come out as good as I thought,” you replied in a high-pitched voice. 
“Doesn’t sound too convincing, doll,” Bucky questioned as he got up from his chair and slowly started making his way towards you. 
You hid your phone behind your back, trying to back away from Bucky’s extended hand.
“Doll, I just want to see the video, it can’t be that bad.”
“Oh, but it is, I can’t show you,” you tried to argue. 
Bucky started advancing much faster, and had you cornered by the kitchen wall. He put one arm above your head, and stared right through your lies.
“And why is it bad?” Bucky inquired.
You took a deep breath, while also making the mistake of inhaling Bucky’s cologne. His fresh pine scent started making you dizzy, knees almost bucking at the sight before you.
“It’s just…” you started. “The last video I made with Steve, someone noticed you in the background looking at me, and they said it looked endearing.”
When Bucky didn’t respond, you continued, “I didn’t believe it so I did the challenge where I record myself dancing, I recorded you looking at me dancing.”
“Is that so?” Bucky said as he broke into a small.
“I’m really sorry Bucky,” you replied with a small whisper, “If you want, I’ll delete it immediately. I wasn’t planning on posting it or anything.” 
“Then what exactly were you going to do with the video?” Bucky asked as he raised an eyebrow.
You gulped. Well, it’s now or fucking never.
“.... cherish it,” You said sheepishly, “I thought you looked really cute when you were cheering me on with my dumb dances that you hate.”
Bucky’s face softened. “Didn’t know you thought that fondly of me, doll. Also, your dances aren’t dumb. I just… I’m a bad dancer.” 
You started laughing. “Lucky for you, we both have the rest of the day off to practice… if that’s okay with you?”
Bucky kissed your forehead, “of course it’s fine… after I take on a little dinner date, though.”
You and Bucky embraced each other, taking in each other. You gave him a peck on the cheek and then Peter came running in.
“Hey guys! Shuri’s here and she wants to teach you a new dance!” he chirped as he was running out of breath. “It’s called the renegade dance, do you guys wanna take part in it?”
You turned to Bucky, who then flashed his smile. “Of course, kid. But let Shuri know that me and my girl over here are gonna crush you guys at it.”
Peter’s eyes widened and took a glance towards both of you. 
“... uhhhh no. But this is still a lot to process,” and with that he left the kitchen.
“What do you say, Y/N... Can I have this dance?” Bucky asked, extending his arm.
“It’d be an honor, Buck,” you replied, taking his hand and making your way outside.
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inkdrinkershadowsinger · 5 years ago
Thoughts/Background Goblet of Fire
What kind of creepy graveyard is this? Skeletons crawling over one another? Snake hidey-holes? Is this Nagini speaking or can she hear Voldemort from that far away? This just shows how fast she is as she moves along the ground here. Literally, we have here the Angel of Death equipped with wings and a scythe, which normally the Grim Reaper carries.
One light on in the caretaker’s house which is right next to the family graveyard? We are assuming that this is the Riddle estate, correct? Wealthy families like that would have had a family graveyard near their home. Also, that house in the background, Riddle Manor? Is super big and though it is dark looks grandiose.
The house here, looks well lived in, but at the same time, almost like it has only recently been inhabited. This is a kitchen, but it looks like there is a shovel on the wall, and only one light?
Still, only one light on in the main Riddle house. Wormtail can’t even draw a curtain? Dang.
Those are some old fashioned keys. I understand that this is a Manor or whatever, but this takes place during the nineties? No one thought to update the locks on this place? Frank mentions, “Those kids”, like people breaking in has been a real problem. Why not update the security? Also, who has been paying for the upkeep of this place? Lucius? Some secret Dark Lord Corporation? Is that why they are old school? Because we all know that wizards like to keep everything super, super, super old school?
Seriously, who is keeping up this place? The topiary is amazing!!
He looks like he is walking up a sort of backdoor entrance or servant’s entrance.
He is the caretaker for the grounds, but can’t dust a little? That clock needs a good one.
The light wasn’t muted because no one was casting a lumos, they were simply using a lamp that had the fabric bits removed that dampen the light.
The way that Barty is smiling when Nagini perches herself on Voldemort’s chair is fucking terrifying.
Ron’s room really is all orange. Such a fanboy.
The Burrow is in such a great spot. The little pond in front, the trees, the openness. The house itself is incredible. Still, only one light on. Whose? You can see the group walking away. That has to be Mr. and Mrs. Weasley’s room. Or Ron forgot to turn off the light, again.
They are all having to run to keep up with Mr. Weasley because he gets his cardio, bitch.
Mr. Weasley is rocking that straw cabana hat because he knows Muggles son!
Such a beautiful shot!
Did they travel through a worm hole here? I know the director or whoever had to make a creative choice in how this was going to be portrayed, but…. Idk.
Everyone is flying around, the arena is clearly segregated into Ireland’s colors or Green, Red, and Yellow, perhaps hinting at the final score of the match? Nice job, filmmakers.
What is this guy juggling? It looks like toy merecreatures almost.
Orange is the Weasley families favorite color. They’re just owning it at this point.
The pitch looks like it is in the inside of a volcano or a mountain.
Some people have seats right on the grass of the pitch? So, if the Weasle’s have bad seats at the very top what would the very lowest seats be classified as?
Who knew that a job qualification for Professional Qudditich players is the ability to adequately throw and spark fireworks?
Krum is a showoff.
Those are omnoculars? What Ron has to his face?
The way that they were all packed in together, it’s a wonder the whole place didn’t burn down with all the incendios they were throwing around.
They are all wizards, underage or not, and this is a life threatening situation, and yet, no one is firing back at the Death Eaters?
Okay, so everything did get torched to the ground. None of these tents had some fire retardant?
That amount of spells coming at the trio.
That style of hat that Crouch is wearing has got to be some ministry trend. Wait until they all hit the trucker hats in the 2000’s.
That Dark Mark is really cool.
I love her hat though. It looks like something that would have been worn to the royal wedding.
Seeing the train is always stunning.
I love the collection of sweets here. Colorful, to attract the youngins.
This is a really colorful movie. The third one was very muted while still being stunning. This and the next one experience with splashes of color that are just beautiful.
They are passing a big lake in the background there. Out of the window just looks wild and remote.
He addresses it clearly to Sirius Black. Is that a qualification for the owls to know where they letter needs to go or do they just have to have been there before? I need to know the specifics of owl travel.
You get to see the whole scope of how large not only Hogwarts is ,but the grounds, and I love that.
You see Neville in this first sequence as they are watching the other schools arrive as well as Fred, George, Ginny, Colin, Harry, and Hermione. Angelina Johnson is in the background behind the twins.
The sails on the Durmstrang ship looks like it is decorated with a two headed dragon. Is that the symbol for Durmstrang?
So while Dumbledore is chatting, Hagrid and Flitwick are behind him chit chatting.
There are two levels to the head table in this movie. The main folk are sitting at the higher table. Snape is leaning against the wall, not directly related to them at all. I bet he hated first days at the school.
Snape is one hundred percent mimicking Dumbledore’s speech for a hysterical Flitwick in the background.
The bald guy behind Dumbledore looks asleep, straight up.
Are butterflies the symbol for Beauxbatons? That would be very interesting. A creature that transforms completely into something else.
Hermione and Ginny are the only two who know what’s up in this shot.
Dumbledore was giving Madame Maxime eyes.
Filch is just standing dead in the middle of the Durmstrang wizards.
He is still standing there when Krum and Karkaroff walk in.
The kids so promptly follow Dumbledore’s instructions even though some of them are probably embarrassed about having to sing the school song.
But not Harry James Potter. He is living for this song.
Again we get so many shots of the school in this movie.
You can see the house point containers behind Dumbledore’s head.
You can see them again after the goblet is revealed.
Is that a tower of marshmallows?
OMgosh! The sky acted up when Crouch Jr came in because Hogwarts knew that he wasn’t who he said he was!!!!
The cup is so primitive looking compared to the container that is in.
It almost looks like each layer was created by a different faction of the wizarding world as a whole. That could definitely be a fanfic.
The perspective starts on the Durmstrang ship which again features a dragon.
Cages, nets in the background of the DADA classroom.
There is also a lot of glass and mirrors in the room which almost makes me think of a fun house where you don’t look like yourself in any of the mirrors which is super fitting for Crouch Jr. at this phase.
Why does Hermione look so suspicious already?
And what is the use of all the bugs, Crouch Jr. you sick mother f-er.
Who needs fifty overflowing worms in a jar?
Dean Thomas is straight up rocking a composition notebook from Walmart on that desk. He is representing Muggle culture at its finest.
Crabbe is wearing a ring. Is that his heir ring? That would be interesting as we see the younger generation start to really get pulled into the war in this film.
The portrait on the stain glass crying. We have all seen this, and appreciate the majesty.
We love a rain soaked Robert Pattinson.
Everyone is just watching the battle between the twins and Hermione.
There is no other light in the Great hall except for the Goblet? Dumbledore does love his aesthetic.
Snape is like, get me out of here.
And that display of power is why all of them dang kids sing that dorky song.
Who is Cedric kissing here as he goes up to the head table?
The cup is like the opposite of the Goblet of Fire. It is shiny and bright and new while the goblet is ancient looking.
You can see Harry’s scar quite prevalently in this shot.
The Hogwarts trophy room. I have never connected this before. It is huge.
Karkaroff has gold fillings.
What are the spinning trophies and where can I get one?
One light on in the top part of the castle.
Pensieve memories are blue, and the Goblet’s fire is blue. Coincidence? Fic writers, you tell me.
The suns on the curtains in the boy’s dorm is a nice touch.
Ron has a homemade quilt. I bet he gets those for birthday gifts instead of the infamous Christmas sweater. Molly Weasley is a boss.
What are all of these trophies for? I bet Dumbledore keeps all the ones that the various clubs and groups have won over the years.
Magical cleaner?
The scope of Hogwarts is amazing.
The owlery is literally covered in bird shit, like every inch. Dumbledore clearly instructs Filch not to clean it to deter frisky students.
Is that a cat on the stairs there?
I can’t ever decide if the Common Room looks too big or too small, here.
Harry talks about Voldemort so casually. But I guess if someone tried to kill me year after year we would form a sort of familiarity.
Those cabinets in the back are filled with board games. Bet me. Gryffindors are notoriously bloody, and game night, gets wild.
I bet Neville spends a lot of his time in the lake just researching and studying all of the different plant life.
Neville cares not at all for the drama behind him. He’s just like, “Give me the plants”.
I love that bright orange flower. Hagrid ain’t no fool. He knows how to get the ladies.
The mist in the background could almost be taken as fog, but then you think about the dragon’s and it literally could be smoke.
Hagrid representing all of the men who are shorter than their women.
There looks to be about six dragon handlers here.
They are carrying branches or their wands lit with fire at the end. Is that to confuse the dragons? Make them think that they already covered that area in their territory and are thus safe?
The handler on top gets bucked off the cage. He is done with this job.
I’m sorry, but those badges are ingenious. Do we know in the movie that Draco is the one that made them or is that fanon?
Those Hufflepuffs are nasty.
The sculpture that is seen in that scene in the courtyard looks like the same one that is present in Half Blood Prince. Do they also move around the castle at will?
Harry pushed Draco, and that guy in the back is like, “Yes, let’s have a fight.” Then he and the other guy straight up bounce when Moody pops on the scene. But Goyle is ride or die. Or maybe they ran and got McGonagall because she came really quickly???? Hmmm??
The walls are all green and lightly moss covered. Gorgeous.
Like, is there a legit list of all the things that teachers cannot do. 1. We do not use Transfiguration as a punishment. 2. Trying to main or kill students is expressively forbidden. 3. Flashy robes are allowed and encouraged. Share in the glorious pattern of life.
Crouch Jr. should have been shitting his pants at being at the end of McGonagall’s wand.
Again with all the mirrors. So, Crouch Jr. can make sure that his transformation isn’t slipping?
What are the faces in the mirror here?  
All the clues were there, and I didn’t see a single one. This movie and book is a masterpiece of plot. Plain and simple.
McGonagall was like, “Let’s not have the arena with the dragons so close to the castle, eh, Albus?”
There is a bed for each of the champions in this tent. Could no one transfigure a couch?
They have punch and muffins in the background. “Lime punch before you fight a dragon?” “Sure.”
I never noticed that blue in Madame Mazime’s hair. I love the school spirit that she is showing here. Dumbledore seriously thought of mimicking her. He would look bomb with a tie die beard. Convince me otherwise.
Filch is featured spectacularly in this movie.
The trunk at the bottom has a red cross on it, making this very likely an emergency tent that just so happens to double as the waiting area for the champions.
Colin made that sign for Harry.
I feel like that chain, oh, I don’t know, could have been magically reinforced or something.
How does his glasses stay on? I bend over, and mine are on the floor.
Even Draco here is like, “Come on, bro.”
Snape knew he should have stayed in bed.
So, does the waterfall seen here does that fall into Hogwart’s grounds as well because that would be awesome for field trips. My love for this ancient, magical castle in the middle of nowhere is unmatched.
Where was Seamus during that challenge? I did not see him.
The picture of the woman in the far left is very striking.
The Black Lake is a huge expanse. I always think of it as kind of small, but it is massive in this movie.
The pastries in the back are floating along the table. So cool.
Mrs. Norris just chilling, waiting to see these pitiful humans embarrass themselves.
Why can’t they have healed Harry? I understand the look, but dang, people continuity.
Neville has got them shiny dancing shoes. Augusta was very pleased when Neville asked her to buy them for him.
Hermione is a queen, and she knows it.
There is that semi circle of stone again from the third film. Hmmm….
Ginny’s friends are coming in with the support. Love a squad.
There was fruit on that table. I always wondered if they got snacks and what not during the daytime, between meals.
What was the need of carriages if the ball was held at the school?
Ron waited until last minute to even try on those robes or he definitely could have worked something out.
Owl sculptures are supporting the fires here.
Krum is dumbstruck by our girl.
Somehow she loses Krum to argue with Ron.
Is that couple making out at the table?
People are dancing in the hallway?
A gaggle of girls are crying on the stairs. Every middle school dance ever.
I’m telling you, whoever designed this cemetery had a very messed up imagination.
Neville stays out all night long. It is morning coming through that window. You dog, you.
Half of the allure of going to Hogwarts is to get to become a prefect and use that bath. Let’s be honest.
Crouch Jr. hates his life right now.
All of those books are like represent my best life.
Half of those students are like, “Yeah, no, you took all my money last time.” Because let’s be real, no one bet on Harry, and Fred and George scored big time.
Those top tiered placed have got to be enlarged with wizard’s space because they are quite small, and the whole school plus the two others are expected to attend each trial? Yeah, not big enough it seems.
Harry is a show off.
Seamus is wearing Hogwarts merch. Like where did he get that? A catalog? Gift shop in Hogsmeade?
You can see the merpeople’s ancient village here, or hints of it. Archways, etc.
Fleur looks legit worried here. Like Harry was right to not trust Dumbledore to ensure their safety when he can’t even tell Fleur who is out of the competition by this point that her sister is going to be okay.
Why are Fred, George, and Ginny right next to Malfoy and Co. for this shot, shouldn’t they be at odds? Or was that the best spot and neither were giving it up?  Or plain movie making reasons?
Harry is wearing a wand holster on his leg. Fanfiction writers catch all the details.
Seamus is like, “I am Harry’s hype man. I will keep him from getting hypothermia.”
Why did Hermione turn French here for that line?
Rescue….. that’s a strong word here, Dumbles.
Crouch Sr. is such an interesting character. He knows what it is like to lose a family, and he has his guard up because of that. Their story and their family is so interesting to me for some reason.
I think that’s the closest that Crouch Jr. gets to breaking character.
If you were born in the nineties you had at least one of those jackets that Hermione is wearing here, and if you had more, you had them in several colors.
Who bewitched Mad-eye’s eye? It is a very powerful magical object in its own right, right?
Please see my post about Sirius and Azkaban.
As soon as Snape is mentioned Crouch puts his head in his hands because he knows Dumbledore is going to have to have a say.
Dumbledore is looking so closely at the details that he misses the bigger picture in Harry’s dreams and Moody’s actions.
It’s so weird that Snape has a storage area for ingredients near Dumbledore’s office. I bet that Snape has several storage areas spread throughout the castle.
Snape could have just looked inside Harry’s mind, and be done with it, but no….because plot.
Neville is carrying yet another plant behind the trio here.
Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle are so carefree here that you almost forget that the happiness of youth that they have at Hogwarts is about to go extinct just like Harry and his friends. All of the kids in this story face a sharp change in perspective after this book.
I like that Harry has fake Moody, Krum has Karkaroff, Fleur has Madame Maxime, but Cedric has his dad because he gets to say goodbye to him.
The maze is just a massive headgame.
Do you think the reason that Fleur ultimately becomes close enough to Krum to ask him to her wedding is because Krum sought her out and made serious recompense for him being imperioused while in the maze?
They are just resorting to brute strength there at the end. The maze making them forget that they are capable wizards. A jelly legs jinx probably would have had much the same effect.
Angel statues I get, but this big dementor, grim looking thing holding the bones of Voldemort’s father. I just don’t get it.
Cedric gave Peter a chance to speak or stop, but Peter again took the cowards way out, and blasted Cedric before he really had a chance to fight back. What a punk bitch.
I’m glad that you are forced to choke your own self Peter because you deserve it.
Voldemort’s transformation here is both stunning and horrible.
The Death Eaters come out of the Dark Mark’s mouth.
Their masks here are different then the ones used earlier in the morning.
Voldemort is snatching their weaves here, and I love it. Stupid klan robe wearing wizard Nazis.
Voldemort puts his foot on Cedric’s face. Like, son, you need to pay for that privilege.
A lot of the Death Eaters here look like they have like staffs. I don’t understand.
A Death Eater in the background is litearlly clapping when Voldemort makes Harry bow, like get a hold of yourself, Hershel.
The statue, again, in the background presents such a striking image as the two duel.
The spell that Crouch Jr. urged Harry to learn is the one that saved Harry.
Harry just wanting to physically protect Cedric’s body with his own. Just heartbreaking.
I’ll never not sob when I hear Amos Diggory sob, “That’s my son! That’s my boy!”
Fred and George look to follow Crouch Jr. and Harry out. Do they tip off the professors?
Doesn’t Crouch know what it is like to stand in Voldemort’s presence? He was just babysitting the man, I mean, dang. Fangirling is one thing, but you have business to handle.
Don’t insult my Neville. I will throw down.
The mirrors are gone at this point. It looks like Crouch has almost packed up because he knows that he will no longer be needed.
Not his blood, ahhhhh!!!!!
Snape puts such flourish into his casting. That scene at the carriages earlier in this film. He looks like he is rearing back away from Karkaroff, but he is merely preparing to cast one fanciful, flourish of a hex on the man.
Just stick your face in the crazy Death Eater’s face, Harry. Great thinking. No wonder Snape doesn’t hold your intelligence in high regard.
We don’t get one look at Professor Sprout. This boy’s Head of House?
Look at all that magical cooperation, and yet, none of this was used in book seven, or any book after except for mentioning Fleur married Bill, and Harry learned a little tidbit about the Deathly Hallows symbol from Krum.
I love this film. It is stunning, and truly made me a diehard HP fan. I don’t think I will ever really tire of it.
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no-zaku-boy · 7 years ago
1:What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before? Visited Austria and went to a concert in another country, climbed a (small) mountain, did disaster relief volunteering, played on average more than one video game a month, ate natto (I guess I'm nasty because it wasn't that bad), annnnd was in a BABY/AatP con fashion show.
2:Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I think I did pretty well. I made mostly "keep working on it" type resolutions, and I kept up with most of them. I'll continue this trend for 2018 because it seems to be working well.
3:Did anyone close to you give birth? Nope.
4:Did anyone close to you die? Squeeze. I’m so, so sorry. I wish I’d done better by her, and I wish her last few days had maybe been easier (through the fault only of the vet), but I know she spent most of her years well-loved in a happy home and that she lived a long and good life full of lap pets from an amazing hoomin whom she adored. I may not really believe in a people afterlife, but I sure like to think she’s out there flashing her high beams on the twilight seas of wherever is next for kitties.
5:What countries did you visit? Austria and the Czech Republic.
6:What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? Discipline is always a good answer, and more confidence.
7:What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? It's always moments rather than specific dates. Wasteland Weekend, yet again (probably forever). Despite the fact that I was terribly sick, being in Spokane with my best dudes is easily a major highlight of the year. Seeing Miyavi live and the moment he first started going wild on that guitar.
8:What was your biggest achievement of the year? Gaining more stability. Getting a steady job, engaging even more with things I have always loved like reading and video games and cosplay, and coming to terms with the fact that I shouldn't be trying to play catch up for the time I've lost in order to be impressive to other people and should instead focus on genuinely doing what makes me happy. Yeah.
9:What was your biggest failure? Not pushing myself harder.
10:Did you suffer illness or injury? I was sick as fuck this year, son. It seemed like I was constantly coughing or running a fever or SOMETHING. I'd better not be sick at all in 2018, is2g. I also had that random back injury that really messed with me for almost two weeks. Ugh.
11:What was the best thing you bought? Travel and event expenses, like the last couple years. I'm content with this trend.
12:Whose behaviour merited celebration? A lot of my friends for being kind, generous people who try to make the world better for the people around them and more.
13:Whose behaviour made you appalled? A relatively small number of atrocious customers and everyone involved in/who voted for the people at the center of the circus that is US politics.
14:Where did most of your money go? Travel and living expenses.
15:What did you get really, really, really excited about? Video games and a few potential projects I've been kicking around, travelling both abroad and domestically, Wasteland this year and MAX HYPE for next year, the three or four cosplay groups I got to be part of, and picking up Japanese again more seriously than I've done in years.
16:What song will always remind you of 2017? Ngl, Richard Spencer getting sucker punched to Born in the USA has been running through my head pretty much constantly since January. I also feel like ABBA and Neil Cici have really dominated this year for me.
17:Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? Happier, maybe slightly thinner, poorer.
18:What do you wish you’d done more of? Studying and putting myself out there. I also wish I'd spent more time acting with authenticity rather than being concerned with external pressures (for instance, wanting recognition and, as a result, wondering if my actions are merely performative even if they do have some practical effect, or at times choosing comfort over conviction). I know I'm being hard on myself here, but in 2018 I'd like to Do More and Do Better. (And yeah, I'd like to have it be noticed, I'm only human, but I'd also like to work on caring less about that, too.)
19:What do you wish you’d done less of? Worrying and wasting time.
20:How did you spend Christmas? With family and friends, playing games, getting weird (still not sure where some of these bruises came from), and having good food, good conversation, and a good drive. <3
21:Did you fall in love in 2017? Here and there~
22:What was your favourite TV program? Of the new-to-me things I picked up, Brooklyn 99 and Boku no Hero Academia were top of the pops.
23:Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Who has that kind of time?
24:What was the best book you read? Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett was probably my fave of the year. I wish I had finished Atlas Shrugged; as much as I disagree with a lot of Ayn Rand's philosophy and the presentation thereof, she's a damn good author. Gonna finish in 2018.
25:What was your greatest musical discovery? Screaming sky cowboy. Also, I'm grateful that someone clued me into Wednesday Campanella.
26:What did you want and get? A bit of direction and focus, and the motivation to resume studying a language in the first time in a long time.
27:What did you want and not get? I'd wanted estate stuff to be over and done with completely this year, but alas.
28:What was your favourite film of this year? Get Out was so, SO good, and Thor: Ragnarok really surprised me, so probably one of those two. Special mention to Blade Runner 2049 (I still have some genre-typical beef, but I find more things I liked about the film every time I reflect on it).
29:What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Time with loved ones for sure, and gaining more confidence in my abilities and my future re: jobs. And being more "selfish" with my time and energy, to be honest. I feel guilty that I'm not there for everything or everyone like I usually pressure myself to be, but prioritizing myself more often rather than routinely making my desires secondary to pleasing others has made me a much happier person over all.
30:How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017? I had to wear business casual most of the time (I did manage to put together some semi-stylish work outfits, though, and got a lot of compliments on the work wardrobe I built up over the year) and spent most of my free time in pajamas. I had a pretty cute but relatively basic office look going most of the time and would like to play with it a lot more in 2018, and I'd like to be less lazy fashion-wise during my days off. I'm thinking about returning to the side shave hair cut to inspire some bolder choices, but we'll see.
31:What kept you sane? Boything was patient through a lot of weird highs and lows (mostly highs) this year, which I really appreciate, and having a solid routine helped balance me and keep me on task once I adjusted to it. Frequent skype nights with my best dudes and finally building at least one more solid friendship here in Austin also helped quite a bit.
32:Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I guess those good, good McElboys took up a disproportionate amount of my attention span. Also, Chris Fleming, if only because I've hated my hair most of this year and every time I've looked in a mirror, I've started internally singing, "Just because I have bad hair doesn't mean that I'm polyamorous."
33:What political issue stirred you the most? I'll admit it, I got burnt out very quickly this year and only did my part in little spurts. I'd like to be more active next year. But I guess just the general trend of politics in America has had me somewhat riled, and I was probably the most outspoken about condemning white nationalism and white passivity in the face thereof.
34:Who did you miss? Everyone who was too far. ]:
35:Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017. Having a regular sleep schedule is invaluable. Getting up fifteen minutes earlier to enjoy a cup of coffee and do some reading is always worth it. It's okay to choose yourself. More personally, I'm starting to accept the idea that people value my company and my input, and that I shouldn't shy away from sharing so often because I do have insightful/interesting things to contribute, or at the very least, I can usually get a laugh.
36:Quote a song lyric that sums up your year THE BEST (THE BEST THE BEST) PART OF WAKING UP IS FOLGERS IN YOUR CUP
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fieldsofplay · 7 years ago
“Everything but the Inflammatory Remarks.” Kanye, Bowie, & Bad Things from Good Artists
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​When Kanye first started showing affection for Trump during his aborted Life of Pablo tour I didn’t really bat an eye. Besides perhaps being the greatest living musician (the Rolling Stones are still alive and kicking lest we forget) Kanye is known for two things: being provocative, and unrelenting egomania. The interrelation of those three things isn’t accidental. No one becomes a star by hiding their art and avoiding the media, well, except for your Jeff Mangum types, but then again he hasn’t released an album since 1997. Kanye married into America’s most vapid family, so it’s hardly surprising he would admire the patriarch of the second-place finisher in those rankings.
​The elephant in the room of course, as it always is, is race. We can understand the egomaniacal affection, but how could the man who wrote New Slaves embrace the klan loving President of Amerikkka? As a privileged white male I’ll leave this side of the matter to Ta-Nehisi Coates, who of course already said everything far better than I ever could, but I will just add, as a brief aside, that when Kanye again started tweeting out his love for Trump, my first thought was also, “I’m not Black, I’m OJ.”
​What I want to investigate here in this little slice of essayistic navel-gazing are the complicated and contradictory emotions I experienced the first time I unwittingly encountered Kanye’s music following his latest spat of agitprop self-expression. I think the first instance was a bit of Power playing in the background of some NBA playoff game bumper music, and then hearing some bars of All of the Lights streaming out the window of idling auto. My first unreflective emotional response to hearing those beloved songs was “man, fuck Kanye,” and I have to admit, I was startled by that reaction.
​I built my (failed) academic career on the attempt to separate fiction from reality, text from context, art from artist. In advocating for transhistorical interpretation I alienated myself from my department at the University of Michigan and ultimately shiprwrecked my career upon a deserted intellectual island of my own making. I mention that by way of saying I’ve invested a lot of (das) kapital over the years in defending the unpopular opinion that you shouldn’t judge a book by its by-line or copyright date. Surely Kanye should be my greatest cause celebre, for what does Yeezus have to do with the embrace of a bigot years after its release? Yeezus was great before anyone ever wore a dumb red hat proclaiming to the world their small-mindedness. And yet there it was, I heard the bars, and I couldn’t help but think “I miss the old Kanye.”
​What I want to know is, can we hate Trump and love Kanye? Is it a different question if I ask, can we hate Trump and love Kanye’s music? What about, can we hate Kanye and love Kanye’s music? I think the answer remains a very strong “yes,” but not perhaps for the most obvious reason. There is a dangerous trend in America today, where rather than grapple with art made by problematic artists we are turning instead to censorship. Louis CK did some pretty shitty things to his female employees and his film was pulled from theaters. R. Kelly did some truly awful things to children and his songs were removed from Spotify’s playlists. Some applaud these moves, some condemn them. I see both sides, but I still come down squarely against censorship.
One side will say you can like Ignition (remix) without liking R. Kelly the (despicable) man, and the other side will say your eyeballs and dollars support the man whether you want to or not. Fair debate. However, removing the art because of the artist only further places us in a cultural silo of our own creating. Again, some will say this isn’t a bad thing, for who wants to be in a silo with sexual assaulters and child molesters? Clearly no one. But who wants to be in a silo with only ideas they agree with, that don’t challenge them, that pretend there is only beauty in what is in actuality a very ugly world? To put my proverbial cards on the desk, I’m all for you burning your R. Kelly records and saying enough is enough, but I’m not for some corporate entity removing the ability to decide for yourself all together.
​This article isn’t about R. Kelly because R. Kelly is an entirely different matter. This article is about Kanye and his avowed love of Trump. I hate Trump and everything Trump stands for and all who stand with him, does this mean I now hate Kanye? Does this mean I now hate My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy? In order to think through this I want to pose you a historical example, and let you come to your own conclusions as I come to terms with mine.
​In a series of interviews in the mid ‘70s David Bowie said some truly despicable shit. Now that the years have gone by and he has unfortunately passed out of this world it doesn’t really come up anymore. When he died there was no handwringing about his problematical utterances. He was praised as a hero. If the things he said about fascism and Hitler come up at all anymore, they are brushed aside as indicators of just how much cocaine he was doing while recording Station to Station, instead of held against him as the earnest musings of an open fascist whose records should be burned and who should be cast out of the cannon.
​In a 1975 interview with NME Bowie said the following:
"Like the original aim of rock and roll when it first came out was to establish an alternative media speak voice for people who had neither the power nor advantage to infiltrate any other media or carry any weight and cornily enough, people really needed rock and roll.
"And what we said was that we were only using rock and roll to express our vehement arguments against the conditions we find ourselves in, and we promise that we will do something to change the world from how it was. We will use rock and roll as a springboard.
"But it's just become one more whirling deity, right? Going round that never-decreasing circle. And rock and roll is dead."
Does he really believe that?
"Absolutely. It's a toothless old woman. It's really embarrassing."
So what's the next step?
"Dictatorship," says Bowie. "There will be a political figure in the not too distant future who'll sweep this part of the world like early rock and roll did.
Along those same lines Bowie said the following in an interview with Playboy in 1976:
Christ, everything is a media manipulation. I’d love to enter politics. I will one day. I’d adore to be Prime Minister. And, yes, I believe very strongly in fascism. The only way we can speed up the sort of liberalism that’s hanging foul in the air at the moment is to speed up the progress of a right-wing, totally dictatorial tyranny and get it over as fast as possible. People have always responded with greater efficiency under a regimental leadership. A liberal wastes time saying, “Well, now, what ideas have you got?” Show them what to do, for God’s sake. If you don’t, nothing will get done. I can’t stand people just hanging about. Television is the most successful fascist, needless to say. Rock stars are fascists, too. Adolf Hitler was one of the first rock stars.
#54: PLAYBOY: How so?
BOWIE: Think about it. Look at some of his films and see how he moved. I think he was quite as good as Jagger. It’s astounding. And, boy, when he hit that stage, he worked an audience. Good God! He was no politician. He was a media artist himself. He used politics and theatrics and created this thing that governed and controlled the show for those 12 years. The world will never see his like. He staged a country.
Despite saying these things we don’t think of Bowie as a “problematic” artist. There is no movement to expunge Hunky Dory from Spotify, no AntiFa anger spills out when Fame starts playing on the dancefloor. Why? Is this nothing more than further proof of the old adage “tragedy plus time equals comedy”? Why does Bowie get a pass but Kanye gets raked over the hot-take coals?
​Perhaps if I were a better writer I’d have an answer for you, but this isn’t really an essay with a pithy moral at the end. I spent a lifetime separating art from artist, but we are finally having a reckoning about what it means to tacitly endorse awful people (spoiler: it means we perpetuate the very horrors we claim to stand against). The Civil War Monuments are coming down, and to that I unequivocally say: thank fucking god. But, isn’t there a difference between a celebratory statute in a town square honoring Robert E. Lee, and an unequivocally good piece of art (Ignition (remix), Hannah and Her Sisters) made by an unequivocally awful person (R. Kelly, Woody Allen)? Some will tell you Hannah and Her Sisters is a Civil War Monument celebrating sexual assault, others will tell you the movie has nothing to do with the awful deeds of the man who made it. What if Robert E. Lee made a statute that was objectively beautiful, had nothing to do with the civil war, but we still knew precisely who made it? Should that come down too? Some will tell you yes, any badge or symbol of slavery should be blighted from the face of the earth along with the horrendous system it signifies. Others will say no, if the statute itself is not racist the racism of its creator does not automatically imbue it with the politics of its maker. Finally others will suggest a third way, keep up the statute made by Lee, but put a little placard next to it saying it’s a good thing made by a bad man, think of it precisely what you will.
​Obviously I’ve used a very loaded example, but it’s easier to grapple with the idea of a non-racist statute made by a racist than it is to think about the current status of New Slaves. Not only is New Slaves not a racist song, it’s an anti-racist song. It’s a song of beneficial empowerment. We don’t have to struggle over the meaning of New Slaves because New Slaves unequivocally says something we (by which I mean, non-assholes) can not only get behind, but advocate for, fight for. When Yeezus came out in 2013 we had to question many things about Kanye West, but we didn’t have to question his support of a racist regime. In 2018 that no longer holds true. New Slaves is still New Slaves, but now Kanye is wearing a MAGA hat, making us ask, what does it all mean?
​This brings me back to Bowie. Kanye is the hard example because Kanye has always been hard to love, even before he wore that stupid fucking hat. Kanye wrote a song called I am a God, and he meant it. No one ever loved Kanye more than Kanye, and that turned a lot of people off, all the while his music was turning a lot more people on. Bowie has been many things, Ziggy Stardust, the Thin White Duke, but he has never been a figure of scorn the way Kanye at times has been. And yet, some other Bowie quotes from those same interviews perhaps shed more light on the Kanye-conundrum than Kanye (or myself) ever could. From that same Playboy interview quoted above:
#26: PLAYBOY: Do you ever have trouble deciding which is the real you?
BOWIE: I’ve learned to flow with myself. I honestly don’t know where the real David Jones is. It’s like playing the shell game. Except I’ve got so many shells I’ve forgotten what the pea looks like. I wouldn’t know it if I found it. Being famous helps put off the problems of discovering myself. I mean that. That’s the main reason I’ve always been so keen on being accepted, why I’ve striven so hard to put my brain to artistic use. I want to make a mark. In my early stuff, I made it through on sheer pretension. I consider myself responsible for a whole new school of pretensions–they know who they are. Don’t you, Elton? Just kidding. No, I’m not. See what I mean? That was a thoroughly pretentious statement. True or not, I bet you’ll print that. Show someone something where intellectual analysis or analytical thought has been applied and people will yawn. But something that’s pretentious–that keeps you riveted. It’s also the only thing that shocks anymore. It shocks as much as the Dylan thing did 14 years ago. As much as sex shocked many years ago.
If I took the name off the answer I’m pretty sure you would be willing to believe that Kanye said that. This is the contradiction that lies at the heart of the art-artist conundrum. We cannot take art at face value, because art is intentionally designed to elicit a response. It is fiction, which isn’t to say it’s false, but is to say it’s designed with a point in mind. Many have said Kanye’s tweets are designed preciously with this theory in mind, and still others have said “nope, he’s just an asshole.”
​I’m not here to tell you what to think. If you want to stop listening to Kanye because he supports an awful man, go for it. If you can separate the rap from the (w)rapper, you do you. The whole key is just think about why you judge the way you do. Some hate the player, and some hate the game. The one thing this piece is meant to advocate against is merely uncritically disengaging with anything you disagree with. I’ll probably take a break from Kanye for a bit, but I’m willing to wager when this is all said and done, we’ll remember him just like Bowie. Then again I’m a terrible gambler. I’ll just leave you with Bowie’s last line from that Playboy interview:
#77: PLAYBOY: Last question. Do you believe and stand by everything you’ve said?
BOWIE: Everything but the inflammatory remarks.
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