#also I feel like whenever I look up articles or videos about springy they always bring up JTR
jennajayfeather · 1 year
Honestly I think it'd be really funny if Jack's true identity was Spring-heeled Jack (the irony of going from one undiscovered being to another rofl).
Speaking of Springy, I find it so interesting how Jack's kit fits Springy, because like while yeah, I'm sure there were people who thought JTR was a demon, but that's....REALLY associated with Springy, as well as "not a single person but a group" which was also strongly associated with him.
In a way, I feel SF!Jack captures Spring-heeled Jack stronger than JTR. It's like Springy was "upgraded" to encompass even more theories & if you consider how Springy is often written in modern media, they made him go from a bogeyman-like figure to a type of hero, which is Jack's general vibes (though much more of a pure hero rather than an anti-hero)
There's got to be some sort of syncretism (someone even sent in a hoax letter to the police saying JTR was Springy fjkdgl), so Jack being able to become him should be possible regardless.
Flat's also mentioned Springy twice, once in Himuten and once in Adventures. Feels sussy to me.
I'm thinking that maybe both Flat & Thia got a pull, where Spring-heeled Jack was the base Saint Graph, which warped into Jack the Ripper through Thia's influence.
Because if you consider Flat's pull which would have been Saint-Germain, Springy fits Flat a lot more with his "prankster" nature; not really killing others, just sorta messing with them. I think with Flat's adoration for "mysterious beings," he'd be a good fit for him as a compatibility summon.
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