#also I don’t ship ino and Sakura but if you do feel free to add that in because this idea is ripe for that I think
subbyp · 10 months
a kakairu and asuma/kurenai fanfic from the point of view of sakura and ino acting as rival matchmakers attempting to get their frankly pathetic lovelorn jounin-senseis to confess to their crushes
also there’s a lot of their teammates being all “lol you’re friends” (or, well, naruto and chouji being all “lol you’re friends” whilst sasuke and shikamaru are more [acts like they’re above asinine ninja drama but they absolutely are not at all above asinine ninja drama]) while they are all “no??!? die??!?” even as their friendship rekindles stronger than before
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shinaina · 8 years
Your Troubles Match My Luxuries Part 2 | NaruHina
Today’s prompt is “Accidentally knocked you out when you got caught in the middle of a fist fight between me and this other kid during school. So I sat with you in the nurse’s office. Shut up! Punks like me have consciousnesses you know!”
I had too much fun with this one honestly.
Part of the reason I wrote this so quickly too is due to the drama that accumulated due to the interview and honestly the ships are kinda getting ruined with it all and I needed some fluff. Also take note that while there are at least two ship bashes in here I’m not bashing any ships, that’s just a little something I want to go into and will touch on a later date in this story. I am a fan of and love all the cannon ships. 
Previous Chapter | Here
Next Chapter | Here
Couple | NaruHina 
Rating | M for language and other mature themes. 
Naruto leaned against the locker doors a couple of feet away from Shikamaru’s locker as his other three friends surrounded the two while Shikamaru explained how history this year was, as he put it, such a drag and that all the homework was simply troublesome. Kiba seemed to jump in going on and on about how there was this annoying cat lover in one of his classes, though annoyance was evident in his voice he quickly mentioned that she was pretty cute. Choji only seemed interested in planning for lunch already, asking if they should go out for lunch or go to the little stand that had opened up across the street from the school stating there was some good food there. Shino like always stood there quietly without making much of a noise and it was too easy to forget he was there.
Though Naruto’s voice was usually the loudest of the five, he hadn’t said anything at all this morning, only looking intently down the hall every couple of minutes. He was trying to find a certain brunette head of hair, he had already seen a couple of the kids that were a part of her pretentious group. Sai who was followed by Ino intently, from what he caught from their conversation the pale boy was looking for someone to model for him for a personal project to which Ino not so subtly hinted that she would be that model but he seemed to ignore her request making a rather insensitive comment about her looks. He wondered why Ino trailed after such a jackass like Sai, he was practically a prodigy when it came to art and everyone was calling him the next Da Vinci but damn did he not care about anyone’s feelings.
The next set of popular nerds he caught sight of was Sakura following around Sasuke like a lovesick puppy. The short haired girl making an attempt to tell him about how her and her family went out to some five star restaurant but only kept getting “hnn” noises in response. Now Saskue pissed Naruto off, at least Sai had the decency to be brutally honest. He had known the two since elementary school. Sakura was a sweet and smart girl and well Saskue was always an asshole who didn’t care about anyone but himself. Maybe it was because he came from such an ancient and high class family line but still he didn’t need to act like there was a stick shoved up his ass all the time.
While the four met up at the end of the hall and began to talk among each other Naruto took note that the Hyuga’s had yet to arrive to school. The blonde vaguely wondered if Neji was the one to drive Hinata to school, reasoning they always showed up together and never apart, probably if he was so damn protective of her. He wondered what caused that and decided to ask Hinata later.
As time began to pass the list of questions to ask Hinata only became longer and longer, he wanted to learn so much more about the dark haired girl. Naruto wanted to know her inside and out, he wanted to know her in the way that if someone asked her a question about herself he would be able to answer for her. Not that she would mind he learned rather quickly that she didn’t like to talk about herself (he didn’t know why she was so damn interesting) so she would probably be grateful for someone to answer trivial questions for her when she was asked.
It was then that he heard the voice of another, namely a pair of guys. Honestly they probably wouldn’t have caught his attention if it wasn’t for a certain comment.
“Hottie Hyuga coming down the hallway right now.”
Naruto swore that he felt his ears twitch ever so slightly at that comment. Sure Hinata was pretty stunning and he was a bit ashamed to admit he probably would have described her as a hottie before yesterday, but yesterday just opened his eyes. There was so much about her that made her more than just a gorgeous girl. The list of her good qualities just went on and on and though Naruto acknowledged she had faults, to him those faults were only factors to make her seem more real and add to her adoring personality.
Shaking his head ever so slightly to forget his sudden doting on Hinata, the blonde angled his head to get a better listen of the conversation from the other boys.
“Damn look at those legs.”
“I know, man the things I would do to her.”
“Like what?”
“Honestly I’m just imagining her pressed against a wall right now. I bet she wouldn’t even say anything she’d just let you do whatever you want to her.”
Despite Naruto’s longing to look up just to see Hinata now that he knew she was here. he couldn’t stop the rage that began to accumulate inside of him. Turning to look at the two, one who was tall and lanky with dark hair and another who had a better built body with brown hair and a beanie. The blonde moved his body forward from its rest against the locker and stuck his hands in his pockets as he lazily approached the two.
Stopping before the two who were still gawking at the girl he cleared his throat before they could say anything else. “Hey guys listen, I can admire a nice body but you don’t have to go saying that sort of shit. Have some respect.” The tone of his voice got the attention of Kiba who nudged the others as they came to stand by Naruto. The two guys huffed while the one with brown hair had a mischievous smile on his face. “Listen, it’s just locker room talk don’t get your panties in a bunch.” That statement made Naruto’s fists loosely clench in his pockets.
“If it’s outside the locker room it’s not locker room talk, it’s you. Also who says that sort of shit inside a locker room? She won’t say anything? So what you’d just force yourself on her?” The look on the brunette’s face disgusted him, it was a bit of an embarrassed smile with a light blush. He placed a hand on Naruto’s shoulder which he had to force himself not to smack away as they leaned into him to say something quietly.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it. I mean the way she walks around, like she doesn’t realize those jugs on her. She’s probably a whore who’d let anyone grab them.”
At that exact moment Naruto was glad that other guy had placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned in, he had left himself wide open. In an instant Naruto’s left hand came up to grab the guy’s collar as his free arm reeled itself back at the same time and came forward in a hard right hook connecting perfectly with the guy’s jaw. The surprise of the sudden outburst was voiced in a couple of gasps from the students around as Naruto heard Kiba make an ‘ooo!’ sound.
The attention directed to it became prominent as a crowd started to form around them. “You want to say that again punk?” Naruto asked as he stood a few inches from the guy who held the side of his jaw and had stumbled back into the locker. The bang of him hitting it probably what alerted the other students of what was happening. “She’s. Probably. A whore.”
Oh that’s it you’re going down.
Moving forward with tense muscles the blonde slammed the other back into the locker and this time used his right arm to hold them against it as his left arm came back. “Let me tell you I’ve got a pretty badass right hook but I have a hell of a left hook!” Before his hand could even make contact with that bastard’s jaw they blocked it with their arm as they shoved him back and made him stumble, actually landing a punch on him in the process. Naruto rubbed his cheek where the blow had landed before finding his ground again and swinging, hitting the guy in his chest instead of the nose he aimed for when they backed up.
The only good thing about his missed hit was that it seriously knocked the air out of the other. Good now I can break his fucking nose without him putting up much of a fight!
Getting ready to take another swing arms came up from behind Naruto to hook his shoulders. “Naruto what the hell!? Cut it out!” Kiba’s voice rang in his ears as Naruto struggled to get out of his grip and kicked out. “Stay the fuck out of this Kiba! Let me teach this son of a bitch a lesson!” Aiming one of his kicks backwards this time he was satisfied when he heard a grunt from his friend which immediately caused them to let go as they fell to the ground to hold their injured shin.
As the brunette piece of shit leaned against the lockers trying to catch his breath, Naruto brought his left arm back about to throw another punch, in the distance he heard “Naruto stop it!” though didn’t care to listen, it was probably Shikamaru knowing him. Though the softness and gentleness of it made him hesitate before he shook his head and brought his first forward.
He hadn’t bet on anyone getting in the way, especially her. Though the moment she jumped in between them and his eyes widened in recognition, but it was too late. He couldn’t stop himself as his fist connected into the left side of her face and he watched in horror as her eyes which were so warm and filled with concern for him rolled to the back of her head.
He was so going to burn in hell for that one, there was a special flame getting hot right about now just for that and he honestly deserved it.
Grabbing out for her instantly to try and lighten the fall he fall with her trying to follow the girl to catch her but the thud against the ground told him he was too late as he fell to his knees. “Fuck Hinata! I’m so so sorry, Hinata for the love of all that’s holy say something!” Scooting closer to her he picked up her head to rest it on his laps as she laid there unconscious. He looked her over and quickly realized her skirt had gone up, not enough to show her undergarments but just enough to not leave much to the imagination. Moving his hand in a swift movement to quickly fix it knowing how embarrassed she would have been awake. His hands moved back to cup her face as his thumbs idly rubbed her cheeks softly. “Hinata… come on Miss Perfect just let your eyes flutter a little.”
“What’s going on here!?”
The breathe everyone around them was holding was suddenly released when Mr. Hatake spoke. For the first time in his life Naruto was more than happy to have a teacher interrupt his fight. “That piece of shit against the locker was saying some pretty disgusting bullshit that he called 'locker room talk’ and I couldn’t let that slide so I…. She got in the way and now she’s not waking up!” The blonde sounded desperate as he looked up at Mr. Hatake, the silver haired man looked just a bit sympathetic as his gaze looked to the brunette and then the girl as he kneeled down and took her from Naruto’s arms before balancing her correctly and stood up.
“What are you doing?” The blue eyed blonde was still kneeling on the floor. “This isn’t the first time you’ve knocked someone out Naruto,” yeah but this is the first time I felt like shit for it, “I’m taking her to the nurse’s office.” The boy stayed there in a defeated manner as he looked at the tiled floor where Hinata had been lying not 5 seconds ago. The voice of another teacher sounded which Naruto recognized as Mr. Sarutobi. “Oh, Asuma, do me a favor and take Naruto and the poor kid leaning against the lockers to Tsunade. Fight.” Mr. Hatake stated before walking off with Hinata towards the nurse’s office as her left arm dangled limply in the air.
Naruto didn’t even protest when he felt Asuma grab him from under his left shoulder and roughly pull him up as he lead them to the other boy and he gently guided the other one with a hand. Naruto’s head craned around to watch the figure of Kakashi and Hinata grow smaller and smaller until Asuma dragged them around a corner.
“This is what? You’re first time this month? And we were doing so good Naruto.” Tsunade stated as she sat down at her desk while the other boy sitting with them was still trying to catch his breathe. “Left hook?” Tsunade asked curiously which only received a nod from the blonde. His eyes were shooting daggers at the brunette sitting across from him and the blonde woman vaguely wondered how bad he would have beat the other kid if no one interrupted it.
Hell it probably would have ended with them in the hospital, but what did they do to piss off Naruto this bad? Usually he would have already been over it and giving her a cheeky smile while the other kid was the one shooting daggers with a napkin to their nose; that was if they were conscious.
“So what happened.” It was then Naruto smiled but this smile wasn’t like his usual one, he smiled at the brunette as if he contemplating ways to kill him then and there before he looked to Tsunade. “Oh you’re gonna love this one granny.”
He was right, Granny Tsunade was more than thrilled to listen to the story. So thrilled actually that she let him off with a warning and told him to go to class while she personally dealt with that pervert.
Though in all honesty Naruto passed the class he was supposed to be in a good fifteen feet ago. His feet were leading him to a different place as he saw the post that had “Nurse’s Office.” Written on it as it hung above the door ahead of him and stopped at it while his shoulders slumped. Hesitating as he stood at the door he eventually brought up his hand to knock. “Come in.”
Naruto entered the room to see the darked haired nurse. “What can I do for you Naruto?” They said it in a sort of tone as if they already knew what he wanted but were waiting for him to say it. “Well… I’m kind of the one that knocked out Hinata Hyuga and I just wanted to know if she was okay.” His tone was soft and begging which caused Shizune to sigh. “She’s still out cold, Naruto. Honestly if I had to bet I’d say she’s gonna end up with a black eye.” That made him flinch as he walked further into the room. “Listen, I know that this is all my fault but can I maybe, just stay here with her until she wakes up?”
He honestly sounded so desperate at the moment that Shizune was torn, but more so torn in one direction. “She’s in the last bed, Neji requested for no one to be able to see her but…” As she trailed off Naruto didn’t even wait to see if she was going to finish as he made his way into the infirmary and went to the last bed. She was lying there so peacefully he would have thought she was asleep.
Sitting on the metal chair across from her he didn’t even care how uncomfortable it was as he moved it as close to the bed as it could get while sitting down and taking Hinata’s right hand in both of his. He honestly felt so terrible, for some reason that made him bring her hand up to his face to kiss the back of it.
When her face begin to swell quite badly, the sight of it left him frozen for a bit as he felt his chest tighten in pain, Naruto had reluctantly gotten up to look for Shizune. She looked up when he walked back into her office “Hey Shizune, Hinata’s face is swelling really bad, do you have an ice pack.” The woman huffed loudly. “I doubt she’ll be able to hold it there.” Naruto was almost shocked at her statement as he quickly replied. “I was going to hold it there for her.” Now it was Shizune’s turn to be shocked. Naruto was the type of guy to send someone to the nurse’s office, not prance in and help them recover. Reaching under her desk to the refrigerator there she pulled out an ice pack and wrapped it in one of the hand towels she kept folded on the fridge before handing it to Naruto who gave a content huff at it before going back to Hinata.
He stayed there simply keeping her hand warm between his once the swelling subdued a bit as he watched her like some sort of guard dog. His head jerking up whenever he heard a noise as if something was coming to hurt her even more, forgetting he was the one that initially hurt her for only a second before he remembered what he had down and clenched her hand a little tighter as if in an apology.
Class periods turned into hours and yet Naruto still didn’t move from his watch. He became even more determined to keep watch on her as her right eye began to bruise and he only felt like more of an asshole.
Even when the lunch bell rang and Shizune asked him to go get lunch he simply stated he wasn’t hungry. As Shizune pushed he finally got up to go get a plate, not for him though, he figured that if Hinata woke up she would be hungry and he wanted to make sure she had something to eat.
He avoided the gazes that landed on him and purposely took the long way around the building to go get a plate, he was lucky neither his friends or the friends of Hinata saw him as he got the plate and made his way back to the nurse’s office and placed the food on the chair as he brought another one from the other infirmary bed and sat on that one on the other side of where he had originally been. Grabbing her left hand this time he couldn’t help but enjoy the difference in their temperatures. Hinata had a naturally cold temperature while Naruto’s body was more than often warm. Their temperatures mixed just the right way in which didn’t cause their hands to sweat while he held hers. He learned that after hours of holding her left hand.
At that discovery he had been so excited he couldn’t wait for her to wake up so he could tell her about it but the realization of the fact that it would have been more than odd to tell her that hit him rather hard. He had an argument with himself when that happened. Why would it be weird to tell her that? Isn’t it a little creepy that you’re stealing moments of holding her hand? No, he was just concerned about her. Being concerned doesn’t call for kissing the back of her hand, plus you barely really met this girl yesterday. God why was thinking so hard? Why was it weird that he cared about her? She was her, Hinata who was so sweet and kind and selfless. Everything about her was so gentle too. Moving a hand, he reached for the ice pack again as the red on her face became prominent again. Only this time he realized it reached across to the other side of her face.
It shocked him but then again it comforted him to know that she was becoming lucid enough to dream, he was starting to really worry about her. He vaguely wondered what sort of dream could make her blush like that. For a moment he became jealous, having made her blush so much yesterday he almost believed that he was the only one who should have been able to. Yet here she was, blushing at some dream she was having. It almost made him laugh, that he was jealous of a dream as he stared at her with softened eyes.
Her dream wasn’t a dream so much as it was a stream of memories, she had gone to a private school as a child. Incidentally it was a different one from her cousin and despite her high class profile that only seemed to make the kids target her, specifically her eyes. When she was a child she had wide eyes that looked like pearls in their shade, at least that’s what the nanny said but the nanny was practically paid to be nice; literally paid to be maternal. The other kids took the liberty of deeming her eyes disproportionate on her face, which they were, and constantly called her “Alien.” Their teasing lead to hair pulling and their hair pulling lead to pushing her. It was one day specifically that they had cornered her outside of school, a couple of boys who kept calling her “Alien” and “Monster” saying that she was going to destroy the world by killing people with her ugliness.
As she began to cry she heard someone yell and turned to see a young blonde boy with blue eyes challenge them. Telling the others to stop. When they refused he shoved the one in the middle and ended up fighting them. He lost of course, he was outnumbered three to one and he was smaller than all three of them to boot. Though he had distracted them from her and by the time they were done with him they left, having already been bored.
The young Hinata knelt down to comfort the boy who now had a bloody nose. She used her sleeve to wipe away the blood and stared at his unconscious figure. He came to rather quickly but with a hand to his head. “Are you alright?” The girl asked the boy as his eyes fluttered a bit before they stayed open. The girl couldn’t help but be consumed by them, they were so blue, it was beautiful. “Yeah, I’m used to getting beat up.” He sat up before pushing himself to his feet and bidding the girl farewell. Before he got more than five feet away though he stopped. “Also just for the record, I think your eyes are really pretty.”
She sat there in awe long after the boy left until her nanny came for her, far too captured in the memory of his blue eyes.
It wasn’t until Hinata begged to go to public school that she was allowed to go to middle school on the condition she went to the same school as Neji. She had agreed to be constantly under surveillance, but it was then she realized going to public school was the best decision of her life because she met the boy again. Of course he was older now but age did him well, he was only more attractive, with tan sun kissed skin that didn’t look obnoxious like some tans but also wasn’t something that went overlooked; it was as if the sun had reached out and given him the lightest touch. His hair was a bright bleached blonde color though she knew it was natural, it was so perfectly combined with his skin tone, because his hair reminded her of the sun with how vibrant it was. It was his eyes that made her melt, they were the sort of blue that would put the sky on a completely cloudless day to shame and put the ocean in all its glory to shame. It was the type of blue that was rivaled by no other shade. He was simply breathtaking to her. She never got the courage to talk to him though, partly because she was shy and partly because the differences in their group of friends wouldn’t allow it.
He was constantly getting into trouble but she watched from afar. She was what people would have deemed “too good” for him. She never thought so though, from what she thought he was the one that was too good for her. He was so sure of himself and so outgoing, she could only wish to be that vibrant but she was a wallflower compared to the sunflower he was. While he was the sun itself, she was the moon, too small and inconvenient to catch his attention.
It went on like this for a long time. Him feeling like the sun and her feeling like the moon, she thought they were only more similar to the sun and moon by the fact they would never meet each other. Never destined to meet.
Hinata had obviously never heard of an eclipse though.
They did meet, and he did take notice of her, and not only that but he wanted to spend time with her and get to know her with their short time together. He had bought her cinnamon rolls and she had hung onto his arm, terrified that if she let go he would immediately vanish and never come back to her. Those few hours of their stroll in the park was heaven to her. They were the best moments in her life and it was then she realized how much she adored him.
Hinata had been scared at first, terrified he would be too vibrant and too overwhelming for her. He wasn’t though. No Naruto was gentle and thoughtful and compassionate. He had a side to him she had never seen and she silently hoped she was the only one who had ever seen it. It was selfish but whenever it came to him she was inherently selfish. Hell she was even glad that other girls overlooked him and she was the only one with eyes for him. The thought comforted her in the way that maybe he was pure in the same way she was, the way that came with having never been with anyone.
It was when she heard his voice that she began to stir from her memories.
It was so gentle and soft, she wondered how someone like him could sound that way.
“It’s almost the end of the day, I’m starting to worry about you.”
This time it was laced with concern and it made her a little upset. It made her upset that someone or something made him that upset.
“Please, wake up.”
This time it was desperate, like a child calling out for their mother when they found themselves lost. Her eyes fluttered open at that, not taking note that her right eye in particular didn’t completely open, he was leaning over her with his eyes closed and when she looked down she saw that he was holding her hand with both of his. His hand was so warm and secure, she almost wanted to stay still just to feel him holding her hand longer.
She couldn’t listen to him in pain anymore though.
Moving her free hand to cup his cheek she smiled as his eyes widened in shock. “I’m awake.” She stated softly as he returned her smile, though while hers was gentle and soothing his was vibrant and childish and it made her laugh. “I’m so so so sorry Hinata, I just, he was saying such bad things and it was horrible. I just thought he should have been taught a lesson, I never wanted you to get in the middle of it.” She was confused at his words for a moment before the pain in the right side of her face made her remember exactly why she was out.
When she winced at it the pain in his eyes only became ever the more obvious which caused her to squeeze his cheek a little before she began rubbing her thumb against his cheek. She choose to ignore how vague his explanation had been, as if he was hiding something from her. She didn’t care though, maybe Naruto would be completely honest about why he decided to just up and attack that boy but pushing him on the subject didn’t matter right now. What mattered was that he didn’t blame himself.
“Shh shh, Naruto-kun it’s okay I promise. I shouldn’t have jumped in the way, it was stupid. I just didn’t want people to think badly about you and I thought…. I honestly don’t know what I thought. I just didn’t want to see you get hurt.” Tears began to gather in her eyes as she thought about Naruto getting hurt, what if it had been him laying here? “I would have been so scared if you got hurt!” She was sobbing now and Naruto had moved his hands from her hand to cup her small face in them as he gently wiped her tears away, making sure to be careful with her right cheek as his hand more so hovered against it. “Hinata! I’m fine don’t cry I promise I’m okay I just want to know if you’re okay?” At the tone of his voice she sniffled in an attempt to stop herself from crying as she nodded.
Naruto smiled at that but he gulped as he looked at her. “Hinata, if I tell you something you promise not to be mad?” Sniffling just a little more she tilted her head in confusion. “Why would I be mad Naruto-kun?” He moved away from her at that as his eyes filled with remorse. “Well you kind of have a black eye.” At that she raised her hand to her right eye and gently touched it but immediately winced at the pain, so that was why her vision felt off. Oh… how terrible do I look to him.
The blonde sat there idly shuffling his hands before he spoke. “Honestly though, I’ve never seen someone who made a black eye look so pretty… what I’m trying to say is that you’re still really pretty.” Naruto allowed the words to escape his mouth shyly as he scratched the back of his head with a embarrassed smile and blush adorning his cheeks.
Oh Naruto.
“Thank you, I’m glad you think so.”
He laughed at that.
The dark haired girl sat in the passenger seat lightly holding an ice pack to her face. Neji drove with a certain idleness to him. “Your father is going to be furious.” He stated in a matter of fact tone. “Damn the lawsuits he is going to-” Hinata fist her hands into her skirt before she interrupted him.“Does he know already?” It was an odd question but he answered it nonetheless. “No when I called he was busy all day, I thought it would be better to tell him personally than leave a message.”
“Neji-niisan, can you do me a favor?”
The brunette paused at that before nodding. “Of course, anything for you.”
“Don’t tell my father exactly how this happened.”
Neji’s car jerked to a stop and Hinata panicked for a moment before she realized they were at a stop sign. Neji looked to see if there were any cars behind him, glad that there weren’t as he turned to look to Hinata. “Are you out of your mind? What am I supposed to tell Hiashi? 'Listen I know your beautiful daughter has a slightly swollen face and black eye, I can explain though, she walked into a wall smack dab while we were turning the corner to the student parking lot.’ Do you have any idea how idiotic that sounds?” Hinata stayed quiet for a long time before stating. “It is believable though.”
Neji wanted to punch the steering wheel. “Yes Hinata it is but even you’re not that clumsy!” Hinata looked to her cousin. “I don’t care how you shift it around to make it seem like it happened but do it! Naruto-Kun isn’t going to pay for me being stupid!” The male tensed up.
So that was what this was about.
He stayed still for a long moment and ended their argument without words but when he looked left and right before driving forward. It was silent until they got to her house.
“I’ve been thinking and I’ll tell him that as we were walking to the parking lot I was trying to get my keys out of my bag and as we rounded the corner I walked into you roughly which made you trip and hit your face against the wall. The swelling and bruise will add up too since we were in the nurse’s office for about thirty minutes after school.” It was just wild enough to be believable and it was the best he could come up with in such a short amount of time. “Thank you. Neji-niisan.”
He slumped in his seat before rolling down his window to address the intercom. “Uh huh.”
While he stated who he was Neji couldn’t help but wonder about Hinata’s feeling for the blonde. She called him “Naruto-kun.” The say she willingly put herself in harm’s way bothered him too. How far she had gone to make him lie, that was the loudest she had ever raised her voice.
His memory drifted back to walking into the nurse’s office at the end of the day just to see them. How caring and gentle they were being with each other, it shocked him more than it made him mad and he politely asked the blonde to leave though he made sure the blonde knew he wasn’t really asking.
The pieces gradually began to fall together.
So that’s what this is about…
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bitchbrows · 8 years
Karin, Sasuke and Sakura + Love
So I got into a rather heated debate with a tumblr person whom I shall not name, but could be figured out considering how they made a post based on the worst points I mentioned. Head is more in gear now and so wanted to make my points more clear based on these 3 individuals.
Starting with Karin. Now, I have noticed alot of sasusaku fans tend to make Karin look bad, alot in order to make sasusaku seem like the ‘better’ choice, not just because it’s canon. My problem is that the one reason they berate Karin for is how she let Sasuke sink deeper into the darkness.
Okay, actually, let’s put Sakura and Karin together and compare their lifestyle and actions. For starters, at the end of part 1, Sakura insisted to join Sasuke in his quest for revenge (Not bothering to get manga caps because that is 1. too much hassle 2. describing scene and time shall suffice so feel free to prove me wrong otherwise but I recall the scenes well enough). Now if Sasuke didn’t say no to her and let assist him. is that much different from what Karin was doing? They both wanted to just be by his side. Yes, one can argue that was past Sakura but I am judging it from if Sasuke didn’t say no. After a while of assisting him, she would most likely think it was wrong, though left short on options: go on a suicidal short mission and try to stop him only to be killed or attempt to escape back to the leaf to seek help. The latter seems more plausible, but nonetheless she at least had people to turn to for help on saving Sasuke. And since then and part 2, it’s has mostly been either her heavily relying on others to do the job because she can’t or her foolishly charging in without much of a decent plan. She couldn’t bring herself to do it.
In Karin’s case, she is stuck in the dark side (No stars wars ref intended); no-one to turn to if she thought what he was doing was wrong, no full sense of morality, surrounded by bad guys whom are now neutral/good. Would Karin, in Shippuden timeline which means Sasuke was far more powerful and sinking further even before he recruited Karin..Would she really be that stupid to just throw her life away in vain, knowing full well saving him by herself (The others wouldn’t help since they don’t oppose his path.) would end in inevitable failure and cost her her life? No. What she was doing was unhealthy on both sides yes, but if Sakura was in her position, her upbringing, things wouldn’t be much different. At the end of the day, they wanted to be by his side. Also, Karin based it off one’s chakra and Sasuke’s was warm and okay up until mainly summit/Danzou fight where she finally realised that it was wrong. She had no village to return to. No-one to rely on. That is a major difference and they shouldn't be compared over that as to who was better. Upbringing/past makes up a majority of what you end up becoming in the present. Sakura had light/joy, Karin had darkness/despair, someone who was deprived of anythung good in their life (Hinted when she saw Naruto’s chakra and thought how lucky Sasuke was to have comrades/friends like them). End of.
Moving onto love. Sakura’ literally birthed from superficial reasons that were equal to that of Ino’s..He was cool and strong. That was it. No depth, nothing more..That was all we got as to how and why she fell for him. I am not saying there needs to be reason, but for a love that grew so unhealthily strong from something so weak and a mere childhood crush, that is what I call bad romance. Yes, she spent most of time with him, however they were rarely alone. Naruto was there, they barely had one-to-one interaction that didn’t add any depth to the ship when there was plenty of opportunity, unlike in Karin’s case (Sad side character life). After he left in part 1 on a bad note (the beginning of dark age puberty), that was 3 years of his absence. 3 years of no interaction nor bonding, let alone any communication at all for that matter and on their first reunion in part 2, what was she greeted with? Near-death by katana if Naruto wasn’t there to save the day for the 100th time.
Lets be realistic, if you loved someone back in childhood days only to see them leave at the start of teens, only to come back years later and not even on good terms, then there’s a problem. That problem in Sakura’s case was how self-absorbent she was with her feelings. yeah, she developed abit in Shippuden, but for someone who is set as female protag, that doesn’t suffice for decent character development/characterisation. Her love for Sasuke was ultimately what backfired her character as whole that even the plot changed for the majority of part 2. Naruto: Sasuke Hunt. Yes, the others made the choice on their own, like Naruto anyone would feel responsible on trying to make someone they love happy. Sakura was pleading throughout for Naruto yet fails to consider to his feelings until late in part 2 which was handled terribly with the fake confession, after that whole thing with Hinata protecting Naruto in pain arc too and her acknowledging Hinata’s feelings for Naruto. Good job.
Regarding Gaiden, that didnt really help much either since Sasuke was absent for long period again, and moment he comes back, can barely make eye contact or even kiss his own wife. For someone who could bang a chick and agree to a long term mission with her present only to come back all shameful/undeserving of her affection, that is rather odd. They literally became canon after Naruto done the saving, and had less depth than naruhina, despite Hinata being one who could be considered side character when looking at her screentime in comparison to Sakura. It’s a shame honestly, but am going from what was given to use and quite frankly, sasusaku ship was handled poorly and out of blue since the last Naruto vs Sasuke fight. His poke to her forehead doesn’t even justify the ship especially when just before the that fight, Sasuke acknowledged that he saw no reason why she loves him and visa versa, Christ, he could be considered a narusaku shipper as he let Sakura know of naruto’s feelings and seemed like he wanted to push away that moment for that ship to be canon.
Back to Karin. Her love for Sasuke birthed from during the chunin exams when he saved her and greeted with a ‘warm smile’ that she dearly missed in Shippuden. They spent majority of time together in Taka, not alone just like team 7. A few moments that were mainly for comic relief. Her character never really went up or down, it was pretty straight throughout. Unlike Sakura whom had plenty of screentime to see her grow, Karin was rather neglected as an individual character. Not much can be said on her end. Her behavior was vulgarly unhealthy, yes but with lack of guidance or discipline when it comes to morality, what was right and wrong? From our perspective yes, it was bad and so would be from Sakura’s perspective but from Karin’s, it didn’t seem all that bad. It was normal behaglvior to her maybe. Besides, she is not mwntally well…Clearly shown when she was, for example, locked up and had 180s over Sasuke despite planning for escape. No-one questioned it on her side, maybe background ‘ew’ reactons from Suigetsu but no-one stopped her. She wasnt emotionally manipulative like Sakura was...She comically forced herself into his personal space yes..But didn’t take it any  further.
To me nothing is more pathetic and desperate than to force ya emotions onto someone the way Sakura did. She may have toned down abit in part 2, but she ended up repeating the same she did back at end of part 1. Joining his personal journey, this time for redemption. Nonetheless, it was bad and she know Sasuke rather wants to do it alone if she really knew him. After all, claiming her strong love for Sasuke, it is rather pitiful how she lacks the understanding or even knows Sasuke from what we have seen.
That whole thing in gaiden made it more stupid when Sarada questioned if he ever wore glases and Sakura wasnt sure. Way to make her top wife. barely knows her bloke, even physically in that time.
Also, same could be said for Sakura’s relentless chase which I find bizarre when it comes to not be opposed. If I was Ino (Whom gave up on Sasuke knowing it wasn’t good for her), I would have gave some talk no jutsu or at least try. Doubt Sakura would come launching with a katana anytime soon for trying to stop her (LOL)…or choked or kunai’d (ninja shank).
They both were let to have this unhealthy obsession with Sasuke, but I am mostly disappointed with Sakura, since she is the main female. One that young females would want to look up to. Did I? No. Kishi has handled this heroine so poorly to the point where even he thought other fem characters in Naruto like Hinata would be better as the Heroine (Higher popularity) and of all shounens I have seen, she is on the low rank list for top female protag and is replaceable as a character in the series, the story would end the same anyway. Not just because of her love for Sasuke, but how she handled situations, almost cost the rest of team 7 their lives for her pointlessly reckless actions (Going to Sasuke with only a kunai for sneak attack, after literally gassing Kiba, Lee and Sai who only wanted to help. Good job. Like she could do better alone and put them out of harms way? Her likeability certainly dropped after that.) and doesn’t hold any vital part to the plot which is sad for she is the lead female. Just there to shoutout to Nardo or Sasuke and be saved or throw punches. It was Naruto and Kakashi’s choice, yes, but she should very well know them by now that they wouldn’t let her just die in vain (The repercussions of her actions are costly) and for that is one of reasons why I think Karin was wiser with her actions. She was aware of her capabilities and the outcome besides the Danzou fight - false hope. She knew her place and supring thought straight. Hell, if she was in Sakura’s place as main female, she would have grown so well as a character considering her upbringing. She’s a mix of Hinata and Sakura but more eccentric.
My point is, be it Karin or Sakura, not much would be different. The story would end the same, Naruto saves Sasuke. Both girls failed, none better than the other when it comes to love for Sasuke even if one was more in the light (Sakura), same outcome though. What would have looked better as gay couple considering the lengths they’ve gone for each other, ended up in heterosexual relationships with near to zero interaction/good bonding.
The only canon ship that made sense was ShikaTema because they had build up and were mutual. No one-sided, only the girls get their crush happy ending bullshit.
Sasuke was no good for Sakura nor Karin, but if I had to choose (Tho don't ship him with anyone tbh), SasuKari. Mainly because since the ending wouldn’t be different and ships became canon after Sasuke was saved by Naruto (‘Woken up’ by the hokages somewhat), it would be no different than sasusaku relationship except Karin would be more understanding of his actions that may look sketchy during and after sasuke shinden and would scold/berate him for doing anything stupid (As she was with him in his darkest times and shares similarities such as being the last pure bloods of their clans and losing entire family, so the empathy would be great. Saying Sakura was also with him at his darkest moments only counts for part 1. He was far worse and changed as anyone would during teens, in part 2. Plus, we barely see Sakura actually give him any rightful scoldings for his shit, even after he returned. Lets him off easy.) and it would just be the same as sasusaku was, except Karin didn’t emotionally damage herself as much Sakura had over the course several years when it comes to Sasuke. Sakura was empathetic, yes and cared but again, her actions were what ruined that. On the other hand, Karin didn’t get as much chances shown to us on to actually understanding/convey her feelings for Sasuke and see how she would be given the fact she was only in it for Sasuke’s goal. We know how she came to like him and the fact that his happiness comes before her own feelings whereas in sakura’s case, it was 50:50. She said better more selfless words back in part 1, can’t say the same as much in part 2; the scene where she was pretty much begging if there was thought of her in corner of his heart, come back pretty much. ‘Not too late’ (Sure as hell late to me, that was a horrible ending. Nopity4Sasuke.) That scene left a small distaste in my mouth though. Could have been written better. And the fact she always to be by his side when at times clearly he wants to do what is right for once, alone, like get over it and give the guy time & space..I was hoping that it would be different in part 2 near the end and she wishes him well on his journey but nope..part 1 repeat (Character development backfire, nostalgia fail)..Though she was more chill this time. However, it is really hard to compare two girls from completely different sides and whom is more right for Sasuke or meaningful feelings, especially when you barely see much of Karin and her development/growing up. Sakura would have blossomed better as a character if she got over Sasuke. I am not saying the ship is better, just prefer it judging by what it does for character and the handling. Karin’s obsessive odd behaviour wouldn’t last long as she seems to have matured and became less of comic relief in that moment she was shown in Boruto mini series with that horrible pointless plot. And although Sakura’s feelings were selfless in part 1 mostly, it was 50:50 between selfish and that depending on what Kishi decides to do with her this time when it comes to Sasuke.
I don’t care who y’all ship, just don’t go berating a character that threaten ya ship or is shipped with one of the characters from your ship just to make them look good. It's okay to ship multiple pairings that may involve the same vharacter that than ship one ir the other since both are ship threats to one another.
On another note. Sasuke…
‘Curse of hatred’ does not excuse Sasuke of his severe actions that done more damage than most of the villains we’ve seen in the Naruto verse, emotionally and physically. Letting him off with ‘oh but he was influenced greatly by curse of hatred like Hashirama said’ is like excusing a drunk man of their violent crimes because they were ‘drunk’. It may change ones behavior, but NOT their morality. He succumbed to it willfully as it was a ‘need’ in his quest to avenge his clan that was long planned before this ‘curse of hatred’ came to be known. It just fed off his anger, but it didn’t have control over his actions, that much was proven when he overcame the COH. A poke to the forehead as sign of affection after all that mess does not redeem nor justify the sasusaku ship that may have looked goodnback when they were kids and was only chick on team he was stuck with. But hey, guess Kishi started the shounen trend of throwing all these senseless couples to shipsville by the end, albeit Kubo’s ships weren’t bad to an abusive degree and was more agreeable.
Sasuke was right to say Sakura has no reason to love him. He has done nothing good since end of part 1 and I don’t even recall him doing more good than bad to her throughout. Failed to reciprocate and was absent for most of her teen years, only to come back after shinden for quick shag maybe…Go again on his travels only to have Sakura inviting herself rather than be invited on his travels then voila..Sarada, a megane child (For no reason other than to rile up the two rival ships on who is the real mother. Ugh) to piss off again for a long mission.
Overall, Sakura, a main female, isn’t far off from a side character like Karin (Both use a close friend as punching bags to vent emotion.), a major side character at that and that is bad to say because if anything, Sakura had so much potential and opportunity to be better (A promising start at beginning of part 2 then flopped after that reunion with Sasuke.) but ends up being an unoriginal Tsunade throw strong punches copycat who can’t even oppose Sasuke or berate him like she does with others (Mostly to one who done her the more good than one she loves. Constant punch-ins; comic relief or not, that was only funny in part 1..Totally appreciative) when he should be getting the most smackin’ and continues to follow him to the point where had Sarada whilst doing so. PLUS, the fact she just sweeps everything Sasuke did under thr rug and still insist to join another quest of his just baffles me..Willing to leave the leaf behind for someone that has yet to redeem himself and goes with a mere apology that was accepted just like that. For one who is said by Kishi to be the most normal and realistic girl, set a pretty bad example. At least Karin’s character was shown to be more mature with her feelings (Despite the ‘comical’ flirt attempts) and handled rejection pretty well for someone who was completely obsessive. She respected Sasuke and Sakura ending up together and I would just love to see how it would be if it was the other way around. Karin is not a bad person nor is Sakura..Just hated how she was written and all. Try considering other ‘love rival’ character’s upbringing and quality of life/circumstances, before bashing them out over narrow reasoning.
And regarding this whole Sakura didn’t force Sasuke to reciprocate or that wasn’t her goal. I am sorry, but if she really didn’t care about that, she would have put her feelings to the side and focus on the actual saving instead of constantly tearfully screaming out her feelings to him as if expecting that would ‘save the day’. That scene where she looks back on a photo of team 7 and is shown to miss Sasuke isn’t an SS moment. If it was, both sides would have been involved, but you don’t see Sasuke thinking or missing Sakura. People need to stop making a panel that involves their ship but not exactly in romantic sense, rather one sided, need to get their delusional minds straight on thatpart (Honestly hate that word since alot of shippers tend to use it on notps for something they are hypocritical for judging their notp shippers for). SavethepainofconstantrejectionSakuralove. That is no different than forcing ones feelings onto another or wanting them to reciprocate. Thus another reason which bothers me on how she goes about situations/predicaments. Emotionally manipulative, be it pure good intent or not. Ending it with just because it’s canon, doesn’t make it right or a reason to ship. Sasuke was better off alone continuing long solo travels like that. No point of putting the two together..Just because they are mains and since naruhina got canon gotta have these two sent to shipsville too? Was it really worth all that wait Sakura did to finally get Sasuke but not in the way one would expect of a couple with constant distance on Sasuke’s end and withdrawn to even show affection - from what we’ve been given in canon (‘He thinks he doesn’t deserve her love’ doesn’t excuse forbmany reasons..One being they banged and had Sarada so clearly made love yet now he is like no..I don’t deserve it. C'mon.). He would have been better off dead. His character hadn't improved much besides being allies once again with Lead, but still acts aloof and withdrawn. He got over his goal with partial achievement and is just there, unable to love his supposed wife properly. Like urh, pointless. Should veen the end to uchihas during war. Some noble sacrifice or whatever...Not some poxy rival fight to then be 'saved'.
I forgot what else I wanted to vent out about this but for now that is all. Don’t think my thoughts came out clear as I would have liked but fawk it.
P.S.I am not going just put this in anti tag, for I want everyone to know. I want discussions..Debates, no ‘yes I agree, lets bash bash bash’. Not about that life. Anti tag is pointless because the purpose of these post if for discussion/debate. By now we should be decent mature beings and accept different opinions & criticism, if ya won’t let it slide..Come reply then. A reasonable one would be nice too instead of pointless anonymous death threats.
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