#also I am 👀 at the Edgar Allan Poe reference
“How can I describe him? I have seen him twenty times and each time he was a different person; even he himself said to me on one occasion: “I no longer know who I am. I cannot recognize myself in the mirror.” Certainly, he was a great actor, and possessed a marvellous faculty for disguising himself. Without the slightest effort, he could adopt the voice, gestures, and mannerisms of another person.”
~The Arrest of Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc
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Moments of calm Nothing left to be found A mirror right in front of me That's where I find An empty glass Reflecting the sad truth It's telling words not to be told I need the mask I'm a shape-shifter at Poe's masquerade Hiding both face and mind, all free for you to draw I'm a shape-shifter chained down to my core Please don't take off my mask, my place to hide
~Beneath the Mask from Persona 5
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“‘Why,’ said he, ‘why should I retain a definite form and feature? Why not avoid the danger of a personality that is ever the same? My actions will serve to identify me… So much the better if no one can ever say with absolute certainty: There is Arsène Lupin! The essential point is that the public may be able to refer to my work and say, without fear of mistake: Arsène Lupin did that!’”
~The Arrest of Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc
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