#also I LOVE the opening part where yanan walks to join them where hes the focus even though its not even his part
justdoityo · 4 years
dude.... DUDE the entire first fucking minute is a one take shot.... THEYRE INSANE 
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ppaltagon · 6 years
17 + yanan!
ayyy, finally I’m doing something for this page and it got far too long!! kajsflkajflka
Yanan + “You’re really hot, shame about the personality.”
You had finally convinced your good friend and long-time crush Yanan to join you and your circle of friends to go clubbing together, and of course the evening started in a blast. You all had barely arrived at the club when someone already bought the first round of shots, and even though Yanan had given you a somewhat concerned look, he downed cup after cup, just like everyone else. Now, you were sure he wasn’t a lightweight, but you also knew he wasn’t the best drinker among your group, so you should’ve known when to stop the others from ordering more drinks, but somehow your attempt at doing so got completely drowned out by the music and the cheers of the people around you. So you kept drinking, and at a certain point the lightly buzzing feeling of the alcohol made you forget about your worries, until suddenly one of your friends ordered one shot too much and the cup got passed around but just wouldn’t find its owner.
“It’s not mine either!”
“Yeah, sure, you just don’t wanna get drunk first!”
“No, really! I have mine here!”
“Wait, weren’t we one more person just earlier?” Everyone simultaneously looks around and starts counting, until someone drops the deciding question.
“Where’s Yanan…?” Your eyes snap wide open, your senses sharpening as much as they possibly can in your half-drunken state.
“How did we lose him?! We literally didn’t move from the bar since we got here!” you shout and see shrugging, laughing, and someone spacing out. “Do I really need to go look for him myself…?” you ask your friends.
“Well… you were the one who decided to bring along a beginner on a Saturday night…” one of them retorts with a bit of a slur to his words. “Not my fault that he can’t handle stuff and walks off on his own.” You shake your head and thrust your cup into the hands of the girl next to you. You don’t have the time to convince them to help you search, so you decide to see if you can find him on your own.
But even after you went through the whole club once you still haven’t found him. The only place you haven’t searched yet are the bathrooms, and since you don’t assume he accidentally went into the wrong one, you would have to check the one for the opposite gender. In front of the door, you hesitate, feeling a little uneasy about what you’re about to do, but in the end you pull through. Though you do get a few weird looks, you make it back out alive - again without a single trace of Yanan. Worried, drunk, and with loud music blasting through the building and assaulting your ears, you continue to run around aimlessly. Finding that tall idiot can’t be that hard, can it? you think to yourself, just before spotting someone who looks eerily familiar at the other side of the dance floor. So you make your way through the swaying and jumping masses and enter a rather unpleasant situation, unable to believe your eyes for a moment or two.
There in front of you leans Yanan against the wall, arms crossed, head tilted back with eyes clearly looking down on someone, and in front of him a guy not quite his height, but with equally much spite in his glance and a stance that makes it seem as if he was ready to jump at Yanan’s throat. Just when he’s in the middle of throwing a series of drunken curses at your friend, you place yourself in between them.
“What is going on here?!” you demand to know, staring mostly at the stranger, but directing your question at both parties. Behind you, Yanan answers.
“He tried to pick a fight with me! Could you believe a shorty like that would pick a fight with someone who’s 187cm tall?” You’re surprised by his sudden mocking tone, but don’t have much time to process his complete change in character before the stranger starts yelling.
“Are you his girlfriend or something?” he asks, raising an eyebrow and bowing forward to get a better look at your face.
“What? No way!” you immediately answer.
“Then why are you trying to protect him, huh? Just lemme beat his arrogant ass and we’re good.”
“I can’t let you do that,” you shout back and feel a familiar hand on your shoulder.
“Just let me take care of this, it’s no big deal,” Yanan tries to reassure you, but you shake your head.
“You’re drunk, Yanan, you shouldn’t be picking a fight with some random-”
“He started it!” your friend interrupts you, pointing right at the other guy. Apparently he didn’t like that gesture of clear disrespect, so he leaps closer, forcing you to take a step back as well, which puts you in a position where you’re clearly trapped between the two newfound enemies.
“Hey! Back off, will you?” Now you shout at the guy in front of you, making him shrug back, surprise clearly written all over his face. Then you turn a little until you can face Yanan and continue to scold him. “And you! Don’t just run off on your own and pick a fight! It doesn’t matter who started it, you could’ve just left him alone to begin with!” He, too, now looks at you rather perplexed, and before you can continue your lecture, the other guy steps closer again from behind and leans in to mumble into your ear.
“But you… actually you’re really hot, shame about the personality. But I’m pretty sure I could bear with it for just one night.” As if his words alone weren’t already enough to make you feel sick, he now puts his hands on your hips, sending a shudder through your whole body. Your reflexes tell you to shake him off, but instead Yanan is faster and grabs the guy by the collar, dragging him away from you and slamming him against the wall full force. You just watch with wide open eyes, speechless, and only when you realize he’s about to beat the crap out of the guy, you reach for Yanan’s raised arm.
“Stop that! Let’s just leave him alone now!” you plead, and when he turns to look at you, you’re met with a kind of fury in his eyes that you haven’t seen ever before. “Please,” you add, trying to calm down your voice and hold eye contact, until he releases the guy and shoots him one last piercing glare. Next thing you know, he grabs your wrist with a strong grip and drags you outside behind him.
“What was that all a-,” you get ready to ask him as soon as you arrive behind the club building, but he cuts you off again.
“I still want to break his neck.”
“Hey! Calm down… we don’t go around and kill people,” you say, but he shakes his head vigorously.
“I don’t care anymore that he almost spilled his drink on me…” he starts explaining and you tilt your head in disbelief. That’s what he started a fight over?! Yanan continues, “But when he said that to you and then tried to touch you… I won’t forgive him.” His eyes capture yours with a serious look, and though you do feel flattered by how far he would obviously go for you, you also start feeling a little awkward because of how overprotective he currently seems, so you try to laugh it off.
“Ah... it was nothing, really. I was about to free myself anyway, you didn’t have to slam him into the wall like that, you know?” You do your best to smile, but still Yanan’s serious expression doesn’t change.
“I don’t want to see you get hurt by some other guy,” he states. “Actually, I don’t want to see you with another guy at all.” You can feel yourself blush but also cringe harder.
“Don’t say stuff like that when you’re drunk!” you tell him, forcing yourself to smile. “It makes it seem as if you were in love with me or something!” Silence. He doesn’t say anything anymore for a while. Instead, he just looks at your face, then to the ground, to the side where the street is barely lit, and then at your face again. You wonder how long you’ve been standing there and suddenly crave either an opportunity to sit down, or a glass of water. However, since none seems in direct reach right now, you just lean against the fence next to him, when your knuckles accidentally graze the back of his hand and next thing you know, he has your fingers intertwined and you’re looking at each other. He suddenly seems so close, and you can’t stop your pupils from dropping from his eyes to his lips and you unconsciously squeeze his hand when you see them part.
“Maybe I am,” you hear his voice close to your ear and you could swear you just felt his breath against your cheeks as your heart skipped a beat. “Maybe I am in love with you.”
- Admin Salty
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exhoe-imagines · 7 years
Christmas Visit
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@selenacasas Requested: Hi can I have a Christmas scenario with pentagon wooseok where you told him you can’t make it home for Christmas (because you live in another country) and the boys kept it a secret because they knew you was gonna suprised him on Christmas day thank you in advance P.s keep up the good work 👍
A/N: Thank you for sending in such a lovely request dear!! I know it’s posted a bit late- Christmas day in fact, but I hope you still enjoy it!! - Admin Ruby
Word Count: 1,032
Warnings: Light angst
You sat in your car, foot tapping impatiently on the floor. Pentagon’s dorm was only a few feet away, but you weren’t allowed to go in yet. You were waiting until Hui had messaged you, giving you the all clear.
A few minutes passed, and you felt your nervousness grow. Your palms were sweating, but still, you blasted the heater, the freezing weather outside making you shiver. The snow and chilly wind of South Korea was something you weren’t always familiar with, not used to living in the country all your life like your boyfriend, Wooseok.  
Not living in Korea also meant you and Wooseok were often battling with a long-distance relationship. He would try to visit you in his time off, but with training and comebacks, those trips were scarce. On the other hand, you would try to fly to Korea as much as possible, but the money wasn’t always easy to come by, and you had to start limiting your vacations to save your bank account.
Holidays were something you always spent together, however, so when you told Wooseok you couldn’t make it for Christmas this year, he was beyond devastated. He had begged you to come, telling you he’d pay for your plane ticket if it were the money you were worried about, but you brushed his offers off. He pouted and whined for a couple days before finally dropping the subject. You could tell he was still disappointed, and it almost made you feel guilty.
What your lovely boyfriend didn’t know was that you were, in fact, visiting for Christmas. You and the boys had prepared your surprise visit, excited to shock Wooseok when you casually walked through the door of the dorm on Christmas morning.
‘Beep beep’
You looked down at your phone, letting out a sigh of relief when you saw it was a message from Hui.
Hui: Just finished opening presents, it’s your time to shine!!
You gave yourself one last pep talk before turning the car off and stepping out, pulling your jacket closer to yourself when the cool wind brushed past your face. A brisk walk through the snow and a flight of stairs later had you standing outside the door of the dorm. Instead of knocking, you sent Hui a quick text letting him know you had arrived. Less than thirty seconds later and the door was swinging open, revealing a grinning Jinho.
He wasted no time in pulling you into the dorm, and you stumbled a bit, laughing at how excited he was. You looked up, noticing a few of the boys scattered around the living room, piled together on the couches and chairs. Changgu and Yanan were in the middle of a conversation, but after noticing your arrival, looked up to give you a small smile.
“Wooseok’s been down all day, he’s in his room.” Changgu frowned, the other nodding along to his words.
“He hasn’t stopped pouting all day, he really misses you,” Yanan continued.
You felt your heart break a little, the thought of Wooseok moping around the dorm on Christmas day making you sad.
“You said he’s in his room right?”
The two boys nodded, and you thanked them before walking down the hallway. You quickly located Wooseok and Yuto’s room, familiar with the dorm after so many visits. Instead of knocking like usual, you quietly eased the door open, smiling when you saw Wooseok sitting at his desk, back towards you and headphones in.
You looked over at the beds and saw Yuto who gave you a sweet smile and thumbs up. He tiptoed out of bed, patting you once on the shoulder for encouragement before sliding out of the room. You sent him a quick grin as he left before quietly sneaking over to your boyfriend, lightly tapping him on the shoulder. Wooseok whipped his head around, eyes widening when he realized it was you. He ripped his earbuds out, standing up quickly, his tall stature easily towering over you.
Wordlessly, he pulled you into a hug, and you wrapped your arms tightly around him, sighing in content when you breathed in his familiar cologne, its clean and fresh scent comforting you.
“I thought you weren’t coming?” he asked and you chuckled.
“I wanted to surprise you,” you mumbled. Wooseok leaned down to kiss your forehead, smiling against your hair.
“I’m so happy you’re here,” he murmured, grinning as he started to sway with you in his arms.  
“You’ll have to thank the boys for that.” You laughed, looking up at him. A look of confusion flooded his face for a moment before he looked at you with wide eyes.
“They knew?” He pouted, and you nodded.
“Hui did most of the work,” you tell him, and he smiles, not surprised that the leader would do such a thing.
Wooseok leans down to kiss you, and you eagerly respond, wrapping your arms around his neck before pressing your lips against his. He smiles softly into the kiss, happiness overflowing through his touch. After a few moments, you part, cheeks red and grins wide.
“Alright lovebirds! We’re gonna watch a movie, want to join?” Kino bursts into the room, a teasing tone visible in his words. Wooseok looks down at you questionably, and you nod, wanting nothing more than to curl up on the couch with him and watch Christmas movies for the rest of the night.
You end up squished between Wooseok and Yuto, the latter blushing awkwardly from the close contact while your boyfriend just pulls you closer. You tried to pay attention to the movie on the television screen, but couldn’t concentrate with the way Wooseok kept staring at you. Finally, you sighed and looked up at him, causing him to blush slightly and look away.
“Is everything alright?” you whispered, trying not to ruin the film for everyone else. Wooseok nodded, pulling you in closer to his side.
“I’m just happy you’re here,” he smiled. You blushed, snuggling into his side and leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Me too.”
As you returned your attention to the movie, you couldn’t help but smile when you heard Wooseok mumble, ‘best Christmas present ever.’
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