#also Bobby begging so sweetly at N's feet to be ~taken care of~
delucadarling · 3 months
I refuse to start a new project while still in the trenches with my current WIP, but I am overtaken, plagued, attacked by thoughts of an AU where N/Bobby are in a toxic relationship that makes them both worse, eventually turning them into a Big Bad duo the detective and Unit Bravo has to deal with.
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kz-i-co · 7 years
Dying Light
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»  Summary: You and J-Hope get caught in a tight situation
» Pairings: Jung Hoseok (J-Hope)/ Reader
» Genre: Smut | zombie au
» Words: 3.2k
» Part 2
» m.list ╫ bts masterlist
"Uh ah.....no way." The leader had the great idea for you to make a trip with a loud ignorant nuisance.
Long story short: Its about 4 years since the outbreak and you lost pretty much everyone but your little sister. You were always on your own but last year you found a group that welcomed you and was able to trust you. And luckily you trust them.
You were pretty handy with a knife. Actually one of the best, so you were in charge to make runs for survival gear. You and your partner Wes would gather the most important items but one day a few months ago you ran into a herd in the city. You manage to get out but Wes didn't. He was bitten.
His last words to you was that it was okay and you needed to leave him. So you did. You were always strong. You never shed one tear since this whole apocalypse but Wes was like a father figure to you.
You always went on your own after that even though Kris said it was too dangerous.
Now onto the nuisance. J-Hope. That's what everyone called him because no one would use their real name during this hard world.
He was the fastest in our group. He could climb buildings like some Samurai ninja and he was handy with any weapon he chose to carry. Him and his partner were always chosen to find weapons and ammo. Usually that would mean sneaking into other camps. You had to be very sneaky for that kind of job. Unfortunately for them his partner ended up getting shot a week ago and he's still recovering.
"Why not, we are running out of medicine." The leader begged. "You two are our best bet."
You huffed but he was correct. "Fine but if he gets us killed." You glared at your boss.
You were waiting patiently at the gate waiting for J-hope.
Right on schedule you heard loud laughter coming closer. Once he saw you his face went serious. "Ready?"
"I've been ready." You stated sarcastically.
"Sorry, I had to get some things." He raised his eyebrows.
"Okay." J-Hope motioned the signal to let the both of you through.
Once the gates were open there was only a couple zombies you had to take care of.
To your right you kicked a zombie and stabbed him in the head. The only way to kill a zombie is to attack his brain. You watched to your left as J-Hope slicing a zombie in half with a machete. You hated to admit but he was good. Too good. You never really heard about the before life from anyone in your camp. Makes you want to know their story.
You both got into the car and headed towards the city. You tried to avoid cities from after Wes. You hated them.
"Look there's a handsome zombie." He laughed and was heading straight for a zombie.
He was speeding closer and faster. "Okay very funny....you can stop....." He wasn't slowing down. "J-Hope!! STOP!" You had to yell.
He wasn't budging so you grabbed the steering wheel and turn over so you barely grazed the zombie.
The car slowed down more right outside of the city. "What the fuck (Y/N)."
"Me?" You questioned. "Pull over I'm getting out."
"What's wrong?" He came to a complete stop.
You opened the door and grabbed your stuff and headed towards your way.
"(Y/N) wait." He ran to catch up to you.
"Get the fuck away from me." You yelled. Luckily there was no zombies around they were all in the city.
"I was kidding come on."
You turned around. "You think this world is some video game to you?"
"You could of killed us don't you understand."
"I wasn't going to hit it-"
"You can go that way and I'll go this way." You turned back around.
"It's not a good idea to separate." He said still lingering behind you.
"I'm better on my own."
"Can we at least meet up? I'll go to the bandits camp in that building and you could check pharmacies over there." You could visibly see the areas he was talking about. "Then we could meet up there...in the mall."
"Anywhere to get away from you." You started walking again.
"You need to learn to laugh (Y/N), being too serious could kill you." You didn't want to fight so you just kept on walking.
You decided to take the alleys in the back to avoid the herds that were gathered in the city. You jumped up to the fire escape to climb into a local pharmacy.
You wished J-Hope didn't make you so angry. You actually did care about him. You cared for everyone in your camp. But you were worried for him, he was sneaking into a bandit camp. It was risky. They are usually the ones to sneak into other peoples camp so it was highly dangerous. Especially alone.
You noticed you were in some upstairs office. You went to walk further when you heard a creak noise under your feet. You didn't sweat it so you continued to walk until the floor board broke apart leaving you falling through the floor.
"Ow." You manage to get up. The fall wasn't that far. The only thing is that your fall was a little loud that you could visibly see zombies making their way towards the windows of the shop. The doors were locked but the they were only made up of glass so you didn't have much time.
You scattered anything you could find. Which was only a few aspirin bottles or allergies meds, which wouldn't be to successful on your part. You made a slight giggle seeing some maxi pads. Those could come in handy, you thought.
You also stopped when you noticed some condoms. You weren't thinking for yourself because there wasn't any boys in camp that you liked and none that was really your age. J-hope and a few other boys were but they were all annoying.
You thought about the young couple that were always together and always affectionate that was at your camp. You figured that they would probably be doing it by now. The last thing your camp needed was a new born baby. You didn't have the right supplies for raising one. So you took a box.
You looked over and saw the zombies making some progress with a few cracks to the window. You quickly ran to the exit door, running as quickly as you could. You decided to not take any more fire escapes.
You only checked a few more stores here and there and found nothing. All cleaned out. Figures.
You decided to finally break into the mall to meet J-Hope. Which you thought was dumb because there was no way he would finish his job already. You walked around the mall when you came across the security office. It was locked of course.
Lucky for you that you knew how to pick a lock. You took your smaller knife and a bobby pin and went to work. Only a few seconds later you were inside. You saw a dead police officer still in his chair in front of security monitors.
You glanced over and saw a first aid kit attached to the wall. It was still there. The space was kind of tight so you had to climb over the dead body just to go through. You put one leg onto the counter getting ready to move. You climb up onto the counter making your way towards the other side when something caught your leg. The sudden change had you falling to the floor on the other side and you noticed that the dead body was alive and getting ready to bite your ankle.
You kept kicking for it to stay back but you couldn't get out of his grasp.
You cried in pain trying to get out. You noticed your knife wasn't near you either so you figured you were doomed. You finally gave up and laid back when suddenly the grip around your ankle was freed. You looked up to see J-Hope with your knife into the head of the zombie police officer.
"You okay?" Thank God. You have never been happier to see the happy virus.
You nodded and got up retrieving to the first aid kit. "Get my bag." You asked J-Hope who was on the other side of the dead body.
You grabbed the first aid kit and looked inside. It was filled with a whole bunch of important things.
"What else did you gather?" J-Hope unzipped your bag. Of course the first thing he saw was the box of condoms.
He held up the box and gave you a confused glare. "I'm flattered." He laughed.
"Not for you." You handed over the first aid kit. "They're for Kris and Shirley."
"Right?" He reached for your hand and helped you out of the small room. You both walked to the center fountain so you could sit. He keeled down in front of you and gently grabbed your ankle.
You looked at him confused as he pulled up your pant leg. You were taken back from the sweet and caring gesture.
"Hand me the first aid kit you found."
You were about to ask why until you saw your ankle cut up. "Oh my god! I'm gonna turn."
You were shocked from J-Hope laughing. "No you're not....the cuts didn't even break the skin." You handed over the kit and watched as he put ointment and bandage over your ankle.
"Thank you." You sweetly smiled.
"Where are they?" You heard shouts coming from the other side of the mall.
"Fuck...we need to get out of here." J-hope grabbed your hand and you were both sprinting in the opposite direction. You were startled when you heard glass breaking from somewhere inside a store that was in the direction you were going.
"Now where?" You panicked.
"In here." J-hope led you into the security office that you were previously in. He shut the door and locked and you both climbed over the dead zombie and pushed him more towards the door. You felt like you were still too noticeable so you jammed both yourselves into the corner that was hidden behind a shelf.
The only problem was that the space was so so tight that you could feel his breath against your neck. You heard glass breaking from right next to you that J-Hope had to cover your mouth so you wouldn't make a noise.
It was the door to the security office. They broke the window to the door. "See anything?" You heard a man.
"Nope just the dead."
You knew the coast was clear but you could still hear the men looking just outside the room.
"How long are we going to be trapped in here?" You whispered as you looked up annoyed.
"Ah." You slightly jumped back so you were right against J-Hope causing him to groan.
"What?" He whispered.
"Spider." You pointed.
"Really? You're not afraid of zombies but you're afraid of spiders."
"Shut up...you screamed when you saw the snake in the shower room."
He arched his eyebrows at you knowing that you were right. You took off your shoe and jumped to kill the spider. You manage to reach but fell backwards once again rubbing against J-Hope.
"Sorry." You giggled.
You reached down to put your shoe back on but you couldn't help but hear J-Hope quietly moan. You leaned back up moving to try to get comfortable.
"Can you stop doing that?" He breathed out.
"What." You moved again to look at him.
"That." He leaned his head back. You looked down to see what he was talking about and you blushed realizing it. You kept rubbing your ass against his crotch.
You couldn't help but bite your lip from laughing watching how aroused he looked. He couldn't even look at you. "Sorry....there's not much room."
"Uh huh." He nodded sarcastically.
You leaned your head out so you could hear anymore men.
"We're gonna take shelter here....we know they're in here." You heard someone yell, somewhat far away.
"They're taking shelter here." You rolled your eyes.
"So what are we suppose to do?" He asked.
"We'll have to wait until they're sleeping." You suggested.
"Okay but in the mean time?" J-Hope referred to the sun that was still up.
"It's getting darker out there so it must be around 5 by now....so just a few more hours."
J-hope let out a exhausting sigh.
"It's not that bad." You moved again to look outside.
"Please sto-"
"What's wrong?" You moved back in again and noticed the more tightness. You felt something poke you from behind. Then it hit you. You were giving him a boner.
"Really? Right now? Of all situations." You whispered.
"I told you to stop." He whined.
You couldn't help it that you were stuck in a tight space you just couldn't get comfortable.
"Why are you still doing it? You're trying to torture me?"
You couldn't help but giggle. "Stop laughing."
"I'm flattered." You used his own words against him from earlier.
"Shut up."
You were actually quite amused. You purposely moved your ass back and fourth causing him to moan. You felt him getting harder behind you.
You don't know why but you felt aroused yourself. Maybe because you haven't had sex since when the outbreak started, which wasn't a lot since you were only 18 at the time.
You turned around so you were face to face with him. You reached down unbuckling his jeans.
"Really? Can't this wait when there isn't bad guys out there trying to kill us." He whispered causing you to laugh quietly.
"It's more fun this way." You smirked.
You continued, reaching down into his jeans rubbing against his length. You always thought sexual faces were ugly but he looked very sexy, you were surprised yourself.
You pulled him out so you could have more access. You started moving your hand back and fourth causing more friction.
You didn't know what has gotten into you. You had to address to the fact that you were still human and that you should forget about the outside world every now and then. Like J-Hope said before, laugh a little. Don't be so serious.
You leaned into him closer and closed the gap with a kiss. You never thought in your wild dreams you would be doing this to him but something changed since this trip.
He responded to the kiss immediately giving you butterflies. The kiss turned deeper as you grazed your bottom lip with his tongue. You opened your mouth accepting the offer and he explored your mouth. His kiss was a surprise to you that you almost forgot that his member was in your hand. You went back to pumping up and down his length causing him to pull away from the kiss out of breath.
"Is it too late to say that I always had a crush-"
You shh him. "You can tell me later." You reached down for your backpack and grabbed one of the condoms from the box.
"I knew they were for me." He smirked.
"Shut up." You giggled. You ripped the package opened and let him pull it on himself. He turned you around so you were pushed up against the wall. He wrapped his arms around you to unbuckle your jeans and slowly pulled them down so they were hanging around your thighs. You felt his member brush through your folds before pushing in.
He quickly covered your mouth as you were about to moan out from this sudden thrust.
"You okay?" You nodded. "Your going to have to be quiet." You nodded again.
He went back to thrusting inside of you at a slow pace. It was already stirring some kind of feeling inside as he rocked against you. You leaned your head back against his shoulder as he picked up the pace.
"Go faster." You begged.
"I wish I could but I don't want them to hear us." He kissed your neck. "Next time." He whispered.
His hands wandered up towards your chest. It felt amazing once he gently started to caress you. You leaned back pulling away so you could turn around. He bit his lip as he watched you lean back against the wall and pulled one leg out of your jeans. He leaned forward lifting your leg around his waist. You felt him once again push inside. The new angle was driving you crazy.
He brought his lips into yours to block the noise coming from both of you. He made his pace quicker as you wanted that you didn't know how much longer you were going to last.
He moved his mouth towards your neck, sucking every inch of you. You leaned your head back against the wall weakly. You felt the pleasure rise up inside.
You couldn't help but moan as you bit his shoulder in front of you. The sensation had him weak himself as he pulled away finally releasing into the condoms. You reached your high not much after he did. You were letting out a moan but he lean into you quickly kissing you before you could be any louder.
"You think they heard us?" You whispered.
"We would of been dead by now." He looked out where the door was.
"I thought I heard something over hear." You both heard a man walking closer. You noticed him walk past the officer into another part of a store.
J-Hope took you by surprised as he pulled out of you suddenly. He had to cover your mouth once again as the man was right outside of the door.
You saw him throw the condom away from you and zipped his pants back up. You followed his lead and buckled back up as well.
You told J-Hope that you would take the lead as guard if he wanted to rest. It was hard since there wasn't that much room to lay down.
You haven't heard anything in the past hour so you walked out of your corner and tilted your head outside of the broken window through the security room. You saw some kind of bonfire in the middle of the mall and many guys sleeping around it. You did see only one man sitting up in a chair who was probably night watch.
You tapped J-Hope and told him that now was a good time to escape. He nodded and quietly opened the door. He tugged your hand around the corner so you weren't seen. You saw the opened window from above and watched as J-Hope climb up the walls up to the window like it was nothing. You threw him your bag and then jumped so he could grab onto your hand pulling you up.
You ran down the fire escape and made your way past the alleys so you wouldn't be spotted by zombies.
When you finally made your way towards the car, you felt all the pressure off your shoulders. "How much supplies did you get?"
J-Hope lift up his bag, you can tell it was full. "No wonder they wanted to kill us."
"Please don't kill us." You got into the passenger's side.
"No worries." He smiled.
"Can we make a pit stop for round 2?"
You couldn't help but laugh. The camp barely gave you any privacy.
"I suppose." You grabbed his hand.
This story has a Yoongi spin-off called: Until Dawn
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