#also AAAAA otter girl is cute!
thereaderinsertlady · 2 years
KRBAY/HNK Head Canons (Robobot Addition Part 2)
The final part begins with Tiff & Kirby being encountered by Haltman, who was surprised at how far they made it into his office. Then he gives them two choices, either to be mechanized or to be smashed by his robobot, in which Tiff declare that she & Kirby will never be mechanized. Which he happily activated his robobot as he began to attack them. Meanwhile when DMK & the otter girl were trying to find the medical facility they bumped into some docs where they found out that when Haltmann was trying to make the portals, he made some deal with a NeMeEe, who were in secretly going to control Haltmann like Dedede & Sectonia. When the battle ends, Haltman declare that he will have to take extra measure, which means he will use the power of his AI Star Dream to annihilate them. However, Susie stole the helmet that would've allowed him to activate star dream. However, before Haltmann could use the machine, Susie snatches the control helmet off his head, causing him to pass out. Planning to sell Star Dream's database to "teach Haltmann a lesson," Susie puts on the control helmet; however, Star Dream becomes sentient and turns on her, (because he was made by NeMeEe) blasting her unconscious with a laser. Star Dream then takes control of Haltmann’s body and uses it to communicate with Kirby & Tiff. Through Haltmann's now comatose body, Star Dream declares that all life-forms are obstacles in the way of Haltmann's wish for eternal prosperity of his company. As the giant computer flew away, Susie woke up and called Kirby's robot, where he got back on, the otter girl, MK, DMK, & Tuff joined in, which Tiff was happy to see he was MK & Tuff back to normal. as they got outside, they saw Star Dream head into space, but then they saw the Halberd (With ChuChu & PyuPyu driving it (more on them in another ask)), which DMK was shockingly surprised, and Tuff said that if Dark Meta wasn't alone, he would've had his own ship as well. Susie activate Kirby's robobot as it absorbed the Halberd and made a Kirby version of the Halberd. Susie, DMK, the otter girl, Tiff & Tuff got onboard, as Kirby went to battle star dream. After defeating it and attach to the Haltman company and its face was revealed, Kirby and the others were shocked to see galactic MOVA's face, as it intended to destroy them, Kirby & co then battled it until Meta Knight launched Kirby and his robobot armor. Turning the Halberd back to normal. As Kirby drilled its head through its body, he made an opening into the NOVA, where he battled the NOVA's heart to shut down Star Dream. Ater Kirby broke the heart of the NOVA, Star Dream exploded. The explosion damaged Kirby's robobot armor and knock Kirby unconscious. As Kirby fell down to the planet, MK picked up Kirby as everyone hoped he would wake up. As Kirby woke up, everyone was happy he was alright. Then, they noticed that the Mecha started to go away, turning everything back to normal. Tiff said she didn't understand how the Haltman company magically turned everything into metal. But it's explained by Susie that Star Dream had a magical being's DNA & that it used its power to turn everything into robots. Tiff asked what would become of her, which Susie said that she would find what to do. Meanwhile, the otter girl & Kirby thanked Dark Meta Knight for helping them, but he said he only did it to try take over the company, but now that the company is gone, he will return to his ship as he walk away. Tiff tells Kirby, Susie, the otter girl, & Meta Knight that they should go to Cappy Town and see if everyone is alright. In which he agrees, as they ran into town. However, at the fountain of dream. the robot landed on its water. Where the fountain swallowed the robobot armor as the fountain of dream shined brighter.
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deh cell phone/social media headcanons (?)
ok so I like rarely post on this blog but I couldn’t stop thinking about like what they’d all be like using their phones and stuff?? idk im tired this is gonna be shitty but less go
ok but he would def have an ifunny and have like 1834384 followers (or whatever idk how it works but he’d be popular ya know)
and like brag about it  constantly
like “guys I’m like,,, ,, kind of famous not to brag”
(but he would be bragging)
ok hear me out,, but he would SO be one of those people who have an android phone and believe that apple products are Spawned From Satan™
like if anyone would be like “haha lol why do u have that crappy phone” he would launch into a fULL ON RANT about how much apple sucks and all the cool stuff on his phone and how much better it is
he would probs have a meme account on insta too tbh
he would have a voicemail that goes “hello?” and trick the person to start talking ya know
and like ten seconds in he would be like “SiKe i’m not here rn hahAAA leave a message”
he would text in all lowercase for sURE
lots of crytyping and excessive commas obvi
uh he would have the highest snapscore (or whatever it’ ever it’s called)
his story would always be sooo long 
all just vids of his day and people doing funny things
he would have 23859320495803 snapchat memories ok
he would just be v funny idk i love him
connor frekaing murphy okay
just hear me out pls
,he would probably have a tumblr that’s like surprisingly aesthetic?
(idk how to word that but you now what i’m trying to say)
but it would be a Major Secret™ like if someone asked him he would be like “lol tumblr who is that”
his screen on his phone would always be shattered
he wouldn’t really care tho tbh
his insta would probably be like empty except for one picture he posted when he was really young
but after he meets evan he posts a lot more
like really really random candids that most people would just delete
that would be his entire account okay
(also pictures of evan being Cute)
he would most likely always have the second newest iphone
like when everyone had an iphone 7 he would have a 6 know what i mean
ok but 
he would DEF take so many selfies
and like keep them in his my eyes only on snapchat
he would never post them anywhere but one day he decided to post one on insta and everyone was s h o o k 
and freaked out
im talking like 200 comments
I just don’t picture him using snapchat that much
i think he would like have a streak with evan and maybe like a 3 day one with jared every once in a while but other than that nothin
his voicemail would be like “u can leave a message but ill probably not listen to it so just text me instead bye”
yeah that’s connor
zoe i love her omg
so she would have an insta and it would have The Best Theme Ever™
it would be v pastel i feel
and there would be a lot of pictures of flowers
and of alana
she would also post vids of her like playing the guitar and other instruments and they would be so good and get like so many likes
her bio would be something really deep but in french?
like she would probably go on google translate and type in a cool quote and just copy and paste it into her bio tbh 
but it would be so cute and cool
she would have a rose gold iphone
no matter what
it would always be the newest kind
and she would like n e v e r wear a case on her phone 
(except for those clear ones, in which case she would like draw on them or put stickers on)
but her phone would never crack or get scratched
and everyone would be like “????? how???”
she would DEF have a tumblr
she would have a personal blog and then an aesthetic one and like 39483 extra sideblogs
her voicemail would be the typical “hey, it’s zoe! can’t get to the phone right now, pls leave a message!”
she would have had it as one like jared’s before but it probably somehow screwed her over
so she changed it
she would text in all caps a lot i feel
i just love her?? ok??
i have so many for this girl
she would have a tumblr too
and she would follow every single one of zoe’s blogs
she would SO have a studyblr okay
like she would for sure have a bullet journal 
and have such pretty and high quality pens and highlighters
it would be everyone’s goals
her insta probably doesn’t have a theme tho
I feel like she wouldn’t post often?? ?
but when she would it would either be a long political thing or just a cute pic of zoe
she would have like mostly perfect grammar when she texts
except she would just use like SO MANY question marks
not like?? this??
but it would be like Wow?????????
like that
that made no sense
ok moving on
her voicemail. her voicemail
would be so extra okay
like she would have definetly (that’s not how u spell that ok) have found a way to make it so u have to press the numbers when u call her
like “for work calls, press 1. for family calls, press 2. zoe murphy, press 3.” that type thing
and she would have SO MANY different categories for everyone
people would get annoyed with it and give passive agressive messages sometimes but she wouldn’t care reallu
she loves her organized voicemail
she would def save her own money to buy her phone
but she would like mostly buy the iphone 6
idk why
she just would
SHE WOULD HAVE A SNAPCHAT STREAK WITH EVERYONE. dont fight me on this i know it
i love alana too 
okay okay okay guys
i saved the best for last
i like,,,, love evan so much ok
what a little bean
so first of all 
he would probably have the iphone 5s
and it would run out of battery in about .2 seconds
he wouldn’t really care but he feels bad missing his mom’s calls so he’s always asking for a car charger 
his background would be of trees on his lock screen (obvi okay)
but his homescreen would be a pic of connor 
4 sure
of course
and once they’re like “official” his lockscreen would be a pic of them
just bein cute
ok this is for a different time but id like to mention that i feel like he would have a dog?
moving on
his voicemail would probably be the standard “your call has been transfered to an automated voice messaging system. blah blah blah.”
but jared would be like “dude. u gotta change that.”
so after like 203857 tries he finally just goes
(connor would think it’s adorable btw)
his instagram would be adorable
he would probably post every two seconds
he would post a lot of pics of trees
but when becomes closer with alana and zoe and connor he starts posting pics of all them together and like cute blurry selfies
his bio would be like “HI, this is evan! Here are my pictures.”
he would have a snap but not post on it much
like maybe every once in a while
but he would of course have a streak with connor
(probably alana too tbh)
oh i forgot to mention this but he would be terrified to crack his phone
he would have a big clunky case 
(like an off brand otter box but worse)
he would text with perfect grammar
it would be so cute
like “Hello, how are you?”
but when he would get really anxious he would pull up like one of those soothing sounds apps
and put use the apple headphones that you get with the phone in
(he would still have those and never loose them btw)
and he’d just try to breathe and listen
i love this boy so much. so so much. yeah. 
wow this was longer than i expected lol hope u enjoyed that crappy headcanon!
(ps i ended up actually making the pets headcanon so if u wanna see it lmk and i can post it lol)
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