#also 13 wore a tux no way is she caring about men romantically
doctorofhopemoved · 2 months
Me: has 13's sexuality listed as pansexual (and genuinely believes the Doctor in general is.)
Also me: would never ship 13 with A Man. I just can't imagine it. Give me all the women and nonbinary people, though. <3
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rhysismydaddy · 4 years
365 Days: Part 2 (Feysand)
I feel like this should be beyond obvious at this point, but black lives matter. As a white person, I understand that I’ll never fully comprehend the struggle black individuals face on a daily basis. I stand with them, protesters, and activists as a lifetime ally. “Don’t be mad they’re rioting, be happy you don’t have to.” -- If you are not a supporter of the BLM movement, go ahead an unfollow me. I couldn’t care less. 
OKAY. Sorry this is a day late! This part kind of has it all (humor, fluff, some slightly kinky smut) so I don’t know how to describe it. I also hate it, but whatever. Part 3 (last part) out Friday!
Part 1
Day 1, 7:13 AM
Something warm laid across her cheek, and Feyre peeked an eye open, only to groan at who she saw staring down at her. “If you make a habit of waking me up at the ass crack of dawn, I can already tell you you won’t live through our year of marriage, Rhysand.”
He smiled. “You have to get up. We're taking wedding pictures.”
She didn’t see the point. They’d signed the marriage license last night. How he’d procured one in less than an hour, she didn’t even want to know.
“Why the hell would we do that?”
“Because I’m a public figure, and the newspaper asked for a quote on our marriage.” She groaned. “Now get your cute ass downstairs.”
She glanced at him speculatively but stayed firmly planted in the bed. “What’s downstairs?”
“Someone to help get you ready. Not that I don’t appreciate the bed head. Up.”
Feyre shook her head. “Ask me again in two hours.” She glanced at the clock. “Make it three.”
Her husband pinched the bridge of his nose, but stood back up. She closed her eyes, happy she’d won their first argument. 
Only to be proven wrong a moment later as the demon spawn flung back her blankets, grabbed her waist, and threw her over a shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 
“Put me down,” she shrieked, beating the back of his toned legs with a fist.
Rhysand, calm as always, smoothly responded, “If I put you down, you’ll just get back in the bed.”
“No, I won’t,” she lied.
Even though she couldn’t see his face, she’d bet anything he rolled his eyes. He walked out his/her/their bedroom door and down the stairs, his casual gait suggesting nothing out of the order.
“Good morning,” he said pleasantly to whoever was waiting.
Feyre peeked around his ass to see four complete strangers, varying levels of amusement on their faces. “Um, hi.”
She was placed on a salon-like chair. 
Which was odd, considering they were in the middle of the living room. 
Rhysand pointed at two hulking figures sitting on the couch. “These are my friends Cassian and Azriel. You’ve met.”
The smugness in his voice, combined with the shit-eating grins of the men he was referring to, had her snapping back, “Oh yes, my kidnappers. Sorry I didn’t immediately recognize you. I had a sack over my head last time we met.”
“I’m Cassian.” The larger of the two smiled. “I’m the one you tried to gut with a butter knife.”
“I’ll have to practice my aim.”
Cassian looked at the man standing next to her and winked. “I like her.”
The other man on the couch, Azriel, sighed and shook his head, resigned. 
Rhys just rolled his eyes and continued his introductions. “The two normal people here,” he gestured to a very brightly-dressed pair, “are here to do your hair and makeup and whatever else.”
He gave her a light kiss on the forehead, then spoke to his fellow criminals. “We have shit to do. Come on.”
“Are you off to do illegal activities, my dear husband?” 
“Don’t worry, Feyre darling. You won’t be without eye candy for too long.”
He laughed at the look on her face, then wisely jogged out the door before she could throw something at him.
She turned to the people left staring at her with wide eyes and repressed a groan. “Let’s get this over with.”
Two hours after he’d left, Rhys came back to the house, showered, and changed into a tux. Then he went to his backyard where the photographer had set up. 
“Where’s Feyre?” he asked the man as he messed around with lighting balloons.
The photographer gave him a knowing smile. “I want to get a picture of your reaction when you first see her.”
He was about to respond when the backdoor of the house opened and she walked out.
She was wearing a classic gown with long sleeves and a deep neckline, but that wasn’t what drew his attention. Her hair was up, and she had a veil trailing behind her. The sunlight made the white of her dress almost glow.
If she’d been beautiful before, now she was...
There were no words for how she looked.
Fucking radiant was a start.
She walked across the lawn to him and smiled, and he couldn’t keep the matching grin off his face if he tried.
Rhysand heard the faint snap snap snap of the camera and finally understood what the photographer had meant. 
He’d wanted to capture the moment the city’s Son of Satan was practically brought to his knees by a single woman. 
And Rhys didn’t even care.
Feyre finally drew close enough that he could see the details of her face. Even though he had a million more romantic things running through his brain, he murmured, “Who’s the eye candy now?”
“You are,” she said, as if it were obvious. “You look like sex on a spoon.”
His mouth dropped open, but before he could respond, the photographer butted into their moment. “Okay, I want you two to act like I’m not even here. We’re aiming for three or four really good shots, so just be natural, and I’ll let you know if anything has to change.”
They both nodded absently, still staring at each other. Rhys reached down to grab her hand, finger flicking the ring on her finger.
“I can’t believe our marriage is making the paper, and I didn’t even get a real proposal,” she teased. 
It was true. 
He’d put the ring on her bedside table the night before, too much of a simpering coward to give her the ring in person, too nervous about what’d she say. It had been his mother’s, and he’d once sworn to never let another soul have it. 
“I didn’t want to risk your wrath and wake you up.”
She rolled her eyes and smiled.
Almost on its own accord, one of his hands reached out to cup her cheek. He didn’t know if Feyre was acting or something else, but she leaned into his touch, a hand coming to rest against his chest.
“Beautiful, just beautiful,” the photographer cooed.
“You are,” he told his wife. “You’re beautiful.”
She smiled.
“Annoying as hell, but beautiful.”
She shoved his shoulder and turned away, but he grabbed her wrist to spin her back, and decided to risk his life.
He kissed her.
Hands locked around her waist, lips crashing into hers, Rhysand kissed her like he’d been dying to since he’d seen her asleep in his shirt.
And she really, really kissed him back.
Feyre’s hands wound around his neck, and he lifted her up a little to get a better angle. Her lips opened to let his tongue in, and he had no other thoughts in his head besides the woman in his arms.
The photographer coughed pointedly. 
They ignored him.
Until Rhys finally relented and set her back on the ground, both of them panting for air.
“Sorry,” she told the blushing man, but he waved her off and insisted it happened all the time.
The thing was, it didn’t. 
Rhysand had kissed plenty of women in his lifetime, but none of them had made his entire body start simmering like that. 
Her blue eyes watched him speculatively as he slipped the ring off her finger, dropped down to one knee, and smiled. “Feyre darling, will you marry me?”
Despite already being legally married, she bent over and kissed him, then stole the ring back. “I’ll take it into consideration.”
Day 9, 8:04 PM
Feyre had to admit that while the house outside the city had a charm and wholesome quality she’d come to admire, being trapped here had started to drive her slightly insane. 
Especially since Rhysand had been been on a business trip the entire week, so she’d been here by herself. 
After a tense phone call with her sisters--where Nesta had cackled and called her Satan’s nephew--and getting ahead in her textbooks, she was out of things to do. So she spent most of her time being a nosy little snob and going through her husband’s stuff.
Apparently, the Son of Satan had a very serious addiction to wine, if the cellar in the basement was any indication. 
But other than that--and a mysterious letter from a woman named Amren--he had no trinkets, pictures of family, or any other worthwhile gossip. 
The word “boredom” hardly covered it.
Once upon a time, Feyre wouldn’t have minded a couple days like this. When law school was in session, she didn’t have a spare moment and enjoyed when she got to do nothing. 
She didn’t bother lying to herself about why it was driving her insane now.
She missed Rhysand. 
After only a couple days of marriage, he’d wormed his way into her heart and made her start to rely on teasing him, seeing that devilish smirk, making him laugh. The nightly texts he sent her weren’t enough to satisfy her insane need to talk to him. He’d told her he was coming back later tonight, and she was practically coming out of her skin with excitement. 
She was an idiot, basically. 
This marriage wasn’t supposed to involve actual feelings. It was a publicity save. And despite giving her a hotter-than-hell kiss during their photo shoot, he hadn’t so much as touched her since. 
Feyre had the distinct feeling he was waiting for her to make the first move. 
Which, again, she normally wouldn’t mind. But something about Rhysand... she knew once she started down that path, she wouldn’t be able to stop.
So she slept in his bed, wore his t-shirts, and avoided thinking about how his mouth had felt against hers. 
And how he’d tasted like chocolate and watermelon and-
Cutting that thought off, she resolved herself to be cool and calm and collected when he came back. She needed to nip the feelings she’d started to develop for him in the bud. 
But then the front door banged open, and Feyre instantly disregarded every promise she’d made to herself and raced down the stairs, yelling like a banshee. 
She saw Rhysand standing in the doorway in his usual Johnny Cash uniform and didn’t hesitate before yelling, “You’re home!”
And throwing herself on him.
He dropped whatever he was holding and laughed as she wrapped herself around him like a koala. 
“Are you alright, love?”
She nodded against his neck. “I’m fine. Ignore me. I’ve just been so bored. This place is way too fucking quiet when you’re not here. I think I’m going insane.”
“I believe you.” 
He laughed, then did as she’d said and ignored her presence, crossing the living room to the kitchen. 
Rhys bent to look through the fridge, and she tightened her hold on him. 
“We have no food, also,” she told him helpfully. 
“I see that. If you put some pants on, we can go into the city for dinner.”
She laughed. Along with wearing his shirts, she’d taken to stealing a pair of boxers to sleep in. 
Feyre dropped to the floor, and he smirked down at her. “I was gone for five days, and that’s the greeting I got. Next time I’m staying away for six.”
She swung a hand and punched his shoulder, which probably hurt her more than him, and told him, “You’re so very funny, Rhysand. Please feed me.”
Her husband gave her a shooing motion. “You might want to put on something besides my boxers, then.”
She took his advice.
About an hour later, she sat in front of him, watching as he adamantly tried to avoid looking at her.
She’d chosen a dark green dress--unremarkable except for the low neckline and short skirt--black heels, and simple makeup.
“Are you alright, Rhysand? You look like you’re having a stroke.”
Those violet eyes slid to hers. “I’m fine, thank you for asking. I like that dress.”
“I can tell.”
He looked at the ceiling. “When we get home, I’m going to replace your entire wardrobe with burlap sacks.”
Feyre shrugged, then decided to take a chance. “You’d still stare at me.”
His eyes met hers, and when he spoke, it was practically a purr. “Am I supposed to deny, Feyre darling, how attractive I find you?” 
The waiter arrived before she had to respond. She made a mental note to leave him a huge tip.
As they ate their meal, she was overly aware of how many people stared at them. The whispers that surrounded them.
She was about to ask how he dealt with it when a chair was slid up next to her, a heavy-set man settling in. “Hello, Rhysand. I need to talk to you.”
The man was dressed in dark clothes, covered in tattoos, and had the promise of violence written across his every movement. He practically had the words drug dealer floating above his over-sized head. 
“Dante.” The warm look she’d come to recognize in her husband’s eyes was nowhere to be found. “Whatever it is, it can wait. Leave.”
“I promise you, it can’t,” the man said boldly, continuing to ignore her presence entirely. “A shipment’s gone missing.”
Feyre watched, stomach twisting, as Rhysand leaned forward and smiled cruelly. “Would you like to join it? I don’t discuss business in front of my wife.”
My wife. 
Despite the more than tense surroundings, Feyre felt a spark run through her at the words. 
“Then the bitch can leave. I need to talk to you.”
There was a slight pause, then everything changed so quickly she didn’t have time to process it. One minute she was watching the man’s face twist with impatience, the next there was a gun pressed against his ruddy forehead. 
A gun that practically looked like an extension of Rhysand’s arm.
Her husband was standing, entire body stiff with anger. The look on his face was inhuman. And promised a slow, slow death as he looked towards the man on the recieving end. 
“Refer to her as Feyre Asterra, or lose your fucking tongue.” 
The restaurant was dead quiet, everyone holding their breath and waiting to see what happened. No one dared move a muscle. 
Except Dante, who nodded stiffly. 
“Now apologize.”
The way he said it, the command in his voice... a thrill sparked through Feyre, and she bit her lip to keep the gasp in. 
What was wrong with her? Where fear should’ve taken root, there was raw, untapped excitement whirling inside her. Rhysand’s entire body was lined with power and dominance and rage, and it made her breath come quicker as she watched.
Dante looked at her, the hatred clear. “I’m sorry,” he spat, then looked back at Rhys.
Rhysand tilted his head, a king holding court. Another cruel smile. “Beg me.”
Something inside Feyre twisted at his words. 
Beg me.
The man’s jaw flexed as he gritted his teeth, but he still said. “Please, Rhysand. I’ve worked for you for five years. I’m sorry.”
There was a pause, and she wouldn’t be surprised if someone passed out in anticipation. Then Rhys made a soft tsk sound. 
“You no longer work for me. You’re no longer welcome in this city. If I see you after tonight, I won’t be as forgiving.” 
The man opened his mouth to oppose, thought better of it, and sulked to the restaurant of the exit.
In that moment, Feyre knew why people called him the Son of Satan. Knew because, as calm as ever, he turned to their waiter and said, “Check, please.”
~ nsfw warning ~
Rhysand stood in front of the fireplace in their room, silent as the dead. 
He hadn’t said a single word on the way home, and she could tell whatever had happened at dinner had been the tip of the iceberg. Something had gone wrong. 
She replayed the meal over and over in her head, trying to figure it out, but only seemed to be able to remember one thing.
Beg me. 
Something had snapped inside her tonight, and she couldn’t keep herself still. Seeing him like that, seeing the power he had over people...
Slipping off the bed, Feyre walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. 
Her hands were spread on his taut stomach, but he gripped her wrists and took them off. When he spoke, his voice was rough and low. “I can’t do this right now. I’m not... I’m trying to keep my promise to you.”
Stay good with me. It felt like she’d said that a lifetime ago. 
Rhys turned around, drank whatever was in his glass, and looked down at her. There was violence and anger and animalistic rage in his gaze. 
It did little to calm the roar in her veins.
“Break your promise.”
A muscle in his jaw flickered, but he kept his hands to himself.
She wanted him so bad she could hardly stand. Her hands found their way to his chest, needing to touch him. “Please.”
Suddenly, she was pressed against the mantle near the fire, heat scorching up her leg. His glass fell to the floor as his hands pressed against her shoulders. 
He’d barely touched her, and she was breathing like she’d run a mile. 
A hand came to trace her bottom lip, then he was kissing her, and she finally let out a sigh.
The day of their wedding pictures, his kiss had been decadent and exploring. But that was when he was happy. 
When Rhys was pissed off, he kissed her in a raw, aggressive sort of way that made her lose her mind. A hand pulled her hair, making her tilt her head back, and he deepened the kiss. 
She’d just started to unbutton his shirt when he lifted her by the back of the thighs, then dropped them both to the floor and pinned her underneath him. 
Rhys braced himself over her trapping her arms above her head. She thought about the first time they’d been like this, and the look in his eye said he was doing the exact same thing. 
“I wanted you so bad that night,” he told her, voice rough.
She arched her back, chest pressed against his, and he gave her a wolf’s smile. 
“Did you want me, too?” he asked, lips and teeth on her collarbone. 
Feyre nodded. 
His mouth drifted down to her chest, and his teeth scraped her nipple through her dress. Rhys looked up at her, more monster than man in his eyes, and asked, “Were you wet for me, Feyre?”
Okay. Maybe it had been a mistake to encourage being together right now. 
Only one way to find out.
She nodded again, and his eyes went dark.
A hand remained pinning her wrists, the other drifting up her thigh. His fingers grazed the lace of her panties, then slipped inside. 
He ran a finger up her core, and she shifted beneath him. 
“Stay still,” he ordered, the command in his voice making her freeze. 
His finger slipped inside her, and he nudged the neck of her dress down to take a breast in his mouth. He made a humming sound in appreciation as he moved, then added another finger.
Feyre moaned, pushing uselessly against the grip on her hands. It was too much. He was too much. She wouldn’t survive this.
But she couldn’t force herself to stop. 
She’d been right. Now that she’d started, a shower of bullets wouldn’t make her leave this room.
His stubble scraped the valley between her breasts, and then they were kissing, a deep, wet slide of tongues and lips and teeth. He kissed her in time to the movement of his hand, and Feyre groaned into his mouth.
“I need more,” she panted onto his skin.
Rhysand’s teeth closed softly on her shoulder, and then he was looking down at her. His eyes were so dark they were like the nighttime sky, and then he said the words she didn’t know she’d been craving. 
“Beg me.”
She whimpered underneath him, shifting restlessly. 
A small, knowing smile was on his face, and she would’ve punched it off if she hadn’t been so attracted to it. 
“Please. Please.”
His hand was on her jaw, and he pressed a wet kiss to her lips. “Good girl.”
Lord help me.
He made quick work pulling her clothes off, then leaned back on his knees, surveying her head to toe. 
She repaid the favor. 
She didn’t know when his shirt had fallen open, but she sure as shit wasn’t complaining. 
His chest was covered in tattoos, the dark swirls running across his pecs and shoulders, all the way to his fingertips. The tattoos, the dangerous look in his eyes... Feyre lost a bit of her sanity as she leaned up to drag her mouth up his stomach.
Flicking open his belt, Rhys pushed her back down. Then his pants were pulled down, and he was spreading her thighs and settling in between them before she got a proper look. 
“Again.” He looked half crazed with anger and lust. 
She nipped at his bottom lip. “Please.”
He was pushed inside her, deep and slow and steady. He groaned in her ear, and the sound threatened what remained of her.
Then he gripped her hips, lifted slightly, and began to move. 
Holy gods.
Feyre didn’t know what language she was speaking in, but it wasn’t English. She was murmuring incoherent somethings, not able to string together proper thoughts.
She moved in rhythm with him as he picked up speed, and even though they were spread out on the ground, Feyre felt like a freaking queen. 
He was taking his time, listening and learning what she liked, and she could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge.
Soon she was so loud it was a miracle they didn’t have close neighbors. 
But as soon as she felt release start to come, he paused his movements. 
The sound that came out of Feyre’s mouth was close to a snarl. 
Rhysand smiled, gripping her chin. “Do you want to come, Feyre darling?”
If she wasn’t practically immobile, she’d strangle him. “You’re such an insufferable bastard, Rhysand Asterra. Yes.”
“And what do people say when they want something?”
She bit his lip in frustration, but said, “Please, you pri-”
His hips slammed into hers, a moan cutting her off as release crashed into her. Muscles twitching, face pinched in concentration, he followed her lead, collapsing on top of her. 
They laid there together, both breathing heavily, until she started losing air. He rolled off her and looked over her with male satisfaction.
There was still a little tension from earlier, but his usual brightness and light was back. It was impossible not to smile at the happiness coursing through her veins. 
Then he opened that smart mouth. “Let’s take a moment to remember when you said you could go two years without sleeping with me.”
“In my defense,” she panted back, “I hadn’t seen you in action before.”
He looked adorably shocked. “So threatening to shoot people is hot to you?”
“When it’s because of me, yeah.” She flicked his bicep, unable to help it. “I almost jumped you right then and there.”
He started kissing her neck, grinning against her skin. “I might have to hunt him down, then.”
She laughed, hands playing in his thick hair. Feyre pulled him back on top of her, a deliciously heavy dead weight. “I think I might have to update my pros and cons list.”
Rhysand laughed, and Feyre doubted a year of looking at that smile would be enough. 
Hell, a lifetime might not be enough. 
She didn’t let the thought linger. 
“Do you think there’s some innocent people around for you to threaten?”
A kiss to her temple. “I’ll hire someone if I have to.”
Part 3
@a-bit-of-a-cactus @bamchickawowow @aesthetics-11 @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @rapunzel1523 @negativenesta @burritowithfeels @exciting @sis-it-dont-add-up @mockingjayusa @aelin-is-my-heart @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @awesomelena555 @thekeytohappiness-is-you @keshavomit
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