#also “you don't treat your man candy like a piece of shit” what does this even mean???
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moonxpalace · 7 months ago
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Yeah, I agree! Iris is the WORST!!!
How dare she risk her own life to save Ash whenever he is in gave danger
How dare she cheer him on and support him during their journey across Unova?
How dare she cheer for him during his gym match against Roxie, and go so far to play instruments, dress up, put on make up AND make Cilan cheer for him as well?
How dare she help Ash figure out his troubles with his pokemon (Oshawott and Scraggy)?
How dare she cheer him up when Ash was sad about his loss against Trip?
How dare Iris treat Ash and Pikachu ice cream during their date in Nimbasa City?
Speaking of Trip, how dare she be mad at the blond trainer whenever he was rude to Ash or his pokemon?
How dare Iris to tell Ash she loved travelling with him to his face?
How dare Iris call Ash out on his bs?
How dare Iris bond with Ash by eating food, play around in the forest, talk or geek out about pokemon?
How dare Iris tell Ash she was super excited and couldn't wait to meet him again in Journeys, MULTIPLE times during her cameos?
How dare Iris breathe around Ash? How dare she use up his oxygen!!!
Yeah, Iris is the WORST I hate her ughhhh
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thelovelylolly · 1 year ago
Hobie gotta beat a mf up cause they stared being a misogynistic asshole to his girl🙏🏽🙏🏽
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Summary: You start your dream job as a journalist, only to have a sexist co-worker and your boyfriend won't let that slide. Warnings: a misogynistic man (icky icky), fem! reader (she/her pronouns used), not proof read bc im tired, let me know if i missed anything :) Notes: hobie would NOT let that behavior slide period
You loved your job. It was your dream since middle school to be a journalist at one of the top news companies. It was everything you wanted, and more. You had the freedom to investigate what you wanted, when you wanted. You had control over how your stories looked in the paper and online, and you weren't as censored as other places were. It was perfect, except one thing.
Your co-worker, James, wasn't the most...welcoming to you or your ideas. You preferred stories about everyday people doing good things in your community, or focusing on local and small businesses. He thought that your stories weren't as gripping or enticing as they needed, and told you to try harder.
At first, you thought it was just because you were a new employee. But when his targeted critiques didn't stop, you realized it was something else. He wouldn't say the same things to your male counterparts. He also didn't respect your assistant, a sweet girl who needed a job during college. He treated her like garbage, which pissed you off even more.
You had a meeting with all the journalists to get updated on what everyone was investigating and reporting on. When you stood up and explained what you were doing, a simple piece about a bakery owned by a sweet lady and her girlfriend, James rolled his eyes and leaned over to his buddy to whisper something.
"I'm sorry, James, but I'm talking right now. You whispering is distracting me and getting me off track, I'd appreciate if you'd stop," you said calmly, trying to call him out as well.
He sighed dramatically. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. Didn't mean to hurt your precious feelings."
You wanted to slap him, but you took a deep breath and went back to what you were talking about.
You kicked your door shut behind you and dropped your things next to it. "Hobie, I'm home!"
You walked into your living room where Hobie was on the couch, tuning his guitar. He looked up and smiled, immediately setting his guitar aside and going over to you.
"Hey, love, how was work?" He asked, pressing a kiss to your cheek and giving you a hug.
You grumbled and hid your face in his neck.
"That bad, huh?"
You pulled away from him, pacing up and down the room. "It's my god damn co-worker! He doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut! All he does is criticize me and belittle me, along with the other women in the office, but not with the guys! That sexist piece of shit! It's just...I hate it and I can't do anything with causing a HR nightmare, and I don't wanna lose this job, Hobie. It means so much to me and I…I just can’t lose it.”
You stop and wipe the frustrated tears that had slipped down your cheeks. You look at Hobie and give him a wobbly smile. “‘M sorry, didn’t mean to explode on you like that.”
“Don’t apologize, babe. You’re frustrated, I get it,” he replied, walking over to you and running his hands up and down your arms soothingly. “How ‘bout we order your favorite take out, yeah?”
“And we can watch my favorite movie?”
“Anything you want, love.”
On his patrol as Spider-Man, Hobie kept his eye out for your…problematic co-worker. He didn’t know what the guy looked like, but he could figure it out. He swung by your office and took a look inside.
There was only two people left, a man and a woman. He was at his desk, sipping some drink and yelling at the poor woman who was just trying to organize some files. He eyed her like a piece of candy and yelled at her for putting the papers in the wrong place. Then, he stood up and grabbed his things before heading to the door.
Hobie swung down to the front doors of the building and waited for the man to walk out. A few minutes later, the man strolled out on the phone.
“Exactly, Tim. I don’t get why she got hired. She just does some stories with zero…what’s the word, content to them? I don’t know, it’s just a matter of time until she gets hit with reality. She even had the nerve to stand up to me-“
“Pardon me, mate,” Hobie said, catching the man’s attention.
The man froze at the sight of Spider-Man, hanging up the phone. Hobie glanced at his badge and saw his name.
“James, is it? Well, I heard you were giving the women you work with some grief.”
“W-what do you want?” James stuttered.
Hobie started to back him into a corner. “You know how Spider-Man believes in…fairness and what not?”
“Well, I believe your attitude isn’t very fair to your co-workers.”
“Listen, man, I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I-“
Hobie didn’t let him finish, giving him a shove back to cut him off.
“Consider this your warning, James,” Hobie said in a low tone. “Stay away from my girl, and you won’t see me again.”
With that, he swung away, leaving James shaking like a leaf.
The next day, when you got home from work, you immediately went to Hobie. He was in the kitchen, fixing some dinner for the two of you.
“Hey, babe, how was work?” He asked, putting his spoon down and going to you to give you a kiss on the cheek.
“It was…good. James didn’t bother me at all, or any of the girls, actually. It was weird, but I’m not complaining.”
Hobie hummed and went back to his cooking. You tilted your head to the side, confused at his reaction. You hopped up onto the counter next to where he was working.
“Hobie…did you do something?” You asked.
“What? Nah, I don’t even know this guy,” he answered.
"Hm, okay," you said. You hopped off the counter, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and went to get changed.
Hobie smiled to himself, knowing that James wouldn't mess with you anymore.
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queerfandommiscellany · 1 year ago
Well I recently got through college in exactly that scenario myself, so:
- Change of setting: if you've been working at home, try going to a library or cafe or similar. If you've been on campus somewhere, try somewhere else. It can work wonders.
- AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE: Try to make sure you have opinions already on your assignments. Not always feasible, but if you can. Way easier to focus.
- Shower. Get dressed as if you plan on leaving the house. Try not to angst over it.
- Right after you wake up, as soon as you're more or less coherent but before you are awake enough to find excuses, set a timer. Like five minutes. Or use a timer from something else, like while tea is brewing or food is heating. Look at your assignment and attempt to speedrun it until the timer runs out.
(Ideally, once you've started, it'll be easier to continue. Even if it isn't, don't fuss, at least now you've thought about it, which is miles better than nothing.)
- Just generally, try convincing your brain to do the thing by starting it in like... very short bursts. Five minutes. Ten minutes. No commitment. Worst case scenario, you'll at least have spent those five minutes thinking about the thing. Best case scenario, your brain will take the bait and get interested.
- Take lots of breaks- but SHORT ONES. WITH NATURAL TIME LIMITS. Like making tea, and maybe sitting around to drink it while you let your brain simmer. If you start scrolling tumblr or something with no natural stopping point, it is so much harder to go back what you're actually trying to do.
- Make sure you have sweets in the house, or something else that can give you a quick burst of dopamine without distracting you forever or making it harder to think. If you start getting something useful done, have a treat!
(I know lots of people say "oh no, don't motivate yourself with food, you'll just get fat!" But don't listen to them. That is the devil speaking. Your dopamine machine is broken. If your priority is get shit done, then like. Whatever it takes, yeah? A couple of candy bars will not turn you into the marshmallow man anyway, and its not some kind of moral failing if it does.)
- SLEEP. Attempt sleep, anyway. Lay in bed with your eyes closed. Thinking is WAY EASIER when you have slept, and WAY HARDER if you're super anxious.
- Talk to friends. Chill friends, who like you and don't hate their classes and ideally also have school stuff to do. Tell them about your assignments, ask about theirs, try to get excited about it!
- Make sure you understand the assignment. The single most common reason why I can't do something is that I don't know the next step, so if you're confused on the assignment? Ask the prof. Ask the TAs. Ask your classmates. You don't even have to be friends if you have a way to ask your classmates, that is a very normal out of the blue conversation to have. Make sure you know what the goal is.
- If you try to start the thing, but can't do anything but stare at it, you are probably missing a step. Sit down and try to list all the steps of the thing on a piece of paper, the smallest tasks you can think of. Make sure there's a full, uninterrupted path, and that you know how to do all of the steps.
- If all seems lost, at least try to think about the assignments. Think about how you would approach them, what you want to do. Hopefully you will get that last minute adrenaline rush, and if you do, you will at least know what you're doing for the assignment if you've rotated the problem in your head for a few days or weeks.
- Go outside. Take a walk. Touch some grass. I know it's cliché, but getting some air really can help clear your head, though it sure won't solve all your problems.
- Exercise, if you can. Again, I know, a common platitude. It will NOT make your problems go away. But it should help clear your head and make you less anxious, which is helpful for actually getting to work on the thing immediately after. Your mileage may vary.
(Note: this absolutely does not have to be like a formal hour at the gym. Just like. Do some push-ups. Lay down and do as many sit-ups as you can. Punch the air a thousand times. Have crazy sex. Masturbate. Play loud music and dance in your room. Whatever resets your brain.)
- Make sure you've eaten enough food, had something (non alcoholic) to drink, etc etc. You know the drill. Status effects are bad for concentration.
- Try not to worry about it.
okay tips for adhd when you don’t want to do it and it’s a little confusing and ur meds are not really working but all the other meds you’ve tried made you physically ill and it’s senior year of undergrad and deadlines are approaching but not here yet
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ghostkinnie · 3 years ago
Can you do one piece men with a black!fem s/o
➜ characters: Zoro, Sanji, Law, Luffy and Kid x fem!reader
➜warnings: none just fluff
➜A/N: hey, how are you? i loved your request but as i am a white person I tried to do it as respectfully as possible and hope you enjoy it ( ˘ ³˘)
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• I still like to think about pre time skip zoro where he it wasn't so white lol (poor zoro and robin)
• Honestly zoro would like you even if you were a bottle of booze
• But if there's one thing he likes about a black girlfriend it's how beautiful her skin looks in the sun
• He can sit around for hours watching you go about your business, thinking about how beautiful you are in every way possible
• If you have braids he will love to wrap them around his fingers while you sleep
• Someone comment something about your skin? i'm sure it won't get out alive to say anything else
• "Come here, pretty, let's get some more sleep"
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• Look, sanji is a gentleman
• To him you are a goddess, he can't take his eyes off every detail of you
• Curly hair? braids? He doesn't care, he'll look up to you no matter what
• If you have a different religion, different customs in food and clothing, he will seek to know every detail of your life so he can make you comfortable
• Plus he loves to compliment your hair and seeing you do it every day when you wake up, makes him fall more and more in love with you. And sure, making your favorite food is Sanji's favorite hobby.
• "How can someone so beautiful exist in this world and be mine, my love?"
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• Law is a silent romantic
• He just doesn't know how to put your beauty into words
• He loves to run his fingers over your skin caressing it as if it were some kind of crystal to be tended to. Will also think about how beautiful tattoos would look on you
• Just like Sanji if you have a different cultural reality he will want to learn about it, he just loves to listen to you
• Did someone offend you? It's definitely going to be cut in half and he won't put the pieces back together ever again.
• "Your look beautiful today, darling. Want some coffee?"
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• Luffy is like a big kid and he will make comments about you but not in bad mood, on the contrary he will praise you
• Expect words like "Hi Y/N! You look like the moon!" "Y/N! Y/N! your hair is like cotton candy is fluffy and pretty"
• He is a big cutie and loves you in every way possible.
• He also can't understand how people can treat others badly just because of their skin color. But if someone does something to you this boy will be a beast
• If you have a different food culture he will love to taste everything you show him
• " My Y/N is the best! The most beautiful of all!"
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• He finds you sexy, not on the sexualizing side but honestly this man finds anything that comes from you hot
• Expect him to smear a lot of red lipstick in your mouth because he thinks it looks ten times better on you than anyone else
• Someone talk shit to you? Nope, person is already dead
• Honestly he doesn't care about culture clashes or tastes, he just wants you by his side and that's all that matters to Kid
• Another person who loves your hair, he loves to play with the curls or with the end of your braids to make you laugh
• "I hope you don't want to get out of bed today, babe, because I want you all to myself."
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gravesightings · 4 years ago
So, I see very little content with trans women so I wanted something like the slashers are dating her but they never had sex or saw her naked and she tells them she's trans, she's very nervous and scared about it. How would they react? For Asa, the Sinclair twins, Michael, Jason, Thomas, Bubba and Brahms (Again, if you don't feel comfortable or is scared to do something wrong, anything like that, it's super ok if you don't want to do it, i totally understand 😊😊). Have a great day!! ❤
sorry it took so long but I wanted to make sure I did this justice!! hope you like it! kiss kiss. 💕
slashers reactions to: their s/o coming out as a trans woman
asa emory / the collector
listens attentively and is very patient with you overall. when he sees how nervous you are, he would automatically turn all his attention to you. he doesn’t have much of a reaction – just gives you a curt nod in response.
not the most talkative so you don’t have to worry about him flooding you with questions. unfortunately this also means he’s not very good with verbal reassurance.
but hey, he’ll make up for it by taking your hand in his, gently rubbing them with his thumbs. feel free to wrap your arms around him and he’ll do the same.  
you definitely won’t be seeing any of it (yes, he’ll make sure), but he’ll do his research. anything and everything about trans women: coming out, dysphoria, transitioning. he’d be a little disappointed in himself for being so in the dark about it.
much more careful. he’ll try his best to be affectionate with you without coming off too strong. before he usually just leaves you alone to do whatever, but recently he’s been making a conscious effort to spend more time with you. wordlessly pats on his lap and opens his arms. a little awkward but just wants you to feel more comfortable around him.  
bo sinclair
would immediately sense your unease and try to force it out of you. not the best to approach with this kind of thing. bo would be the type to assume the worst right off the bat - so are you cheating?
horrible temper to match. either spit it out or he’ll force it out of you. once you actually do tell him, he’ll be speechless. unfortunately he’s not the most accepting of the bunch. immediately asks a million questions and expects you to answer all of it.
if you can’t, he’ll storm off and try to divert his anger elsewhere. maybe let him be for a while. this would probably be the only time he’ll ask his brothers for advice. knows he’s not very good at all this sappy emotional stuff, that’s vincent’s thing. bo doesn’t really take their advice however, but he thinks on it.
very awkward. does he treat you the same? do you want to be treated differently? tries to pretend like nothing happened but he’s clearly more withdrawn than normal. (cause uhhh he sorta fucked up and yelled at you for coming out to him and he still feels like an asshole.) he just doesn’t want to hurt you like that again.
has no idea what to do but god damn it, he’s willing to try anything. if he comes off as misogynistic you can call him out on it and he’ll be willing to learn. it’ll be a slow and painful process but he’s ready to give it a shot. (catch him beating up a fellow who misgendered you on purpose.)
brahms heelshire
just a lot of silent nodding. brahmsy here watches you a lot so he’s already had it figured out before you even approach him about it. would probably only say “okay,” and pull you in his arms to cuddle for the rest of the day.
was raised in a strict household so his views are super outdated but fortunately he doesn’t give a shit. all he needs is for you to follow the rules and give him all your undivided attention. do that and he won’t care for much else.
no further questions asked but he’s a curious man so he’ll start watching you more intently from now on. it’ll be painfully obvious but he’ll deny all your insulting accusations. him? watching you sleep last night? how dare you accuse him of such a thing!
so you ...won’t have sex with him then? ... okay, how about now? how about after supper? tomorrow, then? not much will change. still a giant hornball and won’t even try to tone down the touching unless you threaten to give him the silent treatment. distract him with the other kind of touching.
combat the horny with some yearning. pet his hair, cook for him, give him a kiss every morning, hold him like you love him and he’ll forget how to function. brahms would be too caught up in the feeling of being properly loved and cared for.
bubba sawyer
no clue what that is and what that means but he feels guilty that you’d be nervous around him. would pick you up and hold you in his arms until you feel better. this man will be glued on you the whole day unless you tell him otherwise.
if you decide to explain it to him more thoroughly, he’ll accept you in a heartbeat. don’t you worry! bubby loves you no matter what! if any of the family disagrees, he’ll automatically come to your defense.
goes on as normal. it isn’t really a big deal to him so there won’t be any big changes in your relationship. bubba would just be a little more attentive when it comes to you.
any hint of discomfort and he’ll come running to the rescue! holding you would be his go-to problem solver. if not, he’ll share with you whatever activities he does when he’s feeling down. listening to the radio while he works, taking short walks, playing with his little knick-knacks, etc. anything to take your mind off things.
bubba protective mode: activate! babe is this guy bothering you? BRRRRR. problem solved. he can’t bother you when he’s in pieces! nobody dares to even look at you wrong unless they have a death wish.
jason voorhees
equally as nervous. he doesn’t quite understand right away either, so please take the time to explain it to him. jason won’t have much of a reaction aside from the occassional bob of his head.
despite his very traditional upbringing, he’s quick to accept you. you’re the love of his life after all! he’s pretty much convinced himself that he won’t be needing anyone else besides you, so he’s already set for life.
what do you need, exactly? jason doesn’t know anything about being trans so he doesn’t know what to do. does he even need to do anything particular? what if he can’t find what you need and you want to leave because of it? overthinks and worries a lot.
also starts to keep a closer eye on you. he has no idea what that feels, but if you do decide to confide in him, it would give him a sense of relief. at least he'll be able to offer you a shoulder to cry on.
gives his all with the little things to make you smile. fresh flowers for you everyday! anything that could make your day just a little bit better, he’ll go to great lengths for it. if you somehow mention your favorite candy bar, he’ll trek all the way to the nearest gas station to get it for you. no really! it’s ok!!! six hours of walking is nothing!
jesse cromeans / chromeskull
chances are, he would have already known for some time. jesse would be paranoid enough to have placed hidden cameras all over his home. mostly for security reasons, but also because he likes seeing what you’re up to even while he’s away.
sensing your unease, he’ll instinctively tug you towards him to hold you in his arms. what’s wrong? jesse would stroke your head to soothe you, even as you start to confide in him.
again, he’s already very aware but he’s not going to confess to that. (don’t expect to know about the cameras either) wouldn’t say much initially, just does his best to let you know he’s here for you.
whatever you need will be given. even if you actually don’t need it, he’ll provide. would you want top/bottom surgery? medication? on it. he’ll even drive you to the hospital if you want. mental health issues? here, he made a contact list of all the available therapists in the area.
does his research and is well-prepared. however, he's decided that boundaries no longer exist. since he’s gained a heavy sense of responsibility over you, he believes that he owns you at this point. jesse’s going to take care of you whether you like it or not.
michael myers
okay, and? another stalker who already has it figured out before you even tell him. appreciates that you would trust him enough to tell him but he still has no reaction to it whatsoever.
michael is very observant so he’s going to notice if you’re acting even slightly different around him. problem is, he’s not willing to talk it out and would just grab you out of nowhere to intimidate you into talking about it. (grabs you and stares at you menacingly = michael-speak for “tell me what’s going on.”)
once he knows, he’s taken note of it and carries on like normal. michael won’t comfort you unless you’re on the verge of an emotional breakdown so don’t expect much from him. really, he’s just going to squeeze you in his arms and expects you to stop crying because he’s done the comfort thing.
unless the threat is another person then he’ll gladly get rid of them for you. emotional support is a whole different game he’s not willing to play. mental support? he’s not qualified for that. financial support? yeah sure, he’ll get you things you need if he happens to feel like it.
michael doesn’t appear to be outright supportive of you - but god forbid he happens to hear anyone badmouth you in any shape or form, they’ll simply cease to exist.
thomas hewitt
he would have mixed feelings about it because he was raised to think differently. the rest of the hewitts would have a lot to say about it, naturally. so expect frequent talks about your sexuality.
if that makes you uncomfortable, then feel free to confide in tommy. he loves his family a lot but he knows they can be too much sometimes, so he’s happy to help you in any way he can.
would keep you with him at all times. maybe not around the gore, but still with him in the basement somehow. the rest of the family don’t like going down there anyways, plus, he’s happy to spend more quality time with you.
with tommy on your side, the hewitts would eventually learn to accept you. they’d be horrible at first but if you have the patience to teach them otherwise, they’re willing to listen. luda mae would be the most accepting. hoyt would be stubborn, but there’s not much he can do.
once you’re fully accepted into the family, they’re with you ‘till the very end. (much like tommy himself!) nobody would dare cross you. not on their watch.
vincent sinclair
anxiety who? it’s mother-hen override time. all his previous hesitance would be out the window in two seconds flat. you’re nervous about something and he wants to comfort you asap. vincent would hold both your hands in his to calm you down.
“thank you for telling me,” would accept you and hold you in his arms without a second thought. not the type to barrage you with questions either but he’s also not very good with verbal reassurance.
big cat energy. he doesn’t have much to say so he’s going to do the next best thing: physical affection. while normally shy, he’s willing to push aside his own insecurities for the sake of making you feel better.
no words, just a lot of little things. since he doesn’t know what to say, he’s just going to sit and sculpt you this cool-looking dragon. do you like it? might be kind of boring if you’re not into that kind of stuff. if not, he’s willing to sit down and learn a hobby of yours instead.
a lot more willing to be open with you. he’s normally a very closed-off individual, but he’s willing to be himself around you in hopes of encouraging you to do the same.
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propshophannah · 8 years ago
I have a weird comment question thing. I just turned 18 a few weeks ago (no surprise. I guess) but it's kinda messed with one of my mantras. Whenever l don't feel perfectly safe (even though l live in a safe area. But even at the grocery or while running or whatever) my mantra is just talking through a situation aka if any guy approached me and made me uncomfortable l could just scream "I'm A MINOR!" Obvi 10,000:1 that'll never happen but it made me feel better. Now I can't do that. Any advice?
First of all, that's brilliant! And you can still do that. People will doubt themselves (she looks 18, but she's yelling that she a minor—we need to help her) before they doubt you. And rapist/creepers tend to go for the easiest target. So if you're already standoffish of making it very clear that you know that they are, that they're making you uncomfortable, and you're NOT okay with that, most creepers will leave you alone for an easier, less assertive target. Never doubt your gut. Your brain will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS try to rationalize why someone isn't creepy or dangerous. Your brain will be like "he looks fine." "He hasn't done anything creepy." "You're over reacting." "You're being judgmental." You gut, will NEVER NEVER EVER steer you wrong. Listen to you gut. But you sound like you're already good at that. So my next piece of advice would be, always have friends you trust around you. Smart friends who know how to listen to their gut instincts, and who will back you even if they don't agree with what your gut is telling you about someone. Cuz creepy dudes aren't necessarily setting off everyone's creep-dar, right? Creeptron 4,000 might have a thing for blondes, so he might be making my gf feel uncomfortable, but not me. So always have smart friends around who will back you no matter what. Always drive yourself. There is NOTHING worse than getting stuck in a shitty situation because you're not driving. That doesn't mean, you should be responsible for all your friends for the night (not unless you want to be), but make sure multiple people are driving. So if you're like, "this guy is creepy, I'm not staying at this party" you can leave and not have to round up the whole crew. Be assertive. You teach people how to treat you, and your mental/emotional state and body language will get that across to creeps. So be straight. If some dude is creeping on you, or maybe he's being nice but he just won't leave you alone—tell him that. He might get his feelings hurt, might call you a bitch, might get nasty. But that's not your problem, and that's not anything you should feel bad about. I have told MANY a dudes to back up because they're standing too close. I've let them know that it's not okay to buy my food, or my girlfriends food or drinks at the bar. (SIDE NOTE: Never let strangers or dudes in general pay for you. Whether it's the first time you met them at a bar, or it a first date, whatever. You never want a man to think you're beholden to them. Plus, the good/decent dudes will be impressed that you won't let them pay for you. That shit works like candy. Oddly enough.) So yes. Don't let dudes pay for you, especially the creepy ones. This goes without saying, never let them get your drinks. I'd also never let anyone get my drinks. Not unless I'm watching. I don't care who it is. It could be my best friend, but if she's not assertive and alert like I am then I'm getting the drinks or watching as she gets them. Some of my best "leave me alone you're creepy" lines are (all said assertively and sometimes rather aggressively—cuz sometimes Creeptron 4,000 doesn't hear "no" and to that I'll add, if ANYONE does not hear you when you say "no" or when you set any kind of boundary STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THEM!):Creeptron 4,000 is too close: "You need to back up. You're way to close to me."Creeptron 4,000 wants you to know how you attractive you are: "Hi. You may not know this, but giving a girl your unsolicited opinion about the way she looks really sexist and it's not a compliment. I'm not here for your viewing pleasure. You're not going to impress me with your lack of social skills, and you're not going to make me feel beholden to you for giving me you unsolicited opinion of my appearance."(I've used this several times, and I find that it works like a charm for two reasons: 1. Most creeps lose interest because they don't follow. 2. They know you're smarter than them and they don't want to put effort into creepin. They want easy. Smart ain't easy.)Creeptron 4,000 wants to buy you a drink: "No thanks. I'm good." He doesn't hear your no. "You need to back up and leave me alone. You're not listening to what I have to say and I don't associate with people like that. Goodbye." (Shut it down. And if he persists, I'd play the "IM A MINOR" card, or I'd get my friends and leave, or if you're out at a restaurant, tell the waitress of the bartender. Bartenders tend to be good about watching creepy guys, or getting rid of them for the night. Not always. I find in college towns, bartenders are WAY better at shutting down creepy people than in non college places. But always good to let the serving staff know there is a creeper afoot cuz they don't want to get shut down. Creeptron 4,000 came out of nowhere are scared you: "Whoa dude. Not cool. Don't do that. Not appropriate. You approach me like a normal person you, you don't just pop out of the woodwork." And if you want to take it a step further, and really grab the power in the situation, you can say something like, "let's do this again. I'm gonna pretend like I just walked into this room, and then you can approach me appropriately. Let's practice!"Creeptron 4,000 thinks he can touch you because he thinks it's "playful" and "flirty" (UGH): "Please don"t touch me." Or "I did not give you permission to touch me." Or "And you're hand is where? Yeah, on me. That's a no." Then When he makes you out to be "dramatic" or says you're "overreacting" (😑) you do NOT let him have the power. You call out his bullshit in a calm, assertive way. Something like, "No, sir. Don't you push your embarrassment onto me by saying I'm overreacting or being dramatic. You put your hand on me. Without my permission." If he really needs to be shut down then id continue with excessive examples. Such as: "Maybe in your household men can touch women at will, but out here in the real world we abide by the law. You're not allowed to touch me." (And if they come back at you either then, or later in life and bring up how "oh, Don't touch hannah. She'll freak out." Just own every fucking inch of it. Do not give away your power. You get salty and sarcastic and says with calm and poise something like, "that's right, baby. You learned that the hard way how to treat other humans and women, but don't worry, you're learning."I'm trying to think of other Creeptron 4,000 situations but I can't! But basically, go with the minor thing. It's all about shutting people down so they get scared of you making a scene/calling them out so that they'll leave you alone. Also, never go running at night. Try not to go alone. Don't run with your earbuds in/your music so loud that you can't hear someone coming up behind you. And Head On A Swivel. Always be looking around. Look for the usually runners you see and for the random people you never see. If you think you're being followed, switch sides of the street. Take a weird turn, call/text someone to meet you outside their house or your house. Change your route. Carry mace. And just head in a swivel. Don't look like an easy target for creepers. Creepys/rapists want easy. Most of them will not chase you. So if someone does put their hands on you, fight like hell, make noise, scratch the shit out of them (like Nesta before the Cauldron if you've read ACOMAF). And the second you get free run. Man. I hope his helps. I feel like i have just rambled. But feel free to leave more asks. Sometime specific questions or situations jog my memory better.
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