#alright i know he gets like sent back in time again and is a kid again when navi leaves but i dont CARE .
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trainingthots · 1 day ago
There was a time In my life where I rejected the pacifism of my parents. I went to a cocaine cowboy, my closest friend's biological father, a true real one who had no idea what to do when he came home from his 6th tour In Nam without a single marketable skill but a raging heroin habit and a gift for killing without a second thought. When I met him he had given up alcohol and hard drugs, now sticking to coffee and boutique top shelf reefer as he called it. He asked me "Got Money? Got Felonies.?"
"Yes. No, not yet. Ask me tomorrow." I quipped as I got in the jacked up Russian military Gaz 67 Bob had restored. He was fond of buying Soviet military surplus and had paid for the military vehicle to have been sent over one piece at a time . I looked over at the scruffy short retired Maniac wondering how he had changed from the cold eyed whiskey blooded demon his son had told me stories about from his childhood. The Bob I knew never got angry, never got anything really. He had two moods, cool relaxed and stoned... And really cool relaxed and stoned. The man grew some fire ass chronic.
I was thinking about this when we pulled into the parking lot of the gun store and shooting range. We parked and instead of going in the gun store we went around to the trailer in the back that had no signage and blacked out windows.
Bob hit the door with a fob key and the door popped open we walked in and there was a redneck with a significant amount of hate tattoos all over his body sitting behind a counter. Bob introduces me as his Kids friend and says "he's alright."
Bob elbows me and says "This is Zilch. Zilch is a biggot. He got so much hate in him, he hates everyone but people who give him money. We are here to give you some money Zilch."
At that the guy cracks a smile and asks, "what you need B.R.?"
Bob pointed at me and said, "Kids moving up in the world, got responsibility now and needs to grow up and learn how to make sure his money never gets fucked up, and no one ever disrespects him again." Zilch digested thid and reached behind the counter and pulls out a small black case setting it before me. Pulls out another two small. Matching boxes and two very long magazines and a plastic looking piece that I figured was most likely a holster you attached to a belt.
Zilch looks at me and says "Glock 22c, .40 Caliber. Two boxes of shells, holster and two extended 30 round clips. Got a a button switch on it. Point and empty. Zzziiip, punk no more. Comes with a standard one as well. Don't worry about serial it's custom. You use it on anything other than a dog it goes in the bottom of the Monongahela ya hear?"
Bob nods at him and says, "something he can have on him in case he has to explain himself to thorities?"
Zilch says "Getting there. This box, has a high point .40 Caliber. Barrel matches the Glock perfectly. Ballistics will show same striration as the Glock. No switch on the High Point, clip holds 9. Don't use the High Point, piece of shit always jams. Just fire it into the ground if you use the Glock and carry the High Point around in your ride in the trunk. Keep it in the house. Fill out this paperwork. It will be registered, with the Police. Just know if you are pulled over they will assume you are armed and act accordingly. Welcome to the great American world of being a proud owner of a firearm. You wanna sign him up for a class?"
Bob looked at me and said, "I will take care of it. He will know how to use it after I am done.
After the paperwork was filed, and unnecessary background check was done. We grabbed everything and put it all in a shopping bag. I pulled out 25 less than crisp 100 dollar bills and handed them over to Zilch. As he thanked me Kindly and shook my hand. Eyeballing my long pointed nose and bald shaved head. "Jew right? Russian?"
I nodded. "Half. Moms side, pops is Mayflower white. Been here since my ancestor was the first man hung for murder on American soil."
Bob said, " I SAID he alright." And Zilch nodded. At this we walked out and got in the Jeep. We rode through the mountains and got out on his property. He took me to his deck and proceeded to teach me the proper handling and maintenance of firearms. We shot all kinds of guns, but using a .22 he made me shoot round after round until my aim was good, stance was good, and until I felt comfortable and competent. It was 11 years before I put that gun down. It became a part of me, and as comfortable as wearing my favorite shirt. In that 11 years each time I had to use it, I really had to. It wasn't something I ever flashed or talked about, but in my world. A double life where I worked my jobs, sometimes 3 at a time, but after I took off my chef blacks and put down the knives that I used to carve carcasses of dead animals or using them for detailed and delicate art with plates and palletes to create three dimensional culinary perfection, I would put that .40 Caliber back on my waste and start the Job that allowed me to live without thought to budgeting or denying myself anything that I wanted.
Most people have business meetings in board rooms, I have very little understanding why but our meetings will always be at strip clubs. We would meet at a table of one of three clubs, usually only meeting for a few minutes of business and then several hours of bonding and flexing. Something I never had a real taste for, but it was a requirement. We would get to the table and Jay would nod at us, his large menacing presence offset by his professional dressings, tailored suits complete with vests, cufflinks and all matching designer accessories. Smelling like DKNYs Golden Delicious cologne, which Buddha his right hand once told me cost him a million dollars a bottle, and the way women would react to it was worth every penny. It smelled so good, it made all of us at the table smell like money. It smelled so good, the strippers would end up losing money all night by paying attention to our table. They would ignore their job just to be around that smell. None of us bought lap dances, we would all tip but honestly it was more to get them to leave for a bit so we could talk.
Buddha would relay anything Jay wanted to talk about, since Jay maybe said 8 words to me the entire time I worked for him, Bhudda was his mouth and ears. A quirky little 5'6" leprechaun, with dark hair and a smile as rich as Jay's cologne. He would break down responsibilities, dangers, concerns. He would say little but go on and on. After about an hour of that he would describe drop times, when we would pick up the rental cars, who was driving to Vermont and who was riding shotgun. Instructions for what to do once we got to the reservation, always the same. Park the car, walk away, come back in 30 minutes. Don't look in the trunk drive home. Wear collared shirts, shave, go 3 miles under the speed limit. Avoid certain highways, never take the same route twice. Tell no one when you go or where you are going. Don't use your own cell phone, don't ever say anything about anything on the phone, call say the code words. Hang up. Wait for Bhudda to show up at the rendevous.
Distribution management was handled by myself and four other individuals. One a WVU football player who would later go pro and play a long and impressive hall of fame career. Myself, an executive chef of the largest nightclub complex in the state. A sorority Princess, and an Italian frat boy king at the largest and most notorious party fraternity at the number 1 party school in the country. Between the four of us, we were responsible for the distribution of over 400 lbs. Of Canadian flowers every two weeks. Chances are if you were smoking decent flowers, it came from us. I had my own people who worked for me. Three pizza delivery guys, two construction foreman, a couple other chefs, and a few bartenders around town, and a couple of idiot steroid taking jackass clowns who made all the problems I had to deal with. Money was easy, things were good, and I had more than enough. It was a busy life, more stressful than happy, but the kind of stress that masquerades as the good life.
My whole being calls for an act of violence, but I still use velvet gloves.
Anais Nin
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somnoir · 3 months ago
Gotham's newest Crime Lord - part 3
Part 2 | Masterpost
"You know your way around the city." Dan commented, eyes narrowed once he realizes that Kitty and Johnny adapted a little too well to Gotham. Going to places even he didn't know existed, exploring and giving them intel he never realized was relevant. They knew history of Gotham in a way a local would. 
Johnny shrugged, turning back to Kitty who welcomed Ember with a bright smile. The two were squealing, talking about how they were going to help mess with Firefly after burning down a well-loved studio down town. 
For Dan, he wasn't going to intrude too much on his former rogues but... "You're from Gotham. Both of you." 
Johnny twitched, watching as Shadow moved to play with Elle in the air. 
"Yeah, we’re not too sure if our folks are still kickin’, but Kitty and me took off after they flipped over our thing. This place still gives me the heebie-jeebies, but hey, you guys are here. Gotham’s cool these days with all the furries and rogues runnin’ around." Johnny laughed, his cocky nature still burning bright, even when he looked almost melancholic at the memory of this place. 
No ghost was truly comfortable in their hometown, whether they died there or not. This was where they were born, where their lives began. 
"I see..." Dan mumbled, glancing to the space where Danny was usually in. His younger brother was off doing kingly duties again, slumped by work and the Observants pestering him about shit. 
There's a quiet knock on his door and Jeremy was poking his head into the room again. The ghosts didn't even care, continuing to be visible and floating around. Discomfort and a bit of fear was clear on the man's face but he turned to Dante with as much courage as he could muster. 
"Boss, we've got a lead on the missing kids." 
Ah, yes. The recent disappearances of children. He doesn't know where they go, what happens to them. All he knows is that children were picked of the streets and never to be seen again. 
"Someone's been takin' kids?" Kitty grimaced, not minding how Jeremy shuddered. "Dan, dear, darling! Send me and Johnny. We know this city better than Batman and his little birdies."
Again, Dan sighed. "Gimme a minute, Kitty. Not enough information." He grunts, turning to Jeremy to hand him the report. 
"Anything else?"
"Well... About the Bats..."
"They snoopin' around again?" 
"Trynna sniff out Phantom." Jeremy shrugs. "Red Hood's been pretty active. Heard he's been wonderin' about Phantom not visitin' the kids last week." 
"Thanks Jeremy. Tell Marigold I said hi." 
"Will do, boss!" 
Once Jeremy left, the other ghosts were swarming Dan like bees. Their eyes glittering with anticipation, excitement, and vengeance. It felt strange for them to pay attention, to follow him. Danny's always felt like the better leader, struggling and suffering in the role yet rising above it all. That was why he was the king now. 
"Alright, let's get to work. Most of these kids have one thing in common. Their skills. Flexible, acrobatic, and have some sort of combat training. Usually in self defence." Dan plugged in the USB into his laptop, projecting the screen on to the tv. "The latest disappearance is Layla Smithson. Fourteen. Gymnast and was sent to take taekwondo classes by her parents. Before that was Evan Chavez. Another gymnast but was also known to get into multiple fights."
"So whoever is takin' the kiddies, they go after the ones with pretty good skills." Ember hummed, turning to Kitty and then nudging her. "You've got anything to say about that?" 
"Well... Maybe." Johnny shrugs too. 
"Ooh! What about that nursery rhyme every Gothamites gets to listen. Y'know. About the court."
Dan frowned. "What court?" 
"The court of owls!" Kitty grinned, "Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadowy perch, behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed, speak not a whispered word of them or they'll send the Talon for your head." 
"Who the fuck uses that kind of shit for a nursery rhyme?" Dan scowled, but considered the possibility. "Any idea if they're real."
"Very." Johnny warned, "When Kitty and I died, we came back here a couple of times. Explored the place and tried to dig up secrets that would have killed us if we were livin'. One of 'em was the court. A secret society of a bunch off rich bastards."
"Johnny," Dan warned, knowing that something was still being kept from him. 
"There's another thing..." Johnny hesitated but Kitty took his hand and continued. 
Kitty grimaced, "The Court of Owls has a bunch of soldiers. They got this chemical they use on people, turnin’ ‘em into their own assassins. From what me and Johnny dug up a while back, these assassins were trained when they were kids. They call 'em Talons."
Dan wanted to yell, scream. Burn down the cursed with it's cursed bricks. Fuck. Fuck. Was the world always so shitty? 
"You're telling me... There's an entire secret society that uses chemicals to turn children into assassins?" 
Children.... Fucking children. They were weaponizing kids!
Ancients, he might just commit mass genocide again. 
"Alright. Alright. We leave the living people out of this. The court? Their talons? I want all of you prepared. I'm gonna contact Danny to drag Skulker and Wulf's asses here immediately."
Elle grinned, "GRAB AMORPHO TOO! We're gonna need his help if we want to dismantle the court."
The office is vacated quickly, with Elle dragging Ember and Kitty for girl time and Johnny runs off with shadow. Dan is left alone, frustrated at the new information before he does his best to summon his brother, the very annoyed ghost king that appears before him in full royal regalia. 
"A bit busy, Dan. Still tryin' to fight the laughing magician to help with getting rid of the Anti-Ecto Acts. Constantine is running around trying to destroy the GIW now." 
Dan snorted. He knew about John Constantine. The crazy motherfucker who's soul fragments were scattered around and Danny had to deal with the paperwork and mission to collect them all. 
"I know, yeah, sorry. I get that's important. But we've got a situation here."
"What would that be?"
"Secret society of rich fruitloops that are worse than Vlad. They're kidnapping children and making them into brainless assassins."
Immediately, the room grows colder than the far frozen. Danny's eyes are as green as they could ever be, but his pupils were an icy blue that would have made Frostbite shudder. 
"What do you need?"
"Skulker, Wulf, and Amorpho." 
"I'll send them on your way. They'll be here within 3 hours." Danny sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "I'll finish up things on my end to help."
"Sure thing, twerp."
"Fuck you." Fondly. 
"Fuck you too." Affectionately.
"OH! Your revenant was looking for you." 
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It was an entire week of silence. Of Wraith not doing anything at all. Even the rogues felt apprehensive to act on anything after Wraith's new subordinates started popping up to pester them. The reports were the same. Distorted footage, meta-human abilities, and a ridiculous amount of chaos. 
Apparently, Two face has waged war on one of them, named Ember. Riddler was also ready to throw hands with Specter. And then Harley and Ivy were hunting down a couple names Kitty and Johnny 13. Why they were named that, none of them knew. But considering Wraith and Phantom's titles, the entire group was Ghost themed. The majority of Gotham have taken to calling them the Ghosts. 
But then...
"Bruce... Get a look at this." Barbara's voice shook, horrified as she stared at the screen. Majority of the family was already in the cave, preparing to patrol once more. But their eyes were drawn to the screen. They all froze, struggling to fathom what the fuck was it they were looking. 
"Holy shit." 
Everyone was frozen, staring at the clear, untampered screen. 
Bruce sucked in a deep breath, reading the bloody message written on the wall of... He couldn't recognize it properly. "Farewell to the Court of Owls that once watched from their shadowy perch. Their talons covered in the blood of children they once purge. Farewell to their judge, the parliament says goodbye. To Talons, to owls, the ghosts says hi." 
And right beside the message was the hanging body of what Bruce recognized was the Judge of the Court of Owls. 
The Court of was in ruins. 
"Holy shit. HOLY SHIT!" Tim screeched, almost stumbling as he stared at the morbid message. "The Wraith and his ghosts took out the fucking court."
There was a loud rev of an engine, momentarily dragging their attention to Jason who was hurriedly getting of his bike and taking of his helmet. "Fuck, you've already seen it."
"You saw it in real life?! Where the fuck is that? The location is distorted but the entire thing is being broadcasted to the entirety of Gotham." 
"There are two of 'em. That one's on the clocktower."
Barbara snapped her head towards him, "MY clocktower?!" 
"Sorry 'bour that Barbie. But it got the job done for them, all of Gotham know about the court now."
Bruce grimaced, "And the other location?" 
"Arkham... The Talon is the one being hanged up there. The message is shorter: Bye-Bye owls. Shouldn't have messed with the dead." Jason clicked his tongue, "That's either about the fact that the court has been messing with the dead or it's cause Wraith's group is called the Ghosts." 
Jason shook his head, knowing for the fact that he'd have to track down Phantom soon. His eyes turned towards Dick, who stared at the screen as if a burden was just freed from him. Jason thinks it has. 
They had found out about the Court a little while ago, then found out about Dick's situation with them. How the circus he grew up in was one of the facilities that groomed Talons. How Dick was supposed to be recruited as one when his parents died. 
"Dick?" Jason murmured, gently taking Dick's hand. The other man jolted, his domino mask hiding whatever emotions there was in his eyes. 
"Little Wing..." 
"C'mon. Let's go grab some of Alfred's cookies. The rest of the family can deal with this." Jason quickly hurried his older brother out the cave, urging him to change our of his suit. 
Dick, once again, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders, struggled to understand that his nightmare that was the Court was finally dead. Most likely slaughtered by the hands of a new crime lord, a rogue that seemed desperate to keep children safe. He held the tea tightly, closing his eyes as Jason sat opposite to him. 
The court was dead. 
Talon was dead. 
"I'm gonna go look for Phantom in a bit." Jason hummed, trying to appear comforting to Dick. 
And the image of the Judge of the court's body hanging from the clocktower flashes in his head again. 
"Jason." Dick whispered, "Get me a meeting with Wraith."
"What?" Jason blinked, "Dickie, no. Wraith might seem like a pretty nice guy with how he's protecting the kids, but he's still..." He paused, "He's still like me." 
"I need to meet him, Jaybird. I need to confirm that the Court is gone for good. He's the only one who can do that for me." 
"Why would Phantom even let you meet him?"
Dick frowned, sucking in a deep breath before taking Jason's hands. 
"Tell him that Nightwing was supposed to be a Talon."
Part 4 | Masterpost
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kizzmexoxo · 1 month ago
“Taught to Obey”
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PAIRING - L.hs x OF reader x S.jy (Hee & Jake are both brothers)
WARNINGS - Smut, oral sex, unprotected sex, blackmailing, touching, slap (one time), voyeruism, slight dubcon, this is more of hee’s smut scene
WC - 1.7k+
a/n - This is one of my first fic I wrote. This will probably contain a part 2 (spoilers: will prob focus on Jake since this one was hee’s) depending on the outcome of this post. Have a good time reading and remember to separate reality & fiction. Thank you!
kizzmexoxo 2025 © all rights reserved.
You’re a perfect student. Straight A’s, good reputation, everyone knows and loves you. A sweet perfect angel in their eyes. Though, you had a secret of yours. A dark secret no one must know. Somehow, someone discovered that secret of yours. What’s worse is that it’s the brother who you’re tutoring of.
Everything started when you were called by your professor to have a chat.
“Amazing grades as usual, Y/n.” He gives a big smile and pushed up his glasses that was falling off his nose. You give him a smile and nodded as a thank you gesture.
“I have a proposal for you.” He continues, “Would you like to tutor one of my great friend’s kid? He says he was finding someone dependable, and you are very fit for that position.” You were pleased about the idea, even though you did hesitate a little.
He chuckles, “Of course you’re getting paid. My old friend offered $500 per hour. Would you be okay with that?” He looks up at you with expectant eyes while yours widened. “Seriously? Of course I’m taking it!” You say with an excited tone. He chuckles at your reaction. “Alright, you can start tomorrow. I’ll send you the address and details in your email.” You nodded and thanked him once again before taking your leave.
Studying has been always easy for you. So tutoring other people won’t be that hard. You hope.
The next day, you finally arrived at the address your professor sent you. The house was quite bigger than you expected. I mean, the owner offered you $500, of course they would be loaded. You knocked on the wooden door. You waited for a while, yet no response, you rang the doorbell. No response again. You sighed and knocked while ringing the doorbell at the same time, trying to get someone’s attention inside the house.
Finally the door opened, only revealing a tall boy with messy black hair, wearing black hoodie and grey sweatpants with a furious but tired look on his face.
“What do you want?“ he didn’t bat an eye at who he was talking to since he just woke up from a nap. He rubbed his left eye, as soon as he dropped his hand he locked eyes with you. You stare at him awkwardly. “Im a tutor here for..” you looked at your phone, “Jake Sim..” you look up at him, noticing him staring at you with those dark eyes that made you feel nervous.
He looks at you like he’s checking you out. He was. He looked at you up and down before making space for you to enter. You thanked him silently and entered the house. It very modern and spacious.
You turn your head to find out what felt like someone was been piercing the back of your head and noticed how the man who let you in had a seductive look on his face. Or maybe he was just really attractive.
Before you could say anything, the sound of footsteps going down the stairs got your attention. “Sorry! I was taking a shower.” Said a man who looked younger. He came up to you, flashing you a big smile. He looked like a happy dog.
“I’m Jake Sim, you must be the tutor.” You nodded and gave him a smile back. “Y/n Y/l/n.” He nods, “Father isn’t here today but he knows you’re coming. Let’s head up to my room?”
“Alright.” You give him a smile as starts walking up the stairs. Before you could follow him, you felt an arm wrapped around your waist. “Make yourself at home, y/n.” The taller man whispers on your ear after leaving to go up the stairs. What the heck?
You arrived Jake’s room.
He leads you to his table as he sat on the opposite side of you. You sat down and your session has started.
It’s been an hour since getting to know each other and started on a topic he was failing at. You had noticed that in sometimes he gets touchy. Whenever you pass notes or paper to him, he purposely place his palm onto yours before he takes it. Or when he chose to sit beside you and start playing with one of your fingers resting on the table.
You didn’t mind at first since maybe this was his habit. Although his touches were getting intense. His hand now on your thigh, squeezing it slightly as you try to discuss this one equation to him. It just had been less than two hours.
I could feel his hand reaching higher and higher till his pinky finger slightly graze on your mound. That’s when I grab his hand, to stop him.
“Jake. Are you even listening to me?” I lock eyes with him. He still had that innocent look on his face as if he weren’t just about to grasp on my cunt.
He sighs. “I was wondering when you were going to stop me.” He smiles. “I wish you didn’t though.” His hand lowered but was still on my thigh.
“You should stop.” You remove his hand from your thigh. “Last warning, Jaeyun.” He chuckles and accepted his defeat. “Okay don’t be mad. It was just a joke.” He hums and shows a pout. How can you get mad at a face like that.
Minutes have passed. You excused yourself to go to the bathroom. You walked out of Jake’s room and met yourself with a hallway. You proceeded to walk with Jake’s directions.
As you continued to walk down the hallway, you met the taller boy again. He locked eyes with you and showed a smirk.
“You again.” You give him a small smile, walking pass him. “You’re familiar you know.” You paused your tracks. You turned around, seeing already him looking at you. “What do you mean?”
He took a step closer and took out his phone. You were confused what he was doing until he showed it to you. Your OF. Fuck. Your screwed.
You took a step closer trying to grab his phone but he quickly swing it away. “Hey there.”
“What are you trying to do with that?” He chuckles, “What? I haven’t subscribed yet. Should I?” He leans down close to your face. “Don’t show that to anyone.” You got straight to the point.
“Whoah, calm down princess.” He laughs in your face. This was very fun for him. “Who knew the ‘angel’ of the school sells her body like this.”
“Keep your tone down!” You cover his mouth with both your hands, not wanting Jake to hear.
Wait a sec. He knows you? Oh my gosh, how could I not recognize him. Lee Heeseung, the known troublemaker in the campus.
You never knew he had a brother. Though that’s not your concern right now. I gasp. “Heeseung.”
He held your hand to remove it from his mouth,“Took you long enough to recognize me.”
you sighed. “Seriously, heeseung. Don’t show that to anyone.” He scoffs. “Why not? I was planning to show jake.”
You hit his shoulder. “No..! I’ll do anything.”
You look up at him before hesitatingly agreeing by nodding.
“I saw how Jake touched you back there.” He suddenly says, stepping forward, our bodies so close to each other.
“I stopped him.”
“Will you stop me too?” He lets wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer, closing the gap between your bodies.
“You said anything. Or you want me to show Jake your dirty pictures?”
You kept quiet. Letting him touch you.
“Do you show your little tits in this website?”
You looked away, avoiding his eyes and questions. That didn’t last long as he grab your chin to make you face him.
“Answer me.”
You nodded, embarrassed.
“Can you show me too?” He says breathlessly.
I look up at him again, noticing his dark eyes, craving for lust.
“Come on.” He grinds his body to yours.
“Show me and I’ll keep it a secret. Both your account and now.”
You sigh in defeat, nodding.
That’s how you ended up on Lee Heeseung’s bedroom, your legs spread out, your hand covering your mouth to avoid making loud moans. You glance down, the sigh of his messy black hair and his face digging into your wet cunt.
You whimper from his licks and kisses all over your cunt and your inner thighs.
“This taste so good.” He says before diving back in again. You can feel his warm tongue inside your cunt. His tongue pushing back and forth your entrance and swirling.
He teases you by giving a kiss onto your clit then sucking onto it. You moan
You wonder how many minutes have past. Jake is probably looking for you already. “Hee..” You whimper. “Jake is probably looking for m-me.. that’s enough..”
He looks up and chuckled. “I haven’t even fucked you yet. Now you want to leave?”
He suddenly turned you around, your face in his pillows and your ass raised up with your back arching. He gives your ass a slap. You let out a muffled scream against the pillows.
You can feel his tip, rubbing it up and down into your wet slit. “Going to fuck this pussy real good.”
He slid it in, he groans at your walls clenching into his dick. You let out a gasp after he pulls it out and rams in back in. You grip his dark grey sheets as he continues to thrust his hips faster.
His head rolls back while he continues pounding, hitting your cervix. Both of his hands gripped on your hips, making his dick slide even deeper.
Not even an hour in, the room was already filled with pants, heavy breathing, and moans. You wonder if Jake could hear you from his room. You were scared to get caught, but it was thrilling.
“Heeseung! Please hurry.. i still have to tutor your brother.”
“Step brother.” He thrusts faster. “And he can wait.”
It connected. Their last names weren’t the same, yet? You had no time to think about that as he fucks you like an animal. You let out a pained moan, but you were feeling good. Really good.
So good that you didn’t realize Jake watching the whole entire time. His eyes glued to you. Fuck you were so hot getting rammed like that. He wished he was in Heeseung’s place right now.
Heeseung glanced on his side, seeing his brother, step brother rather, peeking through his door. He gives him a smirk and continued to thrust into you harder.
“S-slow down..!” You whine. He looks down at you, sliding his palm behind the back of your neck and brought you closer to his face, giving you a kiss. He slides his tongue inside you as he thrusts into you, reaching his limit.
Finally, he lets it out. Your walls painted white by his cum. You moan gasp one more time while your legs shivering from the sensation. He lets go of your neck and leans back to enjoy the pleasant view in front of him. He wanted to go for round two.
He looks back to his door to find Jake gone. He scoffs and ran his sweaty hair with his hand as he turned to look at you again, fully blissed out.
You pant and took a glance of him, already looking at you. He brought his face close to you, his palm on the side of his face and gave you another kiss. “Let’s do this again, yeah?”
“You don’t want me spreading that little secret of yours.”
You stare at him, disheveled. What will you do now?
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theemporium · 1 year ago
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[3k] a f1 gossip page gets insider knowledge of what might be the paddock's best kept secret. in fact, it is so well kept that even the paddock don't know who it is about (aka a wee crack fic i couldn't get out of my head ft the papaya bunch).
series masterlist
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It was media day at the Barcelona Grand Prix when the rumours began.
Somewhere between team media duties and the official conferences, a group had found themselves lounging in the shared canteen. It was a neutral zone, the journalists weren’t allowed inside and it was just a place for most of the drivers to relax with their family and friends outside of the garages and motorhomes. 
You were sat in the seat next to Lando, his arm sprawled over the back of your chair and his thigh pressing against yours with how close he was sitting beside you. He was looking over your shoulder, a giddy smile on his face as you went through a few of the shots he had taken on his camera that morning—including an obscene amount of ‘candid’ shots that you made him swear not to post anywhere, despite his reassurances you looked gorgeous. 
It was a startled laugh from Daniel that caught everyone’s attention.
“There’s no fucking way!” Max laughed as he gaped at Daniel’s phone screen, shaking his head as he did. “Where the fuck do they get this from?!” 
Daniel only laughed harder. 
It took a few minutes before the Aussie finally turned his screen around and display the tweet for everyone to see. It took a few more minutes of snooping to find the article that followed the bizarre rumour. 
“Alright, who’s gonna fess up?” Lando joked as his eyes glanced over all the drivers currently sprawled across the various tables. “My bet is on Carlos. He seems like the kinda guy to have a secret kid.”
“Shut up,” Carlos scoffed before he nodded to the boy on his right. “It would obviously be Charles.”
The Monegasque spluttered out a laugh, his cheeks heating up. “It’s not me!”
“That’s what someone who has a secret kid would say,” Max retorted, seeming to enjoy the way the Ferrari driver’s face began to match the colour of his shirt. “You can tell us the truth about Charlie Junior.”
“First of all, I would never name my child that,” Charles said with his nose scrunched up in displeasure. “And I wouldn’t hide my children. I would be proud of them.”
“They could be hiding the children for privacy's sake. A paddock isn't exactly the best place for a child to be roaming around. Or the safest,” another voice spoke up and everyone’s eyes fell to the younger Aussie sitting across the table from you. Oscar squirmed a little under the sudden attention. “What?”
“You wanna tell us something, mate?” Lando questioned, a grin growing on his face.
Oscar’s cheeks burned red. “I-It’s not about me!” 
“You caught him,” Logan laughed as he playfully knocked his shoulder against his friend’s. “He has three kids back in Australia. Our lil’ Oscie is a father.”
Oscar frowned. “Don’t ever call me that again.”
“I’m offended you didn’t tell us,” you joked as you knocked your foot against his shin under the table. “I expected to be the godmother of one of your kids.”
“You would be if I had any,” Oscar quickly countered, making you snort in response. 
“Well, we have some clues,” Daniel commented as he leaned back in his chair, looking far too amused with the situation. “Time to start going through possible suspects.” 
“Maybe you’re trying to throw us off your scent,” you joked.
“Shhh, sweetheart, they can’t know about our secret family just yet,” the Aussie teased as he sent a wink your way.
You felt an arm tighten around you and turned to see Lando glaring—albeit, jokingly—towards his former teammate. “Back off, Ricciardo, if anyone is gonna have a secret family with her, it’s gonna be me.” 
Daniel laughed. “Please, the two of you couldn’t keep a secret from us if you tried!”
“Uh, we so could,” you retorted.
“You two couldn’t even keep Oscar’s surprise birthday party a secret and it was your idea,” Logan pointed out, raising his hands in mock surrender when your head snapped around to look at him. 
“We got excited!” You defended. 
“And you don’t think you would be excited about a secret family?” Oscar countered. 
“I think we could hide a secret pretty damn well if we tried,” you replied with a shrug as you leaned further back into your boyfriend’s embrace.
“Especially as something as serious as a secret family,” Lando added with a nod.
“Who cares?” Max eventually said with a laugh. “The rumour is a load of bullshit anyways. There’s no way anyone is going to believe it.”
As it would turn out, the whole world believed the rumours. The rest of the race weekend was haunted by the ‘new’ piece of gossip. The paddock was full of whispers of ‘who?’, the journalists thought they were being sly as they snuck in a few questions to catch the drivers off guard, and hundreds of fan theories took over every social media platform as the weekend commenced.
Truthfully, you thought it would be one of those rumours that dragged on for a bit as a joke but died down by the next weekend. 
You were very wrong.
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You didn’t realise how wrong you were until the Austrian Grand Prix came about the following weekend. 
With both McLaren drivers wrapped up in some nonsense challenge video the media team had set them up for, you had made your way towards the Williams garage to spend your Thursday afternoon with them instead. 
There was a cosy spot in the garage where you found yourself sat with Logan and Alex as the team buzzed around them, whispers and talks of the car’s potential that weekend. You were laying back in your seat, your feet thrown over Logan’s lap as you chatted away to Alex when the American caught both of your attention.
“There’s two!”
Logan lifted his head to find two matching confused expressions staring right back at him.
“There’s two,” he repeated as he turned his phone around, a single tweet sprawled over his screen with an all too familiar username on display. “Two kids! A driver is hiding two kids!”
You snorted. “You have got to be shitting me. One rumoured kid wasn’t enough so they added another?” 
“This driver has certainly been busy,” Alex mused as he took Logan’s outstretched phone, beginning to scroll through the never-ending comments under the tweet. “I guess the long term girlfriend thing does kinda narrow it down.” 
You raised your brows. “Don’t tell me you think it’s real.” 
“I still have my bets on Oscar,” Logan commented with a grin, his eyes crinkling in the way you knew they did before the boy laughed. “He’s a dodgy guy. I bet he’s Formula One’s own Hannah Montana with a whole double life.” 
“And, what? We are a part of his famous life?” You questioned. 
“It would make sense,” Alex supplied with a shrug. “He could have a normal family back home in Australia and no one would even know.”
You rolled your eyes. “Alex, don’t encourage him.”
“Hey,” Logan frowned.
“If it turns out to be true, you wouldn’t be upset that your best friend hid something like that from you?” You retorted, watching as the boy’s face slowly fell. 
Alex snorted. 
“I need to go talk to
.someone about
something,” Logan said vaguely before he quickly stood up, knocking your feet off his lap and rushing out the garage with a serious look on his face. 
“Logan!” You called after him, laughing as you did so but it was a hopeless endeavour. He was a man on a mission and you knew nothing would stop him. “God, I should go before he ambushes the McLaren motorhome.” 
“Life as a parent, huh?” Alex joked, nudging your shoulder and snickering when you rolled your eyes. 
“Who would have thought I would end up adopting an American of all people?” You joked back before standing up. “Time to go stop my eagle son from throttling my kangaroo son.” 
Alex flashed you a smile. “Motherhood suits you.” 
“Oh, shut up,” you rolled your eyes. 
And little did you realise there was a certain pair of ears listening in to your playful conversation with the Williams driver, already drafting up a message before you left for the bright orange building a few garages down. 
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It was odd for you and Lando to find any alone time during a race weekend and it was mostly due to the two rookie drivers you had somehow adopted. 
It started off as a comfort thing at first. Lando knew what it was like to be young and new to the sport. He knew that even if he was coming in with friends, it still felt daunting. It was the reason he seemed to take Oscar under his wings after the Bahrain race weekend, despite the boy’s initial awkwardness. 
It had been you who gravitated towards Logan. Your heart warmed at the sight of your boyfriend helping out his younger teammate, but it completely shattered when you were making your way towards the McLaren garage and spotted a certain blond rookie hidden between motorhomes. He almost looked as though he was trying to make himself seem as small as possible. 
Lando didn’t question it when you started to venture to the Williams garages in between practices and media duties. He saw the look in your eyes, the small spark that showed your determination. He knew your kindness knew no limits and he would never even try to stop you. 
Neither of you realised you were signing up for the roles of the 2023 rookies’ grid parents until Logan and Oscar had sauntered into Lando’s driver room and all but settled themselves between you both on the Thursday of the Baku Grand Prix. 
You didn’t mind it, really. Race weekends tended to be hectic and chaotic on their own, so it was rare that you and Lando would spend much time alone. Beyond the exasperated sighs and joking remarks, neither of you minded when Oscar would lay his head on your laps after a gruelling interview or when Logan would ramble about some American custom he swears all three of you would enjoy. 
It was odd not being the youngest ones on the grid anymore, but there was also something so comforting in knowing you were a safe haven for these two boys in the paddock—and sometimes, even off the track. 
So honestly, it was an utter fucking shock that you and Lando found yourselves alone with time to kill in his driver’s room, especially with it being the Silverstone Grand Prix weekend. 
Neither of you questioned your luck for very long before you found yourself straddling your boyfriend, knees on either side of his hips and ass firmly planted on his lap. His hands were shamelessly groping your ass. Your hands were tangled in his curls, tugging a little harsher than usual just to hear his little whimpers in between kisses. It was shameless and sloppy and a little more than either of you intended—but you didn’t have a single issue with it. 
“Shit,” Lando moaned, his voice a little more high-pitched than usual when your lips met his neck. “I fuckin’ missed this.”
“Yeah?” You murmured against his skin, your tongue dancing along a particularly sensitive spot just below his ear. “I missed hearing how pretty you sound.”
“You can’t say stuff like that,” Lando grumbled, his eyes fluttering shut as he pulled you closer, as he pressed his body against yours. 
“But it makes you blush and you look so cute when you blush,” you teased as you lifted your head, admiring the pink tint to his cheeks. “My pretty boy.”
“You’re a tease,” Lando muttered as he sat up on the couch, as he pulled you closer so he could press his lips against yours again. 
“You love it,” you retorted, the words mumbled in between kisses. 
“So fucking much,” he grinned into the kiss, his hands wandering down your thighs before slowly moving back up to your ass. 
In fact, it had been so long since you and Lando got a chance to utilise your time alone in the paddock that you forgot the first rule of making out like horny teens on the small couch—lock the fucking door.
If it weren’t for the tight hold Lando had on you, you would have been flat on your ass when Logan and Oscar stormed into the room. You stared at the boys in shock, your cheeks heating up as the mortification of the situation washed over all four of you. 
You quickly moved yourself off Lando’s lap, instead sitting on the couch beside him as you stared at the two rookies who currently had their hands over each other’s eyes. 
“Have you ever heard of knocking?!” Lando sighed.
“Have you ever heard of a door lock?” Oscar retorted.
“Touche,” he muttered back with a nod. 
“You know you can look now,” you told the boys, a little amused with their theatrics. “We aren’t naked.”
Logan hesitated. “Promise?”
Both boys slowly dropped their hands and, truthfully, you were expecting for them to instantly break out into whatever excited ramble they had come to tell you both. It wasn’t unusual for them to do as much, to want to share something with you and Lando that amazed them but didn’t want to admit to anybody else in fear of seeming like
well, rookies. They knew you and Lando would never judge their excitement to the world of Formula One and all the little quirks they were discovering.
Except, there was no excited storytelling or massive grins. Instead, both boys stood in front of you with frowns on their faces and their hands on their hips. 
Lando’s brows furrowed together. “What? What happened?”
“Why did you two not tell us we are older brothers?” Logan asked bluntly. 
You blinked. “Huh?” 
“Why did you not tell us we are older brothers?” This time it was Oscar who spoke up. “Why are you gatekeeping our little brothers from us?” 
Lando frowned. “Is this a joke? Is that a punchline? Am I being stupid right now?” 
“We get the others on the grid but us? This is a new level of betrayal,” Logan said with a completely serious look on his face. 
You shook your head, utterly baffled by the two boys. “What the fuck are you guys on about?” 
“You have been hiding a secret family from us! You are the ones the tweets are talking about!” Oscar said as he reached for his phone, turning the screen around so you both could see the latest article. 
“You have been keeping a secret from us. Families don’t keep secrets!” Logan accused, his eyes narrowed slightly. “If we even count as your family now.”
You gaped at them. “You seriously think that article is about us?” 
“There’s proof!” Oscar retorted.
“What fucking proof?” Lando questioned, his brows furrowed together in confusion. “How can there be proof for a family that doesn’t exist?” 
As it would turn out, the informant that had been feeding the gossip page the whole narrative had been also secretly recording conversations they had heard around the paddock. Along with the article, a series of 'leaked' audios were also released and they were, in fact, yours and Lando’s voice. 
This person had managed to record countless conversations you shared with Lando and even some other drivers—even the conversation you had with Alex the previous weekend in the Williams garage.
“Remember we have dinner with the boys tonight. Our reservations are at six.” 
“Did you remind them to put sunscreen on before they went out? I don’t want them to burn.” 
“Who knew being a parent was so hard, huh?”
“Your son is bullying my son for his accent again. Make him stop or you’re both getting grounded.”
“Well, he definitely takes after you!” 
Random lines of conversations taken completely out of context and, truthfully, you could understand why Twitter was going crazy. It seemed undoubtable that you and Lando were talking about your kids, it sounded like you truly were two parents discussing your children—if it weren’t for one large and missing piece of information.
“We were talking about you two, dumbasses!”
Both boys stared at you, blinking a few times. “Huh?”
“We are talking about the both of you in every single one of those clips,” you told them and you couldn’t help but let out a disbelieving laugh. “There is no secret family—just you two.” 
“Oh,” Oscar murmured. 
“But—oh,” Logan muttered a few seconds later.
“So this whole rumour started because somebody thought we were talking about actual kids,” Lando noted before snorting. “Fucking hell.” 
“Everyone thinks you’re a dad,” you remarked with a laugh. “The boy who has one piece of tupperware that’s hanging on for dear life.”
Lando grinned back. “Well, I may not be a dad but I am a—”
“If you call yourself daddy, I am breaking up with you.”
Lando only laughed harder. 
you don’t have secret siblings you’re hiding from us?” Logan piped up, a shy smile on his face.
You shook your head.
“Oh thank god,” he breathed out, pressing a hand on his chest. “I knew you wouldn’t betray us like that! We would obviously be the first ones you tell, right?” There was a pause. “Right?”
“Well, we walked in on them almost conceiving a child,” Oscar pointed out with a shrug before his nose scrunched up in disgust. “Please don’t conceive our little sibling in front of us.”
“You were the ones that stormed in on us,” Lando retorted.
“Well, consider this your warning to get out in the next thirty seconds, otherwise you’re gonna see something that will really scar you—”
Your cheeks burned. “Lando!”
“What?” Lando flashed you a cheeky grin. “If they are gonna make up rumours about me being a dad, I may as well start practising for the real deal.”
You rolled your eyes.
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liked by charles_leclerc, danielricciardo and 354,762 others
landonorris does this mean i officially get the dilf status?
view all 15,866 comments
user aww cute!
user lando needs to pull a carlisle cullen and adopt me into the family
yourusername in my humble opinion, i think dilf suits you perfectly ;)
oscarpiastri ew
yourusername you're too young to be on instagram
logansargeant and you are too old to sexting on instagram
yourusername you're grounded
user okay but the photos are actually so cute wtf
maxverstappen1 they had to start somewhere
danielricciardo i'm just happy the safe sex talk we gave lando actually worked. got worried for a second
yourusername you were just scared you would become a grid grandpa
danielricciardo GRANDPA???
user nothing will ever beat this rumour
landonorris 👀👀👀
5K notes · View notes
traveler-at-heart · 4 months ago
Doctor's In - Part 8
Summary: It's Thanksgiving, your first official holiday with Wanda. Someone stops by to create a little havoc.
Wanda Maximoff x F!R
All the houses look the same, at least to him. The navigation system in his rental car isn’t any better.
Or maybe his sister gave him a fake address just to mess with him.
After a while, he decides it’s enough, pulling over when he sees someone jogging around the neighborhood.
“Excuse me”
“Hey” the woman says, stopping. Her smile is wide, and Pietro’s taken aback by how friendly she seems with a stranger.
“I’m looking for an address, can you help me out?”
“It’s Hill Drive 216”
“Right, well all you have to do is drive straight ahead for five blocks. Then turn right and then left” the woman says, leaning over the car window. As she’s giving directions, he can’t help but stare at her toned legs in full display.
“I really appreciate it. Maybe I can buy you some coffee to thank you?”
“Sure. See ya around” she says with a smirk, running in the opposite direction. Pietro didn’t get her number, but he figures she might know Wanda. So they’ll meet again.
In no time, he finds Wanda’s house. The woman is already sitting in the porch, as if she can feel her twin brother coming.
“This was supposed to be a surprise. You don’t look surprised”
“You asked my neighbor for my address. She called to know if you were a creep so she’d call the cops on you”
“What? She was so nice. And she’s very hot. You should have told me you had hot neighbors”
Wanda gives him a cryptic smile, but he doesn’t have time to ask the meaning behind it, as Tommy and Billy come running down the stairs.
“Uncle Pietro!”
“Bratan” he says, allowing the boys to tackle him to the ground. “You’re so big! What is your mom feeding you two?”
The boys laugh, pulling him inside so they can tell him all about school, soccer and their videogames.
A half hour later, there’s a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it” he volunteers. To his surprise, the girl he spoke to earlier is on the other side. She’s now wearing jeans and a long sleeved sweater.
“Hey, Pietro”
“I didn’t
 tell you my name”
But before he can connect the dots, Wanda walks past him, standing on her toes to kiss the woman.
“Hey, baby. Apparently you already met Pietro”
“Oh, yeah. Heard he was hoping to get a hot date out of some simple directions”
At that, his sister and her girlfriend let out a laugh, and he groans, hiding his face in his hands.
It was totally worth it, to see Pietro’s face as realization hit him. You were Wanda’s girlfriend.
He looks shocked, and embarrassed as you walk past him, Wanda’s hand in yours.
“At least the Maximoffs have consistency in their taste” you comment, making Wanda laugh and Pietro blushes.
“She never sent me a picture of you, ok? How was I to know?”
“I didn’t send it because I knew you’d fall for her and she is all mine” Wanda rolls her eyes, arms around your waist. You kiss her temple, smiling.
“Are you staying for Thanksgiving?” you ask, curious about his plans for the holidays.
“That’s the idea”
“You’re little buddy Rogers isn’t joining us?” you glare, so he knows you know what he tried to do.
“Oh, yeah. Heard you felt threatened by him. Still jealous, Y/N?”
“Jealous? I’m a Trauma surgeon, for goodness sake. What is your job, by the way? Snowboarding? Or do you call it snow? You know, like Ken in the Barbie movie”
“It gets me all the girl’s phone numbers” he arches an eyebrow.
“You certainly didn’t get mine”
“Stop it” Wanda laughs it off to ease the tension, standing between you two. “It’s Thanksgiving. The holidays. A time to forgive and enjoy”
“Fine,” he agrees. “Truce?”
“Not until you take the kids for a movie so we have an afternoon to ourselves” you say, because now that you’re back to work it’s been harder to get alone time with your girlfriend.
“It’s very important to me” Wanda says, stuttering lightly as you kiss down her neck.
“Of course, baby” you say, holding her hips as she tries to continue the conversation. She’s saying something against your lips, so you roll her nipple between your fingers, which makes her quiet for a few minutes.
Then, you’re between her legs when she starts talking again.
“He’s my brother, we’ve known each other our whole lives. I really want him to get to know you”
“Wanda” you sigh, defeated. You look up, with a smile at her disheveled state. “Can we not talk about your brother when I’m eating you out?”
You kiss her thighs, going up to lie next to her.
“Or am I that bad at giving you head these days, baby?”
“It’s not that” she rushes to say, straddling your lap. Wanda pecks your lips to appease you, hands going up and down your arms. You squeeze her hips, encouraging her to continue. “But I mean it, I want you to get along”
“I was joking before. Mostly”
“Y/N” she whines and you smile.
“Ok, I just feel
 the last time we almost broke up because he was trying to test me using Steve, right? I’m a bit butthurt about it, you know I’m proud and petty like that. And I’m not
 I’ve never met someone’s family. I told you I’m not good with this relationship stuff”
“All you have to do is try” she says, leaning down to kiss you. “And absolutely nothing will break us apart, my love”
“Swear” she says against your lips. You kiss her again, hands going down to her ass.
“Can I carry on now or would you like to talk about more family members?”
“Carry on” Wanda giggles when you flip her on her back, but those turn to moans pretty soon, feeling how your tongue works through her folds.
“Ok, guys, just like we practiced” Pietro says as he parks in the street, looking at the twins. They nod, staying inside the car while their uncle walks to the door.
“Hey, sestra
 ah, seriously?!”
All he sees as he walks in is his sister’s head thrown back on the couch, and he can guess where you are.
“I thought you locked the door” Wanda reprimands you, but you just smirk, getting dressed. You make sure that only Pietro is within earshot when you smack Wanda’s ass, and she yelps.
The man is glaring when Wanda opens the door, her hair a mess and your shirt all wrinkled.
“Where are the kids? Why are they waiting in the car?”
In that moment, the twins open the car door, and you can see they are carrying a small, white dog. You want to cackle, because Pietro is so dead. But you keep a neutral expression, staying behind Wanda.
“You idiot” Wanda says, followed by a string of curses in Sokovian. You’ve never seen her this upset and it’s kinda hot.
“Come on, kids. Let’s go back to my place and bathe this little dude”
“No, please don’t leave me alone with her” Pietro pleads as Wanda pulls him by the ear.
“Sorry, I don’t want to be a witness to whatever it is she’ll do to you” you give him finger guns, hurrying back to take the kids to your place. It’s pretty obvious Wanda won’t appreciate you using her bathtub to take care of the pup.
“So, wanna tell me what happened?” you say once you’re in the bathroom.
“Well, we found Sparky outside the cinema. He was looking for food in the garbage and was so sad and alone”
“Do you think Mom will let us keep him?” Tommy says.
“Let’s take him to the vet tomorrow. Maybe he escaped home and his owners are looking for him”
The boys remain silent as you rinse the soap from Sparky’s fur. Of course, he shakes as soon as you’re done, drops of water flying everywhere. Billy and Tommy laugh, which makes you smile.
They had never brought up the subject of pets, but you have a feeling that it’s because Wanda had told them that the answer was going to be no, no matter what.
You use an old t-shirt and your blow dryer to get him all fluffy. He is a cute dog, that’s for sure.
“Come on, let’s get back home” you tell the kids, letting Tommy carry Sparky.
Pietro is in the porch, hand on his cheek as he sulks around the stairs. His ear is so red from all the pulling that Wanda did and you almost want to laugh.
“She won’t talk to me” he mumbles like a grumpy teenager.
“Jeez, I wonder why”
You walk inside, going straight to Wanda’s room. Still, you knock and let her know it’s you.
“Hey, love. Woah” as soon as you open the door she’s hugging you, and you don’t know if her tears are from anger or sadness. “I’m here, what’s wrong?”
“Pietro is so
 immature! Why would he think it’s a good idea to bring a dog into my home? He is always like this. Now, I’ll have to tell the kids we can’t keep him and they will hate me”
“Wanda, they won’t hate you. Breathe for me” you run your hands up and down her back. “Here’s what we’ll do. Tomorrow I will drive with the kids to the vet, they’ll check for a microchip or anything else that tells us if he has a family”
“They always wanted a pet and I just couldn’t do it, it was too much work for one person and I
“And you are not alone anymore, ok? You have me. And as it happens, my family’s always had dogs. Don’t stress, leave it to me” you say, kissing her temple.
“Thank you. I’m staying here. Can you make sure the kids have dinner?”
“Of course, baby”
You make a couple of sandwiches and let the kids eat in the living room, while Sparky walks around and smells everything. It’s a good sign that he’s not peeing in every surface of the house.
Once the kids have dinner, you take the dog to the backyard, noticing the wooden fence needs some work, or Sparky will be able to escape.
Another thing on your list.
“Is Mom mad at us?” Billy asks when you’re upstairs, tucking them in. Sparky is in the corner, sleeping between Tommy’s shoes.
“Not at all, kiddo. She’s just not sure we can take care of Sparky. Dogs can be a lot of work, ya know?”
“Did you have dogs?” Tommy says from his bed and you nod.
“Yeah, we had all kinds of dogs. Big ones, small like Sparky. You have to walk them, feed them, take them to the doctor
“Maybe it is a lot of work” Billy says, dropping his shoulders.
“Hey, no worries, we will figure it out. Just make sure you’re nice to your mom. She just wants the best for everyone. Rest now. And Sparky doesn’t sleep on anyone’s bed, got it?”
The kids giggle at that, and you roll your eyes, knowing they’ll probably break that rule.
“We’re home” you announce.
“How did it go?” Wanda says, while Pietro is in the living room, pretending to read.
“No microchip. But he did get blood work and everything seems fine, we also got him dewormed and he can start with vaccination in two weeks”
“You know a lot about dogs” Pietro says, but shuts his mouth the minute Wanda turns to glare.
“So, yeah. We could call a shelter and ask if they can take him”
“But he would be in one of those cages, alone” Wanda says, sounding sad.
“I guess”
“Let’s just keep him until we figure something out” she decides, looking as the kids play with the dog in the front yard.
“Yeah, ok. We got him some kibble, plates, a new leash and a bed, so he’s all set. I’ll just have to fix the fence”
“Oh? Will you wear your tool belt?” she says, biting her lip. Pietro gags from his place in the couch. Wanda turns to scold him. “Keep it up and you’re staying in a hotel”
“Bossy. And mean. I love it” you say, pulling her closer. You share a quick, but passionate kiss.
“I could fix the fence” Pietro offers.
“You don’t even know how to drive a nail,” Wanda argues.
“I’m trying to do something nice, sestra”
“You’ve done enough”
They begin to argue like a couple of teenagers so you have to step between them, raising your hands.
“Enough. Pietro can help me when I fix the fence. We all win. Isn’t that great? Two of your favorite people working together” you say.
“Only one” Wanda says and Pietro is ready to fight when you snap your fingers.
“To your corner, Pietro” you warn him, dragging Wanda to the kitchen. “Hey, gorgeous”
“Mmm?” she melts when you rub that spot in her lower back that always relaxes her.
“I don’t think Pietro meant to do any harm with this. At most, he thought you’d end up loving Sparky more than me” Wanda laughs, and she leans against you. “He’s visiting and you’re always talking about how much you miss him, so try to forgive him”
“You’re right”
“You sound surprised,” you joke, kissing her softly. “I have work. I’ll be back tomorrow, ok?”
“Don’t leave. I know nothing about dogs” she pleads.
“I’m always one call away, love of my life” you promise.
Five missed calls. You sigh when you leave the OR, though it is from an unknown number.
Before you can return the call or contact Wanda to make sure she’s fine, Darcy finds you, dragging you by the hand without any explanation.
“Does this belong to you?” she says, pulling the curtain to reveal Pietro, holding an ice pack against his right hand.
“It belongs to my girlfriend”
“It? Seriously?” he complains, but Darcy ignores him.
“Came in with hammered fingers and cries every time I try to examine him”
“I will take a look. Thanks, pal” you force him to remove the ice pack, ignoring his protests. “What happened?”
“I tried to fix the fence”
“Mhm” you bend his fingers and move them around, trying to check if there’s a fracture. He complains and tries to jank his hand back, but you don’t let him.
“Can’t you take some X-Rays?”
Now, where’s the fun in that?
“Honestly, I think you’ll just have some swelling and pain. Let’s put a bandage in those three fingers and make sure you don’t move them too much”
“At least Wanda’s less mad at me”
You smile.
“Glad to hear it. Did she drive you here?”
“No, I wasn't in the mood to be lectured. I just told her I needed something from the hardware store and came straight to the ER”
You nod, writing a prescription for him. Once you’re done, you take the hand, bandaging the three fingers together.
“You know, I just worry” he interrupts the silence.
“About what?”
“Well, has she ever told you about the twins’ father?”
You glance back at him, arching an eyebrow.
“No, and I respect that. If she ever feels like telling me, I’m sure she will. So I’d appreciate it if we keep it at that, Pietro”
“I’ll just say, he was the biggest asshole. And it almost destroyed her. I promised myself no one would hurt her again”
You nod, still working in silence. Of course, the shovel talk. After the stunt he pulled with Rogers, this is nothing, really. Going along and nodding a few times might just do the trick.
“To be fair, I never liked him. You’re fine, I guess”
“I can live with being just fine in the eyes of Frosty the snowman” you mutter, finishing the bandaging and giving him some pills. “Now go back home and let me take care of the fence when I’m there”
An ambulance parks right outside of the ER and you excuse yourself. You don’t notice Pietro hanging back, watching as you help the paramedics move a woman from their gurney to a hospital bed.
It isn’t until a few hours later when you’re out of the OR and see a text from Wanda that you remember the incident.
Wanda: Thank you for checking Pietro.
Y/N: Happy to help the evil twin, love.
Wanda: What would that make me? The good twin?
Y/N: The hot, beautiful, angel twin.
The sound of your pager snaps you back to reality, which means the last hours of your shift will be busy.
“I should go and help”
“Please, don’t”
Wanda and Pietro are sitting in the backyard’s deck, watching as you fix the fence.
“Did you get Sparky as a test? To see how she’d react?”
“That is actually a great idea but no” Pietro laughs, stretching his arms. “I can’t believe you don’t remember”
“Remember what?”
“We were at school, back in Sokovia when we were five or six. The teacher asked us to draw our pet, but we didn’t have one so
“So you drew a dragon and said you wanted one for our birthday” Wanda suddenly remembers, frowning. “But what did I draw?”
“A white dog, with a very pink nose and fuzzy hair. And when we were at the theater, I saw him and thought, that’s my sister’s dog”
Wanda laughs, trying not to cry at her brother’s antics, wiping the corner of her eyes before she gets emotional. She reaches for his hand and he squeezes it, smiling.
“Why haven’t you told her about how you had the twins?” Pietro asks after a while, his voice soft.
 I’m afraid she’ll see me differently. And I don’t know if it’s worth it, dwelling in the past. It’s done and nothing can change it”
“It’s not about dwelling in the past, it’s about sharing everything that makes you who you are. And that’s a big part of it” Pietro insists, standing up when the boys show up with Sparky. “We’re going to the park. See you for dinner”
Wanda stays on the deck, watching as you finish replacing the last wooden panel.
“I am so ready for a shower and a nap” you sigh, plopping down next to her. “At least Sparky can be out safely now”
“How can I pay for your very hard work?” Wanda says, and your hand squeezes her thigh.
“I can think of a few ways, Mrs. Maximoff. But when I’m not all sweaty”
“You’ll have to leave the toolbelt on, though” she says, making you laugh as you kiss the spot behind her ear.
You enjoy the breeze as you sit together on the deck, drinking a beer while Wanda looks out her yard.
“If I told you something, would you promise not to judge me?”
“I would never, my love” you say, putting a strand of hair behind her ear gently. “What is it?”
“It’s about the twins”
“Uh. Did Pietro put you up for this?” you click your tongue. “You don’t have to tell me anything; whatever the situation is, I imagine it’s not easy”
“I think
 It would help explain why he’s so protective of me. And I want you to know, I do”
“Alright, then. I’m listening”
It takes her a moment to gather her thoughts, looking at her clasped hands.
“We met in college” she begins. “I was 20 and he was on an exchange program. Came from Oxford University, I think. We were in different faculties but somehow crossed paths at a party and got talking. It was the first time I was in love”
“He was elegant and acted like a gentleman, and said funny things without being crass. He acted differently than the rest of guys I ever tried to date. So we were together the whole semester, until winter break came. I was considering inviting him over to spend Christmas with us when he got an unexpected visit from his fiance”
You breathe deeply, knowing where this is going. Wanda still won’t look at you, and she takes a moment to continue.
“Uhm. So, yeah. The minute I saw them together I wanted to scream, but all I could do was hide. I felt like such an idiot. He didn’t even try to find me and apologize. And for a few weeks I was
 sick. I threw up every morning, and felt tired. But I thought it was stress”
“Wanda, I’m so sorry” you say, pulling her close and kissing her temple. She leans against you, letting your touch ground her. Wanda’s hand goes to hold your own, and you squeeze it, trying to show your support.
“When I realized what it was, I tried talking to him. I thought he at least deserved to know. But he just wanted to give me some money to deal with it, in his words”
Those words make your heart ache, but you grit your teeth. You admire Pietro’s self control more than ever.
“I’m gonna need you to give me a name so I can find him and kill him”
“I let that go, for my sake. I had two babies to care for. No matter how it happened, I knew I always wanted them. So I told my parents everything and then Pietro, well
“He went crazy, I can imagine. Can’t really blame him”
“So, now you know it all. I still have things to figure out, because sometimes the kids ask me about their father and I don’t know how to tell them he never cared about us” she sighs, leaning against you.
“We’ll figure it out together, when the time comes” you promise, kissing her cheek. “And you don’t have to be afraid of me judging you, you did nothing wrong, Wands. I’m so sorry you had to go through that”
“I just thought
 I wanted you to know”
“Did you ever see him again? I mean, does he even know their names?”
“No, and I hope it stays that way. If he comes back, I don’t want him anywhere near Tommy and Billy” her voice shakes with emotion, and a bit of her accent comes back.
“That’s ok. We won’t let it happen” you promise, kissing her temple.
“I love you”
“I love you too. And our boys”
“And our dog” she says, which makes you look back at her. She smiles at your shocked expression. “We’re keeping Sparky. No further comment”
“Yes, Ma’am”
The twins couldn’t believe it when Wanda told them they could keep Sparky. Pietro smiled as the kids hugged their mother, promising to always take care of him.
“You’re the best mom ever!” Tommy says, running around the living room.
“You’re welcome” Pietro mocks as he walks past her, and she elbows him.
You spend the evening watching a movie in the living room, Sparky sitting between both boys.
The 36 hour shift, coupled with the work on the backyard leaves you exhausted, so 15 minutes into the movie you begin to fall asleep.
“Come on, sweetheart” Wanda says when your head keeps loling to the side. “You need to rest”
“No, but I wanna know what happens with Big Welder” you mumble. Wanda stands up, kissing your forehead and pulling you all the way to the stairs. After brushing your teeth and almost sleeping while standing up, you plop down in bed, taking everything off and deciding to sleep in nothing but your underwear.
“Very tempting” Wanda comments when she sees you.
“I thought you’d be watching the movie” you stretch, appreciating how Wanda’s eyes linger on your breasts.
“Uh, they started playing video games. So that was my cue to go” she crawls into bed with you, not ready to go to sleep but wanting to share some alone time. “Before I forget, who are you inviting for Thanksgiving?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, dinner. We’re having turkey, the Barton’s are stopping by
. You do know it’s this Thursday, right?”
“I haven’t had a Thanksgiving dinner in like 15 years”
“You’re kidding” Wanda says, and you shrug your shoulders.
“I started volunteering when I was 16 to avoid being home. And you know I rarely went back for that stuff. I think the most I’ve done is eat pizza with Darcy while we’re working”
“Well, Darcy should come too! Have her over, I only get to see her at the hospital”
“You sure?” you say, smiling nervously. All you know about holidays in the last decade has been the chaos of a hospital.
“Yeah. It’s gonna be great, you’ll love it” she promises, kissing you.
Chaos isn’t exclusive to the ER, it seems. You’ve had a busy morning, mowing the lawn, cleaning the deck and getting ready to set a large table for everyone who’s joining. To your annoyance, Pietro is using his bruised hand as an excuse to not help.
“You’re doing great” he gives you a thumbs up and you want to throw the broom straight to his head.
“You could help your sister in the kitchen” you say, wiping the sweat from your forehead and coming to look over his shoulder. “Tinder? Seriously?”
“Yeah, check this out” he says, showing you some of the matches he’s had.
“Oh, wow” you whistle at a picture of a blonde woman in a bikini. You’re about to comment something else when you hear a cough behind you. Of course, Wanda is staring, her signature head tilt letting you know you’re in danger.
“I mean, oh, wow, what a horrible, unattractive person. Blegh. So not my type” you say, pretending to gag.
“I’m only letting it slide because it’s Thanksgiving” she warns and you nod.
“Yes, love. I’m sorry”
Pietro snorts and you turn to slap the back of his head.
“Sestra, are you gonna let her do that to your brother?”
“Yes” Wanda says, leaning forward to snatch his phone. “Come help me in the kitchen. Now”
“You know, I’m twelve minutes older” he says as they go back inside.
Once you’re done with mowing and picking up the dry leaves, you set a table across the backyard and some lights for extra decoration. Hoping the kids won’t look, you set up a trampoline you know they’ve been asking for.
“Alright, come supervise” you ask Wanda, and for some reason the entire Maximoff entourage follows behind.
“It looks amazing!” she says, inspecting the lights you installed. “I love these”
“I know. I may have stalked your Pinterest board, @witchy16”
“Billy, look!” Tommy points at the trampoline, running to try it out, his brother close behind.
“Be careful” Wanda warns. “I’m not sure I love that”
“They can use it only when I’m around” you promise, turning to her. “That way I can get more alone time with my girl”
Wanda laughs, but the sound is drowned out by your lips on hers, and your hands travel south to squeeze her ass.
“I’m right here!” Pietro complains, which makes you smirk.
“I didn’t see you, sorry” Wanda says.
“I did” you smile, earning a slap on the shoulder from your girlfriend. Something pings in the kitchen, so she excuses herself.
“You know, we usually save the presents for last”
“What presents? This isn’t Christmas” you say.
“People give each other presents during Thanksgiving too. Isn’t it obvious? How do you give thanks to someone? You get them something” he insists, which makes you doubt yourself. Pietro leaves to join the twins on the trampoline.
Maybe he’s right. What if Wanda got you something and after everything she’s done to make sure you enjoy this holiday, you have nothing to give back.
“Hey, sweetheart. Are you done in the backyard?” Wanda says when you walk in.
 yeah. Do you want me to do anything else?”
“No, that’s fine. I’m just letting everything in the oven for now. Come sit” 
 I need to go check something” you lie, feeling awful about it. But you have to get her a present.
“At the hospital?”
“Yes. I won’t take long, I promise” you say when she looks disappointed. “I’ll be back in an hour and I’ll help with whatever’s missing” 
“I just want us to spend time together,” she smiles, taking your hands. You lean forward, kissing her. “Oh, and call Darcy, I just want to confirm she’s coming”
“Yes, my love” 
Pretending to be super calm, you walk to your car. You only let panic take over when you’re driving around, finding the traffic to be awful. Seems like people always leave everything for the last minute, and you hate yourself for not thinking about this sooner.
You can’t let Wanda down.
Darcy’s the only person who can help out, so you call her while you try to find a place to park.
“Hey. Wanda wanted to confirm you’re coming to dinner”
“I am, only for the amazing food. But the hospital will page me if there’s an emergency so don’t expect me to stay for long”
“Got it. By the way, did uh, your family happen to give each other presents during Thanksgiving?”
“No, they only get drunk and yell at each other. Why? Do I have to bring a present? Because then I’m out”
“No, that was just me being stupid, never mind. See you at seven”
You hang up, leaving the car to walk around the shops. Most of them are closed, because of course, it’s a holiday. The only places still working are supermarkets. So, what? Will you have to get your perfect girlfriend toilet paper and say “happy holidays”?
After walking down several blocks, you finally find a jewelry store open. 
“Welcome. How can I help you?” a woman says.
“Hi. I can’t believe you’re open at this time of day” you comment, looking around the store. Wanda never really wears bracelets, or earrings. Necklaces, yes. Though they’re always very discreet. 
“You wouldn’t believe the amount of people who have to buy a peace offering for the holidays” 
“Or last minute engagements” 
“Oh. That’s definitely not the case” you smile, and something behind the woman catches your eye. “That’s a nice pearl necklace”
The woman puts on her sales hat, telling you every detail about the very elegant, very real pearls and how it is an absolute must for any woman. It honestly doesn’t take a lot of convincing. It’s beautiful and you remember how Wanda mentioned she always wanted one, but considered it a bit of a silly expense with two kids and no real use for it.
“I’ll take it” 
“You don’t want to look at the price?”
“I imagine it’s those four figures there”
“Yeah. That’s fine. I’m a trauma surgeon” you explain with a smile, feeling a little smug. 
“She’s a lucky lady”
You don’t really agree, considering this is very last minute. For the twins, you decide to take some of the Christmas presents you started to buy for them and store at your house.
And as much as Pietro annoys you, you’ll have to get him something too. 
Looking at the time, you decide to keep shopping for a bit longer, hoping no one notices if you’re gone too long. 
Wanda definitely notices. By the time you come back home, you’re sneaking around with a few boxes but she comes out of the kitchen.
“Where have you been?” 
Her tone makes you jump, and you look at her with wide eyes.
“Doesn’t matter. I need you to go to the supermarket and get me some boxes of mac and cheese for all the kids. And a few bottles of wine, in case Laura and Clint stay longer” 
“Ok” you say, wishing she had called you since you were around the supermarket not long ago. 
By the time you finish all her errands, it’s four and you’ll only have an hour or two to rest. 
“Hey, here’s everything you asked for” you greet with a smile, hoping Wanda is less stressed now.
“Oh, thank you, sweetheart. I think the Bartons aren’t even staying for dinner so I made you go for no reason, I’m sorry”
“It’s ok” you say, putting your arms around her. “What’s wrong?”
“I want this to be perfect. For you to know that having a family is nice so you won’t
” she trails off, trying not to look at you.
“So I won’t, what?”
“So you won’t leave. It’s silly”
“Hey, I’d never leave
 sorry” you grumble, looking at your phone and ignoring the call.
“If you need to pick up...”
“It’s just my landlord asking about the lease renewal” you roll your eyes which makes her laugh. “As I was saying, I don’t need a perfect Thanksgiving as a reason to stay. I love you. That’s it”
“I love you too” she smiles, leaning forward to kiss you. With your hands on her cheeks, you deepen the kiss, enjoying how she sighs against your lips when your tongue darts out. Then, your hands travel south to squeeze her ass, encouraging her to put her legs around your waist. 
“Hey, can we
? Ugh, not again” Pietro says, covering his eyes. “We’re thirsty”
Without dropping Wanda, you go through the stuff in the fridge and hand him some drinks.
“We’ll be upstairs, don’t go up in
 20 minutes” you say, making Wanda giggle.
“You guys are gross,” Pietro complains, crashing against the table as he keeps his eyes closed.
“Come on, let’s make those 20 minutes count” you say, carrying Wanda to the bedroom.
The Bartons arrive at 7, just like Wanda told them to. Sparky is the main attraction, as all the kids coo and aw at the funky little dog that loves all the attention.
“Pietro, nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you” Laura says.
“Only good things, I hope”
“That must have been a short conversation” you laugh at your own joke, while Pietro glares.
The kids run around the yard as Laura and Wanda chat, Clint handing over Nathaniel to you while Pietro talks about his job.
Darcy shows up a little later, and you make your rounds, introducing her to everyone that hasn’t met her yet. 
“You again” she says when her eyes land on Pietro. 
“What? You’ve heard a lot about me too?” 
“Yeah, mostly bad shit”
“Bad word” all the kids turn to point at her, and she facepalms.
“Two bad words!” Cooper says. Laura covers Lila’s ears, though she is laughing. You clasp your hands over Darcy‘s mouth because you know she can keep going forever.
“Kids, have you tried going on our brand new trampoline? You can take Sparky with you” that gets them distracted enough, running away to the backyard. “There. Don’t worry, it took me a minute to get used to the no swearing”
“This is why I don’t hang out at PG-13 events. Anyways, I brought some stuff to make pumpkin cocktails and guacamole. Help yourselves” Darcy says, holding a bag of tortilla chips.
“Nobody eats guacamole at Thanksgiving” Pietro says. 
“They do if they’re Mexican. We can pretend. I’ll call you Pedro all night long” Darcy says just to annoy him. “Plus, this is all I can make” 
“Are all surgeons bad cooks?” Wanda teases, and you’re dumb enough to answer honestly.
“Not all! Carol is actually a great
 huh” you scratch the back of your neck at Wanda’s glare. 
“Someone’s in trouble,” Pietro guesses.
“Yeah” Wanda tilts her head, making you smile weakly. 
“I’m making cocktails” Darcy interrupts everyone, dragging you to the kitchen. For a while, you talk about some patients that arrived during the day, but it was still a strangely calm shift at the hospital. It was usually busy during dinner or after that some people got injured, while driving back home. 
“Take this to Wanda, that will make her forget that Carol comment” 
Approaching slowly, you put the drink in front of your girlfriend, who takes a sip and then coughs.
“Wow, what is this?” she laughs, the alcohol strong enough to knock her off her feet.
“A fire hazard” Clint comments, able to smell it across the table. Still, Wanda sips on the drink and nods, enjoying the taste.
“Go easy, Miss Maximoff” you joke, which makes her smile.
“I still remember why I’m mad at you”
“Then forget what I said, take these like tequila shots”
“Carol is an ex,” Pietro says, putting together the information. 
“As in Carol Danvers? Nice” Clint comments, earning a slap on the arm by Laura.
“Thread carefully” 
“Ah, jeez. Look what you made me do” Clint laughs, looking at you.
“Pumpkin cocktail for Laura coming right up”
“I’ll bring it, I have to check the turkey” Wanda says, slightly slurring her words. 
“If you go anywhere near the oven, leave that thing here” Clint points out, not wanting to put out fires on his day off.
You take Wanda’s place, sipping casually on the rest of her drink. Everyone stares as you don’t even make a face to the amount of alcohol on it.
“We’ve known each other since college” you explain. ”So this is just like drinking water”
While you keep chatting in the backyard, Darcy and Wanda are both in the kitchen, your friend making herself a drink while Wanda turns off the oven to get the turkey ready.
“Want another cocktail?” she says, pushing a glass towards Wanda. The woman grabs it, sipping again. The sweet taste of the pumpkin hides a bit of the alcohol, so the punch isn’t hitting quite yet. 
“Listen, I know your brother already gave my friend the shovel talk” 
“Really? When?” Wanda says, a little too loudly. 
”Back in the hospital. And I had to hold off on mine because you were always in my territory and I didn’t want to seem like a bully. However, now is the time to tell you
 she’s my best friend, has been since college. Life hasn’t been particularly fair and her mother certainly didn’t help, though I’m sure she’s made it seem like no big deal, but Y/N really does deserve someone nice and kind. So don’t break her heart. Under any circumstance”
“I’m not planning to, Daisy” Wanda nods her head, her thoughts a little fuzzy.
“Nobody plans to hurt someone they love. And I’m Darcy”
“I’m a little drunk” Wanda clicks her tongue, leaning on Darcy as they go back to the backyard. 
“Everything ok, love?” you say when Wanda comes back, and to your surprise, she sits on your lap instead of a chair.
“These things are strong. A couple more and I’ll consider doing that thing you wanted to try in bed”
“Oh, dear God” you blush, while Clint, Laura and Darcy whistle. Pietro covers his ears, gagging. “No more cocktails for you
 at least with the kids around”
The Bartons stay a little while longer, eating and drinking until Lila and Cooper approach Clint.
“Can we get a dog?”
“That’s our cue to go” he sighs, standing up.
“Please, we want one!” Lila insists, and you laugh at Clint’s defeated expression.
“We’ll see” he compromises. “Come on, we gotta stop by at your grandparents”
They leave, thanking you for the food and you promise to take the twins and Sparky to play at the farm very soon.
Pietro finally gets off his ass to bring the turkey, which looks absolutely delicious. He carves it, saving the biggest piece for his sister.
“I love Thanksgiving” you say, enjoying what’s probably the best meal you’ve ever had.
“Me too” Darcy agrees, getting seconds and thirds of everything. Truth be told, you never get to sit around and eat as much as you like so this is a total luxury for a workaholic doctor.
As you’re finishing up, Wanda takes out a pecan pie. 
“I’m in heaven” Darcy comments upon the first bite.
On the other hand, you cannot hold back a moan, which makes Wanda bite her lip, one of her hands going to squeeze your thigh. 
“Hey, quick question, will you marry me?” Darcy says to Wanda and you elbow her.
“Right in front of my pecan pie?”
“I’m just saying, if you don’t, I will”
“She better get a ring then” Wanda says, smiling at you. Your mind goes back to the woman at the shop, telling you about those last minute engagements.
Surprisingly, Pietro is the one that changes the subject.
“You know what I always find funny? How the flavor makes my throat all tingly. And my tongue numb”
Everyone looks at him in silence, until Darcy speaks.
“That’s an allergic reaction”
“What? No” Pietro dismisses her point.
“It is” you insist, which earns another hand gesture from the man. “Oh, you’re right, what do we know? We only went to medical school”
“You’re so dumb” Wanda says, laughing and holding her sides. “You’ve been allergic our whole lives? Oh, my God!”
“Very funny, sestra. But now you can’t make this anymore”
“Hey, eat a granola bar or something” Darcy snaps, getting a second slice. “Why should we pay the price for your weakness?”
“Let’s finish the pie so he doesn’t get an allergy” you tease.
Darcy and you keep eating while Pietro is instructed to clean up the table and load the dishwasher. As the celebration ends, Darcy goes back home with tons of leftovers.
“I’ll walk you out ” you say, accompanying your friend. As you’re chatting, your phone rings again.
“Your mother?” Darcy guesses when you ignore the call. You click your tongue, putting the phone back in your pocket. “Let me guess, she’s calling for the usual wish you were here bullshit while never calling in advance”
“Yeah, that’s our thing. This year I’m not in the mood to do it, though”
“Well, she’ll hopefully get the hint” Darcy’s pager goes off and she sighs. “There it is”
“Want me to tag along?”
“It’s fine. I’ll call if it gets too crazy. Bye, pal”
You wave as she drives away, walking back with Sparky. For a second, you feel guilty and think about calling your mother back, but this day has been perfect and you don’t want to ruin it.
“Hey, kiddos, did you have fun?” you ruffle Tommy’s hair when you get home, getting Sparky his dinner.
“Yeah, it was awesome!”
“Well, you better check your rooms because I got you a little present”
As usual, Tommy is faster, but Billy is right behind him, both of them shouting excitedly.
“What is all that noise?” Wanda says, alarmed.
“Just following tradition” you explain with a smile, waiting for the kids to open their presents.
“What tradition?” Wanda says, looking confused.
“Thanksgiving presents”
Then you hear it. Pietro snorts a laughter from his spot in the kitchen.
“I’m gonna kill you, Evil Twin” you say, going straight to where he’s standing. Pietro runs around the kitchen island, putting distance between you two.
“Stop it, you two!” Wanda says, hands on her hips.
“Sorry, love. But he’s got it coming” you throw a towel his way, and take advantage of the distraction to jump over the counter, falling on top of him.
“Cool!” Billy says, watching as you have Pietro in a headlock.
“How are you so strong?” he complains, unable to free himself.
“I’m in the ER, do you really think I don’t have to deal with drunk assholes?”
“Enough!” Wanda shouts, pulling you by the belt loop of your pants until you’re off balance. “Explain” she asks standing between you two.
“He told me you gave each other presents during Thanksgiving!”
“We love ours!” Tommy says, showing the stands for their controls. You smile, fixing your shirt.
“Well, you’re the only ones getting one. Your uncle is definitely not”
“You got me something?”
“Yes, and it was a damn good present” you smile, knowing the curiosity will drive him crazy.
“Come on, can I have it?”
“No” Wanda and you say at the same time.
You make fun of him, and then Wanda tilts her head.
“Did you get me something?”
“Of course I did” you pat the back of your jeans, finding the necklace box there. “Here”
Wanda’s eyes widen as soon as she opens it, her hand covering her mouth.
“What? You don’t like it? I can return it. Or maybe I can’t. But you don’t have to wear it” you rant, afraid that it’s too much for a tradition that isn’t even real.
“Sweetheart, stop” she says, smiling. “I-I love it. Thank you”
“Well, I love you” you lean forward, letting her kiss you. Billy and Tommy protest at the contact, something that they have unfortunately picked up from their uncle.
“Can I have my present? Please?” Pietro says.
“No, wait until Christmas” you say.
“And for this little joke you’re gonna clean the kitchen” Wanda says, pointing at all the dirty pots and pans.
“My joke got you a pearl necklace”
“Chop, chop, Pietro” she ignores him, pushing the kids upstairs so they can get ready for bed. “You two stink, go and take a shower”
“Where do you want me, Bossypants?” you joke, standing next to her.
“Mhm” she smiles, leaning forward to whisper in your ear. “You like it when I’m bossy?”
“Yes, Ma’am”
“Then go shower too. And stay in bed. You were running around all day”
“Wanna join me in the shower?”
“I’ll help Pietro clean. Or we’ll never hear the end of it” she says, smiling when you pull her close, kissing her cheek.
“Don’t be long”
By the time Wanda comes up, you’re asleep, wearing nothing but shorts and a t-shirt.
The gentleness of her lips against your neck wakes you up with a shudder, and you bring your hand to rub up and down her back.
“Are you done with cleaning?” you say, trying not to yawn. Wanda’s teeth, marking the spot between your shoulder and neck jolt you awake. “Baby?”
“You always give me so much. I want to thank you” she says, moving down your lap. You lean on your elbows, unsure if you’re understanding what she’s saying.
“Wanda?” you’re about to ask something else, but the words get stuck in your throat when you feel her rubbing her nose against your clit through your shorts. “I
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong” you say, having trouble breathing when she pulls down your shorts, revealing you’re not wearing any underwear.
“Perfect” Wanda smiles, leaning down. You can tell she’s hovering, teasing you with anticipation. Even when she kisses the inside of your thighs, it feels heavenly.
You make the mistake of looking down, and Wanda’s eyes meet yours. She has a predatory smirk on her face, one you’ve never seen before. She knows how much you want this, she can see it, smell it. You’re about to plead for her to continue when she goes down, tongue licking a strip down your center.
“Fuck” you say, your legs instantly going to close around her head. You’re so sensitive and she’s sucking on your clit with such abandonment. Wanda lets you ride her face, enjoying the feeling of your juices coating every inch of her chin.
When you’re close to coming, she manages to pull free of your hold, pushing her hair back. Her chest is heaving, face glistening with your arousal.
“Wha-“ she doesn’t let you finish, pulling down her own shorts, and crawling on top of you.
“I want you to come with me” she sighs against your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself. Her pussy comes in contact with yours, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you feel her wetness.
“Be quiet for me” she hisses, though there’s certain tenderness in her voice. Her palm covers your mouth, and Wanda only moves when you nod, pushing her hips against yours.
“Wanda” you plead, not knowing exactly what you’re after. Even though she’s also getting pleasure out of this, she’s still very much in control, keeping you steady as she rocks her hips, setting the pace.
As your breathing quickens, Wanda picks up the pace, and your arm snakes around her waist, pulling her closer until she drops her body on top of yours, moving and panting next to your ear.
“I’m close” you breathe, and the way she bites down your neck is what pushes you over the edge, letting out a groan and a string of curse words that would put your best friend to shame.
Wanda’s release follows, and you let her dig her nails in your shoulders as she comes. She relaxes against your chest, her heart slowing down as you run your hand up and down her back.
You don’t need to look to know there’s a mess of sheets and clothes around you. Wanda is too far gone to care, the intensity of her orgasm and the exhaustion of the day making her doze off.
“Can we make this into a tradition?” you whisper against her temple. She laughs, cuddling against your side.
Wanda: Hey
Y/N: Hey, gorgeous
Wanda: Miss you
Y/N: Miss you more.
Y/N: Thinking about that mindblowing orgasm too.
“Someone got laid for Thanksgiving” Carol reads over your shoulder and you huff.
“Mind your business, Danvers”
“Darcy said it was the best meal of her life. What do we have to do to get invited next year?” she says as you walk down the hospital halls.
“Go back in time and not sleep with me”
“Damn. Wanda’s still jealous? Would it change if I’m a married gal?”
“You set a date?” you stop Carol, excited to hear more.
“Your invitation should be in the mail soon”
“Congrats!” you smile, pulling her for a hug.
“There’s one more thing
 I was wondering if you’d be my maid of honor
The request catches you completely off guard. Carol had been your friend since you arrived at the hospital, but considering everything that happened, you’d figure Maria wouldn’t be comfortable with that.
“I mean
 I would love to, but Maria”
“She’s fine with it. Understands it was just a distraction”
“Aww, that makes me feel so special” you put your hands over your chest, sighing dramatically.
“You know what I mean” Carol says, making you walk to the ER. “So, you in? You’ll have to do dress fittings. Organize a bachelorette party. Make sure I’m there on time”
“Fine, yes. Oh, did I mention we got a dog?”
On the way to the ER, you show Carol a bunch of pictures of Sparky, and she’s still obsessing over his funky hair when you find Kate, finishing some charts.
“How was your night, Bishop?”
“A bit crazy. Some accidents on the road, and cuts with kitchen knives
 but it’s been pretty quiet now”
Carol gasps and you want to scream.
“Don’t say the q word, Bishop” you plead.
Two ambulances park right outside and you nod towards them.
“That’s why”
True to the lore, the word quiet attracts a wave of emergencies and freak accidents that take up most of your shift.
That’s not what has you on the edge of a nervouse breakdown, though.
During your first break of the night, you answer a text from Wanda, telling her you’ll be sure to be there for Pietro’s dinner tomorrow, as he’s finally leaving on Monday morning.
No one ever leaves a voicemail so you check out the notification, and you wish you hadn’t.
“For someone who works in the ER, you sure as hell aren’t around for family emergencies” your mother says. “Well, it’s not really an emergency, but you get my point. We’re gonna be in town, Jane’s probably applying to Westview university next year. Call me when you can, it would help if you give us a tour around the city. And pick up the damn phone, it’s Thanksgiving”
Kate finds you in that moment, making you jump out of your seat.
“You wanted me to
“Follow up with the patient in 403, yes. I’m going out for a while. Call me if it’s urgent”
The first thing you want to do is throw your phone away, but you settle for walking to a nearby store, looking for a pack of cigarrettes and a lighter. If you didn’t have a shift to go back to, you’d certainly get a bottle of cheap booze.
As you sit on the sidewalk, your hands tremble when you light up a cigarrette. It’s been ten minutes and you’re through the third one when Darcy stops by.
“What’s the matter with you?”
Since you can’t find the strenght to explain it, you hand over your phone. Your friend physically recoils at the sound of your mother’s voice, that’s how much she dislikes her.
“I’m sorry” Darcy says, sitting next to you. “She might not even make time to see you, she’s probably just pretending, like with every holiday”
“It’s not just that, Darcy. What if Jane goes to Westview University? I’m going to
 I’m going to be worrying about whether or not she’ll be around. If her daughter needs anything, she’ll call me, if something goes wrong and I don’t find a way to fix it immediately, I’ll be the screw up of a daughter who never cares about her family. I’m gonna have to move, there’s just no way I can
“Slow down” Darcy sits next to you, her hand on your shoulder. Her touch helps you stay calm, and you breathe slowly. “That’s a massive if. You don’t know if it’s happening. And we’re both very much aware that you could do everything your mother asks and it still wouldn’t be enough. Don’t let her control you”
“I don’t know how” you admit, your voice breaking down.
“That’s ok” Darcy pulls you in, hugging you. “We’ll figure it out. Or just take her to the nastiest places in town, she’ll never let Jane come here again”
You let out a laugh at that, wiping your tears.
“I love you, friend” you say, feeling exhausted.
“Ugh, you always get so emotional when that witch is lurking around. Careful or you’ll end up proposing to Wanda”
“I don’t want my mother anywhere near Wanda. If she says anything hurtful to her, I swear to God she’ll really regret the minute she pushed me out of her fucking insides”
“Damn, bitch, now that’s the fire I want to see in you” Darcy claps, pulling you up. “Come back inside. Heard it’s been non stop since your minion summoned the entire city”
“Yeah, she said the q word”
“Queef” Darcy sighs and you cackle.
“Sassy queef”
The last thing you want to do when your shift is over is have dinner and be social, but you promised Wanda.
So you walk through the door with a smile on your face and some flowers for your girlfriend. Wanda greets you with a kiss, but quickly pulls apart.
“Did you smoke?”
Seems like the entire pack of gum after smoking for the last 48 hours didn’t do the trick.
“Yes, sorry. I’ll go use some mouthwash and change clothes”
“Hold on” Wanda pulls your hand, looking at you. “What’s wrong? You only smoke if you’re stressed”
“Sestra!” her brother calls, and you’re actually grateful for the interruption.
“I’ll tell you later. Pietro needs your help”
Thankfully the conversation centers on the other Maximoff and his plans for the upcoming weeks, now that the conditions seem more favorable for snowboarding.
You ask a question here and there, but mostly keep to yourself, eating the chicken paprikash and drinking wine. Yeah, you definitely drink a couple of glasses to keep your cool.
If Wanda notices, she keeps it to herself once again.
“Well, sounds like you’ll be needing a pair of brand new gloves” you say to Pietro at one point, taking out a box from behind the tv. “Hidden in plain sight”
“She’s a keeper!” he exclaims when he notices the fine material. “I’m definitely coming back for Christmas now”
“Hey, you better get me something nice too”
You’re halfway the second bottle of wine when everyone’s done with dinner, and the kids are debating between going for ice cream or watching a movie. It’s safer to stay in the kitchen, cleaning everything and hoping you can excuse yourself early.
Truth is, you really want to drink until you pass out but that would raise too many questions with Wanda.
“They settled on Jumanji” Wanda announces when you’re drying your hands.
“Mmkay. I’ll take Sparky out for his walk then” you volunteer, rushing to get his leash before she can ask anything else.
The cold air makes you sober up a little, remembering what Darcy told you.
Don’t let her control you, don’t let her ruin your life.
You’ve told Wanda your relationship with your mother is not the best, but how could you possibly explain that’s a wild understatement?
“Isn’t that the cutest dog?” Agatha greets Sparky, who wags his tail. “What’s their name?”
“Oh, wow” Agatha waves her hand in front of her nose. “Booze and cigarrettes, did you have fun at the casino?”
“Come on, I’ll get you a special tea. It always helps”
She rushes you to her porch, making you sit while Sparky is on your lap, comfortably napping.
“One cup of “specialty”. Hah! Get it? Special tea, specialty”
“Very clever
 oh, wow! Does this have peppermint?”
“Yes, clever girl”
“My grandmother grew peppermint on her front yard. I always loved the smell of it
 even the taste when she made tea” you smile, sipping slowly.
“Everything ok, kiddo?” she asks after a beat of silence.
“No, not really”
“Well, I’m here if you want to
” your neighbor says, petting Sparky.
“I mean, thank you, but I feel like I don’t have a lot of people to tell this to, without being judged. Because you know what it is? I fucking hate my mother, Agatha”
To your surprise, the woman let’s out a loud laugh.
“Oh, honey, please. Tell me about it. My mother was a witch”
“Is that figuratively or
“I mean, who knows. She was evil, that’s for sure” Agatha rolls her eyes, and then looks at you. “Yeah, I get it. Most people say that you have to love your family, just because you share blood. Blood is thicker than water, they say. Meanwhile, they don’t know the full phrase is the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”
“Is that so?”
“Trust me, I know” Agatha nods. “My mother would tell me I was evil, I was bad. Just rotten to the core, in her own words.”
“I’m so sorry”
“Darling, you don’t owe anyone an explanation. You have your own family with the Brady bunch over there.”
“I guess a part of me still believes she’ll apologize”
“Don’t hold your breath. And if she doesn’t, it still doesn’t mean you did something to deserve her shit”
“Thank you, Agatha”
The woman pats your leg, smiling.
“My love, are you coming back to bed?” a voice says from the inside of her house and you almost snap your neck looking back.
“Coming, Rio”
“I had no idea I was interrupting, I’ll leave right now” you stutter, carrying Sparky down the steps of the woman’s porch.
“Don’t sweat it, hot stuff. She needed a break after everything we just did” Agatha winks.
“Good talk, bye Agatha, bye Rio” you wave your hand, running back home all flustered.
The kids are with their uncle watching tv when you go inside. You let Sparky go so he can sit on the couch with them, and go upstairs to get changed and sleep.
Once you’re settling in bed, Wanda pushes the door open, eyeing you curiously.
“Sweetheart” is all she says. It’s both a question and an affirmation.
“It’s been a long day” you admit, too tired to pretend you’re ok, but also not in the mood to explain everything.
Maybe your mother won’t even come, and you’ll have shown Wanda how broken and fucked up you are for no reason. She doesn’t need to know it. Not now, at least.
“Let me help” she offers, climbing on your lap, kissing every inch of your face. You hold on to her waist, digging your fingers in her flesh. “I love you”
“I know. I love you too” you smile, finally connecting her lips with yours. She’s meant to comfort you with her touch, not wanting to start something else, because everyone’s downstairs. But when you swipe your tongue across her bottom lip, Wanda lets out a groan, nails scrapping your scalp as you deepen the kiss.
“Please” you say, switching positions so she’s on her back, you on top. You don’t really know what you’re asking for, but she can sense your desperation, holding on to your shoulders.
“It’s ok. I’m here. Use me, love. Take me”
Those words spurr you on, making you go down to kiss her neck, unbuttoning her shirt and leaving a trail of marks all the way to her hips. You desperately pull at her pants, immediately going down on her, your touch impatient as Wanda covers her mouth to keep quiet.
“Please” she manages to ask, and you give her more, stretching her with two of your fingers. “More”
You’re happy to comply, adding another digit and working them in and out of her clenching cunt, while you go back to meet her lips in a messy kiss.
“I fucking love you” you say against her mouth, and that sends Wanda over the edge, arousal gushing out of her with each of your final thrusts.
“I was
 supposed to make you feel better” she says, trying to catch her breath.
“Oh, trust me. You did”
Wanda laughs, looking at you lovingly while you kiss her temple.
“I love you too” she says when your lips meet hers for a quick kiss.
“I know. I’m very lovable”
Her laugh makes you forget all the bad shit you’ve been carrying with you for the last day and a half.
“Take care, brat” Wanda says, her arms going around her brother. “See you soon”
“Yes” he then says something in Sokovian, making Wanda laugh.
“Do you guys know what they’re saying?” you approach Billy and Tommy.
“No, mama hasn’t taught us any Sokovian”
“We think it’s so they can say bad words without getting caught”
“What is all that mumbling I’m hearing?” Wanda says, making you stand straight.
“Nothing” the three of you say at the same time, making her laugh.
“Relax, sestra. You two, be good while I’m gone. And if you’re not good
“Be careful” they finish the sentence, laughing.
“And you
” Pietro points at you. Wanda is about to intervene, thinking he’s about to give you another shovel talk. but you wink at her, smiling. “Welcome to the family”
“Thank you, Evil Twin. See you at Christmas”
“You’re dressing up as Santa this year” he says in a low voice and you laugh.
The man gets in his car, waving goodbye one last time.
“Alright, you two, we’re gonna be late for school” Wanda says, and the routine slips you back to reality.
“Hey” you say, pulling her close to you. Before she can answer, you kiss her, hands on her cheeks. She squeezes your wrists, smiling. “Do I really have to be Santa?”
“We’ll see” she laughs, kissing you once again. “Come on. We got a busy day ahead of ourselves”
You smile, letting her take you back home.
Whatever happens next, you just need Wanda to get through it.
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slafastri28 · 2 months ago
I Hope You're Doing Well - LN4
Note: I literally pulled this out my ass, but it just flowed!
Word Count: 2.2k (yes that is a lot for me) Warnings: Idk a lot of kissing at the end, little angst
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“Hi Lando, it’s Y/N, I hope you’re doing well, I figure you are considering you just won the constructors championship, call me when you want to catch up, I miss you, okay bye,” you hung up the phone. You turned to face your parents along with Lando’s,
“Sorry kid,” your dad said rubbing your shoulder. The four sat you down in the middle of the F1 season telling you their concerns for their son, complaining of being homesick and lonely, which was not Lando at all. You had known each other as long as you could remember. Your parents all went to university together and forced you and Lando into a friendship like parents do with kids. It was awkward at first, but you were very social as a child, and hanging out with a boy a year older than you was cool to you, and if it made your parents happy you would do it. Despite being a year older than you, you were always the same height as Lando growing up. You fit perfectly in his kart, but he never trusted you to drive it. He was always on about traveling in Formula 1 eventually, and he was fine his first couple years but this year was different. 
“It’s alright, I wasn’t expecting an answer,” you gave the parents a half smile. You and Lando had lost touch after the first race of the year, after spending all of the winter together something shifted, but you didn’t know what you did to make him ignore you. You called him at the first sign of concern from his parents, but no answer, his parents even urged him to call you but they were rarely hearing from him as it was. Little did they know he would sit listening to the messages you left all the time thinking about home and being with you. 
Last winter your parents threw a big party, all their friends were there and of course Lando. There was no one else really your age there so you two find yourselves alone in your childhood bedroom sitting and talking. 
“I’m confident this year, we will perform better I know it,” he nodded.
“Well of course you will, and you are going to get that win, I just know it,” you smiled. 
“Yeah I hope, thanks for the belief,” he said.
“What are friends for,” that word friends hit Lando hard. He thought he had made so obvious these past few years about how he felt about you, but he was only a friend to you. The rest of that winter he was not his usual self leaving you questioning, he barely even said goodbye before he left for testing. You sat alone in your apartment finding yourself wanting to pick up the phone and ask him what you did wrong but you accepted he needed space. You soon felt something was missing as he didn’t call you after every race like he did last year, you missed seeing his smile, which you always thought was cute. Now without his constant presence, you discovered your true feelings for Lando. You sent him messages getting responses two days later, he wouldn’t take any of your calls due to being busy, but it was the time you would normally call last year, and you knew what was different. You began to leave messages when his parents went to see him. Each message started and ended the same way. 
“Hi Lando, it’s Y/N, I hope you’re doing well,” and ended with “I miss you,” or something along those lines. After his first win, you called,
“Hi Lan, it’s me, I hope you’re doing well, and celebrating this win, I’m so proud of you, I wish I could have been there, I miss you.” Your calls continued after each win he earned this year, each podium, each race he scored points, even in his worst races you still left messages, none being answered or getting a callback, making you long for him more. The season came to a close and there you were surrounded by the people near and dear to him leaving the same message again.
This winter he had not come back to visit his family yet, meaning you didn’t have that chance to see him in your time off from work. There you sat around the most important people in your life, as one was missing, holding back tears. His mother rushed out of the room picking up her phone and scolding her son in a message. You went to bed that night looking through the scrapbooks your Moms made of the two of you when you were younger, pictures of you hugging, your arms wrapped around each other's shoulders, pictures of you forcing a smile onto his face and him doing the same to you, so many memories. The books continued as the years went on, you at age 15 with a sign at one of his races and him hugging you after, your high school graduation, your college graduation, he was always there. Now this winter here you were alone a year from that night wishing he would come home. 
You woke up the next morning with a voice message lighting up your phone. You were stunned to see the contact picture, you and Lando as little kids. You put in your headphones and hesitated before pressing play on the message.
“Hi Y/N, it’s Lando, I hope you’re doing well, I am doing well, thank you for all your congratulations, I’m sorry I’ve ignored you this season, I will tell you more when I get home tomorrow, I miss you too, see you probably a few hours after you listen to this,” his voice was sincere and you could hear little cracks knowing he was upset. You could feel your heart racing, your mind was spiraling, what could he possibly have to say to me? This is going to be so awkward. What do I even say to him? Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on your door. You quickly fixed your hair before pulling the blanket up over your pajamas hiding any possible embarrassment.
“Hey, sweetheart,” you heard your mom’s voice outside, “can I come in?” 
“Yes, come in,” you put the blanket down, “what is it?” Your Mom looked unusually happy for it being eight in the morning, she must have already had her coffee. 
“Lando’s flight arrives in an hour, and we are all going to surprise him at the airport, I know you’re upset with him, but please maybe it will change things,” her eyes were pleading, and after the message, you knew it would be the right thing to do. You hopped out of bed grabbing your morning coffee before changing. You conveniently lived close to the airport so an hour was plenty of time. As you stood with your two families in the terminal waiting you began to think again, you had seen him on social media, which was easier to bury your feelings, but in real life, you didn’t know what you would do. 
You watched the hallway, seeing several people go by, none were the faces you wanted to see. It had been a few more minutes since you were distracted by your phone, but you chose to look up at the perfect moment.
“Here he comes,” his mom exclaimed. You shoved your phone in your bag immediately, putting on a smile. He dropped his bag greeting first his parents, then your parents, and froze when he got to you. It was like time stopped, and no one else in the airport existed. He stretched out his arms as you rushed into them. He pulled you so close, you felt your feet lift off the ground.
“Oh Y/N, I’m so sorry, I’ve missed you so much,” he began to cry into you.
“Lando, Lando,” you sobbed feeling his warmth. The two of you pulled yourselves together as you made your way out to your cars.
“Why don’t you two ride together, you have some catching up to do,” his mom winked in your direction. The two of you did as you were told riding in the “kids' car” back to his parents’ home. You got home before them leaving you two some time after your silent car ride, both of you trying to keep it together. Once you got to their house, you made your way upstairs to his room. You watched him unpack his things before you noticed the stack of books next to the bed, the same ones you had looked at the night before. Something in your gut told you to open one, and it was right, it struck his attention.
“Wow look at us,” he said joining you sitting on his bed. 
“I know, we were so cute,” you laughed pointing at a picture of you two at Lando’s 9th birthday, you were blowing out his candle with him. 
“Still are,” he said softly, the look in his eyes showed he wanted to continue. You closed the book and took a good look at him, you saw pain in his body language, emotional pain. He was different than the Lando you saw the previous year. 
“Tell me what’s wrong,” you said resting your hand on his shoulder, “what did I do,” you thought back to last year knowing exactly what hurt him. 
“Y/N, hand me the book,” he pointed to the one from your high school years. You handed him the book and he began to frantically flip through it, finding one specific picture. You stared at it, then at him with a faint smile on your lips. 
“The dance,” you nodded looking ashamed. 
“That’s when it started Y/N, and ever since then I have loved you, I thought I made it obvious, but you only saw me as a friend, I couldn’t take it anymore, I was hurt, and didn’t want to waste my time,” his eyes stayed locked on the book. 
“Lan, I feel the same, it took me not having you present constantly to finally realize I have loved you,” you smiled. His eyes picked up from the book,
“All those messages were cries for you to call me so we could have this conversation, I started to think you moved on after the constant lack of response,” you sighed.
“I should have answered all those calls, I should have called back, I should have said something-” you cut him off pressing a kiss to his lips. His hands quickly found your face as yours found his hair, running your fingers through his curls. You both gasped for air after that, your foreheads resting against each other’s. Your hands moved slowly from his hair to his hands which remained on your face. He let go interlocking his fingers with yours as your hands moved to your lap.
“This, this is how it was meant to be,” he smiled, before kissing you once more. 
“So should we tell our parents, who definitely have their suspicions already,” you laughed. 
“Not yet,” he said laying down in his bed and pulling you along with him. You two lay there your head on his chest with your hands locked over your heart. You were at full joy in the moment, a moment that you didn’t know you needed until now. You flipped over laying on top of him. 
“So despite my horrible dancing that night, that’s when you knew,” you laughed running your fingers through his hair again. 
“I wasn’t much better,” he laughed, “despite your clumsiness, you still were beautiful,” he said grinning. You pressed another kiss to his lips as his arms found your back pulling you in tighter. You two continued, intensifying the kiss as you both lay now on your sides. His lips moved from your face, down to your jaw and eventually reached your neck, letting you sigh.
“Kids dinner!” your mom called from outside the door. Lando continued moving back up to your lips. 
“Lan,” you repeated whispering, pushing him away, “come on,” you smiled. 
“Just a few more,” he begged.
“Later,” your eyes showed promise. You fixed your hair in his full-length mirror where he stood behind you wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“Come on,” you laughed opening the door. You two walked hand in hand downstairs meeting your families in the kitchen. They all turned to face the two of you standing there with intertwined fingers, both with red cheeks. The Dads gave nods of approval to Lando and the Moms squealed gesturing for you to both sit.
“Finally,” his mom clapped as you sat at the table.
“Come on give us a little kiss,” your mom added on. The Dads rolled their eyes but still watched. Lando pulled you in by your neck pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You heard your Dad’s whistle, you shot him a glare after the kiss ended. It was just like old times in the winter when you would have dinners, the conversation flowed naturally as you felt Lando’s smile beaming on his face. This was secretly what you always desired. 
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onehundredelevven · 3 months ago
I love what you did with Toji during y/n’s birth. Could I maybe request one where y/n breaks the JJK men’s hand from the labor pains? I’d love to see their reactions lol I feel like Nanami and Sukuna would take it like a champ but Satoru and Toji’s voice would crack 😂
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U ask, I give
Chaotic labor room scenarios for the JJK men.
cw. JJK men being chaotic and Satoru's dramatic arse, and broken hands
Satoru Gojo
“Babe, you’re doing great—OW, OW, OW!”
Satoru’s voice cracked like glass as you crushed his hand with a strength you didn’t know you had. He winced, his signature cocky grin wiped clean off his face.
“Are you seriously whining while I’m the one giving birth?” you snapped, glaring at him through your contraction.
“I think you just shattered my bones,” he whimpered, blinking back tears like a kicked puppy. “Do you hate me that much?”
“Right now, yes!”
He pouted dramatically, but when he looked down at you, sweat on your brow and pain in your eyes, his expression softened. “Alright, alright. Crush my other hand if you have to. I can survive for you and the kid.”
You didn’t hesitate to grab his other hand as another contraction hit. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”
Suguru Geto
Geto didn’t even flinch when your grip tightened like a vice. If anything, he just smiled down at you with that calm, reassuring presence he always carried.
“Do you want me to get you some ice chips?” he asked, his voice completely steady despite the audible pop from his knuckles.
“ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN?” you screamed, half in agony, half in disbelief at his composure.
“I’ve been through worse,” he replied coolly, brushing your hair out of your face. “Though you are quite strong, I’ll give you that.”
You let go of his hand, panting through the contraction, and saw his fingers twitch slightly. “Doesn’t that hurt?”
“Only a little.” He smirked. “But it’s nothing compared to what you’re doing right now. You’re amazing, you know that?”
Kento Nanami
Nanami’s hand was practically vibrating under your grip, but he sat stiffly beside you, not a single wince or grunt escaping him. The man was a fortress.
“You can
 let go if it hurts,” you offered between labored breaths.
“Don’t worry about me,” he said firmly, though the sweat beading on his forehead betrayed him. “Focus on yourself.”
Another contraction hit, and you let out a guttural groan, clamping down harder. This time, Nanami’s jaw tightened, and his free hand gripped the armrest of his chair hard enough to leave marks.
“Okay, maybe I’ll need a splint later,” he admitted, voice as calm as ever.
Ryomen Sukuna
“You call that a squeeze?” Sukuna barked out a laugh, sitting beside you like this was all a walk in the park.
“I hate you,” you hissed, crushing his hand harder out of pure spite.
“Go ahead, brat. Try harder,” he taunted, his grin widening as you gave it your all. “You’re going to need more than that to—”
His smirk faltered, his eye twitching as he pulled his now-clearly-broken hand back. “...You’re lucky I love you.”
“Shut up and hold my hand again!”
“Yeah, no.” He offered his other hand instead, still smirking through the pain. “I’ve got two. Let’s see if you can break them both.”
Toji Fushiguro
“AH, SH—” Toji’s yell was cut short as your grip sent a sharp pop through his knuckles.
“Toji, don’t you dare yell louder than me right now!” you growled.
He bit his tongue, gritting his teeth against the pain. “Alright, fine, but damn, woman. How are you this strong while pushing out a kid?”
“Because I have to deal with you every day,” you snapped.
Toji let out a strangled laugh, his voice wobbling. “Tch, fair enough. Just... don’t tell the kid their mom broke my hand, alright?”
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princessbrunette · 11 months ago
thinking about bunny being in a slightly difficult mood, grumpy, huffing and stomping her foot around tannyhill. rafe’s trying to let her have her temper tantrum since they’re a rare occurrence. but after a few hours of her sour mood not letting up, he manhandles her rove this lap to put in her bunny plug and finger her till she cries and he’s cooing at her about how “only dad can fix that little attitude huh, bun?”
oh my god??????
(⑅◞ ÖŽ ◟⑅) · ˚ 𓈒 🎀 àŸ€àœČ 🌾 ♡
he can handle the grumpiness, stomping around in little heels and huffing at minor inconveniences. sour moods never last too long with you, so having to deal with you isn’t exactly something that concerns him. however, he is a little surprised to learn that after a few hours — you’re carrying that same amount of aggression, manicured nails digging into your palm as you storm around with clenched fists, shrugging carelessly to whatever rafe asks you and bottom lip permanently jutted into a pout.
the final straw is when you go to pull your shirt from your dresser where it was folded, tugging a little too hard and hearing a tear. usually, this wouldn’t bother you. you knew deep down that it was no biggie to get something like that fixed, and rafe would never let you walk around with holes in your clothes — but the simple act of it happening sent you over the edge, screaming at the top of your lungs and repeatedly beating the shirt on the dresser, kicking your kitten-heeled feet against the wood of it until the heavy footsteps of your boyfriend had arrived behind you.
“the fuck is —” he cuts himself off, seeing the scene before him, taking in the dramatics before instantly doing what he knew should have done hours ago. in seemingly one quick movement, rafe yanks you by the arm out the way while opening the drawer and pulling out the clean bunny buttplug just waiting for usage. “alright, alright — alright!” he yells over your fussing until it was just broken whines and cries, the boy forcing you over his lap on the bed.
“its broken—” you go to yell once more as rafe yanks up your skirt, but he cuts you off quickly — asserting his dominance in hopes you’ll simply relax.
“lower your voice kid, won’t ask you again.” he commands sternly, and luckily you don’t bother again, sucking in short breaths and sniffling into the bedsheets as he works your panties off completely, knowing you won’t be needing them anymore.
you groan when rafe slots his hand beneath your throat and lifts your head with his grip, bending as much as he can to crane over you and hold the plug to your mouth. “c’mon. get it wet. don’t waste my time.” he taps your bottom lip and you sniffle, drooling until not only the metal was coated but his fingers were too from the run off. “shit, crazy girl.” he tsks as he leans back, touching the tip of it to your puckered hole. “you’re gonna calm the hell down. alright? once this is in you’re gonna chill out. i know you need me to fix that little attitude, okay i know. but you gotta use your words and not freak out on me. daddy can’t help you otherwise. yeah?” he talks to you as he pushes it in, feeling relief in the way your body melts on his lap, still sucking in harsh breaths but slower.
“yeah.” you repeat, knowing you had to say something but your brain was in melting mode, not capable of thinking of much else.
“alright. good. now, look at me — m’gonna ask you something n’i want an answer.” he demands, slowly helping your trembling body to stand between his legs. you clutch his white shirt in your fists, grounding yourself as your tearful eyes flicker over his face. you make a noise of acknowledgment so that he can continue. “what do you want? i— i can’t fix it for you baby ‘cos i don’t know what it is.” he flings out an arm, gesturing the shirt you left strewn on the floor. “is it that? do you want me to look at that? do you need a nap? food?” he shakes his head in exasperation, wide eyes searching yours with parted lips like he was really trying to figure you out.
you sniffle, shuffling on your feet as you stand inbetween his legs, his arm around your lower back keeping you leaning on him — and you’re not saying anything. he blinks, before speaking once more. “its dick. you want dick, huh?”
you didn’t know you did. truthfully, you’d been in a god awful mood all day, feeling like everything was going wrong — and in that moment things became just a little clearer as to why that might be. rafe hadn’t fucked you all week, you’d been out and about doing your own things — which is normal and okay in every relationship — just not in yours. you needed rafe to remind you who’s boss, because you didn’t wanna have to think anymore.
“please.” you nod, fiddling with his shirt button and the hand around your back slides down to beneath your skirt, tugging at the tail before massaging his fingers over your empty hole, feeling the way it gets sticky around him.
“hm. i should’a known.” he drawls, eyeing over you before plucking at your clothes. “gotta take this off, yeah? lemme see you.”
(⑅◞ ÖŽ ◟⑅) · ˚ 𓈒 🎀 àŸ€àœČ 🌾 ♡
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hp-hcs · 1 year ago
i didn’t realize the riddle brothers were a "buy one get one free" type of deal, but alright — simp! overprotective! yandere! riddle brothers x gn! oblivious! bullied! slytherin! reader
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requested by 🎀!
2.5k words, not to brag 😌
i love writing the bros’ interactions with each other as like, actual sibling-core yk? they r just so cutie patootie
the reader's patronus makes an appearance in this, but i tried to make it as accessible to everyone as possible, so it's never explicitly stated what animal it is. it is implied that it’s able-to-fit-under-a-table sized though
also this is totally just pre-slash nothing that interesting happens
warnings: couple mentions of blood, mild descriptions of wounds, implied violence, implied bullying, murder
not edited!! this is my first like, really long fic so constructive criticism is welcome!
A well-timed shove to the small of your back sent you tumbling down an entire flight of moving stairs. 
You groaned as you hit the bottom, sprawled out on your back on the cold stone floor. You laid there for a moment, winded. You could hear the occupants of a nearby painting titter at your gracefulness (or lack thereof), so you rolled your head to the other side to give them an award winning smile and an unabashed middle finger. 
You could hear them all grumble about kids these days and how I never would’ve treated my elders this way. You just rolled your eyes at their pettiness. 
what are you doing?” A decidedly alive voice interrupted your momentary satisfaction.
“Ah- evening, Riddle!” You said cheerily as soon as you recognized the speaker, scrambling to your feet and dusting off your uniform. “Nothing! Just
tripped. Couldn’t see very well in the dark, that’s all.”
Tom blinked, his lips twisted into a frown. “.....Fine. But don’t let me catch you out of bed past curfew again. You’re a Slytherin, for Salazar’s sake. Act like it.”
And that was it. Tom turned on his heel and continued down the hall without another word. Tom Riddle: prefect, teacher’s pet, and obnoxious hardass extraordinaire—he just...let you go, with no threats of detention or loss of house points. 
Tom, having just returned from a full night’s shift of prefect hall duty, flopped face-down onto his bed, his cheeks aflame as he let out a muffled shriek into his pillow. 
His brother, in the process of getting dressed for the day, paused at the scene in front of him. 
“Dude, what’s your deal?” 
“L/n,” Tom said by way of explanation, kicking his feet as he shrieked into his pillow again. “They acknowledged me. And they know my last name.”
“Most people know our last name, Tom,” Mattheo rolled his eyes.
“No- you don’t understand,” Tom said emphatically. “L/n is like
the cutest person to ever exist. And they’re so sweet, and smart, and funny, and-”
“And terrified of us?”
Mattheo rolled his eyes, putting his hands on his hips. “You talk about them too much. It’s getting insufferable.”
Tom just scowled and flicked his fingers to cast a wandless spell that straightened Mattheo’s tie and neatened his uniform. “The way you dress is insufferable. Slob.”
Mattheo stuck out his tongue at his brother before ruffling Tom’s hair to purposely mess it up. “Dick.”
Mattheo glanced up at you as you hovered uncertainly by the corner of his desk. 
“Can I sit here
?” You mumbled shyly, your cheeks flushing as the pretty dark-haired boy in your year smiled up at you.
“Course!” He grinned brightly before realizing that might have been too enthusiastic of a reply for eight in the morning and quickly tried to cover up his slip. “Uh
Y/n, right? I’m Mattheo.”
“Yeah, I know who you are.”
Mattheo’s stomach dropped.
Fuck, that’s not good.
“You let me copy your homework in third year for that essay on the properties of wormwood, or whatever.” You said offhandedly, like it wasn’t batshit insane to remember that pointlessly tiny detail. “Thank you for that, by the way. Potions sucks ass.”
Before Mattheo could even think, the words left his mouth. “I could tutor you if you want.”
You looked at him oddly, but grinned after a second. “Yeah, sure. That’d actually be really helpful. Snape hates me, man.”
“Really? Even though you’re in Slytherin?”
“Mhm, his baseless nepotism only extends so far.”
Mattheo barked out a startled laugh as your deadpan humor caught him off guard. You just grinned at him in response, causing the tips of his ears to immediately burn bright red.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, ducking his head in embarrassment. “Um
do you wanna meet in the library after school today? For our tutoring session,” Mattheo hurriedly added. 
“Sure, alright.” You shrugged. “See you there.”
He beamed, giving you that stupidly adorable grin once more. “Awesome! Yeah- yeah, cool. Awesome. See you there then.”
You were still shit at potions.
It had been six weeks of tutoring, and you’d learned pretty much nothing. Although, that wasn’t an issue on Mattheo’s part, but rather on his annoyingly hot older brother’s. 
Tom Riddle was surprisingly funny. For someone who gave off almost exclusively stoically austere bastard vibes, he enjoyed cracking jokes and enlisting your help in pulling pranks on his brother a bit too much.
It became your routine. Every Tuesday and Thursday after school, you would meet the two brothers in the library, waste like three hours joking around and getting absolutely no work done, and then going back to your dorm and ranting to your roommate about how fucking cute they are and how you would gladly pay for the opportunity to make out with one- no, both of them. 
(Your roommate is so fucking tired of hearing about the Riddles. You’d better buy them a latte and a cake-pop as an apology.)
You struggled to get up, your legs giving out. You cursed under your breath, putting a hand to your forehead as it throbbed in pain. 
It came away sticky with blood. 
This wasn’t going to work, you realized belatedly. With what remained of your strength, you were able to reach out and grab your wand, murmuring a quiet, “Expecto Patronum.”
A spectral creature formed in front of your eyes, remaining motionless as it stared at you. 
“Go find Riddle,” you mumbled to the Patronus, your eyelids growing heavy. 
You barely registered the wispy glowing animal immediately bounding off at your instructions, your vision doubling before your body went completely slack, the wand slipping from your fingers and hitting the tile floor with a clatter. 
Mattheo doodled mindlessly in the margins of his parchment as his brother droned on and on about the properties of willow bark in potions and really, this is important, Mattheo. Pay attention.
“Why isn’t Y/n here yet?” Mattheo asked his brother for the third time. 
Tom rolled his eyes. “I don’t know, Matt. Just like how I didn't know when you asked me five minutes ago. Maybe they just don’t want to see your stupid face any more, huh?”
“What if they’re in trouble? Or hurt?” Mattheo worried, chewing on his thumbnail and ignoring his brother’s insult. “They’re never late, Tommy.”
Tom wrinkled his nose at the use of the dumb (albeit endearing) nickname Mattheo gave him when they were children, but the sinking feeling in his gut at hearing his brother’s distressed tone didn’t help to ease the niggling worries at the back of his mind of maybe they are in trouble.
As if on cue, Mattheo shivered as something icy cold brushed against his ankles. He glanced down. A glowing spectral creature nudged his leg, looking up at him expectantly with unnervingly empty eyes. 
A Patronus. 
Y/n’s Patronus.
They followed the Patronus down the deserted hall, the animal occasionally pausing to make sure the boys were both still following it before bounding forward again.
The Patronus stopped in front of a bathroom door, giving them both that same unnervingly hollow-eyed stare of expectancy.
Tom gulped and pushed open the door, fearing that he might find the worst.
He did.
Your eyes cracked open slowly, and you winced at the multitude of stinging and stabbing pains that wracked your body.
You had to blink a couple times for everything to come into focus. You were in a small room with white walls and white flooring, and the gentle dawn illuminated the quiet space with soft rays of light. The steady beep of a vitals monitor faded into the background as you stared down at yourself.
You weren’t wearing a shirt, for one, or even a hospital gown. Pretty much your entire upper torso was wrapped in bloodstained gauze. The jagged edges of a brutal slash across your chest peeked out of the top of the dressings, and you had to close your eyes and hold your breath for a moment to keep from throwing up. Once you’d calmed back down, you opened your eyes, startled to see that you weren’t alone.
Mattheo had pulled up a chair to the side of your hospital bed and crossed his arms on the mattress, using them as a makeshift pillow. His dark lashes fanned across his cheeks, his breaths slow and even. He looked so peaceful and...unguarded in his sleep. You reached down to brush a loose curl away from his forehead.
“Having fun?”
You startled, jerking your hand back. 
Tom leaned against the doorframe of your room with an amused expression, quirking an eyebrow and wiggling his fingers in a wave.
“Shut up,” you hissed back in a whisper, your cheeks flaring red. 
Tom’s amused grin only grew at your dark blush as he invited himself into your room fully, closing the door behind him.
 “Your secret’s safe with me.” He jokingly winked, tapping the side of his nose.
“You’re insufferable.”
“So I’ve been told.”
“What am I doing here?” You quickly changed topics, refusing to even look down in Mattheo’s direction. 
Tom sighed, any amusement on his face rapidly vanishing. “You sent us a Patronus, thank Merlin. Pomfrey said you would’ve bled out if you hadn’t.”
You had no memory of casting the Patronus charm at all, but you trusted Tom’s recollection of events better than your own jumbled and spotty one. “Bled out?” You questioned, your heart hammering in your throat as your voice climbed an octave in anxiety.
Tom nodded, his face carefully schooled into a blank and neutral expression. “You were hit with the Sectumsempra spell. You've been out for three days now.”
Your brow furrowed. “Malfoy got hit with that last year though—and was in and out of the infirmary in less than a day.”
“Snape knew the counterspell and found ‘im just in time last year,” Mattheo mumbled sleepily, his eyes still closed as he tuned into the conversation at hand. “But whoever hit you with it just left you there to die.”
“Charming.” You mutter under your breath.
“Regardless of what happened in Malfoy’s instance,” Tom interrupted briskly. “You were on the brink of literal death. So I’ll ask you this one time and one time only. Who did it, Y/n?”
“I brought you a cookie from the Great Hall,” Mattheo grinned widely, climbing into your hospital bed next to you and unwrapping the napkin in his hand. “And the notes from today’s Charms lesson, but those’re boring and we both know you won’t actually read ‘em.”
“Aww, you know me so well.” You teased, breaking the cookie in half and handing him one of the pieces.
Mattheo cupped the cookie fragment in his hands like it was a priceless treasure, staring down at it in unrestrained awe. 
You just shook your head at his antics and brushed the odd reaction off.
You woke up this morning and just felt like shit. You were nauseous, and dizzy, and felt borderline faint. Tom’s voice, usually soothing and comforting to hear, sounded like nails on a chalkboard right now. He rambled on and on about the delicate process of making the temperamental Felix Felicis potion. 
“Tom,” you interrupted, your voice scratchy and quiet. “Can we take a break? Please?”
He blinked, surprised at being interrupted, but nodded slowly. “I suppose
? Why?”
“Don’t feel good,” you mumbled, setting your textbook down and rubbing your eyes. 
“I wouldn’t expect you to,” Madame Pomfrey said brusquely as she bustled around your hospital room, shooing Tom out of the way to stand by your bedside. 
(Poppy Pomfrey remains the only person who can and has shooed Tom Riddle III and lived to tell the tale—and all without a single ounce of fear.)
“I’ve raised your dosage so that you can be out of here in time for your N.E.W.T.s.” Pomfrey elaborated upon seeing your confused look.
“Fantastic.” You mumbled dryly, grinning sleepily up at Tom as he grabbed onto your hand and interlaced your fingers together. He ignored the way his heart skipped a beat in favor of letting you hold his sweaty palm.
“Go to sleep, L/n,” Tom muttered under his breath. “Potions can wait.”
Tom lay in your hospital bed beside you, running his thumb over your knuckles. “Please? We promise we won’t do anything.”
“Yeah,” Mattheo chimed in from the other side of your crowded bed, one arm tossed over your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Or at least, nothing we’ll get caught for.”
You sigh, tired of their ceaseless pleading. “Alright, alright, fine. I’ll tell you who it was.”
Both boys leaned in close.
You sigh again and roll your eyes at their overprotectiveness. “Alright, it was-”
Tucker Thompson and Devin Dobbs: Gryffindor Sixth Years Found MURDERED at Hogwarts! Dumbledore: “No comment at this time.”
You tilted the newspaper so Madame Pomfrey could read the article over your shoulder as she replaced your IV bag. 
Pomfrey just sighed and rolled her eyes. “I don’t understand how Skeeter is still employed at the Prophet.”
“Cause shock value will always hold weight in the media?” You answered dryly around a mouthful of depressingly plain infirmary wing toast. “And Skeeter’s good at nothing if not coming up with bullshit shock value titles.”
“That may be true,” she began, snatching the paper from your hands. “But patients shouldn’t be reading about such dark subjects, and certainly not while under my care. And don’t talk while eating. I rather like your company, and would hate to see you choke.”
You rolled your eyes at her suffocatingly motherly behavior. “So are they? Thompson and Dobbs; they’re really dead?”
Madame Pomfrey hesitated.
You let out a relieved breath of air that you tried (and failed) to hide behind a cough. “That’s
She narrowed her eyes and studied you for a long moment, her fingers mindlessly worrying the deckle edge of the newspaper in her hands. “It was them, wasn’t it? Your boys.”
“My boys?”
“Yes, yes, Riddles one and two. Your boys.”
“Oh- we’re not
She raised an eyebrow, pursing her lips as she tried to hold back a laugh at the utter obliviousness of teenagers. “Do they know that, dear?”
You spluttered out a half-assed rebuke to her statement, but Pomfrey quickly interrupted you.
“They’ve been staying here for hours every day for the last month. They want more than just your friendship, hon.”
“No way. We’re just friends.” You insisted firmly. “That’s all.”
Madame Pomfrey rolled her eyes. “Uh huh. Friends. Keep telling yourself that.”
You stared after her, open-mouthed in bafflement, as she rolled up the Prophet, tucked it under her arm, and turned around without another word—leaving you with zero reading material and a million questions.
you have to love how pomfrey could not give less of a fuck that the riddles murdered two students as long as she gets her ot3 absolutely iconic behavior
pt 2
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bountycancelled · 1 year ago
(un)secret admirer
luke castellan x child of aphrodite!reader
tip me on kofi, if you feel so inclined
requested: nope, I'm just currently obsessing over pjo (aren't we all?) and Charlie bushnell is my pookie so luke is also my pookie (what about all the people he murdered– what murdaaaa?!)
warnings: none I believe!
content: probably ooc luke becusse I haven't read the books, I don't know if demigods even nap, I don't remember the movies and he's barely in the show lol, some cuddling, lowercase intended because fuck grammar, also I know demi gods are dyslexic i just dont gaf because i thought this concept was cute, that's all!
a/n: SEND ME PJO REQS! please. also this is short and I'm sorry, I've been having horrid writers block.
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"I don't get what the big deal is." Lukes voice could be heard from where he sat on your bed, as you gazed at the piece of paper in your hand, pacing back and forth in your room as you analysed its every minute detail to the best of your abilities. "you get letters from the other campers all the time."
"I already told you Luke. this handwriting isn't the same as any other letter I've gotten, so that means it's from someone who's never sent me a note before, and I need to know who it is."
you had recieved a myriad of letters ranging from 'I think you're pretty' to 'I would sacrifice my right arm just to get a hug from you' during your time here at camp. beyond being drop dead gorgeous, you were kind, always wearing a charming smile on your face, and having the ability to comfort people with your presence alone.
that (coupled with the facts that most kids here had some kind of parental baggage and your kindness definitely filled some kind of void) meant that you recieved many a words from not so secret admirers. you were sure that you knew the identities of the people who had given you sealed envelopes and tightly folded papers, but you were currently stumped.
you were startled out of your staring contest with the scribbled ink by the feeling of Lukes arms around your shoulders as he spoke. "I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually, now can you please come back to bed? you know that I can't nap if you're not with me."
you sighed, letting him lead you back to your bed so that he could rest before you two inevitable of the two of you needing to help around the camp occured. you stared up at the ceiling as he slowly started to dose off beside you, before you gasped and shot up, effectively spooking him out of a peaceful moment.
"it's Percy!" you shushed Luke before he had the chance to complain about your sudden exclamation or the fact that you weren't letting him get a wink of midday sleep. "I mean, he's just met me, and one of my friends probably told him some stuff about me–"
"it's not Percy." Luke deadpanned, pushing you down by the shoulder from the upright postpone you were sat in to make you lay back down, and wrapping his arm around your waist. you were shocked into silence, because although Luke was an affectionate friend, he had never cuddled you while he was still awake. he would always wake up and discovering that he had wrapped around you in his sleeping state, apologising sheepishly while retracting his limbs.
after a few moments of stunned silence, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at his statement. "and how do you know it's not him, huh?" he simply blew air from his nose, tightening his grip around your waist.
"because it was me, sweetheart."
now that shut you up fairly quickly, as you bit your lip to try to hinder the giddy smile that wanted to form on your features. you opened your mouth to speak again, only to be interrupted by Luke placing a small kiss on the back of your neck.
"we'll talk when we wake up, alright?" but you weren't having any of that. "okay... but, before you go to bed. how long have you liked me? is this actually the first letter you've sent? why wouldn't you just tell me, you idiot. obviously I like you too. I know you said some stuff that you like about me in the letter, but I want you to tell me about everything you like about me, like every feature, every trait-"
Luke chuckled, sporting a big grin as you spoke. he would tell you all of that and more, he would do anything you asked of him, just as long as he got to hold you in his arms just like this.
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usomads · 4 months ago
Celoso // Damian Priest x Reader
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Author’s Note -> Hellooo everyone, I had planned to put this out earlier in the day but something happened and it threw me pretty bad, but I still wanted to deliver. As always, happy readinggg!
Plot -> He doesn't want to see you with anyone else but him...
Pairings -> Damian Priest x Reader (Y/N)
Warnings -> Friends to Lovers, Cursing, Jealous!Damian (Dom Mention lol), Choking, Spanking, Hickies, Oral Sex (M!Receiving, F! Receiving), Unprotected P in V, Creampie, Not Proofread, MDNI
Word Count -> 3.0k
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“Hey, Y/N, I gotta talk with production real quick
 you alright to wait here for a second?” Damian had brought you backstage for an episode of Raw in Brooklyn, which mostly meant you were following him around all night, but it was so cool to be in his world for the night and see your childhood best friend live his dream, becoming one of the biggest stars on the brand in the process. 
“Of course, Dames, I’ll be here!” He flashed you a smile and walked off with someone, leaving you to fend for yourself for the time being. You pulled out your phone and scrolled through socials, making sure to respond to some messages from family and friends. X always provided you with some entertainment, especially on the wrestling side of the app, so you scrolled through some of the Damian fan accounts, liking some tweets here and there.
“Y/N! Is that you?” You snap your head up to find Dominik Mysterio, who was making his way over to you. Now, you weren’t gonna lie, after you met him last year when Damian was still in The Judgement Day you had developed a little bit of a crush on him. He was for sure attractive, but he was so laid back as well and you loved that. You didn’t dare tell Damian though, he’s been weird with crushes you had since you were kids, and after all you just thought Dom was cute- it’s not like it’d ever go anywhere.
“Dom, hey! How have you been,” you extended your arms out and wrapped them around his waist for a hug, staying there for a few moments before backing away. 
“I’m good, I’m good! I didn’t know you were in town tonight, it’s great to see you!”
 I live here, of course I’m in town,” you chuckled as he blushed, forgetting you were a Brooklyn native.
“Oh, yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, “well hey! I’m staying here an extra day, I’ve got some press stuff to do but afterwards I was thinking we could go get some drinks? It’d be nice to spend some time with you, catch up for a bit
” he trailed off, giving you his trademark smirk letting you know he’s (most likely) up to no good. It was your turn to blush now, looking up at him as he scanned you from head to toe. 
 yeah, I think I’m free tomorrow. I’ll just give you my number so you can text me when you’re done with your interviews and such. There’s this place I know near my apartment, they’ve got really good drinks and some decent food in case we get hungry. I’ll send it to you,” you smiled, taking his phone from his hand and inputting your number before handing it back to him, your hands brushing as you exchanged the phone. That simple touch sent a shock through your body as you looked up at him, sensing he felt the same thing. 
“Sounds good, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he walked backwards, still looking at you and whispered, “te ves bien esta noche, ángel1.” You blushed again at his words while he winked at you and walked off. You leaned back against the wall, sighing contently at the exchange, and noticed Damian standing to the side looking
 upset? Sensing his foul mood, you made your way over to him. 
“Hey, there you are! Everything okay? Did the meeting go well?” He nodded, still staring off into the distance as you waved your hand in his face. “Earth to Damian, you sure you’re good?” 
“Yeah. m’fine, What’d he want?” He signaled to Dom, who was walking down the hallway.
“Oh, nothing super important, he just asked if I was free tomorrow to get drinks so I gave him my number so we could meet up. Haven’t seen him in like a year, so it’ll be fun to catch up,” The smile on your face dwindled as you noticed Damian seemed to be getting more and more irritated the more you brought Dom up.
“Huh?” You thought you heard him mutter something under his breath.
“Nothing, let’s get outta here. You ready?” He wraps an arm around your shoulders and leads you both out of the arena and to his car to head to your place, watching him closely as he drove. The arena wasn’t too far from your apartment, so you and Damian were able to get there and get settled in pretty quickly. The two of you were seated on your couch, beers in hand as you two talked about the night.
“Amor, don’t get me wrong, Dom’s my brother
 but he’s a player. Seriously, that whole ‘Dirty Dom’ thing you see is real. I just don’t want you to get hurt, ‘cuz then I’d have to kick his ass forreal.”
“Dames, c’mon, it’s not even like that. We’re just catching up, that’s it.”
“You sure about that? Y/N, please don’t be stupid, he was basically fucking you with his eyes
” you smacked his arm gently, cutting him off.
“Hey! Chill, he wasn't, he's just
 friendlier than most, I guess. And besides, is it really a bad thing if it is a date?” Damian’s entire demeanor shifted. “I mean, I haven’t gone out with a guy in over a year
 maybe it’s time to do something about that? I’ve been pretty lonely, Damian, I don’t exactly have you around all the time
“What, and you think Dom can help you with that?”
“Well, I-” he cuts you off, his deep voice getting more and more intense with every second.
“You think Dom can keep you company better than I could? Treat you better than I could? Love you better than I could?” You furrow your brows at him, confused as to why he’s making this all such a big deal.
“Jesus, Dame, you act like you’d be losing me if I were with Dom. Newsflash, you wouldn’t, so why the fuck are you freaking out on me right now?” Damian sighed, setting his beer down and rubbing his temples in frustration.
“Y/N, you just don’t get it
“Well then make me understand, Damian. You’re sitting here mad at me because Dom asked me to go get drinks and I just don’t get it. You’re supposed to be happy for me, I’m finally putting myself out there again and as my best frie-”
“It’s just that, Y/N, I don’t want to be your friend anymore, okay? He estado enamorado de ti desde que Ă©ramos niños.2 All these years, I’ve waited and waited but I’m tired of waiting, Y/N, I want you. More than anything in this world,” he paused to watch your reaction, as you sat shocked. All this time, he’s been in love with me?
“The thought of you going out with Dom, being with him, letting him touch you? It makes me sick, mi amor, because it should be me. It should be me touching you
” he pushes a stray hair behind your ear, “loving you
” his fingers dance along your jaw and cup your cheek, “tell me you feel it too, please, I know you do.”
“D-Dames, I-,” you stutter out, still trying to wrap your head around the whole thing. Damian sighs, removing his hand from your face and distancing himself, placing his hands on his knees before standing himself up.
“It’s okay, Y/N, I understand
” he trailed off. “I think it might be best if I head home, give us both some time to think about things. I’ll see you later.” Damian heads towards the door, head down as he drags himself to leave. You realize you’re about to let the best thing to ever happen to you walk out, so you stand up and run over to him, wrapping your fingers around his wrist to turn him around. Your hands grab his face and pull him down to meet your lips, his hands wrapping around your waist instinctively. You pull away from him, hands still on his face and looking into his eyes. “Dames, I’ve always loved you, I just never thought you did too.” You confessed, blushing as you did so, “but I promised Dom I’d go out for drinks with him. I can’t just cancel on him, we’re fr-” 
“Still thinking about Dom
” Damian closes the distance between you too, bodies dangerously close, “Baby, you won’t be able to remember his name after I’m done with you
  only name that’s gonna be coming from those pretty little lips of yours,” his lips hovered over your own as he growled, “is mine.” He crashes his lips into yours, snaking his hands up your torso and removing your shirt before removing his own. The kiss was intoxicating, your mind feeling fuzzy as you wrapped your arms around his neck and walking the two of you backwards. Your back hits the wall with a soft thud, making you gasp which allows Damian’s tongue to slip inside and assert its power over you. His fingers trailed along your sides and wove themselves into the waistline of your pants, tugging on the clothing to undo the button. You reached your hands down between you, allowing him to step back as you removed your bottoms and tossed them to the side.
“Fuck, Y/N, tu cuerpo es una obra de arte. C’mere.” Damian pulls you to him and throws you over his shoulder, carrying you effortlessly to your bedroom. You giggled, playfully kicking your feet and trying to ‘get away’ but Damian’s grip on you remained firm as he placed a smack to your ass making you bury your head in his shoulder as he rubbed the smooth skin and walked you to the foot of your bed. He laid you down before taking his jeans off and climbing on the bed with you, pulling you on top of him and pulling you back in for another kiss. You were straddling him, your hips grinding against him. He hissed against your lips, feeling your wet pussy soak through your panties and onto his growing bulge. The movement of your hips was driving him wild, but more wild were his imaginations of you sinking down on his cock and moving your hips like that while he was buried inside you. He would hold onto that thought, flipping you two over and targeting the sensitive skin on your neck. He bit and sucked the flesh hard, drawing bruises to the surface without a doubt. The intensity in which he worked on you had you spiraling- your mind was hazy and the soft moans being elicited from your mouth were beginning to grow louder. He continued his descent downwards, being sure to kiss, bruise, and nip at your breasts and sternum as he traveled downward. His face was finally level with where you craved him most, and luckily for you he was in no mood for games. He took the delicate material of your panties in his hands and ripped them, the cloth now coming off with ease as your pussy clenched at the sight. He chuckled, admiring your pussy and watching it pulse in ways he knew only he could make it do.
“Oh, baby, she’s so ready for me already,” he brings his right hand to your folds and collects your juices on his fingers, placing them in his mouth and moaning at your taste. “So fuckin’ sweet for me too. Pretty pussy knows who her Papi is, doesn’t she?” You moan at his words, whining as he teases you with his fingers. “Whose pussy is this, nena?” 
“Y-yours, it’s yours
” you moaned but Damian, not satisfied, delivers a gentle smack to the front of your pussy, making you cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure, rubbing you to ease the sting from his hand. “You must’ve misunderstood.. I said
 whose pussy is this, baby?” He brings his thumb to your clit and rubs circles, your back arching at his motions. “Mmm, fuck, it-it’s yours, Papi. All yours. Please
” you whimper. “So much better, baby,” he groans and lowers his head, allowing your thighs to wrap around it as his tongue and fingers conduct you to your orgasm like a symphony. The torturous pace of his tongue compared to the pace of his fingers was sending you completely over the edge, your body shaking as he coaxed you to cumming on his fingers. He cleaned you with his mouth, savoring your taste on his tongue as he brought himself back to your level. You kissed him passionately, tasting yourself on his lips and moaning into his mouth. You flipped the two of you over to straddle him again as you kissed down his chest, desperately wanting to return the favor. You bring yourself level to the bulge aching in his boxers that desperately wants release and lace your fingers in the waistband, pulling them down. His cock springs free and rests against his lower stomach, bigger than anyone else you’ve been with. You gasp at the sight. “Y-you’re s-so big..” you mumble, keeping your eyes glued to his length. He chuckled, cupping your face and bringing you to look up at him. 
“You like what you see? Hmm?” You nod, biting your bottom lip and taking him in your hand. You pump him slowly, spitting on his dick and teasing the tip with light sucks. He grips your hair and pulls down while you look up at him, lifting your chin and letting your mouth fall open. “Papi don’t like you teasin’ me like this, pretty girl,” he groaned at the sight of you before him, so desperate for him. “M’gonna have to fuck that outta you, you understand?” 
“Y-yes, Papi,” you whispered. He winks at you as he slides his cock into your open mouth, your lips tightening around him as he thrusts himself into your throat. He sits up, getting leverage before tightening the grip on your hair and fucking your throat with no mercy. He moans your name loudly, eyes glazed over watching as a trail of saliva dribbles down your chin as your eyes water from his work on your throat. He slows down, pulling out of your mouth as his hand grips his length.
“Mmm, come sit on this dick, princesa.” You crawl up to him and swing your leg over to straddle him, wrapping your fingers around him and rubbing his tip along your entrance. Damian’s hands settle at your waist as you rub yourself on him, before sinking down on his cock. You both throw your heads back in pleasure and moan as he slowly bottoms out inside you. You grind your hips on him, your clit brushing on his pelvic bone, and you whimper his name. Your slow grinds pick up as you lose yourself in the feeling of Damian filling you that you grab hold of the headboard and fuck yourself on his dick. Sounds of your ass slapping against his thighs fill the room as you chase your orgasm, as Damian pulls you down to him and wraps his arms around you while thrusting into you from below you. Your moans turn to screams as you bite down on his shoulder, trying hard not to completely fall apart on him. 
“F-fuckkk, Dames. M’so close.. I’m gonna-” Before you finish your thought he throws you off of him, pulling you to your hands and knees before roughly slamming into you from behind. He delivers harsh slaps to your ass as he fucks you mercilessly.
“You think Dom can make you feel this good?” He grabs a fistful of your hair as you moan for him, arching your back and allowing him to go deeper. “You think he can touch you like I can? Dime, cariño, could Dom fuck you this good?” He grabs you by the neck now, lightly squeezing as he pulls you flush against his chest and continues to pound into you from behind. “Answer Papi like a good girl,” he growled in your ear.
“Oh fuckkk, no no no. Only you, Papi. I’m all yours, Dames. Only you can make me- oh my god, I’m so close
 please, Papi, please let me cum
” you begged for him, pleading for your release as Damian continued to drill into you.
“Shiiiiit, fuck Y/N- go ahead, baby. Cum all over Papi’s dick.” And with his words your orgasm comes crashing down on you, you shake in his arms as you release all over his cock, moaning Damian’s name over and over as you come down. Damian follows suit, pumping his cum deep inside your pussy and moaning your name into your neck, planting kisses along your neck and shoulder. He pulls out of you, collapsing next to you and opening his arms for you to rest your head on his chest.
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Damian was woken up by the sound of a phone ringing. He blinked his eyes open, seeing you were in a deep and peaceful sleep. You were not waking up. He realizes it’s your phone so he picks it up to turn it off, but sees the caller ID and stops. Dom.
He slides his thumb across to answer the call. “Hey, Y/N! I wanted to let you know I’m done wi-”
“Oye, Y/N’s not going out tonight, estĂĄ ocupada conmigo
 oh, and Dom,” he paused, glancing over at you and watching you sleep soundly beside him, “borra su nĂșmero antes de que tengamos un problema.” Damian hangs up before Dom can speak, setting your phone to the side and cuddling into you once more before falling back asleep himself.
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atomicami · 8 months ago
bull ride
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contractor!abby anderson x joel’s daughter!reader
- summary: you spend the night out at a bar and decide to challenge yourself on the mechanical bull to impress abby. when abby sees you from the crowd, she ends up giving you something else to take a ride on. (part 4)
- content: smut MDNI, porn with plot, no outbreak/modern au, contractor/engineer!abby, texas living, no sarah, joel and jerry are both alive, jerry is not a doctor, reader has a business degree, family & work drama, bar setting, some alcohol consumption, truck sex (bit of a quickie), fingering (a!receiving), strap usage (r!receiving), strap sucking, abby referring to the strap as her cock, basically save a horse ride a cowgirl tbh đŸ€ 
- author’s note: hi everyone
 i know i’ve been very inactive this year but this part has actually been sitting in my drafts since march so i figured i’d at least post it for the few people who’ve been waiting this long to read it, i hope y’all enjoy it
previous parts: quick fix, surprise visit, charity work
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It’s been a week since the bake sale, meaning that it’s also been a week since Abby last had her hands on you.
You’d be lying if you said that this week was flying slow for you right now, because to your surprise, seven days flew by like seven minutes, and before you knew it, it was officially Saturday.
You’re sitting in your room by your dresser, fully dressed from head to toe in the finest Western apparel that you own, finishing the touches on your makeup in the mirror. You then look down at your phone for a moment, still eyeing the last text that Abby had sent you.
She invited you to go to Wild Randy’s tonight, and while you were excited to see her again, you were dreading it at the same time.
It was mainly because Wild Randy’s was the go-to place for you and Joel, and as bad as you want to sneak off with Abby again, you knew that you’d also have to make sure you wouldn’t get caught by your dad either.
You take a few deep breaths before standing up and adjusting your belt, then grabbing your phone and bag before exiting your bedroom.
“Dad! I’m ready to go!” you call out as you strut down the stairs. Given that you always take longer than him to get ready, you figured he’d be sitting on the couch waiting for you, but to your surprise, he wasn’t there.
“Dad? Where are you?” you call out for him again, entering the kitchen to find it empty as well. You roam around the house for a bit before entering the garage, seeing him still in his work clothes working on blueprints. “Dad
are you not coming?”
Joel looks up at you, frowning once he sees you ready to leave. “Oh, shit
it’s Saturday isn’t it?” he says, taking a deep breath before continuing. “I’m sorry kid, I know we go to Randy’s every Saturday but
work’s just been tyin’ me down lately.”
You nod to your dad in acknowledgment. “Well, we can skip tonight if—“
“No, no, no, s’alright,” he says, quickly cutting off your words. “You go. There’s always next weekend right?” he looks down for a moment at his workspace before looking back up at you. “Are you gonna drive yourself there or
“Oh, um it’s okay Dad, I can text Dina for a ride.” you take a few steps closer to him before continuing. “Are you sure you’ll be okay?” you ask him, receiving a nod from him in response.
“Okay, well
don’t stay up too late, we have to go to the hardware store next week to start getting supplies for the Mitchell home.” you remind him as you walk your way to the door.
Joel clicks his tongue at you in response. “Thanks for remindin’ me, kid. Don’t have too much fun out there, alright?”
You smile and nod back at him before leaving the garage. Even though you felt bad that your dad couldn’t come, you can’t help but feel relieved about it either. With your dad out of the way, you’d be able to get some time with Abby without the risk of getting caught by him.
You pull out your phone to send a text to Dina telling her to pick you up, and in less than ten minutes she was already honking at your door. While checking to make sure you have everything, you exit your house before locking it, walking down the porch to see Dina inside her car with the windows rolled down.
“Hey, you!” she shouts out, leaning forward over her steering wheel. “Ready for Randy’s?”
“You bet I am!” you shout back to her as you hurriedly get into the passenger side of her car and sit down.
The ride to Wild Randy’s was pretty quick, given that there’s never a rush hour on Saturdays. Aside from the twenty minutes it took Dina to find an available parking spot, the two of you were now quickly settled at the bar.
“So tell me, how’s it going with you and Abby?” Dina asks you as you both sit yourselves down on the bar stools.
Before you can respond to her, Jesse ends up cutting in from behind the bar with two beers in his hand. “Wait a second, you’ve been having a thing with Anderson?” he asks you, popping open the two bottles before handing them to you and Dina. “Didn’t you say that your dad doesn’t want you around her?”
You nod to him in response. “Yeah, and I mean I’ve been doing that for what, four, five years now? But I needed her to come over a few weeks ago to fix an outlet in my living room and it just like
happened, you know?” you explained, taking a sip from your beer.
Dina quickly gulped and set her bottle back down on the bar. “Wait a minute
is that why you were acting so weird during movie night?”
” you tell her with a nod, taking another sip out of your beer. “Anyways, she told me she was going to be here today so
” your words drift off as you turn your head around in search of her, and you are quick to catch her entering the bar with her group of friends. Not only that, but her father was also nowhere to be seen.
It was the first time you saw Abby like this, outside of work and not in her work clothes for once. She was wearing a pair of jeans instead of her usual cargo pants, a pair of western boots instead of her usual work ones, and her tool belt was ditched for a leather belt with a metal buckle on the center. She also had on a tight button-up that showed off her muscles, and to top it all off, a cowboy’s hat that rested over her braided blond hair.
You hate to admit it, but she was looking pretty damn good right now.
Dina suddenly snaps her fingers at you to get your attention, causing you to swivel your chair back around. “She’s there right now isn’t she?” she asks you, receiving a nod from you in response.
“Yeah, I want to go talk to her but
” your words drift off again as you turn back to see her. As you check her out, you notice from the corner of your eye some movement going on towards your left. You fully swivel your chair around this time to get a better look. It appeared to be a group of employees carrying out a large mechanical bull inside an inflatable ring, while another employee stood next to them, giving them orders on where to position the machine.
“Jesse,” you call out to him, swiveling your stool back to face him. “They’re bringing back the bull?”
Jesse looks up briefly to see the mechanical bull being set up before looking back down and pouring some contents into a cocktail shaker. “Yeah, we’ve been getting so many requests to bring it back up after our last bull broke down last year,” he explains as he continues preparing the cocktail for the customer in front of him.
You briefly look back at the bull for a moment, then look over to where Abby was. At that moment, an idea instantly sparked in your mind. What better way could there be to catch Abby’s attention than impressing her by taking a ride on the mechanical bull?
The sound of a loud microphone tap shakes you out of your thoughts, and you look over to see the bar’s owner standing in front of the bull with the microphone in his hand. “Ladies and gentlemen!” he calls out, quickly grabbing the attention of all the patrons inside the dimly lit bar. “I’m pleased to announce that we now have our brand new and improved mechanical bull back into our bar!” he announces, quickly receiving cheers and applause from the customers. “Now who in here
” he says, pointing a finger around the bar. “Is gonna be the first one to be brave enough and take her for a ride?”
You look around the bar to see several amounts of people already preparing themselves for the challenge. Part of you wanted to not do it, but a bigger part of you wanted to ride that damn bull like there was no tomorrow. You were willing to do it, just for the sake of impressing Abby. Neither of your dads were here right now, so who knows when you could get another opportunity like this? It was either now or never.
“I’ll do it!” you shout out, quickly raising your hand to get the owner’s attention.
Dina quickly grabs your hand and pulls it down to your lap. “What are you doing? Are you seriously gonna ride that thing?” she asks with concern.
You open your mouth to respond, but you’re cut off by the owner shouting at you. “You right there! Come on up here!”
You look over at the man before back at Dina. “I guess I am now,” you tell her with a shrug, hopping off of the bar stool and approaching your way towards the ring.
As you walk away from the bar, Jesse comes to Dina from behind, leaning into her side. “I’ll bet you $20 that she won’t last the full five minutes.”
You watch the owner squint to try to get a better look at you as you get closer to the inflatable ring. “Well well well, what do we have here!” he says as you make it to the ring, now standing next to him. “If it isn’t Joel Miller’s daughter herself. You think you’ll be able to handle the bull, Miss Miller?” he asks, pointing the microphone towards you.
You grab the mic from the owner and hold it closer to yourself. “Well, I guess we’ll have to see but
I think I could handle her,” you tell him with confidence before handing the mic back to him.
Numerous amounts of patrons clap and cheer you on in response. As the owner continues to speak to the audience, you step into the inflatable ring, watching as your boots sink inside. You look at your surroundings for a moment, seeing all of the customers placing their bidding money into a hat and passing it around the bar. The hat goes around past Abby as well, and you could’ve sworn she had slipped a hundred-dollar bill in there for you. Her eyes then meet with yours for a moment, and so does that stupid smirk of hers.
“Alright Miss Miller, you have five minutes up on the clock now, if you can make it to the end, you win the bidding money, got it?” the owner explains to you.
You nod at him in acknowledgment. “Sounds like a plan to me.”
You then turn back around so you’re facing the bull. You take a few steps backward as a head start, then quickly run forward and hop on top of the bull. Your hands quickly grab onto the handles, and you keep your legs wrapped around the sides of the bull. Lastly, you position your hips on the bull by pushing them forward, keeping yourself as close as possible to the saddle.
The bull was quickly activated as soon as you sat down, and so was the timer. The machine began to rock back and forth, slowly to start. Once you felt like you were getting the hang of it, that’s when the speed began to go faster. Your grip on the bull progressively gets tighter and tighter the more that the speed increases. It eventually escalated to the fullest speed, the bull now moving and spinning around like crazy. Time has never flown by slower for you than at this moment. On the inside, you were getting so dizzy to where you were going to be sick. But you couldn’t express that. Not in front of the audience. Not in front of Abby.
Regardless of it, you refused to let go. You held onto the bull like your life depended on it, waiting for the timer to count down to zero. Five minutes felt more like an eternity to you right now, but you soon start to feel relief once you hear the audience begin to count down.
Ten, nine, eight

You lock down your grip on the bull’s handles.
Seven, six, five

Your legs remain secure on each side of the saddle, and your hips push forward against it. As much as you were trying to hold onto the bull, you couldn’t help but imagine your hips pushing forward on Abby’s str—
Four, three, two, one!
The timer goes off, and the bull begins to slow itself down. As the machine comes to a stop, you instantly loosen your grip on it. You let out a breath of relief as you look up, watching all of the patrons cheer and applaud you. One of the employees approaches to help you, and you carefully hop off the bull before exiting the ring.
“I have to say you did phenomenal on that bull there, Miss Miller.” the owner tells you through the mic, handing you the bidding money. “Anything you wanna say to the audience?”
You take the money from his hands before taking the microphone. “Well, first of all, thank you all for bidding on me, and second
” you pause for a moment before continuing. “And I don’t mean to self-promote but
if anyone here needs any construction help
be sure to contact my dad’s company, Miller Contracting. We’re the best in all of Austin.” your eyes scan around the audience before your gaze fixes on Abby. You keep your eyes on her for a little bit, smirking at her before looking back at the audience and walking off, a last set of applause happening as you do so.
You make your way back to the spot where Jesse and Dina remain. “See? Told y’all I’d beat that thing,” you say, flaunting your bidding money in front of them. Jesse leans forward on the bar to get closer to you. “Mind if I get a cut of that?” he asks, trying to grab the money from your hand.
You move your hand away from him and shake your head. “Hell no, I won this fair and square,” you tell him, clutching the money close to your chest. “Besides, didn’t you bid against me anyway?”
Jesse scoffs, still leaning forward on the bar. “Yeah, but I still have rent to pay,” he replies before taking his weight off the bar to assist another customer.
You simply roll your eyes at him and chuckle in response as you count your money. “Don’t be so dramatic, it’s not even that much—“ your words quickly cut off once you notice something unusual on the hundred-dollar bill. You pull it out of the thin stack, seeing a note attached to it that reads:
“Meet me at the parking lot in five. —A”
You smirk to yourself upon reading the message, not even realizing that you were doing so until Dina points it out. “She wants you to go see her, doesn’t she?” she asks, crossing her arms at you.
You simply nod at her in acknowledgment. “Yeah, she does
” you reply, reaching to the bar to grab the rest of your things before saying goodbye to Jesse and Dina. Upon leaving, you look over to see Abby on the other side of the bar. You watch as she pays for her beer and leaves from the other exit. The thrill and excitement starts to consume you already in seeing her again.
The cool air hits you once you exit the bar. You roam around the parking lot in search of her until you hear a faint whistling sound from behind. You turn around to see Abby’s prominent figure from a distance leaning on the side of her truck. You don’t approach her quickly though. Instead, you take your time walking your way towards her.
“Well, well, well
if it isn’t the bull tamer herself
” Abby says, taking her weight off the truck. “You looked good up there, you know
riding that thing.”
You smirk and take a step closer to her. “I’m glad. Wanted to put on a show for you there,” you tell her quietly, and she leans in to give you a kiss, the rim of her cowboy hat slightly brushing over the top of your head as your lips briefly connect.
“You know
” she tells you quietly, slightly separating her lips from yours. “I’ve got something else that you can take a ride on for me
“Oh yeah?” you whisper back to her. “And what might that be?”
“Why don’t you hop in my truck and find out?”
And with that you take a step back, letting Abby unlock her truck before opening the passenger door and entering inside. Upon opening the door, you couldn’t help but notice that the windows in Abby’s truck were slightly darker than the last time you saw it
did she seriously get her windows tinted?
Abby holds the door open for you, and you quickly climb inside and hop onto her lap before she closes the door and locks it, now confining the both of you inside. Your thighs wrap themselves around Abby’s lab and you push your hips forward over her crotch, just like how you did on the bull. You could practically feel the bulge of her strap under all that denim.
Abby lets out a soft groan at the sudden friction. “How about you get it wet for me first, yeah?” she says, reaching down to the lever on the bottom part of the seat and pushing it back to give you some space on the ground.
You don’t even think twice about it, instantly dropping down to your knees and unzipping her jeans before pulling the thick black strap out of her boxers. After seeing the sight of it, you were pretty shocked. You didn’t get a good look when she fucked you last time, but now that it’s in your hands, you’re amazed that you were able to take the immense length of Abby’s strap.
Your fingers wrap around the large piece of silicone before you lean into it, lips instantly wrapping around the tip. You gently suck onto the tip for a moment, then slowly work your way down to the base of the strap. However, your mouth couldn’t last being down so deep, so you briefly pull it back up to the tip before going back down, repeatedly continuing your movements thereafter.
Abby lets out a quiet groan as she feels the base of her strap rubbing against her clit. Replacing your mouth with your hand, you look up for a moment to see her head slightly tilted back, her cowboy hat obstructing her view as well.
You keep stroking her strap with one hand, spreading your saliva all over from base to tip to distract her. As you do that, you use your other hand to gently shift the harness to the side and sneak your fingers into the crotch of her boxers, instantly finding access to her wet pussy before sliding two of them inside.
Abby notices the sudden shift of movement and looks down at you. “What the hell are you—oh fuck—“ her words get cut off with a quiet groan as you begin to curl her fingers inside of her. “Oh fuck yeah, k-keep doing that
You smirk back at her as you continue to pump your fingers inside her, now fully diverting your attention away from the strap for a moment. Your other hand moves to keep the harness of the strap pushed to the side while you finger Abby’s pussy, and you look up to keep an eye on her every movement—the way her hands grip the seat of the truck, the moans and whines escaping from her mouth, and how her eyes were tightly shut and the head was thrown back in pleasure. You’d be lying if you said that the way she looked right now wasn’t turning you on because you can just easily feel your arousal pooling in between your thighs as you do this to her.
“God, fucking hell—go
go faster
” Abby whines out to you, tightening her grip on the seat as she manspreads herself farther on it to give you more space. You simply nod in acknowledgment, speeding up your pace inside her in a desperate effort to get her to cum.
You can visibly see her breaths getting deeper, and you can practically feel the way her cunt began to contract around your two fingers, knowing that she was getting close. Within moments, your fingers get instantly coated with her release as she cums around them with a loud groan. Her breathing soon slows down as she recovers from her orgasm and she looks back down at you. Your gaze stays fixed on hers while you slide your fingers out of her pussy and place them into your mouth, sucking them clean while you get a taste of her release.
“My god
” Abby pants out, still trying to catch her breath. “No one’s ever made me cum that fast before
you’re good at this too, you know.”
You smirk back at her as you sit back for a moment, briefly resting your weight on the back of your boots. “Looks like you’re not the only one who’s good at making a quick fix, Anderson.” the blonde simply shakes her head at you in response before patting her hand on her lap. “Your turn now, angel. Get on up here.”
Without hesitation, you slowly lift yourself from the floor of the truck and climb onto Abby’s lap in the passenger seat, her large hands quickly roaming up and down your hips as you do so. You watch as she scrunches up your skirt around your hips and brings one of her hands down to the crotch of your underwear, smirking once she senses the wetness underneath it. “Looks like she’s pretty eager to take a ride, don’t you think?”
You nod quickly in response, and you lift yourself to hover over the strap. Abby helps you out by shifting your underwear to the side and spreading your puffy folds open. You grab the strap with one hand to align it with your entrance while you grab onto Abby’s shoulder with the other to support yourself as you go down.
The tip meets with your entrance, and you whimper at the sudden stretch. Your grip on Abby’s shoulder tightens as you try to maintain your balance over her lap. And then, little by little
you begin to sink down her strap, all the way until your folds were pressing over the base of it.
Once the entire length was inside you, you used your other hand to grab Abby’s other shoulder for balance. The feeling this time was a little more difficult to handle in comparison to how Abby had fucked you at the bake sale. You weren’t bent over, nor did you have the support of the counter either. You were completely sat upright, in the confined passenger seat of Abby’s truck, with her strap so far inside you that she could visibly see the tip poking out of your lower stomach. It sure felt overwhelming, to say the least.
you look good for me like this
” she mutters out quietly as she runs her thumbs down your stomach, gently pressing onto the bulge that was being formed from her strap. She watches as you continue to stay upright, now squirming in her grasp as a response to the pressure she was giving to your stomach. “You know
it’s not gonna feel any better if you don’t move.” she continues, now bringing one hand further down to rub your clit. “Take a ride on it, princess
It’ll feel good once you start moving.”
Your eyes flicker down to the watch that was wrapped around Abby’s left wrist. You glance at the time.
You take a deep breath and tighten your grip on Abby’s broad shoulders. As her hands remain planted on your body, you begin to lift yourself up before going straight back down. You repeat the process, now developing a slow pace on her strap.
Abby smirks as she looks up at you, watching every moan and whimper escape from your lips as you fuck yourself on her cock. “There we go, that’s it
atta girl
” her praises and coos continue, now leading you to move at a faster pace. As you begin to ride her faster, Abby notices how close your head is getting to the ceiling of her truck every time you go up. While keeping one hand planted on you, she quickly takes off her cowboy hat and places it on your head, fixing up the rim so she can still see you. “Prettiest cowgirl I’ve ever seen,” she mutters out quietly, placing her hand back onto your hip as you keep riding her.
As you keep riding Abby’s strap, you take a glance out the window, making you slow down to get a better look. You see some people leaving the bar and walking their way back to their vehicles, and your heart begins fucking racing when they pass by Abby’s truck, completely oblivious of the events that are happening inside it.
“Hey,” Abby squeezes your hip, causing you to direct your attention back to her. “They’re not seeing any of this, you know
” she pauses for a moment before continuing. “But I bet you want them to, don’t you? It’s obvious you enjoyed throwing on that little show back there at the bar earlier, so would this be any different?” she asks, leaning in to kiss you. “Would it be any different if those same people saw a pretty cowgirl like you slutting herself out for me like this? Riding my cock and making a mess all over my lap? Hm?”
You whine back at her, shaking your head. “Yeah, I knew you’d like that, my filthy little cowgirl
” she responds with a smirk. “But you see, that’s why I have all of my windows tinted now
because I don’t want anyone to see what’s really mine.”
Your pussy practically throbs at her words. You were so distracted by what Abby was saying to you that didn’t even realize that you had stopped riding her. Your arousal was now just soaking up her cock and jeans. Abby looks down at her lap and smirks before looking back up at you. “I didn’t tell you to stop now, did I?” she asks, giving you a smack on your ass. “C’mon, cowgirl
keep fucking riding me.”
Your pace now begins to quicken this time, and you move your left hand to the armrest that was above your head, gripping it as you keep your other hand on her shoulder. “F-fuck, Abby
f-feels so good
.” you moan out to her, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment as the tip of her strap presses onto your cervix while you ride.
“Oh yeah? Does it feel good, princess?” she asks, admiring how you were starting to go dumb on her cock. “That’s it, keep riding me, just like that
Ride me just like how you were riding that damn bull.”
Abby’s words had your stomach doing fucking flips. You tried your best to maintain your fast pace as you rode her strap, but your legs were quickly starting to give out. “A-Abby, help me
“Aw, you poor thing, getting tired already now aren’t you?” Without any warning, Abby tightens her grip on your hips and begins to slam her cock right into you. You yelp in surprise as your left hand flies from the armrest back onto Abby’s shoulder, and you continue to push your hips down as Abby keeps thrusting inside you. “C’mon cowgirl, be a good girl and cum for me now
Your cunt begins to clench around her strap, indicating that you were about to cum. Abby looks down at your pussy, watching in awe as a white ring began to quickly form on her strap. Her thumb meets with your clit, quickly rubbing it as you continue to cum all over her cock, whimpering and moaning out her name as you do so.
As you finish riding out your orgasm, your pace begins to slow down and you rest yourself on Abby’s chest, panting deeply as you try to catch your breath. Before Abby pulls herself out, you grab her left wrist again and glance back down at her watch.
“Four minutes,” Abby says, looking down at her watch. “Looks like you made a new record.”
You playfully push her arm back as she brings her hand back onto your hip and slowly pulls her strap out of your fucked out pussy, causing you to whine at the loss of it. Keeping you in her arms, Abby trades places with you and carefully rests your limp body onto the seat while briefly she gets onto the ground. She peeks through the fogged up windows, making sure that the coast was clear so she could get out of the truck.
As you watch Abby hop off her truck, your eyes start to feel heavy from the exhaustion before quickly fluttering shut for a moment. As your eyes were closed, you could feel Abby’s large hands move your body around before the sudden warmth of her tongue makes contact with your sore cunt, causing you to involuntarily jerk away.
“Hey, relax
I’m just cleaning you up a bit,” she mutters out to you. You simply nod in response, eyes remaining shut as your body eases in and relaxes into her touch again. The gentle movements of Abby’s tongue and lips on your pussy easily removes the tension in your thighs, making you feel as if you were now sinking into the leather of the seat. You then start to feel some shifting of your clothes along with the sounds of the truck doors opening and closing right before you briefly fall into a state of slumber.
The sudden rumbling movements of the truck cause your eyes to slowly flicker back open. You wake up to find yourself lying on your left side in the passenger seat, but now with the seatbelt secured over you. The dim lights of the truck are no longer present, only the faint brightness of the music player on the dashboard is the only thing illuminating your vision right now. The sounds of the few cars on the road surround you, along with the country music quietly playing inside as well. You look up to see Abby with her gaze fixed on the road, with one hand planted firmly on the steering wheel while the other simply rested over on the center console.
You rest your hand on top of hers, and Abby quickly notices that gentle touch of yours, briefly glancing down to look at you. “Hey there
” she says with a smile before looking back up at the road. “You were out for most of the ride, feeling any better?” she asks, gently enclosing your hand into her large palm.
You shift around in your seat, no longer feeling as sore as you were before. “Yeah, a little
” you tell her, resting your head back on the seat as you watch her drive. “I had a really good time tonight, you know
” you tell her, to which she smiles in response.
“I did too,” she replies, quickly looking over to you again. “Felt nice to finally escape from our dads for once.”
The speed of the truck soon starts to slow down before coming to a halt. Your heart instantly sinks to the pit of your stomach, and your smile begins to fade. You knew what this meant.
It meant that you were back home. Your time with Abby was now up.
You unbuckle your seatbelt and sit up completely to look over at the sight of your house. All of the lights were shut off, except for the faint blue light of the living room TV, and you could easily see your dad’s head tilted to the side, indicating that he was now asleep.
You let out a sigh. “I
I don’t want to go back in there,” you say, turning your head back to look at Abby. She simply sighs and gently rubs your shoulder. “I know you don’t, angel
but we can’t risk it. As much as I can’t stand your dad, I don’t want him to get worried about you either.”
Your head hangs low now, nodding in acknowledgment. Abby’s hand gently holds your chin to lift your face. “You know this won’t be the last time, right?” she asks you, to which you nod again.
“I know, I just
I’ll miss you, Abs
who knows when we’ll see each other again?” you ask back, looking up into her soft blue eyes. She nods back at you in response. “It’ll happen again soon, okay? Just know that I’m always gonna have you on my mind, alright?” she says before quickly leaning in to kiss you, the rim of her hat on your head brushing over her hair this time as she does so.
You instantly kiss her back before pulling away to grab your things from the ground. You take a deep breath and open the door, exiting the truck and closing it. Your boots now meet with the concrete of the sidewalk, and you walk your way to the front door of your house. Before you go in, you look back to see Abby watching you from her truck, and you two give each other a final wave before she drives off to park into the driveway of her house.
As the lights of Abby’s truck shut off now, you turn back to the door to unlock it. You slowly open the door just enough to squeeze yourself inside before closing it and locking it again. You turn around to see Joel fast asleep on his recliner while the TV screen illuminates the whole room. Without making a sound, you tiptoe on over to pick up the remote from the coffee table and shut off the TV. You set the remote back down and turn over to pick up a throw blanket from the couch to tuck your dad in before heading upstairs to your bedroom.
The door creaks slightly as you enter inside. You slowly close the door before letting out a sigh as you set your bag down on the ground before kicking off your boots. You take off Abby’s hat and set it on top of your dresser before the rest of your clothes come off of you and to the ground until you’re down to your underwear. You pick up a random oversized shirt from your dad’s company and throw it on. As you’re taking off your makeup, your phone buzzes on your bed, and you reach over to pick it up.
“Abby: I’ll be thinking of you.”
You look up from the screen to your right, seeing her broad silhouette in the bedroom window across from yours. The two of you stare at each other for a bit, until you wave her off and get into bed, to which she does the same right after.
Not only was this the first night the two of you had officially spent alone together, but it was also the first night where you both just couldn’t take each other off of your minds now.
And all you could do was just wait until your path meets with hers again.
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- tags đŸ·ïž: @nyctophiliq @lucidfairies @inf3ct3dd @aouiaa @abbysfavewh0rx @lia-winther @grooviestcowboy @pretty-prrincess-13 @iwillkilyou @erinsdeluluworld @elliens4 @totallyghostdgirl @sirenbxby @bellaramslover @uraesthete @cherrycolouredflunk @whorn3y @thatonementallyillsimp @elliewilliamsmunch @gaptoothedlesbo @deadbolted @mochiivqi @floptron @swtsuna @naomis-daydream @hunnybunnyhazel @paprikahoernchen @bbglmfao @thesevi0lentdelights @mostlyhornyandsad @littlegingerperson @ur-fav-pixi @2busyfangirling @lmaoo-spiderman @olive-fics @onlinelesbo @piscesfairyyy @mrsandersons (striked means i couldn’t tag)
2024 © atomicami | all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, or translate any of my works.
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satorusdiary · 2 years ago
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hot rich dilf + babysitter reader
dilf! toji fushiguro x reader Mafia AU
age gap (reader is 21, toji is 39) + smut & fluff + reader is in college + toji is a rich man who lives a dangerous life
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toji fushiguro.
the biggest mafia boss around Japan, a single dad, with one kid. he is also living in one of the most beautiful houses in Japan. the richest neighborhoods around on the hills, where no one is able to see it well.
whenever you would hear, see, or look at that name wherever you are in the city all you think about is hot, rich dilf.
it’s wrong to think of that, especially when you were the babysitter for his son. yet, toji couldn’t risk the dangers of his son being taken cared of in a public daycare; where anyone can take him and possibly use him as ransom.
that’s why he has you, his personal baby sitter. the young, beautiful woman who is still in college, taking care of his child. something his ex whore of a wife couldn’t do.
whenever you get a text whilst taking classes, your heart skips a beat and your thighs clench together at who the message is from.
Toji sent 1:23 pm
Hey, y/n. I’m sorry for the sudden message, is it alright if you babysit megumi around 4? I have important things to take care of at work.
he is a dangerous man, yet you would never back down taking care of his child. you are putting yourself in major risks, but whenever you would see toji’s frame holding megumi on his hip you think differently.
megumi is a different story, he is a splitting image of his father besides the scars. he’s a sweet boy, kind and respectful to you, and would constantly always want you over to his fathers house.
you enjoy his company, him and his father.
You sent 1:25 pm
of course, not a problem! my classes are ending so i’ll be able to be there by the time you’re about to leave.
Toji sent 1:25 pm
Great, thank you so much. I will double your payment for being able to take care of Megumi during a school day. Thank you again.
not to mention, how good the payment is! by the end of the day you are able to pay 3 months worth of rent for your apartment. there is never a time where you never have left over money for yourself.
you always think it’s a mistake by how much he pays you, how delusional you were missing all the signs he has given you.
the amount of times he would wink at you, with that sexy smirk on his scarred lips. the way he would love you out the way with a hand on your waist, carefully pushing you to the side.
and the way he gives you cheek kisses, saying it’s a friendly greeting towards everyone when he knows damn well he doesn’t kiss anyone’s cheek besides yours and megumis.
his hopes continue, his hopes in you falling for him continue to increase.
toji will always protect you, and megumi. even if you are just a baby sitter, to him you were more than that.
he appreciates the time you put in for his son, and for him. and he appreciates how you always manage to come to his house earlier than expected just to take care of megumi.
toji approaches you with a tight black suit, one that hugs his muscular frame insanely well. your thighs rub against each other without you noticing.
something that wants your heart is when he hold megumis hand, whilst approaching you. it’s cute and wholesome.
“megs, you be good for y/n okay? i’ll be back in a bit.” toji kisses megumis forehead, letting go of his hand before making his way towards you with a small, but seductive grin.
like always, he kisses your cheek before saying a word to you. your stomach has butterflies fluttering around, he continues to sweet talk you.
it’s funny, how could such a dangerous man who does unthinkable things everyday warm your heart in such a way?
“thank you so much, again y/n. here is the money, please be safe and help yourself around the house.” his green eyes pierce through your e/c eyes. his hands giving you a stack of money, more than usual.
your eyes widened, it’s too much. it’s almost as if you depend on him too much with the amount of money he gives you for what, just a few hours of you taking care of megumi?
"mr fushiguro, i cannot accept this. why are you handing me so much?" you questioned, looking up at his tall frame.
he shakes his head and chuckles, pushing your hand that was holding the money closer to your chest.
"its for you, and your hard work. don't question it, you deserve it sweetheart." the pet name slips out, but he has no shame in calling you that. you are his sweetheart after all.
before you could say anything else, he continues on. and continues to make you flustered with his words, and expressions.
"oh, and y/n dear, call me toji. no need to be so formal when you have done so much for me, and my son." he caresses your cheek before brushing past you, grabbing his hat and work jacket from the coat hanger.
"..thank you, so much toji! i will forever appreciate everything you have done for me sir." you smile up at him, waving him goodbye before he is out the door.
"not a problem, dear. you both take care, be back inna bit." he closes the door. the smile on your face hasn't left, and the fast speed of your hear beating increases as you lock the door with its additional locks.
you snap out of your joyful thoughts when megumi embraces you with his small, slightly chubby arms. they close around your waist as he looks up from your stomach with a heart warming smile.
"why cant you just get with my dad, y/n? he likes you soo much, and you treat us so well." he frowns, eyes glossy and filled with adortion.
your heart weeps, his stare makes you double think everything. what if you did get with toji?
"megs.. i don't think he likes me like that sweetheart. and its okay! its okay just being your baby sitter." you pick him up, placing him on your hip while you walk towards his play area. it was clean, free of toys scattered everywhere in the room.
"you're so wrong! i know he likes you a lot. he kisses your cheek, and forehead like me! that means he loves you." the word that holds so much power, and strength over anyone slips from his lips. yet he doesn't try to apologize and make it out as a mistake.
"not only that, but you are like a mommy to me. better than the other one, don't leave tonight. please y/n!" he cries out, hugging you as tight as he can.
you look down at him, sitting on the bed with a sad expression. you never knew how much megumi had actually cared for you. and it amazed you how good he was able to speak as a 4 year old.
"megumi,' you start off, watching as he looks up at you with teary eyes.
"i'll see if i could stay tonight, but just for tonight!" you tell him, his lips automatically curl into a big smile, before he kisses you on the cheeks. the same way his father does.
"yay! thanks y/n. now can we play, please?" he slips out of your embrace and begins pulling out toys from his drawer, handing you a big car which you take from his small hands.
"sure, megumi. if you want, ill take you to the park after?" you question and get on your knees, getting down to his level so you would be able to play properly.
he nods his head repeatedly, you wonder if his cheeks every get tired from smiling so much.
"yes! thank you y/n, you're the best!"
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the day goes by fast, now you are sitting on megumi's bed, tucking him in before he goes to sleep.
"y-you're gonna stay tonight, right y/n?" the little boy questions, turning to look at you. the only source of light was the hallway lights, through the opened door.
you stay silent for a few seconds, giving him a hopeful smile that would make him feel better.
"i'll see, i still have to check in with your dad." you replied. deep down you knew you wouldn't stay over, especially when you knew it would be pretty weird to stay over at your bosses house, just for his kid over night.
you would just have to make up a lie by tomorrow, apologizing to the younger boy on why you couldn't stay over.
i'll say i had classes! yeah that is a good excuse. you thought to yourself.
"okay.. goodnight y/n." megumi utters, smiling before he closes his eyes and drifts off the sleep.
you stay in the same position, watching him peacefully drift off with his hand loosely around yours. after a few minutes, you knew you had to go home.
"bye megs.." you whisper, kissing his head before standing up from his bed, walking towards the outside of his bedroom.
you sighed and began walking down the hallway, towards the exit of the home.
“you’re not gonna stay the night?” a voice startles you, making your turn around with a hand over your heart.
“toji-san! w-when did you get home?” you nervously laughed, and breathed in heavily as he walked towards you.
your heart jumps to your throat as he looks down at you, the tension was high.
his hand reaches your shoulder, squeezing and rubbing over it seductively. a smirk appearing on his features, that stupid sexy smirk that makes your pussy heat up.
“don’t mind that darling. as i said, you’re not gonna stay the night? thought you wanted to be with megs?” the smirk turns into a small frown, making you rethink on why you were going to leave in the first place.
“‘m sorry.. i-i just didn’t think you would be comfortable with it.” you admitted, looking up at him with guilty eyes.
your hand clutches your tote bag, the both of you stay in silence before he speaks up. a kiss being left on your forehead, it drowns out the guilty feeling and lights up your features.
“it’s fine sweets. y’want to talk for a bit and have dinner together? i don’t mind you staying over, megumi has a strong liking for you.” he waits for a response.
it’s almost embarrassing to you how fast you nodded your head, yet toji chuckles at how dedicated you were towards the offer.
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you did not go home that night, as expected. but what happened was something you never thought would happen at all.
you thought you would be in your own bedroom, but here you were. face flat onto toji’s pillows, and him behind you groping your body in many ways. his cock drilling inside your plush, tight pussy.
“you’re so beautiful, my love.” his words continue to make you cry, both ways. he flips you over so his hand would be able to wrap around your breast, and the other caressing your head as you take all of him inside of you.
“daddy— ‘s so good!” you cry out, mind getting foggy as you look at him with the most love and adoration expression he could ever make out. his heart melts.
he shuts you up with a kiss, tongues clashing together as his hands roam around your love handles, squeezing and slapping them.
you moan into the kiss, it’s muffled but he was able to hear it clearly. the sound was music to his ears, making him slam into you rougher and deeper, his cock abusing your g-spot.
you were just too beautiful, too pure for him. he couldn’t resist you. the day he met you in a coffee shop he knew he wanted you, and you would become his.
“shh, baby. can’t forget gumi is sleeping, hm?” he hums, pulling away from your pouty, swollen lips.
“sorry.. ‘jus feels too good. love your cock s’ much tojii.” you moan once again. your hand interlaces with his bigger hands, pinning you down on his large bed.
“i know, sweet girl. you almost needa cum?” he coo’s into your ear, large, muscular hand going down onto your stomach. your womb filled with toji’s hot seed.
you whine, nodding repeatedly and look up at him with desperate eyes. sobs leave your mouth, the bubbly feeling in your stomach begging to be released.
“please! need t’ cum, lemme cum daddy.. please!” you beg over and over, it’s adorable to him. the way you’re so desperate for him, and his cock. even if it’s bullying your insides.
arousal floods into your insides, the way toji lowly groans on top of you makes you see the stars.
“cum with me, my dear.” he moans out, hands gripping at your waist as he continues to slams you down on his veiny, hard, big cock.
just like that, you realease all over him. you hadn’t even notice you squirted. the feeling of toji filling you to the brim once again made your eyes foggy, filled with tears. thankfully toji was there to wipe away any tears left.
hot cum continues to spurt into your pussy, the feeling of your walls clenching over his cock so well makes toji’s feelings for you grow stronger.
“my beautiful, princess.” he whispers through heavy breathes. your heart beating even faster as his hands cup your jaw, pulling you into another heated kiss.
“starting now, you’re mine. my little girl.”
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back2bluesidex · 5 months ago
Slide - The Consequences - MYG (18+)
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Pairing: Producer!Yoongi X Lyricist!Reader 
Theme: Angst, smut, unplanned pregnancy. Fwb to ?
Word count: 2k+
"I barely make it down the stairs without panic Woah, I won't let it set me off"
You are no different than the cigarette between his lips - half-burnt and waiting to be turned into ashes bit by bit with time.
Listened to Slide by Chase Atlantics
Warnings: Extreme angst. I repeat EXTREME angst. One very triggering concept (I'm not mentioning what since it might spoil stuff) but I have tried to keep it as implied as possible.
Minors do not interact!!
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Patreon (for early access)
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A/N: This might break your heart because this is the angstiest chapter yet.
Read the next chapter
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“Are you sure you don’t want to add anyone?” Hoseok asks for what feels like a thousand times. Everytime he asks this question, you get a sharp reminder of how you have no one to add as your emergency contact, how you are completely deserted from the rest of the world and how it’s no one’s fault but yours. 
You nod your head in affirmation. To dim the helplessness in your eyes, you smile a little. 
But Hoseok is not convinced as it seems, he only sighs harder. The pen in his hand fall on the patient chart as he intertwines his fingers and looks at you as if he is trying to read your troubles out aloud.
You don’t like it. You don’t like the way he understands you are nowhere near being mentally healthy for motherhood.
“Y/N?” he calls you firmly. The lack of any formal suffix or prefix shocks you momentarily. “You really don’t want to let the father know?” 
You suck in a deep breath. You want to let Yoongi know. You of course do. You want him to be happy, you want him to say “let’s do this together”, you want him to love you back more and more and more and more. 
But you know, this is hardly possible even in your wildest of dreams. 
“He’s happy with the person he loves. I- I don’t want this baby to look like an excuse to come between them. Also
” Marrying, having kids - all these, freaks me out. Yoongi’s words ring in your head like a loud alarm, threatening you to go deaf at any given moment.
“Also?” Hoseok urges you to continue. 
“Nothing.” you give him another weak smile. 
He sighs again. Probably he, too, is done with you and your nonchalant stubbornness. 
“In that case, I am enlisting myself as your emergency contact.” He takes his pen in his fingers again and starts putting down his number in your chart. 
Your eyes go wide, “but will that be okay? I mean-” 
“This is okay. Don’t worry. We usually do this in exceptional cases.” Hoseok gives you an assuring smile. 
“Thank you.” you mumble, embarrassment eats you away. 
“That’s alright, Y/N. don’t forget to take your meds and eat a lot of fruits. Okay?” 
“And also, just so you know, excessive mental stress is harmful in earlier stages of pregnancy.” 
Your chest tightens. 
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You usually keep your personal cell silent. Because there is simply no reason not to. 
No one is going to call you and mull over why you aren’t picking up your calls and if anything bad has happened to you or not. 
Not even your mother. She has far more important responsibilities than you have ever managed to be. 
You have a few contacts and a group chat with your high school friends, which you check occasionally. 
That is why your heart threatens to beat out of your chest when you see unread notifications on the surface of your personal phone, that too, from Yoongi. 
He had only messaged you a few times before in this number and all of those were barely a sentence. 
But today he had sent you not one or two but a total set of five different texts, which read: 
Yoongi (15:30): “I heard you are out with an emergency again?”  Yoongi (15:36): “What is it, Y/N? Is something seriously wrong?”  Yoongi (15:38): “Please, let’s talk.”  Yoongi (15:50): “Will you please stop ignoring me?”  Yoongi (16:05): “I will be waiting for you at the terrace. If you can, come before 5.” 
Your eyes close as you leave a loud exhale out of your mouth. For a moment you question your decision of coming back to the company and make up for the time you were out. You could have just taken a sick leave. Or maybe if you checked your phone half an hour ago, you would have avoided this whole ordeal. 
But right now you are in the parking lot of the building and you will have to go inside. 
And you know very well, once you are inside, the invisible threads of your body that are connected to Min Yoongi will start pulling you towards the terrace. 
It’s 4:24 now.. So he is still supposedly waiting at the terrace. 
Maybe Yoongi is right. You should talk to him. What will you say, though, you don’t know. 
Or maybe you should just listen to him, as always, let him do the talking and see how his speeches have changed since the last time, since the time when both of you were alone. 
It’s only you, who is alone now, who is troubled. 
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You have always loved Yoongi’s side profile, the soft slope of his nose, the half crescent of his lips, but then again, there’s hardly anything about Yoongi you have not not loved. 
However, right now as you watch him in the glow of the setting sun, with a half-burnt cigarette in between his lips, you wish you wouldn’t have loved him so much. 
Because, now, you are no different than the cigarette between his lips - half-burnt and waiting to be turned into ashes bit by bit with time. 
But can you though? Your life is not only yours anymore. Your life is now intertwined with another living mechanism and you are far too lost in your head to be prepared for it. 
Do you really want the baby? Or do you just want to keep a trace of a fleeting thing that Yoongi had for you? 
If it’s the second then isn’t it unfair for the unborn life? 
Will you be able to love it when you can’t even love yourself? When you can’t associate anyone else with the word ‘love’ other than Yoongi himself? 
“Hey. you came..” Yoongi’s voice pierce through the dark clouds of your thoughts. His words are laced with doubts, there is a frown in between his brows and now that he is facing you completely, you can see bags under his eyes. 
You don’t even want to think about what's keeping him up at night. 
“You wanted to talk.” you finally start walking towards him with legs so heavy that it feels as if your body will fall over their weight. 
Yoongi crushes his cigarette under his shoes, like you have let him crush your hearts in those pretty hands of his. 
Once there is no smoke lingering in the air, you step near his vicinity. 
“Yeah. but the way you have been ignoring me, I didn’t think you would come.” there is a hint of hurt in his voice. 
You don’t reply anything, rather you let your eyes get lost in the maze of concrete ahead, tall buildings aspiring to touch the sky but failing regardless. 
From your peripheral vision you can see Yoongi stepping closer to you, opening his mouth to say something and then closing it again. He probably shuts his eyes for a brief second then opens it with determination burning in them. 
“Y/N, what's wrong? I heard you have been taking leaves for regular checkups at the hospital? Are you
 are you hurting?” Yoongi speaks with one of those soft tones that he hardly uses for anyone. 
It’s not the first time he is using it for you, but it sways you a little anyway. 
“I am fine, Yoongi. But I don’t understand what is up with you? Why are you suddenly so worried about me? Why are you suddenly caring as if
 as if I mean something to you?” you ask him calmly, waiting for a valid answer. 
“I have always cared about you.” 
“But that was when we were- we were sleeping, right? Now you don’t have any obligations towards me. So please. Please stop confusing me. Please stop making me a fool.” you let a lone tear escape from your eye. This time doing nothing to stop it. 
“How is this even confusing, Y/N? Friends care for each other. Don’t they?” Yoongi’s voice weaves and you don’t know why. 
You chuckle dryly, “sadly enough, you are not just my friend. I am in love with you and you know that too.” 
Yoongi’s eyes widen. He takes a tentative step away from you as if staying near you will turn him into a stone; and that breaks your already broken heart even more. 
“Y/N- I-”
“I know. I know you don’t- You don’t have to. I just- I am a fool. I am sorry.” Now you are sobbing uncontrollably. Your eyes give out after holding onto your tears for a year. 
Yoongi takes a step towards you, holds you by your shoulders but now his touches burn. Your body burns under his fingers and you want to run away - run away as far as possible. 
“Y/N” his voice trembles yet again.
You hastily wipe your tears with your sleeves and run away in the opposite direction towards the flight of stairs. 
He calls your name to stop you but doesn’t come running behind you. You note that. 
Yoongi will never chase you. You are not Gyuri after all. 
Once you are half down the stairs, you sit down, try to control your breathing, convince yourself that it’s not good for the baby. 
The baby. The baby. The baby. 
Should you not tell Yoongi about the baby? At least inform him? And then he can decide if he wants to accept it with you or leave it behind too? Just like you? 
But this is not yours alone. He came to you that night and left a life inside you as an aftermath.
You stand up, deciding to take a shot, not for you but for the unborn life, which deserves the equal part of attention from its other parent too. 
If there are consequences. You will face it all. 
Climbing up the stairs, as you take a few steps towards where you left Yoongi behind. 
You see him again. 
But this time, he is not alone. He is with Gyrui, who is holding on to his body so tightly as if her life depends on it.  
Their lips are molded with each other. 
Her fingers are lost in his dark locks, his hands are placed on her side as if he is not sure what he is doing. 
You stand there. 
You stand there watching them numbly. And when you decide to turn and leave, you have nothing left inside of you. 
Your body is now a shell of something that looks like you. 
You decide to take the stairs all the way down until your legs give out. 
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Your back slides down the wooden door of your bedroom. 
You let out a thunderous scream and that is closely followed by wailing. 
You cry. You cry for all the times you have loved Yoongi. You cry for all the times he didn’t even look at you. You cry for the time when Gyuri came back. You cry for the time when Yoongi left that night. You cry for today when he clearly chose Gyuri over you even when you knew this was your destiny. 
You cry because Yoongi can’t be yours and today finally ends a lot of things. 
You don’t know for how long you cry. But all the tears have left you feeling weary. 
You climb on your bed and drift off to a slumber. 
And you dream. 
You dream of yourself, and Yoongi and a baby hand that’s holding his fingers. Yoongi is smiling, he is happy. 
Then you dream of a big wave, drowning you - Yoongi and the hand of the baby have disappeared. 
When you wake up, your body is drenched in sweat, so much so that even the back of your thighs feel wet. 
The pain in your body is piercing.
But when you manage to sit up - you see a pool of blood soaked in your clothes and sheets. 
The last trace of Yoongi that you were trying hard to preserve, is gone too now.  
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trippinsorrows · 4 days ago
dreamland: the school projects
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authors note: yes, it's really my ass again. promise this is the last one. next thing i update will be the ltye chapter sometime over the weekend.
let's pretend target aint' problematic in this world.
warnings: roman's blood pressure being in the danger zone.
words: 4.6k
Roman always misses his wife when she's out of town. For obvious reasons, and some not so obvious. The biggest one though is that having two parents to manage six children, all who happen to still be in single digits, is always better than one. Especially when one is lucky enough to have a partner like Sol.
She's so good and graceful at handling all the things.
Like school projects.
Especially those. His wife is as creative as she is beautiful. Always able to help the kids when they get sent home with those annoying ass projects he has zero patience for. It's already hard enough for him to manage coloring with those small ass crayons when his set of creative kids ask him to sit down and do art with them. Anything beyond that is grounds for referral.
Except that's not an option.
It's not an option, because his wife isn't here. Out of town for a leadership conference for female business owners. A good thing for her. He's forever proud of all she's accomplished.
But, that leaves him on his own with their six children. Soon to be four, because Roman is having a hard ass time processing what his two oldest are trying to tell him.
"What you mean ya'll both have a project due?" Roman had just finished getting his twin boys, Koa and Kai, down for bed. Not nearly as difficult as it was for the older ones, but still something that took a good half hour. Now he's got the terror non-twins in front of him hitting him with something unexpected. "When are they due?"
"Tomorrow," Lina answers it so easily and casually, completely either oblivious or uncaring of the way her daddy's eyes widen.
"Yup," Tama nods, the two of them sharing a little laugh. Over what, he has no idea. These two are always in cahoots over something, and he can't be bothered with that right now, because he's too busy trying not to freak out on them.
Roman pinches the bridge of his nose. "So, ya'll really both knew you had these projects due yet decided to wait until—" He looks at the expensive watch on his wrist. "Almost 6pm to tell me about them?"
Lina nods so nonchalantly.
Roman has to bite back a smart ass response. Then it hits him. "Wait, does that mean Leya has one, too?"
Lina shakes her head. "Sissy did hers two weeks ago."
So, why the hell ya'll ain't do yours then, too? A question he keeps to himself, because he already knows the answer. Leya inherited all of Solana's creativity. She loves school projects. Of course she completed her early. Not to mention, Sol loves helping her, all the kids, really, with them.
It's a love Roman, unfortunately, does not share.
But, something he's gonna have to stomach cause these damn kids have pulled one over on him yet again.
Roman shakes his head. "Alright, well let's get started. What are the requ—what?" He stops himself, detecting the unspoken expression in their faces.
Lina pokes out her mouth, rocking back and forth on her heels, hands behind her back. "We don't have the supplies."
Tama adds. "Yeah, we gotta go to Target."
"Target?" It just keeps getting worse. "What do you mean we don't have the supplies?" Roman gestures to the space around them. "All these art rooms I built for your mom, and we don't have everything ya'll need already?"
In synchronization, Tama and Lina nod. Roman has to close his eyes and count backwards from ten.
Of course.
"Go tell Leya to throw something on," he instructs his two oldest, both quickly running away and up the stairs to inform their sister of this unexpected outing. Roman pulls out his phone, alerting security that he has to run out and someone needs to watch Koa and Kai's nursery. No way in hell he's waking and dragging them out the house. Not when he just got them down for bed.
Receiving a response, Roman moves up the steps to head to Samaria's room to get her ready as well.
He's gonna need a drink after all this.
Or several.
"Alright, look," he starts off, looking back at his kids, all four wearing various expressions. Lina and Tama look excited as hell, Samaria is in her own world, lowly singing some random song, and Leya—sweet, sweet Leya—is the only one clearly paying attention. "When we get in this store, I don't want ya'll asking for nothing." Roman literally had several packages delivered just this afternoon of the latest toys, dolls, and obstacle course themed things. He means it when he says he's not buying them anything. "We're here for supplies for these projects. Okay?" Leya nods, signifying her understanding. The other three kids remain unfocused and uninterested.
Aria has a bit of an attitude with him—tapping into her inner Lina—because he wouldn't let her take her "cart" with her. AKA the kids Target cart she got a few weeks ago that Solana always lets her bring when they go out shopping.
He just had to remind her that that's mommy's thing. Not daddy's thing.
Not that she cares, of course.
Getting all four out of their car seats takes a good almost twenty minutes. Naturally, Lina and Tama are ready to run in the store, Roman instructing Zilla to keep an eye on and tag them. Leya, unsurprisingly, doesn't need to be prompted. She naturally takes Roman's hand, staying close to him. Samaria is a little more difficult, easily trying to dart off the minute they walk into the store.
That's another thing.
Roman had an idea that maybe if the store wasn't cleared out, the kids would be less likely to want to roam.
Wrong idea.
Zilla is following Lina and Tama who have said fuck the supplies, instead heading to the sports section. Samaria, after being placed in the cart by Roman, is pointing and asking him to take her down damn near every aisle. It's literally only Leya—his now favorite child, who stays close to him the entire time. When he can't hold her hand, because he's placing shit in the cart, she's holding onto his shirt or shorts.
Both for her comfort and because out of all the kids, she's always been the most obedient. When they say to do something, Leya always does it. The exception being when her OCD interferes.
"Daddy, look!" Roman was in the midst of trying to look over the needed supplies from each Lina and Tama's project directions when Samaria is tugging on his sleeve. He looks over to see her pointing to some kids makeup set.
He shakes his head. "Aria, daddy just got you one of those last week." And not cause he wanted to. At five, his little girl is way into that beauty shit much earlier than he'd like to see.
"Not that one!" She whines, wiggling, wanting to get out of the cart.
"I wanna see it!" She shouts, crossing her arms and pouting.
Any other time, Roman would nip that attitude in the bud. She definitely takes after Lina with her stubbornness sometimes. But, right now, he's gotta pick and choose his battles.
Begrudgingly, Roman lifts her out and watches her run over to the end cap where she grabs two kits, dashes back over and tries to place them in the cart, but she's too little, her arms too short to reach.
He sighs and obliges, opening his mouth to stop her as she runs back and starts looking down the aisle.
Roman closes his eyes.
I love my kids.
I love my kids.
I love my kids.
His internal mantra and reminder is repeated as he and Leya walk down the aisle, the father of six tossing and placing item after item into the cart. All courtesy of Samaria who talks and explains the whole time why she "needs" all this stuff.
She needs nothing. None of his kids do. Except these damn school supplies for this stupid ass project.
"Alright, that's enough, Samaria." Roman has to finally put his foot down. The cart is damn near full of unnecessary shit, and the more time they spend in this store, the less time he has to help the kids complete their projects. And that doesn't even include getting the rest of them down for bed.
Another daunting task in and of itself.
Samaria pouts once more, whining out an, "okay."
Roman gathers the papers again, ready to start moving down the list. He's decided that Lina and Tama still being gone somewhere in the store is something he refuses to think about. Because, he just knows they've got a cart filled.
Just knows it.
But, then he sees it out the corner of his eye. Sees the way Leya is looking over at something on the shelf. Some type of art kit. She says nothing, nor does she indicate any type of plans to grab it. Much unlike her younger sister.
It brings a small smile on his face. That's his Leya. Never the type to really ask for anything. Always content.
Roman bends down, gesturing to the kit. "You can get it."
Leya turns to him with surprise in her pretty eyes. Her smile is small and cautious. She points to it with an unspoken but evident question.
Roman chuckles and kisses her forehead. "Go ahead."
Her smile grows instantly as she walks over, grabbing the kit and bringing it back over, placing it in the cart. Seconds later, she's back by his side, but this time pointing at the papers in hand.
"These?" She nods. Roman hands them to her as she looks them over, tugging on his shirt, indicating her desire for her to follow him. Roman calls for Samaria to come walk with them, taking her hand in his, the other navigating the cart.
Wordlessly, Roman follows his eight-year-old as she quietly guides them down an aisle and starts placing items in the cart.It's obvious by the way she looks between the papers before grabbing said items, that she's not shopping for herself like her siblings. She's getting the supplies needed for the projects. Handling that task for him.
It keeps a small smile on his face.
Of all the kids, she's definitely the most like Solana.
"Would you look at that, John?" A new voice enters the scene, somewhat sounding out the sound of Samaria, who's singing quietly, again, while also picking up more unnecessary stuff for herself.
A glance over allows Roman to see a Caucasian, elderly couple, a man and a woman, watching as his girls shop. It instantly makes him scowl.
He's fully prepared to ignore them when the woman speaks again. "What sweet girls helping out their dad." At that, he has no protests there. Never mind the fact Leya is the only one trying to help him. Samaria is helping herself and her ever growing collection of toys.
Much to his chagrin, the 176 year-old woman walks over to him, hand over her chest. "I truly commend you single fathers." Roman scowls. The fuck? "I know it can't be easy raising two young girls all on your own."
Roman has to stop himself from snapping and cussing them out. Solana has been on him lately about his language in front of the kids. Something about her being tired of Lina and Tama getting sent home with notes about cussing at their classmates.
Not that he sees a big issue. They shouldn't be messing with his kids in the first damn place.
"Lady, I'm not a single father." And, he certainly has more than two kids. Way more. "Their mom is coming back."
"And, you keep believing that, son." The older man speaks up, fist raised in some sort of sign of determination and solidarity. "Keep hope alive that she'll come to her senses, find her way home, and come back to these sweet little angels."
At that point, Samaria comes over, wearing some wig—where the fuck did she get that from?—with a great big smile. "I am an angel!" She starts spinning around, holding her dress, singing.
It clearly moves this old ass couple who look at her in awe.
Meanwhile, Roman is trying not to lose his damn mind.
"Come on, ya'll," Roman mutters, managing to steer his kids away without having to acknowledge or curse out the nursing home escapees. Except, one stressor is traded for another.
"What the hell is all this?" Roman asks, face to face with Zilla who's pushing one full ass cart along with Lina and Tama who are pushing yet another full ass cart. Toys, basketballs, snacks, sports shits, and other randoms practically overflowing.
He looks over at his younger cousin who simply shrugs. "They also scheduled a play date, too," Zilla informs.
"Her name is Mrs. Jade, and she's really nice," Lina shares, starting to explain. "She has two kids."
"Josiah and Marcus," Tama finishes. "It's next Saturday at 2pm."
"What have I told ya'll about talking to people you don't know?" Roman scolds. For the life of him, he'll never understand how he and Solana made all these goddamn extroverted ass kids.
Lina shrugs. "We know them now."
Roman, once again, has to count to ten.
Or, 100.
In the meantime, Lina and Tama rush over to Leya, asking what she got. At which point, Leya points to the single item she selected. This, of course, is not acceptable to Lina.
"You need more stuff, sissy," she informs, taking her by the hand. The two of them, joined by Tama, head down a nearby aisle of toys. Goddamn, it feels like Roman can't escape the shit.
"Wait for me!" Samaria calls after them, running behind her big siblings.
"Watch them," Roman orders. Zilla nods. The Tribal Chief then turns on his heel, searching for a completely different kind of aisle. He suddenly has a new, unexpected item added to his list.
It's relatively easy to find, though a blast from the fucking past.
It's been years since he's had to shop for this.
Something he never ever expected to have to do, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Roman easily peruses the options, most of which have never worked for him, finally landing on it. The only one that did work. Grabbing the black and gold box, he's partially surprised the design hasn't changed in all the time that's passed since he was last in the market.
He reads the box just to make sure he's grabbed the right one.
Magnum XL
Value Size
The right one, for sure.
It takes a second for it to set in. Roman swore up and down he'd never use protection with his wife. Never wanted to. The pleasure of fucking her raw has always been too good to not experience. But between his being fertile as hell, her also clearly being fertile as hell, the six kids they already have, along with her not wanting to get on birth control, he feels like he has no other choice.
They cannot risk anymore kids. Roman loves her. Loves his children. Loves his family, but it's too much. They have more than enough on their plate. With him being a few years shy of 50 and Solana a couple years away from 40, it would be irresponsible as hell for him to bring anymore children into the world. Not to mention, he's not sure he can handle another Lina or Tama.
Grip on the box tightening just a bit, he nods to himself.
He'll just have to talk and lay it all out for Solana when she gets home.
Surely, she'll understand.
Roman turns to leave and then considers something. Considers how sexually active he and his wife are.
He grabs another box.
And then an extra one.
Roman finds Zilla and his brood of children along with three full ass baskets, Lina informing proudly, "we're ready to checkout, daddy."
Yes, they sure fucking are.
Tama, however, would be the one to notice the boxes Roman is trying his best to keep discreet. "Hey dad, what's that?"
"Nothing," Roman dismisses, working to keep his voice calm and nonchalant. "Adult stuff."
"So, it's for old people?"
Zilla covers his mouth to hide his snort.
"Come on," Roman ignores his smart mouth having ass son as the group heads over to the registers, choosing the one that has only one person in line ahead of them. The kids play and talk among themselves, not including Samaria still singing, when Roman catches out the corner of his eye a man to the right of him waiting to check out as well.
He lifts his sunglasses, looking between the items in Roman's hands and his rambunctious four children. "I think it might be a lil' too late for that, my brother."
Zilla is unable to hold in his laughter this time. Roman shoots both the man and his cousin a glare. "Hey. He said it. Not me."
"Shut up," Roman mutters, grateful when it's their turn to be rung up.
"Hi!" The cashier, a young girl in her twenties flashes him a big, annoying ass smile. Why the fuck is she so damn happy? "Did you find everything alright?"
"We did!" Samaria answers. The woman leans over to see his youngest little girl beaming up just as much, placing two candy bars on the conveyor belt. When the hell did she grab that?
"Well, that is just awesome," the girl replies in a sing-song voice, further irking the already irritated man.
"Here." He tries to subtly hand her the three value sized boxes of condoms. "Ring these up now and place em' in a separate bag."
Her eyes widen slightly as she reads one of the boxes, a blush forming on her cheeks. "Of course."
Roman rolls his eyes, warning Tama and Lina to stay close. He can see them eyeing some people he knows they'd just love to go talk to.
"Are you interested in joining our Target Circle program?" The woman asks, Roman picking up Samaria to keep her from grabbing anymore candy.
"No," he answers, watching the subtotal continue to go up and up.
"Are you sure?" She presses, continuing to ring up the items. "We have several card options. Each bound to meet at least one of your Target shopping ne—"
"Lady," he interrupts, the tight grip on his anger loosening with each annoying word that leaves her annoying big ass mouth. "I don't wanna join your damn program. I want you to ring my shit up, so I can get the hell out of here, okay?"
Around him, various responses. Samaria, in his arms, gasps. "Daddy," she says it just in that Solana scolding type of voice. "That was mean."
Leya remains silent, but her twin and partner in crime are snickering away. Tama laughing, "daddy said shit."
"Ya'll stop that cussing," Roman scolds. Grateful the cashier got the hint, she says nothing else until it's time to share the total.
Roman manages to pull out his wallet and black card, inserting it inside the chip reader, all while still holding a now yawning Samaria. At almost 7:30pm, it's past her bedtime.
Snatching the receipt from Blondie, Roman and the group are heading to the car, Zilla loading up the two SUV's as Roman works to strap all the kids in their car seats.
Lina suddenly yawns as he works to secure Samaria. "Daddy, can we get ice cream?"
Roman's eyes nearly bulge out his head.
"No, we are not getting ice cream." He shoots that down real fast, laying out the game plan. "We are going home, I'm gonna put your little sister to bed, we're going to get these projects done, and then all of ya'll are going to sleep."
After letting the kids ice cream digest, Roman sort of sticks to his plan, putting Samaria to sleep and starting to help Lina and Tama with their projects now that they have all the necessary supplies.
And more.
But, that's neither here nor there.
Except, once again, Roman is reminded how non-creative he is.
And so are his two oldest children.
It's a combination of frustration, exhaustion, and more that has The Tribal Chief just about ready to call it a night, accepting he'll just keep them home from school tomorrow.
And then, a savior.
A sweet, sweet angel in the form of an eight year old-girl.
His saint of a daughter arrives, practically taking over for all three of them. She works silently and efficiently, pointing and gesturing to certain items when she needs help, something she needs very little of.
It's like watching Solana do her magic, the way his little girl transforms nothing into something.
And not even an hour later, both projects are complete, courtesy almost entirely of Miss Cataleya Reigns.
Why couldn't all his kids be like her?
Roman doesn't need to direct Tama and Lina to thank their sister. One thing about them all, they love and support each other. He and Solana never have to do anything to encourage that.
Unfortunately, it's not until almost 10:30 when he gets the remaining kids in bed, Roman plopping down on the sofa and releasing a deep breath from one of the most stressful days he's had in a while.
He'd love nothing more than to jump in bed, but he has to have his nightly call with his wife to see how she's doing. Along with letting her know how things have been on his end.
Something he both is and is not looking forward to.
Except when Roman pulls out his phone to call his wife, he hears something.
Turning to his right, he's met with none other than Leya. She's still in her pajamas, pink, silk bonnet on her head, her favorite stuffy in her hand.
He sits forward, frowning, "what's wrong, baby?"
He has a guess, already knowing her anxiety and OCD tend to get triggered at night when one of her parents is out of town. Except, she usually comes and finds him when he's already in bed.
Not this soon.
She says nothing, instead walking over and placing her little arms around him for a hug.
Instantly, a massive wave of relief washes over him. There's something about being hugged by all his kids, especially his girls. But, Leya's hugs always hit and feel deeper.
And that feeling only intensifies when she says in her cute, soft, little voice, "you're the best daddy ever."
Roman's eyes shut, his heart filled with all the wonderful things and emotions that come from fatherhood. From knowing how, despite his massive concerns about such thing, his hard work has paid off.
He's managed to have the relationship with his kids he never thought possible but is clearly a reality given the powerful words just spoken.
"Thank you, sweetie." Roman kisses her temple. "I love you, Cataleya."
She hugs him a little tighter. "I love you, too, daddy."
Words he'll never tire of hearing. Ever.
Roman pulls back, gently tapping her cheek. "Hey, how about you come lay down with daddy now?" It makes all the sense. He knows before the morning arrives, at least two of his children will end up in his bed. The kids all like to sleep with whatever parent is home when the other is out of town.
He's just fast forwarding.
Leya's eyes light up as she nods and smiles happily.
Roman chuckles, standing up while still holding her. "Come on."
He leads her upstairs, keeping from her the fact she'll probably get to see and speak to Solana with him. Another surprise of sorts.
Roman's kids may be a lot at times, as are most children, but they're his.
His family.
His legacy.
And, he wouldn't have it any other way.
Less than a week later, Solana is back home, where she belongs, and where Roman needs her most.
After a day of the kids hovering around their mother, as expected given her absence, later that evening, Roman finally has his wife to himself.
Laying in between her legs, he laments while she plays in his hair, massaging his scalp and providing the sort of release only she can gift him.
"And then," he starts, transitioning to yet another stressful tale from while she was gone. It's always a bit funny to her how dramatic her husband can be. "Lina and Tama
I swear those two are going to send me to an early grave."
Solana rolls her eyes, small smile on her face. "I now they're a lot at times."
"At times?" His eyes dart up to her, filled with nothing but disbelief. "Baby, it's always something with them two. They don't know how to stay seated for more than five minutes, and they can never just listen. Stubborn asses."
Solana snorts. "I wonder where they get that from."
He mutters, "must be from your side of the family."
At that, she has to stop and look at him again. Solana loves this man with everything in her, but it never ceases to amaze her how blind he can be when it comes to their kids. She knows Tama and Lina are a handful at times, spitfires on their own, a tsunami together, but they're every bit of their dad. Same temper. Same determination. Same scowl, even.
Roman is just dealing with himself in the form of an eight year-old little girl and a seven year-old little boy. Not that he can see that.
No, not at all.
" Solana trails off, leaning over, running her hands down his chest. "Hint of advice for next time, babe?" Roman looks at her. "Let Aria take her cart. Once it's filled, that's it in her mind. She doesn't think to ask to put anything else in the big cart. Keep Lina with Leya, and Tama with you. Leya serves as a buffer between the two."
Roman looks like his whole life has just been turned upside down. He sits up, continuing to look at Solana with disbelief. "Baby, you ain't think to tell me that shit before?" Solana giggles, rolling her eyes once more. "All that damn stress for nothing."
Solana presses her lips together and strokes his beard. "I'm sorry, mi amor." Voice dropping, she sits up, moving closer to him on the bed. "Why don't you let me make it up to you?" Solana shifts once more so she's straddling her husband. Her hands massaging his big, broad shoulders. She drops her mouth to his ear, kissing the shell, whispering. "Let mami take care of papi."
Lightly grinding on top of him, she's unsurprised to feel the growing erection pressing against her.
Smiling, she starts kissing him, his hands moving under her big shirt, going and lifting it over her head. The removal leaves her in just her blank thong. Nothing else.
An unhealthy amount of lust fills and dances in Roman's warm irises, prompting her to reach for the waistband of his sweats.
Kissing on his neck while doing so, she's caught off guard when he grabs her by her wrists.
Confused as all outdoors, she expresses as such, "what's wrong?"
Roman just looks at her. This beautiful goddess of a woman practically naked before him. The mother of his children. His wife. The love of his life. He's missed the fuck out of her.
And, he's especially missed fucking her.
He won't deny himself this.
Not tonight.
"Nothing," he dismisses, hiking her up on his waist. They can have the condom talk some other time. Right now, he wants one thing and one thing only. Solana lowers her lips to his, her hair hanging and fanning their faces. He smirks, murmuring with a light slap to her ass. "Show papi how much you missed him."
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in-my-feels-probably · 2 years ago
slytherin boys or mattheo riddle as a dad please?
Slytherin Boys as Dads
Request: slytherin boys or mattheo riddle as a dad please?
Hi! So sorry for the wait, this one took me a while for some reason. I was kinda vague with these, but hopefully you like them. Thank you for the request :)
(Warnings: mentions of bad home lives, insecurity, let me know if i missed anything)
Theodore Nott:
deathly afraid of being anything like his own family or father. he’d be a little apprehensive about having kids in the first place, but he’d eventually be more open to the idea once you promised to be there every step of the way and take things slow. 
the proudest dad ever. the type of dad to clap and cheer once they use the bathroom on their own for the first time. he literally wouldn’t care (within reason) how good they’re doing at a sport or in school, he’s just proud that they’re putting in effort.
he’s got a short temper. i think he’d get a little snappy, and then immediately regret it once the tears started or they got angry and snapped back. he’d put on a brave face in the moment, but he’d for sure cry about it later to you.
he has such a way with words, and he’s so imaginative. they’d ask him kid shit that makes no sense, and he’s just deadpan answering them without hesitation. and it would be like that even when the kids were grown and moving out of the house. he just knows the right thing to say.
wouldn’t want a lot of kids. he’s too easily overwhelmed, and although he’s got the love to go around, he just can’t stomach the idea of being responsible for that many lives. one or two is enough for him, and he’d love them with all of his heart.
Every milestone your little girl met had Theo in shambles. No matter how big or small, he treated every single one of them like she had cured cancer or won an Olympic gold medal. When she started growing more independent and wanting to do things on her own, it wasn’t any different.
Theo came into your room after saying goodnight to your daughter, tears welling in his eyes. 
You stumbled out of bed to approach him, holding him steady by his shoulders when he wavered. “What happened? Are you alright, love?”
“She made her own bed,” he said, letting out a shaky breath. “She didn’t want me to tuck her in. She said she wanted to try doing it on her own this time. And she did it so well.”
You could feel your heart warm, wrapping your arms around Theo’s shoulders. You gently rocked him back and forth, running your hand through his hair. He pulled back, quickly wiping under his eyes.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, a sheepish smile on his face. “She’s just so smart.”
“Don’t be sorry, love. Just wait till she gets to Hogwarts. She’ll be top of her class, just like her Dad was.”
Your words sent him spiraling again, his cheeks paling. You chuckled, bringing your hand up to hook a finger under his chin, turning him to look at you. You spoke gently, giving him a warm smile.
“But that’s not for a long time. We’ve still got years with her before she does something substantial for us to fawn over her for. Let’s not worry about it yet.”
Theo groaned, shaking his head. “I’m always worried.”
You smiled, wrapping your arms around his middle. You rested your cheek against his chest, listening to the faint thump of his heart.
“Did you ever see this coming for us?” He mumbled, resting his cheek on the top of your head. “Back at Hogwarts, I can remember wanting a life with you. But this isn’t what I was picturing. I used to not even want kids—Merlin, how could I have not wanted kids?”
You shrugged, closing your eyes and breathing him in. “I always knew you would be a good Dad. I pictured some sort of family with you.”
Before Theo could respond, your little girl came around the corner into your room, immediately running for Theo’s leg. She wrapped herself around him, playfully hanging from his pant leg.
“What are you doing out of bed, silly girl?” You asked, bending down to scoop her up.
“I have a question,” she babbled, absentmindedly reaching her hand up to squeeze your nose.
You laughed, passing her over to Theo. “Ask your Dad. I’m sure he’s got an answer.”
She wrapped her arm around Theo’s neck, tiredly rubbing her eyes. Theo looked down at her adoringly, patiently waiting for her to ask her question. 
“Why can’t I see my eyes? I can see your eyes and Mum’s eyes, but not mine. Why?”
You had to stifle a giggle, turning your face so your little girl wouldn’t see you laughing. But when you looked back up, Theo was just smiling down at her, like it was the most normal thing she had said to him all day. 
“I’ll tell you, and then it’s off to bed with you, darling,” he explained, brushing his thumb across her cheek. “You see with your eyes—through your eyes. That’s why you can’t normally see them themselves. But technically, you can see your eyes. Do you want me to show you, pretty girl?”
She looked up at him with wide eyes, nodding excitedly. Theo grinned, chuckling as he looked over at you. He nodded towards the bathroom where the mirror was, shifting your little girl on his hip. 
“I’ll be right back,” he said to you, before whisking your daughter off to the bathroom.
They giggled together all the way down the hall.
Lorenzo Berkshire:
the sweetest most dedicated man in the early stages. he would NEVER let you do more work than him. you’re not climbing up high, you’re not lifting something heavy, you’re not doing anything that keeps you on your feet. he’s BOLTING to beat you to it.
would give no fucks about gender. i think he’d absolutely adore having a little girl, but a boy is just as good. because he’d get to raise him up into a man the both of you are proud of.
gets overwhelmed easily for sure. would absolutely stress about not doing enough or upsetting the kids, and you’d have to remind him that he’s an incredible dad, and how he’s only human. making mistakes is gonna happen, there’s nothing you can do but keep going and try your best.
100% going all out for any sport/extracurricular they get involved in. he’s their number one fan.
probably the gentler parent. he’d try his best to be stern with them, but he just doesn’t have it in him to upset them. tears would literally break his heart, so you’d probably have to take on the more serious role.
You had two kids with Enzo, a girl and a boy. They adored their father—as they should. He was sweet and loving and hardly ever said no. But that was the problem
he hardly ever said no. 
And it got the best of him today.
The kids came bursting through the door, running into the kitchen with Enzo hot on their heels. He was carrying bags from the new toy store in Diagon Alley, a distressed look on his face as your children ran up to you to show you their new toys. You gave them a tight smile, faking enthusiasm.
“Very cool! How about we help Dad take them to your rooms, yeah? You need to eat before you play with them.”
“No,” your little boy whined, trying to dig in the bags Enzo was struggling to carry. “I wanna play now!”
Enzo let out a sigh, his voice strained. “Listen to your Mother—”
“We wanna play!” Your little girl screamed, her little cheeks flushing.
She turned around to root through the bags with her brother, when one ripped and the toys clambered to the floor. They scattered, and Enzo finally reached his limit. 
“That’s it!” He shouted, hoisting the bags up to set them on the countertop where they couldn’t reach. “That’s enough. You’re going to eat your dinner, and you’re never allowed to yell at your Mother again! Do you both hear me?”
Your kids stopped in their tracks, looking up at him with wide eyes. He might as well have slapped them—that was how they were looking up at him. Like he had hurt them worse than he ever had before. They were being dramatic, of course. You had scolded them far worse than that in their lives. But Enzo was never one to yell. He hardly ever raised the voice around the kids, it hurt him too much to do it. You looked up from their faces to Enzo’s.
And the look on his face was heartbreaking.
“I’m sorry,” Enzo stuttered out, unable to say anything else.
You could tell he felt terrible. His eyes were glazed over, and his hands were shaking at his side. You quickly scooped the toys off the floor, shoving them back into their bags. You bent down to speak to your children, grabbing each of their hands.
everyone breathe. You two, I’m going to take you to your rooms. I expect you to be ready for dinner in ten minutes. And if you behave—and you apologize to your Dad and I for not listening to what we asked you to do—we’ll let you open up a few toys and play with them later. Your Dad was very nice to get you all of these things, and you both need to act like it.”
Your little ones looked up at the both of you, batting their eyes. You could feel your anger slip away as they watched you, their little cute faces scrunching up. 
It wasn’t fair—they were too adorable to be mad at.
“We’re sorry, Mum,” your little girl said.
Your boy nodded. “Yeah, we’re sorry Dad. We didn’t mean to yell.”
“I know, my loves,” you smiled, squeezing their hands. “Neither did Dad. It’s alright
everyone is just a little tired. Thank you for saying you’re sorry. Keep that attitude up, and your Dad and I will be happy to play with you after dinner.”
Your children giggled and ran off to their rooms with bright smiles on their faces, like nothing had happened at all. 
Your husband, however, was steel reeling. As soon as they were out of the room, you turned to him. His face was full of regret, his eyes sad. You frowned, opening your arms.
“Come here, sweet boy,” you murmured, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “You did so good. You’re okay.”
“I didn’t mean to yell,” he choked out into your shoulder, holding you tight.
You just shook your head, shushing him. “You had every right to. I love them to death, but they can be brats—and they know their Dad loves them too much to tell them no. You saw them, Enzo. They’ve already gotten over it. Don’t beat yourself up over this, love.”
Enzo sniffled into your shoulder. You held him tighter, gently rocking him back and forth as he leaned into you. It was quiet while you looked over his shoulder to the bags still on the counter, toys spilling out of the top of them.
You chuckled, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. “You’re such a good Dad. They’re gonna be glued to you for weeks after they open all of those.”
“I’m sorry you had to take the lead. I should be better at this by now. I just can’t handle it when they look at me like that.”
You heard a clattering, and looked over to see your kids in the next room, politely sitting at the table. They were giggling to themselves, on their best exaggerated behavior so that they could earn back time with their toys. It was adorable, and it brought a smile to your face. You looked up to see Enzo smiling as well, despite his anxiousness.
“How do they look now?” You asked, reaching for his hand. “Because to me, it looks like they’re on their best behavior so they can play with their lovely toys that their even lovelier Dad got for them. It looks to me like they want to play with their Dad so bad, that they endured—Merlin forbid—washing their hands and setting the table just to do it.”
Enzo chuckled, squeezing your hand. “It does look like that, doesn’t it? Well, let’s not keep them waiting, darling. We have bags full of toys and two lovely children waiting for us.”
Mattheo Riddle:
girl dad girl dad girl dad
absolutely gonna have a meltdown raising little girls because it means he’s gotta start kicking some little shit’s ass for hurting one of his daughters. you’d seriously have to hold him back once they start showing interest in dating, because he’s not ready for them to be that grown up.
absolutely an affectionate parent. hugs and kisses before bed, he didn’t make the rules he just enforces them. he’d want his kids to feel like there was never a point in their life where they were too old for a cuddle.
deathly afraid of fucking them up. he’d rely on you in the early stages to help him along, but he’d really get the hang of it fast. later on in their lives he’d wonder what he was even so worried about.
would absolutely adore you after you give him kids. he would never whine about being stuck with diaper duty or homework because you already did so much giving him his girls. it’s only fair that he takes care of them—including you.
During Christmas break, your girls came home giggling. It took you days to get them to finally tell you what was going on, and you made them swear not to tell their Dad what happened. They had both met someone they liked over the term and had asked you to help them owl them.
“As a woman, I’m thrilled,” you explained, speaking in a hushed whisper in the kitchen. “And I want to hear all about it. But as your Mother, I’m begging you not to tell your Dad. Do you remember what First Year was like and you two came home talking about all the cute boys at school?”
Your eldest groaned in her chair, looking at her sister. “We’re silent till summer, got it?”
“Got it.”
You woke up the next morning to shouting coming from the kitchen. You rushed out of bed to find your two eldest sitting at the table, their heads in their hands. Mattheo was standing across from them, your youngest in his arms innocently looking up at him.
Your eldest looked up once you walked in. “Help. I’m begging you.”
“Mattheo,” you scolded, giving him a stern look. “They’re our girls—they’re smart, and they’re ready for this. You should be happy they came to one of us first.”
“But they’re my little girls,” he whined, shutting his mouth when your eldest piped in. 
“We’re not little, Dad. Not anymore.”
You watched his face fall, his chest tightening. You gently took your youngest from his arms, passing her to her sisters. You motioned to the living room, nodding your head. 
“Go sit down for a bit, girls. We’ll be right out, yeah?”
They nodded, filing out together. You could hear them whispering as they sat on the couch, giggling. You turned back to Mattheo, gently guiding him backwards until he fell into a seat. He looked up at you with a pout, heaving out a sigh. 
You smiled down at him, brushing your thumb across his cheek. “Do you remember when we met at Hogwarts? We were so lucky that I was smart enough for the both of us. Who knows what kind of trouble we could have gotten into if I let you lead.”
“We got into enough trouble,” he murmured, his tone sour.
You rolled your eyes, reaching down to grip his hands. You leaned forward, your knees knocking with his. 
“Listen to me. Our girls are smart—they’ve got their Mother’s intuition, thank Merlin for that. And one day, they’re gonna grow up. But that’s a far day from today. They’re not getting married, love. It’s just a crush. They want to send an owl.”
You squeezed his hands, nodding for him to turn his head to look out into the living room. He turned to see your girls all sitting on the couch together, the youngest in the eldest’s lap. Your older girls were making faces and sounds, trying to get the little one to laugh. She was looking up at her sisters with wide eyes and a bright smile, breathy chuckles pulled from her chest. You smiled, turning back to Mattheo. 
You hooked your finger under his jaw, turning him back to face you. “They’re still your little girls, Matty
they’ll always be your little girls. But we have to help them grow into women. And they need their Dad to help them do that.”
Mattheo sighed, leaning forward to rest his forehead against your stomach. You threaded your fingers through his hair, holding him close to you.
“You’re my best girl, you know that?” He murmured into your stomach.
A warm feeling spread through your chest as you smiled. Your daughters interrupted you before you could speak, the middle one shielding hers and the youngest’s eyes. 
“Ew! Stop being gross, Dad!”
Mattheo chuckled, leaning back to look up at you. He glanced over at his daughters, absentmindedly reaching for one of your hands. He interlaced your fingers together, letting out a—this time, content—sigh.
“You’re right. It is going to be a far day.”
Regulus Black:
i feel like regulus would be a very chill parent.
i don’t think he particularly likes children, but he would love his own. he’d adore them when they were all little and cute.
he definitely would be really good at disciplining them. he never has to raise his voice or get physical, he just gives them a look and calmly explains to them what he expects, and they’re content to listen to him. it’s so different than how he was raised, and he would promise you that he’d do better with them than his parents did with him.
he’d be really afraid of hurting them like his parents did. you’d have to assure him every time he felt like he was doing a bad job with them.
when they’re older, they’re totally momma’s boys and girls. when they’re children they couldn’t get enough of him, but as they get older they’d start leaning towards you. he wouldn’t even mind the favoritism, because you’re his favorite too, of course his kids would be smart like their dad.
You and Regulus had a little boy and a little girl together, the boy a few years older than the girl. Sometimes your little boy would play a little rough with her, not understanding that he was too big to be getting that excited with her. 
You’d catch them in the yard, him chasing her around while she dawdled and squealed. You watched through the window, calling Regulus over to come watch. Regulus smiled as he came from your bedroom, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he peered out the window. But your little girl tripped after a while, and your boy was quick to tumble after her, laughing as he fell. He was still giggling when he sat back up, but she sat up with tears streaming down her face.
You quickly rushed out the back door, panic settling in your chest. “What did I tell you about playing rough with your sister? She’s too little, darling!”
You tried your best to remain calm, but you just couldn’t do it. Regulus, however, was as calm as ever. He followed you out the door, walking over to scoop up your daughter. He sat down in the grass with her, cradling her in his lap.
“What happened, sweetheart?” He asked her, gently shushing her. “You’re alright, it’s okay. Just breathe.”
While you were too busy calming yourself down, you failed to pick up on the shock on your little boy’s face. He was wide eyed, taking rapid breaths. Once your girl was calm, Regulus held his arm out for your boy.
“It’s alright. Everyone is fine. We just have to be careful, yeah? Can you remember that?”
Your boy nodded, and Regulus gave him a grateful smile, pulling him in for a hug. You watched in awe, finally pulling yourself together. You took a breath, sitting down in the grass next to your kids. Your little girl was quick to switch to your lap, wrapping her arms around your waist. You hugged her tight to you, smoothing your hand over her hair.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you,” you said, reaching your free hand for your boy’s. “You just scared me. I know you didn’t mean it.”
Regulus nodded, giving you a smile before grinning down at his kids. “Lots of excitement this morning, huh? Barely nine in the morning and we’ve already given your poor mum a heart attack. I vote we spend the rest of the morning inside, yeah?”
Your kids nodded, standing up and running inside like nothing had happened. Regulus stood after, offering his hands to you before pulling you up and into his chest. You pressed your cheek into him as you hugged him, letting out a breath.
“You’re a good dad.”
Regulus smiled to himself, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You’re a good mum, darling. The best.”
A/N - Hi! Hope you liked these! Thank you again for the request, I really enjoyed writing this :)
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