#already got my 4th bc I have asthma
humandisastersquad · 2 years
From February 20, people 18 and over who have not had a COVID-19 vaccine or positive case in the last six months are eligible for another shot
The announcement also opens fourth doses up to Australians aged 18-29
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serene-sun · 1 year
infodump about anything I wanna know what interests you
Hmmmm ok, Im guessing I should just make like a profile? And maybe some extra facts?
Well my name is Sirius (as it’s stated on my pinned) but allot of people call me serene or a stjerne. I’m 22 (yay ☹️), I work as an in training field ecologist, it’s either research or gathering supplies rn. I’m also a felon, I’ve videoed an entire movie, and given tattoos to people for money without a job in that. I have a girlfriend, and many cats. I live in the Appalachian mountains, yeah I’m brave like that.
My birthday is October 17, I’m a libra sun, Gemini moon, and Aquarius rising.
I’m definitely and science nerd
I’m a dye hard worker for plants, animals, and nature.
I really love getting into my ethnicity, culture, and religion so if you wanna hear all the crazy stuff I got to preach then DM what are you waiting for? I’m half Norwegian half Canadian, and my accent kinda swaps around bc of the different people I’ve been around growing up.
I grew up speaking both Norwegian and English so I didn’t necessarily have a ‘first’ language.
I grew up running around different foster homes sooo yeah I’m a bit antisocial (except on here ofc)
I live with my roommates that are also in my band, I started it freshman year.
I have 14 cats in total
The only thing more important to me other than the 80’s are my multiple lovers and my hair.
I have asthma, insomnia, nightmare disorder, uhhh ya know- the basics
I have naturally blonde curly hair, but I keep it black or a dark color and I try my best to keep it straight/wavy
I have several art awards, ranging from state to national.
I’ve had an art career since hmmmmm wanna say 4th or 5th grade?
I was both a band kid and theatre kid (plz don’t hate)
I can play flute, piano/keyboard, and guitar (all types)
If you couldn’t tell already, I love it when I’m asked about the things I love bc I love explaining them
I go through phases of hair like the days of the month
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surrexi · 2 years
hey hi so for a couple weeks in july i was house/dog-sitting for my parents and then i stayed with them through the last week after they got back because the 28th was my birthday and like, why spend it alone. and then i went home on the 31st.
then the night of the 1st my mom calls me and goes "hey will you still love me if i tell you that i tested positive for covid today" and i was livid bc i have protected my delicate asthmatic lungs for the whole-ass panini and now my own mother exposes me?!
so the morning of the 2nd i tested negative but then the asthma flare-up i was already having before my parents got home started getting even worse and i was losing sleep from all the coughing (i have cough-variant asthma which means my asthma attacks involve hella bad coughing that is unstoppable) and on the 4th i tested positive for covid.
*stares directly into the camera like i'm on the office*
anyway my dad (who is somehow still covid negative) came and picked me up in college station bc my parents didn't want me making the 2.5-3-hour drive to san antonio when i could have a coughing fit at any moment and that would be bad while going 80 mph down the highway, and on friday (the 4th) i saw a nurse practitioner at my doctor's office and she listened to my wheezing and ordered a chest x-ray and was like "why hadn't you already come here over the asthma flare up you weirdo" and prescribed me paxlovid and a steroid pack and a daily inhaler to use to hopefully reduce my dependence on my rescue inhaler.
the steroid pack does a great job of shocking your lungs into behaving themselves almost right away because you get six pills the first day and you can take them all at once, so my coughing went down real quick after that. then the paxlovid started having a noticeable effect on the rest of my symptoms after the first two doses (you take two doses of three pills each twice a day for five days).
judging from how my symptoms differed from my mom's, i think if i hadn't already been in the middle of an asthma flare i might have only really experienced the covid as my asthma getting a bit worse? but since my lungs were already riding the struggle bus i was more affected.
anyway mom and i are both doing much better, though my parents keep telling me i look really pale and pushing a pulse oximeter at me, lol. (the lowest i've seen my oxygen was when mom made me measure it right after a bad coughing fit, and it was at 88 for a few seconds before jumping back into the 90s.) today (saturday) i spend most of the day sleeping, with my dog next to me keeping watch like the sweet baby she is.
we're lucky that we were all vaxxed and boosted (my parents have even already had their second booster, though i'm still only at one), and lucky that our family doctor('s office) was willing and able to see us quickly, recognize that we qualify for paxlovid (mom bc of age+risk factors, me bc of my asthma+other risk factors), and get it prescribed. now we turn to hoping that neither of us end up with long covid *crosses fingers*.
anyway, this panini is still fucking happening, you should still be being careful, if not for you, then for the friends and family you're in close contact with who could be more vulnerable than you.
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jayflrt · 3 years
hi akka!! i hope you’re doing well and having a good day! i just saw that someone’s been copying your layouts, i’m really sorry, i hope they’ll stop 😵‍💫 esp if they’ve been doing it multiple times now even after you’ve talked to them abt it! luckily, i don’t really have much hw today except for like my architecture class but i’ll just procrastinate some more and let myself enjoy my weekend!! esp since i’m not feeling well… this is like the 4th time i’ve gotten sick this school year and i just wish my school district would take more precautions! i know so many kids who’ve gotten covid, and i have asthma too so ig i have a higher associated risk… i currently don’t have covid but it’s honestly just a matter of time since no one wears a mask and everybody around me (including my teachers) are all coughing pretty bad 😭🤧 i just wish i wouldn’t get sick this often, the worst part is i can’t even stay home bc i already missed like 3 weeks of school in september due to a sinus infection and wisdom teeth surgery and then i got a notice from my school district that they’ll take us to court if i continue missing school (they sent that literally like last week,,, they always send things way after the time has passed …) i honestly just hope they move us back to virtual until cases go down or they give us an option to choose a learning environments 😣 anyways ily! 💖 sending lots of love your way! 💕🌸💗 i wonder if i should get an anon name at this point 👉👈 maybe thangachi, but tbh i have no idea if that’s even like the “correct spelling” so if it’s available, could i maybe little sis anon? 💖💕
hihi love !! omg i missed seeing you around 🤲 how have you been ?? 💖 yeah the situation is a little frustrating and i’m so sorry if it’s all over your dash but things will be just fine !! :’)) omg you’re taking architecture ??? how is it omg i’ve always been interested in arch 💗💗 it’s like my side interest that i keep hidden bc i’m not an arch major or took a class or anything HAHHA
oh my god i feel you :(( my school is being way too lenient about the transmission too and four times??? 😭😭 that’s terrible oh my god they need to take more safety precautions :/ please take care of yourself tho love and eat and drink a lot! they should rlly not require immunocompromised people to go every day if cases are this bad like online schooling isn’t going to be downright terrible as long as it allows ppl to take care of their health :( i got sick like twice too last year and that’s more than i’ve gotten sick in a three(??) month semester so it was surprising :o and now cases are getting worse so i’m worried 
i really hope they end up going online for your school too :(( if not can i become a karen and fight your school board bc 🤬 AHH BUT THANK YOU IM SENDING MUCH LOVE YOUR WAY TOO :’)) 💘💗💝 and ofc you can take an anon !! 🥰🥰 i think it might be thangacchi or thangachi but little sis is cute too HAHAH you can always lmk if you wanna change it 🌷🌷
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