#alpine lapine does not shut up
freezerbnuuy · 2 months
Whilst we are once again distracted by paywaller / Early Access antics I will recommend you some great free CC creators whose stuff I really love: @crazy-lazy-elder-sims @herecirmsims @aniraklova @xldkx-cc Go and give them some love! and go and check out @alwaysfreecc for more people who make cool free stuff! And leave them a like, reblog or a heart on SimFileShare if you like what you see!
Feel free to reblog this and reply that you’re a free creator if you are one! 💖
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freezerbnuuy · 15 days
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My sims with Onion headlines
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freezerbnuuy · 10 days
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Mmmmmmm, doughnuts...
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freezerbnuuy · 2 months
As a free creator it's quite funny when people get mad about their content being leaked to piracy groups. The people who want to pay you for your content will. The people who don't want to pay you for your content won't, so you're not losing money if these people were never going to be your customers in the first place. Paid creators will always have at least some fans who still want to give their monetary support, so nothing is really lost is it? Not to mention it's basically free advertising if you think about it...On top of that, is it not something to feel good about? If someone liked my stuff so much they shared it to nearly 9,000 people on a group/server I'd be flattered!
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freezerbnuuy · 4 days
Okay, so I have noticed a big drop in engagement on my stuff, whether it's reblog or otherwise. NOW, I KNOW for a fact this is NOTHING to do with my followers or mutuals, so nobody needs to do anything more than what they're already doing. This is definitely some sort of outside issue which is why I'm making the post to say 'if my posts haven't been coming up due to some reason, don't worry, I'm not inactive'. I have a feeling maybe folks aren't seeing my posts come up, because I recently had this from someone else I follow as well it happened to them. Like not as in they aren't seeing it because they're not looking, but just not showing up on feeds. A few people I follow, I find their posts don't often come up on my actual feed. I've started checking on those blogs individually for time being.
My DM messages seems to be fine with certain people, and not others. I'm wondering if it's possibly some sort of like...shadow-ban type thing? Is that the right word? One of my Mutuals on here, it won't let me DM them because they only receive messages 'from tumblrs they follow'... they follow me and I follow them. A bit odd if it is since I don't do anything spammy, at least not to my knowledge.
I sent a message to Tumblr support just in case it's a glitch of some sort, at least I think I clicked send lmao. We'll see.
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freezerbnuuy · 9 days
I wish people would stop telling me I need to look after myself. If I looked after myself, I wouldn't be constantly covering everybody's shift when nobody bar one person is ever willing to change theirs for my benefit. If I looked after myself I wouldn't let people treat me like dogshit, I wouldn't be constantly spending all my mental and physical energy making sure other people are happy and comfortable and looked after and attended to. I wouldn't let people trample all over my boundaries repeatedly.
I really wish people would stop telling other people, ESPECIALLY heavily-relied-upon folks that they need to do more for themselves when they don't mean it because actual self-care always involves being less reliable and less available for the people who constantly expect shit from you. People would NOT like it if if I did more for myself. If I started saying no, if I started not constantly changing around my entire life to suit others like no you would actually hate me for that because people only like me for my usability and the 3 million personalities I fabricate for their benefit. LMAO. I don't even know who I am anymore because so much of my life has been dedicated to being helpful and palatable, it's all I know and it's too late to change it.
And like it's one thing to do this to an autistic and very mentally ill person their entire life, but my closest friends who have chronic illness and similar issues get the same treatment as well. People always say 'look after yourself! self-care! take care of yourself!' but when looking after yourself means not just having a nice hot bath but cancelling plans, or not responding constantly or for a few days, or needing help with tasks due to very necessary rest, HOOO BOY, do they stop wanting them to look after themselves.
I admit I don't really like what's become of self-care to some extent. It's gotten to the point where thinking of others at all is considered a wholly-negative thing. I feel like post-lockdown people's entitlement has only gotten worse. Some people really have taken self-care as 'never do anything for anyone ever, only surround yourself with people who never show sadness, never help anyone else out even a little because you must always prioritise Mental Health (like what people are like with Gaza), never befriend anyone who isn't constantly available as your 24/7 servant and anyone who might need some help from you is actually just causing you Emotional Labour so you should leave them'.
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freezerbnuuy · 3 days
5 Facts about a Sim (X2)
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Saw the 'give us 5 facts about your Sims' ask floating around and decided I wanted to yap about them so here we are. These are two characters from my longform story I've been writing for 2 years, Divided.
Kat's story may not be dark at a glance, but she probably has the worst starting story out of everyone - being stuck in an England analogue against her own choice.
She has a pet / familiar owl named Nia. She found Nia dehydrated and grounded outside her home back in her home country. She nursed it to health, but Nia didn't leave so she kept her. In my lore, willing animals can be magically bound as familiars and then telepathically communicated with (the quality and ability of that communication dependant on the animal). Kat has not magically bound Nia, so that she may leave on her own accord if she so wishes. She claims to be able to understand Nia's noises and hoots. Nia often displays certain body language to either confirm the safety of another person or warn Kat that she doesn't trust them.
Kat is a practitioner of Mischief magic. At this point in history, it's something similar to a closed practice. Mischief practitioners exist all over the world amongst varying demographics, but the teaching of this kind of magic is only limited to these small communities given the dangers of mind-altering magic in the hands of the wrong people. It is mostly used in a pinch as a nonviolent form of self-defence, though some darker spells exist used by people who have historically misused the power. Most Mischief casters are fairly pacifistic and Kat is no exception. She rarely uses her magic not just because of Henford's attitudes to magic-folk, but because she has her own fears of her own abilities. She did once use Strangeify to get back at a rich guy who attempted to ruin her life, however, to humiliate him during a speech.
Kat is a herbalist, divination card reader and, since being in Henford, a cunningwoman. She gave false information to witchfinders to lead them off the scent of actual witches in sometimes-hilarious-but-awful ways. Most of her custom is either for pain remedies or predictions of whether or not someone's love is unrequited (most of the time, it isn't).
Katlego's name roughly means 'success', and in her culture, names are of big importance and can also describe hopes for the child or predictions for their future. Kat is constantly questioning whether or not her original plans being foiled in Henford mean she's successful at all, and she puts too much pressure on herself because she worries the issues she's dealt with will mean she has soiled her parents' prediction and hopes for her future. The reality of this is that her parents would be proud of her no matter what.
He's the current patriarch of a long-lined, respected (by the rich anyway) and well-feared lineage of physicians, alchemists and healers. The family are descendants of witches, bloodline casters, many of which historically separated themselves from the witch-hunt issues by using their magic to supplement their businesses in such a way they'd end up pretty rich whilst being not-magical enough to mostly escape the prying eyes of the witchfinders. He hates having to keep his magic hidden and wishes he could one day publish his fairly-lengthy book about the benefits of magic in terms of the field of medicine, but he also doesn't want to be killed for it.
Very few people know of the truth of their family, and those who are suspicious know enough about what happens to their family's perceived enemies to bring it up. His family historically has a history of 'taking out the competition' by any means necessary. In fact, his own father tried to have Kat exiled from Finchwick considering her affordable herbalism to be a threat to her own business. Whether or not that's something Owen will 'break the cycle' of, well... who knows?
He tries to be a philanthropist in certain ways, donating to various charitable organisations and to the Peteran monastery, as well as monetarily supporting those wronged by his father and quite handsomely paying his live-in maid, stable boy and governess. Whether or not this charitable nature is due to genuine philanthropism or just plain-old damage control remains to be seen.
Owen sees the benefit of all kinds of healing, whether medicinal, spiritual, or herbal, and believes all have their place in society to some extent. He and Kat often send patients to one another if they believe either's method might be more suitable or affordable. Kat also helps supply herbs to his family.
Owen doesn't consider himself intelligent, merely passionate and curious. He spends a fair bit of free time (when he gets it) at a coffeehouse in Willow Creek talking about various medical advances, and sometimes leaves pamphlets about it there as snippets from his books or journal articles. He's also a good artist, as he draws a lot of anatomical diagrams. He's quite the perfectionist, but doesn't have much option not to be since people will die if he isn't.
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freezerbnuuy · 10 days
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freezerbnuuy · 24 days
I’m getting sick about people complaining about the donation posts, folks complaining about people asking for donations of certain sums of money, folks talking about they feel SO GUILTY! that they can’t donate that they then BLOCK THE FUCKING DONATION TAGS and apparently feel no guilt letting people suffer because they can’t feel like the hero in the situation. Feeling guilty about your own feelings but not for that horrific feelings and situations of others.
There are worse feelings than guilt. Far worse. I know what intense and also misplaced guilt feels like. It’s one of the few emotions I still have, sometimes. It makes me feel sick. That doesn’t compare to what Palestinians are going through, not in the slightest. I
OF COURSE people are going to be desperate for donations! Of course people are going to call others out for ‘watching them die’ and such because they are desperate and don’t want themselves or others to die! Of course they’re going to ask people to follow up because - guess what - they’re desperate and don’t want to die! When the only way to get people to help is to make them feel guilty for not helping - as is the issue with a lot of people - then that’ll be the way people go, won’t it? They won’t know that you’re in no situation to help, because if you don’t want to die and in a dire situation all you want is help!
It’s no-one’s fault if they can’t donate, devastating current events don’t change the fact people live in poverty and can’t afford to spare money and I will stick by that- BUT you can still reblog instead of going ‘wahh my feelings’! It’s a two button click at best to reblog a post! Yeah people will say reblogging isn’t activism or such but you can still try and get the post to people who have money to donate if that’s the most you are able to do. If you feel guilty that you can’t help but not guilty at blotting people out asking for help during all that’s happening then you honestly need to just work that out or do things despite negative emotions when it comes to something this dire. That’s just self-centred, and self-care isn’t about never trying to help anyone ever again.
I can’t believe the photos aren’t enough, them trying to get you to see that they are human too with families and children and dreams and hopes isn’t enough. You also expect them to be hyper-polite about it all, which apparently their pleases and thank you’s already isn’t enough for you, and you somehow expect all this from them in a language many of them BARELY UNDERSTAND and you expect them to just go ‘oh, well, if you can’t help that’s fine!’ Desperate times call for desperate wording, don’t they?
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freezerbnuuy · 1 month
All this talk of ‘compassion fatigue’ … I think I need to say some stuff. Take this from someone who first started having this happen years before I ever knew it was a term, and years before it eventually developed into full-blown desensitisation. I keep seeing people discuss such things as a reason to do nothing and it’s doing my head in, so take some words of advice from someone who has been helping people since their teens despite dwindling emotions and eventual lack of emotional empathy. I sometimes get bouts of feeling things, rarely, but most of the time I do not feel emotions.
This is not ‘how to feel again’ , this is ‘how to help people whilst not feeling’. Yes, it’s still possible.
You may have a period of time where you think you are cruel or like a monster because you had no emotional reaction where you USED to, or SHOULD HAVE, had an emotional reaction. I still remember when this first happened to me. I was 16, a friend was in a situation where I should have felt pain and empathy and heartbroken like I had with all the other stuff they went through- then I stopped. I was weirded out, I thought, ‘why don’t I feel anything about it?’ It could be out of your control, it could be you have tried to dull your emotions to cope with everything you see and everything you or your friends might be going through. A lack of expected emotion does not necessarily make you a bad person. Emotions can be painful, and you may be tempted to try and dull them or it may happen entirely outside of your control. My own lack of emotion is a combination of both. Not feeling anything does not automatically make you a bad person and you will have to keep reminding yourself of this. However, it doesn’t make you a good person to completely cut off all thought of assisting others.
Compassion fatigue and desensitisation is not a reason to stop trying to help people out. I keep seeing posts of ‘I used to care, but now I don’t’ and to them that’s their sign to just never bother trying to assist anyone ever again. I get that folks get burned out, and if this feeling is new to you, then you might feel this way, but - You don’t need to have emotional compassion or empathy to try and help others out. Think contextually about the situation: What is the situation this person is in and does it require some outside help? Is there anything I can do? Can I offer some form of comfort at least? Even if I have no idea what to do, I will let my friends know I’m there for them if they need to talk about it. In the case of the Gaza genocide, there is plenty you can do to help- they have asked us to at the very LEAST keep talking about it, and it takes no time at all to reblog things. Reblog informational posts, reblog donation posts, if you feel drained then you can at least click the Reblog button. Even if you are feeling burned out, there is something you can do. If you have money to spare, then you can donate to GoFundMes or organisations that are assisting people in Gaza.
The way I see it, my lack of emotional empathy and desensitisation…yeah I don’t like it, but there is a strength in it- the lack of painful associated emotions makes it easier to help others out. Use this to give yourself the extra push to find a way to help with the situation at hand. That level of distance can sometimes help as it allows you to approach things with a more sort of ‘rational’ or head-on approach, since sometimes emotions can muddle things. A lot of the posts I see about Gaza when it comes to emotional folk who aren’t directly affected by the issue - are all about their feelings about the genocide and how much it upsets them, and less about the actual people and what they’re going through. I don’t have that issue of being overcome with emotion, so I have a slightly better idea of where best to focus most of the time. Yes it sucks to not feel compassion, but then you can use your lack of emotional connection do try and do something about it instead of shutting out all news of current events.
And the biggest thing to remember is that on a site where everyone is told to check their privilege constantly about various things, a lot of us have completely ignored our own privilege of not living in a warzone. Palestinians are beyond exhausted and traumatised, more than any of us will likely ever know. You get to have compassion fatigue and shut yourself off and never interact with them again, and they cannot escape from the situation they’re in. Sometimes, you do have to come to the realisation that you do have it better than some people in the world, even if you are at certain disadvantages, and you have to realise that you still have to do your bit even for people who are affected by something that doesn’t affect you. This goes for everyone who is not affected directly by the genocide and everyone who is not living in a similar situation. You don’t have to see yourselves in a demographic either to realise they don’t deserve to be genocided.
B-but Bunny, aren’t you *gasp* burned out by living like that for so long? Yes I’ve been burned out for years, but I have a roof over my head and a place to rest and sleep and reliable sources of food to recover from said burnout a little bit, which Gazans don’t have.
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freezerbnuuy · 2 months
I am currently away atm, came back to 99+ in Activity center and lots of likes and reblogs and some sweet comments I’m really glad people like my new stuff 🥺 I’m having a good time atm, but I will be back home next week and back to work the week after. I plan to finish my UI overrides next week and work out why 2 of them don’t work for some reason and hopefully will be ready next week!
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freezerbnuuy · 8 days
The dreary and sad world of ‘shipping wars’ is just such a laughable thing to come across online, like ‘why are you so mad at my ship? Why not be worried about global crises?’ Like fair point babes but since when have you given a single fuck about any global crisis lmao. Have you ever actually cared about a serious world issue other than to use it as a sort of ‘gotcha’ for your talking points about pixels kissing or…
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freezerbnuuy · 8 days
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It’s cold and I’m exhausted and want to stay in bed. Should not have to go to work I am small and scared
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freezerbnuuy · 14 days
I can’t help but laugh when one of the angry paywalling Conversion Crew likes one of my pieces of free custom content. Yes my lovely, this is called Not Charging People For Artwork And Meshes I Didn’t Make. Do you get it now?
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freezerbnuuy · 14 days
I always wonder why neurotypicals get really super mad at you for asking for clarification once or twice, when ND people have to explain everything to them in a hyperpolite way 10-15 times over because they don’t fucking listen to anyone but themselves
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freezerbnuuy · 16 days
The way that people will (often impolitely) ask (and just straight-up demand!) that players upload their mods / CC folders and send it to them is just... not good multitude of reasons. And the fact that some folks will even offer to pay for it. Like this isn't just a recent thing I've seen either, it was a discussion in the DHM chat OF ALL PLACES! for a while with people there saying they'd pay someone to organise their mods and CC folder and I just... No! It's really not something you need to pay for. Anyway, back on topic-
Players don't owe people their Sims, saves, or anything else and this includes mod folders. Some players have mod/CC folders in the 100 gigs, why are they going to fork out time out of their day uploading everything? Or anything at all?
There's going to be a lot of totally random stuff in there that might be a) corrupted, b) outdated, or c) just straight-up not up your alley and just sit there taking up valuable gigs. It's much easier to sort your own mods folder than someone else's, and I have to be honest, most people don't even spend the time sorting their own mods folder out...
People REALLY, REALLY have to put their own effort into looking for their own custom content and mods (as well as keeping on top of updates) and stop expecting everyone else to do the hard work. Yes, I know that paywalling is a problem, but there are plenty of groups to get around that if you search hard enough. There are also CC finds blogs and the sort of mass CC collective type blogs like MMCCWorld and alwaysfreeCC to do your own searching. There's plenty of places to look for CC and mods that you might like.
Mod folders will eventually contain out-of-date mods that can mess up saves and mess with your game. On top of that, a lot of creators' TOUs wouldn't support being part of an uploaded mods folder, free or otherwise.
Whilst it's not a problem to want aspects of someone else's game in your own, inspiration is never a bad thing and the Gallery and Sim dumps exist for a reason - I think that having whole CC / mods folders downloaded is ... This is just my opinion and not smth that will apply to everyone, but it's just a bit boring in my mind? This is a game that is designed for customisation, especially with the work of creators and modders, so it's a lot more enjoyable to craft your own experience than try to emulate someone else's to a T.
I'm not going to go into a long, boring, rant about 'raaaaa computer illiteracy! ppl are sO stoopid!111' because people aren't stupid for not knowing things about computers. But there are plenty of tutorials on downloading custom content, sorting mods folders and organising, cleaning up your mods folder, and such that can help you deal with things. I just wish people would embrace making the game their own instead of wholly trying to emulate the way others play, and the fact that people spend ages curating CC blogs and recommends and people would rather just not do the legwork themselves and make others do it. The same goes for the mass WCIFs, come to think about it.
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