#alpha-17 came in kicking and screaming
akwolfgrl · 4 months
How sweet it is to be loved by them 17
This is a flashback
A cacophony of various voices screamed for him. The Baratie wasn't even opened yet. They hadn't even started morning prep. Everyone had just woken up, himself included. Not all the staff lived on the Baratie, just some of them. Not everyone had a home to go to after work. Patty and Crane being two of them. They were the first two to bust through his bedroom door. 
“What the hell do you thi…” Zeff started to yell until he saw what exactly they were all yelling about. Patty held Sanji arms length from his body by his armpits, Sanji hadn't hit a growth spurt yet, so he was still small for his age. The eleven year old was struggling kicking and clawing in antep to free himself. Blue flowers were blooming from his blond hair. Sanji was an omega, far too young to be presenting. Most omegas were rather late in presenting, typically not until fifteen to seventeen. They were usually the last to present. 
“Let me go!” Sanji yelled. “Fuckers!” 
“Fuck, Koushirou was right,” He owed him a drink and a call. 
“What do we do?!” Carne asked in a panic. There was not a single omega on this ship…except for Sanji. 
“Put him on my bed and bring me the den den, I have to make a call,” 
The chefs deposit the kid on his bed and scuttle out. Zeff sighs as he watches Sanji huddle in the corner of the bed, glaring at him, one hand gripping his hair thighly, and then the other arm warps around his knees. Soon enough, they brought him the den den and Sanji's stuffed goat. It was the only toy the kid had…he should probably rectify that mistake. For as small as he was, Sanji didn't act like other children. But seeing the boy clutching the goat like a lifeline was proof that he was still a child. A child going through a scary and confusing time. Zeff waited as the call was made. 
“Hello?” Koushirou's familiar voice came threw the snail. 
“You were right,” Zeff got straight to the point, the other omega had been right about Sanji. 
“It's a bit early but I'm not surprised, I suspected he and Zoro would be compatible. Zoro is in his first rut at the moment also early,” Zeff huffed a second warning would have been aprishted. “What flowers is he growing? “
“I've never seen em before, they're blue, ” Zeff admitted as he turned to Sanji, the blue flowers were scattered around his bed as the boy plucked the flowers from his hair, tears streaming down his face. “Shit!” Zeff took Sanji's hands in his own. Their hands were so small he could hold both with just one of his own.
“What's happening?”
“Sanjis plucking his flowers,” 
“Try scenting him, help him make a nest,” Koushirou instructed over the den den. 
Zeff let out a soothing scent, rubbing his free hand over Sanji.
“Noo! I gotta stop it! Fore he finds out!” Sanji whimpers out. “Were suppose ta be alphas! Fathers gonna be so mad at me! He cant find out,” 
“Eggplant it's OK, you don't have to be an alpha,” Zeff had assumed that the boy had been an ophen. 
“Sanji,” Koushirou's voice said. “Did your father tell you that omegas were weak?” 
“Yah,” Sanji sniffles. “He said they were weak and useless like me, even mom had been an alpha,” 
“Omegas are just as strong as alphas, I am an omega and a master swordsman. After your heats over, you should come visit. I'll be more than happy to teach the ways of the old country, where omegas were equal to alphas,” 
“Can I really?” Sanji asked, sounding hopeful,  Zeff wasn't sure if he was asking if he could visit or if he could be strong. Either way was the same answer. 
“Of course, what are you and Zeff going to make with your flower?” Koushirou asked, Zeff never had the opportunity to cook something with the flowers from an omega. He knew it was a common practice. 
“No! You can't eat delphinium! It's poisonous,” 
“Shh it's OK, eggplant. we won't eat it,” zeff reassured his boy. He tucked his blanket around his small body the best he could in a poor attempt at a nest. 
“Hmm let's see," Zeff could hear the pages of a book turning. “delphinium it represents someone with a big heart, the blue is dignity and grace, in love the delphinium symbolizes strong bonds,” Zeff counted to scent sooth and scent sanji as the young boy fell asleep a small quiet purr rumbling in his chest as clutched the stuffed goat. 
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careshub · 2 years
the ground, that’s the dream.     this is reality.     reality sucks.
tws:     mentions of alcoholism, mentions of drug addiction, blood, gore, murder, torture
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aliases:     care, blondie, prisoner 307, karolin kom skaikru, karolin kom speiskru 
age:     17 - 23 (physically), 149 (biologically)
date of birth:     october 10, 2131 
parents:     elizabeth ‘liz’ forbes (deceased, s4) and william ‘bill’ forbes (deceased, s1)
crime:     caught with painkillers hidden under her pillow during a random room inspection
skills:     distraction, guns, knives, archery
affiliation:     ark (formerly), delinquents (formerly), skaikru (formerly), speiskru (currently)
guard elizabeth and councilman bill forbes’s marriage was far from perfect.     maybe it had been at some point, but as years passed and they grew old in a glorified tin can floating in space, they also grew apart.     the only thing that kept them together - other than the fact neither were interested in going through the long process of getting a divorce - was their daughter, caroline.     with sparkling blue eyes, long blonde hair and a captivating smile, she had both of her parents wrapped around her finger ever since she came out of the womb.     sure, she was a handful.     pretty little girl from alpha station, whose parents worked important jobs and spoke to important people, caroline wasn’t the nicest girl on the ark.     but she did love with all of her heart, and oh how did it hurt when her own parents broke it.
her life began spiraling out of control when her father began drinking.     at first, it was barely noticeable.     just an extra tint of pink on his cheeks or a dazed glint in his eyes.     but it quickly was replaced by the stench of alcohol that seemed to stick to him like a second skin.     his behavior changed, too.     gone was the focused and well-opinionated member of the council, replaced by a man who arrived late to meetings, tripping over his own feet and nursing a flash without a hint of shame.     about a week after this happened for the third time, bill got home and announced he was removed from the council.     the very next day, his wife took his spot.
from then on, it only got worse.     caroline saw too much of her drunk of a father, and too little of her workaholic mother.     she threw herself into her studies and spent a lot of time with her friends, because being home was simply not an option.     by being absent, she didn’t notice her father had developed a new addiction.     so when, during an unscheduled room inspection, a guard pulled a bottle of painkillers from under her pillow, caroline couldn’t fathom how it’d ended up there in the first place.     all she knew was that she wasn’t the one who stole and hid it.     she kicked and cried as the guards all but dragged her out of the quarters, screaming that she was innocent and didn’t know who the pills belonged to, but her protests fell on deaf ears.     she was thrown into a cold, dark cell and was forced to wait six months for her eighteenth birthday, when she’d be put on trail to see if she could be pardoned or not.     she knew she wouldn’t be.     the council was floating people from smaller crimes than stealing medication.     she’d die in six months because she was guilty.     guilty of a crime she didn’t commit.
what caroline didn’t know, however, was that during the time she spent in her tiny cell, her father - the one who hid the bottle under his own daughter’s pillow - tried to change chancellor jaha’s mind.     he hoped he’d be able to sway his old friend into pardoning caroline.     it worked... sort of.     five days after bill’s last conversation with jaha and a little over a month before her eighteenth birthday, caroline was sent to earth with the delinquents.
season by season breakdown here
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reiven2017 · 3 years
Delicate steel.
Rachel wanted to go home. She just wanted to get home. The only thing that held her back were the two huge wolves outside the door, the iron lock, and the fucking fate that had clearly decided to laugh at her. As it was, everything was fine...Oh, right! She's also getting married soon. But I have no idea for whom yet.
In general...I decided to finally finish this chapter, because what I published earlier was just a draft and it happened that I deleted the work. Ahem, ahem.
Chapter 1: 1
Chapter Text"I don't know, damn it," Damian snarled back, his lips pinched into a thin line. His patience was running dangerously red, and his annoying family never stopped asking him questions, and Damian didn't know how close he was to killing each of them. "What do you mean, you don't know, Damian?" Your eighteenth birthday is coming soon! "I'm aware of that. Damian said dryly, turning to the window and trying to ignore the circle of people gathered around him. Sometimes, in his head, he would quietly start hating them all. The boy heard his sister snort at his answer, and before she could open her mouth to say something even more irritating and irritate him, his father intervened. "Damian." Bruce called coldly — " Stephanie's right. The day of the Blood Moon is approaching, and whether you want it or not, you must find a mate. It's a tradition." — Steph smirked like the Cheshire cat. "Come on, Dad. Maybe our little Alpha likes to go to "girls". " - Damian gritted his teeth and said nothing at Jason's snide remark, hoping that if he continues to ignore them, then maybe everything will be fine?The alpha genes were already boiling in him, the wolf was growling in frustration, and Damian was ready to howl in helplessness. He hated family advice, but when it came to his marriage and finding a true mate, it didn't seem so bad to hang himself and rot in a barn somewhere. Maybe now from the outside he looked like a "little capricious Alpha" with his behavior and an offended frown, but if such a strategy would bring him the desired silence, Damian was ready to play along. Despite the fact that he was the future Alpha of the pack, the new leader, and should have been able to solve problems diplomatically, or be able to kick ass, now he would have been happy to be somewhere in the mountains. Or on another planet. He could have left at any moment, ignoring the drama of Stef and the grinning Jason, if not for the glaring eyes of his father and mother. Damian knew he was being stupid. But he did not know the answer to the question that had been nagging at him for about a year. And every day it annoyed him more and more.From the very first day of his birth, Damian was different from the other wolves. Even in the cradle, he was different. The guy turned early to become a wolf, too early for any measurements, and after the Alpha blood in him awoke with extraordinary speed and as it turned out, he is the new Alpha, which further complicated the situation since he was the youngest son and theoretically could not inherit the Alpha genes. But no, it did happen. Everyone expected that his older brother Richard, kind, cheerful and resourceful, able to talk or at least tolerate people, and most importantly already having a couple, would take the place of the leader and everyone would be happy to the point of screeching bones. How wrong they all were, and how no one expected the Alpha genes to wake up in their youngest son, the rude, silent, and insufferable Damian, known as the walking mess and without a true mate at 17. Many people only laughed when they heard that the Alpha Force appeared in the younger heirs, but when they met with Damian, not a single question remained. He was young, but the Alpha genes had awakened in him with the strength and power of a mature wolf, which gave him even more advantages in the piggy bank of oddities. His relatives got married almost from the first day of birth, his sister was already engaged, his friends were already engaged and even some children in the sandbox already wore special marks saying that they have a couple! And Damian... Damian was broken. Broken almost from the very first day of life. The day of his coming of age was approaching, and the council and the entire pack were now on edge, watching his every move and not losing the chance to slip him a wolf at every opportunity in the hope of finding the one that made him even more exasperated. During this week, he had seen so many women's faces that they were all mixed up in one mess, and he didn't even remember their names. His position in the
pack is already pretty shaky, and if he doesn't find a mate before his birthday, Damian may not be the leader. < i>Worst of all, he won't last long without a pair. "Well, look at him! He's not even listening to us!" — Stephanie fell silent again, seeking support from her father. Of course, her position doesn't weigh in the balance, and the whole pack doesn't sit on her neck and fall asleep with eternal questions that he doesn't know the answers to. Bruce sighed heavily, casting a pleading glance at his wife. He knew that it wasn't easy for his son to come to terms with his new Alpha status and his new status in the pack. Despite all the responsibilities Damian had to deal with, he was pretty good at it, but the question of his true mate was always going to be a hell of a lot harder. Talia gave him a quiet smile, putting her hand on his shoulder. "But if brother can't find a mate on his own, then we have to help him! Damian chuckled softly. If only it were that simple, but only the Gods themselves could help him. - "Dad! I know who is perfect for the role of the Moon! Christy! She is younger than my brother, but she is a beautiful and strong wolf. Christy will fit perfectly into our family! " - Steph screamed again to her father. But then Damian's patience reached the end, driving the Alpha genes in his blood, and his wolf growled inwardly at his sister. Damian didn't like that part of himself, but he was grateful for the Alpha Force now, as Stephanie immediately fell silent. "That's enough," he said, as his sister jerked behind her father, hiding her eyes in shame. "Just because she's your friend doesn't mean she's my mate, Steph. His voice, menacing and guttural, turning into a growl, echoed off the walls of the mansion, causing Steph to shudder slightly and hunch over, hiding behind her father. His emerald eyes, a little silvery, swept around the room, and when they met his mother's distressed gaze and his father's frown, he frowned sternly. Maybe tomorrow he will regret his lack of restraint, but right now the only thing he wants is to get as far away from them as possible, so as not to see himself as a leper.***Perhaps if the town of Date, in northern Switzerland, could be described in three sentences Raven would have said " Forest. A large forest. The devils of the big forest. " and it would be clear to everyone what kind of place this is. It wasn't that she was against nature, but she had lived most of her life in gray and gloomy New York, so the forest was her first shock when she moved. Her mother recently remarried after a failed marriage with Raven's father and an accident with her sister, and now they are all together, the whole friendly family decided to change their place of residence. As if they don't have enough problems. Rachel didn't listen much to her mother's speech in the front seat, plugging her ears with headphones, knowing that she was talking more for her stepfather. Ben wasn't a bad person. He joked stupidly, smiled affably and believed in a happy life, dreaming, according to him, of a large family. He didn't touch Rachel, and he didn't bother her with father-daughter chatter, so he was the best option for her and her mother, Angela. To be honest, he never bothered Rachel at all.When Ben expressed a desire to move, to give in to a quiet life, Rae was not so against it. She didn't have any friends in New York, or anywhere else, so she was neutral about the idea of moving. So she ended up in Switzerland, in the back of an elderly pickup truck, in the middle of the woods and 7 miles from the city of Data. "Rachel!" — through the wall of music, the girl heard her mother's displeased voice and quietly rolled her eyes. - "Yes? Rachel replied tonelessly, still wearing her headphones, and turned to the window. She stiffened quietly. Maybe this way they'll know she's not in the mood to talk. "Could you please put the music down, young lady? I want to talk to you. "- "Well, of course to talk, and I thought we were going to drive the ball." barely restraining the sarcastic remark that was about to fly off
her tongue, Rachel still put the headphones in her bag and raised an eyebrow at Angela questioningly. "So? — " "There's a new school waiting for you, Rachel. New acquaintances". Angela's words flowed smoothly, and her sweet smile suggested doubts, and Rachel inwardly guessed that this conversation had been planned in advance. The girl chuckled to herself. "Ben and I are well aware of your difficulties in communication and all that concerns friendship, and we are immensely grateful to you for so easily agreeing to move, but if you have a problem again, like last time..." Rachel's eyes dimmed. Her heart stopped for a moment, silent for a second, and her nails dug painfully into the soft skin of her palm. The world seemed to stop, and my lungs were on fire. So that's what it was all about. Her lips parted in a venomous grin, and Rachel gritted her teeth. Rey saw a small flicker of pain cross Angela's face, her lips pressed into a thin line, and her face lost any hint of a smile, and with a curt nod to Rachel, the woman turned away. Rey exhaled heavily, holding her breath. She leaned back in her seat, pressing herself as close to the window as she could and crouching in a corner of the darkness, only now feeling the pain in her arms. She slowly opened her hand, coldly watching the tiny drops of blood gather on the skin that had been severely pierced by her own hand, and immediately closed her hands. She didn't have the energy to look at it again, and the only thing that distracted her was the huge sign with the big black letters "Date. A place where people become one with nature.»
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
Safe And Sound? More Like Safe And Bred.
Warnings: Adult situations 18+ Smut, Attempted Rape, Breeding kink, swearing, A/B/O and all the posessive bs that goes with it 👍
A/n This was intended to be darker but sort of changed as I was writing? Yeah I'm very happy with it tho considering its my first A/B/O. As always enjoy😘
Clark has been driven wild by an omega's scent.
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Safe And Sound? More Like Safe And Bred
There it was again. That fucking scent. Clark groaned and took a deep breath in unconsciously ,smelling it, tasting the air on his tongue, wanting to lap up the delicious scent. It tasted like maple syrup yet smelt completely different fresh and succulent like cool spring air. Young and new. Ripe. He shuddered at the thought. It was driving him wild like no other, normally he could block them out but not this one No,six weeks .Six. Fucking. Weeks he had been teased by it coming into the daily planet.
There was an omega here somewhere, he almost felt jealous of the others weaker senses, they had caught faint whiffs of it asking Perry about it who told them none to polity to 'back off' and that it shouldn't cause a problem due to where they was stationed no one should be able to smell them up here. But Clark did. He had to endure it constantly day in day out. The scent was always worse in the lobby where everyone entered the building. Each morning he came in scanning the people around him looking for a new face, more desperate each day to find the omega.
After enduring the scent for so long he was determined to find the culprit. To find his omega. He swore at that ,they wasn't his, he couldn't allow it.. . He couldn't claim them. Afraid of hurting them, it was true that alphas couldn't bare the thought of hurting an omega, actually against the law to cause any harm emotional or otherwise to an omega. It'd be to easy for him to accidentally harm them, one slip of concentration and that could be it.
So he had resigned himself to never claim one, tho he couldn't help his instincts that screamed for him to find them. To mount and breed them. so he still found himself searching the lobby everyday as he came and went. Sighing as he walked to the elevator not finding them once again disappointment ran through him he shook his head taking one last gulp of air trying to capture the scent he stepped in the elevator.
Just as he went to close the doors he smelt them. He saw her. Other alphas were sniffing around her as she walked past them through the lobby head down watching her feet as she scurried quickly across the space heading for a door that he knew lead to the mail room below she faltered quickly bringing her head up scanning the crowd before catching him looking at her. She gulped as she locked eyes on him then all but flung herself past the door out of sight. The doors closed but he stood frozen. She had seen him.
His chest swelled. His omega had looked at him. She wanted him, her alpha. For a second he stood shocked then quickly threw himself at the buttons smashing the open door button willing it to open and let him go and find her, alas it was to late he was already scaling the building to his floor. He took a breath closing his eyes picturing her She was gorgeous, around average height dark auburn nearly brown hair piled atop her hair in a messy bun she was slim. But not to slim and had and hourglass shape wide hips. Meant for breeding. Fuck. And her eyes a dark hazel freckles dusting her face. He clenched his hand around the briefcase he held, as images of mating her, knotting her took hold he grunted hearing a crunch as the hard plastic handle gave under the pressure.
He swore. No he couldn't risk it risk her. The doors opened revealing the office he panted a few breaths trying to compose himself he walked through the office to his desk dropping into his seat running his palms across his face smoothing his hair back before dropping them by his sides.
Lois approached him warily seeing him tensed and almost flighty. If she didn't know any better she'd have said he was entering a rut, but she wasn't going to suggest that to him. Hell no. Alphas became aggressive if another alpha brought it up. And she definitely didn't want to deal with a triggered alpha in the office. Especially him of all people. However he had let slip a week or so ago that the omega in the building had riled him, that he couldn't block it out like the others.
Fuck. His blood was burning in his veins, his reaction was unlike any other. It was instant and he knew somewhere deep down that he would not be concentrating today.
"Hey Clark you ok there?" he grunted then forced a smile kicking his briefcase under the desk. Out of sight out of mind. was the term that came to mind.
"Yes I'm fine" she didn't look convinced.
"Riiiight and who are you trying to convince me or you? if that omega downstairs is causing you problems you should talk to someone, she shouldn't even be here working if shes unmated" Clark growled at her. Of course Lois was right in a sense. It wasn't law that omegas couldn't work however as a general rule they didn't or if they did it was a part time job close to home and normally along side their alphas. Most were claimed by the time they left college alphas would claim an omega in the first or second heat that happened around 17-20 years old, it was very rare to have an unmated omega in the work force but companies couldn't discriminate. Lois took a step back at the warning, Clark squared his shoulders the thought of his omega leaving agitated him.
"And what would I say? I can scent her from nearly 11 stories up? how would I explain that exactly?" he growled the words through grit teeth not liking where this was going. It took a great amount of control not to flash his eyes at the alpha female in front of him. She backed up unconsciously but continued.
"Well its obviously effecting you, look at yourself ,you've been getting worked up since she got here. If shes your one claim her and get it over with. but don't sit there stewing over it. Do something about it or I will" she snapped back. He could hear what she was really getting at, she was hurt occasionally two alphas could find a way to be together but this didn't happen in there case and she was jealous of the omega and wanted her gone and would make it happen herself if need be. Clark was on his feet in front of her before she could register it bending down getting in her face. And snarled low and dangerous, what ever courage Lois had fled as he glared at her menacingly.
"Don't .You. Ever. Threaten. Her. Again." she shook at the dark look in his eyes stepping back a few steps. frightened. 'as she should be' Clark thought his instincts in over drive feeling as if he had done his omega proud ,scaring off what he precieved as a threat.
"What the hell is going on?" Perry called as he watched a pale Lois take her seat not looking at anyone
"Nothing its dealt with Perry." she said bitterly tho Clark couldn't tell if it was because she had backed off her instincts acknowledging him as a true alpha or if it was that he had defended another woman.
"It better be" he warned eyeing them both before heading to his office Clark sat back down before starting up his computer to begin his work. he stopped after about ten minutes as there was a spike in his omega's scent.. she was going into heat he got up fast, to fast he hoped no one had seen him he looked at the elevator swallowing dryly. Lois raised her head instantly worried forgetting her frustration for a moment more concerned about him.
"C-Clark?" he looked at her and she froze as his pupils grew until there was a slim ring of blue around them. She took a deep breath picking up on the signs. Quickly she got up and went to him. whispering
"Whats going on are you- is she ok?" he tore his eyes from her to the elevator.
"Shes-heat" he swallowed taking a deep breath trying again
"Shes going into heat downstairs, fuck" Lois looked confused
"What but surely she'd know and not come in? it must have caught her off guard-wait what did you do?"
"We- I saw her, she saw me... that couldn't have triggered it could it?" he asked uncertain scanning the other alphas in the room they hadn't noticed, not that he thought they could detect her from here. Lois gaped at him sometimes she forgot that they didn't necessarily teach everything about omegas in all schools, especially to alphas, in traditional communities alphas were just taught about their own anatomy next to nothing about omegas ,hell in some areas where most were betas nothing was taught at all forcing everything to happen naturally on instinct.
"Of course it can! if she isn't on suppressants hell some can't even take them! meeting her alpha could cause an instant heat ,fuck sake, you need to go get her, if she leaves now she could be hurt or worse go I will cover you just go now!" Lois growled at him, the thought of an omega in heat trying to navigate the city alone made her insides churn. He leaned over to retrieve his case but she spun him pushing him to the elevators.
"Leave that I will sort it just go!"
Mean while you was down stairs panicking. You'd found him. Your one true alpha. After years of denying all others waiting out your heats holed up in your apartment praying that you'd find your true alpha and not be caught by another and lose the chance at having your soul mate. You had tried suppressants over the years but they hadn't worked, sometimes when an omegas true alpha was to potent the suppressants didn't work they only muted the the symptoms slightly and ended up not being worth the side effects , nausea ,headaches ,bouts of depression and anxiety then the back pain that was caused by your body trying to counteract the cramps redirecting the spasms.
This was the case for you it wasn't worth it basically exchanging excruciating the internal cramps for crippling back pain, it was dangerous, with cramps you could push through it still move and run if you needed to ,but the back pain made you immobile. You took deep breaths once you reached your office. Sitting down unsteady on your feet.
He was magnificent tall broad dark hair and bright eyes tho at the distance you couldn't define the color, you tried to imagine his face with forest green or a deep azure irises. You gasped feeling yourself heating up. You'd been picking up on his scent since you arrived. It was different. Very strange normally scents had one or two underlying tones his was a mix of many all intertwining in to one deep clean airy scent. You panted cringing as you began to sweat lightly.
Fuck. This wasn't good. You couldn't drop now. Not when you'd seen him. That was probably the cause. You whined taking off you jumper revealing the short sleeved blouse underneath letting the air around you picking up the folder on your desk fanning yourself debating what you should do, you could try to slip out and get home there wasn't to many alpha's here you had done your research before applying there was forty most were on the top floors, but that was still forty alphas that would smell you as you tried to leave and then you'd have to navigate through the city home avoiding all others. you sighed knowing you had to make the decision fast. swearing loudly you picked up the phone calling your manager.
"Hi its y/n in the mailing department.. I'm sorry I have to leave now preferably....I've- my heat has come early and I cant stay-I'm sorry I don't know what to do" you lean over the desk crying softly thinking that you'd just lost the only job anyone had offered you. This was cut short as she replied understanding you, being an alpha with an omega daughter she knew what it was like you huffed in relief as she calmed you down reassuring you that it was fine she instructed you to stay where you was until she called you an uber to be safe and take all the time you needed, you nodded thanking her before hanging up.
Quickly you gathered your things and waited, she phoned back quickly informing you that the uber was outside waiting you just had to tell him the destination and the company was paying for it as this classed as 'emergency travel'. You thanked her again and headed out of the office scaling the stairs to the lobby scuttling out as fast as you could aiming to head home as quick as you could before you got any worse. You felt the stares you noted the few alphas scattered about taking deep drags of air into themselves, drinking in your scent before slowly heading in your direction. You whimpered as you raced through he main doors nearly staggering as you made your way down the road as you flushed hot and needy. Jumping into the uber telling the driver your address as he pulled out into the street. He looked at you threw the rare view mirror.
"You ok back there? you want me to call someone?... your alpha?" he asked innocently enough. You just leaned forward cupping your tummy as the first pulses began in your abdomen muscles twitching beginning the first twinges of pain, you cried out panicked, it was never this fast, a normal heat took at least 24hours to sink in and reach this point.
"No! no no I'm fine just drive!!" he grinned at your response but not that you saw from your almost fetal position in the back, he continued as he pulled off the main road cutting down a residential street as a short cut
"Ok are you sure? is your alpha aware of this? does he hurt you is that why you don't want to call him?" he pried by this point alarm bells would usually start but in your desperate state you didn't click you just shook your head
"no-don't have one just please hurry!!" he grinned doing a u turn at the T junction going left back towards the city. You groaned with your head between your knees crying as the pain came crashing over like waves. Flooding your system then draining away before returning ,gasping deep gulps of air so wrapped up in trying to halt your heat you didn't realize the type of danger you were in.
"H-how much longer?" you didn't register the car stopping he chuckled.
"Not long darling" your eyes snapped open freezing at the tone managing to prop yourself up wincing through the pain as you noticed you'd stopped moving. Dread filled when you saw you were still down town. Even with the traffic you should have been out in the residential area. Your apartment was only a 25 minute walk so should have been about a five to ten minute drive instead you was in the city center all be it parked In some sort of loading bay tucked behind some tall office buildings you didn't recognize. You gulped at the look on his face. Slowly reaching for the handle of the door only for it to be locked. You shivered.
"Wh-what are you doing?" he unclipped his seat belt
"I'm gonna take care of you, a pretty omega like you shouldn't be going through heats alone... You should have an alpha to help you... You will~ just relax this will be over soon" he said before squeezing himself between the front seats making to grab you.
You twisted screaming as loud as you could. Lifting your bag striking him as hard as you could, which wasn't that hard as your energy had been sapped away by your rapid heat. he held you firm digging his fingers into your wrist untill the bag dropped to the footwell, pushing your shoulders against the door you screamed again agonizing
"NOOO HELP SOMEONE HELP ME!" clawing at him scratching his face he swore as your nail scratched across his eye.
"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" he screamed you cowered at his anger he pulled back his hand slapping you hard across the face you grunted as your head smacked into the metal seat belt clip half way up the back seat.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP CUNT!" you kneed, twisted ,clawed and bit anything you could think of to get him off of you ,he overpowered you grabbing your head smashing it against the inner door panel, your vision went fuzzy at how hard your head had bounced off of it. weeping weakly kicking out despite all hope of escape was fading fast as the male tore open your blouse buttons scattering across the back seat and foot well.
"NOO NONO PLEASE!"you sobbed as you resigned yourself to being another statistic. Then the door behind your head was ripped clean off you car you yelped cringing as you heard the metal twist and tear just beside your head tumbling out of the car, being caught before touching the asphalt and sat on the roof of the car so quick it made you dizzy before you could even glance at who had saved you. You heard the screams of your would be rapist shouting panicked as he was dragged violently out of the car.
Crying you moved to cover yourself tugging the shirt around yourself looking forward you saw superman clutching the alphas neck hoisting up to his eye level eyes flashing a dangerous red, hinting to the power simmering just below the surface shoulders heaving with every breath and his jaw clenched boiling anger was written across his stance. The alpha pleaded with him. The kryptonian glanced at you before snarling in the other alphas face low and terrifying. you held your breath something was wrong.
"MINE!" was all the man of steel managed as he panted heavy , you saw the tremble in his arm as he tried holding back but still squeezed tighter on the throat he held causing the alpha to gasp and wheeze begging pleading much like you had been not two minutes ago. You gasped not entirely sure you heard him correctly but you was sure that you didn't want to be around either of them in this state.
You placed your hands on the metal below you sliding backwards making the decision to leave your bag that stuff could be replaced. Keeping both of them in your sight, gasping quietly as you dropped to your feet , buckling as another cramp clutched a your insides. You had to move get away you couldn't let either male near you, not when you'd just found your mate, when you was so close.
In your state of panic you forgot one of the most important things every omega should know. If your caught by an alpha in the middle of a heat Do. Not. Run an alpha that wants to pursue you, will chase, they relished in it the hunt. That's why there is so much emphasis on mateing young, once you are claimed alphas are less drawn to you and your heat cant do this whole surprise pop up act. Those who tried to hold out for their mates are usually picked off before their thirties, claimed forcefully and trapped in a unhappy pairings you never thought it'd be you.
You moved slow at first backing away from the car then as you made your way further from them once you got a good twenty feet you turned and ran down a small one way road leading in the direction of home. You hoped. Your footsteps caught Superman's attention snapping his head up dropping the male
"NOO! COME BACK!" he shouted making you more frightened speeding up, he sounded angry. He shot up instantly hovered above the small building before spying you diving down landing in front of you as you as you had reached a main street onlookers stopped as they saw him land hard on the ground, he crouched the asphalt below him cracking under the force he'd used. You skidded to a stop nearly running into him you screamed backing up as he moved to grab you his eyes. They were burning literally glowing seconds away from igniting your flesh.
"I-I No please I don't-" you tried speaking cutting yourself off as another cramp took hold you cried out curling grasping your stomach. He took the opportunity to quickly scoop you up taking off so fast the air was sucked from your lungs you couldnt breath instead puffing out desperate tiny breaths. He headed straight for home. You groaned weakly at him trying desperatly to breath, tapping him as you managed sharp breaths when you could smelling him, he smelt familiar and unique almost like your mate but not quite the same.
Before you knew it you was in an unfamilliar apartment gasping deep breaths trying to ease your burning lungs. Whimpering as a wave after wave of your mates scent hit you causing your body the begin preparing itself for him as you soaked your panties through at an alarming rate. You was deposited on a large bed confused uncomfortably wet and in pain as you curled on your side in the covers pressing your face into the cotton taking deep breaths. You heard footsteps leave your side moving around beyond the door.
He was building you a nest in his den, he was here helping you, you crawled towards him as he smoothed out the blanket to curl around you grabbing him trying to pull him up onto the bed with you. You whimpered as he pulled back standing to look at the nest wanting it to be perfect. In your heat addled mind you took it as a rejection when he moved out of your grasp.
"A-Alpha?" you called out looking for him, he was here he had to be here you needed him, this was his den, but where was he. You looked around trying to find him. Then you hear Superman return, well you thought it was Superman maybe you was so far gone you'd been hallucinating, you was sure the man of steel had brought you here, but it wasn't him who returned you looked at the door ecstatic as you spied your mate with arms full of pillows and a few blankets mumbling to himself about a nest, felt a burst of excitement as he placed the cushions and blankets around you.
"I-its ok, I'm here, I've found you omega, mine ,my omega" you looked up at the male before you tucking your nose into the crook of his neck breathing deep wanting to take him in as much as you could it was him. Yes. You've made it. you cried happy tears streaming down your face as you finally had him, Your one. Your soul mate. Years spent searching hoping, terrified that he'd given up hope and claimed another. But the years of loneliness and fear was worth it for this one moment.
"N-no! alpha come back" your voice was small but sincere, he quickly saw his mistake and climbed up with you letting you grab and pull at him.
"Wh-how? you was-" he climbed over you cageing you nuzzling your neck doing the same to you that you had done to him only he was not crying, he was growling deep in his chest, that you had only just noticed was uncovered he was bare as the day he was born.
"Later...Cant" he mumbled kissing at your neck quickly licking and nipping succumbing to his need to bury himself inside of you as soon as possible. You whined as he pulled the blankets around you creating a tighter cocoon. His instincts were all over the place wanting to mount and knot you and calm and cuddle you . It was hard for him to concentrate as he smelt your body prepare for him. Turning you looked at him your lips parted as you huffed becoming impossibly hot ,sweat forming on your brow your clothes constricting and sticky as you lifted a shaky hand to his cheek.
"Blue... I didn't see them earlier, there beautiful." he almost purred closing his eyes as you ran your hand up to his curled hair. His nostrils flaring ducking down to you kissing you groaning at the taste of your tongue he moved over you, desperate pressing you into the matress holding your waist sliding you up the bed wrestling with your clothes growling before opting to rip them of not patient enough to remove them with out damaging them. You whined at him making him stop inspecting you for injury , when he determined you was unharmed just vocal he continued moving down your body kissing and suckling marks onto you wanting to devour your slick as he smelt how wet you had become for him.
He tossed your legs over his shoulders breathing deep closing his eyes collecting him self 'slow and steady don't hurt her' he thought to himself then leaned forward sucking obscenely on your wet folds dipping his tongue between them. you screamed as he met your hot sensitive skin groaning into you gripping your hips forcing you to remain still and endure him as he worked on finding you bud then flicking quickly up and down then rolling it around sucking it between his teeth applying a gentle pressure.
You cried and shouted as he continued he looked up at you watching you try to twist and turn your breasts bouncing with every jerky movement and heaving breath. He groaned again imagining just how perfect they would look tight and full ready to feed his pups. He pulled back with long licks from back to front collecting as much slick as he could as he went. You panted teary eyed as he crawled above you. He grunted eyeing your neck then maintained eye contact snarling when you didn't immediately look away.
Your pussy wept below you at the sight. He was posturing. Waiting for you to present to him, for you to acknowledge him as your alpha. You tilted your head looking away eagerly willing your body to relax below him he keened low running his nose across your throat then latching onto it biting locking his jaw tightly, not enough for the final bite but he held you there tonguing your neck releasing then moving down biting repeating the same process searching for the least sensitive spot to deliver his bite.
Once he found a spot that didn't cause a large reaction or was on the artery he sucked a dark mark , pinpointing it for later once he was satisfied he released your neck with a parting kiss many would look for the most sensitive but he was worried about truly harming you.
He grabbed your shoulder rolling you on your front heaving up your hips presenting you to him your shoulders landing on the extra pillows and blankets he got for you taking your weight. He gasped leaning back to take a moment to calm himself, he would not risk killing you accidentally because he rushed, admittedly he was also enjoying the view, way your scent permeated the air leaving him feeling hazy almost drunk. You mewled lost in your heat impatient for him to claim you in the most sinful and depraved of ways. You rocked to and fro clenching your pussy for him then spread your knees so he could see. You heard him grunt then decided to push further.
"AAHH! FUCK" you yelped as he stretched you taught around him the resistance you put up against him was intoxicating as he moved steady not letting up as he was pushing deeper and deeper feeding himself into you. You tried to raise onto your hands but a swift hand caught you by the scruff pressing down with a snarl.
As ready as your slick had made you, you was still smaller than him he noted as he was poised at your opening, twitching and puffy from his earlier exploration, he could feel the heat radiating form you. As you tried to rock back feeing his cock just there he pulled you back onto him.
"No you will stay In position presenting" he grunted you whimpered in response as he held you there firm. Finally he grunted low quickly thrusting the last inch or so into you thighs pressed against your bottom tensing. You panted clawing at the pillows surrounding you is was nearly to much as he held still flexing making you jump and flutter around him.
"P-pleeeas alpha I cant wait please" your words were pitiful and breathy arching your back pushing your ass high and curling your toes. His breathing hitched un able to hold back he rose to his knees digging his tumbs into the back of your pelvis gripping tight designed to hold you still, to force you to take all of him weather you wanted to or not. You'd forfited that choice with your presented to him earlier. You was his and he wanted you to know that ,slowly falling prey to his most basic of primal needs. Mount. Fuck. Knot. Breed. There was no thoughts beyond these four goals. He held steady nudging your opening with his cock, hard and only just beading with precum, he had fought to hold back his need for release refuseing to waste a drop, but now it seemed he may need it.
"Good girl....soo good ... your such a good omega.....are you ready to be bred?" tears fell at the feeling of being so stuffed, you wasn't sure just how you were going to take his knot if this was him before that, it was uncomfortable pressed so deep it was bordering pain, a dull ache but your cramps were gone as if his skin alone had soothed your insides and that you was thankful for.
"ugh such a good female.... gonna fuck you full" he tilted his head back abdomen quivering and twitching with need he was trying to hold back, be gentle he had heard the whimpers as he opened you up for the first time, noting that you wasn't a virgin, tho many omegas now day's had toy's to replicate alpha couplings. He snarled pulling back a little then rocking into you the idea of anything other than himself inside you irked him, no more. He would dispose of yours at the first opportunity. You'd never resort to using a toy again. A rubber substitute, no he wouldn't allow it. You would come to him for relief or you'd suffer. Those were your options now.
"YES... fuck yes THATS IT...I'm your alpha now...no one else.... I'll kill them" he grunted teasing you with his cock you screeched as he growled and grunted using his hands to hold you still as he drove into you over and over, pulling out further each time, you was floating or was it drowning you couldn't tell, all you knew was that you hated the way you felt empty as he left you, your pussy was clamping and pulling at him, fighting to keep him sheathed inside you. You groaned cried and squealed unable to stop as his moans egged you on.
"aH! FUCKfuckfuck alPHAAA!" you shook your head rubbing your face into his heady scent your head swimming in it as it seeped through the blankets. You tried to fight his hold as he teased you with shallow thrusts making your pussy protest resulting in a loud sharp spank and you widened your legs for him.
"You ok baby?" he asked as you shook beneath him gasping, trying to calm your breathing you tried to turn to look at him hissing as it pulled on his knot
You cried panicked trying to wiggle from under him desperate to escape the painful stretch he quickly acted on auto pilot latching onto the mark he left on your neck biting breaking the skin, holding you still with a growl as he claimed you with his scent permanently. You cried tensing not sure if the pain was to much or not enough. He finallly released your neck tucking a hand below where you joined rubbing your hard bud forcing you to clench painfully around the knot that was cruley holding you in place spreading your lips apart revealing your clit to his wandering fingers as you was warpped tight around him ,you tried to drag yourself forward off of him tugging at your joining to no avail he was slow and frim with his teasing finger tips.
Quickly you found your abdoman spasming and you screeched as he tore your second orgasm from you, this time as you squirted nothing left you hitting his knot and returning back up into you the force of it sending ripples of pleasure against all of your nerves your walls massaged him from root to tip as a result making him finally release into you feeling him pulse and twitch as his hot load hit you hard and deep some had definatly make it past your cervix you summarised the only coherent through in the lusty haze that was now slowly lifting from you, he held still as he continued to pour into you, the overwhelming urge to breed you was to much as he rocked once ,twice slowly using his knot the amplify the pleasure.
You whimpered staying as still as you could panting completly washed out and wrecked. He looked down smug not taking his eyes of of where you were joined his knot was large, he was impressed at how well you took him. A slight panic, he'll admit but you had stayed still enough for him to fully mate you And nothing was escaping which boded well for breeding.
"Ah ah ah stay still... that's it stay still... good girl" he reassured knowing full well that you could be like this for a few more minutes maybe ten minutes or so, for him specifically he wasnt sure. Selfishly he wanted to remain there as long as possible but thought it'd be better for you if he wasnt attached to long.
"yes ...that's it omega open up for me... let me in" he chuckled slamming into you making your bones rattle keening with the force as he did it over again becoming desperate to bury himself inside deeper. You cried out as he dragged his hand from your neck leaning over you as he plowed you into an orgasm. You let out what was at first a silent scream as you clamped around him making him hiss you leaked over him cumming drenching his thighs with slick as he grunted holding still tightly pressing into you his knot forming in an instant stretching you until you yelped in pain trying to break free. No. It hurt. As he was pressing painfully deep almost pressing into your cervix opening.
"Are you ok? we could be like this for a while baby.. you have enough pillows"
"It's sore" you mumbled quietly unable to stop pulling forward it was only natural to try and avoid the pain he felt guilty but knew it was unavoidable.
"I know baby but your doing so well... soo good and just think with any luck we will have pups on the way! doesnt that sound nice baby. You can make a better nest, more suitable for pups." you clenched at his words the idea of pups making you perk up
"Pups?" you asked excited he laughed rubbing your back soothingly noticing how hot you was.
"Oh yes I'm going to breed you during this heat, that is if I haven't took root already" he said rolling his hip lightly making his point you groan again. He noted the sweat rolling down your sides. Debating on what to do, he knew he could help easily but was a little apprehensive. Finally he decided he would do it, your his mate now, bound to him permanently.
"Baby? are you hot?" you nodded
"Yeah and sticky..... I want a cold shower... can I have one when I'm free?" he frowned that would mean you standing up.... he would leak from you.... No. He shook his head
"No you may not, you will lie on your back once free.. I want you full." he said you pouted a little feeling scolded whimpering before you flinched as he blew a cool gust of air onto you. It was cold... Much colder than should have been possible.. And it wasn't to do with how heated your skin was. Clark continued blowing cooling your skin until it was no longer red. He felt himself finally softening once he was sure he could remove himself without any pulling he did sliding back quickly flipping you to your back pulling the pillows below your waist . You laid back wide eyed.. It took him seconds.. Literally seconds to pull out and re-position you... He moved you one handed...WHAT THE FUCK? you squeaked
"Wh-how did you do that? you really are? but your scent i-it was different you wasn't!" you were so confused. He looked down guilty stroking you slowly unable to keep for touching you now that you were bpnded ,he loved how you carried his scent, it was lingering just beneath yours coiling around it.
"I'm sorry, my suit it....changes my scent... I'm not sure why, it may be because its not made here on earth... " you paled as he explained you knew. Your mate was superman. The man of steel. You gasped bringing your hands to your face as you cried
"YOUR AN ASS! do you know how FUCKING SCARED I WAS!" you shouted moving to get up. He was faster pinning you down pushing into your neck.
"I thought you was going to burn me! Kill me!" You wailed into your palms.
"sshh sshh its ok now.. I'm sorry ...I'm so sorry I never intended to scare you, I was just scared...I tried to follow you but you already left....... Then I went looking for you ..... I heard screaming not want sure if it was you, I was so glad as I got closer and smelt you then I saw him..I had intended to just take you home..But seeing you there I knew I had no choice...I had to claim you to keep you safe... I was so close to killing him, I wanted to...You stopped me, if you hadnt run I would have ripped him limb from limb... All I knew in that moment was that I couldnt bare seeing you run from me.. I had to catch you." you settled down as he kissed your mark explaining between small pecks and licks then laid curling at you side. Pulling your hands away.
"I-if I'd known it was you I wouldnt have run from you I would have run to you" you explaind cupping his face lightly he leaned forward kissing him.
"But I cant call you superman or alpha all the time" you smirked he chuckled sliding higher around you leaning over you on his elbow.
"Clark kent" he offered with a kiss
"y/n y/l/n" he smiled before kissing deeply again you were interupted by a loud bannging form somwhere deeper in the apart ment he held out a hand
"Stay I want to give us the best chance for pups" he called out as he grabbed some boxers sliding them up as he walked to the front door opeing it revealing Lois holding out his damaged breifcase she scrunched her nose as the heady smell of there coupling hit her.
"Here I Covered for you, Perry thinks this morning was because your omega was going into heat and you didnt touch her and I told you to leave and 'be an alpha for once' in the end you took my advice and mated her... you have the week off for her heat." she explained then cleared her throat nodding behind him he growled when he spotted you up by the door peeping he pointed back to where you came growling.
"Back in your nest!" you scuttled back into the room with a squeak diving back into your nest of blankets. Placing your hips back on the raised pillows. Lois giggled.
"Don't be too hard on her she probably heard me and panicked... any way I'm off and try to be gentle with her she looks ....small" he nodded closing the door as she turned to leave. He padded into the bedroom spoting you tugging the blankets around you adjusting then readjusting them pouting. He smiled tugging it from you smoothing it around your hips.
"That was lois.. Shes and alpha and a friend nothing to worry about.." you nodded to him as he tucked himself around you again making you rest your head on his chest as he reached down cupping your tummy running his thumb acros the skin below your belly button
"Sleep baby it wont long before I'll mount you again" you blushed at his words but tried to relax anyway letting your mind drift as he wandering fingers pushed you into a deep satisfied slumber.
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redrobinhoods · 4 years
99 with squad shebse? (Alpha-17’s squad of cadets were the commanders plus rex if u weren’t sure :)
Oooh, yes! (And thank you!! I haven't heard a squad name for them before)
#99 - DEVIL by Shinedown [X]
Cody stared out into the vast space that stretched before the Star Destroyer. They used to be Venators, and this space used to feel fuller- or, at least, not empty. He had never felt empty before the Empire. He had never been alone. He'd always had his brothers. Perhaps he still had his brothers, but only their screams and the repetitive whispering in his ear.
In the stillness of the bridge, he could remember the day the end had begun.
It was their first break in months. Cody was sitting on his bunk beside Rex, who was fixing up the sling on Cody's arm while Appo watched apologetically from the next bunk over. If Cody had looked back he would have seen Fox and Wolffe stretched out across the latter’s bunk, identical in all but name. If he had looked further back, he would have seen Gree trying to distance himself from the noise Bly and Neyo were kicking up with Pazaak so that he could read and Bacara on the bunk opposite just trying to find a moment of silence.
"I am sorry, Cody." Appo said when Rex backed off, the sling straightened to his satisfaction.
Cody shrugged with his good arm. "Bacta'll fix it soon enough. It's not like anything's gonna happen in the next week."
He should have known better.
"Did you hear about the Jedi?" The door had barely shut behind Odd Ball before he spoke.
All heads in the barracks turned towards him.
"You're lying." Neyo scoffed.
"I saw him with my own eyes."
"They actually came." Wolffe murmured.
"I told you they would." Fox, elbowing Wolffe lightly.
"Did he come for us?" Rex ventured.
Odd Ball shrugged, stepping over the pile of Pazaak cards on the floor. "He's talking to Jango, or at least he was when I saw him."
"What does he look like?" Gree materialized behind Cody. From the huff of frustration, Bacara was at his side.
"He's rather pale. Has a beard."
"They're allowed to grow beards?" Bly asked incredulously.
"They're allowed to do whatever they please." The ten men leapt to attention as Alpha-17 walked into the room. "Including run Jango off Kamino, apparently." His eyes traced over his men, pausing for a moment on Cody's arm before they continued their sweep. "But he'll be back. I can promise you that."
"And if he doesn't?" Wolffe prodded.
"Alpha will throw us off the platforms and watch us drown while sipping a cocktail." Neyo cut in, drawing a light laugh from a few of his fellow commanders.
"With a tiny umbrella." Alpha-17 nodded. "The Jedi will return. They have to now that they've seen us. I want you all ready to move out at a moment's notice unless otherwise hindered." His gaze fell back on Cody, who nodded in understanding. "Your time is coming, be ready for when it arrives."
When the door closed once more behind Alpha-17, Bacara returned to the back of the room, leaving the other nine men to their thoughts.
"I'm sorry, Cody." Gree was the first to break the silence.
Cody shrugged, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Don't think you lot are going to swoop in and end the war on the first day without me."
"Consider," Fox leaned in and lowered his voice, "we give Bacara two guns..."
That had been the last time they had all been in the same room.
A chill ran up Cody's neck as a new presence entered the room. If he didn't turn around, he could pretend that Appo was still at the shadow's side. But he wasn’t and wouldn’t be again; and Cody was still here.
"You have read the reports, Commander." The shadow hadn't called him by his name in a very long time.
"Yes, sir." It hadn't been a question, but he would answer it as such. "My men have located the hermit. Do you really believe it's... him?"
"You have your orders."
And that was that.
CC-2224 slowly turned his head to the side to face the dark lord of the Sith. "I won't fail again."
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andyl394 · 4 years
Oh no, that’s bad - B.C 02
pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader, social media au
summary: There weren’t many things that genuinely angered Bucky, in reality, it was a very small list of things; but he quickly discovered that your ex-fianceé was quickly climbing to get on top of that list with his stalking and that just was not gonna cut it on his - and Nat’s, watch.
request:  Really love ontb!!!! I was wondering if one of the extra chapters would be Bucky confronting Daniel? - annon
word counting: 1.3K
chapter warnings: swearing, mentions of stalking, Bucky and Nat really are ready to murder a mf, kind of violence?, FLUFF?
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Despite his history and tragic backstory, Bucky considered himself a pretty chill guy. Not many things angered or upset him as people so often thought, sure; neo-nazis, the occasional aliens and someone eating his cereals could drop his mood, but besides that and Steve’s reckless nature, nothing really made him want to punch something. That was, before he heard about Daniel. 
Your stupid, ugly, bitch-ass, motherfucking ex-fianceé. Not only had him wronged you in ways Bucky thought he’d punish himself for eternity had him caused you that much pain, but that shit-head still had the audacity of interrupting your date and - worst of all, call himself your fianceé! Sure, when it happened Bucky was too dumbstruck to actually drop-kick him to the ground, especially with the fact that until that moment, he had never heard about Daniel. 
It had been a few days ever since that new-found knowledge, and even though he was ready to steal the guy’s kneecaps, James couldn’t exactly use the excuse of the guy having messed up in the past to get bail from the government after attacking a civilian. 
That was until he found a reason to. 
“What did you just say to me?” He growled, mug shattering on his grip at the words that he heard coming out of Nat’s mouth. Bucky must have heard it wrong, there was no way the guy had the balls to harass you after seeing you with him.
“Exactly what you heard, we are going to have a little chat with that stalking Сукин сын.” She hissed, arms crossing over her chest and face set in serious lines as she watched his nose flare in anger and the way his metal hand clenched in a fist, Steve still watching the interaction unfazed, eyeing the pieces of porcelain and hot coffee his friend didn’t bother to avoid whilst straightened his posture and turning completely to the redhead in the kitchen. 
“Has he talked to her?” Bucky’s eyes squinted when he questioned, voice coming out in a hiss between his gritted teeth. 
“Peter didn’t tell me, he only said he’s seen him following her and hanging around her apartment.”
“Reason enough to split him in fucking half.” Steve’s brows shot up at Nat’s smile with Bucky’s statement. 
“Maybe consider not killing him?” Both heads whipped his way, two sets of eyes glaring daggers at his skull; Steve raised his hands in surrender “I’m not saying to not scare the guy, but maybe don’t give the government reason to lock you both out?”
“Since when do you care about the government?” He chuckled at Bucky’s words, taking one last gulp before shrugging his shoulders. 
“Okay, kill the guy and get arrested, I’ll be sure to offer Y/N my… attention in such time of loneliness.” He smirked, walking out to hear Nat’s laugh at Bucky’s annoyed huffs. “And remember you’re out in a mission tonight!”
“You’re getting too cocky, punk!” Bucky huffed one last time before turning to Nat, who was still waiting for his response, “Let me put on my gear, we’re gonna have a little… chat with Daniel.” 
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 Even after texting you, mouth frowning at having to turn down your offer of talk before his week-long mission, Bucky still felt the rage bubbling inside him. Not even you calling him baby could put down the flaming anger at learning that Daniel had indeed talked to you on your way to work. 
It was almost blinding, something coming from deep within his guts, it wasn’t like the anger he felt while on the field, or the one that knocked him when Steve got hurt, not even like the one the felt of himself when he woke up from the nightmares filled with the memories of his doings.
No, what he felt… It was as if Bucky could pull it out of his chest and turn it into a weapon, he felt that even after he screamed for hours and trashed hundreds of sandbags, it would still be burning his insides. 
And the more he thought about Daniel’s dirty hands wrapping around your arm, the heavier his stomps grew. Natasha wasn’t much different than him, her neck and chest red in barely contained anger even whilst her face failed to show any emotion. 
“Don’t let me kill him.” Nat tilted her head at her friend’s hiss before turning to the opening elevator doors, they ignored the old lady who was very much scowling at them for the mud tracks they left on their way to the badly painted door. Three rough knocks were enough to get the door to open briskly; the man was clearly waiting someone else by the way he deflated at the realization there was one more person than what he expected. 
Daniel’s eyes trailed up Bucky’s gear boots before slowly and fearfully setting them on his scowling face. 
“Remember me?” Was all Daniel heard before Natasha shoved him inside, Bucky trailing behind whilst she grabbed the reason for the visit by his shirt and slammed him in the nearest wall while James closed the door behind him. 
“Wha- What the hell?!” 
“Shut up.” She hissed, ignoring his gasps for air when her forearm found its way to block his airways. 
“See, Daniel. A little spider told us you’ve been lurking around Y/N these past days, even going as far as talking to her.” Bucky started, looking around the apartment before turning to the gasping men “But that won’t cut it.” 
“So- What?! She’s my fianceé! It’s my right!” Natasha laughed, grabbing him again and tossing him Bucky’s way as if he weighed less than a ragdoll, Daniel gulped when the other men grabbed his shoulder, a snarl on his face after hearing his excuse. 
“Wrong, she’s my girlfriend.” Daniel looked over his shoulder to the Black Widow, between her cold face and the metal hand that wrapped itself on the back of his neck to get his eyes back on the men in front of him, it was enough to have him shaking on the spot. “And we’ll only warn you once, if Y/N says she thought she saw you anywhere, we’ll come back. If Y/N says she thought she heard your voice in a fucking whisper, we’ll come back. Hell, if she thought she caught a whiff of your disgusting scent, we’ll come back. And believe me when I say, nobody would ever know what the fuck happened to you.” Bucky leaned back, smiling calmly whilst straightening Daniel’s shirt, mockingly getting rid of the wrinkles their rough pushes had caused. 
“You’ll beg for death after I’m done with you, Mr. Nelson. And you still won’t get it.” Daniel almost jumped out of his bones at Natasha’s hiss on his ear, not hearing when she had reached him. “Remember that before you even think about Y/N again.” 
They smiled gently at him one last time before leaving; Bucky was able to control himself until they reached outside the apartment building, his hand connecting with the side of it in a burst, Nat narrowly avoided the pieces of concrete that flew her way at the impact. 
“Did you fucking hear him? His right? As if she’s some fucking piece of meat?” His words came out in a growl, breathing heavily and trying to restrain his body from walking up all the way to keep his words of splitting that asshole in half.
“C’mon let’s get out before you do something you regret.” Bucky sighed, letting Natasha drag him to her car, hands opening and closing before he gave one last look the way of Daniel’s window, a smirk growing on his lips when he saw the way the man was still trembling and sweating, watching them get in their car. “So… girlfriend huh? Does Y/N know that?” She snickered at his blushing cheeks, brows wiggling when he met her teasing smile. He huffed out an embarrassed laugh while sinking on his seat and mumbling:
“Shut up.” 
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@hailqueenconquer​ @deliciouslyenchantingpenguin​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @i-alyssa​ @darkcrystal-wolf​ @malionnex​ @sasha-alpha​ @momobaby227​ @disgustangg​ @eliza5616​ @geeksareunique​ @goodolbucky​  @hxney-bunches-x​ @lakrasia​ @marvelrose01​ @kewl-r​ @wxstedhexrt​ @big-yikers​  @iwritesmutnotfluffblog​ @cazslaughter​ @huh-iwasntpayingattention​ @pinknerdpanda​ @katshrev​ @justkending​ @lilliannaansalla​  @dxftprettyboys​  @kyoko-yuuki​ @saturn-aka-six​ @multiviens​ @wilmarenud​ @cptaindanvrs​ @fangeekkk​ @my-drowning-in-time​ @binkysteebnpewter​ @gabbie-is-sad​ @peterpandco​ @winterprincess-sky​@lordofthenerds97​ @holybatflapexpert​ @celestiacq​ @justanythingfandomrelated​  @shadowsndaisies​ @fandom-imagines1​ @lexshead​ @thewackywriter​  @queenhollander​ @xpissbabyx​​ @zofiehelen​​ @supernatural-bangtanboys​​ @multireality​​ @evansamericanass​​ @cap-just-said-language​​ @thewackywriter​​ @goalexis123​​ @firefly-in-darkness​​ @inquisitor-selvala​​ @cvelarded @buckys-blunders​​ @cazslaughter​​ @ynjimenez​​ @some-random-stranger-007​​ @fanfictiontime​​ @distressedearie​​ @fandomtime-123​​ @schischi​​ @endoftheliine​​ @agusdoti​​ @criminallyfanatic​​ @lovelikecalamity​​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​​ @everything-but-the-not-natural​​ @sprinkleofpoop​​ @urrmmomm​​ @niall2017​​ @mrsfortune1306​​ @ranting-introvert​
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Midnight Hours
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Sehun x Reader
Summary: For you, being a good witch was easier said than done. Something dark was lurking inside of you and the others knew it. When you’re forced to tag along with Soomi and help a local wolfpack face a coming evil, you’re sent on a path that breaks into a crossroads. While you struggle with your inner demons, could the wolf Sehun be the key to your ultimate fate?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I Final
You swallowed thickly. This was exactly what the mothers feared: you losing control. And being found out by others. Would the pack kick you out now? Would they fear you? Hate you? Nothing else seemed like a better idea in that moment than to simply disappear like the smoke from the still smoldering floor.
But you were stuck there in that room, with countless pairs of eyes staring at you with emotions that ranged from curiosity to confusion to fear.
“It was just an accident,” Soomi insisted, coming to your rescue when you still couldn’t find the words. She rushed over to your side, crouching down and putting her hands on your shoulders in a protective manner.
“An accident?” Kris scowled. His eyes flickered over to the circular burn pattern around the bed. “This looks a little precise to be an accident.”
“Soomi, is this one of the powers you were talking about?” Junmyeon asked suddenly. Your eyes went wide as you whirled around to face the one person who you thought would never tell. It was against her character to go against the wishes of the coven.
Soomi looked at you with guilt. “Someone had to know, in case something like this happened,” she explained. To Junmyeon, she nodded. “But this has never happened before. Not in her sleep.”
“Wait, so (y/n) made the fire?” Jongdae exclaimed. “While sleeping?”
“That is both terrifying and impressive,” Baekhyun commented.
“Wait,” Tao looked at the others frantically, never letting his gaze settle on you, most likely out of a small amount of fear, “so what exactly can she do?”
Soomi answered for you, which made you feel relieved that you didn’t have to speak up. You were still in shock from the fire… and the vision. “(y/n) was born with the ability to manipulate the elements. It’s rare among witches and… it’s not the easiest thing to control.”
Kris looked over at Junmyeon. “Don’t you think that you should have shared that with the rest of us, especially since she’s staying in our house? With Mei?”
“She would never hurt any of us,” Junmyeon defended. You were thankful that at least one of the alphas was on your side. Even if you actually tried, you were sure you wouldn’t have been able to support yourself properly.
“I wouldn’t exactly call her powers ‘under control’,” Kris spat back.
Soomi shook her head, her protective grip on your shoulders tightening. “They’ve never surged like this before. A splash of water here and there and-”
“Splash of water?” Baekhyun’s eyes grew wide along with a mischievous smile. “Was that you at the restaurant?”
“The restaurant?” Soomi looked to you. “What happened at the restaurant?”
Everyone was staring, waiting for answers. Some you had, some you didn’t. The pressure and the tension brought you back to when you were just a child, brought before the mothers of the coven, the first time your powers manifested.
Fire. It was always fire. The first time had terrified you. It wasn’t obvious – in your eyes, at least – that it had been you to cause the candle flames to surge and grow until Mother Cypress’ ceiling caught fire as well. It was put out before any true damage could be done, thankfully, but it didn’t end there. The other kids had pointed to you as the culprit. You didn’t understand. All you had done was cry and yell. Ronin had stolen your favorite stuffed animal and refused to tell you where he’d hidden it. Next thing you knew everyone was running and screaming because of the candles. Not too long after, the mothers had figured out just how different you were.
And here you were again, surrounded by accusatory stares mixed in with fear of the unknown. What else could you do besides jump to your feet and run out the door? In your mind, there was no other option. And no one stopped you. Several of the wolves even jumped out of the way, perhaps scared that you’d set them aflame if they didn’t.
Outside, the unexpected chilly air stabbed at the exposed skin of your arms and legs. Almost immediately, your teeth started to chatter. It seemed the weather was finally saying goodbye to the last bit of summer and fully transitioning into fall. Which went the blood moon was getting closer as well. Even with the heavy cover of clouds in the sky, you could still see the faded orange of the sun rising. It was morning already.
Too cold to go any further, you sat down in the dewy grass, the water adding to your icy state. But you didn’t move. Part of you hoped that maybe you would simply freeze over in that spot, a permanent statue that no longer had to deal with the cards life had handed you on the day of your birth. Burying your face in your knees, you willed the water around you to come over you and solidify in an attempt to become that statue. As per usual, your so-called “power” ignored what you wanted. They only seemed to want to cause chaos instead of obeying your orders.
Was that their true purpose? Were they really meant for chaos? The mothers had tried to keep you on the road of light magic, of good, but what if you simply weren’t made for it? What if your destiny was to take the other path and all this effort was simply prolonging the inevitable? Could that be what the visions had been trying to tell you all along?
Something warm suddenly fell onto your shoulders, causing you to flinch. In a glance you saw an oversized jacket now covered you as protection from the cold. The owner of the clothing item stood in front of you, his hand out as if waiting for you to take it.
“Come on,” Sehun said softly.
You pulled your arms in tighter to your chest in defiance. “I’m not going back inside.”
“I’m not taking you back inside,” he countered. The fact that he continued to be unfazed by your snappy attitude was not lost on you. But he already knew, didn’t he? He already knew about your powers. Even so, you were a bit amazed that he wasn’t keeping his distance after witnessing the extent of what you were capable of.  “Just trust me.”
Somehow, those three little words did it. Without even hesitating, you took his still outstretched hand and let him pull you up to your feet. In that motion, however, the jacket slide off your shoulders, exposing you to the cold once again. Before it could fall to the ground and become covered in water, rendering it useless, Sehun snatched it from the air.
“Here.” He adjusted the jacket in his hands and then slide one of your arms into the sleeves like a child. But you didn’t fight him or slide in some comment about being able to do it yourself. You let him wrap you up in the warmth that smelled like him, even biting back a smile as he zipped it up nearly to your chin. Satisfied with his work, he grabbed your hand and said, “Let’s go.”
It was a slow walk towards the woods west of the farmhouse. You’d never gone this way before so your mind was reeling with the possibilities of your destination. Though he wasn’t speeding ahead, Sehun seemed to be walking with purpose, giving you somewhat of a hint that this wasn’t an aimless stroll.
After ten minutes or so, the trees began to thin again, revealing a second, man-made clearing. Three different structures were in varying stages of construction on the property. The largest one resembled the bare bones of a house, only the wooden beams that would hold up the walls to dictate where the rooms were going to be were built.
“This is our second home,” Sehun explained. “The farmhouse is getting too crowded, so Junmyeon started this a month ago or so. The space might be nice, but I like having all of us together.” The sadness in his voice was evident and you squeezed his fingers in an effort to comfort him. This whole time he’d kept a protective grip on your hand and still, he didn’t let go. You didn’t want him to, either. The warmth passing back and forth through your palms was the only thing keeping you upright, stopping you from crumbling away.
Over and over, you swore to yourself that you wouldn’t fall in the same trap that Soomi did. You wouldn’t fall for a wolf that clearly wasn’t yours.
But you wanted him to be.
You wanted to lean your forehead against his shoulder, eyes closed, and take him in. Everything about him calmed you down and sped you up at the same time. Your heart was racing, but your mind was at ease. Could he feel how hard the blood was pumping through your veins? Did he feel the same way?
The sudden panic of getting too close surged up in your stomach. You tried to step away, put space again between the two of you and free your fingers from their wanted cage, but he didn’t let you. He wasn’t holding them hostage in a grip that would turn the tips of your fingers white, but he did hold firm, conveying his wish to keep you beside him without uttering a word.
Still remaining silent, Sehun tugged you along to get closer to the construction site. He ignored the yellow caution tape to bring you almost to the center of the house. If you let your imagination run, you could almost picture the painted walls, the kitchen, the living room, all of it really, with you in the middle of it. It almost made you laugh; how could this empty, shell of a building feel like… home?
“I’ve been coming here a lot lately,” Sehun randomly confessed as he let you go. He took a few steps until he came to a foundation beam, holding onto it with one hand and leaning back. His gaze was up at the sky as if he were searching for words to say or an answer to a dilemma that had been haunting him. “Just for some quiet or think things through, it doesn’t matter. No one else comes here. They don’t care since it’s not finished. I almost don’t want them to finish it. I don’t know where I’d go after that.”
You were a little put out by his tangent since you thought him bringing you here was about making you feel better, but on the other hand… it was doing a decent job of getting your mind away from that dark place. Was that his real intention? Helping by pretending to not be helping?
Shrugging away the lack of answer to your riddle, you stepped up to the same pole Sehun was pulling on and leaned up against it with the corner pushing into your shoulder. You stared up at the orange-haired wolf until he tore his eyes away from the sky to meet your own.
“The forest is big,” you told him. “I’m sure you’ll find another hiding spot.”
Sehun inhaled deeply through his nose, holding it in for a few seconds before letting it out slowly through his lips. “Maybe I should stop hiding.”
There it was again. That electricity in the air that charged up every time he started to lean in. His eyes flickered back and forth from your gaze to your lips in debate. The difference this time around was the fact that it didn’t feel teasing or restrained. It was charged, serious.
“What are you hiding from?” you asked in a voice so soft it couldn’t even be deemed a whisper. It was merely breath leaving your lungs and yet the words were understood.
But Sehun ignored your question, leaning in at an agonizingly sluggish pace. You felt your own calves raise you up to shorten the time it would take for him to reach you. Then you felt the first drop land on your cheek. Looking up at sky, you found the clouds had thickened once again and were releasing the water that was now too heavy to continue carrying.
Drip… drip… drip… drip, drip, drip.
Faster and faster it came down, no roof up above to save you from the pouring rain. Sehun cursed under his breath and grabbed your hand, making a run for the trees that hardly created an adequate cover as the two of you hurried back to the farmhouse. By the time the two of you stumbled into the kitchen through the back door, you were soaked.
“(y/n), oh, my god!” Soomi rushed up to you, cupping your face in her hands as she inspected your current state.
Junmyeon sighed in relief. “Thanks for finding her, Sehun.”
You raised an eyebrow at the wolf after he didn’t correct the alpha’s phrasing. He hadn’t found you, he was the reason you were out in the rain in first place. Now he was practically on the other side of the kitchen. As soon as you were inside, he’d let go of your hand, making you feel colder than ever. You were hurt by how quickly he’d flipped the switch, how easy it was for him to create distance after coming in so close.
“Let’s get you changed out of those clothes,” Soomi said, pulling you out of the feelings that were currently drowning you. She led you towards the stairs, not slowing down even as you kept looking over your shoulder back at Sehun, who was whispering some story to his alpha that you couldn’t interpret.
Instead of going towards the bedroom, however, Soomi steered you towards the bathroom once arriving on the second floor. She started the shower and let the water warm up as she helped you strip out of the ruined clothes. You stared silently at the black jacket that had gotten the worst of it. Pools of rain water formed on the tiles where it lied. If only you could melt away like the water.  
“Go on and get in,” Soomi ordered. “I’ll put some clean clothes on the counter for you and then… well, then come downstairs. We all need to talk.”
Alone in that shower, you contemplated the consequences of never getting out again. Your skin would wrinkle and shrivel, maybe even dry out from the heat of the water. Eventually the hot water would run out and nothing but cold water would be spitting out of the old showerhead.  Soomi would get worried and barge her way back in, pulling you out if need be. Or worse… she’d enlist the help of the other mates or even a wolf.
Now that hiding in the shower was ruled out as an option, you decided to stop being a coward and face the trial that would be waiting for you downstairs. You knew you would have to tell them about the dream – the very realistic dream you were sure was much more than a manifestation of your REM-induced brain. You were still drying your hair with a towel when you came down the steps. Everyone was in the kitchen, as to be expected. Sehun had also changed into dry clothes and was seemingly avoiding any chance to even peek in your direction.
“I swear, I think we’ve had more family meetings in the past year than we have since the pack formed,” Baekhyun grumbled. You shrank back in your spot, knowing a lot of them were most likely because of you. Was there any way you could make it back up the steps without being noticed? No, probably not.
“It’s important that we all know what’s going on,” Yixing reminded him.
“I’m kind of curious about the fire,” Minseok asked very pointedly.
You didn’t want to look at the kind alpha, but you could feel everyone waiting for your response, so you lifted your chin, barely glancing at him. “Yeah?”
“Do you know what- what caused your powers to… surge like that?”
You swallowed thickly. The words came out in a scared, squeaky voice that you hardly recognized as your own. “I, um, I had another… vision.”
“A vision?” Soomi gasped. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“There wasn’t exactly a good second to do so,” you pointed out.
“What was the vision?” Kris questioned.
“I was in that clearing again.” Him, you absolutely refused to look in the eye. By the time you were through here your cuticles were going to be nonexistent thanks to that nervous habit. “The woman was there, too, but she was behind me. I still didn’t see her face.”
Junmyeon waited a moment for you continue. When you didn’t, he asked. “What were you doing?”
“She was… urging me to use my power,” you whispered. “Fire, to be exact. Using it in the vision must have triggered something to make it happen in real life.”
“What were you doing with the woman?” Jongin’s question was meant innocently, from what you could tell by his tone, but it set off a domino effect of panic.
“What were you doing there?” Baekhyun emphasized in an accusatory voice.
“It sounded like you were on her side,” Jongdae added. While the accusation stung, you didn’t blame him for thinking down that way.  
Chanyeol pouted like a kicked puppy at you. “You wouldn’t join her, would you?”
“I bet they’ve been working together this whole time.”
“If that were true, why would she tells us about this?”
“To make herself look innocent after setting the house on fire.”
“That’s a solid plan.”
“She can’t stay here. What if she loses control again?”
“Or sets the house on fire on purpose?” 
Louder and louder the voices grew, intersecting and overlapping until you could no longer tell what argument was coming from which wolf. A small select few still seemed to believe in your innocence, but most were deeming you untrustworthy.
You flinched at Junmyeon’s outburst. You’d seen him frustrated and agitated, but you’d never seen him lose his temper in this fashion. His jaw was set, teeth grinding against each other while his glare roamed over his pack.
“The fact that any of you would think for a second that (y/n) was plotting against us….” He shook his head. “I’m disappointed in all of you.”
“But they had good points, Junmyeon,” Kris argued. “And we must always put the pack first.”
Junmyeon scoffed. “So, what do you want to do? Throw them out?”
Kris shrugged. “It really might be best if they don’t stay here anymore. We can’t be completely sure that this won’t happen again. And next time, it could be worse.”
“But what about the woman? (y/n)’s visions?”
“They’re not constant. If she has one, then they can come over and describe it to us,” Yixing said. Guilt was apparent when he looked at you, but he quickly ended the contact, squeezing Ming’s hand protectively.
Junmyeon opened his mouth to argue, but eventually closed it again. His shoulders slumped, admitting defeat.
“You can’t just kick them out!” Sehun shouted.
“I don’t have a choice, Sehun.” The alpha was breaking. His voice wasn’t as strong as it had been a few seconds ago. He was going back on his promise to Mother Willow to protect you and Soomi and it was killing him to do so. You didn’t understand how any of them could be okay with seeing their leader this way. “I have to put the pack first. Always.”
A roar ripped through the air that made everyone jump.
“She is part of the pack!”
Sehun marched over to you, taking ahold of your wrist and pulling you into his side. With an expression that was scaring even you, he made a declaration that you wouldn’t have been prepared for in a thousand years.
“She’s my mate.”
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espritneo-ctf · 4 years
Alpha!James Bond/Omega!Alec Trevelyan, NC-17, First time
Cut from my bowerbirds-inspired omegaverse. Set after fade to black.
“James,“ Alec crooned. “Watch, James.” Alec guided his cock upright and like a string drawing him along, James lifted his head.
James slid in with a long, filthy squelch. Alec, still grinning like the cat that got into the cream, let out a decadent groan, pumping his hips experimentally as he bottomed out.
“The rags were right.” He groaned. “You feel fantastic.” His green eyes gleamed hungrily. “I understand why the line went out the door. Your cock is exquisite.”
“Alec,” James gritted out. James' hands curled helplessly on the pillow. “I'll come if you keep moving.”
Alec smirked. “You'll give me your knot.” He corrected with a deft twist that sent James bucking. But he didn't close his eyes, didn't grab, didn't do more than whisper his omega's name.
For a year, he hasn't let himself imagine this: Alec naked... Alec sitting on his cock like he was entitled to it...Alec's omega musk rich and potent in his nostrils, on his tongue.
This just might just be the straw that broke the camel's back. Or in his case, send him over the edge. They fit together like a puzzle, Alec's body yielding sweetly around his shaft and clutching his hardness. He loved the weight of him on his thighs, grounding him when he felt fit to burst at the seams. But most of all, he loved seeing Alec in his element, as powerful and playful in bed as he was in real life. His Alec didn't know the meaning of obedient and true to form, he'd sussed out all of James' buttons.
Compartmentalization was his saving grace. James clung to shreds of rational thought, focusing solely on watching Alec flex powerful muscles. His own hips juddered without his permission and he ignored all the signs of popping his knot: the flickering twitches on his abdomen, his knot swelling hot and eager between his thighs, sparking electric fire every time Alec bounced down.
He licked his bottom lip, drawing Alec's avid gaze. Alec rested a hand on the wall and shifted forward.
They both moaned at the new angle, Alec's voice quavering as the train's vibration traveled through him.
It gave James ideas.
“Next time, I'll fuck you right against the wall of your precious train,” he rasped, turned on beyond belief.
Alec dragged his teeth over James’ lip. James licked after his treating mouth.
The spot behind his balls tingled and he shoved his half formed knot in just as it popped.
James arched his head back, Alec sucking contentedly on his neck while he ground his knot as hard as he could.
“That should take the edge off.” Alec firmly moved his chin down. “Look at me, James.”
James panted, slack-jawed.
Alec rubbed his thumb over his damp mouth, dipping inside to stroke the inside of his bottom lip.
James thrilled at the lightly possessive gesture, the casual pushback against his dominance.
“Still coming?” Alec asked sweetly. James nodded. Good. Alec squeezed his knot and James groaned as his heartrate kicked up.
Alec set up a relentless rhythm milking him straight from the root. His balls spasmed in counterpoint and the tingling intensified until his teeth ached and he struggled to stay still.
“There you are, alpha.” Alec said in delight. “Come and get me.”
James surged upright and dragged them to the head of the nest. He braced his shoulders against the wall and planted his feet flat on the mattress, trapping Alec in the cage of his body.
He pulled his omega close until Alec blanketed him. Then he curled his body around Alec and tried to get even closer, until they were thoroughly tangled in an awkward ball of limbs. “You're mine.” He finally let himself say. It came out a dark, garbled mess.
Alec growled in agreement.
James had one hand on his neck, the other clamped tight on his shoulder from below, anchoring Alec into his short, frantic thrusts. In turn, Alec had a punishing grip on James' hair and wrung three more orgasms out of him before he was satisfied and relaxed the vice like hold on James' knot.
James slumped, catching his breath.
Alec was starting to tire. He shifted more of his weight on James, who accepted him readily, keeping the squirming omega close and comfortable.
“Alright, my darling.” He murmured encouragingly into Alec's ear, interspersing his words with chaste kisses.
Alec shivered anyways, whining into James' shoulder.
“You've been so good. You're absolutely perfect for me.”
He wriggled a hand in the right space between their bellies and thumbed over the crown.
“Oh, sweetheart. You're so wet.” Alec gasped and bit down gently, worrying the tendon as James worked his still-hard cock in and out. His knot had gone down, giving him more play.
He stroked Alec's length in counterpoint and reached further to press up on his perinium.
Perfect. He was perfect. James lost track of the words coming out of his mouth, his senses fixated on how sweetly Alec took his pleasure under James' lips, his fingers, the messy wetness where they joined.
He was almost disappointed when Alec came with a muffled scream, his hands digging in hard enough to leave bruises.
Oh, he couldn't wait to do it all over again.
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Top 25 Larry Fics of 2018
It’s here you guys!!!
I did this list for 2016 and this list for 2017 and you guys have been so lovely!
I read a lot of fic and the majority of it is larry. I like making lists and I like larry so I thought I’d do some minimal research of the top 25 larry fics published/completed in 2018 in order of least to most kudos (with links). All of these fics are top notch so you should all check them out!
25.) knock knock, i love you by @thelovejandles
“Well,” Louis says, searching for something to relieve this tension. “I think if a bloke gets kicked out of his stats exam for a knock knock joke, he deserves to hear the punchline, yeah?”
“Oh!” Harry says, beaming. “I forgot where we left off, what was it again?” He looks overjoyed to be exchanging a shit joke.
“Ah, you said knock knock, then I said who’s there, and then you said Noah,” Louis supplies helpfully. He hates that he's actually curious about the rest of the joke. “So, Noah who?”
“Oh,” says Harry, in a much different tone, dragging out the syllable. He looks bashful now. Louis cannot keep up with this boy, it's going to kill him. “Right, well.” He shuffles his feet. Fuck, what kind of knock knock joke gets a boy nervous? “Noah a good place we could get something to eat?”
[Harry and Louis get kicked out of a statistics exam for passing a knock knock joke note, and subsequently fall in love. Harry's a virgin, there's a cat, a hot cocoa date, a lot of sex, even more knock knock jokes, and everything is lovely and happy.]
24.) Let Me Be Your Star by @chloehl10
Harry Styles has always been a singer, but he’s never had much confidence in himself. When his idol is brought on as the new judge on The X-Factor, he figures, what the hell? He’d get to sing and meet his idol. What could go wrong?
Louis Tomlinson has always wanted to mentor young musicians. When he’s asked to be a judge on The X-Factor, it’s a dream come true, everything he ever wanted. What he didn’t expect was to meet a curly-headed stranger that would turn his life upside down
23.) The Compulsion to Find Love by @toomanylarrytears
The most prestigious English third-level institution, Candling University, accepts omega students for the first time and Louis Tomlinson applies with bright eyes and brighter ambitions. There he encounters personal obstacles, traditional mindsets and a beautiful boy who inverts every prejudice Louis has ever known.
22.) Pursuit by DirtyLarryStylinson
Some people may deceive you by acting pleasant and friendly to begin with, but their demeanour can sometimes take a sinister turn when obsession kicks in.
Louis Tomlinson is seventeen years old and carefree. He has close friends and family, a stable education and a pretty good life overall, so what could go wrong?
Well, a lot. Especially when you've attracted the interest of Harry Styles, who hides a staggeringly frightening secret.
21.) ROUGE by lourryalrightee
Submissive Louis Tomlinson is a misjudged criminal who is accused of beating his own Dominant until unconciousness. But the truth is not like that. In fact, Louis has been a victim of severe abuse by his Dom, he only fought back to defend his own life. One could imagine how many times the Dom has raped the Sub, how many scars from canes and whips are there to litter across his body, how many times his flesh has been split open, how many nightmares he has endured that leaves him lose all hope in life.
Sent to the BDSM prison for "behavioural correction", Louis meets the warden there, Dominant Harry Styles. Dominant above all Dominants, Harry is cold and harsh on the outside, but secretly a lonely man in the inside.
Louis supposes he could find his solace here in prison, a time for his scars to heal, both physical and mental ones. But what if Harry starts befriending the Sub, seeing through all the false accusations? What if Harry wants to seek justice? Does Louis even want his name cleared anyways? But the most important question is,
Will Harry be able to give Louis the love he deserves?
If only Louis could tell him the truth.
20.) Now In A Minute by @avocadolouie
13 feels like yesterday for many people, but for Louis it actually was.
More than anything in the world, Louis Tomlinson dreams of growing up. Simply skipping over all of the awkward, embarrassing years of teenage existence and getting on with life. Real life.
So when thirteen-year-old Louis wakes up in the body of his thirty-year-old self, he expected everything in his adult life to be picture perfect. And maybe it is. He has it all…or so it seems.
Except his favorite person and lifelong best mate, Harry Styles, is totally missing from the equation and Louis doesn’t understand why. He has a lot of catching up to do and as adult life turns out to be more than what he bargained for, Louis can’t help wondering why a life that seemed so perfect, feels so empty.
Or the 13 going on 30 au that should have been done years ago.
19.) Wild Love by purpledaisy
“Good,” Julia says, clearly pleased to have them both uncomfortable and unable to look at each other. “Now, I only have one more question before you can go. What are you planning to do when this experiment ruins your friendship?”
“We said we’d stay friends no matter what,” Harry says smoothly, his chin lifting in defense.
“That was our one thing going into it,” Louis agrees. “Stay friends no matter what.”
Julia raises a perfectly manicured brow, “That’s all fine and good. But I hope you realize your emotions aren’t going to realize this is an experiment in the end. If one of you falls for the other and finds out those feelings are not reciprocated, you’re not going to be able to laugh it off as a social experiment. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do this, I’m just hoping you’ve considered all of the possible outcomes.”
- AU: Two best friends try to date each other for forty days. It's supposed to be fun until emotions make it complicated.
18.) Take Our Bodies Higher by @littlelouishiccups
Harry wasn’t often caught off guard at his job anymore. He called different men Sir, Master, or Daddy for work almost every week, but he’d never been told he was a good boy in a voice quite like that.
In which Harry is a phone sex operator and Louis dials a wrong number.
17.) You Got That Somethin’ by @styleandsin
“How are you? Having a good time? Got a couple of beers in? What are those?” Louis hears him ask in quick succession, the loudness of the microphone making him jump even though the screams around him have yet to cease.
“It’s vodka,” Louis says, slightly unsure.
“Vodka! Oh, straight?” Harry asks, louder this time and with a growing smile.
Phoebe and Daisy have turned around to face him, huge smiles on their faces.
Fuck, this man is really going to be the death of Louis. He can physically feel his brain struggling to make his body cooperate and answer the question. He is so gay.
“No, gay!” He shouts, immediately getting an elbow to the side by his sister.
Or, the one where Louis attends a Harry Styles concert and makes an absolute fool of himself.
16.) The Road Less Travelled By by @freetheankles
Louis was a lumberjack happy to be living his life alone in what could qualify as Middle Of Nowhere, Canada.
Every morning, he went out into the woods, cut his logs, then came home at dusk to a scalding hot shower and a good book by the fireplace. Rinse and Repeat. He had a good life, quiet and peaceful; simple. Not a secluded one as Niall annoyingly claimed.
Louis certainly didn't need some chatty trespasser dropping into his life, his forest, his home. Invading his space, his circle of friends, touching his stuff, asking questions about his husband. His late husband.
A trespasser who wasn’t supposed to crawl under his skin, occupy his thoughts, and steal his heart from where Louis had locked it safely away, only to put it right back on Louis’ sleeve — where it once laid.
No, Louis definitely didn’t need Harry.
15.) Dirty secret by iilarryii
"Dad, you can't go!" Louis yells to his father as he watches him pull out his sword.
"Louis, you know that I have to. It's the pack leaders orders," Dan says calmly. "I need you to promise me that you'll take care of the family if I die."
"So what? You'll just give up?"
"Of course not. I am just willing to die for my family's safety."
"So am I."
The Zoely pack is attacked by rogue alphas and the pack leader orders all alphas over the age of eighteen to protect their pack. Dan Deakin is one of the strongest alphas in the pack, but there is one problem. He has a wife and six kids to feed and look after. Louis is the oldest child and the one who wants to protect their family.
Or a Mulan AU where Louis is an omega who takes his father's place in the war.
14.) Breathe Me by eternalxrry
Omega Louis thinks he's worthless, after being told thousands of times a day, he finally starts to believe the bullies. But no one is there to protect him, until Harry and his pack move to Louis' hometown. Will Harry protect Louis? Or is it all too good to be true.
13.) The Second Hand Unwinds by @fullonlarrie
Louis Tomlinson is one of the first members of NASA's top secret Chrono Exploration Program. When things go wrong and he's sent further back in time than planned, he has no other option than to show up on his ex-boyfriend's doorstep.
12.) won’t you wear my watermark by @bottomlinsons
The new Earl of Harrisson is a young man, an impulsive romantic, forced to shoulder too much responsibility far too soon. He is also Louis’ soulmate, but there’s nothing to be done about that. At least, as far as Louis is concerned.
The Earl, it seems, will take some convincing.
(A slow burn Regency AU featuring secrets, seduction and, our favourite, soulmarks.)
11.) That’s How I Know by @allwaswell16
Louis Tomlinson has just landed his dream job, coaching soccer at Augustus University. When he moves into a new house near campus, he meets his very fit new neighbor, English professor Harry Styles. Although their first meeting leads to an instant mutual dislike, the more Harry gets to know Louis, the more he likes what he sees.
Or the one where Harry’s African grey parrot spills his dirty secrets to his very hot neighbor.
10.) I Didn’t Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me) by @allwaswell16
These days Louis tends to steer clear of dating alphas. He’s dated too many knotheads in his time, and he’s ready to just focus on school and his friends and his pet monitor lizard, of course.
Too bad the alpha next door won’t take a hint and stop using the worst pick up lines of all time on him. He’s really got to stop laughing with him--and talking to him and walking to class with him and letting him bring him coffee and tea and gifts for his lizard and watching Netflix together and...
9.) Have Faith In Me by stylinsoncity 
As the son of Anne Styles, millionaire owner of one of the world's most luxurious fashion labels, Harry has spent his last seventeen years living in carefree extravagance. And now he's grown tired of it, along with the pressure from his mum to follow in her footsteps and the constant care given to him by her past assistants.
When his mum's newest assistant, Louis, moves into the guesthouse, Harry determines to be treated differently. To be treated like an adult. Except Louis is not at all what Harry was expecting...
This is a story about growing up, growing in love and having the faith to make it last.
8.) falling into you by stylinsoncity
In the grand scheme of adolescence and boyhood, Harry was still working himself out, so far with little luck. But four things he could say for certain: 1) he'd been at the top of his class all through primary and secondary school, 2) he was the shittiest alpha to ever walk the earth, 3) Liam Payne never let him forget it, and 4) he’d been in love with this boy, Louis Tomlinson, ever since he was fifteen years old.
7.) Blue Ice by @larriegal
"Don't ever try to get near me! I don't wanna see you." Harry had slurred in his face looking him in the eye.
"I-I don't understand..." Louis managed to say his voice low, pushing a little from the wall holding his left arm with his right hand.
"What don't you understand? I. DON'T. WANT. YOU!" Harry said again pointing at him, while making his way to the living room, Louis following him in horror.
"Why are you being like this?" Louis managed to get out, though he felt like being ripped to pieces.
"You really thought I love you?! You must be really fucking stupid! Who could even love you?"
An AU where Louis finds himself in a marriage he didn't bargain for.
6.) If Anyone Knew by @marastarfar
Harry’s a young alpha who’s strangely gentle. Louis’ an omega who’s strangely protective. Being the only ones in the band who aren’t betas they automatically empathise with each other and decide that it’s their job to look after each other.
Or Harry and Louis through the early One Direction years in an a/b/o universe.
5.) Worth Dying For by whoknows
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Louis says, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. In the center of the table, a set of three glossy photos stares up at him, mocking him.
“A security detail is non-negotiable, Louis, you know this,” his mum reminds him, tapping the middle photo with two fingers.
Louis doesn’t look back down at the pictures, gesturing towards them wildly, over-dramatically. “This is not a security detail!” he protests. “This is a lanky college student. In what world do you hire someone like this kid to protect me?”
4.) Fucking Animals by @pointerbrotherblog
“Just, off the record,” she says, voice lower, eyes sharper, crook of her mouth quirking up a little, “don’t you ever miss it? A good knot? You must.”
Louis blinks and then swallows, thickly. “No,” he exclaims, offended that she’d even ask, “I love my husband. And anyway, how could I miss something I’ve never had?”
Louis is the frontman of an equal rights-movement, author of a book about beta-omega marriage and the struggles of being born and boxed into a personality you don't necessarily feel you fit. The notion that an omega must want to be with an alpha or else he or she's just settling for less, is bullshit.
But, fucking hell.
3.) the impossible now by stylinsoncity
A wish on Christmas Eve sends Louis to an alternate dimension where Harry is a member of One Direction.
2.) Where You Lay by @ham-palpert
When Louis's upcoming heat threatens his success at his new dream job, he asks the best (and only) person he can think of to help him through it: his best mates' best mate, Harry Styles. Harry reluctantly accepts, and together the two navigate a strange friends with benefits relationship that quickly turns complicated.
1.) For As Long As I Can Remember (It’s Been December) by @greenfeelings
After recovering from a severe accident that causes Harry to lose his memory of three years, he moves to London to start his life over as a star chef. Little does he know that when he falls in love with Louis at first sight, it’s not the first time they meet.
Featuring an unintentional game of hot and cold, Harry chasing memories that won’t come back, Louis burying himself in work to try and forget what he can’t forget, Liam being torn between two of his best friends, Zayn as a moral compass and Niall saving the day with good music and brutal honesty.
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daydream-hobii · 6 years
Shelter of Hope | Chapter 21
Genre: Poly!AU; Hybrid!AU; Fluff; Angst
Pairing: Hybrid BTS x Female!Reader; Human!Reader, Human!Namjoon, White Persian Cat!Seokjin, Siamese Cat!Yoongi, Border Collie!Hoseok, Calico Cat!Jimin, Australian Shepherd!Taehyung, Siberian Husky!Jungkook
Summary: Y/N and her husband Namjoon are the proud owners of a hybrid shelter, protecting and saving as many hybrids as they can. They have a couple of their own, a cat and dog hybrid, whom they love with all their hearts. In the shelter, they gain some hybrids with trauma filled pasts, and one particular one who no one seems to want. What will happen when their little family of four turns to eight?
Warning: Mentions of Abuse, Sexual Assault, Depression, Anxiety; Suggestions of Smut; Read with caution <3 
Word Count: 1,409
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9 // Chapter 10 // Chapter 11 // Chapter 12 // Chapter 13 // Chapter 13.5: BONUS // Chapter 14 // Chapter 15 // Chapter 16 // Chapter 17 // Chapter 18 // Chapter 19 // Chapter 20 // Chapter 22 // Chapter 23 // Chapter 24 // Chapter 25 [FINAL] //
Author’s Note: Welcome to Chapter 21! Please let me know what you think of this chapter, I love getting feedback! I hope you enjoyed it!!! ^_^ 
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           After the rest of the day of adopting out hybrids, gaining donations, and trying to figure out how much the Shelter owed, the day had come to an end. It was closing in on eleven pm, and I felt more tired and emotional then I had all day. We adopted out so many hybrids today, and it gave me slight hope, but the bank refused to move the date or listen to my pleading.
           When we came back home, Jin practically had to carry me inside. When we reached the front door, I walked in, eyes drooping. Namjoon sat on the couch, Taehyung snuggled into him and Yoongi and Hoseok on the other side. I felt my heart swell as I looked at them, but when they saw me, my anger grew once more. I turned away, trying to leave, but Jungkook wrapped his arms around my waist, dragging me to the living room to sit in an armchair. It wasn’t that hard, I was exhausted and couldn’t really fight back.
           “You said you’d talk to them tonight,” Jin said, eyeing me.
           “I said maybe,” I mumbled, leaning back and closing my eyes.
           “How did today go, Yeobo?” Namjoon asked. I pulled my lips between my teeth, shaking my head as Jimin whimpered.
           “A lot of hybrids got adopted today,” Jungkook said, making me open my eyes and look. “Y/N had the great idea of sending the workers with a few hybrids each and going to different places. Each person came back maybe three times each!”
           “Yeah! Y/N also was able to figure out how much we owed! We may be able to save it, we got a lot of donators too!” Jimin exclaimed. Namjoon looked at me, going a bit pale. He knew exactly what I knew.
           “That’s good news,” Yoongi mumbled, not taking his eyes off me.
           “How are you boys feeling?” I asked, my heart sinking to my stomach. “Was your day good?”
           “I feel better, if that’s what you mean,” Namjoon said, nodding. “The pain meds kicked in, but it is pretty sore. These three took great care of me.”
           “Physically, you’re okay,” Taehyung mumbled, making me frown.
           “I think I’m going to bed, I have a lot to think about tomorrow,” I whispered, standing up.
           “You sure? You don’t want to talk about anything else?” Jin asked, making me shake my head.
           “No, I want to go and sleep,” I replied, walking over to the stairs. “Goodnight.”
           I listened to them all mumble a goodnight as I walked up the stairs. I went into my bedroom and changed, going to the bathroom to look in the mirror. I looked practically dead, a redness to my skin, bags under my eyes. My eyes were bloodshot, and just looking at myself made me tear up, a couple tears falling.
           There was a soft knock, but I ignored it. The door opened, and in came Yoongi and Hoseok, who stood behind me, frowning. More tears fell, and I didn’t have the energy to tell them to leave. I covered my face with my hands, letting out a pathetic sob. Two pairs of arms went around me, and I turned around to put my head into there chests. I was hidden in Hoseok’s chest, while Yoongi wrapped his arms around me from my back.
           “We’re going to lose it,” I sobbed, shaking my head.
           “I’m so sorry, Jagi,” Hoseok mumbled. “We didn’t want this to happen.”
           “I know, I’m sorry for pushing you away,” I whispered. Hoseok picked me up, making Yoongi wide eyed as he walked me over to the bed, setting me down in the middle. He crawled in, Yoongi quickly coming to my other side, letting me be in the middle.
           “We love you so much,” Yoongi whispered, making me frown.
           “I love you guys too,” I replied, staring at the ceiling. “I’m sorry for acting the way I did…. I was just so hurt.”
           “You had every right to be,” Hoseok replied, laying on his side and putting his hand on my opposite hip.
           “Those poor hybrids… how could the bank just sell it to him?” I asked, furrowing my brow.
           “Money,” Yoongi said, curling into my side and laying his head on my shoulder, tail going around my waist.
           “It’s so stupid,” I whispered, shaking my head.
           “You remember when we first met Namjoon?” Yoongi asked, making Hoseok move his head to the side, curiously. “How I didn’t like him at all, as he was taking you away?”
           “Of course I remember,” I said, looking at him. “How could I forget?”
           “You didn’t give up,” Yoongi replied, giving a small smile. “Or the time we met Taehyung for the first time? How he would just sit in a corner and scream?”
           “He just needed some time,” I said.
           “You didn’t give up with that either,” Yoongi repeated, making me frown.
           “How about when I wasn’t adoptable?” Hoseok asked, laying onto his stomach, propping himself up using his elbows. “How the others bullied me? Or when Jin came, and you stood up to those owners?”
           “Or when you fought Jimin and Jungkook’s owner?” Yoongi replied.
           “Okay, okay, I get it…” I said, rolling my eyes. “You’re both pretty convincing.”
           “We’re Alphas, we have to be,” Hoseok said, licking my neck.
           “We just want our Alpha back,” Yoongi mumbled, leaning up to peck my lips. I sighed, nodding. They were right, I had to be stronger now, for the others.
           “Alright,” I said, nodding. “You’re both right. I need to buck up, save the shelter.”
           “We’ll all pitch in,” Hoseok said, tail wagging fast.
           “Does this mean we’re okay?” Yoongi asked. I couldn’t help but chuckle, leaning over and kissing his lips, before doing the same thing to Hoseok.
           “Of course we’re okay,” I replied, sighing and closing my eyes.
           “What about Joonie and Tae?” Hoseok asked, whining a little.
           “I’ll talk to them tomorrow,” I mumbled, sleep already engulfing me. “I need to sleep.”
           “I won’t argue that,” Yoongi replied, beginning to purr as I rubbed his back.
           “Night boys, we’ll try again in the morning.”
           The next morning, I woke up first. I was in a tangle of legs and arms and shimmied my way out from in between the two alphas. They seemed to immediately cling to each for warmth, and I giggled softly. My mood had done a 360, and I felt great. I got changed, running down the stairs. Namjoon, Jin, and Taehyung were the only ones there, all of them chatting quietly.
           I ran over to Namjoon, wrapping my arms gently around his waist, causing him to almost choke on his coffee in surprise. I gulped, feeling a bit embarrassed, but I pushed that away, continuing to hug him.
           “I just wanted to say I’m sorry I was so passive aggressive towards you, you didn’t deserve that,” I said, pulling away and looking at him. “I was hurt and angry, and I know I had every right to be, but I miss you both and I’m sorry for the things I did.”
           “Yeobo,” Namjoon said, giving a small smile. “It’s okay. Listen to me, I’m so sorry I hid it from you, I should’ve told you as soon as the bank called, I was just so worried you’d be scared and nervous. I hate seeing you like that, and I had hoped to fix it before it became a real issue….”
           “I know baby, I forgive you,” I said, smiling softly. I got onto my tip toes, kissing him gently on the lips. I pulled away, turning to Taehyung whose tail was wagging fast. I hugged him a little harder than Namjoon, and Taehyung let out a choked sound of excitement and happiness, making me giggle softly.
           “God, I missed your kisses,” Namjoon said, making Jin laugh out loud.
           “I missed your hugs!” Taehyung exclaimed. “I’m sorry, Jagiya.”
           “It’s okay, Tae,” I replied, kissing his chest before standing back. “I’m sorry too.”
           “Are we all okay?” Jungkook asked, entering the room.
           “Yeah, we all kissed and made up,” Namjoon said, grabbing my hand and bringing me over, kissing my lips again.
           “Hell yeah!” Jungkook said, clapping. I pulled away, becoming very serious.
           “Alright, boys. Tae, go wake up Yoongi and Hoseok. Jungkook, grab Jimin,” I said, pulling my lips between my teeth.
           “We have a Shelter to save today,” Namjoon said. Today’s the last day, we need a plan.
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screamfairy1996 · 5 years
Saying Goodbye to My Angel.
Axel woke up from yet another nightmare where Roxas blamed him for his death and screamed that Hikari doesn`t deserve a coward like him as a father. Roxas asked where was he when that monster cut and fucked him so much he bled. Roxas in the dream said he should have left him when he had a chance. Roxas screamed that he hated Axel and that he deserved better than be with a shitty Alpha. Axel rubbed his red eyes and merely huddled under the blankets. Then suddenly, the baby monitor . Axel sighed .Their nine month old daughter is crying again. She must be hungry or needs changing again.
He walked out of his room and walked to Hikari's nursery to hear his little girl crying and wailing in her crib, the nine month old was crying at the top of her lungs and flinging her arms everywhere. Axel walked over bent down picking her up and began rocking her gently. Axel picks up the the formula and placed near her lips. Hikari sucked on the bottle for a minute before pulling back and spitting on Axel`s face. She cried out loudly. Axel sighed in frustration. His face was covered in milk, some even got in his mouth. Axel spits out the bitter taste. Now He knows how Hikari felt when tasting the formula.  He sniffs her for odor. Nothing. He checked her diaper and she was clean. So why was Hikari crying.  “Oh.” Axel thought. She`s sick with a stomach flu and needs the medicine the doctor prescribed him.  Axel carried the screaming baby to the kitchen. He placed her on the rocker while preparing for her medicine.  Hikari calms down while the rocker moves slowly in a rhythm that made the baby stop crying instantly. It took Axel to find the medicine. He picks up Hikari again and placed her on the high chair.  Axel then placed a bib on her, knowing Hikari could vomit anytime. Axel opens the bottle and pours the liquid into the dispenser. Axel then placed the dispenser near the baby`s mouth. Hikari coughs for a bit before swallowing the bitter taste. “Good girl.” Axel cooed. He gets up to cabinet to look for baby food. He finds the Gerber sweet potato and moves to fridge where a warm bottle of milk reside. He prepares the two items and placed them on the table. Axel grabs a spoon and begin to feed Hikari. Hikari absolutely loved sweet potato, so it wasn`t a problem for Axel. Once he`s done feeding his daughter, He gives Hikari the bottle and much to his surprise, She actually takes it from him. Axel smiled sadly. She has no idea, that her mama is gone and he knows she`ll ask questions about him when she gets older. Axel fights off tears as he picks up Hikari and grabs a rag to put it on his shoulder, Axel pats Hikari`s back for a few seconds before she burps and pukes on the rag. Axel then spends the rest of the morning, eating breakfast, changing Hikari`s diaper, and getting ready for the funeral. Axel was dressed in his suit while Hikari was wearing a black dress and shoes. Axel stares at himself in the mirror. Reno should be here by now. A car`s honk confirms it. Axel sighs before grabbing Hikari and her diaper bag and leaving the house. But not before, locking the house.
One hour later.
The church where the funeral was taking place, was rather grim and dark. Rather fitting to this sad day. Axel sat in the couch, watching his friends. Xion and Sora were crying together, holding one and another, while Riku and Kairi watched in sadness. Demyx,  Larxene,Reno,Rude,and even ole Xigbar was here. Three of Roxas`s high school friends were here as well, but of course, his own family didn't`t showed up. They didn`t even called when Roxas went missing or fly over to identify the body. Axel noticed Saix leaning to the door. They haven`t talk much since Axel graduated and moved to Japan with Roxas. They kinda drifted apart by the time Axel got together with Roxas. “What`s he doing here?” Axel thought as he watched Saix talked to Xemnas. “Great, He bought Mansex here, too.” He groaned in his mind. Axel sighed, bouncing Hikari who was chewing her toy.  The parishioner opens the doors and come in. “Casket`s ready for viewer.” Axel`s tears came back and the crowd allows father and daughter to walk toward the casket which laid Roxas. A large portrait of Roxas stood next to the casket.  Axel looked at the open casket. Roxas was dressed in formal wear. His face was still adorned with bruises but he still looked beautiful to Axel. “Angel.” Axel whimpered sadly. He clutched Hikari tighter. He fell on his knees and caressed Roxas`s cold face. “Roxas.... my....angel..... Sometimes I just wish you were here so I could tell you how much I need you and how hard every day has been without you.  It hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can't live without you.  As I go on living without you, I go on without a huge piece of myself.  All I know is that I'm lost without you. Counting the seconds until we’re together again, doesn’t heal my loneliness. I miss you so much Angel.  You were the one I loved. I miss you.” Axel broke down crying, holding Hikari. “Hikari missed you so much.  She`s crying for you. Why? Why did you leave her? Hikari loved you.... Hikari needed you.  She was crying all the time and she got so sick. I didn`t know what to do.” Axel cried. Hikari babbled something.  “We missed you already. We love you so much.” Axel gets up and tells Hikari. “Say goodbye to Mommy. Mommy`s with the angels now.” Hikari touched Roxas`s face and cooed. Axel sniffed and choked on his sobs as he sits down with Hikari, sobbing but before giving Roxas a loving kiss on his lips. Axel held Hikari tighter and cried so much tears while his friends went to pay the respect.  A few minutes passed and soon everyone is seated while the priest comes to the microphone and tap the microphone. “Today, We have gathered today for the life of Roxas McCartney. A young life brutally torn apart by depravity, by cowardice, by lack of regard.  This boy has left behind a mate and a child who`s not even a year old.  His mate and the father of their daughter. Axel Flynn is here to give his eulogy along with Roxas`s two childhood friends, Sora and Xion.  The three with Hikari in Axel`s arms come up and to the podium. Axel and Hikari.
Axel took a deep breath. “Thank you all for coming. It`s nice to see familiar faces. Axel looked at Saix. “I first met Roxas back in his final year of middle school. He was so shy and when I first saw him, He was this angel and he was so beautiful.  I walked to him and said. “Name`s Axel. Got it memorized?” Weak chuckles filled the room. “We became best friends and I looked after him and Xion like they`re were my siblings. Eventually, our friendship got stronger over time and I fell in love with him. I confessed after a few months of knowing each other and He returned. Then, after another few months of dating , I was about to graduate early and Roxas was in his freshman year. We got a little too closer and Roxas eventually got pregnant with our princess. He thought I would leave him once I finished school but I never wanted to leave him. And to be honest, I was terrified.  I was turning 17 and was gonna be a dad. But I`d never run out on my Roxy.  Roxas then made the choice to drop out just so he could be a full time mom to our sea salt.  He was a great mom. We made the decision to move to Japan to give our daughter the life she deserves. Not that helped Roxas.” Axel mumbled bitterly.  He kissed the top of Hikari`s head. “We were great parents . We love our baby girl very much. We endured sleepless nights to care of this princess.  When Roxas first went missing,  My heart were torn, I was so scared for my angel. God knows my angel didn`t deserve any bad thing. He was the sweetest and purest boy and my beloved soulmate. Roxas, I`m so sorry, I failed you. I looked everywhere for you and I failed as a protector.  I wish you knew how much it destroyed me when you died and left me and Hikari behind. Yes, I am thinking about you right now and I miss you so much.  Imagining a life without you is something that is impossible, you make me complete and I want you to know you mean everything to me. I hope that one day that I can live happy again with Hikari but right now, I can`t. Do you know something else?  The saddest part in life is saying goodbye to someone you wish to spend your lifetime with. I wanted to ask you to marry me and expand our family but our dreams and hopes have been crushed. It hurts when you have someone in your heart, but you can't have them in your arms. Letting you go wasn't the hardest part. Still loving you afterwards was. I love you, Roxas. My beloved angel.  I just close my eyes because I might see your face. I just close my mouth because I might hear your voice. I just close my ears because I might hear of you, but I could not close my heart because I love you. My Roxy. Me and Hikari love you so much. Axel cried softy as he step down and Xion joins in with tissues in her hand.
“Roxas and I have been friends since we were little. We looked after each other and supported one and another. I was happy for him and Axel. I love their daughter Hikari. Roxas was a good mommy to her. He always put her needs above his own. Roxas was a sweetest and kind boy who always smiles.  Roxas was a great friend. A strong and loving person, real, bold, compassionate ,generous, sweet, gentle and exceedingly affectionate because he cared. A loyal friend and great listener. He`s forgiving and sees the good in everyone. Roxas, I love you like a brother. You`re my big brother. You were a good mother to my niece and she`s is so lucky to have you as her mother.  I`ve had such a good time with Roxas. We defended each other from bullies and I went out of my way to kick some jerk who was making comments about him. Roxas,   Only a true friend would be that truly honest and that`s you. I love you. I miss you.” Xion broke down in sobs and Axel leads her, comforting each other. Sora takes a deep breath and went to the microphone.
“I met Roxas when we were only little kids. I was a brother to him. I did everything I`ve could to get the bullies off his back but they always persist and  One even called me “A Knucklehead McSpazatron.”  Riku and Kairi shakes their heads at Sora`s statement, laughing. “Roxas always forgives his bullies and always stood up for me. He even let me babysit Hikari who adores her Uncle Sora.” Sora fights back sobs. “I miss you so, baby brother and I`ll look after Hikari and Axel for you, I promise and I love you.” Sora got down. He then breaks down crying and Riku and Kairi rushes to comfort him.
After the priest`s speech. The casket was closed, much to Axel`s discomfort.  The priest called for the pallbearers to come and take the casket to the cemetery. Axel was surprised to Saix getting up and assisting. The crowd walked slowly in a gloomy and cloudy day. There were tears, crying,and pure silence. Few of the guests held doves in their hands.  They stopped at he burial site. The coffin was lowered in the hole while Axel cried ,tears to pain. Axel hands Hikari to Xion before collapsing in his knees and went full on sobbing. “Roxas....my....angel.” Axel stuttered in great pain. He hears someone knelt beside him and laid a hand on his back. Axel lifts up to see Saix looking at him with great sympathy and pity. Axel weakly looked at him with a broken look before returning to crying again. The doves were released and flow over the cemetery. In the gravestone, read “Roxas McCartney. Beloved son, friend,brother, and mother. May you always be in our hearts.”  Axel got up after crying his pain out. A hour has passed and the crowd looked the coffin with great sadness. Saix kept a eye on Axel. He noticed someone and growls with anger. “What are you doing here?” He demanded.
Chase comes in, hands in his pocket. “Just heard happened to Roxas. Such a shame.” Chase sighed. Axel didn`t even notice Chase. He was staring off into space.
“Explain yourself.” Saix demanded, baring his teeth.
Reno jumps in, glaring at Chase. “This asshole is on a trip. I told him to stay the hell away from Axel or else, there will be hell to pay.”
“You`re a piece of work, you know that, Chase? Showing up on the worst time.” Rude said.
“So this is the dude that gave Roxas and Xion a hard time during high school?” Xigbar asked.
“Yeah, A perverted scumbag who invades girls’ privacy. He tried to sneak in the girls` locker room many times.” Kairi said.
“Thinks Omegas are lesser beings.” Riku seethed.
“Peeked at me, undressing and tried to feel me under my skirt.” Xion shuddered.
“Spread rumors about Roxas sleeping with other guys behind Axel`s back and told everyone he`s the school`s whore and slut shamed him on the internet.” Sora spats out. “He`s the reason, Roxas and Xion are being called sluts at school. He`s the reason, that Roxas dropped out of school, when he got pregnant because Chase was getting too violent.” Sora added.
“Why are you even here?” Saix demanded at Chase who shrugged.
“I heard Axel made a mistake of leaving poor Roxas all alone with no backup.” Chase said.
“Chase, don`t do this.” Sora pleaded.
“He left him all alone while him and the bastard kid of theirs went for a nice walk while Roxas was being kidnapped. Who knows. Maybe He left to strip naked for money.’” Chase laughed,
“It`s not funny,” Xion scolded.
“Axel, are you sure, she`s yours. Roxas could have slept with anyone before you.”
Axel growls. “You watch your mouth.’‘
“That little breeder whore probably went to you after the deadbeat father ran out on him. Are you even sure, she`s yours? Axel was probably not the first guy, he screwed. That little bastard-” Chase was cut off by Axel running to him and punching him so hard . Saix didn`t even try to stop Axel.
‘‘Hey, Saix, tell that bitch to cool his jets.” Chase said, holding his bruised jaw.
Saix could`t take Chase`s degrading bullshit anymore and went to him. “ You're a fucking lying son of a bitch, Chase, all right? And I fucking hope you go to hell.” Saix glared.
“Don`t make this worse, Saix.” Xion pleaded.
Shut the fuck up, Xion, you fucking stupid slutty skunk cunt!” Chase taunted.
“Get out of here, Chase, you`re out of control.” Sora butts.
Chase turns around to face Sora. SHUT THE FUCK UP, SORA!!! You whore! Fucking skinny, dick-sucking omega whore!!!!  You`re annoying, you know that? I really do. Because all you do is fucking prance around school with that hot chick Kairi and bragged about that useless ruffian. I`LL TELL YOU, WHAT!!!! All you`ve done is be super annoying to everyone and always follow Riku around like a fucking dog!! Riku doesn`t want to be with a slut like you. Sora turns his head down. “YEAH!!!’’ Chase finished.
The crowd stood there in silence.
Chase looked at Axel who was glaring at him with such hate. “You know, speaking of rumors. I heard this red trash no good Alpha dick Axel falsely accuse two dumb asses Drew Rodgers and Floyd Wilson and kicked their asses. Then the wimpy little slut Roxas then bitched at him. You think Axel is a good mate?” Chase sneered. The crowd glared at Chase’s obnoxious behavior. Chase then continues. “Then, That day, He got poor little Roxas brutally killed by letting that man sneak into his house.” Chase’s voice gets louder. “Axel got his mate killed. He killed Roxas.”
“Shut up, Chase.” Demyx muttered
“He got Roxas killed. He killed Roxas.” Chase continues.
“Chase, Shut up.” Demyx repeated
“Axel got Roxas killed. He killed Roxas.” Chase repeats
“Come on,  Chase. Shut up!!” Reno yelled.
“AXEL GOT ROXAS KILLED. HE KILLED ROXAS!!!!” Chase starts yelling.
“Stop it, Chase!!” Xion cried.
Chase just repeated which made Axel angrier and heavy breathed.
“You can`t talk about people like that, Chase,” Sora scolded.
Chase just saying it.
SHUT THE FUCK UP, CHASE, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!” Saix exploded, slamming his fist into the wall.
Axel advances on Chase and started to beat the fucker up. Axel kept punching Chase out of anger. Soon, Saix, Riku. Reno, Rude, and Demyx went over to pull the angry Alpha off the scumbag. “SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!!! YOU DON`T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!!!” Axel screamed in rage. “ YOU DON`T KNOW ANYTHING!!!! YOU DON`T CARE...’’ Axel stopped and panted heavily.
Security comes in after hearing the commotion. Riku explains the situation to them from which the guards take Chase away.  Xion went to tend to Axel while the crowd tries to settle the tensions. Soon they proceed to watch the hole while the song in the radio held by Demyx, starts.
I always needed time on my own I never thought I'd Need you there when I cry And the days feel like years when I'm alone And the bed where you lie Is made up on your side When you walk away I count the steps that you take Do you see how much I need you right now? When you're gone The pieces of my heart are missin' you When you're gone The face I came to know is missin', too When you're gone The words I need to hear To always get me through the day And make it okay I miss you I've never felt this way before Everything that I do Reminds me of you And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor And they smell just like you I love the things that you do When you walk away I count the steps that you take Do you see how much I need you right now? When you're gone The pieces of my heart are missin' you When you're gone The face I came to know is missin', too When you're gone The words I need to hear To always get me through the day And make it okay I miss you We were made for each other Out here forever I know we were Yeah, yeah And all I ever wanted was for you to know Everything I do, I give my heart and soul I can hardly breathe; I need to feel you here with me Yeah When you're gone The pieces of my heart are missin' you When you're gone The face I came to know is missin', too When you're gone The words I need to hear Will always get me through the day And make it okay I miss you
“I miss you so much.” Axel whimpered,watching the hole being covered by dirt. Soon, the crowd leaves, expressing their sympathies and condolences to Axel and Hikari. Ezra once texted Axel that while he is unable to join them. Him and his family express their deepest apologies and wishes him and Hikari the best of luck. Soon Xion and Sora stayed behind to stare at the gravestone with Axel.
One Month Later.
Axel sat on the couch with Hikari in his lap in his new home. He didn`t want to leave the old one but it hold too many memories, not to mention, that place is where Roxas was kidnapped. His friends pleaded him to start fresh but Axel soon cut off contact again. None of them ever really understood on what`s he been through. Axel`s entire well being was extremely pale and ghost like. Axel sniffs and picks up a picture frame of Roxas from the glass table. He stares at it. Hikari who just learned to walk on her own, noticed the picture. “Mama?” She babbled. Axel`s breath hitches upon hearing Hikari hearing her first word. ‘What?” Axel asked his daughter., The baby babbled once again, “Mama?” Axel gritted his teeth. He can`t do this anymore. All this pain and agony. It`s too much for him to bear. Maybe Hikari`s better off without him. He can`t get her to stop crying. She`s been fussy and won`t take formula. Axel lost count on how many days he missed sleep. His eyes were bloodshot red. Axel gets up and rocks Hikari to sleep as he walked back to her room. He places Hikari in her crib,tucks her in, and gives her a kiss goodnight on her forehead. He walks to the bathroom, he sat on the floor. Axel finally cracked. Just lying on the floor, crying and wishing that Roxas would came back. He hugged Roxas`s old shirts in fear for living all his life without Roxas. His only love. Then a thought came. He wouldn`t have to go through this. He`d never suffer again. Hikari won`t have to put up with a coward like him.  He could be with his angel again.  Axel got up to punch the mirror to which it shatters. He grabs a pill bottle for antidepressants and gets five pills. Axel picks up a broken shard. Axel then sits on the bathtub.  He swallows the five pills. Axel then placed the shard near his left wrist,  He dragged the shard quickly across his wrist and arm leaving a deep, crimson line in his skin. Axel didn't even flinch as the blood began to stream out of the cut, dripping down his hand. He did the same process to his arm. Soon the bathtub was covered with blood, but Axel was smiling. He was gonna see Roxas again. “I`ll see you, soon. My Love.” Axel thought before he drifted into the tub.......
Saix walks toward the dark street all alone. Axel hasn`t been responding to anyone`s calls. He hadn`t seen him since the funeral. He soon finds the place and uses the spare key, Reno handed him in hopes He can get to Axel. “Axel?” He called. He looked around the dark room, hoping to find him. He goes upstairs. “Axel!” Saix called through the hallway. Nothing. He sees a light in the room. He opens the door sightly to see Hikari sleeping in her crib.  Saix then noticed the bathroom door open ajar and He went to check on it.  For a moment Saix froze up, eyes wide and in horror as He sees Axel lying on his tub and in his hands was a small, bloodstained broken shard. He runs to his friend, checking for a pulse. It was weak but normal. Saix noticed a pill bottle lying on the floor. “Axel, what have you done?” Saix thought as he grabbed towels to apply pressure to Axel`s wounds and called 911. Axel was getting pale. He opens his eyes to see Saix through his blurry vision. “Since when did he care?” Axel thought as he drifted into sleep.....
Axel later woke up in a hospital.  
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blog-sliverofjade · 5 years
Omega Protocol 22: Teeth
Summary: In the mid-21st century, the elite decided to cement society’s strata into our DNA, creating a genetic caste system. One of the early Omegas is cryogenically frozen and forgotten. Revived nearly two centuries later, she has no idea what she has become and has to navigate a strange new world while surrounded by Alphas, whatever those are.
Leading the military arm of his people in exile on a dangerous planet is no easy feat for Captain Niklaus Reed.  He has to build and secure a settlement against megafauna straight out of the Ice Age before families start arriving on the distant planet.  When an Omega is found in an old research base, things become… complicated.
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16  Chapter 17Chapter 18  Chapter 19  Chapter 20 Chapter 21  Chapter 23
Word Count: 1.2k
Rape and assault warnings
“Most species bare their teeth in threat, aggression, or dominance.  The display is a reminder that they can rip open a soft throat.  This behaviour presents in so-called ‘altered humans.’  Do not make the mistake that simply because the teeth are shown and the lips stretched wide it is a smile, especially if the one in question is an Alpha.”
-Excerpt from “Behaviours of Altered Humans” by Constant Baker
          “They’ve most likely got a base in the foothills,” the Captain called out over the noise of gear being checked and either strapped on or stowed in one of the vehicles.  TURDs were rugged, but couldn’t always make it over steep terrain and through narrow ravines so they’d take a couple of the hoverbugs for speed and maneuverability.  Through the feral rage pushing him to get to his Omega as fast as possible, Reed felt pride at the precision speed with which his troops assembled.
          “Don’t know numbers or what kind of heat they got, we’re going in blind.”  With the adrenaline pumping through him, he slipped from the crisp, perfect English he’d picked up when dealing with humans and back into the rough, clipped sentences of the soldier he was at heart.  “This is a volunteer mission.  Anyone wants to back out now, now’s your chance.”  As much as it galled him to add that, he couldn’t force them to follow him into this shitstorm.  No one so much as batted an eye.  A “normal” human might have wondered at the wisdom of sending in an entire squad for one person.  Each individual was vital to their survival, and their instincts wouldn’t let them leave one of their own in danger.
           Barbie’s smirk had a cruel twist to it.
          “Boss, I think I speak for everyone when I say let’s go slice some ‘NADs.”
Observation of the subject is complicated by the interference of her Alpha, who has threatened me in her defense.  At approximately 1400 yesterday, she was abducted by the native nomadic inhabitants.  (Although “native” is relative since they are descendants of the first generation of failed test subjects for the Alpha and Beta Protocols).  Her Alpha is exhibiting feral behaviour, which indicates a mating bond may be possible… unless one of the nomads bonds with her first, of course.
-The rest of Dr. Morrow’s recording consists of sounds of something colliding with flesh and groans before cutting out
          Filthy hands tipped with thick, horny nails dug into the hollows of her hips and tilted her to align the head of his cock with her entrance.  Emma sobbed and wailed as he rammed into her, kicking at him uselessly with her bare feet.  Leaving her no time to adjust or even catch her breath, he slammed into her repeatedly, chasing his own pleasure.  She jerked with each thrust, gasping for air on each withdrawal.  The invasion went on for what felt like hours, pounding her body into the dirt.  She turned her tear-streaked face into her arm and prayed that he wouldn’t knot.
          At first, she couldn’t place the noise, almost like a woodpecker, but once she did she never thought she’d be so glad to hear gunfire.  Her rapist pulled out of her, spun and snarled, snatching up what looked like one of the rifles from base, only clunkier, rougher.  She took the opportunity to curl into a ball.  Each time her captor returned fire, her heart leapt into her throat.  Each blast could mean the death of a friend.  Blood, aggression, and pain drowned out the smells of the forest and the cluster of huts.
          Some time later, she realized over the ringing in her ears that the gunshots had stopped because she could hear the sound of booted feet pounding into the packed dirt.  Peering from behind trembling fingers, she watched the captain bring the butt of his gun down on the head of the strange Alpha.  Each impact she felt vibrate through the ground and into her bones.  Over and over and over again until blood and brains oozed into the dry soil.  She tried to stifle her sobs with her hands, tried to not alert the violent Alpha to her presence.
          He came and stood over her, blood splattered over him in a fine mist.  Indigo eyes glowed with fury and his scent was too similar to the man he’d just killed.  His clothing and weapon were the last vestiges of civilization to him.  Screaming, she scrabbled backward, heedless of the rocks slicing through her soft backside.
          Spinning to face the threat causing his Omega to cower in fear, he found only the bodies of nomads he’d cut through to find her.  He dropping to his knees at her side and buried his face in her neck.  One hand still on his firearm, he pulled her head towards the scent glands in his neck.  Instead of being calmed, she recoiled and beat at him with her bound fists.  Her sweet scent soured and her screams rent the air.  Rearing back, he stared into wide eyes set in a bloodless face.  She was afraid of him?  Footsteps and a familiar scent heralded the arrival of Chimi and Rooster.  Their Beta status was the only thing keeping him from attacking them on sight.
          “Alpha,” Rooster greeted him, lowering his eyes respectively although his attention was on the hysterical female.  “Your Omega’s hurt, can I help?”  He shrugged the medkit off his back, slowing at the warning snarl from his CO.
          “Jefe, you’re covered in blood and scaring the shit out of her,” Ortiz murmured.  After a long, tense moment in which he wondered if Reed was going to attack him, the Alpha stepped back with a warning growl.  The soldiers approached with careful, deliberate motions.  Working seamlessly and quickly, they cut Emma free.  All the while they explained what they were about to do, just loud enough for the other male to hear.  Soon, they had her wrapped in an odour-free blanket and safely cradled in Chimi’s arms.
          The captain wanted to wash away the nomad’s stench from his mate and replace it with his own to remind her and everyone else to whom she belonged.  Yet every time he approached, she cowered from him.  His inner Alpha was going berserk since his mate needed protection and comfort, but refused to accept it from him.  Still, she required help, which was the only thing let him stand aside and watch his subordinate carry his Omega back to the vehicles.  He still wanted to tear his throat out, though.
          Hovering as closely as she allowed, he only came out of the feral haze once she stopped reeking of panic and pain, even though it was only because she passed out.  His inner Alpha still rode him hard, pushing him to scent her despite his mind knowing it would only be another violation.
          The crimson feral mist settled over him again when they barred him from following her into the examination room in medbay.  Hands curling into fists, he cast about for something, someone to punch.  The hallway was silent as he spun, seeing only his soldiers circled around him.  The quietness allowed him to hear someone speaking in one of the offices facing the nurses station where they were gathered.
          “…unless one of the nomads bonds with her first, of course.”  A humourless grin twisted his mouth and he pivoted towards the occupied office.  The wall of people parted to allow him to pass.
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sheoptimist-a · 5 years
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guard elizabeth and councilman bill forbes’ marriage was far from perfect. maybe at some point, the two were really in love with one another. but as years passed and they grey old, they also grew apart. the only thing that kept them together ( other than the fact neither of them were willing to deal with the long process of getting a divorce ) was their daughter, caroline. with sparkling blue eyes, long blonde hair and a captivating smile, she had her parents wrapped around her little finger since she was a baby. sure, she was a handful. little girl from alpha station, who’s parents worked important jobs and spoke to important people, caroline wasn’t exactly the nicest girl on the ark. but she loved with all of her heart and oh how did it hurt when her own parents broke her heart and trust and—well, her.
her life started spiraling out of control when her father began drinking. at first, it was barely noticeable. just an extra tint of pink on his cheeks or a spark on his eyes. but it was quickly replaced by the stench of alcohol that seemed to stick to him like a second skin. his behavior changed, too. the once focused and well-opinionated member of the council turned into a man who arrived late at meetings, tripping over his own feet and nursing a flask without a hint of shame. about a week after this happened for the third time, bill got home and announced he was removed from the council. the very next day, his wife took his spot. 
from then on, it got worse. caroline saw too much of her drunk of a father and too little of her workaholic mother. she threw herself into her studies and spent a lot of time with her friends because being home was simply not an option. by being absent, she didn’t notice her father had developed a new addiction. so when, during a random room sweep, a guard pulled out a bottle of painkillers from under her pillow, caroline couldn’t fathom how it’d ended up there. only that she wasn’t the one who stole and hid it. she kicked and cried as the guards dragged her out of the quarters, screamed that she was innocent and didn’t know how the pills had ended up there, but it was useless. she was thrown into a cell and forced to wait six months for her eighteenth birthday, when she’d put on trail to see if her crime could be pardoned. she knew it wouldn’t. they were floating people for crimes smaller than stealing medication. she’d die in six months because she was guilty. guilty of a crime she didn’t commit. 
what caroline didn’t know was that during the time she spent on her tiny cell, her father - the one who hid the bottle under her pillow - tried to change chancellor jaha’s mind. he hoped he’d be able to sway the man and get him to pardon his daughter on her trail. it worked—sort of. instead of being floated, caroline was sent to the ground with other a hundred young prisoners just two days after bill’s last conversation with jaha.
under the cut, you’ll find more information about caroline, as well as a detailed description of what she’s up to season by season. if you’re someone who’s currently watching or intends to watch the 100 at some point, i suggest that you stop reading here as there are spoilers everywhere lol. but if you wanna risk it, be my guest! <3
𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞: caroline elizabeth forbes
𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: the ark (formely) ; the hundred (formely) ; skaikru (formely) ; spacekru (currently)
𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬: care, blondie, prisoner 307, karoline kom skaikru, karoline kom speiskru
𝐚𝐠𝐞: 17 (s1) ; 18 (s2-4) ;  24 (s5) ; 149 (s6, chronologically)
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: elizabeth ‘liz’ forbes (deceased) & william ‘bill’ forbes (deceased)
𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞: caught with painkillers during a room sweep
𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬: guns, knives, bow and arrow & distraction
𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬: optimistic, hard-working & loyal
𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬: neurotic, controlling, spoiled (mostly in s1!!), & insecure
season one
earth is weird. there are mosquitos and green things everywhere, the sun is too hot but the water on the river near camp is too cold. and not to mention the fact they’re all sleeping on the ground and no one seemed to think about packing some shampoo! so yeah, earth is weird but caroline is sure she can get used to it. but then jasper gets speared and they find out not only they’re not alone, but whoever is out there wants them all dead. she freaks out and wishes there was a way they could all get back to the ark. but there isn’t.
so she has no choice but to learn how to defend herself, be it with a makeshift knife or actual guns. she fights with her fellow delinquents, tries to protect them and herself and the camp but it’s not enough. so when time comes for them to get into the dropship, she obliges without a second thought. they blast off, turn a bunch of grounders into barbecue and she thinks ‘it’s finally over’. but it’s not. the moment they all step outside, smoke bombs are being thrown into their camp. everything is suddenly a pinkish-red and the last thought caroline has before passing out is that she misses the obnoxious amount of green.
additional note: her father volunteers for the culling. it’s his way to make up for what he did to his own daughter.
season two
mount weather is great. it might be because she missed sleeping on an actual bed, eating three solid meals a day and being able to shower properly. caroline likes mount weather but she doesn’t like mount weather’s people - well, some of them are fine. maya is nice and so is the old lady who gave her the last strawberry lemon shortcake during lunch one day. - they look at her funny when she walks past them on the halls and their smiles always seem so fake. still, caroline tries to fit in and get used to living there. 
but then clarke escapes and she’s hurt but can’t bring herself to blame her. so she tries to move on with her life because maybe they can be happy there. harper goes missing four days later and caroline just knows there’s something the wallaces are keeping from them. something important. hell breaks loose a few days later and, before she knows it, she’s chained to a moldy wall and watching as mount weather doctors are drilling her friends to get to their bone marrow. the drilling machine never comes anywhere near her body, but the images of raven strapped down and screaming will forever be seared into her brain. some miracle - aka clarke, bellamy and monty - happens and the people in mount weather are dead and they are free to go home. 
when they finally make to arkadia, caroline reunites with her mother - apparently kane had requested her to stay behind and keep an eye on things - and is engulfed in a bone-crushing hug. they cry and smile and say they’ve missed each other many, many times. it’s all good until caroline asks about her father and liz has to tell him that not only he was the one who hid the painkillers under her pillow, but that he volunteered to the culling. caroline silently cries in her mother’s arms while mumbling ‘i forgive you, daddy’ over and over again.
season three
being treated like a child sucked. even after everything they went through, the adults don’t seem to trust any of the remaining members of the hundred. they boss them around and scoff whenever they try to voice their opinions. caroline manages to tune them out most of the time and focus on learning a bit about medicine and reconnecting with her mother. their relationship is way better than it was when they were in space, however, they still butt heads every now and then, but that’s completely normal when you have caroline forbes for a daughter.
when jaha starts preaching about the city of light, caroline isn’t among the people who buy into it. to her, it screams bullshit and there’s no way in hell she’s accepting the weird chip he seems to never run out of. then people start acting weird and she grows wary; but it’s only when raven stops acting lke raven that she realizes the seriousness of the situation. so she tries her best to help and goes to polis when it’s needed, shooting brainwashed grounders as they barge into the room while clarke is in the city of light. when it’s all over and the people are no longer mumbling about A.L.I.E and the city, caroline take a much needed deep breath to collect herself and starts looking for her mother.
additional notes: she does NOT take the chip. her mother, however, does when jaha threatens to hurt her daughter. caroline is under massive stress during all of this; fretting over her mom’s safety while trying to avoid being chipped.
season four
‘radiation, seriously?!’ is the first thing that comes out of caroline’s mouth when she finds out what A.L.I.E told clarke. but then again, should she even be surprised? ever since they came down, they barely had time to breathe before another bad thing happened. when she hears through the grapevine that jaha might’ve found a bunker that will be able to save them all, she begs clarke to let her go with them. she mumbles something about ‘four people cover more ground then three’ until clarke gives up and lets her join. her hopes are crushed when they make it into the bunker and find thousands of toasted skeletons, but, of course, she tries to hide it. she puts on her best smile and goes back to the camp where she knows her friends and mom will be waiting. when they finally find the right bunker, caroline’s hopes are renewed and she just knows they’ll make through yet another terrible thing tossed their way.
she asks - or rather, demands - clarke and bellamy to let her come with them to rescue raven. caroline had grown to love and admire the mechanic and there was no way she’d leave her behind. john and emori show up not long after and, together and clad in hazmat suits, the five of them leave to find their friend. along the way, monty, harper and echo join them. when clarke announces they’re going to the ark, caroline is shocked. she didn’t think she’d ever go back there, but if that was her only shot at surviving then so be it. she says goodbye to her mom and tries to sound confident and happy even though she’s secretly afraid. she mumbles a heartfelt, ‘ i love you, mom. may we meet again ’ to liz before passing the radio to bellamy so he can say goodbye to octavia; 
caroline stays in becca’s lab to help raven, harper, emori and echo set everything up for their launch. she gets into the ship with her heart racing and palms sweating and as it launches, without clarke inside, caroline is in deep silence just like everyone else. expecting something bad to happen with the hundred year-old rocket or for the death wave to get them. when nothing happens and they’re somewhat safe in space, tears start streaming down caroline’s face as it dawns on her: clarke is dead.
additional notes: back in the bunker, liz joins david miller and writes her daughter’s name in the lottery to make sure she would have two chances of getting her name drawn. however, when unconscious arkadians start to be removed from the bunker by grounders and caroline still hasn’t returned, kane decides to give her spot to liz.  
season five
algae sucks. of course, caroline never tells monty that. she doesn’t have the heart to, not when the two have grown close over the six years they spent on the ring. she grows close to the others too, but especially to echo. the two train together almost every day and the brunette teaches her how to use a bow and arrow - a really shitty one they put together with random scrapes they found laying around -. 
it takes a while but they manage to get to the ground and she’s utterly shocked to find out not only that clarke has been alive the whole time but that she also had a kid. the bunker is open, their people come out and caroline looks and looks, but her mother is nowhere to be seen. she asks multiple people but it’s kane who delivers the news: her mother is dead. it tears her apart and she cries on the former chancellor’s arms for a few minutes before wiping her tears and leaving to find bellamy. 
when bellamy decides to put the flame on madi, caroline is extremely against it. no matter what the girl has witnessed or how strong she seems to be, she’s still just a child. she gives him the cold shoulder for a few hours until she has no choice but to talk to him. caroline marches with everyone else because she knows that’s her only shot at surviving and she wants to keep on living to make her mother proud. when hell breaks loose, caroline manages to escape with some of the wonkru members and return to the dead zone. she tries helping niylah tend to the wounded, but she’s no doctor and fears that she might kill them faster than a gunshot. still, she keeps on trying because they’ve all come so far to die now.
caroline almost doesn’t make it into the eligius ship. she’s trying to support someone who’s injured pretty badly, which means running isn’t really an option. however, when she sees everyone rushing inside the ginormous ship, hope blossoms within her for the millionth time and that’s what fuels her to all but carry the woman she’s helping and lead both of them to safety. 
she attends the meeting where they decide the fate of human race. like everyone else, caroline doesn’t like monty’s plan of using algae. she’s has enough of that thing to last a lifetime. so when raven and shaw suggest cryosleep, she’s quick to agree. of course she knows that, ultimately, it’s up to madi. thankfully, the new heda also agrees and everyone starts getting ready to go to sleep.
before going into her chamber, caroline jokes with bellamy that, when she wakes up, she will be ‘ the hottest 34 year-old on the ship ’. she then proceeds to give him a quick hug before hopping on what’s going to be her bed for the next ten years. or so she thinks.
additional notes: liz dies during the dark year. caroline doesn’t know what happened but she knows that octavia is responsible for her mom’s death so to say their relationship is strained would be one hell of an understatement.
season six
she knows something’s not right immediately after waking up. for one, only a handful of them are awake and then there’s the fact bellamy looks like someone kicked him in the groin. she finds out about earth and monty and harper only fifteen minutes after she gets out of her cryo chamber. she hugs emori while listening to monty’s video logs and by the time he mentions harper’s death, she’s silently crying on her friend’s shoulder. afterwards, they talk. about who should be on the exploratory team, when they should leave and how many guns they should bring with them. caroline volunteers to stay on the ship with raven, but the brunette waves her off and tells her to ‘go have some fun for her and try not to get killed’. so she gets ready and heads to the ground with the rest of the team.
things start going downhill within hours of them being on the new planet and seriously, that has to be a new record !  by the time clarke figures out about the toxin being related to the eclipse, caroline is already starting to feel the effects of it. she’s chained in the same room as jackson and miller, losing it way before they do. she’s the only one awake after bellamy and clarke use the darts on their friends and leave to deal with echo and emori. time seems to drag by, but eventually, the effects wear off and caroline comes to her senses. shortly after, the door opens and in comes abby.
caroline tries to adjust to life in sanctum - yeah, apparently that’s the name of the moon they’re going to live in -, but it’s hard. maybe it’s because of everything she’s gone through on earth, but she doesn’t fully trust russell and is constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. eventually, it does. immortality and bodysnatchers are a thing in sanctum and caroline has half a mind to scream ‘ i told you so ! ’ to all of her friends that thought she was being paranoid.
additional note: this will be updated once the season is over. i just wanted to post an overview of what caroline is doing in sanctum lol.
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DOTW 17? Start. I'm pretty braindead
Coughing as the breathing tube was removed, Eren felt like absolute shit. He vaguely gathered that he was in hospital, mainly due to the horrible tube shoved down his throat... and the fact every time he opened his eyes, Levi was right by his side. He'd never thought he'd see the alpha again, and didn't understand why Levi looked so sad. He hated it. He hated the man's grey eyes filled with tears and a thin smile that felt way too close to pity, than concern. His leaden body throbbed as if he'd come down with a fever. His stomach rolling and gurgling, like it was trying to eat its self, yet the mere thought of food made him nauseous as fuck. Part of him wondered if this was what dying felt like... if it was, it sucked "Eren, it's ok if you need to sleep" That wasn't ok. He'd only barely woken up before the tube was being removed. Something as simple as a cough shouldn't have him so exhausted. Shit. The doctor was taking to him again. He knew he should listen, but when the man grew closer, he just felt so fucking scared. He didn't want to be hurt again. He didn't want to be touched or looked after. He wanted to curl into a ball and cry until whatever was wrong with him finished him off. If he could have ignored Levi, he would have. Yet the alpha's voice and scent were the only things he could focus on "Eren, it's ok. He just needs to examine you" Opening his mouth, it felt like a whole forest of something disgusting had set up residence across his teeth. He wanted to say no. He wanted to scream no... but all that came out was a nearly non-existent whimper. He didn't know this man. He didn't like this man. He didn't want this man anywhere near him. Placing his hand on Eren's left cheek, Eren tried to push himself as far away from the alpha as he could. He didn't want this... "Hey, hey it's ok. Hanji, why don't you go talk with his doctor outside. He's starting to panic" He didn't need a running commentary of his panic. He was very much aware of how stupid he must look. The man said something, his hand still against Eren's cheek. He wanted to vomit, his body trying to make the action, his stomach muscles clenching as nothing came out "Both of you. Out. Now" Levi lifted the man's hand from his face, the alpha replacing it with his own "You're ok. It's ok. Here, you need to breathe. Can you do that for me? A deep breath in?" He wasn't even sure he'd taken a breath until Levi nodded "Good. You're doing good. It's just us now, ok. Shit brat. I've fucking missed you" Why would Levi miss him? Wasn't he mad at him? He didn't understand anything and couldn't even tell the alpha that "Good. You're doing so good" Levi was nice to him... but this was on a whole other level. This was the kind of nice he'd get after a stupid panic attack, when the man seemed scared that anything minor would set him off. He liked Levi better when the alpha was pissy and just saying what was on his mind. At least he understood him then "Your blood pressure's come back down. The tightening in your chest should be easing" He'd never thought to ask Levi he knew what a panic attack felt like. He supposed the man had dealt with more than one in his span as a paramedic. He just always seemed to know what to say "You gave us all a scare. You showed signs of waking last week, but then decided to pull a sleeping beauty. Even with all that sleep, you still look pretty crap" That was the Levi he liked. He hoped the alpha could tell he trying to give him the smallest of smiles "If I didn't know better, I'd say you like me watching you in bed" Oh god. He wanted to laugh, but all he could do was cough again "Sorry. I'll try and hold back on the lame lines for now. You should get some more sleep. I promise I'm not going anywhere, ok?" Why was it so easy for Levi to get through to him? His mind could barely remember anything. It was like his head was filled with nothingness. He couldn't even remember his thoughts as they passed... but somehow Levi made that ok? He really, probably, definitely should be worried about that. Leaning down, Levi kissed his forehead "Sleep tight, brat" * Waking himself screaming, Eren couldn't remember where he was or how he'd got there. Every molecule of him wanted to run, and he gave it his best shot. Ripping himself free from his IV line and catheter, he was on the ground before he had any idea what had happened. Hands burying themselves in his hair, tearing at the thick strands as he tried to remember. Why couldn't he remember? Where was Zeke? Why wasn't Zeke here? Shuffling backwards, he screamed louder as his back hit the walls. The beeping of the hospital machines hurting his ears as much as his own screams, pained to the point he was oblivious to the warm puddle began to form under him. He couldn't stop screaming. Zeke was... Zeke was hurt. Zeke needed help. Zeke... there was so much blood... so much blood and Zeke wasn't waking up. As strong hands grabbed his arms, he fought harder. His hands covered with loose strands of hair as he tried to shove his attackers away. He couldn't let them get him. He couldn't let them take him away from his brother. Zeke needed help. He needed him. He was taking him away. He... why couldn't he remember? What... why... why couldn't he breathe? Kicking, and snarling with his teeth bared, he fought harder. His body betraying him his a his energy failed to translate into fury, his blows barely taps. Lifted from the floor, it felt like was slammed down on a concrete slab as his eyes were cruelly forced open. The brightness burning through into his brain, as is someone was holding a lighter to his iris. It was all too much. * Having been with Eren almost nonstop since, Levi found it hard to be back at his apartment. Titan wasn't talking to him, no doubt because he hadn't been home and had left him to the mercy of Erwin swinging by to make sure the fat cat had food, water and a clean litter tray. He'd showered and shaved, before collapsing into his own bed. The hospital chairs weren't exactly comfortable when it came to prolonged sleep overs, and despite his thoughts being filled with Eren, he'd passed out and slept a solid 8 hours. Moblit was spending the day with Eren. Given how scared Eren seemed to be each time he woke, he didn't know if it was a good idea or not. Still, he'd left the omega. When Eren was discharged, he'd be going back to Hanji and Moblit's house, meaning even if Eren was scared, he wouldn't exactly be able to escape from the man. Refreshed from his near dead sleep, Levi had showered again, before cleaning through his apartment. His plan was to stop by and pick Eren up some real food, as well as bringing the omega the photos he still had in his possession, and a book to keep himself occupied with. Even if Eren couldn't eat solids, cafe soup was better than hospital soup. His alpha secretly thrilled to be doing something nice for their ome-friend. Eren wasn't his omega. The closeness they'd formed would have to be rebuilt, even if Eren really only ever seemed comfortable when he was around. He made it as far as the hospital carpark before his phone started ringing. Answering the call, he heard Moblit sigh heavily "What's wrong?" "When are you coming back?" Ok. Well this wasn't how things normally went, or at least not lately "I'm in the carpark" "I'll come find you" Moblit ended the call. Levi's stomach twisting into knots. He wanted to rush from his car to Eren's room, but with Moblit coming to him... it couldn't be good news. When Moblit finally joined him, the man looked exhausted... and was sporting a black eye for some reason "What happened to you?" With a dry laugh, the man shook his head "Eren. He woke up screaming" "Screaming?" Eren was struggling to stay awake, and he'd seen a few blips in his heartbeat from nightmares, but as far as he knew, this was the first time he'd woken up screaming "He didn't know where he was. Hanji called me, so I stepped out into the hall. It was only seconds Levi. By the time I got back into his room, he was on the floor screaming" Fuck... "They've sedated him. He made a mess of himself and his bed. They wanted to restrain him, but with his scars, that would have only made it worse" "Did he say anything? I mean, other than screaming?" "When we went to lift him off the floor, he started snarling like an alpha. We got him up and onto the bed. He was completely delirious. He started asking and begging for Zeke" Fuck. With Eren being so out of it, he hadn't been able to talk to the police. Zeke's body was still being held by state morgue "They wanted to place him in a 72 hour hold" "Are you fucking serious?" In a 72 hour hold, Eren wouldn't be allowed visitors. It was probably the worst possible thing they could do for him "Hanji's doing everything she can to prevent it, or even to postpone it" That was something, he supposed "How are you?" "Honestly. I don't know what to do. Eren and I talked about his issue with male alphas, and not to take it personally" "But it still hurts like a bitch when he looks to you in fear?" "Yeah. He didn't even seem to realise who I was" "Is he allowed visitors?" "Not right now. He had an accident, so the nursing staff was taking care of cleaning him up. Even once he is, they'll more then likely keep him under some form of sedation" If they were going to keep him drugged to the gills, they may as well stick him the psych ward for the 72 hours. There'd been far too many drugs in Eren's system, and while he'd seen the pain withdrawal caused, it had to be kinder than keeping him in a haze "Do you need a ride home?" Moblit blinked, before nodding wearily "Yeah. That would be great. I came in with Hanji, but you know what she's like" "Yeah. I know it's fucking shitty, but if Eren was in his right mind, I know he'd appreciate the fact you were there for him. He really does think highly of you" "He said that?" "He did. He told me more than once how grateful he was that it was you and Hanji, and that he hated not being able to control his anxieties" "You two really did get close?" "Close enough that we had just decided to date, without the label though" "Sorry. I forgot" "It's ok. I'm well aware of my reputation as an Ice Queen. Eren however didn't get the message. He'd come in and flipped everything upside down before I had a chance to realise what was happening" "I know Hanji was teasing you both over getting together, but I guess I never saw it happening" "I didn't either. I mean, he's an amazing omega, but he's also an abuse victim. He can't control his anxieties and spent years being trained on top by Zeke, on top of whatever gave him those scars, and whatever it was that Zeke saved him from. I wanted to let him heal and experience the world. Maybe if I'd been more forceful, none of this would have happened" "Now you're sounding like Hanji" "In that case, we should get you home" Levi got the feeling that Hanji and Moblit's marriage was on the rocks. Moblit knew Eren needed help and trusted the hospital to act in Eren's best interests. Hanji did not. She insisted on triple checking everything, as if micromanaging the situation would solve the situation. Though if he was in her position, he'd probably do doing the same. Wisely keeping those deductions to himself, Levi drove Moblit home. With Moblit dropped off, Levi returned to the hospital. Eren was still in his room, which was a small relief. Dragging the visitors chair back over to the side of the bed, he settled the soup cup down on the bedside table as he sat. Eren's room still smelt of fear and pain, but the omega's face was relaxed. He didn't know how he was supposed to explain to Eren that Zeke was dead, but he wanted to be the one to do it. Hanji was way too optimistic about Eren's mental condition, she'd try to hush him instead of letting him feel the pain... where as Levi expected the tears and screaming. He couldn't even give him a proper answer as to why Zeke was dead. * Blinking tiredly, Eren yawned softly. His body felt warm and heavy, while a comforting scent was soothing his anxious omega. Looking down, his heart jumped at the sight of Levi. The alpha was half-sitting/half laying, his head on Eren's right hand where his soft warm breath tickled along Eren's wrist. Gathering up the saliva in his mouth, he coughed slightly, waking Levi who must have been only dozing. Giving him a sheepish look, Levi scratched the back of his head "Hey, nice to see you awake" "L-Levi" Levi's eyes widened slightly, the tips of his lips turning up "Yeah. That's what they call me" "I..." He what? He didn't know what to say "It's ok if you don't want to talk. They'd got you sedated at the moment, because you had a pretty bad panic attack" "D-don't... remember" "It's fine" Now what was he supposed to say? He wanted to say something... "Are you hungry? I know you're on soups and fluids, but I got you the good stuff. Soup from a cafe. Not the hospital stuff" "N-not hungry" "Ok. It's here if you do get hungry" Licking his cracked lips, Eren sighed softly "I guess you're wondering what's been happening?" "Kind of..." "You've been here for the last two and a half weeks" Two and half weeks? If he'd been in bed for that long, why was he so tired? "You had a touch of pneumonia. Your left wrist and hand were broken, and your right ankle dislocated" "I... don't remember" "It's ok. I just wanted to warn you that that cast you love so much is now a splint" "Ugh... no" "I thought you'd feel like that. Moblit and Hanji have been by almost daily, except for when they had work. Not that that's stopped Hanji" "W-why?" "Because we all missed you. We went looking for you, even went to the police. Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with all of us" "But..." "But nothing. We all fucked up and let you down. I'm not asking for you to trust me, or for a second chance. I just want to be here for you" Levi wanted to be there for him? What could the man possibly get from being near him? And... "Where's Zeke?" Levi's brow furrowed, a long moment passing between them "L-Levi. Where's Zeke?" It was slowly coming back to him... Zeke... there was so much blood. Oh god... it... it was pouring over his hands and wouldn't stopped... "Eren, I'm sorry" "No" "He'd passed by the time the paramedics arrived" "No" "Eren" "No. No... No!" The machine to his right beeped loudly "Eren, I'm so sorry" "No! You're lying!" "I wish I was" "No. No... no... not Zeke..." "Don't force yourself to remember. There was nothing anyone could have done" "You're lying... please tell me you're lying... please..." Reaching out to cup his face, Eren flinched away. He didn't want to be touched "I'm sorry" "He... no. I need him. I need him!" Memories rushed up. He wanted to scream, but nothing came out. God... there'd been so much blood. It wouldn't stop. And Zeke. Zeke wasn't moving "Eren, I know it's hard. I know you're scared. But there was nothing you could have done" Why was he remembering? Why couldn't he forget?! It was like a horror movie. He'd been the dumb useless character... while Zeke... he'd told him to run. He'd seen it again! He'd had watch it all over again... why wasn't it him? Why Zeke? He'd left him. Again he was left behind. He was alone "I want to be alone" "I don't think that's a good idea" "I want to be alone!" "Eren, I know this is a lot. If you don't want to talk, you don't have to talk to me. But I am not leaving you alone. You are not alone" "Fuck you. You left me. Everyone fucking leaves. So go! Get out!" "I am not leaving" "Get out!" "Eren, I'm not leaving you" "Why?! We're nothing to each other!" "We're friends" "What? Since when?" "Eren" "You don't know about me. You know nothing about me! You don't know anything about my fucking life! You have no idea the things I've done! We are not friends" "I know you're shy and awkward, until you get on stage. I know you wanted to die. I know you get anxious. I know you're not ready to talk about your past. But... weren't we working towards that?" "My past is none of your business. Working towards it? Why the fuck would I tell you any of it? Just because I let you between my legs, doesn't mean I love you, or even like you. You need to go" He didn't want to be saying any of this to Levi. He didn't want to be kicking him out. He mentally couldn't handle having the alpha here. He was a mess, and Levi, Levi was always so fucking good to him. He didn't want him to be kind. He didn't want him to be understanding. He wanted to be alone. Levi would leave when he heard what happened, so he'd rather drive the alpha way first. He'd rather set Levi free, than shackle him "Well, Hanji won't be in for another 4 hours. And I'm not leaving you to suffer through his alone. I guess that means you can either stop sprouting bullshit, nap or sit in an awkward silence" That wasn't about how it was supposed to go. Levi was supposed to get angry! Instead the man just causally continued like he hadn't insulted him, even counting out his three options with his fingers "Stop looking at me like that brat. I know exactly what you're doing, because I do the same thing. Fortunately for both of us, Erwin has an almost ungodly amount of patience, or you'd be having the conversation with someone who isn't me. I know you're sorry, so you don't have to say it" "I don't want to sleep and I don't want to talk" "Awkward silence it is then" The silence lasted until Levi pulled out a book from somewhere. Settling back in his chair, Levi didn't even seem to notice he was watching his every move "W-what are you reading?" "I thought we weren't talking" "I don't want to be in my head" "It's called "To Kill a Mockingbird"" "What's it about?" "Preformed prejudices" He didn't know what exactly "prejudices" were... "People judging someone based on appearances without knowing the full story, or bothering to even try to get to know them. It's the book I was going to lend you" "Oh..." "Pretty much. I think you'll like it" "Do you?" "I've read it more than once" * Watching Eren, the omega was still crying. He was trying. The kid was really trying. Zeke's death had hit him hard, but some part of Eren was still in denial. He could see it all over his face... that and Eren had told him he was lying. Soon the second wave of shock was yet to set in. Placing his book down in his lap, he sighed softly "I could read to you. It might help take your mind off things" "Like Zeke?" "Maybe. Probably not, but hey. You could get so bored you fall asleep" "I don't want to sleep" "You don't want to do much of anything, do you?" Eren's lip quivered, his voice dropping as he whispered guiltily "No... I... I don't even want to be..." "Then what? What do you want to do?" "I don't know" "Ok. We still have another three and a half hours before Hanji comes. How far do think we can get?" "I... I don't know. I don't know the words" "It's no harder than Narnia" * Eren really wasn't sure about this. His brain felt like it was having a meltdown, yet his actions seemed to be completely contradictory to that. He was sure the word was contradictory, Levi had taught it to him. If he closed his eyes, even for a second, all he'd see was Zeke. But whatever his brain was doing, it wouldn't let him grieve. He felt disconnected, and it was scary as fuck. His brother was gone. Yet there he was. Having an almost calm conversation with Levi "I... will you wake me if I fall asleep" "Do you want me to?" "I don't want to see Zeke" He didn't want the last memory of Zeke to be him being murdered. Not when it was the same for his mother. The two people who'd looked after him, both killed in front of his eyes while he'd been useless. He didn't want to see it again. He couldn't see it again "Ok" Ok? He got the feeling Levi wouldn't wake him. His chest already tightened with that knowledge. Picking up the book in his lap, Levi opened it to the beginning. The alpha starting to read as if he hadn't acted like a bad omega. Living with Zeke, his brother had told him all the ways he'd misbehaved. He'd shown him how to be a good omega again... he'd shown that bad side to Levi, so the fact he hadn't left confused him. As he'd guessed, he must have dozed off. Levi's smooth voice didn't falter once as he read. It'd almost been like a lullaby, lulling him into a false sense of security. His dream was full of Zeke. Zeke screaming at him to run, while Eren fought the hand around his ankle. He woke to find himself purring in an attempt to calm himself down, flinching as burnt when he realised Hanji hand her hand on his. He couldn't stomach her touch. He'd thought it just mental, until his stomach rebelled and he threw up weakly down his front. Immediately trying to clean it up, he didn't mean to fight. She was only doing what she always did, trying to help. But each time she hushed him, or brushed against his skin, he'd vomit again. Zeke had been late home. He hadn't been able to stop them... "Hanji, let me do it" "I've got this, Levi" "It's nothing personal, but touching him isn't ok" How did he know that? He couldn't remember telling Levi that... "He knows I'm not going to hurt him" "When did mental illness ever have the decency to make sense? I can smell his fear. We already had to change his doctor over to a female because he couldn't handle males in the room" They did? He couldn't remember this. Placing her hand on his forehead, Eren whimpered as his stomach clenched. Hanji wasn't like those men... she wouldn't do anything like that... he didn't want to fear her "Sweetheart. It's ok. I just wanted to check your temperature. You feel a little warm" Didn't they have those ear thermometer things for that? Removing her hand, she started gathering his soiled blankets up "Levi, there should be fresh blankets in the wardrobe beside you. These need to be washed" "S-sorry" He didn't know what else to say "It's ok, honey. We need to have a little talk, but I won't touch you, if you don't want to be touched" Eren shook his head slowly "You don't want to be touched?" "N-no" "Ok, honey. I understand" What did she understand? And why didn't he understand it too? Shivering as the blanket was pulled off, he looked to Levi "It's ok. She doesn't bite" "You're not funny" "I think I am" "Well you're wrong. Hand me those fresh blankets, then drop these ones down in the wash trolley. I need to talk to Eren in private" What? No. He had no idea why, and despite everything that had happened, his omega had decided Levi was the only one he could be near. It wasn't even something he could control.
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trasharthi · 6 years
Steins;gate 0 summary
There's a post apocaliptic scene with tutturu girl, a red head baby & part time girl.
Probably before the apocalypse, weird protagonist after an ipnosys session meets tutturu girl. It's December. They meet with trans girl & neko girl. Weird protagonist is just a protagonist now, he goes to university, he's in a tennis circle & he goes out to date groups.
They go to the lab, protagonist hasn't been there in a while. There's also perv hacker, part time girl & a new entry, cosplayer girl.
Protagonist & part time girl talks, she wants him to time travel again & change the apocaliptic future she lived. He refuses.
In a conference protagonist meets cibi girl, a English - Japanese translator. She reveals a project called Amadeus. It's based on red head girl thesis, humans memories can be compressed into a computer. The experiment represents the chini girl memory can have thoughts on her own.
Protagonist & chibi girl gets to know each other & talk about red head, chibi girl was her senpai.
Chibi girl & the English man tell protagonist there's an Amadeus of red head girl & they want to show her to him. He goes to talk to her & find her different from "the real one". The English man offer protagonist to talk to red head girl as a tester to analyse her answers better. Now protagonist receives calls from her dead fiancé red head girl memory. And. He already needs therapy.
Tutturu girl wants to throw a Christmas party to surprise part time girl.
The surprise is taken by part time girl as an attack so.. She attack her mother, cosplay girl. Everyone has a good dinner. Protagonist talks to amadeus red head girl memories. Chibi girl comes making clear red head girl is dead. Protagonist has a crisis.
Protagonist is in war. Was it all in his head? Now he is in a white room with a misterioso figure that let him take the call he's receiving. He was dreaming, he woke up screaming. Then he is again in the place where he had a crisis after talking to amadeus & chibi girl. Amadeus tells protagonist about a conversation he doesn't remember having. English man reveals protagonist he wants amadeus to fall in love with him (bitch). The Christmas party ends.
Part time girl tells perv hacka she's searching a person she time travelled with, tutturu adopted daughter.
Red head father escaped prison.
Perv hacker called someone to search for the missing  adopted girl. Trans girl calls protagonist for help but they're both busy. The person who's gonna rescue tutturu s daughter is phone obsessed girl. But. In this time line they never met before. Protagonist is shook.
Creepy news on TV. Someone kills primaties to esport a part of their brain.
Phone obsessed girl finds some other people are searching for the same person as her. Even foreigners.
Chibi girl goes to akihabara & gets tailed by different people. Turns out she knows one of them, she's a psychophysiology professor. But. Who are the others stalkers.
Trans girl is not a girl? They refer to themselve as male now.. So I'm gonna use they as pronouns cause I don't know if it's a wrong translation.
Anyway, they take misterious girl /that looks like red head girl/ to the lab to ask protagonist for help cause the misterious girl doesn't remember who she is. Tutturu girl came in the lab. Misterious girl faint. Part time girl came too & recognize misterious girl as the one they were all searching for.
New year party.
All the people in the lab get to know Amadeus.
Amadeus shut down without a reason.
The lab get attacked. Their target was adopted girl.
Amadeus can't be tracked or called, maybe someone is taking control of it. English man can't be tracked too. Part time girl & house keeper will protect adopted girl. Protagonist think the girl masked this time isn't phone obsessed girl. Maybe she's part time girl mom, cause in a scene she's injured in the same place part time girl kicked the masked girl. Just a theory. Like the one I have about red head girl father creating a time travel machine in Russia ( the news talk about recurring earthquakes in Russia ).
The masked people told each other k-6205, phonetics alphabet. Occidental military terminology. The lab group search for the kochel catalogue, the numbers Mozart assign to his compositions. /Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/. Protagonist receive a call from Amadeus asking for help. Reading steiner is active, thus means someone is time travelling.
Protagonist is in the lab alone with red head girl.
The microwave is gone, red head girl tells him he's the one who got rid of it.
Protagonist is in the alpha time line again, the one where, no matter what, tutturu girl dies.
Protagonist find out he's the one that decided to not go to the beta time line.
Red head girl understands protagonist comes from another time line, one where Tutturu girl is alive but she isn't. She built another microwave time travel machine. Protagonist returns in the alpha time line  where he uses the first machine to go in the beta time line.
Someone broke in the chibi girl hotel + her lab had a gas lick & a fire.
Protagonist is in the hospital. There's a tutturu girl cosplay friend too, who fainted too & had the same "dream" (she has memories from the alpha time line).
Part time girl & protagonist have a little discussion but  everything works out fine.
Protagonist & house keeper talk about what organizations could be behind the attack.
Protagonist finds out red head father is behind the time travel machine in Russia.
Part time girl & in her father perv hacker have a cute moment.
Chibi girl tell protagonist she has red head girl computer.
Perv hacker was trying to access to it but protagonist stop him cause that will be the cause of the third world war.
A group attack them & get the computer (probably from usa) another group brake the computer (probably from russia). Chibi girl, english man & phycophysich professor fly back in usa.
Adopted girl gets her memories back.
Phone obsessed girl found a weird abandoned place.
She goes to see it with protagonist.
Adopted girl goes in trans due to a Mozart song. Nobody can find her anymore.
Protagonist thinks adopted girl has been brainwashed after being lost by part time girl in the past.
Someone break in the lab. It's adopted girl. She wants to kill part time girl. She says she's hearing God's voice.
Chibi girl comes in Japan "to assist her professor", she wants to create the memories time travel machine.
Perv hacker & cosplay girl are together now, as..a..couple...
Perv hacker & chibi girl are experimenting the memories time travel machine.
Tutturu girl is super sad protagonist is gonna study abroad.
Protagonist finds out about the experiments & is super mad. Chibi girl scolds protagonist cause he surrendered at the idea that red head girl can't be saved & there's gonna be a 3 world war.Tutturu girl hear the discussion throw the door, she understands what protagonist went through to save her. She thinks she should be the one dead instead of red head girl which is so important to protagonist. She makes protagonist think this may not be the right time line.
Tutturu girl asks part time girl about herself & red head girl. She explains what protagonist did in the other time lines. Tutturu girl wants to time travel with part time girl towards the day red head girl was murdered.
In a frame a Russian masked person is dead.
Tutturu girl & part time girl are hostages of English masked people. They try to escape but tutturu girl gets shot.
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imjustthemechanic · 6 years
The French Mistake
Part 1/? - A Visitor Part 2/? - The Kulturhistorisk Museum Heist Part 3/? - Cutscene Part 4/? - The Marvel Cinematic Universe Part 5/? - Breathless Part 6/? - Escape at Last Part 7/? - Fox in Socks Part 8/? - Things Go Wrong Part 9/? - Downey and Out Part 10/? - Road Trip Part 11/? - Temptation Part 12/? - An Awful Reunion Part 13/? - Unreality Intrudes Part 14/? - A Call for Help Part 15/? - Loki’s Guests Part 16/? - Stan Lee Cameo Part 17/? - Reassessment Part 18/? - Midnight Invasion Part 19/? - Elevator Fight Part 20/? - Courage Part 21/? - Unwelcome Back Part 22/? - Darkest Hour Part 23/? - They Are Here Part 24/? - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory Part 25/? - Word of God Part 26/? - Avengers Assembled Part 27/? - The Houston Underground Part 28/? - Houston has a Problem Part 29/? - Onward and Upward Part 30/? - The Chi’Tauri Queen Part 31/? - Through the Wormhole Part 32/? - Prisoners Part 33/? - Arm’s Length
At last, somebody who can fight.
The brig did have doors, of course – multi-layered reinforced ones that were currently standing wide open because all the prisoners were supposed to be safely in their tubes.  They’d slammed shut when Thor got the first one open, but now, to Steve’s horror, they ground open again, and rows of troops started marking in, weapons at the ready.  Thor held out a hand, glanced at it, and then at Hemsworth.
“Where is Mjolnir?” he asked.
Hemsworth shook his head.  “That thing weighs a bloody ton!  I couldn’t budge it!”
Thor had been so proud that none of his comrades could lift the hammer at Stark’s party.  Now he was desperately disappointed.  “You’re not worthy?” he asked.
“Of course I’m not!” said Hemsworth.
“I have to do everything myself!” grumbled Natasha.  She scooped up a plasma rifle from one of the fallen guards and turned on the shield function.  Scarlett crawled over to her and grabbed her leg, like Princess Leia in the very oldest and cheesiest posters for Star Wars.  A very wise move.  Steve would have done the same, but there would have been nobody to guard the unconscious Loki.
“What is going on?” asked Evans.
This was the first time he’d spoken.  It was a bit startling to hear him… so that was what Steve sounded like to other people.  He always thought of himself as having a higher-pitched voice, one that would match the skinny little body he’d been born with.  The one he heard now was deep and authoritative even when it was also frightened.
“We’re about to be killed by aliens, that’s what’s going on!”  Nat tossed him her plasma rifle.  “Shield function is the button on the bottom!”
He caught it, looked surprised at himself, then turned it on.  The air shimmered pink around him.  “Right,” he said.  “Nothing I haven’t done a hundred times while I was awake.”  And he turned and charged at the Chi’Tauri.
“Wait!” Steve protested, but it was too late. Evans took off too fast to follow, and knocked the first alien right off its feet.  Others fired at him, but he turned around, holding up the plasma rifle in front of him as if it were literally a shield, rather than just the source of one.  The man had trained as a gymnast, Steve quickly realized as he watched him fight. He was surprisingly graceful, but did not know his own strength – or rather, the strength of Steve’s body.  He put all his weight behind a punch when he should have saved his strength, and leaned into his kicks like a ballerina.
He’d said nothing I haven’t done while I was awake.  He thought he was dreaming and therefore could not be hurt.  But did he know Steve’s own limits the way Steve himself did?
Was this what Steve himself looked like to everybody else, just rushing into battle without a thought for his own safety or anybody else’s?  No wonder Peggy thought he was a self-sacrificing wanker!
It was soon plain that Evans did not know Steve’s limits.  He was trying to take on the whole damn Chi’Tauri army at once. The shield function on his plasma rifle soon gave out from absorbing too many blows, fizzling out just as Loki’s had on the grass, so he started using the metal to deflect the incoming bolts. This worked better than Steve would have expected, but began putting holes in the side of the gun.  Somebody had to go in there and help, but Steve himself couldn’t do it, Loki and Hiddleston were unconscious, Natasha was in no shape to fight and Scarlett might leave that all to stuntwomen…
Hemsworth cracked his knuckles.  “Right,” he said, and rolled up his sleeves.  “I got this.”
“How can you got this without Mjolnir?” demanded Thor.
“Taika’s sent me a couple of preliminary scripts for feedback,” Hemsworth said.  “I got this. Evans!” he shouted.  “Or Cap or whoever you are!  Get out of the way!”
Evans paused with a Chi’Tauri breastplate in each hand, and watched as Hemsworth planted his feet and made fists.  His teeth gritted… and to Steve’s astonishment, whatever he was doing worked. His jeans and red sweatshirt transformed into Thor’s armor and cape, and lightning fizzled around him.
Evans quickly slammed the two Chi’Tauri’s heads together and dived out of the way.  Did he know what Hemsworth was about to do, or only that it was obviously dangerous to be in the way of it?
Hemsworth held up both hands, and then made a motion like pitching a baseball.  A tremendous bolt of lightning burst out, blowing the Chi’Tauri away.  The lights in the room went out in a shower of sparks, and Steve felt his scalp prickle and his muscles involuntarily twitch.  He tasted copper.
A moment later, emergency lights came back on. Those of the Chi’Tauri troops who weren’t dead or unconscious were fleeing.  Everybody’s hair was standing up in halos around their heads.  Eyes were wide and mouths were open, but nobody’s more so than Thor’s.
“I… did not know I could do that,” he said.
Hemsworth was panting, electricity still on his fingertips, the edge of his cape on fire.  “Okay, that might have been a little extra,” he admitted, and took a second look at Thor.  “What did you do to my face?”
Thor reached up to touch it.  “The welts are from the jelly-fish,” he said.  “The rest is fighting the Chi’Tauri since.   How did you…”
“Guys!” said Natasha.
The power outage had turned off all the stasis cells.  All around them, creatures were staggering out, ranging from a ten-foot-tall reptilian beast to a waist-high creature that looked like nothing so much as a duck in a leisure suit.  One bald being was wearing sunglasses and had a droopy mustache, and looked rather shockingly like Stan Lee.
The one that approached them was a human sized and roughly human-shaped creature in a long coat, whose entire body appeared to be made of blue crystals.  “Who are you?” it demanded of them.
Evans came back to re-join the others. Hemsworth’s lightning had scorched his hair and he was panting and was going to have a black eye, but he was alive. “I, uh, I think we’re the Avengers,” he said.  “Earth’s mightiest heroes?”
Stark called them that, mostly sarcastically. Evans spoke the phrase as if he wasn’t sure he believed it, but was prepared to try to live up to it.  There was something terribly comforting about that.
The crystal creature grinned, showing off shiny black teeth that may have been made of obsidian, and shook his hand.  “These here space rats have had me and my crew locked up for the better part of a month!” he said.  “Shall we show ‘em what they get, boys, for messin’ with the Ravagers?”
“Yeah!” a chorus went up from the other former prisoners.
Steve felt a smile spread across his face as he realized that finally things were starting to go right.  “Okay,” he said.  “Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do.”
The crystalline Ravager leader looked from Evans to Steve and back again.  “There supposed to be two of all of you?” he asked.
“I’m not sure,” said Evans.
“Yes,” said Steve.  “It’s a long story.  All right, we have to get back to the ship we came in on.  I’m guessing you guys do, too.  Ours is docked down with the Leviathans.”
“They got ours in a cargo bay, up top,” said the crystal being.
“Great,” said Steve.  “You go that way, we’ll go down, and we’ll keep them busy on two fronts at once.”
“Sounds like a plan,” the crystal being agreed. “All right, boys…”
From somewhere among the crowd came a clearing throat.  The source was a being that was either a cyborg or just a robot, built to look like a beautiful woman but having taken quite a bit of damage since that point. She’d been patched up with scrap metal in several places, and half of her head was bald, with only a plastic shell over the circuitry beneath.
“Sorry!” said the crystal being.  “Boys and Miss Alpha-Eleven-Three!  Let’s give ‘em the hell they asked for!”
The Ravagers got to work stripping the weapons from the fallen Chi’Tauri.  There were others among the prisoners who had not been part of the pirate crew, but the crystal being cheerfully swore them in.  They were all here for being enemies of the Chi’Tauri, so they would probably get along.  When a second, better-armed wave of soldiers arrived, they were just in time to be confronted by two dozen furious pirates opening fire.  The one who looked like San Lee gave a weird, yodeling battle cry.
The Chi’Tauri returned fire, and while everybody else was distracted by the fighting, the Avengers made their way through the middle of the fray.  Hemsworth went first, trying to control the lightning powers Thor had been unaware of, and not always succeeding.  Weapons on both sides sparked and smoked as he went by, and Miss Alpha-Eleven-Three made a horrible electronic screaming noise.  Behind Hemsworth was Evans, carrying Loki, and Thor, helping Hiddleston walk.  Last were Natasha and Johansson, supporting Steve between them.
“Excuse us,” said Evans, as they ducked around and behind fighting Ravagers and Chi’Tauri.  “Pardon me! Coming through!  Can we just… thank you!”
“Is he Canadian?” Steve asked.  That would be an entertaining irony.
“Only in spirit,” said Johansson.
Outside the brig, they piled back into the elevator. Steve reached out and pulled the handle, and they started moving – in the wrong direction, going up.  Steve muttered a curse, and turned the handle around to pull it again.  The elevator stopped, and then moved down.  That was better.  He counted the rings of light as they passed.
“Seven…” he murmured.  “Eight… nine!  Here!” Another yank on the handle brought the elevator to a stop.  The doors opened on the Leviathan dockage.
There was a welcoming committee waiting to greet them.  Not only were the elevators surrounded by Chi’Tauri, but the roof of the hallway moved and then whirred open, plates rotating and folding like bizarre and alien origami, and the enormous queen stepped down from above.
They did have one advantage – the opening to admit the queen was on their left.  “Go right,” he ordered.  “Our Leviathan is the one with the blue panel!”  What that actually meant was no longer relevant. What mattered was that it would be easy to find, and the queen couldn’t go that way because the ceiling was too low.
That was why she had the troops, though, and they clustered on the right, seeking to drive the escaped Avengers towards their mistress.  Steve couldn’t fight them any more than he could have on the way in, but now he had somebody who could.
“Evans,” he said.  “Get one of their weapons again – but don’t let the ones with the staves shoot you, because they’re more powerful than the rifle’s force field can handle.”
“Got it,” Evans nodded.
“Knock their legs out from under them,” Steve added. “And don’t get killed, because Hayley will kill me for letting you!”
“Got that, too,” he said.  Evans looked at the nearest soldier, then somersaulted forward and used himself as a bowling ball to knock the alien over.
“I’ll get the big one!” Hemsworth said.  He fired himself up with lightning again, and took flying leap towards the queen, delivering a punch straight to her solar plexus.  She staggered backwards, but the lightning was dispersed by the metallic cloth draped around her body.  This clearly caused her some pain – she tore it away, snarling, and then brought two of her four fists down on the floor, trying to squash Hemsworth like a bug. He leaped aside, just in time.
“Get at the seams in her armor!” Thor shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth.  “That’s how Loki took one’s arm off before!”
This was like playing a video game, Steve thought. They all had their abilities and powers now, but they could only use them at arm’s length.
Evans had a rifle now, but a Chi’Tauri with a staff overloaded its force field.  He threw it aside and bounced it off another individual’s head.  “I am Captain America,” he said out loud, grabbing a Chi’Tauri by the back of its helmet and slamming its face into the floor.  “I am fighting a million aliens.”  He drove his knee into another one’s crotch.  The drones had no genitalia, but it was still obviously painful.  “While a guy who looks exactly like me fucking coaches me!”  He kicked a third in the gut, and it staggered backwards into two others.
No wonder he thought he was dreaming, Steve thought.  Being outside the action watching yourself was a hallmark of a dream.  Dying in this dream, however, would be all too real.
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