#alpha qz
pocima · 4 months
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freelancearsonist · 5 months
the mark they saw on my collarbone
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➔ post-outbreak Joel Miller x afab!Reader // series masterlist
➔ 4.4k words
➔ Joel’s instincts kick in when he runs into an omega in trouble along a smuggling route.
➔ Rated MA // a/b/o dynamics and the associated gender politics (alpha!joel and omega!reader), heavy dom/sub dynamics, unprotected piv sex, creampie, fingering, oral (reader receiving), biting/marking, blood, size kink, joel calls reader little one/little thing, mention of reader being food-insecure, alpha!tommy and alpha!tess are here briefly. takes place one year post-outbreak. // reader is afab (female anatomy, no pronouns used), is generally able-bodied, is mentioned to be smaller/shorter than joel and can fit into his jacket, is otherwise a blank slate.
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Tess’s face perks up halfway over a fallen tree–she stops in her tracks to tilt her nose into the wind. “You smell that?”
Of course Joel smells it. His senses were alerted to it about half a mile ago; he’s always had the better nose. He’s been trying to ignore it, however. There’s no point to giving into temptation in this shattered world, no matter how sweet the scent.
“Whew,” Tommy huffs, wrinkling his nose at the heavy pheromones that now drift around the trio. “Whoever it is, they’re closer than comfortable.”
“Smells like they’re in trouble,” Tess posits–always the thoughtful one. Always wanting to have faith in humanity, no matter how many reasons the last year has given her to lose hope. “That’s an omega. If not in full out heat, then damn near close to it.”
“Ain’t no way there’s an omega out on their own in these woods,” Joel growls. “It’s a trap.”
Tess shoots him a look–worried, stern. “What if it’s not?”
“It is.” He doesn’t even entertain the idea. There’s no way anything is left untainted in this world.
But with every step forward, the scent gets stronger and Joel’s resolve grows weaker. Your scent is so sweet. It reminds him of springtime in Austin, the little yellow sour grass buds and picnics in the park with…
The scar on his temple gives a single little throb, and he forces himself to focus up. They’ve got a clear destination, a contact to meet outside the Atlanta QZ. He needs to keep his head in the game and out of the past. Dwelling on that, on what the world was merely a year ago, is fucking pointless. No matter how much he hopes, how much he dreams, how much he begs and pleads to a god he never really believed in to begin with, nothing brings her back.
The scent makes his stomach churn the stronger it gets. It’s not like any omega he’s ever known before. They’ve all been… a little bitter. Or maybe his ex just left a tainted trace in his nose, spoiled it for everyone else. He’s never needed a partner to feel complete, anyway. Being a father is what gives him purpose. Gave him purpose.
He pushes that train of thought from mind, sets his jaw, and marches on.
The funny thing is, they’ve spent a lot of time in these woods–Tess, Tommy, and him. For as close to the QZ as it is, they’ve never met a single other soul in these parts.
That’s why, when Joel senses your pheromones only getting stronger as they forge on, he thinks about saying something. They’re headed straight towards you, into what must be a trap. The Atlanta QZ doesn’t take omegas; there’s no reason one should be so close. If he was smart, he’d make sure that the group avoids you at all costs. But there’s a deep, primal part of him that forces him to keep his mouth shut just as he’s about to open it and suggest rerouting their journey. He wants to investigate, to find out if you’re really as sweet as you smell.
He can tell Tommy and Tess are thinking along the same lines, and it makes his teeth grit together, eyes pinched in frustration. There’s an underlying possessiveness in every further stride he takes, eyes boring into the backs of his pack members’ heads while he takes position at the rear of the group.
This is why people used to say that alphas couldn’t work together, he realizes. Not that it’s ever been an issue for him before–but he’s never smelled an omega he’s wanted so much before, either. Tommy was always the tail-chaser, before everything went to shit; he was constantly getting himself into trouble, and Joel would constantly bail him out. And Tess… he’s never met an alpha quite like her. He’s never seen her with an omega, either; never bothered asking if she had one before the outbreak. But she’s compassionate, if a bit tough. She doesn’t seem like the main threat right now.
This is what he’s always hated about these god-forsaken roles. He watches Tommy’s pace pick up a little, sees the younger Miller’s nose tilt ever-so-slightly to the wind, and in this moment he sees his own brother as a threat. That’s something that should never have had to happen. But a pack of three, and all alphas… it was bound to happen sooner or later. Maybe they’ve all been fooling themselves.
It’s been great for them thus far, being able to use each other when necessary without fear of repercussions, but there also hasn’t been an omega in the picture yet. Now, with heavy pheromones swirling invisibly between the three of them, a subtle and silent struggle for dominance starts to rear its ugly head.
The scent only grows stronger, and it makes Joel worry. It’s heady, damn near overwhelming. Joel’s never witnessed an omega so close to heat without actually being in heat. The pull of your pheromones is dangerous–it’ll draw in every alpha within a range of miles, maybe even some from the QZ with how close you are. The range will only grow once your heat actually breaks out. The pack is heading directly towards the source of great danger, and all three of them know it. Even still, all three of them are powerless to stop it.
Joel spots you first. You’re nestled under a tree, sound asleep, half-camouflaged by a blanket of orange and brown leaves. You’re gorgeous, there’s no other way to describe you, and with your pheromones flooding his senses it’s nearly impossible for him to hold back from approaching you.
He reaches out a quick hand and grabs his brother’s arm just as he’s about to step towards you.
“Don’t,” Joel growls from deep in his chest. His eyes dart around quickly, searching every inch of autumn foliage for some sign of the trap this must be. They’ve heard about this exact kind of trap before, and Joel mentally curses himself for falling right into it despite knowing better.
Hardly any unmarked omegas survived outbreak day. Many of the few that did were captured by large groups of malicious betas and put into traps, their heats used to lure in alphas who were then exterminated en masse. Joel and his pack have been lucky not to encounter such a trap yet, but everyone’s luck runs out eventually.
They stand, they watch you, and they wait for the other boot to drop.
But it doesn’t. You sleep peacefully, albeit squirming a little bit, and no one else comes. There’s nothing but the sound of birds chirping in the distance and wind rustling the bare branches of the trees overhead.
All of a sudden, you wake. Your entire body jolts, nostrils flaring at the heavy and suddenly overwhelming scent of alpha. Your beautiful eyes widen with fear, and Joel sees you're about to make a break for it.
Without thinking, he steps forward and holds a hand out in front of him–a sign of goodwill. “Easy, omega. We ain’t gonna hurtcha.”
Your chest heaves with panting breaths, but you don’t move yet. You’re smart, he thinks. You know you can’t outrun all three of them.
“You’re in a spot a’trouble,” Joel continues, trying to make his voice as gentle as possible as he takes another tiny step closer to you. “Could smell your heat comin’ on from miles away. What’s a li’l thing like you doin’ out in the woods all alone?”
“Going to the QZ.” There’s a firmness behind your tone–how brave you are, he thinks. And how stupid. 
“Where you comin’ from?” He asks–prying, but gently.
You look apprehensive, but you answer anyway. “Tennessee.”
“Didn’t do your research, did you sweetheart?” He grumbles as gently as he can. “Atlanta don’t take omegas. You go there, ‘specially in the state you’re in, you’ll be shot on sight.”
He can almost see the gears turning in your head, albeit slowly given your state; you’re wondering if he’s really telling the truth, if you can really trust him. You’re wondering why he hasn’t leaped at you yet.
You gulp and plant your hands in the dirt at your sides as if you’re getting ready to stand, but you don’t move yet.
Tommy takes a quick step forward, and Joel sees the way you flinch at the sharp crack of a twig underneath the younger Miller’s boot.
“Shut the fuck up,” he growls, a little harsher than he means to. “Don’t you fuckin’ move, Tommy. I mean it.”
“Please don’t hurt me,” you whisper, hardly louder than the breeze. And then he sees it–the first pang of heat, your face screwing up in pain and your body squirming uncomfortably on the forest floor. You try not to show it, but Joel catches it anyway. Your heat is here, and his instincts take over.
“Fuck off,” he snarls, stepping firmly between Tommy and you. Tess steps forward, mouth agape in some mixture of shock and confusion, and Joel swivels his burning gaze to her. “Both of you. Fuck off. Go on ahead to Atlanta, I’ll meet up with you there.”
Tess doesn’t look affected, just concerned. “Joel, what the–”
“Go!” He roars. There’s no room for argument, even though Tommy opens his mouth like he might try. In the end, they know there’s no winning. Not right now, not with Joel’s pheromones rising and his eyes so dark. They hesitate just a moment, slowly back away, and then finally admit defeat and vanish into the trees.
Once they’re gone, you don’t try to hide your pain as much. A whimper escapes your lips as you squeeze your thighs together and all pretense falls away.
“You okay, little one?” He drops to his knees beside you so he can give you a better look. It’s clear that the road you’ve traveled has not been easy on you–he’s amazed you’ve survived as long as you have all on your own. You’re disheveled and dirty, maybe even worse off than he is. You look like you haven’t eaten in days, and the simple t-shirt covering you isn’t nearly warm enough to protect you from the chill riding in on the late autumn breeze.
Joel’s quick to rip his jacket off and drape it around your trembling shoulders–he feels a strange surge of pride when you quickly pull the fabric tightly around you and nuzzle your face into the collar for a deep inhale of his scent.
“Talk to me, omega.” His voice is deep, demanding. “You doin’ okay? What can I do to help?”
“Alpha…” Your voice is so quiet, and all he wants is to take you into his arms. But now of all times is not the time to be hasty. As much as he wants you, he refuses to take advantage of you.
“It hurts, alpha,” you continue quietly.
“I know, baby.” The sweet ting of southern accent in his voice seeps into your very veins and warms you from head to toe with each rapid thump of your heart. “How can I help?”
You reach a shaky hand towards him and he meets you halfway, marveling at how small your hand is compared to his paw. He never really considered himself a big guy until this moment, seeing you so small and helpless beside him. Clearly it’s affecting you too–he sees the way your thighs clench tightly together the second he touches you.
“I trust you,” you murmur so sweetly.
For a moment, he considers running. He’s done horrible things with the hands that now hold you so gently. He’s not one to be trusted. He’ll only end up hurting you.
“Your scent’s gonna draw more alphas in, baby,” he coos deeply. “There’s a whole QZ fullav’em just a couple miles away. It ain’t safe to be out in the open like this.”
But there’s no logic or reason left in your gaze–you nuzzle your face into his neck so you can inhale his scent straight from the source, and Joel knows there’s only one way this ends without some worse alpha coming along and hurting or killing you.
“Need you, alpha,” you plead as shiny tears fill your pretty eyes. “Please, it hurts so bad.”
Joel wonders if this is your first heat–it sure seems like it. You’ve probably been on suppressants since the day you presented. Every bone in his body screams for you; screams to take your pain away, to soothe you with his own body, to make you his.
He’s never felt so much like an alpha as he does in this moment, when your heat gets the better of you and you fuze your mouth to his in a searing kiss.
Joel actually moans into your mouth. It’s deep and a little louder than he means to be, caught off guard by the suddenness of the kiss but even more by how sweet you taste. Your scent didn’t do you justice, really. He’s never gotten addicted to someone from their kiss alone before, and yet just as suddenly as it started he needs more. He needs to devour you whole, to claim every inch of you until there’s nothing left for anyone else. Even as he licks into your mouth and easily takes control of your mouth with his tongue, he knows this is going to end badly. He also knows that he doesn’t care.
“Sweet little thing,” he coos as he tugs you to straddle his lap. You can feel the insistent press of his hardening bulge against your core, and you grind down so hard he hisses. “Easy baby, I gotcha.”
“Alpha, please…”
“Gotta have some patience, omega,” he tells you firmly. “I’ll take care’a ya, but I gotta getcha ready first. Don’t wanna hurtcha.”
You kind of want it to hurt, you kind of want him to burn himself into your very soul, but you don’t say as much out loud. You probably couldn’t form the words anyway–all that comes from your mouth is a needy little whimper.
“Hush, omega, you’re okay,” he whispers into your ear as he lays you back against the fallen leaves, one hand carefully cushioning your head while the other pulls your thigh open so he can slot himself between your legs. “M’gonna make it all better, just gotta be good f’me.”
“Alpha…” You feel the first ounce of relief as he drags your jeans and underwear down your legs in one smooth motion. Your burning skin is met with cool air and it feels incredible. Nearly as incredible as the sensation of his kisses tracing down your body, even through the fabric of your t-shirt that he leaves in place because he doesn’t want you getting cold no matter how much it feels like you might spontaneously combust if you don’t feel him inside you soon.
“You’re gonna be good for me, arentcha?” He hums against the hem of your t-shirt, just above where you so desperately need him.
“Yes, alpha,” you breathe as politely as you can manage.
His lips latch onto your clit as soon as the words have left your mouth. He knows exactly what you need–none of that torturous rapid flicking that you’ve experienced in the past but firm, honest-to-god, get-the-job-done suction.
He slips a finger into your dripping entrance and it’s honestly amazing that you don’t come right on the spot. Just that one thick finger is a stretch–it makes you arch your hips up off the ground, desperate to get away from the onslaught of pleasure and yet simultaneously wanting more.
“I know, sweetie,” he coos against your clit, slowly curling his finger until he finds the spot that makes your thighs tremble. “Feels good, doesn’it?”
“Y-yes, oh my–”
He throws all pretense out the window and adds two more fingers, filling you to your breaking point. You shatter without warning as he increases the pressure on your clit, thighs quivering and hips bucking pathetically as your warmth coats his chin. Your entire body wracks as he works you through it, fingers curling against your g-spot as his lips mercifully release your clit with an obscene pop.
“That’s right, baby,” he coos proudly. “So good f’me.”
You’re panting as you come down, satisfied for one beautiful moment even as he pulls his fingers from you so he can kiss his way back up to your mouth.
He slots between your legs so he can lick into your mouth again, and the taste of your own pleasure on his tongue makes everything come crashing back down. Your cunt clenches hard around nothing, and you groan out in pain and need for him.
He grunts when your legs lock around his sturdy waist, feet pressing into his ass to grind his heavy, jean-clad cock into your soaked folds. He moans from the very pit of his stomach, surprised at the sudden movement–and then he presses even harder, grinding himself so firmly against your cunt that you swear you can feel the outline of his mushroom head even through the layers of clothing he still wears.
“Tell me you want this, omega,” he pants into your ear, still pressed so tightly to you as he reaches down to tug his belt open. “Tell me to fuck you.”
“Please, alpha.” You’re trying so hard not to sound whiny, but you’re failing miserably. “Please fuck me.”
Joel simply adores how sweetly you ask for what you need. God, he doesn’t even know your name, but it’s taking everything in him not to claim you for the rest of eternity.
Would that really be so bad? Clearly you’re a survivor if you’ve made it this far, and as an omega no less. You could be a valuable addition to the pack.
But really, it’s the thought of having you as a home to come back to that gets him tugging his cock out of his jeans to the symphony of your quiet moans and pleas. He thinks about having a lovingly-crafted nest and the sweetest, tightest cunt he’s ever known waiting for him at the end of a long day, and it takes everything in him not to blow his load right then and there.
He knows he doesn’t deserve this, but he’s willing to be selfish anyway. Just this once.
“Holy shit,” you gasp when you look down and see the firm length of him, barely contained in his big hand. He’s thick and weeping precum, tip stained a dark maroon from sitting in his jeans untouched this long. He’s nothing like the betas you entertained yourself with before the outbreak–you’ve never even really seen an alpha’s cock in person, and certainly none this large.
He must see the apprehension in your gaze, because he takes your chin between his thumb and forefinger so he can raise your face to meet his dark, brooding eyes. “You tell me if it hurts, okay? Don’t wanna hurt you, wanna help you feel better.”
You don’t know why, but you trust him. So you nod, and you tug him into a deep kiss.
The first press of him into your waiting core has your mouth dropping open, head pressing back into the hand that cups the back of your head. He keeps you pressed so firmly against his entire body as he inches in. He’s so attentive, pulling back to watch your face for any sign of discomfort as he rocks his hips, pushing an inch deeper with every shallow thrust until the base of him settles as tightly against you as he can.
He doesn’t find anything in your expression other than pure euphoria.
He kisses you, breathless and messy, as he wills himself to stay still while fully sheathed in your tight heat. Damn it all, he’s fighting so hard for control. He’s never had someone squeeze him so perfectly, so warmly. Your cunt is pure, unadulterated heaven.
“A-alpha,” you whine once you’re ready, but he can’t move. Not yet. You’re his omega, he needs to take care of you, and he’s far too close to spilling himself deep inside your cunt and pressing even deeper so his knot can take root. He could never live with himself if he disappointed you like that.
“Please, alpha,” you try again, and the unrelenting need is what does him in. You need him, not just anyone. No one else could satisfy you how he does–he’s sure of it.
With the first true thrust of his hips, a wave of pheromones rushes over his senses. He basks in the scent of you, nearly high on it, and then the danger of this comes crashing back to him.
He thrusts deep, makes your toes curl and your chest heave, and he asks a weighted question as the pace continues. “This your first heat?”
You nod your head, barely even able to process his words. “R-ran out of s-suppressants.”
Fuck. He knew it. You don’t even seem to realize the danger, the calling card that you’re putting on display for every alpha within a ten mile radius. It’s a miracle that no one has shown up–everyone in Atlanta is probably wise to the trap scheme, luckily. But luck runs out eventually, and someone’s going to end up taking a chance for your delectable scent.
“Others’re gonna smell you, omega,” he growls as he grinds deep. “Ain’t safe to be unmarked out here. They’ll come f’ya.”
The pleasure is unbearable–toe-curling, blood-boiling, thigh-quaking. All you can do is sob and whine as his big cock fucks into you and hits exactly the right spot with every thrust.
“Gotta mark ya,” he continues quietly. “Only way to keep you safe, baby.”
You come out of your reverie a little bit at that; but deep down, you know he’s right. The only way you’ve been able to survive so long was a stockpile of suppressants you were lucky enough to get your hands on. But they’re gone, and with them your chances of surviving much longer. Unless you let this stranger mark you–the most intimate gesture possible.
“Okay,” you breathe against his neck. “Mark me.”
Your cunt clenches unbearably tight around his shaft as his teeth dig sharply into the base of your neck. Your taste floods his mouth, heady and warm–in combination with your legs locked around his waist, he can’t stop it. He’s coming before he can warn you, hot ropes of seed coating every inch of you, seemingly endless. And then, without thinking, he presses that little bit deeper so his knot can fill you to your limit.
You sob at the sensation, nails digging into his shirt-clad back in a feeble attempt to tamp down the overload of pleasure at the sudden stretch of his thick knot in your tight cunt.
“Fuckfuckfuck–” he growls into your bitten neck, grinding himself as deep as he can as his cock pulses within your tight walls. “Oh fuck omega, I’m sorry–”
You hush him to the best of your breathless ability as your hands smooth through his sweaty brown hair and down over his shoulders. “It’s okay. It’s okay, alpha. You made it so much better.”
There’s a long moment of silence, Joel’s mind swirling with so many thoughts that he can’t focus on a single one. You coax him through it silently, hands smoothing over the fabric of his shirt as your breathing slowly comes.
You’ve never felt so full, so complete. His scent surrounds you and fills you; nothing has ever felt quite so right.
You realize vaguely that he’s licking the blood from the teeth marks on your neck, and you think now’s as good a time as any to give him your name.
He looks up at you, confused for a moment, and then a warm laugh bubbles from his throat. God, he can’t remember the last time he actually laughed. What are you doing to him?
“Joel Miller,” he introduces himself back. “M’sorry, I shoulda started with that.”
His arms are getting shaky from supporting his weight above you, so he grabs firmly onto your waist and rolls smoothly onto his back with you rested snugly against his chest.
“M’sorry,” he repeats again as he feels his swollen knot pulse within you at the slight movement of your hips. “I meant to pull out, I–”
“I wanted it,” you tell him. “I wouldn’t let you. I’m sorry too.”
He gulps, nods once as a hand idly comes up to cradle your head. “I’ve got a guy in the QZ. He can get us a pill. But we’ve gotta be more careful next time.”
“Next time?”
“That was just the first round, baby,” he explains quietly. “Heats can last days, even a week. You’ll need a lot more care ‘fore it’s over.”
“Oh.” You feel so dumb, getting your education from someone whose knot is currently swollen inside you.
“We’ll get a pill,” he promises. “And I’ll pull out next time.”
“You’re… not leaving?” You’ve tried so hard not to have any false pretenses about this. You figured from the get go that he’d leave as soon as his knot went down and you’d never see him again.
He sighs heavily and runs a hand over the patchy brown hair on his chin. “Look, I… you met the rest’a my pack earlier, sorta. There’s just the three of us. We’re not good people, but… we’ll keep you safe. And you seem like you’re able to earn your keep.”
“I am,” you’re quick to assert.
“And I’ve marked you,” he adds. “Can’t just leave ya out here to fend for yourself. You’re my omega now.”
You don’t know why, but the words make your heart flutter.
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You and Joel catch up to Tommy and Tess at the edge of the QZ, just in time for the meeting with their contact. Joel had explained to you on the way that it was an old acquaintance, a guy they’d met in Texas shortly after the outbreak who they’d worked with for a few months before he joined up with FEDRA. Now he sneaks supplies out to them in exchange for rarities from the other QZs.
That’s what the pack does, Joel had explained. They’re smugglers–they distribute things illegally between all the different continental quarantine zones.
Tommy and Tess see the two of you coming, and they’re instantly on guard. It only gets worse when Tommy recognizes the brown leather jacket wrapped tightly around your torso to shield you from the breeze.
Joel tries to ignore Tommy’s call, but there’s not much he can do.
“Joel, what the fuck’ve you done?”
Joel supposes Tommy’s outrage is justified, but he shields you from it anyway. Truth be told, he doesn’t rightly know just what he’s gotten himself into with you.
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➔ beta: @futuraa-free (thank u honey i love u)
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corazondebeskar-reads · 10 months
toni's fanfic masterlist
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a collection of all of my fic, mostly ft. Din Djarin and Joel Miller
Key: 🏴 = dark, 💕 = fluff, ⛓ = bdsm, 💀 = dead dove do not eat
18+ ONLY, minors DNI. All fics on this list are explicit and f!reader unless otherwise stated.
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
last updated: 5/24/2024
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Din Djarin
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⛓💕 well it's love, make it hurt
(Complete, dom!Din Djarin x f!reader)
summary: After The Mandalorian begrudgingly teamed up with you for a big-ticket bounty, you find you work surprisingly well together, and you propose a short-term partnership. Weeks become months, and your hunting partnership becomes muddled as you explore a new dynamic onboard the Razor Crest.
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🏴 live to rise
(complete; gladiator!Din Djarin x f!reader)
summary: The Last of the Mandalorians have fallen; their Mand'alor captured. Stripped of his armor, his weapons, his people. Din rises to fight another day, grasping onto the hope that his son still lives.
No fighter has won their freedom from the Empire's arena before. With the help of a servant girl, can he hope to break free?
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One Shots
don't let me get carried away
summary: Mando finds the toy you use when he's gone and makes you demonstrate.
for Manda'yaim (Din Djarin x f!reader x Paz Vizsla)
summary: Now that they have reclaimed their homeworld, the Children of the Watch resurrect an ancient ritual to secure the future of their people. Reader is one of the volunteers chosen to bear the next generation of Mando'ade.
🏴💀 worry not
summary: Mand'alor Din Djarin is haunted by the Darksaber, and you suffer the consequences.
💕 mhi ba'juri verde
summary: After Din is crowned Mand'alor, you make good on your promise to fulfill the rest of your vows.
🏴 ori'skraan
summary: The Mand'alor needs to feed to regain his strength, so you are called upon to fulfill the most sacred of your duties.
🏴💀I'll take care of you
summary: Din takes care of you after a head injury leaves you helpless.
stuck in a lonely loop
summary: Din can't let go of the feeling that something's wrong, even if you deny it.
🏴nobody is coming to save you
summary: You get caught by a Mandalorian bounty hunter after fleeing your marriage.
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Din Djarin x reader x Boba Fett
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copaani gaan? (Din Djarin x f!reader x Boba Fett)
summary: Din catches you blushing after Boba Fett flirts with you. He instigates and encourages you to fuck Fett while he watches.
mhi me'dinui an and prequel (Din Djarin x f!reader x Boba Fett x Cobb Vanth)
summary: After the events of The Book of Boba Fett, you get railed by Din Djarin, Boba Fett, and Cobb Vanth.
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Joel Miller
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🏴💀 all I did was what I had to (complete; dark!Joel x f!reader)
summary: this is a series of snapshots following dark!raider/hunter!Joel Miller and f!reader, who he saves from her abusive spouse for a slightly better situation. It's very dark and so far all the parts involve watersports, if that's your kind of thing.
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you know you never stood a chance (complete; qz!Joel x f!reader)
summary: When your neighbor Joel finds out you've resorted to prostitution to make ends meet, he makes sure he's your first client, and proposes a different deal.
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ain't no rest for the wicked (complete; tess x f!reader x joel)
summary: Joel would never complain about what he and Tess have. The only thing is that, sometimes, he’d like to be the one in control. Tess has a proposition: she’ll find a sub for Joel that they can both enjoy. It’s not an easy feat... until they stumble upon you in a dark alley. 
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🏴💀 the art of breaking
summary: Your meeting is happenstance, but everything that follows? Well, that’s all Joel. He just knows you’re going to be his perfect little toy. He just has to show you how.
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🏴of rage and ruin (ongoing; werewolf!alpha!Joel Miller x f!omega!reader)
summary: Joel Miller made it twelve years into the apocalypse without getting bit. He turns into a much different kind of monster than he expected, though.
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One Shots
🏴💀 the devil you don't know (or however it goes)
summary: When Joel's men bring back the (adult) daughter of a rival group of hunters, he sees an opportunity. This is VERY dark.
-- the aftermath (by demand; my thoughts on the possible endings. i stand by the original though.)
💕 a home amongst the stars
summary: Joel gets home after a late patrol and finds solace in your warm body.
💕 to know that you're mine
summary: Joel Miller is a pussy eating king with a praise kink. That's it, that's the fic. sub!Joel if you squint.
remember what you're staring at is me
summary: A videotape is left on your porch one morning, and it changes everything about your budding relationship with Joel Miller.
🏴💀 too much
summary: you never know when to shut up.
🏴 not enough
summary: a companion to "too much;" it's rough sex and choking with Joel. that's it, that's the fic.
🏴💀no one could save me but you
summary: You're under the care of Dr. Miller at an inpatient mental health facility. He has a vested interest in your "recovery."
🏴💀seasons don't
summary: Your husband dies a hero, but it's no comfort to you.
🏴💀no loyalty in the apocalypse
summary: Your group falls victim to Joel Miller's hunters.
🏴💀better run
summary: You should have never tried to run from Joel.
💕 let's all go to the lobby
summary: a date night with joel miller
💕 could be
summary: jackson is not your home. joel miller is not your boyfriend. but they could be.
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Honorable Mentions: Events
(most of these are in the other sections but if you want to read through in order, there's this.)
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Kinktober 2023
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Febuwhump 2024
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ovaryacted · 15 days
thank you for the tag jana bae @guiltyasdave 🫶
rules: list the names/titles of docs in your wip folder + open your inbox to asks about them!
Okay so, I have quite a lot going on right now and I’m slowly going through the wips, trying to spread out the workload so I don’t get overwhelmed and can have some fun in October so yeah. Feel free to ask me abt some of them if you’re interested lmao. In no particular order or priority:
Joel Miller Cock Worship - part of @joelmillerisapunk’s body worship challenge
KISS THE GIRL - first chapter of my upcoming Worst! Logan Howlett x reader series (it’s a pain in my ass cause it’s gonna be long)
COMPLICATED - Javier Peña x f! reader; part of @almostfoxglove’s angst challenge
UNTITLED - old man! Logan x f! reader (DDLG)
UNTITLED - Alpha old man! Logan x omega f! reader
UNTITLED - modern Jackson! Joel Miller x f! reader x old man! Logan (AU)
UNTITLED - Joel Miller x f! reader; part of @burntheedges’ Roll-A-Trope challenge
SAVE YOUR TEARS - modern Jackson! Joel x f! reader
GRATITUDE - qz! Joel Miller x f! Reader (dark content)
NP Tags: @evolnoomym @joelsgreys @joelsdagger @almostfoxglove @mrsmando @missredherring @strang3lov3 @moonlight-prose @eupheme @saradika @ozarkthedog @pedgito @tightjeansjavi @pr0ximamidnight and anybody else that I didn’t tag!
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chalterdh22 · 1 year
Day 1: Joel and Tess in Anticipation – Augtickletober2023
Summary:  Joel and Tess’s relationship pre- Ellie mission.  Tess wants to stir things up with their relationship, so she tries something new with Joel.  She wants to relieve him of his stress, but it’s not in the way he thinks.  Will he like it, or will it about kill him?
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, so if that’s not your thing, don't read.  Mostly fluffy actually, which is weird with these two.  Few swear words, but that’s all. 
Lee: Joel
Ler: Tess
Joel and Tess didn’t have a normal relationship, especially in a post-apocalyptical world, as they didn’t have a lot of alone time and were constantly working the system to their favor.  But every now and then, they would have some time they would be able to spend together. 
On one such occasion, about 5 years after they moved into the QZ, they actually had a day where they weren’t needed anywhere and nothing urgent was at hand.  The night before, they both wanted just a time of relaxation where they could just hang around their little apartment and get some much-needed rest.
They knew they had extra time, so Tess asked if Joel had ever wanted to try anything new.  He shrugged his shoulders, not saying anything really.  She thought either of embarrassment or he really didn’t have much or a thought on anything more.  She didn’t push it, so she thought about herself. 
The man she had fallen for under the strangest of world circumstances, was a strong, alpha male, who worked hard to get everything he wanted and more.  He wasn’t the best at taking orders but did what he had to do to survive.  So, she thought, maybe she could take some control from him and that might relax him. 
After their small dinner and booze they shared, they both lay down in their unmade bed looking at each other, groggy with the cheap liquor they had mixed with not a lot to eat.  She touched his face and he leaned into her touch.  “Can we try something different tonight, Joel?”  she asked softly.
“Sure. What did ya have in mind?”  He continued to lay there as she caressed his face. 
Tess rolled out of bed and grabbed a few different belts.  “Hey, whoa Tess.  I’m not into getting a beating!”  She rolled her eyes. 
“Take off your clothes but keep your boxers on.”  she ordered him sternly.  This peaked his interest.  He did what he was told and sat on the bed waiting.  “Lay down.”  She grabbed his arms, raising them above his head to the headboard.
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“Shut up and play along.  You’ll like this.”  He scoffed and had a small grin form.  She tied his strong arms above his head.  “Oh, hold on.” She reached behind her grabbing a piece of torn cloth.
“Ok, yeah, cuz I might be going somewhere Tess!”  She shook her head and leaned towards his wrapping the cloth around his eyes.  “I dunno about this…” his voice trailed off.
She grabbed one of his strong legs and pulled it, extending it out to the corner of the bed and looping the belt around his socked ankle.  “Ummm, Tess?” Before he could say anything else, she grabbed the other leg and did the same.  She stood at the foot of the bed, pretty proud of her handy work.
Smiling, shaking her head, and thinking about all the craziness she was about to do to him, but not really planning anything, he laid there helpless, his breathing increased over the anticipation of what awaited him.  “Gotta say, Joel, I could literally destroy you right now if I wanted to.  But lucky for you, you’re too cute and I kinda want you around.”  As she said that to him, she walked up to his torso, and lightly traced her fingers from his kneecap to his side.  As she did this, a shiver went through his body and a small grin appeared.  This interested her, so she walked around to the other side of his body, doing the same thing.
This time though, he really was flinching and gasping a little, trying to cover it up.  “Damn girl let’s get on with it!  You’re driving me crazy!”  She continued to smile at him, but her focus now was more on his reactions to his touch. 
It was almost like it tickled him.  She had never done that with him, mostly because the new world they lived in was a quick and violent world, so they didn’t have a lot of flirting time.  So, this was new to her, and quite humorous to see her big, scary boyfriend at her complete mercy.
Time to change tactics, she was thinking.  “Joel, it makes me happy when you’re so relaxed.  And to see you smile and laugh a little bit would be the ultimate relaxation I’d think.  His face grew stern, and he was clearing his voice a bit.  She just stood there, letting him sweat a bit.  It was good for him.
“Ok Tess, this isn’t fun anymore.  Untie me.”
“Mmmmm, no.  This is fun for me.”  She straddled his hips now and gently placed her hands along his ribcage, massaging his ribs gently.
“Tess, nooooo!  Wh-what are yyyou doing?” He yelled out, almost bucking her off him.
“Let’s call me your stress reliever Joel.”
“I I I doon’t waaannntt iiiitt!” he barely got out the words of his mouth.
“I do, now shut up and let me have some fun for a few minutes!”
She dug into his side now and he started barking out a huge laugh, that probably alerted the whole QZ. 
She then switched tactics and leaned back to his thighs and squeezed them for a few seconds.  “Tttteeeeeeesssss!  Puuuuh-llleeeeease st-stooooppp!”  He was laughing, coughing, and gasping all at the same time. 
“Now Joel, I’m trying to give you a full body massage.  Sit back and let me do this for you!  I got one spot left.  “Your tired, old man feet!”  She spun around and scooted down his shins in reaching distance.
With yelling out a series of no’s, swears and bucking his body even harder, she noticed he was almost out of his wrist restraints, so she made quick work of scratching at his feet for about 20 seconds as he yelled and laughed at the same time. 
Tess felt a shift and realized he was almost free so she jumped off his shins and started undoing those belts.
As he finally got out of the wrist belt, he sat up, sweaty, tear stained and eyes swollen, face red.  “Damn girl, I thought you were gonna kill me!”
“Nah, I know you’re stronger than that!” She sat next to him and gave him a kiss, which he returned.  “I’m glad to see you smile and hear that laugh of yours though.”  She stood up and walked into the kitchen area, leaving him sit on the bed, still breathing heavily and still with a grin on his face.  He sorely needed this.
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healthkits · 2 years
@auroradicit sent: old faithful: You're going to the person you always go to in order to relieve your problem / worked something out: The two of you aren't involved. You just help each other out. / calm you down: Whether it's to fuck or to fight, you're going mad, and they have to bring you back down to Earth. ► from heat / rut prompts
Sometimes, not very often, Joel hates waking up in the morning so much he looks almost longingly at the gun in his right hand after pulling it from beneath his pillow. There are days that it feels more justifiable-- Sarah's and Tommy's birthdays, for example, or his own fucking birthday, or because he wakes up and the rain is pouring in buckets and he has to work outside in the QZ that day-- but the second stupidest, shittiest, most piece of dumbfuck reason he's ever experienced is rut.
The first stupidest, shittiest, most piece of dumbfuck reason? It's when the rut comes and Sabi isn't inside the QZ with him.
So Joel's pretty angry basically all day. He's irascible as he carries out his tasks and even worse when a FEDRA soldier calls him out for walking too slowly (and the verbal lash out he gives is such a rookie mistake he wouldn't be mad in the middle of getting beaten for his insolence if, you know, he didn't want to murder everyone in sight to begin with). And at the end of the day, the new bruises blooming on his back and torso aside, he's sporting purple-red knuckles and a slowly blackening eye-- not even because of FEDRA that time, but because he couldn't get some god damn moonshine without some fucker trying to point out that he reeks of alpha rut and to find some pills, you freak.
Needless to say, he had to pay the owner of the place two ration cards in exchange for breaking the porcelain toilet with the idiot's skull.
When he returns to his home (his and Sabi's home, technically, because it's just more convenient to be roommates, except she's not here, and he's going to lose his fucking mind), everything hurts and he still wants to beat the shit out of somebody. Sure, he's smelled an omega here and there triggered by his scent, but as sweet as they'd been they hadn't been her... and, Christ, that's the real clincher, isn't it? Because thinking that Sabi's the only one who knows how to make it better beyond having a hole to knot is another one of those things that makes him want to shoot himself, too.
Then he smells her.
And, oh, surely she's smelled him. Surely as she snuck her way to their building and climbed up the stairs, she scented all the humiliating remnants of rut she ought to know like the back of her hand by now. He's supposed to be drinking water in the kitchen area by the front door, but Joel forgets all about it when he hears the lock clicking and the knob turning, his nostrils flaring as Sabi's delightful sweetness filters through the gap at the bottom of the door.
He probably looks like a serial killer, standing in the relative darkness and all. The hour is late enough that there's barely any light outside the window, too.
But the sense of relief that fills him-- she's home, she's safe, the pack's complete, my omega-- makes everything else irrelevant.
It's too bad he sounds as harsh as ever as he bites out, "You're late."
Can she smell the blood he carried home with him? God knows Joel reeks of it (and the animal in the back of his mind is proud that he does, too).
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seethesunny · 10 months
i would like the deets on the biblically accurate a/b/o please and thank you :)
As you please ma'am!
So technically I have two aus!
In the one that takes most space in the doc (solely tessjoel centric and it happens in the QZ) Tess is an omega (unknown to anyone but Joel) and Joel is an alpha, they have been working together for some years now but they weren't mates yet until it happened in one impulsive night. Anyway they mark each other and eventually she accidentally gets pregnant but doesn’t tell him (bc they don’t communicate right) so she leaves him sometime, then she comes looking for him and they make up, then they live together again.
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Yes its filthy and nasty but also there's drama™️ and yearning and longing 😁
The second one is kind of an au of an au, no Cordyceps, expectant parents Joel and Tess live in a cabin in the woods (somewhere idk yet) and they're pretty much fine when one day a teeny tiny feral girl around five or six appears on their garden stealing vegetables and yes Tess caught her. She gets her inside, properly feeds her and bathes her, and when Joel comes home she already adopted her lmao Joel is all confused but Tess explains this is the one who has been munching on their strawberries and they should keep her bc she's alone. And that's pretty much it, Joel isn’t that fond of accepting her bc they're about to have pups however he eventually loves her just the same. Sweet and nice and maybe I'll add even more lore to it (Tommy is at Jackson with Maria and uhhh they meet again. Somehow.)
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Answering the Joel anon from yesterday:
And I’m doing it under a cut because I’m trying to keep things spoiler free for those that haven’t played and are trying to go into the show without knowing much about the plot! 
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I also can’t help myself when it comes to Joel, so we’re in the same boat. 
I 100% agree with you. There’s a difference between someone understanding physical and mental limitations - Ellie being smaller and less skilled than him, Ellit not understanding how to use weapons, Ellie’s trust in people needing time to become more intuitive instead of just following with what people present themselves as, etc. - and being ridiculously overbearing ALL THE TIME. 
And this translates to a Reader character, too. It’s likely that a Reader wouldn’t have had to go through the same things Joel did, even if they lived in a QZ or other dangerous place. Why? Because they probably wouldn’t have been a smuggler (Tess is one in a million and you can’t convince me otherwise). They likely wouldn’t have had to travel from Texas to Boston (or a similar distance) and live the same way Joel and Tommy did. The physical stature of a female would have probably allowed them to be assigned to very different jobs and duties over time that were better suited to what they could easily handle. (That isn’t to say that some women wouldn’t have been better suited for fighting or patrolling or manual labor, I’m making a generalization here). 
But you CANNOT protect someone from every single thing that might be an inconvenience to them and still expect them to survive and thrive in this setting - even in a place like Jackson. The idea isn’t to coddle someone to the point that they NEED you for survival - it’s to teach them the tools to sustain themselves in the event that you are no longer around - because Joel knows DAMN well that that’s a possibility. Why would he want to take on that alpha male / sole protector role and possibly leave Reader alone if something happens? That serves no purpose. And Joel doesn’t strike me as the type that would need someone to depend on him in order to feel validated as a man or in a relationship. 
It’s clear that Sarah was independent (or as independent as someone could be at 12.) She played sports. She liked music. She seemed to help out around the house and to do things to help take care of Joel - he’s not just going to switch from letting his own flesh and blood daughter do THAT to hovering and needing to step in and control every single situation when it comes to someone else that he cares for. Is he going to be overprotective and highly observant and watch how things develop like a hawk? Yes, of course - because he doesn’t want to lose someone else if he can help it - but he can’t be everywhere. He can’t guide every situation or behavior. He can’t protect someone 24/7, and that was made clear with Sarah, and again with Tess - and again with Esther, (I WANT TO MEET HER TLOU2 DIRECTOR’S CUT WHEN) who didn’t even live in Jackson, but Joel had a relationship with. 
You are absolutely correct in saying that even if Reader was a BABY when the outbreak happened - so 21-22 ish by the time Joel and Ellie get to Jackson - it is inconceivable that they would be helpless. We see in part 2 that people Dina and Jesse’s age (teenagers) are responsible for things like patrols and guarding. We see that there are younger people at the dam. We see the way the city works - people HAVE to pull their own weight in whatever way they can, and being a liability because you have no survival skills is not it. 
And I will have to disagree with your “probably good people” comment ONLY because they all knew exactly what their objective was - to keep Joel from Ellie so that Jerry could kill her. It didn’t matter that they were close. It didn’t matter that she was a child. It didn’t matter that they didn’t give her a choice. It didn’t matter that the Fireflies didn’t even know if the vaccine had ANY shot of being successful - and they SWARMED that building with the goal of eliminating the single man that they viewed to be a threat. 
Were there good people in the Fireflies? Yes, I’m sure there were. But when you look at Marlene - who promised Anna she would look after Ellie - but because she was “so tired” and “just wanted it to be over” decided that it was OK to sacrifice her for the cause after how many failed attempts? It shows that even good people have a breaking point. 
And Joel is one of them. He was a good father. A good brother. A good man (I’m assuming) before the ourbreak, and then he was forced to change. He was forced to do horrible things to survive, and that changed him. Do I think there’s still goodness inside of him? Of course. The way he treated Ellie is proof of that. His interactions with Sam and Henry were proof of that. His relationship (because that’s what it was and you won’t convince me otherwise) with Tess is proof of that. 
But he’s still a liar. He’s still a murderer. He’s (understandably) selfish. He’s still not above doing what he needs to do for himself and the people he cares about to survive - but that comes at a cost. And having to pay that cost over and over again because someone refuses to learn or doesn’t know how to take care of themselves or NEEDS him to be there in a way that requires his undivided attention is not sustainable. He lost his SHIT when Ellie distanced herself from him - and she was perfectly healthy and living in his backyard. Imagine what he would do if something happened to Reader under his watch that resulted in an actual injury and he felt like it was his fault? (Even though it would likely be THEIR fault, let’s be honest). 
Will he take care of someone? Yes. Will he defend them if necessary, and do violent things on their behalf? Will he make it a point to go above and beyond to ensure safety? Yes, definitely. But it can’t be all the time, and it SHOULDN’T be all the time. Being helpless like that and having to depend on someone for EVERYTHING when you are physically and mentally capable of pulling your own weight doesn’t make you cute or endearing - it makes you a burden, and Joel doesn’t need anymore of those. It makes so much more sense for him to want to help you learn and grow and become self-sufficient in ANY way possible than it does for him to go “ok, well, I guess I’ll take care of you forever.” Even Ellie adapted - she learned to use a bow and arrow and her switchblade and found ways to be efficient with what she had - and in a lot of ways, I would be much more terrified to go up against Ellie than Joel - even in Joel’s prime years. 
I didn’t mean for this to get so long but it turns out that I had (have, because this isn’t even close to all of it) a TON to say about Joel Miller, so thank you for your original message! 
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unprofessional-bard · 4 years
Losing My Religion Series Masterlist
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Previous Chapter • Next Chapter
Pairing: Joel Miller × Female!Reader/OC
Summary: The reader, waiting for a knock on the door by death, is saved by a smuggler with a reputation and a kid she used to watch over at the Boston QZ.
Word Count: 3.341
Warnings: Not too much, just a slightly detailed description of an injury and connections to PTSD.
Author's Note: Oh my, this is the first part of my 8 to 9 chapter long Joel fic!! A little background on the reader/oc:
The reader is ex-special forces captain and now a FEDRA major general in the Boston QZ who sticks to FEDRA in order to survive with her old friends from her pre-outbreak days. Her teams "black ops" reputation is well known around the northeast and it draws unwanted attention on her - it makes her a target. After a mission gone wrong, she finds herself tied to a chair, left to die, when a figure who's supposedly her "sworn enemy" rescues her.
I think I should warn you all now that the bloodshed/gore and the events in this fic in general will be quite realistic, like canon typical brutality but not too often. I'll put detailed warnings in each chapter though!!
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The first thing you felt was the taste of iron when distant chatter made your ears perk up and eyes open slightly. You were sure today was the day that you'd finally find your peace and move onto your next life and leave this miserable one behind, but the voices of what appeared to be a man and a young girl's had put a stop to that. You couldn't hear very well and you also didn't recognise the voices, but now they were more clear as you reckoned that they'd entered the room you'd been in for the past five days or so.
"Holy shit," you heard the girl say. She somehow sounded familiar now that you heard her better.
"Okay," the man. "We should be safe here."
You struggled to lift your head up and open your eyes completely, to speak even, which made things really hard but the little girl noticed you in very short notice.
"Oh fuck!" She exclaimed, probably at the sight of you as she sounded disturbed. "Is she...?"
You finally managed to move your head to the side a little as an answer to her question and whispered: "Help me... Please..."
"Ellie, stay back."
"Stay back," the man growled at her. "Let me handle this."
You heard footsteps get closer to you and when you managed to open an eye a little bit, you saw his feet going around you. The sun was shining through the room, it was close to nightfall.
"Please..." you begged, already out of breath. "I- I need help-"
"Joel, she really needs help," Ellie's voice got closer as well.
"She doesn't have any weapons," 'Joel' commented while studying your vulnerable form, but the girl got impatient with a huff and pulled out what you assumed to be a knife. "Ellie-"
Ellie. The little girl from Boston.
What the hell was she doing here?
"I know her! She was at the Boston QZ a few months ago, look!"
"A soldier from the QZ?!"
"I know her Joel, trust me, we can't leave her like this!" She argued while you acknowledged her presence. You felt the copper ropes around your wrists get loose and, god, was it a relief to have them finally off your poor wrists. It hurt like a bitch, having cut yourself as you struggled with your escape -not to mention it was probably infected- but it didn't stop a wave of relief from washing over you.
You almost collapsed when your restraints came off, but a big pair of hands caught you by your shoulders before your face could hit the ground. It wasn't too long before she got your ankles free as well. You were now in the arms of a man who was suspicious of you, who wanted to get rid of you, but all you could say over and over again before you passed out was: "Thank you... thank you so much."
"Move!" You flinched at the angry lieutenant yelling at the kids. Ever since they decided to start up a school, this whole apocalypse had become even more difficult. You, as former special forces, always had a hard time ever since you became special forces and you thought that perhaps you'll be done with the outbreak, but the new crooked militia made sure you weren't a deserter.
You were forced to do many things you didn't want to do -and you didn't do them anyway- but you were never killed for it because you were the best and the only special forces left in your area... plus you lied your way out of missions to save innocent lives. You were pretty disciplined, but one thing you couldn't stand for was the harassment of those poor children.
"I'll take it from here, lieutenant." You stepped in before he could say another word. Your reputation over the past years grew and so did your rank, being a superior to many others.
"I said I'll take it from here. You're dismissed, lieutenant."
The man saluted and marched away angrily, the kids confused and scared at seeing a new face.
"Alright, let's move along," you spoke in a more sincere and calm tone, which made the children relax.
Whenever they got into small troubles -like skipping class, wandering around etc.- you always took charge as best as you can to help them out. None of those children deserved to be born into this mess, you might as well make it as easy for them as possible.
There were a few troublemakers who were hard to put in line, like little Ellie, but you understood and you stood up for her whenever she was wrongly accused.
Little did you know that you'd be rewarded for your kind actions.
A bad dream -a nightmare really- from the day of the outbreak mixed with events from a couple of days back interrupted your sleep. It was the middle of the night, you assumed and cursed at the little amount of sleep you got as you didn't feel rested at all, then carefully studied your surroundings. You were in the same room where you were tied up and left to die, vision clearer and wounds not hurting too much (your face felt cleaner too), but you were in a different spot and lying on your back on something rather comfortable. You turned your head to the right as best as you could to see Ellie and Joel's silhouettes - Ellie on the ground sleeping and Joel sat by the big window of the office, watching outside with a rifle in hand and his other arm resting on his knee.
They really didn't kill you.
You groaned quietly as you slowly pushed yourself up from the couch. It always stood right by the door, but now it was pushed in fornt of the many shelves and tables covering the door. You sat on it for a while before getting up slowly.
Ellie was sleeping by the wall, a little away from Joel but closer to you; quietly making your way over to him and not waking Ellie up in the meanwhile proved to be easy.
"You're finally up," Joel spoke nonchalantly.
"For how long was I out?"
"Two and a half days," your eyes widened. "You really needed that, huh?"
"I guess so... doesn't feel like two days," your voice trailed off as the images from two days ago started appearing in your mind. You quietly leaned back on the wall behind you, then slid down and sat across Joel. He was looking at you, studying you but you were too busy with the flashbacks of a few days prior.
"You okay?" he finally asked, disturbing your thoughts.
"Mhm." You didn't trust your voice
"Tsk, sure..."
A painful two minutes passed in silence. The more you remembered, the worst it became. God, the Hunters, they killed your squad, killed all of them-
"I would'a killed you if it weren't for her," Joel nodded over to Ellie. "Told me about how nice you treated her and the other kids in the QZ..."
You smiled bitterly and nodded. You'd been wondering what had happened to all those kids you met in the QZ: "This is Carmel, right?"
"Yup," Joel groaned, gazing at the dark street a couple hundred feet below you. You focused on the full moon right above you instead and tried to put everything that happened in order: You and six other people -aka Alpha One- were sent after a dangerous group of Hunters, but they had made it out of the city and, under strict orders, you chased them out all the way to Cleveland. It was after Cleveland that everything got fucked.
"Here," Joel captured your attention once more when something soft brushed your leg. It was a blanket. "You look like you need it more than me."
It took you a while, but you eventually grabbed the blanket from his hand with a hushed 'thank you', then showed your bandaged wrists to him: "Did you do this?"
"You're very kind, thank you again." You said when he nodded 'yes'. Your gratitude made Joel's features soften for a very short moment, but he stayed silent. Little did you know that you'd be craving to see more of this side of Joel in about a month.
The past three days had been quite rainy, the weather was chill and if it weren't for the crack on the roof, you wouldn't have been able to drink the rain water that leaked in through there and you would've possibly died.
You wrapped the blanket around your shivering form and dragged your knees up to your chest for more warmth, not noticing Joel watching you from the corner of his eye.
He could tell you hadn't eaten in a long time for your face looked skinny. You were stripped of your tactical gear and FEDRA uniform, only left with your t-shirt, pants and boots; the said pieces of clothing covered in your blood. Your face was unrecognisable when they'd first found you - as if it were a canvas and the painter used blood to paint it. Your eyes were puffy from being beaten up but they were healing, it was by the dog tag hanging by your neck that Ellie recognized you. She cleaned your face with the water which was gathered into a small puddle by the chair you were tied to as Joel tended to your wounds with reluctance but carefully. Ellie had checked if you had a sleeveless undershirt of sorts and once she discovered you did, she decided to get rid of your blood soaked t-shirt which surprisingly didn't stain your undershirt as much as she'd expected.
"You can rest if you want, I'll keep watch?" You offered, the bags under his eyes made you feel bad for him. Poor guy, you didn't even know his story.
"Nah," Joel searched for something to say for a moment. "I'd say the same for you but I think you had one mighty rest."
"Yeah," you smiled apologetically. "'Guess I'll just... sit here."
"Suit yourself," Joel cleared his throat and shifted a little. He was tense, you could tell he didn't trust you but it was understandable. Normally, you would've launched yourself out of there the moment you were awake because god knows what could happen. But the only thing that made you relax a little was Ellie. He somehow looked familiar too but you weren't sure.
Only ten minutes into the silence, you couldn't resist and ask him: "How'd you end up here?"
You didn't realise that Joel's eyes were closed, he must've fallen asleep, for he never answered the sound of your hushed voice. Oh well, you thought, smiling softly to yourself; you grabbed his rifle from next to him and decided to keep watch and try to calm your mind. With everything that you had gone through before you ended up here, it was a little hard to keep calm.
"They're headed west, commander, we need to finish them."
"No," you sighed. "We chased them out this far, they won't be coming back."
"But, we have our orders-"
"I know, I know."
"Then let's go!" A man named Gabe who was a new soldier in Alpha One insisted. None of your team trusted this guy because he was willingly siding with FEDRA - something none of you were doing willingly.
A week and a half had passed before you all caught up to them in Pittsburgh. You only managed to capture one Hunter, but he didn't talk. Not so surprisingly, Gabe made him talk with the most brutal torture techniques that you were taught to resist. When Kurt, one of your oldest friends and the oldest of Alpha One, called him out? He pulled out a speech out of his ass (as Kurt had put it) about how the outbreak broke him and whatnot. None of you had found it convincing because of how out of character it was, so you all had to do the only thing left: cut him loose. Get rid of him.
But first, you had to hunt the Hunters down and you needed him, whether you liked it or not.
A small gasp from Ellie was what distracted you. You gave her a concerned look as she slowly sat up, breathless.
"You okay Ellie?" You asked quietly.
"Oh, yeah," she gulped. "Hey, you're awake. Are you okay?"
"Never better," you smiled and watched her make her way over to where you were nestled. "You and your old man really took care of me..."
"He's not my old man."
"Right... sorry... who is he though?"
"Joel. A smuggler," Ellie sat across you, her back to the said man. "I'm surprised you don't know him, him and Tess had quite the reputation around Boston."
Tess. Right. Now it clicked. Of course you'd heard of them, who hasn't?
"Yeah... Them I heard of." You nodded thoughtfully. You'd never seen Joel in person, but you'd done Tess a few favors in the past which she somewhat repayed.
But you couldn't focus on anything else but the conversations that occured on your way here.
"Commander, with all due respect-"
"Just spit it out." you sighed.
"Something's off about Gabe. We should just dump him in a river, tell 'em he got bit and that he died and go back... Christ (Y/N), we can't go on like this, we're almost in Indiana!"
"I know, Kurt," you exhaled hopelessly.
"We just gotta make sure they don't come back," Amanda, another dear friend from your pre-outbreak times said. "The world's already as fucked up as it is, we could do with less leech."
"Amanda's right, but these folk ain't leech." You reloaded your rifle. "They're goddamn weeds... Doesn't matter how much you cut off, it'll grow back again; but it's a start. We gotta get down to the root."
Ellie went back to sleep, knowing you're watching their backs, you'd like to think she slept a bit better. A few hours later the sun started illuminating the sky, which was when Joel woke up.
"Shit," he growled when he noticed you had his 'missing' rifle.
"Mornin'," you offered a small smile, knowing you won't be getting one in return. "Don't worry, you're safe. I stayed right here on this exact same spot the whole night. Relax."
He didn't reply, but you knew he wanted the rifle back, so you extended it over to him. He gave you an odd look, as if he'd been in a cage his whole life and it was the first time someone's been treating him gently, then quickly took the rifle from your hand. He then went to awaken Ellie, but you reached out to him, gently holding his hand to stop him from waking her.
"She went to sleep not so long ago, let her rest for a bit."
"We gotta get going, see if the herd cleared out." His tone was defensive.
"The sun is barely up," you offered. "Wait for another hour until whatever's left of 'em are indoors."
He wanted to argue, but he knew you were right, so he sat back down across you: "Why didn't you wake me up?" he inquired, arms crossed, one leg up close his chest leaning against the window and the other on the floor. Although he looked relaxed like this, he was still uncomfortable.
"Looked like you needed a rest more than I."
"I didn't."
"Don't lie to yourself," you chuckled at his stubbornness. "If I could, I'd trade my two and a half day rest with your five hour sleep. I had been sitting on that chair for far too long anyway..."
He looked at you, quizzically this time, sheer curiosity. You gazed into his hazel eyes for a moment and spoke: "Me and my team, Alpha One- we were after a bunch of Hunters but things went south after Pittsburgh... southwest, more specifically."
"You were in Pittsburgh?" Joel questioned.
"Yeah. We followed them all the way here, but then the bastards got tired of running, I reckon. They ambushed us here a couple of days ago, but a part of the herd you were talkin' about came through and... I don't know, it had been a quiet few days before you two came."
Joel looked away, face mixed with slight guilt and pity, but remained quiet.
"I know they're dead."
"...What will you do?" He asked.
"I can't go back to the QZ. It's better if they think I'm dead. I've been waiting for an opportunity like this for so long..." you smiled sardonically. "I could use a different safe place other than a QZ. I don't wanna join another group or nothin'... Now, if there was a cabin on top of a hill or in the middle of the forest, that'd be great."
"So you're just gonna desert?"
"I've been thinking about it ever since I was forcefully recruited by FEDRA."
Joel gave you a look, bit his lip, then looked away for a moment but stayed silent. You knew he wanted to speak, but you decided to keep quiet too and try to figure out where the hell you were gonna go after they move out of here.
A few minutes later, Ellie woke up again. The both of them quickly got ready while you paced around the room, too afraid to go out and see the carnage on the hall.
"Let's go," Joel said once Ellie got her backpack ready.
"Woah, what about her?" She looked at you softly.
"I'll manage..." You tried to smile as best as you could. "My squad had some guns on 'em and so did the hunters. You could find some ammo outside and I can help you clear this place up, then I'll be out of your hair."
"Wait, you're going back to the QZ?"
"I can't. I don't want to. I need to find some place safe and... stay there for the rest of my life. But I ain't going back to the QZ."
"Then come with us," Ellie walked up to you.
"Ellie-" Joel warned.
"Where are you headed anyway?" you asked finally.
"Our destination is different, but we'll be passing by a place named Jackson, out in Wyoming."
"Ellie enough," Joel growled.
"She could help us Joel! She's done good by me all that time I was in that school, I wanna help her too."
Your cheeks reddened at her consideration: "Ellie, I-"
"There's a safe place in Jackson, I think you can manage there." Ellie revealed.
You gave Joel a hard look, but kept your tongue from saying something.
"God dammit Ellie," Joel sighed.
"I trust her, Joel."
You both glared at each other; Joel not trusting you- even despising your existence and you, disappointed that you did your best to earn a little bit of his trust by your gestures but he was just going to let you die out there anyway.
You finally said: "If I ever act up and do something that doesn't sit right with you, you can gladly put a bullet in my brain."
His word was final. Joel gave in and as much as he wanted to trust you, you had to earn all of it, completely. It wasn't because you were a stranger who only helped a child and now might have a trick up her sleeve to get the both of them killed, however. He didn't owe surviving in this hell for 20 years to trusting everyone and helping them out. He owed it to keeping his guard up and not letting anyone new get close, either killing them or not seeing them ever again eventually. Your case was about the same, but you trusted Ellie and her sincerity as much as she trusted you and you trusted her when she said this Jackson place was actually safe. So, you had to put up with him and he had to put up with you now... for a whole month.
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pocima · 3 months
This song’s so good when you don’t have Youtube comments in your ear whining about how the demo was better
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freelancearsonist · 5 months
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Alpha!Joel Miller x Omega!afab!Reader - Series Masterlist
Loving Joel Miller is a deep shade of red—complicated, overwhelming, exhausting, wonderful. Being his omega? That's a completely different, darker shade.
[in progress - this series is posted in non-linear chapters]
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the mark they saw on my collarbone
➔ Rating: MA
➔ Joel’s instincts kick in when he runs into an omega in trouble along a smuggling route.
i feel you, no matter what
➔ Rating: MA
➔ Joel’s been insatiable lately, and you’re more than happy to help out.
so scarlet, it was...
➔ Rating: MA (dark)
➔ “Go ahead, yell your fucking head off. That’ll make everything okay, won’t it?” or, Joel finds out you're pregnant.
the lips i used to call home
➔ Rating: PG-13
➔ Three years into the outbreak, you get your first taste of QZ life. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth without Joel beside you.
and i wake with your memory over me
➔ Rating: MA
➔ Joel finally has some sense knocked into him in a very literal way.
carnations you had thought were roses
➔ Rating: PG-13
➔ Joel can’t help feeling a heady mix of panic and excitement. 
that's a real fucking legacy
➔ Rating: PG-13
➔ Everything gets put into perspective without warning.
looked up at the sky and it was...
➔ Rating: MA
➔ Joel struggles to make peace with the world as it is.
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follow @freelancearsonist-updates and turn on notifications to be updated when new chapters are posted <3
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Madonna - American Life (Video)
Il y a 2 heures, il était 3h20 p.m. aux Samoa américaines le 26 janvier 2018 . https://twitter.com/LeDZappeur/status/956961587448950786 (9)(5) https://twitter.com/Francetele/status/955026098458374144 (9)(5) Il y a 2 jours et 66 ans, Georges Brassens auditionnait chez Patachou, le jeudi 24 janvier 1952, dans le cabaret montmartrois de la chanteuse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48NDxgIb2BQ  (xD) ajoutée le 18 oct. 2012, il y a 3 mois et 8 jours (38) et 5 ans. (5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDXntu73gNo  (xD) (bo) ajoutée le 12 janv. 2011, il y a 14 jours et 7 ans. (14/7) La Fox a  mis à l'antenne la saison 10 (10) de X Files le dimanche 24 janvier 2016, il y a 2 jours et 2 ans. http://www.infoconcert.com/ticket/concert-florent-mothe-andresy/1071409.html (10)(71) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaG7y1FXkIs  (71) (17) (X) https://twitter.com/MondeEcologie/status/950735434019110912 (9) (5) (9/1) il y a 17 jours (17), c'était le 9 janvier 2018. (9) (9/1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ASbOUdfCaw (bo) (d) ajoutée le 6 mars 2012, il y a 20 jours (20) et 5 ans et 10 mois. (5/10) 5/10 est la date de sortie au cinéma du film "Miss Peregrine et les enfants particuliers". https://myworld2030.org/?lang=fr (d)(20) (lg) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7aEeLG3l1U (lg) (ll) ajoutée le 19 mars 2012, il y a 007 jours et 10 mois et 5 ans. (5/10) et (7/10). 7 /10 est la date de diffusion du début de la série Charmed. https://twitter.com/potus_45hillary/status/926978543870808064 (ll) (92) publié sur twitter le 4 novembre 2017, il y a 22 jours et 2 mois. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9Q8SEc-T2Y (92) ajoutée le 10 sept. 2017 (10/9), il y a 16 jours et 4 mois. (16/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm9d5wAXW5c  (9) (9c) ajoutée le 16 avr. 2010 (16/4), il y a 10 jours et 9 mois (10/9) (9) et 007 ans . http://www.unhcr.org/fr/news/press/2017/9/59c3b3031/besoin-pactes-robustes-refugies-migrants-urgent-jamais.html (9c) (3b) publié il y a 6 jours et 4 mois.  (6/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pf3bxvTjmu4 (3b) (p4) ajoutée le 9 mai 2016, il y a 17 jours et 8 mois et 1 an. (1781) https://twitter.com/gouvernementFR/status/936701781047959552 (1781) publié sur twitter le 1 décembre 2017, il y a 26 jours et 1 mois à l'heure de la France. Il était le 26 janvier 2018 en Nouvelle -Calédonie il y a 15h20  quand il était 3h20 p.m. à San Francisco le 26 janvier 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p47fEXGabaY (p4) (p) ajoutée le 2 oct. 2009, il y a 24 jours (24) et 3 mois et 8 ans. (38) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u24iKKp9TIk (24) (p) (9) (tk) ajoutée le 17 nov. 2009, il y a 9 jours (9) et 2 mois et 8 ans. (2/8) (2/8) Depuis le 2 août 2017, une seule planète ne suffit plus à subvenir aux consommations de la population mondiale. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK5d6RmWPtk (tk) (dp) ajoutée le 23 avr. 2012, il y a 3 jours (3) et 5 ans et 9 mois. (59) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yD9NpUUlKE   (59) (Dp) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlpLVDpx3HE&index=19&list=PL87ECAFCB42546FA5 (dp) (3) ajoutée le 22 déc. 2009, il y a 1 mois et 4 jours et 8 ans. (14/8) https://www.facebook.com/14-ao%C3%BBt-2017-315423672252313/ (14/8) (ao) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9qaOKMsI7o (ao) (M) ajoutée le 18 sept. 2017, il y a 4 mois et 8 jours. (48) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb6CXYc48Mg (48) (M) ajoutée le 25 oct. 2012, il y a 1 jour et  5 ans et 3 mois. (15/3 disparition de cloclo) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvHq5nX_0Dk (5) (vq) ajoutée le 27 janv. 2013, il y a 5 ans. (5) à l'heure de la France. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU5mOgxy8vQ (vq) (5) (MoO) ajoutée le 8 déc. 2006, il y a 18 jours et 1 mois et 11 ans. (18/11) https://en-marche.fr/campus/mooc Le Mooc (MoO)(oc) dure 5 semaines. (5) Le Délégué Général et 20 membres du Bureau exécutif ont été élus au scrutin à un tour à la majorité simple des suffrages par le Conseil réuni le 18 novembre 2017 à Lyon. (18/11) C'était il y a 2 mois et 8 jours (2/8) à l'heure de San Francisco le 26 janvier 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N7DQOCrfbQ  (oc) (df) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi-S_WZtTR0&list=RDHsY1lSotdfA&index=2 (df) ajoutée le 6 mai 2009, il y a 20 jours et 8 mois et 8 ans. (208) et (8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2x4owkLD_g   (2x 4) = (8) (wd) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOIjdy75YqE&t=208s  (208) (qt) (0) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xIWdi6VRag  (5) (wd) (6) ajoutée le 22 janv. 2018, il y a 5 jours (5)  à l'heure de la Pologne. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAOmC5qT02w (5) (qt) (0) ajoutée le 2 oct. 2009, il y a 24 jours (24) et 3 mois et 8 ans (38) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLsiyz6NEP0 (0) (6) (Ly) ajoutée le 24 oct. 2010 (24), il y a 2 jours et 3 mois et 7 ans. (23/7) La vidéo a La Durée de 5:24 (5) (24). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHxGuYITd-k  (Ly) (u) ajoutée le 23 juil. 2013 (23/7), il y a 3 jours (3) et 6 mois et 4 ans. (6/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3u22OYqFGo (3)(u)   ajoutée le 13 août 2014, il y a 13 jours et 5 mois (13/5) et 3 ans. (3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1ET9la1JuM (u) (el) ajoutée le 13 mai 2012 (13/5), il y a 14 jours et 8 mois (14/8) et 5 ans. (5) à l'heure du Portugal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdz2oW0NMFk&pbjreload=10 (el)  (ad) ajoutée le 26 oct. 2009, il y a 3 mois et 8 ans. (38) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7aljAD4g-k (ad) ajoutée le 8 nov. 2008, il y a 19 jours  (19) et 2 mois et 9 ans (2/9). à l'heure de la Suisse. Il y a 19 ans (19) commençait la série Charmed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeBpg27WSNo (bn) (27 comme 27 janvier 2018 en Chine) ajoutée le 2 sept. 2011 (2/9), il y a 25 jours et 6 ans (25/6) et 4 mois. (6/4) à l'heure de la Chine. 25 /6 sainte Eléonore dans le livre Le Pic du Loup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puQJbvnbycE (bn) (u) ajoutée le 18 juil. 2009 (18/7), il y a 8 jours et 6 jours et 8 ans. (8/6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu3Wfx-mgjE (u) (ix) ajoutée le 8 juin 2017 (8/6), il y a 18 jours et 7 mois. (18/7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixMY1jiiLSs (ix) (s) ajoutée le 18 oct. 2012, il y a 3 mois et 8 jours (38)  et 5 ans. (5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL5OG6dYbEE&t=225s (22) (5) (s) vidéo non disponible (6d) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Im2O6dzpUE (6d) (m6) ajoutée le 20 nov. 2015, il y a 6 jours  (6) et 2 mois et 2 ans. (22) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ6-asFmbYk  (6) (m6) (sa) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFtmEDT4ZsA (sa) (s) (f) (h) ajoutée le 3 févr. 2014, il y a 23 jours (23) et 11 jours et 3 ans. (11/3 disparition de cloclo) ou 311 Les 311 membres de la base lunaire Alpha, sous le commandement de John Koenig, commencent leur voyage vers l'inconnu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVS9oON8NBs   (s) (n) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gPrNpHaFX8 (n) (f)(h) (8) ajoutée le 7 mai 2014, il y a 19 jours (19) et 3 ans (3) et 8 mois. (8) La vidéo a La Durée de 2:23.(2) (23) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5qN3zUF3Rw (n) (3) (q) ajoutée le 6 nov. 2014, il y a 20 jours et 2 mois (20/2) et 3 ans. (3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KSOMA3QBU0 (3)(q) (km) ajoutée le 20 févr. 2014 (20/2), il y a 6 jours et 11 mois et 3 ans. (11/3) 11 /6 sainte Trinité. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPKkmu-pBMQ (q) (km) (m) ajoutée le 5 févr. 2016, il y a 21 jours et 11 mois  (21/11) et 1 an. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3b8btcCmL0c (38) (m) ajoutée le 21 nov. 2012 (21/11), il y a 5 jours et 2 mois et 5 ans. (255) http://webtv.un.org/watch/poland-president-addresses-general-debate-72nd-session/5580512558001/  (51)(255) publié il y a 8 jours et 4 mois. (8/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHQg51mvyHA  (51) (pm) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Omrp4QR_Rpo (pm comme Paige Matthews) ajoutée le 8 avr. 2010 (8/4), il y a 19 jours (19) et 7 ans et 9 mois. (79) à l'heure de la Pologne. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79-6yLB25iY  (79) (6L) https://enmarche.typeform.com/to/z6LkpX (6L) (kp) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1Kpp6RJZFg (kp) ajoutée le 24/7/2017, il y a 6 mois et 2 jours (62). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oei7OKqadS8  (8) (q) (k) ajoutée le 25 avr. 2012 (25/4), il y a 1 jour et 9 mois (19) et 5 ans. (5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81supfxf5qY  (8) (q) (5) (8q)(x) ajoutée le 5 févr. 2016, il y a 21 jours et 11 mois et 1 an. (21/11) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC8xuFcMq20 (8q)(x) (qmx) ajoutée le 14 oct. 2016, il y a 13 jours  (13) et 1 an et 3 mois. (13) à l'heure de New York. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tksqqmQ5_XY  (qmx) (5)  (k)  (sk) ajoutée le 1 sept. 2017, il y a 25 jours et 4 mois (25/4). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlsk8bY9ypg (sk) (y) ajoutée le 25 oct. 2009, il y a 1 jour et 3 mois et 8 ans. (13/8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHs5DAG76HY (y) (g) ajoutée le 13 août 2012 (13/8), il y a 13 jours et 5 mois et 5 ans. (5 et 5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF_GVbV_DeI  (g)  (5 + 5)= 10 et (5 et 5 ) (leb) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlEBGQxLImY (leb) (hb) vidéo non disponible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiVwHbtdXns  (hb) (x) ajoutée le 7 juil. 2017, il y a 19 jours (19) et 6 mois . (6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZSx6nGQR6A (x6) (qz) (G comme Guyane) (gn) ajoutée le 8 nov. 2015, il y a 19 jours (19) et 2 mois et 2 ans. à l'heure de la Guyane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SgnOYK9HuI (gn) (lu) ajoutée le 26 août 2016, il y a 5 mois et 1 an (51). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwrWFOluAo8 (lu) (to) ajoutée le 8 mars 2013,  il y a 19 jours (19) et 4 ans et 10 mois. (4/10). à l'heure de la Pologne. 4/10 date d'arrivée de Paige dans la série Charmed . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqiBUmunngo&t=29s (to) (u) (29 comme 29 janvier dans 2 jours c'est le 29 janvier 2018) ajoutée le 7 févr. 2014, il y a 19 jours (19) et 11 mois et 3 ans. (11/3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvHdV9ujUZU  (u) ajoutée le 11 mars 2014 (11/3), il y a 15 jours et 10 mois et 3 ans. (103) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nd-aa5NhFuU&index=13&list=PL87ECAFCB42546FA5 (7E) ajoutée le 4 /10/2013 (4/10), il y a 22 jours et 3 mois et 4 ans. (4/3 effet Casimir) La vidéo a La Durée de 1:03 (103) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VH7Eg5LJpc  (7E) (hg) ajoutée le 4 déc. 2012, il y a 22 jours et 5 ans et 1 mois. (51) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATQnK-q9OHg (hg) (qt) ajoutée le 24 févr. 2014, il y a 2 jours et 11 mois (2 novembre) et 3 ans. (11/3) Phoebe Halliwell – (Saisons 1-8) Née le 2 novembre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TyqtWUTj6M (qt) (m) ajoutée le 31 oct. 2016, il y a 26 jours et 3 mois et 1 an. (26/1) (1 an) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=momvUUY3Dsc  (m) (vm) ajoutée le 26 janv. 2017 (26/1), il y a 1 an. (1 an) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj8QvMCVVf8 (vm) (VV) (qv) ajoutée le 8 juil. 2015, il y a 19 jours (19) et 6 mois et 2 ans. (26 comme 26 janvier 2018) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqVTHJzt3a4  (qv) (th) ajoutée le 27 avr. 2016, il y a 1 an et 9 mois (19). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL6G2ZjCtHY (th) (2) (m) ajoutée le 24 août 2012, il y a 2 jours (2) et 5 mois et 5 ans. (5 et 5 ) (5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Teb5MaOCgz0  (5) (m) (bg) ajoutée le 16 sept. 2017, il y a 10 jours et 4 mois. (4/10) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG5N3GC-m20 (bg) (nc) ajoutée le 23 nov. 2009, il y a  2 mois et 3 jours et 8 ans. (23/8 Sainte Rose) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNCKRQn_6oA (nc) (a) ajoutée le 17 sept. 2016, il y a 10 jours et 4 mois (4/10) et 1 an. (1) à l'heure de la France. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SN-a1vPBSXo&t=319s (a)(1) (19) (s) ajoutée le 20 nov. 2014, il y a 2 mois et 6 jours et 3 ans. (26/3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiSEn6a5W0Y (Y) (s) ajoutée le 26 mars 2016 (26/3), il y a 10 mois et 1 an. (1/10) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6bGTpc6sZY (y) (cs) ajoutée le 1 oct. 2015 (1/10), il y a 26 jours et 3 mois (26/3) et 2 ans. à l'heure de la Suisse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Mw2IWbyFcs (cs) (bf) (26 comme 26 janvier 2018)  ajoutée le 13 septembre 2017, il y a 13 jours et 4 mois. (13/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF0tKT3x7To (bf) (o) ajoutée le 21 juil. 2013, il y a 5 jours et 6 mois et 4 ans. (564) https://twitter.com/NASA/status/933468756457807872 (564) publié le 22 nov 2017 sur twitter il y a 4 jours et 2 mois. (2/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6OO3muLGys (o) (L) ajoutée le 13 avr. 2008 (13/4), il y a 13 jours (13) et 9 mois et 9 ans. (99) Les Américains ont attendu 99 ans pour voir l'éclipse totale de Soleil aux USA le 21/8/2017, il y a 6 jours et 5 mois. (6/5 sainte Prudence) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xog-4gL13_A (L) (13) (g1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm5lKmzG1dc (g1)  (m) (md) ajoutée le 17 mars 2016, il y a 9 jours (9) et 10 mois et 1 an. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHkn5bjm3nI (m) (h) ajoutée le 2 avr. 2013 (2/4) (2), il y a 24 jours (24) et 9 mois (9) et 4 ans.(4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzaTyxMduH4 (md) (h)  (4) (ym) ajoutée le 24 août 2012 (24), il y a 2 jours  (2) et 5 mois et 5 ans . (5 et 5 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ymovqj73k1Q (ym) (ky) ajoutée le 27 nov. 2017, il y a 2 mois le 27 janvier 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-e4FakY-oI (ky) (4) (4a) ajoutée le 22 nov. 2013 (22/11), il y a 4 jours (4) et 2 mois et 4 ans. (2/4)  ou (4/2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u4AVBZpJqw (4a) (w) ajoutée le 4 févr. 2016 (4/2), il y a 22 jours et 11 mois (22/11) et 1 an. (1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx3ryx4sw1M&list=PLWODZl5Bb8r-P4uQyzGgTpvLdB2MaYMwD&index=18 (w) (1) (Ld) ajoutée le 28 nov. 2010 (28), il y a 28 jours (28) et 2 mois et 7 ans. (27 comme 27 janvier 2018). https://teechip.com/charmed-vote#id=4&c=161616&sid=gildan-50-50-hoodie&s=front (Ld) (ho) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMsTgjeZho (ho) (rgz) ajoutée le 12 juin 2017, il y a 14 jours et 7 mois .(14/7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_vrgZcVBrE (rgz) (cz) ajoutée le 18 janv. 2017, il y a 1 an et 9 jours (19) le 27 janvier 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1SqkJxCZJE (cz) (qz) (ms) ajoutée le 18 mars 2014 (18), il y a 8 jours (8) et 10 mois et 3 ans. (103) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNEqMsrZ17M (ms) (sz) ajoutée le 6 avr. 2008, il y a 20 jours (20) et 9 mois et 9 ans (99). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJEYSZLVZ6g&t=188s (sz) (18) ajoutée le 19 juil. 2014 (19), il y a 007 jours et 6 ans et 3 ans. (6/3) 3 comme saison 3 (763) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W763CmgXqO0&t=2s (20) (763) (c) ajoutée le 20 juil. 2014 (20), il y a 007 jours et 6 ans et 3 ans (6/3) (763) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-KKyAKC7L4 (c) (k) ajoutée le 6 mars 2015 (6/3), il y a 20 jours (20) et 10 mois et 2 ans.  (2/10) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se6P1C8Jc7g&t=26s (1)(26 comme 26 janvier) ajoutée le 2 oct. 2016, il y a 24 jours et 3 mois (24/3) et 1 an. (1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P1neQKN-1k (k) (kn) ajoutée le 24 mars 2010 (24/3),  il y a 2 jours et 10 mois (2/10) et 007 ans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbCkB5HSknc (kn) (kbs) ajoutée le 6 avr. 2008, il y a 20 jours (20) et 9 mois et 9 ans. (99) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8yeAWrUkBs (kbs) (yw)  ajoutée le 7 juin 2017, il y a 109 jours (19) et 007 mois. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pEYw8PcBas  (yw) (eba) ajoutée le 26 sept. 2006, il y a 11 ans et 4 mois. (11/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51dieBasXCU (eba) ajoutée le 16 juin 2015, il y a 10 jours et 7 mois (7/10) et 2 ans.(2/7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WK-vRhz9xs&index=7&list=RDEMmWyiAAUINDCFSwOkigY7Cw ajoutée le 7 avr. 2010, il y a 19 jours (19) et 7 ans et 9 mois. (79) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79fzeNUqQbQ (79) (bu) ajoutée le 26 oct. 2009, il y a 3 mois et 8 ans (38) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REyxoxScrbU (bu)(xc) ajoutée le 8 sept. 2017, il y a 19 jours (19) et 4 mois à l'heure de la France . 19 /4 sainte Emma. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mxH0NtC0c4 (xc) ajoutée le 2 juil. 2015 (2/7), il y a 24 jours (24) et 2 ans et 6 mois (26 comme le 26 janvier 2018). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZhCaF2vnj4 (24)(gc) ajoutée le 2 juin 2017, il y a 24 jours  (24) et 007 mois . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FImN79x0mgc (79) (gc) (fm) ajoutée le 31 oct. 2017, il y a 27 jours et 1 mois . C'est le 27 janvier 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9fm62pNsN (fm) (nm) ajoutée le 11 nov. 2009, il y a 15 jours et 2 mois et 8 ans. (2/8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3ucFNmWfTQ (nm) (cq) ajoutée le 30 oct. 2009, il y a 2 mois et 28 jours. (2/8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqBtS6BIP1E (cq) ajoutée le 24 nov. 2009, il y a 2 jours et 2 mois et 8 ans. (2/8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55KH1ei-WD0&list=PL87ECAFCB42546FA5&index=11 ajoutée le 10 oct. 2006, il y a 16 jours (16)et 3 mois et 11 ans. (11/3) (16/3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quqFlR7wCgA&index=16&list=PL87ECAFCB42546FA5 (16) (u) ajoutée le 28 févr. 2014, il y a 29 jours (29) et 11 mois et 3 ans. (11/3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ5zUzVUMZE (u) (5) (e) ajoutée le 29 août 2013 (29), il y a 28 jours (2/8) et 5 mois (5) et 4 ans. (4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Om4EIUWrYQ (4) (e) (qy) ajoutée le 27 oct. 2011, il y a 6 ans et 3 mois. (6/3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QEwlJSJlTY (qy) (ts) ajoutée le 6 mars 2009 (6/3), il y a 20 jours et 10 mois (10) et 8 ans. (208) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF2dYBR2JF4&t=2s (ts) (db) ajoutée le 10 oct. 2017 (10), il y a 16 jours et 3 mois. (16/3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dBLEo5ix7w  (db)(L5) ajoutée le 4 juil. 2017, il y a 22 jours et 6 mois. (22/6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd6m0LZQK5Y (L5) (L) ajoutée le 22 juin 2017 (22/6), il y a 4 jours et 7 mois. (4/7 saint Florent) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3gVto7j3LI (to) (L) (i) ajoutée le 5 oct. 2010, il y a 22 jours et 3 mois et 7 ans. le 27 janvier 2018. 22/3 sainte Léa et 3 /7 saint Thomas Pesquet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCHy9ariWQ8  (i) (a8) https://www.facebook.com/Lumi%C3%A8re-1323082531147529/ (a8)(re) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THrNym_REA4 (re) (tr) ajoutée le 27 mai 2016, il y a 8 mois et 1 an. (8/1) à l'heure de la Pologne. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TWhyTW8tRw  (tr) (th) ajoutée le 8 janv. 2016 (8/1), il y a 2 ans et 18 jours. (21/8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--vmdNTPTHs (th) (dp) ajoutée le 21 janv. 2008, il y a 5 jours et 9 ans (59) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXCHdpaT_Zk (dp) (xp) ajoutée le 6 mars 2009, il y a 21 jours et 8 ans  (21/8) et 10 mois. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdJRE7XXpn0 (xp) (rp) ajoutée le 14 juil. 2017, il y a 12 jours et 6 mois. (12/6 saint Guy) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA5dmRpfPx4 (rp) (ym) ajoutée le 11 août 2017, il y a 16 jours et 5 mois. 16/5 saint Honoré  à l'heure de la France le 27 janvier 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CWgQa-yMzA (ym) ajoutée le 24 juil. 2014, il y a 2 jours et 3 ans et 6 mois. 23/6 sacré coeur. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYduJw5LyFM (ym) ajoutée le 26 oct. 2009, il y a 3 mois et 8 ans (38) La vidéo a La Durée de 3:53. Dans 33 minutes, il sera 3h20 a.m. au Cap-Vert le 27 janvier 2018.
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earbudsshop · 7 years
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Koss QZ-99 Noise Reduction Stereophone
Koss Qz99 Passive Noise-Cancelling Full-Size Headphones The Koss QZ99 headset is a passive noise-reduction stereophone system that isolates the listener from ambient sounds, allowing clear and focused listening of the intended aural signal. Ideal for use with racing scanners and metal detectors, it includes a volume control on the earcup for easy level adjustment, a stereo/mono switch for added flexibility, and a single entry, 8 foot coiled cord. Passive Noise Reduction Headphones Neodymium Magnet Structures Deliver Outstanding Clarity & Definition Closed Pneumalite(Tm) Ear Cushions & Extra Secure Headband Seal Ears, Eliminate All Ambient Noise Volume Control On Ear Cup Allows Easy Level Adjustment Stereo/Mono Switch Extends User Flexibility Passive noise reduction stereophone system isolates listener from ambient sounds Volume control on earcup for easy level adjustment Ideal for use with racing scanners and metal detectors Stereo/mono switch for added flexibility Single-entry, 8-foot coiled cord
Frequently Bought Together
Price for all: $233.91
This item: Koss QZ-99 Noise Reduction Stereophone
Uniden BC125AT: Public Safety, Military Aircraft, Racing Scanner with Alpha Tags and 500 Channels
Uniden BC75XLT: Public Safety Scanner, Racing Scanner with 300 Channels
Upbeat Audio T613-BNC Boostaroo for All Audio Application
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pocima · 4 months
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pocima · 4 months
Wishing I could live in this specific part of Súi by Alpha… A.boo we love you
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pocima · 4 months
This is hysterical.
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