#alpha beta omega avengers au
wiypt-writes · 2 years
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Chapter 13: Put On Your Red Shoes And Dance The Blues
Summay: It’s the clash of the titans as Hydra and Shield finally face off, but as Rumlow and Steve come to serious blows, you realise that the only way to end it all might be to sacrifice the thing you value the most…
Warnings: Descriptions of violence, angst, language…more angst…death…ooooh but who???
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction. I do not own any characters contained within, bar the reader and any other OCs that may be mentioned. I do not give consent for my work to be reposted/translated to any other site. Please comment, like and reblog.
W/C: 5.4k
A/N: So here it is, the penultimate chapter! Thanks to @spectre-posts for reading and adding in her thoughts...
Main Masterlist // Rawhide Masterlist Chapter 12
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Rumlow blazed around the office he was in, kicking the chair over as he went. Langley, long used to his friend and leader’s temper tantrums, merely took a deep breath as he waited. 
“I will not have your Omega sister and her weakling pack get the better of me!”
“Look, if it wasn’t for Carter…”
“How the fuck did you not spot that she was a double agent?”
“Well, technically she was kind of a triple agent.” Bryce’s nostrils flared. “I mean, if she’d been Hydra pretending to be Shield, that would have made her the double agent, wouldn’t it? But she was Shield, pretending to be Hydra pretending to be Shield I mean…” He was cut off as Rumlow gripped him round the throat. Langley automatically landed a punch to the side of Rumlow’s face, and the man dropped him, recoiling from the blow a little. “Know your place, Brock…” he hissed, massaging his neck. “My family put you at the top of Hydra, remember that.”
Rumlow snarled before he sank down into the chair. “And we have no idea where they’ve gone?”
“If we did, you think we’d be here?” Bryce scoffed, “We’ve spent the last two weeks searching. Problem is, Shield have mobilised now they know that we’re gearing up for a fight. Up until your…experiment on my sister, they had no real proof. Now they do. Blue states up and down the country are taking up arms. Even those people that maybe hovered between accepting some of our views but not all of them are swinging to their side because they don't support another war. Montana is now basically impenetrable thanks to Odinson and Stark…”
“They won’t be in Montana, that’s too easy.” Rumlow shook his head. “Locking the state down…that’ll be a diversion.”
“I know that!” Bryce snorted.
Both men looked towards the door, where Rollins stood, an excited look on his face.
“We might have a lead. One of our sources has seen two people, matching the description of Y/N and Rogers, in Bristol. Church Street Wharf to be exact.”
“Is it legit?” Rumlow demanded.
The guard nodded, “he’s a solid source, and what’s more so, he’s taken a recording on his phone so that we can verify it. He’s sending it through now.”
The more you tried to pull your arm away from Steve, the stronger his grip was. The tears were now pouring down you face.
“Steve…let me go…”
“I can’t do that Omega, I need to keep you safe.”
“You can’t!” You sobbed, “I’m sorry, I love you, I really do but…Rumlow, that stuff he shot me with…”
“Was fake…” His voice was desperate, and you shook your head, sadly.
“I wish it was, but he did something to me…there’s something going on and all I know is I can’t fight the Omega part of me anymore…it’s wants him and it disgusts me! Why do you think I ran? Huh? I can’t trust myself!”
“Please, baby…” Steve’s face broke and a piece of your soul did too, and he released his hold on your wrist. “Just please, ‘Y/N get on the ferry… Banner is working on it as we speak, we can fix this. I know we can. We’ll go back until he figures out how to reverse whatever it is that it’s done. You don’t need to leave!”
“You know he ain’t gonna be able to,” you shook our head. “This is breaking my heart and it hurts so much because I love you…I know I do, but…it burns inside…every time you kiss me it really burns because my body is telling me I’m his now, and…”
“Don’t…don’t say that…our bond…” Steve’s eyes were full of tears.
“It’s fading…” you swallowed, hand pressing at the mark on your neck as you cast your eyes down, “don’t pretend you haven’t noticed…” At that your fingers moved your collar aside to show him. Steve studied the once prominent infinity bond on your skin, and he felt his chest ache and throat as he studied it. You were right, it did look a little lighter.
He took a deep breath, his voice cracking.  “Please… just please, come back. Give it a month, or a week. Let Banner try…”
“You have Hydra to…”
“Fuck Hydra!” Steve snapped, his hand running through his hair, before both his large palms covered his face. With a groan, he dragged his fingers back down through his beard and shook his head. “I don’t care about them, not anymore. I love you, I can’t live without you…you gotta give us a chance…”
“You know what the awful thing about all this is?” You whispered, wiping the tears from your face. “You haven’t once tried to Alpha Command me to do as you say.”
“I don’t want to…why-“
“And we both know why.” You smiled sadly, “you don’t want to because you’re scared it won’t work. Scared that I won’t answer to you anymore.” From the look on Steve’s face, you were right. You looked around, your arms hugging your chest, before you took a deep breath. “Fine, I’ll…I’ll come back..but…I can’t…I can’t promise…”
“I know…” His lips brushed your forehead, “but we gotta try, huh?”
You nodded, and looked at his hand as he held it out. Tentatively, you slipped your palm into his, fingers twining together. Steve pulled you into him a little, casting what he hoped was a surreptitious look around, before he led you back towards the ferry.
Neither of you noticed the man a few yards away, with his phone out, pointing the camera in your direction…
As the video cut off, Rumlow scoffed. “Pathetic. He’s actually begging her…”
“Where does that Ferry go?” Bryce looked at Rollins.
“Prudence Island. Secluded enough for a safe house.”  He smirked.
There was a pause as Rumlow and Langley digested that news, before the latter broke the silence. “It could be a trap.”
“I don’t think so.” Rollins shook his head. “They were taking great pains to hide from the CCTV, if it hadn’t been for our guy being there, right place right time…”
“Rogers ain’t that smart.” Rumlow shook his head, “and it aint his style. He’s a soldier, like me. But he’s also persistently blinded by his need to do the right thing, the honourable thing, meaning he doesn’t always see the bigger picture.” His fingers drummed on the desk as he mused through his thoughts. “You know, I’ve been waiting for his Alpha Challenge for the past two weeks, fighting to defend his little Omega Whore’s honour, but it never came. And now we know why.” Rumlow then chuckled. “He’s had bigger issues, because the serum worked.”
“Looks that way…” Langley arched a brow.
“So there’s nothing to make us assume the Alpha one won’t.” Rollins cut in, and Rumlow pointed at him, nodding.
“Guess not.” Langley spoke again, his voice flat.
“What is the matter with you?” Rumlow looked at him.
“I don’t know, I’m just not sold…”
“More like you want to take the serum yourself, because you can’t stand the fact that soon you’ll have no chance against me in a fight.”  Rumlow rose from his seat as Bryce scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Well, neither will Rogers. I almost had him beat last time, and that was without the serum. If it hadn’t been for his guard dog… “ he trailed off and looked at Rollins. “Tell everyone to ready the lab…I want it doing this afternoon. In the meantime, get some of our troops out undercover, see if we can locate this safe house.” He moved out from behind the desk, stopping as he smirked once more. “Shouldn’t take too long, Prudence Island ain’t that big… “
“You think this plan is gonna work?” Clint asked from his vantage point in the tree that sat on the boundary of the property. 
“Not if you keep talking.” Bucky mumbled back. 
"Not for nothing, Steve's thrown it together quick and our girl in there seems a bit...."
“She’s nervous, wouldn’t you be?” Natasha spoke over the comms. “Stop talking and keep your focus. They could be anywhere.”
"Yes, ma'am, Widow ma'am." Clint snickered.
“Amateur.” She replied sardonically
Sam cut through, "knock it, we've got incoming."
Clint scanned the horizon, his sharp eyes licking up t hee movement of a vehicle. The headlights off. “I see it. Can’t tell if it’s  them…”
“Who else is it gonna be?” Bucky snarled.
“A lost civilian…” Clint replied.
“Quit stalling, light ‘em up Hawkeye.”
"With pleasure."
Clint reached for one of his arrows, clicking the small button on the side to arm it. He took aim, and let it fly. It landed perfectly, five foot or so in front of the vehicle, exploding upon impact with the ground.
The car swerved and came to an abrupt stop. Two men exited, armed and scanning the area.
“He he he,” Sam chuckled, “I love it when they do that.”
Clint selected another arrow, “let’s see if this gives them the message…”
This time, upon hitting the ground, it sent off loud crackles of gunfire. The two men were quick to duck and dive back into the car.
Bucky sent a round of ammo their way, watching as it pinged off the bonnet of the car as the driver put it hastily in reverse. It down round, and Bucky continued to shoot until it was out of sight.
“Well, that saw them off…” Sam stated.
“They’ll be back, that was just the scouting party.” Bucky sighed, “I’m gonna head up to the house. Natasha, Clint, any more trouble holler.”
"You got it," Nat replied, her comms giving a crackle as she did so.
Bucky made it back within ten minutes. Steve and yourself awaiting news. "Scouting party cracked through, I'm estimating we'll have about thirty before enforcers show."
Steve didn’t miss the spike of fear that shot through you, your hand instantly moving to your bond mark, but it stopped short of touching it.
Rather, you rested your fingers against your collarbone and tucked your other wrist under your bent elbow. "We should be ready. Rumlow will send everyone, then he'll follow. I don't doubt Bryce will be by his side. He's not the enforcement type."
"Well it's taken them longer than we anticipated." Steve looked at you then to Bucky. "How far out s Fury and the rest of back up? "
Bucky called it in, "Hill says ETA thirty."
"Steve..." You whispered.
"I know. But it's a fight we have to take."
You stood numb. You knew that Steve was right. Rumlow wouldn't stop at anything not until he had you. "Stick to the plan." Steve looked at Bucky then turned to you. “Please, stay hidden in the storm shelter. Banner will be there…”
Your breath shook as it left your lungs. "I..."
“I’ll take her.” Bucky said, “c’mon, Doll…we don’t have much time.”
Your pleading eyes looking at Steve for a final chance, but he just stared. A snarl to his features. You steeled yourself and turned away, following Bucky out the back door.
The sound of gun shots, the unmistaken yells and grunts of fighting rang out in the air in the grounds surrounding the safe house. Hydra had come, and come in numbers.
For the most, Shield held their own. Fury, Hill and Coulson directing their troops, as Steve commanded his. 
But he had one person on his mind, Rumlow. And so far, he was nowhere to be found.
Fury's team had wounded and casualties. Steve and his team, few scratches, close calls and oh there would be bruises. But it was no longer just a battle, this was an all out war. The open fields gave little cover. The tree lines smoked and burned.
Steve dispatched two agents easily, Bucky to his left as they charged through the ranks.
“Where the hell is he?” Steve yelled, “where is Rumlow?”
“I haven’t seen him…” Thor replied, swinging his arm as he took out three agents at once. Steve then raised his shield and sent it flying in an arc, the familiar whoosh and clang almost soothing to him as it flew back to his arm having ricochet off numerous soldiers.
"I'm getting a little tired of," he paused to throw his shield into the neck of a goon, "playing these games."
“Yeah, as far as games go I’ve played with better odds.” Tony’s voice cackled on the comms.
No sooner had Tony spoken, a loud rumble sounded and Steve instinctively looked up to see a large black and red helicopter approaching from the distance.
“It ain’t ours!” Fury yelled back.
"It's about time," Steve growled.
The Hydra troops seemed to pull back and part as the chopper circled. Fury and Hill yelled at their soldiers to fall in as Steve stood still, watching as it touched down in the middle of the field.
Steve's steel gaze stared as Rumlow exited the doors, fourth in line. Bryce preceded him as did two armed men. Sam's comms broke the deaf air.
"I got three more this way," he grunted as others piled out from the other side.
“I see them…” Steve muttered. His eyes then turned back to Rumlow.
There was a snide, almost prideful smirk on his face as he stared back at Steve.
“Where’s your little bitch?” His voice rang out across the battle lines.
Steve wasted zero time sending his shield in reply. He wasn't in the mood for talking.
Rumlow managed to grab one of the soldiers to his side, pushing him into the shields path. He gave a yell and a grunt as he fell to the floor, the shield bouncing back to Steve’s arm.
“Oh, okay…well, doesn’t really matter. Once I’ve killed you, she’ll be mine anyway. That is, if she isn’t already.”
At that Steve audibly scoffed. “What do you mean by that? Course she isn’t yours, she’s mine. We share a Soul Bond.”
Rumlow scoffed, “cut the shit, Rogers, we both know that’s a load of crap. Her mark is fading, I know all about it!”
Steve’s face visibly faltered, even if his stance didn’t.
“Guess that serum I injected her with worked better than I thought.” Rumlow continued to goad Steve. “But, how about we put the one I took to the rest, huh?”
Steve sent his Shield in Bucky's direction, the former soldier catching it quickly. He cracked his neck and his knuckles, "let's dance."
“He’s mine!” Rumlow yelled out, as he advanced, “kill the rest of them but leave him to me!”
The private protection spread out, leaving Rumlow alone; including Bryce.
“I’m gonna enjoy this,” Rumlow picked up the pace as the rest of the Hydra army also began to rush forward once more.
Like a clash of titans, the two came at one another. Steve made first contact, his right hook sending Rumlow a step or two back. Rumlow cracked his neck as he went in with a punch of his own. Steve was quick to duck, flying in with a left hander to Rumlow’s gut.
Rumlow bent forward and Steve's well padded knee met the Hydra head's nose. He dropped down to the decaying grass with a thud, his back finding no cushion. As Steve drew his hand back for another punch, Rumlow rolled to the side and the captains fist connected with the floor where seconds before, his opponents head had been.
It gave Brock the opportunity to get to his knees and wrap a forearm around Steve's neck. But with his fast reflexes, Steve flung Rumlow over him and onto his back again.
"I'm gonna fuckin' kill you, you son of a bitch."
Not even winded, Rumlow cackled and fixed a hooked knee over Steve and pulled his right arm through for an arm bar in defense.
With just a split-second of freedom before his arm was straightened, Steve grabbed onto his lapel with his trapped right arm. He slid his left elbow under Rumlow’s right leg and began shuffling his own legs around to the side. His hips under Rumlow’s foot, he began to twist and roll, eventually turning his entire body inwards which allows him to sneak his head out of the vice like grip. 
Rumlow lost his grip entirely on the Shield Captain and he flexed his back and popped right up. He dove at Steve's midsection but, his tackle failed and Steve was able to suplex him again to the ground.
"Serum's a fail, you fuck."
Rumlow laughed, “shows what you know.“
"I'm waiting."
Rumlow stood straight, grinning as he seemed to be weighing something up. And then, Steve saw the flash of a blade as it slid down the mans sleeve.
“So much for a fair fight…” Steve arched his brow.
“Fuck fair,” Rumlow gripped the blade in his right hand, “I came to win.”
Steve knew his hand to hand combat was already top game, but he knew how quick Hydra could train with a blade. But Steve did as Steve always did, and didn't back down. Instead, he stuck his arm out and extended his hand. He opened and closed his fist, inviting Rumlow to come at him again.
Rumlow slashed at the air in front of him, causing Steve to jump back. Again and again the blade swiped him, Steve dodging in what felt like some kind of perverse dance. Left, right, back, forward, twist…
But, a stray bullet hissing by caused Steve to dodge that ultimately setting himself up for a prick to his side from the blade. He hissed, jumped backwards, and as he did so he heard a yell to his right.
A familiar voice.
Despite himself, he turned and saw Natasha crumpled on the floor, blood pouring from a wound in her neck.
He saw a whirl as Bucky flew past, diving at Langley who had administered the blow, taking him down in a tangle of limbs. The two men began to grapple, flashes of metal arched through the air, Bucky using Steve’s shield to deflect the blows from a now rabid Langley.
Steve stood, watching his friend for a split second, but it was a split second too long. It was the distraction Rumlow had needed, and before Steve had time to realise what was happening, he felt a searing pain in the back of his thigh.
Rumlow had taken advantage and plunged the blade into his leg.
Steve dropped to one knee, and then the blow to his face from Rumlow’s foot caused him to crumple backwards. “You know, that’s always been your weakness, Rogers. Your friends. Loyalty. You care too much. It’s the reason you could never be a ruler, never be as great as Hydra has made me.”
Steve spat the blood out of his mouth. He moved to get up when another blow hit him in the face. 
“You can’t see the bigger picture, can’t see that sometimes you gotta make sacrifices for the greater good…” Rumlow leered over him as Steve lay, the blood from his nose trickling down his throat.
Then he saw the blade as it moved in Rumlow’s hand. And the he gasped as the man’s knee pressed into the middle of his chest.
“Imma enjoy this…almost as much as I’m going to enjoy breaking in Y/N. My only regret is you won’t be there to see it.”
Steve swallowed, attempting to buck Rumlow off, but it was no good. His eyes tracked the blade as it moved towards his neck, and then your voice filled his head.
“I got you, Alpha…”
Before he could even scan the area for you, your shout rang out loud and clear.
“Enough…Brock! Enough…”
Rumlow's head snapped in your direction, distracted and amazed.
“Call them off.” You swallowed, “let Steve go and…you can have me.”
Steve's eyes went wide. "No!" He argued.
A sadistic laugh rumbled Brock's chest, "Oh, 'Mega, I'm gonna enjoy this."
A final harsh blow to the side of Steve’s head left him seeing stars as you felt the tears prick your eyes. Your gaze then flicked to Natasha. Bruce (who you’d arrived with) was now tending to her, attempting to stop the blood flow.
Everyone seemed to have stood still, Hydra and Shield alike. Bucky and Sam took the opportunity to head over to where Steve was laid, unmoving on the floor, whilst Pete, Tony, Thor and Clint all gathered round Natasha and Bruce, shielding them from any attack which may or may not be oncoming.
“Little Bird…” Thor began but you shook your head.
“This isn’t worth it…I’m not worth it.” You whispered, your eyes flicking from him, to Natasha who was thankfully conscious, and then to Steve. Steeling yourself, you took a deep breath, and looked at Rumlow as he advanced towards you. “You got what you wanted. Just call this off. Please.“
As he stood in front of you, his hand gripped your wrist painfully and his eyes studied your neck. “Well, well…not so infinite, huh…”
The way he pronounced the word, like it was something dirty, made you choke a little as you licked your lips. “Oh, it was…until you…you injected me. It’s been fading ever since. If it wasn’t for that, you wouldn’t have stood a chance. And you’ll always know that, no matter what you do to me. That you couldn’t ever have taken me, or defeated Steve, without that Serum. Because you simply weren’t strong enough.”
A stinging blow landed to your face and you heard a roar from Steve, who was now staggering to his feet. He swayed, as Bucky and Sam held him up.
“You’ll what?” Brock laughed, “I have her, she’s here. Begging for me to take her and save you.”
Steve looked at you, and you blinked back the tears. “Steve…”
“Please don’t…” he whispered.
“Please don’t...” Rumlow mocked, “God, you really are fucking pathetic. That all you got, ‘please don’t’? You can’t even stop your Omega from sacrificing herself…” He looked down at you, then to Bryce, and finally to Steve. “I mean…one Alpha command from you would stop this but….oh, yeah, silly me…I forgot. Your bond…it’s worthless now.”
Rumlow yanked you closer towards him. Steve made a move, a snarl rippling from his chest but Bucky and Sam were quick to hold him back. They knew that they were beat, and Steve wouldn’t make it two steps towards you before being gunned down.
A hand gripped your hair and your head was yanked painfully to the side, exposing your mating gland and the faded gold infinity bond. Smirking, Rumlow’s  gaze on the defeated faction, his tongue fell from his mouth and laved up your neck.
You winced, your eyes filling with tears as they locked onto Steve’s face. His expression was sheer devastation.
“I’m sorry…” you whispered, those blue eyes you knew and loved were swimming with tears and you couldn’t look anymore.
With a sigh, you closed your own. And then, as Rumlow’s sharp teeth latched onto your neck skin, the sound of your beloved Alpha’s bellows of distress were the only thing you could focus on. You waited with your eyes screwed shut, every nerve in your body was on fire, the adrenaline coursing through your blood as you fought the instinct to scream.  You could hear nothing but your pulse thudding in your ears, Rumlow’s pants and groans of delight as he laved up the blood on your neck.
And then, you felt him pull back, a frown on his face.
“What’s the matter, Brock…” you whispered, as you opened your eyes, “don’t I taste good?”
For a moment, he merely blinked, and then he moved his hand, pulling the thin, flesh like strip from his mouth. “What the…”
“One of Erskine and Banner’s inventions.” You spoke softly, as he looked at the two puncture marks where his teeth had bitten into the curious item he now held in his palm. “Still in the prototype phase, doesn’t have a name yet but…oh, and speaking of Erskine… the serums were both fake. Shield switched them out before you raided the lab.”
You saw his gaze slide to your neck, and his features slid from puzzlement, to shock, to anger in a matter of seconds as he saw your Soul Bond was there, as bright and as vivid as it always had been.
“Gotcha,” you smirked.
24 Hours Ago…
After your little scene at the ferry port, you and Steve made your way back to the safe house. You followed your alpha to the door, where it was opened from the inside. Bucky, Sam and Clint waiting for the pair of you.
“Banner not here yet?” Steve asked as you headed in.
“No, he’s still putting the finishing touches to the, well whatever you wanna call it. As soon as he’s done then he’ll be on his way with Tony and Thor.” Sam informed.
“And he’s confident it’ll work.”
“It’s a potent neurotoxin.” Bucky nodded, “the only reason we’ve never used it before is because there’s no known antidote.”
Steve took a deep breath, “well, let’s just say I’m very glad Hydra didn’t get their hands on that…”
Client's eyes drew up, "how'd it go? Play the part?"
“Oscar worthy.” Steve smirked, and despite yourself you grinned.
“Think they’ll find this place?” Bucky asked.
“Yeah, we made sure our vehicle was noticeable.” You nodded.
"Now, we wait." Bucky nodded.
As you waited, you went through your plan, over and over again. The first part was already in play. By pretending that the serum had worked, that you were feeling its effects and as such, your bond to Steve was fading, it would give Rumlow false confirmation that the Alpha serum would make him stronger. This, you hoped, would cause his arrogance to win out, have him mobilise and break cover, and more over leave him complacent on the battlefield.
Whilst Steve was still intent on ripping Rumlow’s head off, he had acquiesced and listened when you’d pleaded with him that you needed a plan B. And, after days of deliberation and plotting, that plan was finalised. Should Rumlow get the drop on Steve, then in you’d come, acting the part of the subservient Omega, all the time having a deadly poison concealed on your body. Concealed in plain sight, a small invisible pouch right over your mating gland. You knew Rumlow wouldn’t be able to stop himself from taunting Steve, that he’d try to bond you there and then, and when he did, his teeth would pierce the pouch, unleashing a fast acting, deadly neurotoxin, that would leave him dead in a matter of minutes.
Steve wasn’t completely happy about it, and you knew that he would do his absolute utmost to not even let it get to the point of needing to use you, but you also had no intention of letting any of your friends die. No matter what, you’d be walking onto that battle field and offering yourself up. Because, for some reason, you knew it had to be that way. You knew it had to be you.
A few hours post your return, Steve’s phone went and it was Natasha.
“They’re in the area, just picked two of their goons up. Following the route your car did.”
“Alright, hang back…” Steve took a deep breath. “Inform Parker and have him call me when they pass his watch point. Then we’ll know for sure they’re following the trail.“
"You got it, Cap," she said.
Steve sensed the smirk in her voice.
With a scoff he cut the call, then looked at Bucky and Sam.
“You know the plan. The scout party needs to escape, notify Rumlow they’ve located us.”
"Got it," Sam replied. Bucky merely nodded. 
Clint picked up his bow and smirked. "'Bout time."
“Wait for my signal. As soon as Parker calls I’ll let you know.”
"Yup," Clint followed Sam and Bucky out.
You eyed Steve with a look of major worry. "I hope this works.
“Well, if Mohammed can’t go to the mountain…” he shrugged, “I know it’ll work.”
“What makes you so sure?”
Steve looked at you, before he smiled softly and pressed his lips to yours. “It’s your plan.”
“You fucking bitch…” Rumlow snarled. Those Omega skills you’d been honing with Nat kicked in as you saw the blow coming a split second before he went to make it. You ducked under his arm and twirled around, backing up quickly towards where Steve was stood. Rumlow advanced on you but only made it three or four steps before he stopped, his eyes widening, as he struggled to take in air.
He grasped at his neck, clawing at the collar of his uniform as his face was rapidly turning a puce colour.
“Pretty potent neurotoxin.” You stepped back towards him. “I estimate you’ve got about thirty seconds left.”
You watched as Brock fell to his knees, scratching at the skin on his neck, and you looked down at him, your eyes locked on his, relishing the fact that his pupils were now blown with fear.
“Wanna know the really, really funny thing about all this?” You looked at him. “When I came up with our little plan, it was Thor that had the most faith in it working. Because he’s always said that it would be Hydra’s inability to embrace things that you cannot understand, those which you simply refuse to believe that would eventually be your downfall. And here we are.” You smiled, “I bet you never in a million years would have believed that a lowly Omega could even dream of such a plan, let alone enact it like I did. And, to be honest, I probably wouldn’t have been able to had it not for those extra little abilities my Soul Bond seems to have given me. You know, such as shielding my mind and emotions from you. Had you done your research, give any sort of credence to the fact that this-“ you ran your fingers over your mark, “-might actually be what the myths and legends say, you might not be about to die.”
At that point, Rumlow began to foam at the mouth, his body convulsing as he lay back. Blood was trickling from his nose and his eyes, as he lay looking up at you, the veins in his neck and temple popping. A gurgling noise rose from his throat, before he suddenly stilled, his head lolling to one side. Unseeing eyes looked out of his head, around at the Hydra troops who stood motionless, looking down at their now dead leader.
It was as if time had stood still, no one moved, no one said a word, that was until you heard a familiar voice screeching at you. You wheeled on the spot sharply, as you saw Bryce raise his gun in your direction.
And then it all seemed to happen in slow motion, Steve’s shield arched through the air, knocking the gun from his hand, as Bucky, Sam and Tony ran forward. Whilst Fury barked orders, you watched as the three men surrounding Bryce pushed him to his knees.
“I’ve told Hill and Coulson to clean up.” Fury spoke, as you kept your eyes locked onto your brothers, eyes that were so like your fathers. “They’re beaten, they know they are. We can get the back to our camp and then contact the World Security Council. We’re going to need their help if we want to unite the states…”
“Hydra will never be beaten…” Bryce shrieked his voice almost hysterical, “cut off one head…”
“Shut up.” Sam groaned.
“He has a point.” Steve spoke, looking at Fury. “As long as Hydra have someone to rally around, someone spouting their bullshit cause, they’ll never be gone. And, as such, neither will Shield. We agreed, neither faction can survive. This blue vs red…it has to stop.”
“Then we get rid of him.” Bucky stated, “what was it Rumlow said, you have to make sacrifices for the greater good…”
“Buck, we can’t…”
“Can’t what? Kill him? I assure you, we totally can…”
A heated debate then broke out, the phrase war crime being uttered once or twice, all the time you kept your eyes locked on your brother.  In that split second, a hundred memories from your previous life flooded your mind. The cruelty you'd suffered at his hands, the pain and anguish you'd felt when he had killed your first Alpha.
As you saw Colin's face flash to the forefront of the metaphorical slide show, all you could see was the fear in his face as he told you to run, before he turned back to what he knew would be his certain death, to give you chance to escape.
With a slow movement, you reached out your right hand…
Moments later, a loud bang echoed around the field, causing the arguing party to jump. Bryce slumped to the floor, a perfect shot landed right between his eyes. You were aware of everyone staring at you as you tossed Natasha’s gun to the floor and took a deep breath, simply staring at your dead brother’s body.
“Fuck Hydra, and fuck him.”
**Chapter 14**
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Angel - Part 2
Marvel AU
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Enhanced Omega Reader x Alpha Bucky Barnes
Theme: A/B/O / True Mates
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Summary: It's different when you're enhanced. Everything is different, every smell, every sound, touch, feelings. The way it's different doesn't make sense unless you are enhanced. Throw in what comes with Alpha and Omega instincts, and the intensity of your presentation is even more than any other. When you find yourself in need of help you can call on the alpha you trust the most, Natasha Romanoff. You just don't expect to find your alphas at the same time. Are you really enough for them? And can you really be the Luna to the Avengers?
"To be loved, to be loved by your mate is everything." - Wanda Maximoff
Reader is enhanced, has wings and has powers connected to electricity.
Chapter Summary: Clint and Nat discover what's happened to you.
Chapter Warning: Mentions of sexual assault and attempted rape.
Clint’s the first to find you.
You’re sitting in the ditch your knees to your chest, head down and your wings wrapped around you.
“I have her, slow approach.”
He slowly knelt down in front of you, keeping a two metre distance. He had never seen your wings so dark, as black as they were now. You’d told him early on in your friendship that they changed colour with your moods. The darker, the worse the mood. He’d only seen them pure white a couple of times and it was always around his kids or laughing with Nat and Laura on the porch at the farm. But right now, they were as dark as night, like Lucifer himself had given them to you.
“Y/N? Sweetie it’s me. It’s Clint. Can you let me see you?”
Your wings dipped ever so slightly and your tear filled eyes looked back at him. It didn’t take a detective to figure out what had happened. Even his beta nose could pick up the stink of the alpha on you and he knew that scent. If he didn’t kill the alpha responsible, Romanoff definitely would. Clint knew what he had to ask you and he hated having to ask, knowing he really already knew the answer, but protocol was protocol and he knew at least a dozen agents that practically worshipped you and would bring in the piece of shit, to save him and Romanoff the trouble. They’d get you settled and then have him delivered to them. Wanda would want in on this and he was sure Wade owed you a favour. Yeah that would do it but now he needs you out of this ditch.
“Y/N? Do you require a female senior officer for debrief?”
You nodded weakly in reply.
Purposeful footsteps made themselves known and you saw Natasha’s silhouette appear from the darkness, the sparse street lights being all to light the ditch.
The smell and look in your eyes hit Natasha like a freight train and she knew right then she was putting some red in her ledger. She tried her best to keep the growl muffled in her chest as she pulled out a pair of medical gloves from her pocket, as Clint mimicked her actions.
“Bruce call Hill, direct line, tell her we need her on a video call immediately. AR and SA suspected. Debrief required.” Clint requested over comms as he and Natasha slowly reached out to you, their hands outstretched. You placed a hand in one each of theirs and they slowly lifted you up, both noticing how your face contorted with pain.
“We’ve got you.” spoke Clint softly as he slipped an arm around your waist, “this OK?”
You let out a shuddered breath and nodded. Nat mimicked Clint’s actions, pushing down her inner alpha’s rage. Both supported you keeping the smallest of gaps between you so not to contaminate your suit too much and damage the evidence you were covered in.
The light breeze generated from F.R.I.D.A.Y bringing around the jet blew your hair back and Clint got a clearer view of your face, and could see a clear the mark where you’d been struck. Bruce appeared on the already lowered ramp and you noticed he was also wearing gloves and a disposable apron.
“Hills online and everything is set up.”
As you entered the jet you became aware of what Bruce meant and saw a projection of a live video call from Deputy Director Hill, a stern look on her face. A plastic sheet was laid in front of the screen, and on it laid a clear bag, swabs, scissors and nail clippers. You stepped on the sheet and Hill pushed down a growl, trying to hide it as a clearing of her throat as she saw the state you were in.
“Agent, please confirm your identity.”
You signed back.
AFH 27, code name Angel
“I’m going to need verbal communication if possible Agent.”
You gesture at your throat, getting frustrated when you realised you weren’t being clear.
“I don’t think she can.” Bruce replied for you, noticing the bruising making its way up your neck. He placed a tablet in front of you, the internal state of your vocal calls displayed.
There was a muttered Jesus Christ from Hill.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y give her a full body scan for injuries, fluids and any other evidence.”
“Agent, tell me what happened.”
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lectercunt · 11 months
more omega Hannibal fic list please 💗
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Thanks for the request! Below are my Omega!Hannibal fic recommendations. Read responsibly and mind the tags!
The only fic ranked on this list is the first—stink in the nostrils by murdertrout. It is my favorite fic of all time, period, and just happens to be Omega!Hannibal. The last fic on the list is mine. Enjoy <3
stink in the nostrils
Secret Omega Hannibal is not pleased that he has imprinted on Will Graham. He avenges himself on his biology by getting Will Graham put behind bars. But when Will figures out what he’s been hiding and tampers with his suppressants, triggering his first heat, they both get more than they bargained for.
put your aching teeth to good use, my dear
Fromage AU. When Will sees Hannibal in his office, bloody but alive, he goes into a feral rut. Hannibal tries to pacify him.
He bares his teeth in a smile that makes Will answer in kind. "I'll find you," he says; a threatening promise of his own. Will grins, and purrs for him in a way that makes Hannibal ache all over again. "Good," he replies. "I want you to."
“Will,” Jack Crawford growls down the line, “Tell me Hannibal Lecter never confided in you that he was an Omega.” “Oh, shit.” “Oh, shit,” Jack agrees. They’ve come a long way from the old days, where Omegas in heat would slaughter anyone who stood between them and their chosen Alpha. Where Omegas would fight each other to the death in order to claim their prize, and some Alphas died of rut exhaustion or from injuries sustained from a too-eager Omega. Now, Omegas temper their heats with stabilizing pills and Alphas have a say in who they breed. But there would have been no stabilizing pills provided to an incarcerated Beta.
asserting dominance (dead dove!)
Hannibal has spent years of imprisonment without Will properly acknowledging their mating bond. When Hannibal sends the Dragon to kill Molly and Walter, he finally provokes Will into action: to remedy his jealous behavior by inducing his heat, and putting him in his place.
top dog, lost kitten
Hannibal, an omega catboy belonging to a rich family, finds himself drawn to a stray alpha dogboy by the name of Will. When Hannibal wanders the streets during his heat, he gets unwanted attention. As he had hoped, Will is there to look out for him.
soaked through
Season 3 AU, where Will shows his face and instead of receiving pain, Hannibal receives everything he's ever wanted.
we don't need to heal
Tired of wasting resources dealing with a horrific Omega criminal who is definitely not insane, the BSHCI and the FBI decide that the best course of action is to have him mated to an Alpha who can keep him under control. Find an Alpha for the job, and Hannibal Lecter can be out of their hands for good. Will Graham enters the BSCHI, believing himself to have been selected to interview the notorious killer about a cold case that has recently been attributed to him. What he finds instead will change their lives forever, and leave him wracked with guilt. Hannibal, on the other hand, could not be more satisfied with how things panned out for them both.
Hannibal smiles, purring softly, and leans down to nuzzle Will's forehead. "You needn't be so distressed, darling," he murmurs. There is blood on Will's neck, and his cut palm smears more fresh up his mate's bare forearm. His sleeves are rolled up to the elbows, so he can give Will all of his scent. Hannibal licks the smear of his own slick on Will's cheek, his purr for a moment growing louder. "When have I ever denied you?"
tables turned (dead dove!)
When Will turns a gun on him, Hannibal goes into heat. Will decides to toy with him before giving him what he wants.
an unexpected guest
Ten-year-old Henry Lecter’s sitter just bailed, leaving him alone to watch over his younger siblings. And that would have been fine, had a man from the FBI not chosen that precise moment to show up at their door. or Will and Hannibal got a little too close in Naka-Choko, resulting in a surprise pregnancy. Rather than having the bloody canon break-up, they took their new family, including Abigail, and skipped off to Europe for their happily ever after. Enter Jack, tracking them down almost eleven years later in the quaint Italian countryside, with only young Henry there to protect the family.
stronger than memory (dead dove!)
"Your real name can't possibly be Schatje." "It's the only real thing you need to know, Will." “Fine, at least tell me what it means.” It wasn’t a question nor a request, but a statement. "It means little treasure." “And are you, then? A little treasure?”
cover to cover (the mark of a lover)
Will and Hannibal are both Omegas. After Tobias' death, Will takes Hannibal home. Hannibal comes to the realization that, if the world will not give him the Alpha he so desires... he will create one.
time reversed
Hannibal and Will traverse an unexpected intimate development.
black in the moonlight
With his upcoming dinner with Hannibal and Jack hanging heavy on his mind, Will is drawn to Hannibal's house in the middle of the night. What he finds there affects him—for better or worse, it's hard to say.
trick me twice
Hannibal and Will are leaders of allied gangs, and were friends at one point - until Hannibal almost killed Will and sent him to prison. Now he needs Will's pack, his numbers, to stop his own pack being overrun. Will might never trust him again, but there's no reason they cannot keep things professional. At least, that's what Hannibal tells himself, as he enters the BSHCI to ask for Will's help.
a rare bouquet
Will finds himself drawn in by the darkness at Hannibal’s core—something only fully revealed in heat when the violent deaths of his alpha suitors can be legally excused. When Will witnesses the aftermath of one of those murders first hand, he feels compelled to begin a courtship, wanting to see everything that lies beneath the surface. But what he seeks is not tame, and it will take more than flowers to earn its respect.
into the wild
Alpha Will stumbles upon a feral Omega in Lithuanian forests. Too fascinated to leave him be, he follows him, not knowing what awaits him.
The fish of Hannibal's trust is a spritely and skittish thing, but Will is patient. He can follow the bubbles in the water and the shining slip of scales within the currents. He can fashion beautiful lures, both mental and physical, to please and soften his mate.
Unthinkingly, he reaches into the drawer and pulls out the top shirt, holding it to his face and breathing in. No bleach, only the faintest trace of salt sweat, and none of the bitter fear he had expected. Instead, what Hannibal inhales is the pure, unsuppressed scent of alpha.   That’s all it takes. One. Deep. Breath.
use your words
“Don’t worry, darling,” Hannibal says softly. “I know just what you need. You’re here for a reason—because you need a Daddy to guide you. So let go of your preoccupation with control and let me take care of you.”
series: other people's hearts
Truck driver Will suddenly finds himself with an armful of bloody omega named Hannibal, far too young and pretty to be hitchhiking in the middle of nowhere, and to Will's horror… fast approaching heat.
on the grounds where we feel safe
"Single Omega household seeking a primary caretaker for high-school aged female. Must own vehicle for chauffeuring, errands, and other duties as necessary. Room and board provided, and a stipend for necessities available for negotiation. Must have open availability and be willing to submit to a background check and drug test. Immediate start." Then a name, and a phone number. Doctor Hannibal Lecter.
it takes two to nest
When Hannibal hears a commotion down the hall at the hospital, naturally he goes to investigate. When he finds out that the omega patient, a Mr. Will Graham, is struggling so hard that the doctors are having difficulties handling him, naturally he is intrigued. And when he finds out that the on-call OBGYN has been delayed, naturally he steps in to deliver Will's baby himself. Dr. Hannibal Lecter can do anything, after all. Including deliver someone else's baby while minutes away from going into labor himself.
sweet tooth
He has prepared for this, of course. No self-respecting Omega of his stature and skill would deign to let themselves be taken by surprise. Although, again, he has not expected his final heat to approach for some time, it is one of those occurrences people prepare for like Doomsday. He has plans, and bags packed, and knows what he will need to do, to make sure he makes it through the ordeal with minimal discomfort. The first step will be to hunt, to stock his fridge and his stores so he will not go hungry. The second step will be to find a suitable companion.
slow like honey
Hannibal’s childbearing years are behind him, but Will manages to send him into his first heat in years. Will offers to help him out—it’s the least he can do.
duty calls
Tonight, Will is hungry.
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darthbloodorange · 19 days
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Steve was hoping that the crush he developed on his bodyguard would remain a secret. He should have requested someone new… But Agent Barnes was leagues better than all the others SHIELD assigned him. Now, in the middle of an Avengers fundraiser event, Steve feels his heat come on suddenly, made all the more overwhelming by Agent Barnes's proximity.
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For the: ✦ @afgomegaversebingo - Bodyguard AU [B3]
Word count: N/a Medium: Art Title: Burning Up Rating: Gen Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairings: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Major Tags: Canon AU, Bodyguard AU, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Relationship, Pining, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Sudden Unexpected Heat, Bodyguard Bucky Barnes, Long-Haired Bucky Barnes, Omega Steve Rogers, Shrunkyclunks ~ Summery: Steve was hoping that the crush he developed on his bodyguard would remain a secret. He should have requested someone new… But Agent Barnes was leagues better than all the others SHIELD assigned him. Now, in the middle of an Avengers fundraiser event, Steve feels his heat come on suddenly, made all the more overwhelming by Agent Barnes's proximity.
[Image Description: Bucky Barnes standing next to Steve Rogers with his left hand on Steve's right shoulder. Bucky Barnes has long hair which is tied up in a bun and he is wearing a black suit and an earpiece in his left ear. Steve is wearing a bright blue shirt with a white star on the chest and khaki trousers. They are standing in a red-walled room next to a table with a yellow vase filled with purple flowers. There is a painting on the right side and a window on the left looking over the night sky above the city. Bucky gives Steve a concerned look as he asks "Are you feeling alright Captain?". Steve has his left hand pressed to his face, looking discomforted. Floating around Steve's head are lots of white flowers.]
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Hi Lou. For your celebration could I please request Sam Wilson with friends to lovers trope or A/B/O AU with promts 19 &24🩶
.⋆。Meant To Be。⋆.
Alpha!Sam Wilson x omega!reader
Snapshots of a life built together
Warnings: a/b/o dynamics, implied smut, pregnancy, non-graphic birth, fluff
WC: 918
Minors DNI
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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3000 Follower Celebration
Being the only omega on the Avengers, you were by far the most overprotected omega in the world. No alpha or even beta was good enough for you in their eyes and so you were basically kept in an ivory tower locked away from the world. Yet none of them seemed to realise that there was one eligible alpha who had captured your heart long ago.
Only one person knew about your crush on Sam and that was Natasha. The alpha had caught you staring at the older man one time too many for it to be written off as just a friendly gaze. And every chance she could, she encouraged you to tell him but every time you tired, you just couldn’t get the words out.
So tonight, you were giving it one last shot. Dressed in a tight red dress that clung to you like a second skin, highlighting each and every curve of your body. With your hair perfectly done and heels that made your ass look brilliant, you felt like a goddess as you walked into the party. Pheromones rolled off of you in waves, making everyone turn their heads to watch as you glided through the crowd.
Your omega preened under the attention but still there was one pair of eyes that you were dying to see. And almost like a moment in a movie, there he was. He donned a deep maroon suit, sipping on a glass of whisky as he looked out the huge windows overlooking the city. Suddenly he turned and his eyes grew two sizes. 
His scent of pine and leather grew more musky as you approached, his breathing becoming even deeper. You stopped just before him, the tip of your heels barely inches from his black dress shoes. “Hi.” You murmured bashfully.
“Hi.” He responded, seemingly at a loss for words. “You look just, wow. You look beautiful.” Sam finally spit out. Heat raced up your cheeks.
“Thank you, so do you. I mean, you look handsome.” Carefully, he placed his glass to the side, truly not caring about the alcohol anymore, before he offered a hand to you.
“Would you like to dance?” You took it, cradling his large palm in a gentle grip.
“I would love to.”
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Sam stood on the other side of the kitchen counter, a good distance from you. He looked almost pained as he struggled to keep a level head. You were squirming on the kitchen stool he had forced you onto, the onset of your heat coming quickly but there was a serious discussion to be had first.
“I want to mark you.”
“I want that too.” You agreed immediately, another wave of slick soaking your already destroyed panties. Sam took in a deep breath through his mouth.
“And- I want a family with you.” You froze and then moaned loudly. Quickly, you slipped from the chair and grabbed your soon-to-be alpha by the collar of his shirt and tugged him down for an almost painful kiss. Tentatively, he held your thick waist, pulling your soft body closer to him. You growled against his lips, needing more.
But he pulled away, albeit reluctantly. “I need you to give me your consent or else we can’t spend your heat together.” He said firmly, looking into your lust-blown eyes. 
“Yes! Yes! I want your pups! I want your mark! Just please, I need you inside of me right now.” And with that, his iron resolve shattered. He held you as tight as he could and pressed you back against the counter, fitting his slim hips between your plump thighs and rutted into your clothed heat.
“My omega, my fucking omega.” He snarled.
“‘M all yours.”
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“Fuck you Wilson!” You screamed in agony, gripping onto the rails attached to your bedside as you bared down.
Sam paid no mind to your words, instead wiping away the sweat that had collected along your brow with a damp cloth. “I know ‘mega but you’re doing so good. Only a little bit more to go now.” You slumped back against the many pillows behind you as the contraction passed, finally able to catch your breath.
“You are never getting laid again.” You groaned and let your eyelids flutter shut, exhaustion quickly overtaking you. Yet Sam just chuckled and pressed a loving kiss to your forehead.
“That’s what you said the first two times but here we are yet again.” You just glared at your husband.
“Okay Mrs Wilson! Let’s see if you’re ready to push.” The beta doctor disappeared between your raised legs before reappearing once more. “You’re at 10 centimetres, it’s time.”
Quickly, Sam took your hand into his own, giving it a gentle squeeze of reassurance. You nodded at the doctor, feeling another contraction begin. “That’s it, keep going. Such a good girl.” Pain ripped through you like nothing else and you pushed.
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The sun had begun to set over the farm property. All the kids were either at a friend’s house or still at school (your eldest had started college only 6 months ago) so for the first time since Sam had claimed you, the house was quiet.
You sighed and relaxed into the alpha’s open arms. His scent was milder now, not as powerful as it was in his prime but you still loved it all the same. You could feel him smile against the crown of your head before he laid a kiss there.
“I love you ‘mega.”
“I love you alpha.”
Marvel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Sam Wilson 
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endlesstwanted · 3 months
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So I tried writing a new pairing for Bucky and it got longer than expected, so I decided to split it into two chapters. Here’s the first one, for @buckybarnesevents’ Hot Bucky Summer, week 2 prompt — Alpha and their Build-a-Bucky-Bingo event, june prompt — Age Difference.
Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Pietro Maximoff
Tags: Modern: No Powers AU, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Domestic (alpha Bucky/omega Pietro), Tickling, Kissing, non-binary Bucky
Summary: Bucky and Pietro watch a movie, give up a sneak-peek of how they got together, and Bucky offers a solution so Pietro doesn’t have to walk back home under the pouring rain.
Wordcount: 2,5k
Also created for: @buckybarnesbingo | Inclement weather / @afgomegaversebingo | Tickling / @fandom-free-bingo, Pride edition | Bisexual and Non-Binary / @fandombingo, Wonderland Bingo | “You could stay.” / @multifandom-flash, May events: Teachers’ Appreciation | Private Tutor
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After folding his clothes for the alpha and putting on his shoes, Pietro got his jacket and walked to the main room. Bucky was on the counter, arranging some packets they must have found while planning what to make for dinner.
“Hey, you’re okay?” They asked when they saw him coming. “It’s pouring down, and I know you hate storms.”
“It’s nothing,” Pietro lied. He would rather get stuck in college for a whole semester, not leaving the Faculty of Business, than having to walk under that weather because he had no other method of transport. Which low-key made him wish Bucky would offer him a ride.
He was not expecting the alpha’s actual offer, for sure. “You could stay, I am making raviolis for dinner. I can light the fireplace, and we can snuggle in front of it with a glass of wine. You still don’t have class tomorrow, do you?”
Continue reading on Ao3!
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thewritergremlin-rae · 5 months
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Finding Your Forever Home Masterlist
Omegaverse AU
Post Winter Soldier - Bucky is running around keeping his distance and trying to remember himself.
Content: 2nd person, omegaverse au, mute reader, AFAB reader,
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Part 1 - Home - 2.8k, E, Bucky/Reader, Steve/Sam Content: dirty talk, oral (f receiving), heat sex, unprotected sex (p in v), knotting Summary: Your heat is on its way so you take off to visit the only other member of your pack. Your Alpha, James
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Part 2 - Under the Stars - 3.4k, T, Steve/Reader, Sam/Reader, Bucky/Reader Content: polyamory, talk of Loki being genderfluid and both Thor and Loki having fluid secondary genders Summary: You meet the Alpha and Beta visiting the school and quickly find out why they've been so desperate to meet you.
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More AU info below the read more -
The Avengers are a pack, including:
Steve (ex-Omega)
Bucky (ex-Beta, not yet)
Natasha (ex-Omega)
Reader (not yet)
Thor (Alpha-Beta) Loki (Alpha-Beta-Omega)
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About Reader
had their vocal chords removed but does not remember how/why/any of it.
communicates using notes app and some sign language
mutant - able to control air
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centuryberry · 7 months
so for the abo au, Macaque’s Yue’s bio father, right? Or is he still her uncle?
He technically is both father and uncle is the main fic, but it’s interesting to see how different the dynamic will be as him as her father from the very start
Iwould also *love* to hear more details, if you’re okay sharing! Are they still from Yue’s original clan? How’d the two of them end up meeting and being together in this au? Please, spoil me with all the details, I’m captivated!
I also love that the fic originated from this au! It adds that extra bit of fondness for me, knowing that such a beloved fic came from this idea ❤️
I'm bouncing off the walls knowing that people want to hear more about this AU! Of course, I'd love to share more!
Warning(s): mentions of miscarriage (not involving our characters, just the concept for worldbuilding purposes)
In the A/B/O AU, Macaque is Yue's bio dad. Yue was a surprise for him and Shanzha since children born from A/A and O/O couples are rare - and especially for the O/O couples, the risk of miscarrying is high. This is usually why same second gender couples are not as common. They exist, but they're not accepted by society (typical society). Male Omegas and Female Alphas are also not common, so they are also "othered" - either being extremely desired or aggresively rejected by their clan/troop/family.
There are also a lot of harmful stereotypes connected secondary genders and pressures to have lots of children as A/B/O AUs tend to do.
In this AU, there are a lot of changes to the world:
The Demon King of Confusion does not die from his fight with Wukong
Wukong finds RinRin in Diyu and manages to bring her back to life with the help of a Red-Buttocked Baboon
With RinRin at his side to temper him, Wukong doesn't cause as much trouble or drama with Heaven, focusing more on maintaining his kingdom
Is currently being pursued by the Brotherhood to join their cause
The Demon King of Confusion returns to the LoES to lick his wounds and decides to rebuild his army. He strikes at the Zodiac Monkey Can and manages to overtake it and nearly wipe them out
Shanzha had been in the clan temple and training under Long-Arms so she was left unscathed from the incident but decided to leave and avenge her clan (they might've been jerks but they didn't deserve to go out the way they did - especially the children)
The Spirit Macaque Clan never fell and Macaque grew up loved though maybe a little coddled as an omega
The Demon King of Confusion attacked the Spirit Macaque Clan and tried to take Macaque as a new concubine (like he had with RinRin); Shanzha had caught up by then and cut through most of his forces and head shotted the Demon King of Confusion with her arrows before he could do irreversible harm
Macaque is admiring and smitten with Shanzha for her heroics and even more so when he discovers that she's an omega like him
At some point, Macaque's older sister ascends as Macaque Spirit Queen and Macaque and Shanzha get married; they decide to travel the world together and not let their designations limit them from finding adventure
About Each Character and their Designations:
Wukong (Male/Alpha): He's the traditional alpha archetype at first glance, but he loves pink, cute animals, and child-rearing (a omegan trait). He hates how RinRin feels that she should hide her designation and repress herself, but he supports her all the same. He often concedes to RinRin in affairs within the kingdom. He's often pressured to live up to the perceptions around him.
RinRin (Female/Alpha): She's extremely closeted about her designation and attempts to pass as an omega or, at least, a beta because of her father's toxic beliefs. Her extremely sweet, feminine, and people-pleasing mask is also influenced by this. She's actually the more "alpha" between herself and her husband.
Macaque: (Male/Omega): He hides his designation out of necessity during his travels but he's comfortable about his second gender. His personality doesn't fit the Omega archetype so he's been criticized a lot for it by others. He's nervous about being a father since he's been told that he "wasn't the nurturing type."
Shanzha: (Female/Omega): She knows enough about herbs to "pass" as an alpha or a beta. While she initially acts harsh and aggressive (alpha traits) - a result of her life in LoES - she's actually very soft-hearted and kind, which her mate and a few others she trusts are privy to seeing. She had to repress her omegan instincts and put up an alpha front to survive. Currently carrying a pup.
Facts about Bun!Yue:
By the time Macaque and Shanzha head to FFM for sanctuary and medical help, Shanzha is three months pregnant with Yue and facing some difficulties
Yue's a kicker
Wukong and RinRin offer some of their magic to reinforce Yue's growth and increase her chances of survival
Macaque already has her heartbeat memorized
Gives Shanzha cravings for spicy food and lychee berries
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stuckybingo · 1 year
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Stucky Bingo Round-Up #28 (April 23rd - 29th)
Don’t forget to fill out the submission form to be a part of the round-ups and to get your bingo badges! Sign-ups for a bingo card end on April 30th!
Bucky Barnes and the Swimsuit of Doom by theemdash Square filled: O1 - Kink: Lingerie Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Swimming Suits, Sexual Humor, Horny Bucky Barnes, Horny Steve Rogers Summary: When Steve asks Bucky to come with him to the photoshoot for the 2023 Avengers Charity Swimsuit Calendar, Bucky thinks nothing of it. He should have, though. He should have gotten suspicious right then and right there, but instead he was thinking about Steve in a swimming suit. He can't be held accountable for choices made by his dick. Or Bucky and Steve can't control themselves when confronted by tiny swimming suits. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
Bucket List's stop by Laevateinn Square filled: I3 - Steve's list Ao3 rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: moodboard, Bucket List, Steve's list, Flowers, Carnival Summary: Bucky smiled as he looked one more time at the pictures he had printed to display in the apartment. Format: Drabble (exactly 100 words)
Sun by diamantesart Square filled: I1 - Alpha Steve Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Bucky Barnes, Intersex omega, Knotting Summary: Steve takes cares of his omega. Format: Art
Three | One by andrea1717 Square filled: N3 - Free Square (Intimacy) Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: First Time, Fluff and Smut, Light Angst Summary: A few of Bucky's & Steve's first times & one last time through the years. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
(For Never Was A Story Of More Woe Than This) Act 2: Rising Action by Trinity Square filled: O1 - Peter Parker Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Homophobia, Toxic family dynamics, watermelon Major tags: AU Theatre, lovers to enemies to lovers, Bucky Barnes-centric, Miscommunication Summary: Bucky Barnes hasn't heard from Steve Rogers in 3 years. He'd rather never hear from him again. Too bad he's transferring to Stark Performing Arts University where he'll be forced to take the male-only lead roles with Steve in the school's queer rendition of the play ""Romeo & Juliet"". The close proximity might trigger the pair to rethink and investigate why they hate each other so much, and maybe fall in love again along the way. Format: Part of a multichapter fic
A Moving Target by PoliZ Square filled: I2 - Marksmanship Ao3 rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Drabble, Avengers as Family, Shenanigans, Competition Summary: Tony discovers Clint, Bucky and Steve doing something ridiculous on the firing range, and he wants in. Format: Drabble (exactly 100 words)
Baby Nat vs Detective Rogers by rya_204 Square filled: O1 - AU A/B/0 Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Mentions of Mpreg Major tags: Fluff, Family Fluff, A/B/O, KId Fic Summary: In his career as a private investigator, Steve had seen many pups ask him about missing parents, but they were fifteen or sixteen years old. Natalia had arrived there to get something back, but he didn't take cases from six-year-olds. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
Beating Hearts by SmutConnoisseur Square filled: Adopted square - Kink : Dirty Talk Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: A/b/o, mpreg, rough pregnancy sex, knotting, praise kink, breeding kink Summary: Bucky comes home from work and is reminded why he never wants to leave in the first place. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
Destiny by @andrea1717 Square filled: N5 - Revenge Ao3 rating: Mature Warnings: Major character death, Moral Ambiguity, Sad with happy ending, emotional hurt Major tags: Alternative Universe, Love, Reincarnation Summary: Bucky and Steve find each other again - somehow. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
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fandom-susceptible · 2 years
I have too many MHA AU ideas so here
Dadzawa AU: literally just a series of Aizawa parenting his class, probably with guest appearances from the Big 3, Shinsou, and Eri. Background Erasermic with trans!Aizawa. Shinsou was a teenage accident of Aizawa and Oboro's, who Aizawa was forced to give up. Yamada and Aizawa have tried off and on for a second kid for eight years and then suddenly in a matter of two years they get 25 of them (including a newborn that forces Aizawa to take a leave of absence as Eraserhead and teach full time for a while)
Fluff(ier than canon) AU: Erasercloudmic gets together in high school, they still have Shinsou. Oboro doesn't die or go missing but Aizawa and Yamada can't pay for his medical bills *and* support their kid in high school even if they COULD keep it, so they give him up to save Oboro, who as a result never becomes Kurogiri. The three of them stay together, though not without a rough patch, and eventually get married; Oboro is permanently disabled, probably with mobility and vision issues, and Loud Cloud retires. He works as a producer at Mic's radio station. Nothing bad happens to Shimura Tenko; Dadmight Toshinori to the rescue there. He still passes OfA to Midoriya. No Kurogiri and no Shigaraki means no League of Villains; Dabi is a known vigilante rather than a straight up villain. Todoroki Natsuo becomes a detective and tracks Touya down to tell him what's happened since he left. Dabi knocks on Eraserhead and Present Mic's door to ask them for help rescuing his baby brother - "Because you'll stand up to Endeavor. No one else will." Erasercloudmic end up with custody of Shoto, Hitoshi, and Eri.
ABO AU: Same basis as the Fluff AU with Erasercloudmic and Shinsou, and no League of Villains, but omega Aizawa with his two alphas, and their pack including such gems as beta Toshinori, alpha Nemuri, and beta Tensei. Tenya and Aizawa are still pretending they don't know each other well into second year despite the fact that the young alpha has literally napped in Aizawa's nest.
Mutant AU: Everyone's quirk is actually a mutation caused by the x-gene, Marvel canon style. UA has connections with Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and Avengers Academy. Aizawa and Logan get along famously despite that time they met back when Logan was a Villain:tm: and Aizawa was in high school and almost killed him by using Erasure on his extremely poisoned (by metal bones) ass. Hawkeye and Izuku hit it off immediately. Bakugou fucking hates Hawkeye's guts, even more so after Hawkeye just douses him with something that neutralizes his nitroglycerin sweat and ties him up before Bakugou can touch him. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu have new heroes to fanboy over after meeting Hulk, Warpath, and Colossus.
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ao3feed-sambucky · 1 year
cold air and spring sun and warming brick; and wishing i were never afraid
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48194155
by jaguarsp0tted
There are four seasons, but only one Winter Soldier.
Bucky and Sam got together once everyone was resurrected from the Blip, and things have been going well, until Bucky realizes there are secrets he has to stop keeping.
Words: 14107, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Shuri (Marvel), Ayo (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Scott Lang, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Clint Barton, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Original Characters, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Alpha James "Bucky" Barnes, Omega Sam Wilson, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Mentioned past sexual assault, mentioned past experimentation, mentioned past abuse, hydra sucks guys idk what else to tell you, Minor Frank Castle/Matt Murdock, discussions of trauma, PTSD, there's just a Lot happening here, steve stays in the future au, some sex here and there but it's not the focus, Original Characters - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48194155
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stony-ao3-feed · 2 years
the sweet taste of pain
Read it on AO3
by Areiton
“Here, let me,” a low warm voice says, and Steve twists, gives ground to the omega that he hadn’t even noticed standing a step behind him, watches as deft fingers manage the lock, and push it open. And then hold it, waiting for Steve to stumble through.
He blinks, and looks up at his rescuer, and his breath punches out of him, at the faint smile and the warm whiskey eyes, the messy curls above a thin, tired face.
“C’mon, slugger, get inside before you pass out on the stoop.”
It’s teasing, but there’s an order there, and Steve almost trips himself, hurrying to obey. 
Words: 3082, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Boxer AU, Steve is a boxer, War Veteran Steve Rogers, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Tony Stark, Age Difference, Silver Fox Tony Stark, Power Bottom Tony Stark, Caretaking, Soft Steve Rogers, Soft Tony Stark, Gratuitous Pet Names, Flashbacks
Read it on AO3
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ao3feed-stony · 2 years
the sweet taste of pain
by Areiton
“Here, let me,” a low warm voice says, and Steve twists, gives ground to the omega that he hadn’t even noticed standing a step behind him, watches as deft fingers manage the lock, and push it open. And then hold it, waiting for Steve to stumble through.
He blinks, and looks up at his rescuer, and his breath punches out of him, at the faint smile and the warm whiskey eyes, the messy curls above a thin, tired face.
“C’mon, slugger, get inside before you pass out on the stoop.”
It’s teasing, but there’s an order there, and Steve almost trips himself, hurrying to obey. 
Words: 3082, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Boxer AU, Steve is a boxer, War Veteran Steve Rogers, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Tony Stark, Age Difference, Silver Fox Tony Stark, Power Bottom Tony Stark, Caretaking, Soft Steve Rogers, Soft Tony Stark, Gratuitous Pet Names, Flashbacks
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45969775
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themculibrary · 1 year
Smut - Praise Kink Masterlist
A Soul as Sweet as Blood-Red Jam (ao3) - pringlesaremydivision steve/bucky E, 2k
Summary: It slips out. It just – slips out, and it takes half a second before Steve realizes what he’s said, and then he wants to die.
Or: Steve's daddy kink comes out to play while he's in bed with Bucky.
do you know what's worth fighting for (ao3) - Pericardiaca steve/tony E, 4k
Summary: Steve tries to return to the present after returning the infinity stones, but something goes wrong. Or does it go right? A stevetony fix it fic that also (tries to) fix the time paradox issue. With a sprinkle of angst and the soft ending they deserved.
Electric Feel (ao3) - voluptuous_panic steve/bucky E, 5k
Summary: Steve leaves a present for his boy.
Failing To Not Fall (ao3) - neverthelessthesun steve/tony E, 6k
Summary: Steve was failing to not fall in love with Tony Stark.
AKA the one where Steve thinks he’s Friends-With-Benefits with Tony, and Tony thinks he’s dating Steve.
Good Boy (ao3) - triedunture steve/bucky E, 13k
Summary: Bucky is still adjusting to life with the Avengers, and Steve is willing to do whatever it takes to make him feel comfortable. Increasingly, though, what seems to make him comfortable is strangely intimate.
Surprise, Steve! You're a gentle dom and Bucky wants to be your pretty pet!
If Your Heart Is A Dog Fight Then I'm Ready To Go To War Like (ao3) - fandomfluffandfuck steve/bucky E, 78k
Summary: Bucky isn't used to alpha's being the nicest to him, he knows why even if he doesn't get it- he's a male omega. A very rare subset of the already rare part of the population that's second gender isn't beta. Which is what makes it all the more shocking when his "perfect match" walks in during one of his shifts and is irrefutably nice to him.
This is that story. The story of how they went from a patient nurse relationship to an alpha omega pair who's bond is unbreakable.
love has claws which maim (ao3) - whatshouldntbe steve/tony E, 585k
Summary: Yet another Dystopian!Marriage of Convenience AU with a/b/o dynamics that no one asked for. Angst with Happy Ending™ 100% Guaranteed or Your Money Back. This has an extremely experimental and dramatic tone that shifts unexpectedly at times.
No Because, No Reason, No Explanation, No Solutions (ao3) - BlossomsintheMist steve/tony E, 93k
Summary: He let his hands rest, warmly, on Steve’s shoulders, against his neck. “I just want you to fuck me, soldier,” he managed to get out, breathy. “I want you to fuck me, yes, in my ass, and not stop. Again and again, until it’s out of your system.”
Steve and Tony and a marathon sex encounter. That's it, that's the fic.
nothing left but scars (ao3) - SailorChibi steve/tony E, 6k
Summary: Steve wakes up to the fact that no one ever compliments or even says thank you to Tony, and that he has fallen into the same trap of painting Tony with a specific paintbrush.
This is how he showers a very confused Tony with praise to make up for it.
oh don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me (ao3) - suzukiblu bucky/darcy, steve/natasha/sam, bucky/darcy/steve E, 187k
Summary: Darcy is thirty feet out of Stark-cum-Avengers Tower when she starts craving cinnamon rolls--the sticky-sweet iced-up old-fashioned kind, yummy and messy and dripping gooshy icing all over your mouth and hands and down your yuuuup, yup, that is a super, super fertile omega that she is smelling, holy shit is it ever.
“Jesus Christ,” she groans in frustration, then follows her alpha instincts (and, more easily and importantly, her nose) to go track them down. They’re in the middle of New York City; middle of the day or not, not checking on somebody who smells like that is, like, the ultimate dick move.
Pavlov was a Jerk (ao3) - BeneficialAddiction clint/phil E, 77k
Summary: Clint Barton: World's Greatest Marksman, submissive, high-functioning disaster.
When Clint comes in to SHIELD he's been on his own for almost four years, and he's been keeping himself level using conditioning techniques he's learned from a lifetime of abuse and neglect. Phil Coulson is the first to notice the imbalance – Clint's system seems to be all punishment, no rewards - but Phil's tastes aren't exactly average and it's none of his business anyway. Certain that what he wants is not at all congruent with what Clint deserves Phil keeps his distance, until a mission gone wrong sends the archer tumbling into an nasty case of subdrop and neither of them have any other choice but to take a chance on the other.
Proprietary Information (ao3) - notlucy steve/bucky E, 85k
Summary: Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy's gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he's so far out of Bucky's league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.
Rise or Fall (Give His All) (ao3) - neverthelessthesun steve/tony E, 7k
Summary: Tony is self-conscious about his height. Steve tries to make him see it’s not all that bad.
Romance me (ao3) - ririsasy tony/stephen E, 67k
Summary: Tony just wanted to go to The coffee shop Peter keep telling him about in the Bleecker Street area, the one with a nice caramel coffee, he didn't know that the place is crowded enough that The billionaire has to share a table with a handsome, middle-aged man, who dresses eccentrically in his blue robe, and thick book in his hands just to enjoy his coffee, he never imagined that the guy will be someone so important in his life, ending all his conquests as playboy and actually making him consider about settling down for the first time in his life.
Sucker Punch (ao3) - yellow_crayon steve/bucky E, 15k
Summary: Steve Rogers is not the blushing virgin everyone thinks.
(Five times they almost get caught and one time they do.)
The Corruption of Peter Parker, by Harley Keener (ao3) - dontstudywritenovels harley/peter E, 3k
Summary: Harley really wants to fuck Peter so hard that he’s crying for it. He settles for wooing the fuck out of him instead, and maybe making Peter cry when the younger begs him for it.
Think I'm Finally Clean (ao3) - fuck_me_barnes steve/bucky E, 4k
Summary: In which sub Bucky wishes for rougher handling by normally gentle dom Steve, and gets probably more than he bargained for.
you're the fireworks flyin' on the fourth of july (ao3) - IamShadow21 steve/bucky E, 2k
Summary: Steve's got ninety-five years' worth of Bucky's birthdays to catch up on.
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klirk-hammurton · 2 years
Hi everyone! Since I'm getting back into the RP community I want to lay out some ground rules, expectations, boundaries when writing with me. I want to start off by saying that I have been writing RPs for 17+ years, so I am quite experienced and well versed in what I do. This is strictly a hobby of mine that I'm trying to pick back up.
Rules 18+ ONLY
1. Please be literate. I understand that English isn't everyone's first language, that some may be dyslexic, etc., and mistakes are bound to happen. It's okay, but do try to be as literate as possible
2. Do NOT control the character(s) I write as. Don't get mad at me if I'm writing a character(s) true to their self and things aren't going your way.
3. No godmodding: that means no controlling the characters I'm writing for/as, no auto hitting in fights, etc
4. Do Mary-Sue characters. They're super annoying and take me out of the story.
5. Do not force any smut/sex scenes. It's super weird. There's more to story lines than just that.
6. I will NOT write incest, r*pe, SA, pedophilia, beastiality. Don't ask for it because I will not do it.
7. Understand that I do have a life behind this screen and am not online 24/7. I sometimes hit ruts with writers block and may take a while to respond sometimes.
8. Please try to avoid one liners. I write para, muliti-para, to novella type RPs. It's discouraging to me to write detailed responses and only get a few words back as a response
MHA (my hero academia)
Soul Eater
Fire Force
Harry Potter
Skylanders (don't judge me)
Assassins Creed
Vinland Saga
Dragon Prince
Last of Us
Justice League
Teen Titans
LOTR/The Hobbit
Stranger Things
Foo Fighters
Van Halen/Van Hagar
Multi paragraph
AU (alternate universe)
Slice of life
ABO (alpha/beta/omega)
I'm also open to original ideas. I can write as multiple characters as needed, but please don't expect me to carry an entire story plot. It's to be 50/50. I'm also open to writing as OCs (original characters) as well as Canon Characters.
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endlesstwanted · 7 months
Happy Cum-Day
Made a tripe drabble for @buckybarnesevents’ Bucky’s Birthday Bash event of this year: Bake a Cake Edition, combining the following prompts: AU Bucky, (Friends) to Lovers, Tony Stark, Size Kink 🥳 This is also a fill for my @winterironevents prompt — AU: Roommates and @multifandom-flash, New Year’s Resolutions (nsfw prompt) — Explore Intimacy. Read on Ao3 here.
Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Porn Without Plot, Praise Kink
Summary: Bucky comes home to a birthday surprise from his roommate.
Wordcount: 300
Tumblr media
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