#alpha alfie
mrsarnasdelicious · 2 years
Ok maybe random but Alfie Solomons with either the ABO AU or the Soulmate AU? 👀
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"See, you are mine." Alfie murmurs.
The jewish man puts his arm beside yours. There, just below the crook of your elbows, is the same mark. A mark that is unique to only the two of you. You cannot deny his words. "It would seem that I am." You whisper. He nods slowly.
"Are you disappointed. Expected someone more comely?" He smirks, grabbing you by the hip. You avoid his eye, knowing a great many Alpha's find it insulting to be looked in the eye without direct permission. But Alfie grabs your chin. He makes you look at him. "Are you?" He growls. You meet his eye, though you are a little nervous. "N-no Alpha." You stammer. "You sure?" Alfie presses you for it. "I am sure, Alpha." You reply.
You feel your heart beat in your throat.
"Do I scare you?" Alfie asks. "No Alpha." You mumble. You aren't sure if it is a lie or not. He makes you feel all sorts of things. Maybe not fear, though it is hard to tell. You know you are going to need a while to sort out all that you feel. To wrap your mind around this. But you doubt he will allow you this.
"I gotta think on this for a while." You say. Alfie nods. "You get three days, I will come get you if you don't come to me." He says. You cast your eyes down from his. "Yes Alpha." You reply.
"Good Omega." Alfie smirks.
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whentommymetalfie · 2 years
fic rec! A prequel to the a/b/o-story I recommend the other day. Wherein Tommy tells Alfie he’s pregnant and there’s angst (wonderful angst). Go give it a read if this is your thing!
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allxgene · 2 years
@adversaryss​ New little brother, who dis?
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“Alfie told me I should stay away from you.”
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Honored One Shot no.7 - @loreley-ha
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"My Omega"
Yandere Alpha Geto x Omega reader
Omegaverse NSFW: Marking, possessive sex, pheromones
"Do you really think I don't know where my omega goes?"
You heard a voice behind you as you entered the house.
You jumped as warm fingers touched your neck, removing the collar that was covering your neck.
You knew it was Suguru. Because you will know his voice everywhere.
The feeling when he's next to you too.
Throwing his collar to the floor, he put his closed mouth and nose to the bite mark on the side of your neck.
You felt shivers when he did it.
That's what it feels like to be chastised by an alpha.
A feeling that makes you shiver.
Alphas have always been terrible to Omega. But not those who are partners. Suguru is your partner.
However, reaching the sensitive mark on the neck is like initiating sexual contact or possessiveness. Especially when Alphas do it when they're pissed off.
The alpha's possessiveness and scolding can be frequent. It all depends on the character of Alpha.
Your Alpha is possessive.
You are his and only his. His Omega. Only his.
The moment other alphas approach you is when he goes into standby mode.
When an alpha stranger approaches you, he's very careful and pulls you away so you don't get too close.
When it's a familiar alpha to you or him, it allows you a little more freedom, but not that much.
Alpha is Alpha. Just a little bit of your scent and you will become a morsel for some alpha who is nearby.
Even if you already have a partner. Alphas compete. Especially because there are less omegas.
That's why your partner is possessive. Because you're supposed to be his omega and no one else's.
He shows your place now.
Showing you to focus on whose mark is on your neck.
The marks of his teeth. And not anyone else.
He's the one who marked you as his omega. And not someone else. You are HIS omega.
You felt shivers as he exhaled from his lungs at that bite.
It's normal for the omega to be more sensitive around the alpha who is your partner. But he does it on purpose.
To show you your place with him as his Omega.
"I know my omega was seeing some alpha..." He moaned into your ear, holding you possessively in his arms.
When you looked to the side to see his face, you saw his purple eyes almost glow as he stared into yours.
You heard a soft growl coming from his throat as he looked at you.
If he had animal physical features, surely everything would show his displeasure.
Same as now.
"How are naughty omegas punished?" He asked, scanning your gentle eyes with intensity.
Omega so innocent...Alphas never can get angry when they see how their omega has such innocent eyes with them.
Just like you are looking at him now.
He is your alpha. your life partner. You can't look at him with hostility because it's written in your genes that you love your alpha. You don't oppose Alfie. You are really happy with your alpha.
And alphas have more aggression and possessiveness in their genes.
Omegas are so innocent, cute and beautiful.
And he loves his omega. That's why he wants his omega just for him.
Because he is the alpha.
And his omega is everything to him.
"Suguru...?" You giggled softly as a smile appeared on his face.
"Don't be afraid ~. Just you know... You're my Omega. And I don't wanna give you to someone else." He licked your ear, nibbling the earlobe with his tooth. "But little, cute omegas only have a place with one alpha. And you're my omega, baby."
You felt him release some of his pheromones on you.
Your body shivered as you felt hot.
"I need to mark my omega even more, right?" he purred in your ear.
You let out a shaky breath as his hot tongue slid over your bite on your skin.
And you felt more and more of his pheromones insistently attacking your senses to make you a moaning mess and begging for your alpha.
And that was for sure because Suguru's pheromones were so strong and intense.
It was affecting your body, making you a horny mess.
It was the same with him when he felt your heat. He was losing control by spraying you with waves of pheromones. And the omegas can never hold back their alpha partner.
Therefore, the heat is intense for both sides.
Especially when Omega is in heat. Because Alpha becomes aggressive and erratic just to get Omega.
That's why Suguru asked you several times to be very careful about taking supplements.
And his heat is also intense because it's unstoppable. And he closes himself off from you so he doesn't succumb to his instincts when he feels his omega.
Even though he won't hurt you, it's more aggressive sex than ever. Therefore, in order not to expose you to stress, during the most intense time of this he closed himself.
Even though you felt his heat and you were in a similar state.
And he went a little crazy because he smelled the sweet smell of your pheromones.
Same as now.
When you felt his pheromones and started to tremble, asking for his touch. He felt the same way as your body began to emit that sweet scent.
"Omegas are always so polite to their Alphas. And you're so good to me, baby ~. I should mark you again for what you did. I can't be so brutal when you're so meek. But I can't be gentle to make you understand your mistake."
He put his hands under your shirt and your body melted in his hands.
"You smell so sweet ~. My sweet omega~."
As he took off your bottom clothes, he saw your thighs getting wet.
Alpha pheromones are intense... And they immediately tell your body to be turned on for your alpha.
Just like alphas, they are crazy about the smell of omega. In the same way, omegas go crazy when their alphas release pheromones on them.
His hands also grabbed your top clothes, taking it off.
Leaving your body naked and begging to be touched.
He smelled the sweet scent of his omega's excitement, which challenged that predatory instinct in him. Instinct to HAVE his omega here and now.
His pupils dilated and his pants were so tight.
Undoing his baggy pants, he placed your hands against the wall for something to hold on to, and bent you down so he could access your hips. He spread your thighs apart, pressing the thick tip of his cock against your trembling entrance.
Your walls offered no resistance, nor did the rest of your body. And when he managed to slide in easily, he pressed his chest against your back and sank his teeth into the already existing mark on your skin.
Making you howl of pleasure as you felt his scent completely take over your mind. The pleasure you crave.
You want him.
He growled, feeling the pleasure of biting into your skin to leave a mark.
The way you shiver, barely holding on to the wall as your alpha's big dick digs into your insides.
"A-Alpha..." you moaned in a shaky voice as he kept one hand on your hip and the other next to yours on the wall.
Your trembling thighs and whole legs when you stood on tiptoe didn't bother him at all, because if you want your alpha to fuck you, you have to keep it that way. In this position.
But at some point, he's going to keep your body in a mess anyway. His Omega marking is something he wants. For your mutual pleasure, and also for you as a lesson. Because you only react that way to his pheromones.
He started mercilessly digging his hips into yours, leaving marks on your back as he positioned you the way you're supposed to be positioned so he could hit deeper with more accuracy.
So that your legs buckle under you and he can fuck your moaning, melting body in his hands as much as he thinks necessary.
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cosmicseafoam · 21 days
Pebble who calls Alpha "alfie" because it pisses him off
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profoundbondfanfic · 21 days
Hi! I’ve been trying to find some good omega!cas fics, would you be able to recommend any? I’ve done some of my own searching, but I can always count on your reviews so wanted to check!
Hey! I hope you were looking for a long list because we got a little carried away with this lol
A Baby for Christmas by DyslexicSquirrel (Explicit, 11k words)
Dean Winchester finds a list of all the Eligible Alphas in town when he’s fixing Castiel Novak’s car and the fact that he’s not on it surprises him more than it should. He’s been pining for Castiel since he showed up in Oak Grove alone and pregnant, but Castiel never gave him, or any other alpha, the time of day. Now he’s on the hunt for a mate. Can he come up with a plan to make Castiel realize he’s the perfect alpha for him and make both their Christmas wishes come true?
A Little Grace by tricia_16 (Explicit, 99k words)
Castiel is well aware that a handsome, surprisingly gentle alpha like Dean was way out of his league even before he made the decision to become a single parent. Dean's been kicking himself for blowing his shot with Cas before he could even ask for it, and now Cas is happily taken (and adorably pregnant) by an alpha who doesn't deserve him. Neither one of them could have guessed that Castiel's baby would be what brings them together, but it turns out that a little Grace goes a long way.
All That's Best of Dark and Bright by orphan_account (Explicit, 21k words)
Dean Winchester is an alpha cop. He's got a soft spot for omegas with kids and a short fuse when it comes to people hurting them. When he signs in for his shift, his first call is to a break-in in a well to do suburban neighborhood. He meets Castiel Novak and his young son, Alfie. Someone has broken in to Castiel's house and scent marked. Castiel is unwilling to offer much information about himself or his life. Dean's happy not to push, but his partner Benny thinks that Castiel might know more about who broke into his house than he's willing to admit. As Dean tries to get Castiel to open up to him, he finds himself drawn to the omega. But Castiel has to be mated, right? He already has a kid. Or at least, that's what Dean believes.
At a glance by Nachsie (Explicit, 44k words)
The first time Castiel laid his eyes on Dean Winchester, he couldn't comprehend two things about him. One, why this incredibly handsome man was smiling at him asking to borrow his drink...and Two? Why he immediately smashed Castiel's drink into another man's face? Whoever said love was dead, never met Dean Winchester.
Decadent by Redamber79 (Explicit, 36k words)
Dean is the owner of Glads n Roses, where he specializes in unique flowers and bouquets, particularly in flower language. He also sells chocolates on the side. When Decadently Yours, a chocolate shop, opens across the street, Dean sees it as challenging his business. It doesn't take long however, before they strike up a deal to sell the new business' chocolates in the shop, and then he begins to fall for the Beta Castiel, even though he knows he's involved with the Alpha Gabriel, though not mated. As Dean and Cas get closer, he discovers something else. Cas is actually an Omega, with the sweetest scent under his blockers. But Dean refuses to poach, and as long as Cas is with Gabriel, he won't make a move. Life, however, has something else in mind.
Expectations by everandanon (Explicit, 418k words)
For centuries, the Winchester princes have taken omegas from the northern town of New Eden to bear the royal heirs before exiling them to the countryside - a punishment for a past dispute caused by the town's strict beliefs. When Prince John marries Lady Mary of Campbell and puts a Queen on the throne, however, most people assume the tradition has been set aside. Thus, it's a complete surprise to Dean when he's sent to New Eden to retrieve the girl they've arranged for. Cas, as a male omega in backward New Eden, has been ostracized and condemned by his town since he presented. To make matters worse? His sister is being given away to the crown prince of Winchester, never to return. But when the morning before the prince's arrival dawns and Anna is nowhere to be found, the town's council decides there’s only one thing for it: They’ll simply have to give him Cas instead.
Friends Helping Friends (Telling Me What My Heart Meant) by Annie D (scaramouche) (Explicit, 6k words)
Dean and Cas have known each other for about a year now, and in that time, Cas has never gone into heat. So far.
Following His Lead by InvictaAnimi (Explicit, 98k words)
Peak alpha, Dean Winchester, has the perfect life on paper. He owns his own architecture firm, is building a real estate empire, and has the choice of just about any omega partner that catches his eye. A fateful flight to London changes everything for Dean when he finds his true mate, the intrepid freelance photographer, Cas. Cas is gorgeous, brilliant, competitive, and driven. He’s everything that Dean could have hoped for. He’s also keeping secrets from him. Once they find each other, they must remain close until they mate or suffer from the debilitating and painful mating sickness. It wouldn’t be a problem if his mate would stay put, but Dean finds himself chasing his omega throughout Europe, using only the clues his mate leaves him. Dean must choose between his old life and this stranger, his career and his future mate. As an alpha, he is used to being a leader, the one in charge. To be with Cas, though, he’s going to have to follow his lead.
Head Down, Walk with Reason by goldenraeofsun (Explicit, 63k words)
As an omega, Castiel is ineligible for the throne after his father dies. When his uncle takes the crown, Metatron's first order of business is to arrange a betrothal with King John for the hand of his firstborn son, the Crown Prince of Terra. So Castiel flees. On his first night on the run, Castiel stumbles into a band of outlaws just at the border. Injured and wary, he has no choice to stay with them. And although he had planned to return to his own kingdom once it was safe, home might not be the place he left, but instead with Dean, their alpha leader that took him in.
Homemade by saltnhalo (Teen and Up, 5k words)
Dean Winchester, a successful but perpetually overworked and overtired engineer, meets chef and restaurant owner Castiel, his new neighbor. Castiel courts him in the form of homemade meals in Tupperware containers and handwritten notes, and Dean eventually takes it upon himself to return the favor.
In the woods by MalicMalic (Mature, 28k words)
All Castiel wants is to lead a simple life, away from the high society and his controling alpha mother. One chance encounter in the woods makes him believe that dreams just might come true, until life decides to make things complicated for Castiel. As he tries to save himself and his future, he doesn't realize that the solution to all his problems was just around the corner.
Lonicera by zation (Explicit, 46k words)
The one where destiny had a discussion with faith and they decided to have some fun, much to Dean and Cas’ chagrin.
Looking for: Alpha to Match Swimsuit by SillyBlue (Mature, 70k words)
Cas is 44, has a distant husband, a crappy job, and his only child is leaving for college. He plans to distract himself with a beach vacation for which his son and niece convince him to buy a cute swimsuit. But his husband decides he won't "let" him go to the beach dressed like that; a man his age in a bikini? Cas decides to keep the swimsuit - he can easily add "divorced" to the list of things to be sad about during his vacation after all. Claire and Jack decide to intervene by secretly creating a dating profile for one purpose: to look for a man that matches Cas' swimsuit. The unusual profile attracts Dean, who decided to combat his impending midlife crisis by taking some weeks off of work and buying beach wear that he had every intention of banishing to the back of his closet once it arrives. Lucky for him this has provided him with the perfect speedos to match Cas' swimsuit.
No Righteous Path by jupiter_james (Explicit, 111k)
On his 40th birthday, Dean Winchester suddenly begins to worry that he may have lost his chance for a real mate. He's been so focused on his business as a 24-hour roofing and repairman, that he's never taken the time to date properly, or even make any lasting friendships outside of his family. Beginning in their late 30's, alphas and omegas start to lose their mating and bonding hormones, making it more difficult - and often impossible - to mate or bond with anyone past a certain age. But as a modern Alpha, Dean would be content with a companion, at least. Blood bonds aren't the be-all, end-all. However, after a late night emergency roofing repair call from Castiel Novak, Omega, Dean starts to hope. Yearn. The only hangup is that Castiel admits to being as old-fashioned as the books he teaches. Nervous to go against his religious upbringing by being with someone who he can't bond properly, as alphas and omegas are intended to do. But he can't deny his attraction to Dean, and despite his sensibilities, he thinks that, just maybe, he can change for the man he's falling in love with.
Ready To Run by CrzyDemona (EvelynRaith), Inkblooded_Witch (Explicit, 117k words)
Castiel and Jimmy have always been close, on opposite sides of a single coin. While Jimmy’s rebellions have been loud, blatantly throwing every indiscretion in their father’s face, Castiel’s have been quiet, easier to hide, less publicly embarrassing. For this reason it’s no surprise when Jimmy is slated to be married off first. Something they’re informed of right as he has decided he wants to marry Balthazar, an Alpha he’s been courting on the sly for some time. Neither of them have been optimistic about their fates should they be left to their father’s tender mercies. Castiel knows that once Jimmy is gone, he will be next. He likes Balthazar, and sees no reason why they should both be condemned, so they hatch a plan. While Jimmy elopes and boards a steamer to Europe, Castiel boards a train to Nebraska as his twin. Knowing your life will never be the same is one thing, but Castiel never could have predicted what chaos would come of him getting on that train. Starting when plans to slip away before he reaches his intended destination quickly go awry.
real alpha by sharkfish (Explicit, 14k words)
Castiel has used Real Alpha since he was old enough to afford it. They’re a reputable company, and have never disappointed: every few months, Castiel calls in to an automated system to make his request, and within hours, there’s an alpha knocking on his door to fuck the heat out of him. He doesn’t care who it is, what they look like, how much stamina they have, whether they are angels or humans. It’s just an ends to a mean.
Refugee by RachaelLikesYaoi (Explicit, 123k words)
Dean Winchester was used to his brother bringing home omegas from work. They were all basically the same. Quiet, reserved, and... haunted. It made sense, Sam worked for a strictly omega lawyer that dealt with all sorts of different cases. It never really bothered Dean when they were brought home. They fixed up their guest room, replaced a couple of locks, and more often than not he wouldn't even see the omegas. It was easy. A piece of cake. Then Sam told Dean over dinner one night that one of his clients would be living with them for a year to complete his house arrest. A whole year, and no matter how many times his brother told Dean that the guy was harmless, Dean couldn't forget about what the omega had gotten arrested for. Assault. With a deadly weapon.
Roots of Fate by orphan_account (Explicit, 40k words)
Castiel Novak leads a quiet life in the little town of Fairhope. He tends his gardens and takes pride in filling his great-grandmother's footsteps as the town's honorary green witch. His quiet life comes to a halt when he gets a new neighbor and it's none other than the alpha of his dreams and high school crush, Dean Winchester. But Dean's not alone, he has a daughter now. Overnight, Fairhope is flipped on its head as every available omega and beta in town fights for the alpha's attention. Cas tries to help as best he can but Dean eventually comes up with his own solution and that's when the posters show up. Posters that claim that Dean Winchester is looking for a mate. But to win, you have to get a key from a certain orange cat. Let the games begin!
Running with the Wolves by Dancingdog (Explicit, 381k words)
Castiel made one mistake and it landed him with a child. Knowing his brothers would never accept an unmated omega with a child, Castiel chose not to tell his family about Samandriel for six years. But Michael found out anyway and Castiel soon finds himself on the run from his furious family. To save both his and his son's lives, he flees into the wilderness, where the 'wild folk' reside and they must learn to live as wolves rather than humans if they are to survive. Except, the wild folk are not the savages Castiel was led to believe whilst growing up, and he finds that maybe being a member of Dean's pack isn't so terrible afterall. Then his brother, Gabriel, shows up and takes an interest in Dean's omega brother, Sam. The problem? The Winchesters and Novaks have been enemies for centuries.
Scent Deprived by Destielshipper4Cas (Explicit, 41k words)
Dean rescues an omega from an illegal research facility. But after years of scent deprivation, the omega is catatonic at best and on the brink of going feral at worst. Now it’s up to Dean to save him. In order to break past Cas’ defenses, he might just have to let him into his home and heart in return.
The Stars Will Remember by casblackfeathers (Explicit, 60k words)
Being a hunter was all Dean knew ever since his mother had been killed by a demon when he was four. Hunting, offing monsters, and then jumping to the next case was his life. Then he met the most alluring and breathtaking omega he had ever seen and spent the next five years loving the hell out of Cas, their life together filled with the domestic lovey-dovey stuff Dean had never thought he would dig so much. When a simple salt-and-burn goes sideways, it ends up with Cas’ memories stolen from him. Dean is left to pick up the pieces of the life they built together, his ‘make it up as he goes’ strategy to prove to his mate that Dean’s still worth a damn, his only chance at getting Cas back. He’s done a shitty-ass job at keeping Cas safe before, but he will pull out all the stops now to woo his mate again and stir the memories Dean knows are still there buried deep inside Cas’ mind.
Undercover Boyfriend by CassondraWinchester (Explicit, 60k words)
Two men, one lie, and a whole bunch of trouble. Castiel Novak’s in serious trouble. His sister’s destination wedding in Mexico filled with several days of activities, is in only two days. And everyone expects to meet his underwear model Alpha boyfriend — the one he invented. Now Cas has to produce a half-naked hottie or suffer the worst humiliation of his life. But Cas just doesn’t date those kinda guys! Or even know any for that matter. Undercover FBI agent Dean Winchester’s cover is blown and he needs to disappear fast. When he ducks into a bar he runs into Castiel, a comic book artist, one very hot, but geeky Omega. And as luck would have it he just happens to be looking for an Alpha. Could they be the solution to both their problems? Or will trouble find them on the sandy beaches of Mexico?
You can also check our omega!castiel tag for more fics.
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charlieeenby · 6 months
just close your eyes, you'll be alright
bruce and jason deal with jason's fear of rape
warnings and tags: abo, discussions of child rape, threats of rape, time skips
title from safe & sound by taylor swift
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Jason wanted to cuddle with Alpha. He wanted Alpha to hold him and scent him. He wanted to be safe. He didn’t feel safe, he was just hot and sweaty.
It wasn’t fair. Nothing was fair.
Jason whined and buried himself further into his nest. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be in here, but it smelled like Alpha. It smelled safe.
A door opened somewhere and Jason flinched and whimpered. Alpha wasn’t here to keep him safe.
“Jason?” a voice said and Jason felt a tear run down his face. Where was Alpha? The bed shifted and the blanket that Jason had covered himself in was pulled away gently.
Then Jason could smell Alpha. He whined and looked up to see Alpha leaning over him.
“Alpha.” Jason lunged forward and into Alpha’s chest, whining.
“Pup, what’s the matter?” Alpha asked, hugging Jason.
Jason didn’t know. He just wanted Alpha.
Whining, Jason bared his throat to Alpha. Maybe if he was good and submitted to Alpha, then Alpha wouldn't leave him alone.
Alpha, shifted Jason and then laid down, curling around Jason. “Hush now, pup. You’re safe. You’re okay. I’m here, Jaylad.” a wrist brushed against Jason’s neck.
Jason sighed softly, relaxing against Alpha.
“There we go.” Alpha rumbled softly and then he started purring. Jason responded with his own puppy purr, though is sounded different now.
Jason decided to worry about that later.
Bruce watched Jason sleep, worried sick about the pup that was curled up in his arms. Bruce has assumed that Jason would be an alpha, but the sweet, vanilla smell coming from him made Bruce sure he was wrong.
Jason was only 13 years old, he was presenting years too early, though Bruce had heard of pups presenting early if they felt it would keep them safe or secure their place in their pack.
He hoped Jason felt safe here, but the idea that Jason might have presented early because he didn’t feel secure in the pack worried Bruce.
Jason was his pup now, he’d pack claimed the pup a year ago and Jason had yelled at the social worker when he’d insinuated abuse. The courts couldn’t take him away from Bruce.
When Jason woke up, he panicked.
As he was scrambling out of the bed and away from the sleeping alpha, he got tangled in the blankets and ended up on the floor.
He heard Bruce move and he whimpered. The room smelled like omega heat and alpha. Jason didn’t like it and his panic spiked.
“Pup?” Bruce asked, coming around to kneel next to Jason.
Jason yelped and tried to get away, still tangled in the blankets. When he finally managed to get his legs untangled, he bolted, running out of the room and down the hall.
“ALFRED!” he yelled, knowing the old beta would help him. He heard Bruce call after him and he wanted to cry.
When he started running down the stairs, he called for Alfred again, still not hearing a response. Then he turned the corner into the kitchen, he slammed into someone.
“Hey, Jaybird! What are you yelling about?” Dick asked, smiling at Jason.
“Where’s Alfie?” Jason asked instead of answering.
“I am right here, Master Jason. Why on earth were you – oh!” Jason wrapped his arms around the man’s waist and pressed his face into his stomach. A hand rested on his hair for a moment before petting him softly. “Master Jason, what’s the matter?”
“I don’t – I didn’t -” Jason’s breath hitched and tears flowed freely down his cheeks, wetting the butler’s shirt.
“Jason? Where’d you, oh there you are.” Bruce sighed.
“Master Bruce, what has the pup so frightened?”
“Probably me.”
Alfred growled. He was a beta, but he was also in charge of Jason’s care and the idea that the young pup was scared of Bruce angered him.
“And why, pray tell, would he be afraid of you?” he asked calmly, hiding his rage.
“He presented last night. When I went to bed, he’d created a nest in my bed and wouldn’t let go of me. He woke up and panicked.”
Alfred hummed. Then he knelt down in front of Jason. “Master Jason, are you hurt?”
Jason shook his head no.
“Okay. Where you frightened when you woke up?”
Jason nodded.
“Alright. Can you tell me why?” Alfred asked gently.
“No.” Jason whispered.
“That’s alright, pup. Are you in any pain?”
“My head hurts. And everything smells really strong.”
Alfred nodded. “Pup, do you know what’s going on?”
“No. Woke up in Bruce’s bed. I don’t -” Jason hiccuped. “Don’t know how I got there.” his chest heaved as he tried not to cry.
“Pup, you presented as an omega last night.” Alfred spoke in a soft and quiet tone. “Master Bruce found you nesting in his bed and you wanted him near you.”
“But I don’t remember goin’ in there.” Jason said tearfully.
“That is unfortunately, quite common.”
Jason whimpered. “Don’t like it.”
“I know.” Alfred paused, trying to think of a way to soothe the pups fear. “Master Jason, would you like me to conduct a medical checkup? That way you would know for certain whether or not Master Bruce hurt you in any way?”
Jason nodded a little. “Yeah.”
Alfred smiled at the young boy, despite the pain in his heart due to the fact that Jason still didn’t trust Bruce enough to know he’d never lay a hand on him.
“Alright. Why don’t we go down to the cave and do that? Then we can have breakfast.”
Jason just nodded and pressed a little closer to Alfred.
Alfred scooped the pup up and tucked him under his chin. Then he stood and nodded once to Bruce and Dick. “I will prepare breakfast after I come back with Master Jason. You will both be staying up here until we return. Am I clear?”
Bruce just nodded and Alfred could see the pain in his eyes.
“Yeah, Alfred. We’ll stay up here.” Dick spoke very softly.
“You’re sure?” Jason asked, wide eyed.
“I’m sure, Master Jason. I would never protect Bruce if he had hurt you. If he had, I would shoot him in the genitals and then I would make sure he bled out from that.”
Jason giggled a little. “That’s not very nice, Alfie.” he whispered.
Alfred smiled. “Neither is hurting a pup.”
That made the boy frown. “But I’m not a pup anymore. I presented.”
“Master Jason, look at me.” the boy looked up. “You are 13 years old. Until you are 18, you will be a pup. Presented or not, you are still legally a pup. And in this house, in this pack, you are a pup until you are over 18 and no longer want to be a pup. If you don’t believe me, ask Master Dick.” Alfred spoke firmly, not leaving any room for doubt.
Jason leaned forward and hugged Alfred tightly.
Alfred wrapped his arms around him. “Oh, pup. It’s all right.”
“Te amo, Abuelito.”
Alfred had a tear in his eye. Jason didn’t speak Spanish often, but when he did, it always felt like a special occasion.
“I love you too, Jason.”
The pair stayed that way for a few minutes, interrupted by Jason’s stomach growling. The boy laughed.
Alfred smiled. “Why don’t we go upstairs and you can help me make breakfast.”
“Really? I thought I wasn’t allowed in the kitchen.”
“Master Dick and Master Bruce aren’t, but until you cause a disaster, you are welcome to assist me.”
“Sweet! Will you teach me how to cook? I always wanted to, but…” Jason trailed off.
“Of course, I’d be happy to teach you.”
Jason beamed. “Thank you!”
As Alfred led Jason back upstairs, he wondered if the boy would still fear Bruce. He hopped not, but none of them were sure what all Jason had experienced on the streets.
When they entered the kitchen, Bruce and Dick looked over at them.
“Is everything all good, little wing?” Dick asked Jason.
The pup nodded but stuck close to Alfred.
Dick smiled. “That’s good.”
“Master Jason is going to help me make breakfast.” Alfred announced. “Does anyone have any requests?”
“Oh, can we have waffles?” Dick asked excitedly.
Alfred nodded. “Master Bruce?”
“Waffles are fine.” he said softly, not looking at Alfred or Jason.
“Alright then. Master Jason, shall we get started?”
Jason nodded, and seemed to relax a little bit.
(“Dickie, can I ask you a question?”
Dick smiled at Jason. “Yeah, what’s up?”
Jason sat down next to Dick. “Are you still a pup? Cause Alfie said that I was pup until I was over 18 and said I wasn’t a pup no more.”
“I’m not legally a pup, but here at home, yeah, I’m still a pup. And so are you. Alfie’s right. You’re still a pup even though you presented.”)
“Hey! Let go of me!” Jason yelled, pulling away from the drunk alpha that had grabbed his wrist.
The alpha laughed and tugged Jason closer. “Oh, come on. We’ll have so much fun.”
Jason whimpered. The alpha stunk of alcohol and Jason knew what drunk alphas did to omegas and pups.
“I don’t what to. Let me go.” Jason was terrified and sure his scent betrayed that. “Please.”
“Like it when you beg.” the alpha sneered.
A hand landed on Jason’s waist and the fear turned to terror. “LET GO OF ME!” he shouted, tears rolling down his face. He knew he wasn’t supposed to yell, but he was so scared of what this alpha would do if he didn’t.
For a minute, Jason wasn’t sure anyone had hear him, or if they had, if they even cared. But then a hand came from behind him and grabbed the alpha’s wrist.
“Let go of my son.” Bruce hissed and Jason relaxed a fraction. “Now.” his voice wasn’t loud, but there was a threat behind his words.
The alpha dropped his hands from Jason like he’d been burned. “We were just having some fun, man. Chill out.”
Bruce snarled and twisted the man’s arm until Jason heard a snap and the alpha screamed. Bruce let go and then pulled Jason to him, kneeling down in front of him.
“Can I see your wrist, pup?” he spoke gently.
Jason offered up his wrist. Bruce held it carefully, inspecting the red marks. “This will probably bruise. How much does it hurt?”
“Just a little bit.” Jason whispered, still shaken.
“Okay. I think we should find Dick and then go home.”
Jason hesitated.
“Are you mad at me?”
Bruce looked confused, so Jason pushed forward.
“Are you mad that I yelled. You said I had to behave really well and yellin’ ain’t behavin’ well and I -” Jason began to hyperventilate.
Bruce shushed him gently, rubbing his hands up and down Jason’s arms. “Pup, listen to me. That alpha was going to hurt you. You were protecting yourself. Yes, I want you to be well behaved at these things, but not at the cost of your safety. Do you understand?”
Jason nodded and leaned into Bruce, crying.
“Oh, pup. You’re safe now. I promise.”
“Wanna go home.” Jason cried, and Bruce hugged him loosely. Jason wanted a real hug, wanted to feel safe. So he pressed himself closer to Bruce and buried his nose into the alpha’s neck.
For a moment, Bruce didn’t move and Jason started to worry he’d done something wrong. But then Bruce’s arms hugged him tightly and picked him up, standing and moving away from the alpha that was still wailing on the floor, keeping him tucked close.
He carried Jason over to where Dick was talking to a group of people. “Dick, it’s time to go.” there was no room for argument in his voice and when Dick saw Jason in Bruce’s arms, he didn’t even say goodbye, he just followed Bruce out.
Jason jerked awake, panting and afraid. A whimper escaped his throat as he threw the covers off and got out of bed.
Moving quietly, he crept out of his room and down the hall, stopping whenever he heard a noise. When he got to Bruce’s room, he hesitated.
Bruce had said that if he ever needed anything, he just had to ask. And right now, the only thing Jason wanted was to nest with his alpha.
Summoning all the courage he had, he knocked softly on the door.
A few seconds later, he heard Bruce’s feet hit the floor. A few seconds more, and the door opened. Bruce looked down at him, a little bleary eyed.
“Jason? What’s wrong?”
Jason shrugged.
Bruce let out a soft sigh. “Do you need something?”
Jason nodded.
“Okay. Is it something I can get you?”
“Kinda.” Jason whispered, staring at the floor.
Bruce hummed. “Is it something I can do?”
Jason nodded again.
“Okay. Are you worried I’ll be mad at you?”
“Not really.”
Bruce knelt down in front of Jason.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on?”
Jason hesitated, then said, “I had a nightmare.”
“Do you want to come sleep in my bed with me?”
Bruce smiled. “Okay. Dick’s in here with me. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Can, um, can I sleep in between you guys?” Jason asked quietly.
“We’ll have to ask him, but probably.” Bruce said, then stepped to the side, letting Jason go into the room.
“B, what’s goin’ on?” Dick asked form the bed, voice soft and rough.
“Jason’s joining us. He wants to know if he can sleep in between us.”
“Course. Come here, lil’ wing.”
Jason crawled up onto the giant bed and tucked himself against Dick’s chest. Bruce waited until he was settled before crawling into bed behind him.
Moving slowly, he scooted closer to Jason until his chest was pressed against Jason’s back. Then he draped an arm across Jason and Dick, tugging them closer.
He sighed softly, relaxing now that he had his pups close by.
Jason did too, and it only took a few minutes for a soft purr to start echoing from his chest.
Dick and Bruce started purring as well.
“Little wing, wake up.”
Jason groaned and rolled over. Well, he tried, but something stopped him. He huffed.
“Jason. Wake up.”
“Fuck off, Dickhead.” he mumbled, keeping his face pressed against his pillow.
“Jay, language.” Bruce’s voice rumbled softly from underneath him. Jason jumped, a whimper escaping him. “Sorry, pup. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Jason picked his head up and looked at Bruce, who had a soft smile on his face.
“Hey.” Bruce said gently. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Didn’t realize I was laying on top of you.”
Dick laughed, and Jason looked to his right to glare at Dick. “You didn’t want to share at all last night. I thought you’d cuddle with me, but no, you clung to B the whole night.”
“Which is fine, Jason. Dick just found it amusing.”
“You’re not angry?” Jason wasn’t sure who he was asking but they both said ‘no’ at the same time.
Dick spoke first. “Jay, I thought it was funny how cuddly you got with him in your sleep because you aren’t when you’re awake. I also thought the fact that Bruce refused to move in case he disturbed you very funny.”
“And I like cuddling with my pups, so no, I am not mad. I was a little surprised when I woke up to find you on top of me, but I was not, and am not upset.” Bruce said firmly, offering his wrist to scent Jason.
Jason tilted his head back and let Bruce scent him, a quiet purr emanating from his chest.
"Can we go see if Alfred's made breakfast yet? I'm hungry." Dick asked after a moment.
Bruce smiled and sat up, keeping Jason tucked to his chest. "Alright, let's go." he said. When he tried to set Jason down, the pup clung to him, his little face pressed against Bruce's neck.
"Jaylad, do you want me to carry you?"
Bruce hummed. "Of course." he stood up and Dick followed him out of the room, somehow full of energy and excited.
Tim sighed softly as he relaxed in Jason’s arms.
Jason had found the pup while on patrol, shivering and shaking in an alleyway and he hadn’t been able to leave him. So he’d scooped the pup up and brought him to the cave.
There, he had asked Tim for his name and his address. When Tim had told him, Jason asked if anyone would be looking for him.
The hesitation was enough for Jason to know that, no, there probably wasn’t anyone looking for sweet little Tim. Jason had hugged Tim and started purring.
Tim had frozen for a moment, then started crying, clinging to Jason.
When Jason asked what was wrong, Tim had told him that no one ever held him anymore. Jason asked if Tim wanted to stay here for a while.
It was then that Tim revealed that he knew everyone’s identities.
Despite his shock, Jason said the offer still stood, and Tim had excepted, though he seemed nervous about something.
Jason changed into his regular clothes then escorted Tim upstairs and asked Alfred if they could have hot chocolate.
Alfred had agreed and instructed them to sit in the living room. Now they were cuddled up in one of the giant arm chairs, waiting on the hot chocolate.
“Jason?” Bruce’s voice was loud and it startled both boys.
“Yeah?” Jason called out, scenting Tim to keep him calm.
Bruce came into the room, allowing Jason got a good whiff of his scent and Jason realized that Bruce was panicked.
“Jaylad, are you – who’s this?”
“This is Timmy. He’s mine now.” Jason said simply.
Bruce blinked. Then Alfred came in with the hot chocolate.
“Ah, Master Bruce, how are you?”
“I’m fine, Alfred. Um, what’s happening?”
Alfred hummed as he set down two mugs on the end table. “Master Jason and Master Tim are having hot chocolate because Master Tim was quite cold and I have found it to be one of the best ways to warm up cold pups.”
“Okay, and where did Tim come from?”
Jason answered. “I found him in an alleyway. His old pack wasn’t takin care of him, so we’re keepin ‘im.”
Bruce didn’t have a clue what he was supposed to do. The parenting books didn’t prepare him for his child adopting another child. Granted, Jason was almost 17, but he was still a puppy.
Before Bruce could say anything, Dick bounced into the room. “Jay!” he flipped over the couch, moving in to hug his little brother but froze when he saw a pup, half asleep on Jason. “Where did you get a puppy?”
“I found him. He’s mine now.”
Dick tilted his head, glanced at Bruce, then Alfred, then back to Jason. “Do I get to cuddle with him?”
Jason looked at Dick and let out a soft snarl. Bruce was ready to intervene, but Dick just moved on.
“Okay. What’s his name?”
Dick smiled. “That’s a nice name.”
Jason purred, nuzzling against Tim’s head.
Alfred cleared his throat and Jason looked up at him. “Hot chocolate, young sirs.”
Smiling, Jason said, “Thank you.”
Bruce gave up. It was official. He gave up, he didn’t care anymore.
With Tim, Bruce had understood Jason’s need to take to pup in. But now, he didn’t.
Steph was never adopted, but she was around enough that she may as well be. Cass, despite being older than Jason, had been adopted. Duke wasn’t adopted at first, but then his parents had died, so Bruce had claimed him.
Now, Jason was sitting in the cave, cradling an infant pup. Full on baby. Bruce had no idea where Jason had even gotten the pup and he wasn’t sure he even wanted to know.
But he was going to have to do something about it. Because he was the one adopting all of the pups Jason found and brought home.
Bruce let out a long sigh, then stood and made his way over to Jason.
“Jaylad. Who’s this?”
Jason didn’t look up at him. “He doesn’t have a name.”
“Okay. Where did you get him from?”
Oddly, Jason flinched.
Bruce knelt down so he could see Jason’s face.
“Sweetheart, what’s the matter?”
“I don’t want to give him up.”
Bruce frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I wanna keep him.”
“Jay, if he needs a home, then we can give him a home.”
“I know. But I want him to be mine.”
Bruce had no idea what was going on, but clearly Jason was upset. “Jason, I don’t understand.”
Jason let out a shaky sigh. “You know how when I brought Tim home, you adopted him?”
“I do.”
“I wanted to.”
“You wanted to adopt him?”
Jason nodded. “And I know I was still a pup and they wouldn’t have let me adopt Cass or Duke, but…” his breath hitched.
“But you’d probably be able to adopt this pup.”
“Jay, I’m not gonna tell you no, and I’m not going to try to stop you, but the courts will want you to have a stable job and a home. I can and will help you, if that’s what you want.”
Jason looked at Bruce with wet eyes and tear tracks on his cheeks. “Really?”
“Sweetheart, of course. I want you to be happy. If you want to adopt this pup, then I will do everything I can to make that happen for you.”
Jason whimpered and Bruce reached our and wiped away the tears, then pulled Jason into a hug, careful not to squish the baby in between them.
Damian was the sweetest pup Bruce had ever met.
Jason was letting him watch the puppy while he interviewed for a job, and Bruce was captivated. Damian’s bright green eyes seemed to take in everything, and he was so quiet, even when he needed something.
The front door opened and Bruce heard Jason growing softly to himself and the scent of upset omega drifted in.
A moment later, Jason came in, flopped onto the couch next to Bruce and leaned against the alpha, cheek squished on his shoulder.
“Hey, sweetheart. How’d it go?”
“They don’t hire nursing omegas.” Jason’s voice threatened to crack.
Bruce sighed, annoyed for his son.
After sitting in silence for a few minutes, Jason hummed then spoke. “Are you still willing to get me a job?”
“Of course.”
“Does Wayne Enterprises hire nursing omegas?”
Bruce snorted. “Yes, we do. I’d be slaughtered if I tried to say no for that reason.”
“Good. Got any mechanic jobs open?”
“Not sure. I can look later, see what we have. I’ll email you the positions. I assume you want to do as much of it without my help as possible?”
Bruce hummed, then shifted so he could wrap his arm around Jason. “Love you, Jaylad.”
“Love you too, B.” Jason yawned and tucked his feet up, relaxing against Bruce. It only took a few minutes for him to doze off, Damian following suit not long after.
Bruce was out seconds after Damian.
As Alfred stepped into the den, wondering were Jason and Bruce where. He hadn’t seen them since Jason had left for an interview, and no one else had seen them since.
Flipping on the light, Alfred relaxed, a smile on his face.
Bruce was on the couch, Damian in one of his arms, Jason tucked against his side with the other. His head was tilted back, mouth open and soft snores coming from him.
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flamingfoxninja · 15 days
Well this reminds me of some kids I met up the block, a kid named Alfie and his friends, Well we were chatting and all and I gave them some change I got for some sodas since it was pretty hot outside. And you know what they said? They said that I'm a goat. Or well The Goat was the exact phrase here. And I'm sitting there just trying to figure out what they meant by it. Cause you know I may be old but I'm not that mean. And they wereso genuine about it I knew they weren't being mean either. So I asked them. And you what they said? It's an acronym: Greatest Of All Time. Well isn't that something. I mean I try to be a decent guy, but the greatest? They're really sweet those kids.
But now I'm thinking, well listen to this....
<plays tape>: "ya Ohio mogger. You think you're sigma riz? No you were always skibidi sus with looksmaxxing and you're delulu if you think I'm going to let you yeet the bussin goat. Bet."
Now I listen to that and I don't know half the things that's being said. Its probably my age catching up to me. Everything seems to go in one ear and out the other. Even my own thoughts. I'll tell yeah i have to write everything down on my notepad otherwise my wife would be mad if I forget to buy her coffee. In fact I got all the words written down here, at least how I think they are supposed to be written. And the dictionary can't help me, everything is online nowadays so I can't just go grab the dictionary off the shelf to make sure I spelled it right.
Well so I was thinking, the best way of getting anywhere was by going to the source. So I went to little Alfie, a wonderful kid by the way, and he was nice enough to help me with the spelling of these. Even told me what those words mean, like Ohio being "bad". Now I've never been to Ohio myself so they might be exaggerating, but well, kids will be kids.
My point? Oh, I do beg your parden, I don't mean to keep bothering you on this. But you see, Alfie said no one uses "yeet" anymore. No one in Gen Alpha uses it. It's too old school for them, too out of touch with the current generation. I mean, seven years isn't that long of a time for us older folks, but for kids it's like ancient history.
So it struck me as a little funny. What with the tape that we found. If the murderer from Generation Alpha, they wouldn’t have used yeet. It wouldn't be part of their normal speech. But all the other words make sense, too. They weren't misused or incorrectly placed. It was like the murderer knew the definition of the words enough to properly use them but didn't know enough about the current trends to know what words are un fashion. Don't you find that a little odd, Mr. Webster?
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The Ruse (WIP) | Destielshipper4Cas (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,533 Main Tags/Warnings: Prince Dean, Commoner Cas, Falling In Love, Strangers to Lovers, False Identity, Mistaken Identity, Omega Castiel, Alpha Dean, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Bottom Castiel, Top Dean, Happy Ending Summary: Castiel, a lowly commoner, is supposed to travel to the Winchester kingdom as a decoy, posing as Prince James who is to mate Prince Samuel of Winchester. On the way, he gets kidnapped by a group of bandits, led by a rugged alpha outlaw with an alluring scent. He has no idea that ‘Dean’ is actually the elder Winchester prince, heir to the throne, who has his own agenda.
south by | @sharkfish​
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,367 Main Tags/Warnings: Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Dean, Omega Castiel, Trans Omega Castiel, Gender Euphoria, Gender politics, Sharing a Bed, Coworkers Summary: “We have one king ready for you through Saturday night,” the beta says, starting to pull out keycards for them. “Wait,” Dean says. “There’s supposed to be two rooms.” She checks the computer again, frowning. “I’m sorry, sir, but there’s only one reservation here.”
The Rut Pact | Destielshipper4Cas (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 16,113 Main Tags/Warnings: Best Friends, Bisexual Disaster Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester in Denial About Sexuality, Internalized Homophobia, Porn with Feelings, Bottom Cas, Top Dean, Alpha Dean, Alpha Cas, Happy Ending Summary: When Dean finds out that his best friend Cas is alphasexual, he comes up with a great plan that means neither of them will have to spend their ruts alone anymore. Just alpha buds helping each other out. Good thing Dean is straight. Otherwise, he might fall in love with his best friend.
boombox & cookies | @sharkfish​
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 16,659 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha Dean Winchester, Omega Castiel, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Non-explicit references to past abuse, Non-explicit references to alcoholism, Gender politics, Tooth-Rotting Fluff Summary: “I think I misjudged you,” Castiel says. Dean shuts and then opens his mouth like an idiot fish. “What do you mean?” “I don’t do well with alphas and I’m not interested in being flirted with.” “Hey,” Dean interrupts, “I swear that’s not —” “Dean.” Castiel’s voice is deep and firm enough to shut Dean up. “I understand that now, but my original assumption was that you’re the kind of aggressive alpha who just wants to get his knot wet. You're not like that."
On Breeding Vacation | Destielshipper4Cas (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 23,345 Main Tags/Warnings: Mutual Pining, Strangers to Lovers, Breeding Kink, Mpreg, Bottom Castiel, Top Dean, Happy Ending, Porn with Feelingsm Fluff and Smut, Dorks in Love, Cuddling & Snuggling, Bottom Castiel, Top Dean, Omega Castiel, Alpha Dean, Mating Cycles/In Heat Summary: Cas wants pups, but without an alpha, that dream seems out of reach. Luckily, fertility ranches have long since specialized in giving omegas who are incapable of being loved the family they so desperately desire.
Wrapped Up In You | @roobear68
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 28,030 Main Tags/Warnings: True Mates, Alpha Castiel/Omega Dean Winchester, Secret Admirer, Begging, Knotting, Slick, Rimming, Oral sex, Castiel/Dean, Gabriel/Sam, Castiel & Gabriel, Dean & Sam, Toby (the Chihuahua), Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Gabriel, Benny L., Balthazar, Bobby Singer, Ellen Harvelle, Alfie (supernatural) Summary: Cas was intrigued by the delectable scent left on these anonymous gifts. The alpha was determined to find this mysterious omega. He was unaware that his little dog, Toby, had decided that very same thing.
Entre Nous | @pleasetakethis​
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 33,840 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Castiel/Omega Dean Winchester, True Mates, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Porn with Feelings, Pining, Oblivious Dean, Self-Sacrificing Castiel, Scenting, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Top/Bottom Versatile Castiel/Dean Winchester, Oral Sex, Knotting, Anal Sex, Mating Bond, Recreational Drug Use Summary: Dean Winchester didn't consider himself much of an omega. He avoided dating alphas and he'd taken heat suppressants since he'd presented, so it wasn't an issue--until he learned suppressants were affecting his heart and he'd have to stop taking them. His doctor recommended a medical match website to solicit an alpha's assistance during his breakthrough heats to minimize stress on his heart, and that was how he met Castiel Novak. Castiel wasn't a typical alpha. He had hypothyroidism, a low hormone disorder that left him with mild ruts and a scent many found unsettling. He'd long written off the idea of finding a compatible mate, though his doctor had begun to push services that matched alphas and omegas to help combat the progression of his disorder. Castiel's brother showed up one night carrying the scent of mate, and that was how his relationship with Dean Winchester started. ...or Not Relationship. Because Dean made it clear he didn't date alphas, and Castiel wouldn't tell Dean they scent bonded during the first shared heat because they were true mates. Castiel isn't like any alpha Dean has known, but Dean isn't ready to let his guard down until his heart makes it clear he has no other choice.
You're The One That I Want | @roobear68
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 36,620 Main Tags/Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions of Violence,True Mates, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, Knotting, Angel Babies, Past Rape/Non-Con, Tiny Amount of angst, John Winchester A+ parenting, BAMF Mary Winchester, BAMF Castiel, BAMF Dean Winchester, Fallen Angel, Protective Dean Winchester, Protective Sam Winchester, Protective Castiel, Protective Gabriel, Emmie, Past violence, Past child abuse, Past violence, Castiel/Dean, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, Archangel Michael Summary: Dean is an Alpha Angel who was ready to be mated. Cas is an Omega Human who wanted the same. Cas wanted to have his own family with lots of pups. Dean wanted the same thing. Dean knew he was about to meet his True Mate. Cas knew he was about to be murdered.
Unwritten | @porcupine-girl
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 75,784 Main Tags/Warnings: No Archive Warnings, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Bookstore Owner Dean, Writer Castiel, Alpha/Alpha, Alpha Dean, Alpha Castiel, True Mates, Medical Procedures, Denial of Feelings, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Bond, Mating Bites, top Cas/bottom Dean Summary: A spontaneous scent bond is the stuff of romance novels: an alpha and an omega meet by chance, and they happen to be so compatible that their pheromones are perfectly aligned, drawing them irresistibly together to mate and bond for life. Neither bookstore owner Dean Winchester nor science fiction novelist Castiel Novak have ever thought it sounded romantic. Your hormones going nuts and tricking you into tying yourself to a complete stranger for the rest of your life? No thanks. But when Castiel comes to Dean's store for a signing, they feel an inexplicable pull toward each other, and into a powerful bond that neither of them wants. A bond that shouldn't even be possible for two alphas. At least they agree on one thing: they will not let biology determine their fate.
Life of young omega Dean | A-heller-cockles-truther
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 77,247 Main Tags/Warnings: Omegaverse, domestic, ptsd, alpha castiel, omega dean Summary: Story of Dean, he was born as omega in a world that sees them mostly as walking wombs, he was born to an alpha dad that had hate for omegas but mostly not stable emotionally using alcohol as cure while neglecting Dean and Sam. All his life he hid him being omega until he couldn't anymore but Bobby was there, he learned to accept who he is and true love it is. Dean's life was not easy but he got his brother Sam Bobby who like his dad and new friends he found in the new life he built away from the toxic environment of his dad and hunter life. Dean journey where he realize people love him, the world not always bad and horrible and he never be like his dad John
The Lord of Amara (WIP) | @diminuel​​
Rating: Mature Word Count: 92,143 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Arranged Marriage, Omega Castiel/Alpha Dean Winchester, Cas pretending to be an alpha, Past Abuse, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn Summary: The people of Amara cherished tradition and stability. For 700 years the Novak alphas have ruled the country. As the young Lord of Amara, Castiel understands the burden of duty he owes to his blood, his country and his allies even if it means a life of secrecy and sacrifice. Their neighboring Kingdom of Winchester is struggling with a secret of its own regarding crown prince Dean. When Sam, on a desperate quest to find help for his brother, accidentally uncovers a truth about the Lord of Amara, he has no other choice but to ask Castiel to put his signature on a marriage contract to Dean Winchester. Castiel has to leave Amara behind to go to a country on the brink of ruin and a husband that wants nothing more than to be left alone.
Big Alpha Energy (BAE) | @valandrawrites​
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 97,401 Main Tags/Warnings: Prostitution, Sex Worker Castiel, Alphas who Bottom, Alpha Dean/Omega Cas, secondary gender dysphoria, Discussion of Past Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Sam Winchester Takes Care of Dean Winchester, Dom Castiel, Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Sexual Identity, Charlie is Sus, Mechanic Dean, PhD Student Castiel, Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Fisting, BEWARE SPOILERS AHEAD, Mpreg, Pregnant Castiel Summary: Alpha/Alpha relationships are illegal under Great Plains Nation Pack Law. With plummeting birth rates and discrimination against Omegas, the worst thing an Alpha can be is a bottom. Afraid of designation re-eduation, if he’s found out Dean has resisted acting on his most basic, primal need. Until now. With one failed suicide attempt already under his belt, Dean can’t take it anymore, which is how he finds himself at The Queen of Moondoor’s underground brothel, asking for the one thing he knows he shouldn’t want, but can’t live without.
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whentommymetalfie · 3 months
When Tommy first goes to Camden Town ti meet with Alfie Solomons he didn’t plan to offer to have Alfie’s baby in exchange for them joining forces but when Tommy set eyes on Alfie he couldn’t help himself, he could sense that Alfie is the most powerful Alpha he’s ever met
or basically a rewrite of Tommy and Alfie’s first meeting and ehen Alfie says no to thrm joing forces against Sabni(?) in the war in London. Tommy offers to give Alfie his heat and have his children
"You make offers like that to everyone who refuses you a deal, hm, treacle?" Alfie looks Tommy up and down. Not for the first time since this beautiful omega with a clear death wish came into his bakery and acted like he owned it. He's already dangerously close to accepting this ludicrous deal, because he's got a soft spot for beautiful things, doesn't he?
Tommy shrugs. Cocks his head a little and looks at Alfie with those goddamn eyes he's so close to drowning in.
"Not everyone, just to the ones I think would make it worth my while."
Alfie sets his forearms on the desk. Leans in a little bit.
"Is that so? And what makes you think I'd be interested in getting involved with you like that, hm? From what I've heard, and well, judging by the way you've already gone and gotten yourself all bruised and battered, you're not precisely a safe bet when it comes to a venture like safely carrying my offsprings."
"Because, Mister Solomons, I can see that you're already thinking about how it'd feel to fuck me," Tommy says. Takes out a cigarette that he rubs over his bottom lip and doesn't miss the way Alfie's eyes follow his every movement. And when Alfie lights it for him he knows that he's already won. He blows a cloud of smoke across the desk. "As for the rest, I suppose you'll just have to try and keep me out of trouble."
And though Alfie scoffs at that, deep down, he knows he'll gladly spend the rest of his life doing exactly that.
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deadendtracks · 4 months
More overly detailed asks where I cannot phrase a question but just scratching at conversation starters…  XD
In your Not series, there’s a scene where Alfie is at Tommy’s house, and Curly is tending Tommy’s injured knee. Alfie realises suddenly that Curly is an alpha and, while the thought doesn’t get explicit in the prose, the impression is a sexual undercurrent in Alfie’s intense shock because alpha!Curly is touching omega!Tommy in such an intimate/close way -> so this sense of how could *they* possibly have…!
So, I was interested in the thinking behind the scene, and also wondered if maybe it was an opportunity to do a bit of compare/contrast on that other aspect of alpha biological-drivers -> some omegaverses also have that driving alpha need to ‘care-take’ for an omega, and was wondering if your verse leans into this, and maybe this was an example of showing that non-sexualised caretaking?
One thing that comes across with Tommy and Alfie’s relationship is that it’s so sexually driven, but then, Alfie also grapples with all these non-sexual motivations that he never *really* seems to want to think about very hard – like the one that made him drive out to Arrow in this particular fic – to caretake, while Tommy *does* seem conscious of those drivers in Alfie and constantly pushes back on them. That particular scene with Curly struck me a little tiny bit of Alfie being jealous/annoyed/frustrated/bemused that actually, Tommy has people (the herd) who care for him (including alphas) and his relationships with those people don't have all these *other* heavy sexualised drivers laid over the top of that. Alfie trying to cross a boundary into something more than sexual, and while Tommy does verbally push Alfie back later, Curly's position in the scene as an *alpha* just felt very particular.
So that Curly scene -- yes and no?
Taking care of an injured Tommy and worrying over him is something canon Curly would do anyway, so his being an alpha isn't the primary driver of his behavior. The scene is more about Alfie's perception of the dynamic (and of what it means to be alpha) than it is about anything naturally inherent to being an alpha. Something Alfie probably doesn't understand is how Curly completely lacks an impulse to *control* as part of his caretaking. He has no desire to dominate as part of taking care of someone, because Curly doesn't have that perception that being alpha requires it. Curly is a nurturing guy; he'd be that way whether he was alpha or omega or beta but Alfie still slots people into these categories and tries to make sense of them that way.
I think of Alfie as someone who still has unconscious ideas about what alphas and omegas are supposed to behave. My personal omegaverse isn't hinged on the concept that alphas and omegas are *inherently* or naturally any one thing at all gender role wise -- but there are still stereotypes in that world along the lines of some of the typical omegaverse tropes, with some spins on it, I guess. I like to try to undercut them a bit here and there or find my own expression.
Alfie is someone who thinks he hasn't bought into those societal stereotypes, thinks he's risen above them or is enlightened, but has a lot he hasn't unlearned. Kind of a "male feminist" idea lol (nothing wrong with male feminists; just that even the well-intentioned cishet male feminist tends to have at least a few areas where his behavior doesn't match the theory).
Your last paragraph sums up how I was trying to write the dynamic really well!! That was my underlying idea -- that when it comes down to it, Alfie doesn't know much about Tommy's life, has no real understanding of how it's embedded in a community, even if that community is fractured between s3-4. He doesn't fully understand the impact of Grace's death on Tommy except abstractly. That's why I needed to bring Curly and Uncle Charlie into the story. And I've always been curious about Frances in canon; I haven't done alot with her in this series but whether Tommy wants her to be or not she's part of that community for sure. But Alfie is *surprised* by it and doesn't know how to process it; his mental version of Tommy is isolated from all context. In a lot of ways this series is about Alfie's assumptions being peeled back one by one.
I also think of Tommy as a bit more self-aware of some of these things than Alfie is. Like of course he has his own hangups and blindspots but he ... understands Alfie a lot better than Alfie understands him, and knows it. He can see through Alfie more than Alfie is able to see through him. At least when it comes to their dynamic. Of course there's a ton about Alfie's life he doesn't know about either, but I think he's more aware of that fact than Alfie is of the reverse. Alfie has this idea of who Tommy is and thinks he's right about it; Tommy only really exists in relation to Alfie for Alfie. Where I think Tommy just assumes Alfie has his own life in Camden Town that Tommy frankly doesn't give a shit about beyond his compulsive need to research the people he deals with. But he knows it's there!
Part of that is how they met -- Tommy first comes to Alfie on Alfie's territory surrounded by Alfie's people, alone. And a big part of Alfie has never revised his mental picture from that first meeting.
So what finally comes to a head here is that Alfie has this unconscious suspicion of Tommy-as-omega-seducer, combined with the fact that before he met Tommy he basically never let himself be in a situation where that caretaking instinct has an object. Eternal bachelor sort. So these two undercurrents are at war in him.
At the same time he's struggling with wanting more from Tommy. Much of his frustration is due to a fundamental misunderstanding or ignorance -- he just completely misses the fact that Tommy loved his wife and his wife just fucking died and Tommy still basically wants to be dead because of it. Alfie is (unconsciously) a bit dismissive of this, even when he considers the idea of Tommy having been 'bonded' to her. It's like... Tommy existed for him, then Tommy went off and got married and ceased to exist as anything but a distant business contact, and now that Tommy's wife is dead he exists again, and for Alfie there's this kind of continuity that doesn't exist for Tommy. For Tommy there's been an extremely violent rupture.
IDK if I'm expressing this well! But Alfie's looking for a man that doesn't exist, to quote Uncle Charlie.
Alot of this is driven by my wanting the relationship issues between them to not be 100% Tommy's fault/responsibility, which is how alot of Tommy/Alfie fic tends to go. When in canon Alfie is just... not the well adjusted guy who wouldn't be fucking up his relationship with Tommy if it existed! Like the issues between them aren't because Tommy's sexually repressed or internalized homophobia or because Tommy can't commit or idk. Even Tommy's trauma. Whatever. It's messier and more complicated and Alfie has a big responsibility there.
Beyond Grace's death, Alfie's actions (the ones from canon I've kept in this universe, which is all of them) have had a direct negative impact on Tommy, and that, you know. Affects Tommy's willingness to trust him, etc. At the same time there is something there for Tommy too, and he keeps coming back.
I'll stop here, though I'm aware I have only covered Alfie's half of this whole dynamic in any depth.
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strangefable · 1 year
oc tag game
thank you for tagging me, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @marivenah, @clonesupport, & @voidika <3 <3 <3
passing no-pressure tags onto: @confidentandgood, @v0idbuggy, @adelaidedrubman, @florbelles, @unholymilf, @henbased, @direwombat, @trench-rot, @detectivelokis, @ivymarquis, @schoute, @dumbassdep, @legally-a-bastard, @wrathfulrook, @incognito-insomniac, @roofgeese, @theelderhazelnut, @poisonedtruth, @fourlittleseedlings, @inafieldofdaisies, @cassietrn, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @harmonyowl, @redreart, @jacobseed, @euryalex, @mars-colony, @glass-hope, @gayafsatan, @the-lastcall, @shegetsburned, @g0dspeeed, @eclecticwildflowers, @aceghosts, @megraen, @strafethesesinners, @derelictheretic, @sukoshimikan, @inquisitors-grave, and anyone i've missed or forgotten, i'm tagging you too <3
(also forgive me but i'm not making banners for ocs i hardly ever talk about any more, so this post is gonna be mostly text. if you want images of anyone i can share, but i just don't have energy to make new banners and i still want to actually post this so, please forgive me <3)
favorite oc
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she's my baby girl right now. she's got the most space in my head, at all times i am thinking of her. she owns me and i'm not sorry. this is micah's world, i'm just here to serve her, and i would not have it any other way
honorable mentions: niamh gannon & beauregard barrett
they've been with me the longest and once had the strongest hold on me for more than a decade. they're two very formative characters for me and i will always have tiny palaces in my heart for both of them
oldest oc
niamh gannon
as far as fandom ocs that i've written and shared anywhere online, ni is the first baby girl. i started writing her when she was just a wee 11 year old student all the way through to her adult life as a wife, mother, and badass. she's the most developed oc i have, because i spent decades writing her. (she's also a bit of a precursor to what lore eventually became)
newest oc
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i've got a few newer concepts circling, but as far as ocs that fully exist, lil is still the newbie on the team. she's a fun way to stretch and do some things i've never dared try before. fiery little pistol and demon who is out to create chaos in an act of revenge against a world that's wronged her
meanest oc
this is a hard one! i have several evil ocs, but they're not necessarily mean in any traditional sense. they play politics too well for that, though they can be underhanded and they'll fuck you up. of the ones i talk about here, it's probably either lilith or bowie, but neither of them are mean, exactly. lilith just wants to lash out and hurt everyone, and bowie is just blunt and crass. of my older ocs, there's fletch, who's a dumbfuck gay werewolf with a chip on his shoulder and no filters. and daphne, who's the evilest monster you'll ever meet: she wants to cut you open and splay your insides while you're still alive, but she'll talk so sweetly to your face. there's leona and lysandra, who are daddy's girls and spoiled brats. there's lux, who wants to look like a bad boy and live up to his evil father's legacy, but mostly he's just an asshole. and his father, chrys, who is evil. he trains monstrous dogs that are built to attack people. also he's a ruthless murderer but he's a suave and smooth politician, so you'll never catch him. also there's rand, my evil alpha werewolf man. then there's alfie, an absolute shithead of a bully and a punk, but he's really just a sad lonely idiot. there's torvald and romeo, my supercreeps. elena my snarky little shit who lashes out and hates everyone.
yeah, this is too hard, i have several meanies.
softest oc
none of the ocs i talk about here are soft in the least. but i have some old ones who are total cinnamon rolls. dierdre delaney is a soft sweetheart of a seer. there's bethy baby, bethany, who is a shy tiny pixie girl who is full of love and sunshine. liam who is a soft gentle romantic soul. naveen who is a sweet little nerd. rune, my soft gentle werewolf boy. olwen, who is gentle like a fairy. sienna my sweet little miracle baby. kaz the softest cuddliest kindest doctor you'll ever meet. teddy, the most cinnamon roll to ever cinnamon roll. ajlgdjlg agh i can't any more, the soft ones make my heart and teeth ache and i'm missing them so much now
most aloof/standoffish oc
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i'm gonna give this one to micah, though some of my older kids could probably show her up on it. she's the one of my current stable that has the most trouble interacting with people.
smartest oc
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nora by a landslide. she's a certified genius and a savant. the woman knows all.
dumbest (affectionate) oc
oh boy let me tell you, i love making himbos. fletch is one of them, what an idiot. there's rory who's a hardheaded dick. there's junior, declan, and nate, who are the pinnacle of himboness. there's cosmo, my silly class clown boy. there's virgil the clueless. there's pillip, who's theme song is literally 'stupid boy'. and then there's emmy, my flighty fashion icon
oc i'd be friends with irl
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giving this one to the jameson sisters. they're the kind of friends anyone would want, imo. (there's a lot of my oldbies i'd put here, too, but this post is too long already)
if you bothered to read all that nonsense, i owe you a kiss or a cookie <3 thanks for listening to me ramble incoherently about ocs i never share any more lmao
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thegneurshk · 2 months
currently need to name computers. any thoughts on my current ideas? westley, buttercup, fezzik, inigo, etc sicillian-defence, caro-kann, stafford gambit, etc alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, (nato phonetic alphabet) (the boring one) alfie, daisy, poppy, rosie, tiger (names of family pets) genesis, exodus, leviticus, deuteronomy, etc cholesterol, progesterone, testosterone, oestrogen, glucocorticoid, mineralcorticoid fuck, marry, kill second, metre, kilogram, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela delta, river, mouth, ox-bow, etc aza, bercna, geuua, (gothic letter names) heap, stack, data, bss, code
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 2 years
TH Masterlist
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Werewolf!Alfie is heavily on my mind again.
Imagine how happy he is when he ‘wakes up’ (the phenomenon which happens when the afflicted person’s Wolf instincts are subdued and the Self surfaces) and you’re there.
He knows it’s dangerous being in the cage with him, little more than a claw’s reach away, but he can’t help feeling delighted you’re there in the darkness of the Tower dungeon. After all, though you’ll never fully understand the chaos in his mind, you know how suffocating and lonely the cold medieval cell is to him.
Alfie would crawl over to you, trying his best to hide the tremors in his limbs caused by the exhaustion of the transformation, his condition, and age. He prides himself on being a capable man and hates when he can’t help but show his weaknesses despite his best efforts to hide them.
He’s the bloody Alpha of the Camden Town and Hammersmith packs, damn it!
But the Wolf is greying, he knows this very well.
And you know this too because you’ve seen how the years are eating away at him. On a daily basis, he tries his best to stay as healthy as possible by walking a lot and watching what he eats.
Yet he can’t fight the slowly forming wrinkles, the grey streaks in his hair that sometimes seem near impossible to fight with dye, the assumptions people make about you and him.
Occasionally, and especially on mornings like this, he finds himself thinking you maybe should find someone else. Someone closer in age, untainted by violence and disease.
Someone who isn’t damned.
However, it’s also on mornings like this he only wants to lie his head in your lap and bask in your warmth, scent, and the feeling of your fingers in his hair.
Alfie would nuzzle your wrist, pressing drowsy pecks against your pulse and lazily dragging his fangs over it to show you’re his and he’s yours, wolf brain or no.
Loyal to the end.
Tag list: @potter-solomons @hecatemoon87 @rose-like-the-phoenix @wandawiccan60 @solomons-finest-rum @vir-tual @liliac-dreamer @alikaheroes @dreamlandcreations @buttercupsandboys @zablife @babaohhhriley
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deancaspinefest · 2 years
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Whisper My Name
Author: PetraAmia | Artist: Solstheim Posting on Friday March 24
Castiel Novak was an alpha with a few secrets up his sleeve, and had distanced himself from his family in New York City. Of course this was the family line, and they stuck to it, Castiel was better off in the West than he was in the City, and they weren't wrong. When Castiel first roamed he made a name for himself in the trick pony shows of the time and finally settled down in a small town called Angel, Wyoming. Here, he gave into some of his Alpha instincts by taking care of the townsfolk as sheriff, but that wasn't to say that he was not a dutiful son. Twice his family back home had sent him an Omega to keep the families honor and both times, the Omega in question had not survived the sometimes harsh climate his new home provided. When a letter came from his eldest brother Michael to alert him to yet a third Omega coming to meet him from New York, he expected nothing but more of the same. He was totally unprepared for the Omega who came with his favorite brother Gabriel, and the new pup he was to take into his life. However, the events of the town have kept them apart, his duties to the town came before his new mate, his true mate, and their relationship suffers. Can they recover, and be what they were always meant to be, or will they continue to dance around each other until they wither? 
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
"My, my Clarence. The temper on you, what's got your britches in a twist?" The voice of one of his dearest friends, Lady Masters, came from the open doorway where she stood. His eyes narrowed at her heeled boots and wondered just how she had snuck up in here on him. His anger, he supposed, had made him a bit blind. She was waiting for an answer so he rumbled out his reply. "My family is meddling.... again." Castiel glared at the paper in front of him and tossed it across his desk so she could read it. The woman was noisier than anyone in town would give her credit for, but she knew how and when to keep secrets. As her eyes roamed the page Castiel leaned back in his sturdy wooden chair and tried to count backwards from fifty. Meg chuffed and waved the letter, "because that worked out so well last time. Amelia wilted in the sun out here, and April? She wanted to kill you. What kind of Omega are they sending this time?” Eyes darting back to the paper she suddenly had an afterthought, “does she know about your... preferences?" Of course there was that question, the one that made him wince. "Probably not, my family likes to shame me for those, remember?" Castiel looked longingly at the bottle of whiskey but decided against it, he was on the job. "Sheriff! There was another- ooof," the young boy Alfie, who helped out around town doing odd jobs, tripped into the office, " sorry sir, there was another letter. Was a bit sticky, so it got stuck to Lady Bradburry's package." Castiel grumbled but took the letter as Alfie straightened himself out. It was from his brother Gabriel, he read it at a glance and his ire settled a hair. "Dearest Brother, Do not be alarmed at Michael's letter. Many things have happened back home since you've gone, and you will be happy to note our Dear brother is no longer squatting on a stick. Though that is not a story for a letter, it is best told in person. I will be accompanying your new Omega, worry not. With Ruthie at my side we will wrangle the stage coaches all the way to the middle of nowhere, where you reside. It is about time I have visited the plains that you call home. We will be following the postal route and should reach our mid way point a few weeks after this letter finds you. There is a Man there named Balthazar, a friend, we will be visiting for a day or two on the journey. I would request you at least send some sort of letter there so that your new Omega can learn something of you? As I said I will have more news to share when we reach your neck of the woods, so this letter will be a touch short. Stop frowning Cassie, it is not as bad as all that. I actually approve of this one. See you soon… well you know. Your favorite brother, Gabriel"
 [continue reading on Ao3 on Friday March 24]
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lesbianbeeliker · 2 months
spoilers ahead!!
just finished the first series of survivors (and alphas tale) and wanted to give some of my thoughts after going in practically blind.
I get that they were trying to do something different than wc, but the first book was incredibly boring, I get they wanted to establish the relationships with the leashed dogs, but it was very boring. I also wished they showed more interactions with Sweet and Lucky before she left. I did really like the fierce dogs moment though.
Along with that, Lucky wasn't very likable in the first book. I get that he was trying to toughen up the leashed dogs but it felt meh.
2nd book I didn't mind much till the ending, why were the leashed dogs let into the pack so naturally after alpha literally just murdered Alfie quite suddenly?
I did like how mysterious and dangerous the pack felt at first though, and the stakes felt really high. I like how Alpha was defined.
3rd book was a lot of back and forth traveling but it wasn't so bad so eh.
Sweet's development was strange. It's weird how she went from blindly obeying alpha to just...changing all of his policies immediately it felt like. Also how fast her and Lucky became mates after alpha left. I wish we got to see her develop more as she became alpha longer.
I am SO glad sweet became alpha, I was so scared Lucky would be alpha and I'm like pls no Sweet would be so much more interesting.
I like how alphas true name kept being hinted at but never revealed until his own book.
Idk if it changes but Bella's character felt underused. Idk the way she would go between liking Lucky and going against him was a common theme in the books, and I kept waiting for her to either fully betray him or make it up to him by sacrificing herself or something dramatic along those lines. But nothing ever happed, all she did was comfort him after the battle.
Storm was a good character. I liked her pretty much overall.
I liked blade and the fierce dog pack and their progression. I love how they were originally just hinted at then became the final villains.
I kinda wish more dogs died in the storm of dogs. it felt underwhelming that only a character we barely knew from Twitch's pack died and Martha.
the thing I absolutely hated the most was when alpha joined the fierce dogs pack. it made no sense. how did he survive in the water? I thought he hated fierce dogs? why would he abandon his pack as alpha to become omega? I really wish he either just stayed dead or maybe came back to the pack demanding to be leader where he fought lucky or sweet or whatever. I was hoping reading alphas tale would help but it didn't. seriously why did he join them.
I did really enjoy a lot of it though, and it is highly underappreciated compared to its sibling series warriors.
feel free to disagree or share your opinion, I'm always open to new interpretations
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