#alpha! yeji
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snowddeong · 1 year ago
The word cock appears in this chapter 4 times lmao
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snowdeong · 1 year ago
I need to recover from alpha!yeji disease so I can plan other omegaverse stuff properly 😔😔😔
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rryeongchaes · 1 month ago
💀 The way DLC Yeji popped into my head I can’t
....oh yeji 😭 why is the pose spot on?
(she was on bbl the other day because someone brought up te word alpha and idk the full context but??)
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sparklingblu · 10 months ago
Pt.3 - Alpha & Omega
ft. Yeji & Kazuha
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Good news. None.   
Bad news. Where do you even start?   
The worst would be the fact that you can't feel your body. Your eyes seem to be the only functioning organ. To add insult to injury, your whole body is bare, and your clothes are nowhere to be found. You curse yourself for not grabbing your clothes before you get teleported back from that boxing ring. No use regretting it now. Even if you manage to move your limbs somehow, you are trapped in a bar restroom butt naked. Can this day get even worse?   
To be honest, you expect yourself to develop some kind of resistance to all those headaches and pain after passing out four times in a day. Seems like there's no improvement. You can just hope no one comes knocking at the door. That leads you to wonder, how long have you been gone? The first time you encounter Rei or what seems to be Rei, it takes almost an hour. But at least she obeys every command you give so it isn't much of a struggle. The second time, however, you have to wrestle with Eunbi first before you finally tame her, as the quest had said. You are certain more than an hour has flown by.    
Your phone chimes with a notification nearby. No doubt from the 'Ero' app. You desperately want to check it but there's not much you can do when your body feels like a lump of clay. So, you continue doing what you initially were, staring at the ceiling. Funny enough, seeing the ceiling has become a kind of relief after losing and gaining consciousness multiple times. At least, it reminds you that you are alive.  
Once again, you can't help but think of all the unanswered questions that have piled up even more after your encounter with Eunbi. The voice that consistently keeps praising you after you complete a quest, the idols that you have met who are not actually idols. You are pretty sure about that now. Are they replicas? clones? Then what does that make you? A test subject for some crazy experiment that involve fucking idol clones? As usual, no answer.  
If you look at it from the bright side, ignoring all the pain and confusion, you have used two idols for your release already. Getting to fuck one idol should be considered universally lucky. But two? You had to save a nation in your past life for that. Whether they are real or not, they still look exactly the same so it doesn't really make a difference. However, the downside shouldn't be ignored either. If you try to complete one more quest, fuck one more idol, you might not wake up again. With each jump, your body seems to weaken. It starts with headaches and soreness and now you are paralyzed. Not really a price worth paying. You are not perverted enough to trade your life for sex.  
Actually, you might have passed that point already. If you inevitably have to die, you want to go out with honor. Not as a naked corpse in a restroom. "Oh, how did he die?" "I don't know, probably from jerking off naked in the toilet" Yep. Not a good idea.   
A few minutes pass and you start considering screaming for help. You have to sacrifice every bit of dignity you have but at least you won't die. Thankfully, it doesn't happen. Blood starts to flow again in your fingers and soon, you are well aware of the cold floor on your skin.   
You sit up groggily, propping yourself against the toilet for support. Taking a few deep breaths, you picked up the phone. The screen is full of cracks, it covers almost every part of the notification on your lock screen but without a doubt, it's from the 'Ero' app.   
"Congrats on completing your second quest. Please wait patiently for the next one"  
Typical. Just congratulations. Not to mention you nearly got killed. Thank you very much.   
Then your eyes move to the upper corner of the screen displaying the time, 8:48. You can't be sure, but you are certain no more than a few minutes have passed since you passed out. How is it possible? Even without the time you spent laying paralyzed, it takes at least an hour to do everything you have done with Eunbi. No wonder no one comes looking for you.   
Maybe time flows differently in whatever places you get teleported to. Another mystery. Your head starts throbbing, a sign of an oncoming headache. God, can that app let you off for once? There's a silver lining though. Your clothes lie in a pile in a corner. You have to shut your mouth before you start screaming with joy.   
After changing hastily and washing your face, you exit the room. Russell and the rest of the crew are still at their table, their voices getting louder by the second. The effects of all the drinks they had had are evident on their red puffy faces. They don't even seem to notice your absence except Russell, who raises his hand at the sight of you.  
"Man, you have been gone pretty long, you ok?" he asks.  
"Yeah, I'm fine.."  
"You sure? You look like you just woke up"  
He's not wrong but no use making him worried.  
"Trust me. I'm ok. Just a bit tired, i guess"  
"Have you been working late again?"  
Gosh, this guy cares about you more than your mom. You take this as your chance to get out of here.  
"Yeah, got some articles to finish. I have been procrastinating on this one I have to send tomorrow. Mind if I leave early? I need to sleep early"  
"Of course. Don't work too hard, huh? You still have to write a best-seller remember?"  
You simply smile and leave, grabbing your coat. The cold breeze offers you some comfort to the headache that's becoming unbearable. You just want to lay down on the spot and fall asleep. You walk back to your room, trying not to pass out on the way. The night is still young, and the sound of traffic and the chatter of people follows you everywhere. Ordinary people enjoying their lives unlike you, who have become a different person in just a day. You were a writer, not a good one but still an average Joe. Now, you fuck idols with the help of an app. Anyone who hear it will suggest you talk to a therapist, and you won't blame them.   
And what is it that makes the app choose you? You have no special abilities other than the fact that you can mimic animal sounds and that's not even a real talent. Perhaps luck has finally found its way to your ever unfortunate life. But can it be called luck with how you become a step closer to death with each quest you take on. 
You are so busy debating with yourself you are completely oblivious to your surroundings. If only you have turned your head to an alley across the street, you would have seen a dark figure with sparkling eyes that follow every one of your movements. A predator lurking in the shadows. 
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎  
A week has passed. The 'Ero' app is silent as ever. 
You find yourself expecting a message for another quest despite promising yourself you won't let your perversion lead you to your demise. You should really start thinking with your brain rather than your dick. 
Three days after your last quest, you even try to enter the 'Ero' app out of curiosity. The app closes automatically. After a few more tries, you give up out of disappointment and shame. Shame for trying to enter the app even after knowing the risks. Shame for being a hopeless pervert. 
You should just stick to jerking off to fancams and pictures, at least that way you won't be playing with your life or getting beat up by an idol. That's what you have been doing since you got smitten by those kpop girls but after the quests you have done, it becomes tedious. You will still pump a load or two after seeing Karina's tits or Sohee's ass but it's nothing compared to Rei's blowjob or Eunbi's titjob. You have become addicted.  
Ironically, you even find yourself dreaming of the darkness, the mahogany room and the boxing ring. This is what Eve might have felt when she's told not to eat the forbidden fruit, you think. Because forbidden things are the most tempting.  
You still write but no longer out of pleasure, just to survive. And that reminds you, you should stop eating take outs and cook something yourself for once. Your room was a mess but now it's a whole trash pile. Plastic boxes and cups from all the take outs you order lie in a mountain at the sink. The trash car comes, you are just too lazy to throw it out. And if you don't do something about that stack of papers on the table, it's gonna touch the ceiling soon.  
In short, you have become a mess. Every time your phone chimes, you would check it in a heartbeat, expecting a text from the 'Ero' app. But of course, it isn't. The app has gone ghost quiet. You are desperately seeking to complete just one more quest. One more idol to fuck. 
You rarely go outside and ignore all the messages your friends and colleagues sent you. There's only one message you want to receive which never comes. 
After a week of living like a vampire, a realization hits you. One so obvious you feel like an idiot not thinking about it sooner. All the problems you are facing are rooted from one single thing, the 'Ero' app. If you delete it, your suffering might end. You can even pretend everything that happened was a dream. 
So, you get out of the bed which you have been laying on for hours and grab your phone on the table. The sudden burst of light in the dark room as the screen opens leaves you seeing black spots. It is nighttime but you haven't opened your curtains in a while, so it doesn't really make a difference.  
You swipe till you land on the 'Ero' app. That little black heart icon. You press on it and the uninstall option pops off. 'Finally' you think. 'It's gonna be over. No more crazy stuffs' though a small voice somewhere in your mind keep insisting. 'But what of the pleasure that rivals no other? What of the idols you will meet?' 'Fuck this' you answer. It's true you are a pervert, but you are not hopeless. You won't die so that you can fuck some clone of an idol.  
Determined, you raise your thumb and nearly press on the uninstall button until-  
Your phone chimes. A notification on the top of the screen.  
"New quest ready, ready for your next adventure chosen one?" 
God damn it. Just when you are determined, this app has to come and ruin it. All the walls you have put up about not being a hopeless pervert crumbles in milliseconds. You want this after all. You don't want the app gone. You are just mas that it won't give you a quest. Now what you have been begging for a week is right in front of your eyes. You have to make a choice. Yes or No? 
This quest can be your last. A punishment for letting your dick makes your decisions. You can ignore it. Delete the app and go on with your life as normal. But will your life ever be normal after deleting the app? Who can say you won't be wondering what the third quest would be and which idol you would meet? And worst of all, you will become ordinary again without the app. No more magic portals to creepy rooms.  
You don't want to be ordinary. You have tried your best to become something others aren't all your life. Now, the chance has been presented to you. Your own personal paradise. All yours. No one else's.  
So, you tap on the message, opening the app to the loading screen with the black heart. Even the sight of it gets excitement creeping up your legs already. Then you close your eyes immediately before they get torched by that blinding flash. After waiting for a minute just to be safe, you open your eyes again. A text box sits in the center of the screen, instructions to your next quest. Except that you can't read them. 
The words are fuzzy and blurred. Some even completely redacted by black lines. It is as though someone has made them unreadable on purpose. What the hell is going on? 
This can be another challenge, a harder quest. Even more difficult than trying to defeat an idol who nearly crashes you to pulp. A higher risk of death. A tinge of regret starts to overwhelm you but it's too late. 
The all-familiar darkness envelopes you once again. Then comes the icy cold spike that tears through your organs. Your vision fades and you crumple like paper. 
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎  
Your old friend accompanies your wake. Of course, it's the headache. Fortunately, it isn't as strong as before or maybe you have just been out of touch you forget the pain. Nevertheless, you are alive.  
You don't get to celebrate much though because the sight that greets you when you open your eyes sucks the joy right out of your heart. It isn't the ceiling this time. At least seeing the ceiling would have been a comfort. What you see is anything but comforting. 
To start, you are not in a room like you were the last two quests. You are surrounded by marble columns that support the circular dome on top. A temple like those in Greek times. A huge part of the building has crumbled, giving you a clear view of what lies ahead.  
Your heart leaps. Before your eyes lies what you can only describe as an apocalyptic city. Actually, an apocalyptic Greek city. Smoke billows from several temples writhed in flames. Most of the bronze and marble statues lining the sandy paths are missing a body part, some have been completely destroyed. A colosseum crumbles to dust right in front of your eyes though you have no idea what a Roman structure is doing in a Greek city. It would have been a beautiful place if it's not for the fact that it looks like a war zone.  
The temple you are in is not holding out really well either. From time to time, debris would fall from the ceiling, and you can only hope the roof won't collapse on top of you. You try to move and that's when you realize you have been tied up. Looking down, you find yourself bound to a chair with metal chains, your hands at the back. Your legs are no exception either. They have been tied up as well. 
This quest is starting to look hopeless already. It would be so easy for someone to gut you right now and you can do nothing but watch. You could call out for help except that there isn't a living being in sight. Even if someone does come, you can't be certain if they are friends or foes. 
You remember the surge of strength that has come to you when you were at the brink of death. It would be really really helpful if you could get that kind of help right now. Though you doubt that kind of chance will be given twice. 
"Oh, he can't help you this time" As if reading your thoughts, a voice rings out behind a column.  
The owner of the voice emerges. A figure with fiery red hair wearing a top of matching color. The black jeans accentuate her slender legs. Her ruby red eyes fixed on you with a steely gaze. Yeji, the leader of Itzy. 
"Ehm....Yeji?" Obviously, the idol before you is not the real Yeji. But you ask anyway. 
"In a sense" She replies. "But that won't matter anymore after I kill you" 
Just wonderful. Another idol who wants you dead.  
"I gotta praise you though. You are pretty strong compared to those before you" 
"Others? What are you talking about?" 
"Oh, do you think you are the only one chosen by the app, chosen one?" She strains the last part just to sound sarcastic.  
"Look, I don't even understand what's happening much less answer your questions. I don't even know why you want to kill me" 
"Oh, you very much do" She snaps back. "Rei? Eunbi? The things you did to them. You are lucky I let you live this long" 
"I was just doing what the app told me to" 
"Oh, yes. That stupid 'Ero' app. You love it so much you walked right into my trap" 
The realization hits you like a bucket of cold water. The quest that arrives right when the app is nearly deleted. The distorted letters.  
"It's you" You say. "You are the one who set up this quest" 
"Correct" Her voice is dripping with glee. "Aren't I clever?" 
"Ok, Yeji....or whatever. If you let me go, I promise I won't-" 
"Oh, shut up. You will follow where your dick leads you" 
She's not wrong. Still, it sort of hurts. 
"There's nothing you will get out of killing me" You try the other route. 
"Oh, there's a lot I can get out of killing you" Yeji muses, walking closer. "And I will start by destroying the thing that have been distracting my kind" 
You don't know what she means but you don't need to wonder for long because with the flick of her wrist, your shorts come off. Look, you know some guys are really into the bondage stuff when the girl ties you up and all, but it isn't much fun when your partner is trying to kill you. But there's a bigger threat than getting killed right now. 
"Wait, you don't mean my-"  
"Dick? Yes. If it's gone, you can no longer bother us, right?" 
"You can't do that! It's illegal" 
"Look around you. You are no longer on earth" 
You are making empty threats, and you know it too well. But you don't want your bloodline to end with you. 
"Look, maybe we can make a deal or something" 
"Too late" Yeji unfolds her palm and a gladius, a roman sword, manifests out of thin air. She's definitely not human. 
You tilt your head in panic as the point hovers over your throat.  
"I should have just killed you but where's the fun in that?" 
Your breath hitches. You don't trust yourself to talk without blabbering out more pleas that will make Yeji even madder. And even worse, your dick is rock hard because of the adrenaline.  
"Bye bye" She raises the sword and brings it down on your springing mamba. You close your eyes. bracing yourself for the pain. But it never comes because a voice cuts through the tense atmosphere.  
"Wait!" Another female voice and running footsteps. You open your eyes. 
Behind Yeji is Kazuha, the japanese member of Le Sserafim. Her pink satin dresses look out of place among the ruins of the city, like a runaway bride.  
"Kazuha?" Yeji lowers the gladius. "Oh, let me guess. He sent you" 
"You need to stop this. Killing him won't stop our problems" 
"You don't know that for sure. One less candidate means less chance for the mark to emerge" 
"What mark?" instantly, you regret not keeping your mouth shut. They want to cut your dick off for christ's sake. 
"The mark of-" Kazuha starts to answer but Yeji cuts her off.  
"Shut up" Yeji snaps. "He's going to die anyway" 
"Stop this, Yeji. He's going to be so mad if he finds out" 
"So what? He has been a dick all those times. You still take orders from him?" 
"He can be crazy sometimes but it's our job to serve him" 
"Bullshit. You are just too scared to disobey" 
"Yeji, please" 
Kazuha's words have no effect. Yeji closes in on you again and raises her gladius. This time there's no escape for you.  
Then the strangest thing happens. A burst of energy erupts from your core, spreading to every cell in your body. All the fatigue and panic are gone. It's like being dipped in water when you are high. You feel pumped, ready to do anything. More specifically, ready to fuck anyone because the lust inside you has never been so strong. 
"It can't be..." Yeji backs away, dropping her gladius. Her face that of pure horror. 
You look down and nearly scream yourself. On your pelvis is an upside-down pentagram, like those used in cult rituals and its glowing red hot though you don't feel any pain. Further down is an even stranger sight. Your dick is literally glowing. Upon taking a closer look, you realize it’s surrounded by a golden aura like it's something powerful. All the chains binding you shatter to pieces, and you rise.  
"The mark" Kazuha mutters dreamily. "It's real" 
"No!" Yeji screams, falling down. "It's a myth. How could it be-" She picks up her gladius and instantly charges. You back away but there isn't a need. Because Yeji got thrown away as though hit by an invisible force. 
She crouches on the floor, panting. "This is madness" 
Kazuha just stands there frozen. Hey eyes fixed on your glowing cock. 
But you only have a single objective in your mind. Ruin Yeji. Use her. Punish her. She is nothing but an easy prey.  
"Stay away" Yeji shouts. In the end, the hunter has become the hunted. 
You close in, grabbing her wrists and pulling her up. Then you slam her onto a column. You don't intend to hurt her though. She's in for something much worse.  
"I will kill you" She mutters but the panic is clear as day in the way her words stutter. Grabbing her waist, you trace your lips across the pulsing veins of her neck all the way to her jaw. Then a bite on her earlobe. Yeji squirms. 
"Still want to kill me?" The question is left unanswered as Yeji's lips part to give way to your tongue, which invades into her oral opening. Yeji's pupils widen when her own tongue got tickled by the foreign one. Her screams come out muffled. Yeji tries to pull away but the grip of your lips on hers is stronger than ever.  
All the while, your hands make their way down to her waist belt, enjoying the feeling of her firm skin. Sliding down further, you slip into her jeans, squeezing that tone ass of hers.  
The writhing of her body is cut short when you slid a finger into her tight asshole, which makes her limp like a rug doll. At first, it's hard to move much with how hard her hole grips you but after a few pumps, it starts to oblige, allowing swifter movements.  
As you finger her asshole, you don't stop the mouth action either. You can no longer tell whose mouth is moister as your saliva got mixed from how long you have been tasting her. All that matters is you keep her mouth shut. The strands of red hair fall over, obscuring your vision partly but you press on, taking in her taste each and every second. Your dick is pressed flat against her tummy in this position and it's getting you even more riled up. You can take care of it later. 
With your unoccupied hand, you squeeze her soft cheeks, which fold like rubber under your touch. The pace of your finger that keeps fucking her asshole remains unwavering. In fact, its pounding her now the same way your cock would. At the same time, you are tongue fucking her. Both of her holes are stuffed and there's nothing she can do about it except produces more degraded sounds. 
Yeji's legs start to shake, inevitably nearing her peak whether she likes it or not. Saliva drips from the corner of her lips and a strand of the remnants connect your lips as your tongue exits her mouth. You are not letting her off. You just want to hear her moan. 
"I...will kill you..." Her voice comes out husky, so it sounds more like an empty promise than a threat. 
"Just shut up and cum bitch" Your thrusts become forceful. Perhaps you are hurting her but Yeji's moaning too much to care. Unable to resist the sight of her skin, you bite down on her neck, pitching up her voice.  
Finally, Yeji breaks. In a frenzy of pain and bliss, she lets out a carnal groan which rings out through the temple. Juice gush out from her pussy when your finger thrust in one last time. Each time her body convulses, she lets out a moan, each one louder than the last. She is still trembling nonstop even after you pull out, her jeans stained with her own bodily fluid. 
"Did you just come from getting your asshole fingered?" You ask. Yeji can only pant as she props against a column not to tremble from her legs that are on the verge of giving out. 
From the corner of your eyes, you can see Kazuha, her arms folded, watching the whole thing without a single word. She seems to be on your side for now. 
"Tired already?" You ask Yeji. "It's just starting" 
The mark on your pelvis glows brighter, the red rays casting a translucent glow on Yeji. With an iron grip on her shoulders, you turn her around, allowing you the view of her round ass in tight jeans. The stain on her crotch area makes the scene even more lewd. 
"Admit it, Yeji. All this time you have been a slut. My cock is all it takes to wipe that bitchy look off your face" Your cock presses against her clothed ass. 
"I swear I will kill-" 
You pull down her jeans just enough to expose her round butt, stealing the air right out of her lungs. Your palm connects with her supple flesh in a harsh spank, leaving a handprint in red. You deliver a strike for each word that leaves her mouth. It goes like this. 
The white canvas of her skin is now streaked with scarlet stripes. And you intend to keep it that way because the way her ass jiggle with each spank is too hypnotic to get tired of. The cherry on the top is how she keeps protesting even through the stinging pain. But you are gonna change it real soon. 
With one last strike, you pull back, admiring your handiwork on her ass, which is now the same fiery shade as her hair and tops. Yeji mutters another curse through shallow breath. This bitch is still as cocky as ever. 
Pulling her hair to tilt her head, you whisper into her ear. "Still resisitng, hmm? Should we move on to your next punishment?" Yeji's eyes blaze with fury. "Bastard"  
"So, we are doing it the rough way" You hold her throat in a tight grip with your other hand, restricting any more words from coming out of her vocal cords.  
You rest your rock hard cock between her cheeks, the glow it radiates merging with her reddened buttocks. "I'm gonna fuck your brains out now. And then I wanna know if you still want me dead"  
Yeji can do nothing as you enter her moist slit with one forceful thrust that ripples her cheeks. You don't know if she's a virgin or not but the way her walls hug you tight is giving you ideas. Nevertheless, you push on, breaking through the barriers of her fold with each thrust. It doesn't take much time for you to pound her freely with how wet she already is from earlier. 
Soon, you are hammering her cunt without a care in the world, solely focused on using her as your vessel for pleasure. You will take anything her body can offer and that will be her punishment, to become nothing but your cumdump. Resentment and triumph take over your movements and each thrust leaves her even more breathless despite being choked. 
You loosen your grip on her neck just enough for her to make audible sounds. "Still hate me?" You ask as you pull back all the way and thrust into her slit with all your force. She tenses, her back arched. She answers your question with animalistic sounds only a whore would make. 
"Hmm, you still got a lot to learn" You slip your hands under her top, reaching for her mounds. Yeji's tits aren't qualified to be called huge, but they are still big enough to fill your palm as you knead them. When you twirl her rosy nipples between your index and thumb, she mewls like an animal in heat which is only natural with the way she's getting bred. 
You slow down your thrusts, moving in and out slowly to enjoy the full feeling of her slick velvety walls that trace every inch you fill her up with. Somewhere far away, another building collapsed with a sickening crunching sound. A wave of hot air grazes your skin. But they can do nothing to disturb you from claiming Yeji's cunt thoroughly.  
Her walls start to contrast around you, the sign of an oncoming climax. You thrust with inhuman speed, empowered by the mark, as Yeji had called it. Jolts of energy course through your veins at every moment and you are surprised to find that you are not even sweating, much less tired. You can breed Yeji all day if she isn't already worn out and used up. 
Yeji's eyes roll up, her tongue hanging out in the perfect replication of the ahaego faces you see so often in certain animes. Another flood of her nectar pours out, coating your shaft. You keep fucking through her orgasm, chasing your own high. Yeji's body twists and bends but you keep her in position by wrapping your arms around her waist.  
The friction over her slick walls becomes unbearable and soon you are pumping jets after jets of your fertile seeds into her womb, all the way to the hilt. If Yeji sounds animalistic before, now she's no different from an animal. Guttural sounds betray her lips as she gets filled up to the depths she never knows existed before. When your orgasm subsides, she becomes motionless, her hoarse breaths the only sign of life. 
You pull out and cum drips out of her hole which is clenching onto air as if it needs something stuffed inside. Her punishment is a success. Yeji's got destroyed by the very thing that she wanted to destroy. As you stand there, grinning with victory, the adrenaline starts to drain out of your body. Your legs become sore, and the fucking headache is starting again. The mark on your pelvis dims and fades along with the glow of your spent rod.  
"We need to leave" You are so caught up in the joy of dominating Yeji, you forget Kazuha exists. She's still at her old spot, watching you with interest and a slither of worry. You quickly pull up your shorts though there's no point being shy now. She has seen everything. 
"Leave where?" You ask. "My quest is completed right? I will just pass out and go back" 
"It's not happening this time. He wants to meet you" 
"Look, we don't have much time. He will explain everything to you. I promise" 
The temple rumbles. More debris and dust fall from above.  
"Alright. Good idea" You and Kazuha make it outside just in time before the whole temple collapses. The sound of explosions and crumbling buildings ring out all around you. The air burns your lungs with each breath. 
"Ok, hold my hand" Kazuha says and you oblige. There's no point arguing when you are in the middle of an apocalypse. As Kazuha closes her eyes, a gleaming orb surrounds both of you and you spiral down into a tunnel of light. 
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
(Have been procrastinating on this. Anyway, enjoy~)
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smutoperator · 27 days ago
Is there any idol or idols that you particularly enjoy writing? If so, what's the reason?
Excellent question, Elysia. Before I give an specific answer I'll give a generic one: I really enjoy writing idols that are over 30 years old, because they allow for more mature stories and idols from 2nd generation groups, to introduce them to new audiences. It's the whole reason I created my Legends series: to pay homage to them.
Now on to specific idols
Karina leads all idols in appearances in my fics. I really liked creating a character development that matches her own evolution as an idol, slowly growing into a more mature personality. It also helps she's quite popular and got really big tits.
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Sana is a very fun idol to write because you can combine her duality of being a cute girl and an alluring vixen at the same time and create very volcanic stories.
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Yuna fits perfectly with stories where you just let her loose and do her thing to create an unstoppable force of sexiness.
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Chaewon was the subject of my first fic here and I love to highlight her transformation since joining Le Sserafim, going from the cute pie in Izone to the sexy killer of today.
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Yeji is a perfect fit for stories where she's the dominant alpha woman and pushses everybody around her to the maximum. Love write about her.
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Momo just fits perfectly for any mindless hardcore scene where you just use her hot body for your pleasure until you get completely drained
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Eunbi is obviously my ult and the personification of a mommy. She hasn't even turned 30 yet but I already have placed her in my mommy pedestal and love writing any scene where she showcases her strong personality and big assets
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I know it's very stereotypical to write Somi as bratty blonde bimbo but she fits the role perfectly and that makes writing any smut of her quite hot.
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Last but not least is an idol that I think following the evolution of her will lead to some very enjoyable stuff to write about. Obviously talking about Wonyoung. I have done 3 fics with her already but I feel we're just starting to see her full potential. She's already a legend but is only going to grow bigger and I'm ready to register it.
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h5eavenly · 1 year ago
Carousel┃H.HJ SMAU
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・❥・Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Female Reader ・❥・Genre: Kind of (?) Villainous FL , angst, romance, smut , college au, enemies to lovers, very minor love triangle, slow burn, social media au (with written parts) ・❥・Synopsis: It girl, Queen Bee the most popular girl around campus Song Y/N was envied by everyone. She has it all, money, the looks and brains. After making a bet with her bestfriend Yeosang her life takes a turn to the worse, seeming to lose everyone around her she doesn't expect the only person to stick by her side to be her Ex-first love and long time enemy - Hwang Hyunjin. (The bet part is inspired by the k-drama tempted however nothing else is the same) ・❥・Warnings: contains mature themes minors dni, heavy angst, Vulgar language, swearing, kys jokes etc. Mentions of weight and disordered eating. Sexual themes and talks. FL is really mean and malicious at times (will get better ofc) , eventual smut. {will add more later if needed}. ・❥・Status: completed. TW = TRIGGER WARNING. W = WRITTEN PART. ・❥・ spotify playlist:
Profiles (Y/N's Friends) | Profiles (Hyunjin's Friends) | Profiles (Notable Cast)
⇀ One - Cheating Again.
⇀ Two - New Girl.
⇀ Three - I hate Her.
⇀ Four - The Beast Is Out.
⇀ Five - Early Birdies.
⇀ Six - What’s Your Problem?
⇀ Seven - Talking In Circles.
⇀ Eight - Just One Meow (TW).
⇀ Nine - Give Us A Chance.
⇀ Ten - Operation : Hwang's Pet.
⇀ Eleven - Why Is It Always Her? (TW) (W)
⇀ Twelve - Lock Me Up.
⇀ Thirteen - The Bet.
⇀ Fourteen - A little Too Silly.
⇀ Fifteen - I'm A Fuck Up
⇀ Sixteen - Wrapped In Regret (W)
⇀ Seventeen - On Some Me Shit.
⇀ Eighteen - Pink Flowers.
⇀ Nineteen - My One And Only.
⇀ Twenty - Make It Up To Me.
⇀ Twenty-One - Furry Convention.
⇀ Twenty -Two - Hello Kitty Can Get It.
⇀ Twenty-Three - I'm Human Too.
⇀ Twenty-Four - If Poetry Was A Person. (W)
⇀ Twenty-Five - You Got Me.
⇀ Twenty-Six - I Want To See You.
⇀ Twenty-Seven - It's A Wife Thing.
⇀ Twenty-Eight - Forever And Ever.
⇀ Twenty-Nine - Alpha Pheromones.
⇀ Thirty- Such A Waste.
⇀ Thirty-One - Wish you could stay. (W)
⇀ Thirty-Two - Yeji Come Home.
⇀ Thirty-Three - I'm Pathetic.
⇀ Thirty-Four - Drown me in your feelings.
⇀ Thirty-Five - Flickers Of The Past I (W)(TW)
⇀ Thirty-Six - Why Am I Always Thirdwheeling?
⇀ Thirty-Seven - Jin Is Missing !
⇀ Thirty-Eight - Only A Warning.
⇀ Thirty-Nine - I Need Him.
⇀ Forty- Permanently Scowling.
⇀ Forty-One - stupidly crazy about you.
⇀ Forty-Two - You're My Biggest Wish. (W)
⇀ Forty-Three - You're A Cute Slut.
⇀ Forty-Four - Because I Love You.
⇀ Forty-Five - Light Of My Life.
⇀ Forty-Six - Out Of Time. (W)
⇀ Forty-Seven - Everything Sucks.
⇀ Forty-Eight - Wifey Night.
⇀ Forty-Nine - I'm Sorry I Love You.
⇀ Fifty - Flickers Of The Past II (TW)(W)
⇀ Fifty-One - Long Lonely Dream.
⇀ Fifty-Two - you're so edgy and cool
⇀ Fifty-Three - I was made for loving you (TW)(W)
⇀ Fifty-Four - I believe in you.
⇀ Fifty-Five - i want to die next to you.
⇀ Fifty-Six - new adventures with friends.
⇀ Fifty-Seven - Who The Fuck Is They.
⇀ Fifty-Eight - i feel like a monstrous creature.
⇀ Fifty-Nine - this happens once every few lifetimes (w)
⇀ Sixty - Epilogue.
⇀ Things you might have missed..
・❥・Taglist: Closed.
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syarina · 1 year ago
Female K-Blogs
• Smut • Angst • None • Non/Dubcon
Le Sserafim
G!P Le Sserafim Unnie Line + Kazuha x F!Reader (Noncon)
GP!Camgirl Le Sserafim x Bimboish!F!Reader
G!P Idol!Miyawaki Sakura x Idol!reader
Student!G!P Kazuha X Teacher!Reader
Hybrid!GP!Yunjin x F!Reader (Non/Dubcon)
Sub!GP!Yunjin x F!Reader
We've Only Just Begun ~ G!P Top!Yunjin x Maid Bottom!Reader
Puppy Needs ~ G!P Subby!Hybrid Huh Yunjin x F!Reader
G!P Jennie, G!P Lisa x F!Reader (Noncon)
Proving a Point ~ Kim Jennie x G!P Reader
G!P Kim Jennie (Dubcon)
Makes Her Wanna Have More Babies ~ Kim Jennie x G!P Reader
Doppler Effect ~ Student!Kim Jennie x G!P Professor!Reader
Party Monster ~ Kim Jennie
Oxytocin ~ Kim Jennie x G!P Reader
Red Velvet
Stress Toy ~ Maid!Irene x G!P Reader (Noncon)
G!P Assassin!Minji x F!Reader (Non/Dubcon)
G!P Kim Minji x F!Reader (Noncon)
Minji Gets Caught Humping Hanni’s Favorite Bunny Plushie ~ G!P Minji x Hanni
(G) - Idle
I Just Know You Did This On Purpose ~ G!P Dom!Yuqi x F!Reader
A Helping Hand ~ G!P Subby!Yuqi x F!Reader
Doctor!Karina x Naïve!Patient!F!Reader
GP!Aespa x 5th Member!F!Reader
G!P Serial Killers!Winrina x Naive/Gullible F!Reader (Non/Dubcon)
G!P Besties WinChae Thoughts
G!P Pervy!Ningning x F!Reader (Noncon)
G!P Karina x F!Reader
Puppy Needs Her Attention ~ G!P Puppy Winter x F!Reader
Beneath The Facade ~ G!P Giselle x F!Reader
Hybrid!Aespa in Heat ~ Sub!Aespa x Dom!F!Reader
Sick and Twisted ~ G!P Stepsibling!Winrina x Virgin F!Reader (Non/Dubcon)
Sick and Twisted ~ G!P Maid!Karina x Ceo! Daughter!Reader (Noncon)
Payment Methods ~ G!P Ningning (Noncon)
Me & You - G!P Cop!Minjeong x Criminal F!Reader
G!P Momo, G!P Jihyo x F!Reader (Noncon)
Park Jihyo x GP!Reader
G!P Twice x F!Reader
Forbidden Dream ~ G!P Nayeon x F!Reader (Non/Dubcon)
Whine For Me ~ G!P Subby!Tzuyu x F!Reader
Toy ~ G!P Twice x Female Reader (Non Idol AU)
GP!Itzy x F!Reader
Taste ~ G!P Hwang Yeji x F!Reader (Non/Dubcon)
G!P Mean!Stepsis!Wony x F!Reader
G!P Stepsis!Ningning x F!Reader
G!P BF!Sister!Wony x F!Reader (Dubcon)
G!P Stalker!Wony x F!Reader (Noncon)
G!P Hybrid!Wony x F!Reader
Somno G!P Yujin x F!Reader
G!P Pervy!Wony x F!Reader (Non/Dubcon)
Pervy!Wony x F!Reader (Dubcon)
G!P Wony x F!Reader (Non/Dubcon)
G!P Yujin x F!Reader
Your Order Ma’am ~ G!P Yujin x F!Reader
Sister to Sister ~ G!P Stepsis!Wonyoung
Porcelain Doll ~ Sub!Wonyoung x G!P Reader
Need It ~ G!P Wonyoung x F!Reader
Bada Lee
G!P Alpha!Bada x Omega!Tatter x G!P Alpha!Soweon
G!P Dom!Bada x F!Reader
Bada Fingers You With Her Engagement Ring On ~ Bada Lee x F!Reader
The Fancam ~ G!P Bada Lee x F!Reader
Been Away ~ G!P Bada Lee x F!Reader
Hold Me ~ G!P Alpha!Bada x F!Reader
Trophy ~ G!P Bada Lee x (Jam Republic) F!Reader
Poison ~ G!P Bada Lee
I Won't Stop Until That Girl Is Mine ~ Bada Lee x (Jam Republic) F!Reader
Caught Between Pink and Blue ~ Bada Lee × SWF2 Crew Leader!F!Reader x Kirsten Dodgen
Global Domination ~ BEBE!Bada Lee x OC!Team F!Reader
Unusual ~ Bada Lee x F!Reader
Pyramid Game
G!P Baek Harin, G!P Kim Dayeon x F!Reader (Non/Dubcon)
G!P Stepsis!Baek Harin Thoughts
Which One? ~ G!P Baek Harin x F!Reader x G!P Sung Soo-Ji (Non/Dubcon)
Big Sis ~ G!P Stepsis!Baek Harin (Non/Dubcon)
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fanfiction4sooya · 1 year ago
Hi guys! Just a quick introduction: I'm Lua, 27 brazilian woman who loves to write. This blog is for kpop girl groups and gg's only. I write for fun and for fun only, so I don't like angst and will probably write it only under request (and I can say no if it makes me uncomfortable bc I'm really bad at it).
I try to be as polite and gentle as a human possibly can, but I can and will set boundaries (and be mean) if I have to. (Some people tend to go crazy since they are anonymous)
Mainly a NSFw blog focused on Sub F!R x Dom Idol and Idol x Idol; but feel free to request Dom Fem!R :) I write imagines, thoughts, MTL, polygamous relationships (3 people only) and honestly a lot of other stuff, just check with me on my ask box and I'll let you know!!
I only write smut for girls with legal age/people I'm comfortable writing for;
If I see spam in my ask box I won't respond and probably will delete it, I definitely do not to want to bring any negative attention towards anyone, nor shame anyone.
I don't write about any disorders at all.
Do NOT call me mommy under any circumstances, I'll be rude to you if you do.
Please be kind to each other! 💖
My favorite groups are:
BP, Dreamcatcher, Itzy (Top 3). Twice (For the n*zi shirt incident I chose to NOT write for Chaeyoung, no hate for her or those who write for her), Red velvet, IVE, Loona, WJSN, New Jeans (But I don't write for them), Le Sserafim, XG, G- Idle, aespa, SNSD and VIVIZ
Soloists: Yena, Bibi, Eunbi, BoA, Sunmi, CL, Chungha, Soojin
Dancers: NoZe, Lee Jung.
So here are the links for what I write. Fics are blue, imagines are pink, asks and requests are red!
Crazy over you - Jisoo x Fem! Reader
Dom! Jennie x bimbo reader
Office game - Handong x Yoohyeon
Happy Su-A day!
Annoyingly you (A! Chaeryeong/ O!Lia)
Hot wife Chaeryeong
BFF's Yeji and Chaeryeong
Power Bottom Chaeryeong
Soft love making with Chaeryeong
Pervy neighbor chaeryeong
No rush (Yeji x F!R)
Le Sserafim:
Make me yours (Sakura X Yunjin)
Can't save you now (Sakura x Chaewon x Kazuha)
Speak up (Dom Kazuha x F!Sub reader)
Lakers Yunjin fucking you
Sloppy head with Yunjin
Puppy needs (Hybrid Yunjin x F!Reader)
Dog hybrid yunjin claiming you
Just a quick lesson (Yunjin x F!Reader)
Fire & Gasoline (A! Jihyo x O! Reader)
Pretty Pet (Sana x F! Reader)
Mornings with you (G!P Momo x F!Reader)
G!P Mina x F! Reader
Jealous Step mommy Sana (G!P)
MILF Sana x Maid F! Reader
Fisting with Step mom! Sana
G!P Doctor Sana x F! Reader
Rewarding Idol!Jihyo
Cockwarming w/ Jihyo
Masc! Jihyo
Possessive G!P Momo
Deep throat w/ G!P Mina
Sana x miyeon
GF Jeongyeon
Brat tamers Jeong and Sana
Loophole (sub nayeon x sub reader)
Sana overstimulating you
Twice as hybrids (g!p)
Jeongyeon bottoming for you
On edge (sana x F! Reader)
Cry for me (Dahyun x F! Reader)
Forbidden dream (G!p Nayeon x Fem! Reader)
G!p jeongyeon making you cum
Momo x chubby Fem! Reader
Double Trouble (G!P Yujin x F!Reader x G!P Gaeul)
Rough G!P Yujin x innocent F!Reader
Yujin degrading F!Reader
Nerdy student Yujin
Cockwarming Yujin
G!P Gaeul w/ innocent tutor F!Reader
Birthday Sex w/ Wonyoung
Wonyoung x Bratty F!Reader
Riding hung Gauel
Wolf hybrid Yujin
My dream girl (Wonyoung x Liz) - Fluff
Possessive hybrid wonyoung
Loser yujin giving you head (G!P)
A little relief (Shuhua x Miyeon)
Miyeon x Yuqi
Miyeon with a breeding kink
Somnophilia & Mimin
Thoughts on mafia boss Miyeon
Red Velvet:
Addictive (Wendy x F!Reader)
Possessive mommy Irene
Loyal dog (Sub A! Seulgi x Dom O! Reader)
Cult leaders RV fucking you
Alpha Seulgi helping on your first heat
Dirty thoughts about Irene
Joy + innocence kink
Mommy Karina
The closest to her (G!P Winter x F!R)
Gamer winter neglecting you
Dirty thoughts about ningning
Somnophilia with puppy minjeong
Call her now (Karina x Fem!R)
Let me help (Tiffany x F!Reader)
Fox hybrid yuri
Possessive alpha Tiffany
How big is alpha Bada/ Tiffany
Jessica Jung and F! R first time
Tiffany with younger gf
Somno w/ Tiffany on her birthday
Use me please (Exy x Dayoung)
Pillow princess Harvey
Loona: -
I'll be your sweet dream (Heejin X F!Reader)
Camgirl! yeojin
Thoughts on G!P Kim Lip
Kitty cat (Hybrid Julie x F!Reader)
Married Reader x Yena
Car sex w/ Yena
Bitter (Eunbi x F! Reader)
Touchy BIBI
Dom coded BoA
Sly fox, dumb bunny (G!P Bada x F!Reader)
Alpha Bada
How big is alpha Bada/ Tiffany
Alpha Bada in rut
Making out with NoZe
Lee Jung:
Hard dom Lee Jung
654 notes · View notes
gamerwoo · 11 months ago
[Tales from the Pack] Jeonghan: Sold (Part Three)
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Characters: Jeonghan x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, loooots of mentions of the black market/human trafficking, people in cages, shock collars, violence, murder, guns, possible minor character death, just a lot of bad things happening here and it's very chaotic lmao
Word count: 3,253
Summary: If Jooyeon and Baekhyun never went snooping around the black market, they would’ve never discovered the human trafficking ring and wanted to help. They would’ve never discovered you inside one of the many cages full of people, and Jeonghan would’ve never went against the alphas and demanded they help. But for you, Jeonghan would do anything, even if it means bringing back trouble from a past he never knew about.
a/n: things in bold are meant to be in english
Previous | Next | Sold Masterlist
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn’t do it if it were Jooyeon in there. Or Yeji. Or Soomin. Or any of the girls in this household. You’d see your mate laying in a cage, dirty, exhausted, knowing they were being sold off to a pack of mate-collectors, and you’d just let them go?”
That was enough persuasion for the pack to finally cave and agree to help Jeonghan. Those who had mates understood how it felt. The others could imagine how horrible it must’ve felt to see that, and the determination Jeonghan felt to do anything possible to get you out of that situation. 
Junmyeon’s pack was hard to persuade – well, except for Chanyeol – but they eventually agreed to help.
“I don’t think we’ll be able to overtake whoever’s behind the ring, though,” Junmyeon admitted. “We don’t even know how many people are involved.”
“Hanbin will no doubt help us,” Kyung said.
“I can ask Chris, too,” Cooper shrugged. “At least having Felix or Changbin would be helpful.”
“Either way,” Seungcheol interrupted, “we’re going to plan this from all angles. Whether we have four packs or just two – we’re going to make sure we can pull this off.”
“Our main goal is getting Blue out of there,” Jihoon added on, “but we’re gonna try to save as many people as we can.”
Jongdae stopped the explanation, “Who’s Blue?”
“That’s what Jeonghan started calling her,” Joshua explained. 
“It’s the color of her collar,” the boy in question shrugged. “What else am I supposed to call her?”
“That rhymed!” Soonyoung smiled, pointing to Jeonghan enthusiastically before taking Jihoon’s palm to the back of the head.
“Where are these captives expected to go after they’re free?” Sehun wondered. “Just…wander off into the woods? They’ll just get caught again.”
“Cooper and I worked together with an ally of mine to find some safe housing for them,” Kyung explained. “Her and her partners work under the table as werewolf doctors. Besides, the public already views werewolves as horrible creatures so I’m sure anybody would be willing to take someone in who was almost a part of a werewolf kidnapping.”
“And how long do we have to figure all of this out?” Yixing questioned.
“That’s the problem,” Seungcheol sounded a little afraid and unsure now, “...we don’t know. Which means we have to plan this and execute it immediately.”
You felt absolute fear watching the girl be thrown to the ground, blood covering half her face. But you didn’t scream or even move. You learned not to. You did anything you were told to avoid drawing attention to yourself. Anything to not get hurt more than you already were.
“Can you be fucking careful?” one of the other men snapped gruffly at the one who’d thrown the girl to the ground by her hair. “If they’re damaged, they’re not gonna pay as much!”
“They already paid half and it was more than enough,” another said.
“But I want the other half in full!”
You knew about whoever had bought you. The men kept saying you were going to be ‘slaves to monsters’, but you were pretty sure they were the real monsters. You’d heard all the stories about werewolves, but you didn’t feel any fear knowing you were soon going to be shipped off to a den of them. However, you didn’t trust any human anymore. Your whole life, all they’d done is hurt you and betray you. None of them were compassionate. All of them just looked for personal gain, and you were somehow always in the crossfire.
Maybe a life with werewolves would be better.
In the cage next to you, you heard a scoff. You already knew it was Saoirse. She seemed to always be doing something to get in trouble, but she was the only person there that you talked to. She was the only human you’d met that wasn’t completely horrible.
“They’re gonna be in for a rude awakening when these cages are empty one morning,” she muttered.
You scooted a little closer to the edge of the cage closest to her, “What?”
Saoirse was the only person you ever spoke to. You wouldn’t necessarily consider her a friend considering the trouble she got herself in, but she was someone that you could keep at arm's length. She’d been nice to you a handful of times, so you’ve gotten her out of trouble with her language barrier in return. You spoke to each other here and there to pass the time and relieve boredom, but that was really it.
She glanced over at you like she just now noticed you were there before she looked back at the scene in the middle of the tent, “Some creatures showed up here last night. They looked human but their eyes were something else, and they promised to get us all out of here.”
You were both speaking quietly so as to not draw the attention away from the men bickering among themselves, but you still kept stealing glances over toward them to make sure they didn’t notice the two of you talking.
“And you trust strangers to save us?” you questioned.
She shrugged, “What reason would they have to come here and find us? And why would they lie about saving us?”
“What reason would they have to save us?” you countered, looking back at her.
She tisked, “Let me have something to be hopeful for, will ya?”
“Hey!” one of the men yelled, making you jump but Saoirse didn’t even seem phased. You whipped your head around while her eyes just glanced behind you to the three men. “Do you two wanna be next?”
You quickly shook your head.
Saoirse never understood what they said, so she just muttered for them to fuck off like she always did, which then angered the men because they couldn’t understand her. Typically, they’d do something to punish her, but today, the man scoffed and waved the issue away.
“The freaks will have a field day with you,” he spat before the three of them left the tent.
“Guess lunch time isn’t happening…” she muttered with a roll of her eyes.
“You need to stop making things worse for yourself,” you huffed, your voice tired.
Truthfully, you were still feeling quite groggy. You always were, but you’d woken up only a few minutes prior to the girl getting beat for whatever reason the men found to do so. You didn’t want to go back to sleep but it was hard keeping your eyes open.
“I’m not letting shit like this happen to me without a fight,” she scoffed. “If I’m capable, I’ll do anything to stop what’s happening to us. I mean, those people last night wouldn’t have come and offered to free us if I didn’t stay awake.”
“We’re all going to the same place either way,” you finally snapped, sending her a glare. “You’re fighting for nothing and making it worse for yourself – and you almost dragged me down with you. Leave me out of your…righteous bullshit or whatever.”
You rarely snapped at Saoirse, but she still didn’t seem phased by it, “You need to stop letting bad shit happen to you, Girl. That’s why it keeps happening. You don’t do anything to try and fight back.”
“And which one of us have gotten beaten the most?”
Before Saoirse could come up with a snappy reply that you knew she’d have, the tent flaps opened again, and two different men showed up with stale bread. They tossed half a loaf in each cage that everyone would fight over and tear apart like animals. Some hurt each other in the process, so hungry that they were feral for every single crumb they could get, even if it meant scratching and grabbing at each other.
As always, you stayed away in a corner and watched the other six people in your cage dive after the bread tossed in, snarling and yelling and fighting over it. You didn’t get food, but at least you weren’t injured even worse.
“Hey. Girl.”
That’s what Saoirse called you. You didn’t have a name – not that you could remember. So she always called you Girl to get your attention.
You turned your head just in time to see Saoirse tossing something through the bars and into your cage. You quickly cupped your hands to catch whatever it was. A piece of bread half the size of your fist.
You glanced back up at her and she offered you a small smirk before biting into her half of the bread. Nobody in the cage dared fight Saoirse over the portion she’d managed to get because she was infamous for fighting back. They knew fighting against her would be a losing battle because she dared to even fight back against the men holding them all captive.
Maybe it was smarter to fight back like Saoirse, even if it meant worse punishments. But life had punished you so much already, and you were tired of fighting.
As you nibbled on your bread, turning so your back was to your cagemates, you decided one really couldn’t teach old dogs new tricks.
The locked gate in front of the flaps to the tent was no issue for Soonyoung before, but the pack needed him focused. So the question stood as the pack planned for the prison break: how to get into the tent in the first place without running into the werewolf traps set around the perimeters?
“Okay…” Cooper began slowly and softly, afraid to speak the plan she was brewing out loud because she didn’t want it to be considered bad or stupid, “what if we had someone on the inside who could unlock the gate? Like…maybe a mouse?”
“A mouse?” Chanyeol had scoffed.
Jihoon considered the idea and shrugged slightly, “I mean, that’s not a bad idea, actually. Small enough the guards probably wouldn’t see him.”
“Where the hell are you guys gonna find a trained mouse?” Baekhyun asked with an incredulous laugh.
Chris simply pointed with his thumb to the boy sitting beside him, “Perfectly trained, right here.”
“Make that two,” Jaesang said as he raised his hand to head-level.
And that’s exactly what step one of the plan was. A tiny gray mouse scurried around the perimeter of the outside of the tent, alongside a dark brown one, going up toward the black iron gate. The outside of the gate wasn’t protected this time, but Felix and Jaesang could see two men inside the gate that were a few feet away from the entrance. 
They shimmied up one of the bars to the latch and together, managed to push it up, jumping down as the gate swung open so they could hurry inside before possibly getting stepped on, knowing they couldn’t see the people who would be following right behind them.
The two guards looked up, their conversation falling silent as the gate swung open seemingly out of nowhere.
“How the hell did that happen?” one of the men asked as they both stepped up to inspect the gate’s latch before closing it. “Did the latch break?”
“No, it looks–”
The man didn’t finish his sentence as his head was suddenly thrown back like he’d been punched in the face. The other guy looked up in surprise, only for his neck to get twisted at an unnatural angle, and with a snap, he fell to the ground. His companion soon met the same fate as a human Jaesang snuck up behind him while he was distracted with the pain in his now bloodied nose.
Seungcheol and Cooper appeared behind the first man’s body, Cooper’s hand on Seungcheol’s back being removed now that they were safe to be visible.
“There’s more guys around the back,” Felix informed them as the rest of the group began rushing in through the front gate. “We’re gonna have our work cut out for us.”
“We’ve got four packs against some humans,” Jinyoung chuckled, clearly feeling good about the odds. “It’ll be a piece of cake.”
“Just don’t get too cocky,” Hanbin warned.
“Cocky’s his middle name,” Kyung muttered before going off with her group to subdue the men keeping the people in the cages.
“Alright, get up! Everybody up! Let’s go!”
It wasn’t the first time you’d woken up to a man yelling for you all to wake up, but this wasn’t a voice you’d heard before. This one was softer, but still sounded urgent. Your eyes groggily peeled open as you tried to sit up, your bones and joints stiff and aching. Your vision was blurry so you thought you were surely just seeing things when you saw someone grab ahold of the metal bars and pull them open almost effortlessly. You sat up completely and rubbed at your eyes, only to see someone with blonde hair, yellow eyes, and a kind smile standing right in front of you, his slender fingers wrapped around the bars. He looked like an absolute angel with his perfect teeth, pink lips, and kind eyes that looked right at you. He made your heart flutter.
“Let’s get you out of here,” he said before pushing the bars apart enough to create a gap for the people in your cage to get out.
He was quick to scoop you up before the other six people in your cage trampled you to get free. But as soon as you were too close to the bars, your collar went off with a continuous shock that had you letting out a strangled yell.
Jeonghan was quick to grab the collar by the black box and rip the blue collar from your neck. 
Unfortunately for the wolves, it was chaos trying to free these people. Of course, they were panicking trying to run away and weren’t going to listen to those trying to guide them safely outside the tent and to freedom. Some were guided out and made it to those waiting at the perimeter to guide them toward the safehouses they had set, but others were ignoring all instruction and running for their lives, getting hurt or killed in the process. Some of them ran out, clutching their necks as they were shocked to no end as they tried to make their escape. 
Jeonghan wasn’t focusing on that. His only job was to get you out and get you back to the house as quickly and safely as possible. Once he had you, he was supposed to run for it, and that’s exactly what he was doing, dodging other captives and wolves as he ran for the exit with every wolf he ran passed covering him so he could make a safe escape with you.
As you were being carried out, you saw another man prying open the bars of Saoirse’s cage. She immediately leapt out and followed where the man was pointing to, running to follow after you and the strange man who was carrying you. Her eyes caught yours over his shoulder, and she seemed to brighten a little and give you a knowing smile as if to say ‘I told you so’.
The man jogged through the gates before he bolted for an escape.
“Jihoon!” he called. “Cover me!”
Jihoon stopped what he was doing as soon as he spotted Jeonghan, then his eyes looked behind him to see a guard chasing after them. His eyes glowed to life as he held his palm toward the man before flinging him backward toward the tent, his back hitting the iron bars of the gate.
You looked around, seeing absolute chaos around you as giant wolves tore apart men, and captives ran for their lives or were shot down. Then you looked behind you to see Saoirse still running behind you.
If you weren’t looking at her, you wouldn’t have known the scream that came from her mouth was hers before she hit the ground. You could see blood staining the back of her shirt, the pool of it spreading. 
“Saoirse!” you cried, reaching your hand behind the man.
He skidded to a stop, turning to see who you were yelling for. He looked over at Jihoon again, and the alpha nodded, running toward the girl. 
Jeonghan didn’t wait to see what would happen to Saoirse. He couldn’t wait. He had to get you home. He had to get you to safety. So he turned back around and continued running the way he had been.
While he was focused on your safety, though, you were fixated on Saoirse’s. Sure, she was trouble, but she was the closest thing you’d ever had to a friend. So while Jeonghan ran, you watched over his shoulder to see what her fate would be.
The scream cut through the tense air. Everyone had clamped their hands over their ears, eyes closing tight as if it could help drown out the scream. Mingyu’s eyes were watering just from the sharp noise.
Finally, it died off, leaving everyone to look to Eunjin standing in the doorway of the den, hands still holding a plate of food like nothing happened. But her blue eyes were locked on the girl at the end of the hallway, clinging to the back of Jeonghan’s shirt with fear in her eyes. Eunjin’s eyes were glossy and filled with tears, and the two wolves who had been left behind to take care of the mates began to panic.
Eunjin was staring at you.
“What happened?” Joshua asked urgently as he rushed over to her. He stood in front of her, gently gripping her upper arms and searching her eyes, but it was like he wasn’t even there to her. It was like she was still staring through him at you. “Eunjin? Did you hear something? Do you sense something? What is it?”
The three wolves waited for her response, but they knew her scream woke up every single mate upstairs and they would no doubt be down to ask questions soon. Immediately, they feared the worst. One of their own had died. Hell, maybe you were going to kill them. That wouldn’t have caught Eunjin’s attention like that. She would’ve sensed or heard something more significant than that.
And you were even more confused than anyone else because that was the first thing you experienced after Jeonghan opened the door.
It felt like time was frozen until Eunjin’s lips quivered and she said in a whisper, “I have a bad feeling again…”
The small group looked around at each other with a mix of worried and grim looks. They all knew what that meant. It was a feeling she got when she had met Hansol before. She screamed when she saw him, and then Jiung died and things went downhill with Kyung. 
Then three pairs of golden eyes were on you, along with Eunjin’s blue eyes that sent a shiver down your spine for reasons other than her screaming at you.
But Jeonghan didn’t care. He didn’t care if you brought death or something, if he were honest. Maybe Eunjin just sensed death associated with you because of what had happened. He’d make up any excuse in his head for you. He’d defend you in front of his entire pack if he had to. All he wanted was you to be safe, and now that he had you in his arms, he could make sure you always would be. And he’d never let you go.
»»————-  ————-««
Tag list (italics are unable to tag): @choiminjae0325 @dumbasslonelybisexual @yoonbabe-d @exuwu @lets-get-1t @vintageot5 @sehunnies-hunnie96 @childfmoonn @ash-is-psychotic @haoareyou @wobwobkpop @dirinast @joshwoah @wreckedbytae @salty-for-suga @xu-miseo @uglyratlmao @onewoowonderboy @artistic-rendition @mrsfandomz @psshwa @peachy-hoon @chaseyui @haven-cove @belledamsceno @saxtaee @k-pop-ology @uglychildd @eclvpe @killcomet @coupsiekkuma @sunlightwoo @jelly-fishy-babie @valtxy @birthday-prinxess @sooooofrench @seungsanhun @svtbubs @ada-lucia @queenofhimbos @soonwoosz @babyminghao @hao-are-xu @onefinecarat @patat-boi @shawkneecaps @dinosvvrs @apple-m @cheolliehugs @jisungsdreamy @imtaehyungry @superheros-and-others @semicolorn @gyaaah @whimsicalwoodlands @aunty-tiger-potato @sbnchaos @seventeensdaesang @sleeplessdailyhours @junuoyi @yiyi4657 @randombandit77 @restless-nights-thoughts @allpiecesofmybrokenheart @charlieshelves @allie-mcginn @peachescherryheart @brattybunfornct @henloiamaweirdobye @anissanightyoung  [if you’d like to be added to the tag list, please fill out this form!!!]
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urno1luv · 17 days ago
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masterlist + intro
u can call me luv, i'm bi, 18 and i write for fun ^_^ i am editing this are ur reading rn🫣
yes! : female reader, female idols, gender neutral reader, dark, taboo kinks, sub reader, dom idol
no. : male reader, male idols, g!p reader, scat/piss kink, abuse/extreme violence, sub idol
groups as of right now: aespa, dreamcatcher, twice, itzy, kiss of life, le sserafim, red velvet, ive
anons: 💜, 🦊
karina: squid game, ningrina roommate, dom aespa, vampires yeji and rina,
giselle: stepmom gigi, sub gigi, sub gigi pt 2, squid game, dom aespa, stepsis gigi, somno giselle, sugar mama gigi,
winter: squid game, puppy winter, anger issues winter, dom aespa, hitman winter, horny thought about abs, change of heart (fic pt 1), change of heart (fic pt 2), horny thought about hands, breeding kink gf,
ningning: squid game, ningrina roommate, dom aespa, best friend ning,
siyeon: gang affiliated siyeon, gang affiliated siyeon pt 2,
nayeon: ceo nayeon,
jeongyeon: soft dom jeongyeon,
sana: possessive sana , what if you were her assistant?, quick sex with surgeon sana, sana x aespa!member reader,
jihyo: pilates instructor reader × gymrat jihyo,
mina: girlfriend mina,
yeji: vampires rina and yeji,
ryujin: pursuing you with her gf natty, making out while high, hard dom ryujin, ryunatty pt2,
le sserafim:
sakura: vampire kkura,
yunjin: puppy yunjin sfw, puppy yunjin nsfw, puppy gf yunjin again (😮‍💨), yunjin as ur hot classmate,
kiss of life:
natty: pursuing you with her gf ryujin, ryunatty pt2,
red velvet:
seulgi: alpha seulgi,
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minnielvr · 2 years ago
ROSES ; a lee felix smau ────────── synopsis : y/n is a cafe worker and a big fan of the kpop boy group stray kids, what happens when her bias walks into her cafe? pairing : idol! lee felix x fem! reader featuring : stray kids, keeho & jeongseob from p1harmony, yunjin from le sserafim, yeji (faceclaim) & ryujin from itzy, others may be added as the story continues. warnings : cursing, kys jokes, bullying (jokingly), extremely suggestive jokes. status + updates : this smau is complete. notes: begging u guys from the bottom of my heart pls dont spam like😞🙏!!!!!!!!!!!!! ───────── profiles cutie patooties😛 | homeless kids🔥🔥 chapters 1. get off my case 2. YOU MET FELIX?!?!!? 3. is she bad? 4. today is the day🫡 5. THIS IS NOT A DRILL 6. bro is down BAD 7. no promises 8. im the alpha 9. what the actual fuck... 10. how is it different? 11. ur hopelessly in love w him 12. im listening... 13. devils tango 14. boyfie 15. smooch😘😍🥰 16. what the fart 17. micheal jackson room 18. it smells like piss in here 19. daddy🥵 20. hes a keeper 21. funny 22. wtf... 23. old friend 24. wake up and break up! 25. break up over text 26. hes miserable 27. mission impossible 28. take me back? 29. god i love you ───────── the taglist is closed!!
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snowdeong · 1 year ago
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I was cooking here damn
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rryeongchaes · 8 months ago
ABO au: alpha Ryujin x alpha Yeji x omega Chaeryeong 🔞 // minors dni // a non-traditional take on abo dynamics, fluff and smut
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[word count: 89,955] [tags for each entry are added to best suit each work]
Full series in order: (P) = post
self control : ryujin / chaeryeong
already mine : ryujin / chaeryeong
melt my heart : yeji / ryujin / chaeryeong
feeling your love : yeji / chaeryeong
deep in your ocean : yeji / ryujin / chaeryeong ch1 || ch2
striding down the cliff : yeji / ryujin
unequivocally yours : yeji / ryujin / chaeryeong ch1 || ch2
ruin me softly : yeji / ryujin / chaeryeong (P)
stripped bare : yeji / ryujin / chaeryeong (P) ch1 || ch2
bound to you : yeji / chaeryeong (P)
all of my attention : yeji / ryujin / chaeryeong (P)
dazed and senseless : yeji / ryujin / chaeryeong (P1) (P2) ch1 || ch2
a taste of your lips : yeji / chaeryeong (P)
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sparklingblu · 6 months ago
Here's my work so far.
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Pt.1 The Invitation ft. Rei
Pt.2 The Ring ft. Eunbi
Pt.3 Alpha & Omega ft. Yeji
Pt.4 O, Death ft. Shuhua
Pt.5 Eclipse ft. Chaewon
Pt. 6 Resistance ft. Karina
Pt.7 - ?
Infinite Impossibilities: A Pervert's Dream Journal
Day 1: Karina
Other works
Parádeisos ft. Miyeon
Atonement ft. Giselle
Inferior Activities ft. Lia
Metamorphosis ft. Sakura
A Christmas Carol ft. Sakura,Yunjin and Kazuha
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That's it! Have a Sakura.
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queenofdragons12 · 2 years ago
Spellbound [Pt.1]
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paring: wolf! Stray Kids x Wolf! Luna! Reader x wolf! bts
summary: a pack gathering might turn out differently than you thought. After all, under a full moon, anything can happen.
wanring: lil but of angst. bts being jealous (not gonna happen until the next chapter.
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You can't believe it. Never. You stand before the stage you thought would always hold the most perfect, untouchable idols like BTS, BLACKPINK, and many more. But tonight, it holds you, and you are far from perfect.
You have the biggest scar on your back and two smaller ones under your lip, and, unfortunately, one over your left eye. These were left from a fight you had with the rival pack's alpha, and she didn't exactly allow you to go unscathed.
Your pack has been in hysterics since then, but now you are finally showing yourself to the public. It hurts to reveal this vulnerable side to those who love you, but they must accept it. That's how love works.
"Ah, tonight we have the warrior queen Y/N from the Moon Pack. Please welcome her with us tonight," said the host, and everyone clapped. You felt a bit queasy but stayed polite; this annual gathering was significant, and a must for every wolf pack around here.
It had to be done, no matter what had happened.
Your deputy, Yeji, had offered to go in your place, but that would show weakness in the Moon Pack, and you couldn't allow that. So confidently, you strode to the stage and greeted the other packs, all their alphas. The scent of the males was festering around, and a few females had come here, too, to look for mates.
However, you weren't looking for one, but that didn't seem to go through those thick skulls.
A rival alpha named Wojin stepped up to you and smirked, "Hey, Y/N, I'm Hung Wojin from the Sun Pack," he greeted, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles. Usually, this would've been a sweet gesture, but you knew you were far from being a queen, even if the public and your pack saw you as one.
You drew your hand politely back, "Nice evening to you too, Mr. Wojin. I never knew the Sun Pack would dare to show up," you said, your tone polite yet cold. Wojin's eyes twitched, "Ah well, the last year's accident isn't that big a problem anymore," he said, waving it off.
"I perceive," you remarked, allowing a cold grin to grace your countenance before departing to offer salutations to your allied pack, the Wind Pack. "Namjoon," you addressed the alpha of the Wind Pack, who bestowed a respectful bow. "Welcome back, Y/N," he responded, embracing you. The two packs have stood as allies since your inception, and his father serves as the pack's leader.
"Are you certain that your presence here tonight is prudent?" he inquired as both of you were served drinks by a waiter. You dismissed his concern with a scoff, gently tracing your fingers over the scars beneath your lips. "I shall be unscathed, Joon. I traversed the entire distance from my territory to this eclipse spot," you stated, nonchalantly brushing aside his solicitude, oblivious to the depth of his concern, surpassing the boundaries of mere friendship.
Unaware of his scrutiny, your keen (e/c) eyes alighted upon Stray Kids and their leader, Bang Chan. "Approach and engage him in conversation," Namjoon suggested abruptly, catching you off guard. "I-" you attempted to interject. Still, he swiftly intervened, "Come now, this gathering is intended for finding suitable mates and embracing authenticity. It is not as fraught with tension as previous ones. Relinquish your reservations a little," he encouraged, gently nudging you towards the Rain Pack. The pack was dubbed Stray Kids or Pups, having once been a conglomerate of strays until they integrated into the territories of the existing packs, eventually becoming one of the most formidable and esteemed packs in the vicinity. Their combat prowess garnered universal admiration.
You sighed and walked over, still holding your wine glass.
The pack's deputy noticed you and nudged Chan, and soon you had eight pairs of eyes fixed on you. It made you feel somewhat uneasy, but you gave the males a deep bow. "I am Y/N," you introduced yourself. A grin emerged on one of the younger ones, and he grabbed your hand. "We know; we saw you when you came," he said smoothly, but Chan nudged him away, giving him a stern glare, before taking your hand and kissing it instead.
"Apologize for Hyunjin's behavior; this is his and the pups' first pack gathering," Chan explained. You simply smiled and then realized he hadn't let go of your hand yet.
"Ahem," someone cleared their throat behind you, and you whipped around to see your rival, the female alpha Thea. She wasn't precisely well-known, but she was undeniably pretty and possessed a diva-like confidence.
"I see you're with our Stray Kids," she snapped. You gave her a glare, still not having forgiven her for the wounds you suffered because of her. Chan stepped in beside you, and the rest of his pack followed suit, aligning with their alpha.
"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Chan inquired, and you felt a reassuring hand on your back. You grinned wolfishly, as it seemed this pack was already captivated by your presence.
Let us hope they remain enthralled.
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fanfiction4sooya · 1 year ago
Tried to write something today but had two meetings one after the other and now my brain is fried 🥹 but here are the next stories I'll write:
- No rush (Yeji x Fem! Reader)
-Alpha Seulgi xF! Omega's first heat;
-Subby Alpha Seulgi;
-College au with Somi;
- Cam girl! Yeojin;
-Heejin smut;
-Bada smut.
(No particular order)
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