#alph hingley
petratherrock · 2 months
I've finished Sugar Apple Fairytale s2 and now I'm joining the prayer for the rest of the light novels to be adapted. I'm on my knees
Please.....from the spoilers I've got of the novels I reallllly want them in anime form.
I wanna see more of Challe, Ann, Mythril Lid Pod, Cat and Benjamin !!!
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romancemedia · 4 months
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Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Light Novel; Vols 7-17
These Volumes have yet to be released in English
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maruren · 1 year
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I hyperfixed on an unpopular ship in an unpopular fandom. Absolutely nothing about these two on the internet. And what did I do? Made content for myself, of course!
It's not that the main couple of anime/light novel is bad. Ann for her sugar craft will go into fire and water, and Shell will go after her...
But I like the ship dynamics of these two a lot more. I can't wait to see them interact live in the anime. Technically, it was in episode 13, but we didn't see it. In the light novel, this moment is also not shown.
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Initially, I was neutral about the anime, but only because of these two I read the entire light novel. It was in the most clumsy translation (thanks, Siri, Alice), but the meaning was not so difficult to understand. (Except for the moment of the last chapter; or, perhaps, I deny such an ending for these two)
(I'm crazy about these two, but I have a lot of fun).
spoilers alert!
...Hugh's attitude towards the Kat is unacceptably sweet.
They are really childhood friends, they literally spent most of their lives together in Mercury's workshop. Therefore, they are more likely close friends or old brother/young brother to each other.
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I doubt that the Kat hates or despises Hugh. They obviously quarreled throughout the light novel. However, they treat each other with great respect as individuals and artisans.
The light novel doesn't specifically mention why they are at odds at the start of the story, but I'm assuming it's because of Hugh's decision to become a silver sugar viscount.
Because Alph asked Hugh run a silver candy store together.
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(bonus kiss)
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
If you're an artisan, then never look up to anyone else. You are one-of-a-kind, and second to absolutely no one. — Alph Hingley, Sugar Apple Fairytale.
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sweetchcolate · 9 months
I LOVE your posts about Sugar Apple Fairy Tale and just read your fanfic about Rafael visiting a pregnant Ann and loved it! I hope you write more fanfics on Sugar Apple Fairy Tale and can I request you write about Ann and Shall's wedding. IT WOULD FILL ME WISH SO MUCH JOY THAT YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE!
fandom: sugar apple fairy tale words: 5677 title: wedding prep shenanigans summary: A humorous glimpse into the weeks leading up to Anne and Shall’s wedding as their friends and guests show up one after the other.
also available on ao3!
A/N: Hiya, this ask is from late august/early september, so thank you for waiting all this time!
It's more on the funny/gen side since my last fic (spillover) was 100% pure fluff, but there was no way I could write about Anne and Shall's wedding without involving all the friends the two made over their adventures.
Thank you for waiting! I hope it was worth it!
As a heads-up, there are some spoilers for events in future LN volumes in Keith's section. It starts when he says "Ah, I was thinking out loud…" and ends when you read "It had been a worrisome whirlwind of drama and tragedy."
(And the changes of spelling between Cat and Kat are on purpose, depending on who talks to him. When it's Cat, it's because they're referencing the animal).
Despite the distance separating them, when Alph Hingley, Keith Powell, Hugh Mercury, Bridget Page, Elliot Collins, and the many other friends Anne and Shall made over the years received a notice for the wedding ceremony of a certain sugar master and an obsidian fairy, they all shared the same thought.
It’s about time.
Followed immediately by: wait, if I received an invitation, then who’s planning this?
Bridget, with her fiancé Orland and her ex-fiancé Elliot in tow, was the first one to arrive, of course. She greeted Anne with a warm hug, gave a solemn nod to Shall fen Shall and Mythril Lid Pod, and went straight to the crux of things.
“The wedding is only weeks away! Do you have everything planned?”
“Your dress?”
“Almost done. The seamstress wanted to see me one or two more times to make the final adjustments.”
“And Shall’s outfit?”
“All set!”
“What about the reception?”
“Right next to the church. The head priest and the mayor said they’d lend us tables and chairs so we could eat and party outside.”
“And how many people are you expecting? Do you have a guest list?”
Anne handed over the list, which Bridget briefly skimmed through. She nodded in satisfaction.
“Who’s in the charge of the catering? Oh, and what about the sugar confection? Did you order one? Who did you ask?”
“A-about that…”
“She was planning of making her own,” Shall said, his first intervention since Bridget started grilling Anne over the details. He hadn’t looked up once from whatever he was sewing, but it was obvious he’d kept up with the conversation. “She said she didn’t want to trouble anyone.”
“Shall!” Anne cried, betrayed.
Elliot frowned. He threw an arm around Anne’s shoulders, drawing her to him. He ruffled her hair.
“That won’t do, Anne. Do you know how many people would die to make your wedding sugar sculpture? Just think of it: Hingley, Powell, Mercury, Nadir, Valentine, King, Orland, Bridget—"
“Why did you cite me last, Elliot?”
“— and of course, saving the best for last: good old me. The silver sugar viscount and the best sugar masters of this generation at your beck and call. Soooo, who’s going to be the lucky sod?”
“Can’t I pick myself?”
“Ah ah,” Elliot tutted, wagging a finger. “No, no, no. Don’t you know it’s bad luck?”
“You guys should all make a sugar confection, and then we can choose a winner on the wedding day!” Mythril piped up.
“We? I wasn’t aware this was your wedding, Mythril Lid Pod,” Shall added.
“Ugh, you know what I meant!”
“Yes. You meant to stuff yourself full of silver sugar.”
“I’m going to gnaw on your wedding tunic.”
“No you won’t!” Bridget cut in. “Do you know how expensive those clothes are? Oh! I almost forgot! What about cosmetics? And your hair?”
Anne blanched, and that was an answer in and of itself.
“Anne, I can’t believe you! Come on, we’re going to Lewiston right now!”
“B-but the wedding isn’t for another mont—”
Shall, Mythril, Elliot, and Orland watched the blonde woman drag her friend. They were all quiet. Elliot made the prayer sign one would for the deceased.
Orland smacked him. To Shall, he said: “Aren’t you going to help Anne out? She’s your fiancée.”
“And she’s being dragged around by your fiancée,” Shall retorted. The implication was clear: if you’re not going to stop her, don’t expect me to.
No one pointed out that the obsidian fairy, a one-man army of his own, could easily have prevented the women from leaving if he was so inclined. Keyword being ‘inclined”. No one could convince Shall (or Bridget for that matter) to do anything they didn’t want to unless you were called Anne Halford.
Mythril repeated the gesture Elliot made moments earlier.
Anne’s face positively lit up, shrieking when the older sugar master lifted her up in a bear hug. The gesture might be uncharacteristic coming from him, but hey, it wasn’t every day that his apprentice-figure was getting married. She deserved the rare show of affection.
“Hiya Anne,” Benjamin said once she was back on the ground. He was as cool and relaxed as ever. “Congratulations on the wedding~”
“Thank you, Benjamin! But it’s still two weeks away.”
“Oh good, we’re early~ The weather was just awful in Snowpoint, I thought we wouldn’t make it.”
“It smells good in here, small stuff,” Kat said. “What’s cooking?”
“An apple pie! I wanted to make a big one for the wedding, so Bridget and I are trying to figure out the right proportions. Want to be our taste-tester?”
“I won’t say no to free food.”
He followed Anne, finding Bridget, Orland, and Elliot huddled around a stove. Or rather, it was more accurate to say Elliot was huddled around the stove. Orland was holding the hearth door open while Bridget put a knife to a delicious-smelling pie. The air was filled with the scent of clove and cinnamon.
“Oooo, Hingley. That’s a nostalgic face if I’ve seen one.”
“Why am I not surprised to find you here, you freeloader.” Kat rolled his eyes. “Langston, Page. Congrats on your engagement again.”
“Thank you,” they answered in unison. Bridget added: “I think the pie is ready. Once it cools, we can eat.”
“Apple pie?” someone shouted from outside. “Wait for me! Don’t you dare eat without the great Mythril Lid Pod!”
It wasn’t long before Mythril showed up, perched on Shall’s shoulders. The two (or rather, the latter) had gone to chop some wood, the supply depleting faster with the addition of Bridget, Orland, and Elliot.
It was also a good way to keep the insatiable Mythril out of the way, lest he try to eat the apple pie dough raw.
“Oh, hi Kat! I thought I recognized your wagon outside! See, Shall fen Shall? I told you it was his!”
“Thank you for your wisdom,” Shall answered, more sarcasm than actual gratitude.
“Rude as ever, huh, Shall,” Kat said, leaning against the counter, arms crossed.
“Done hibernating, mister Cat? Glad you could make it to the wedding.”
“Hey, play nice.”
“No, no, let them, Anne.” Elliot snickered. “It’s free entertainment!”
“At least I’m doing something. You’re just lazing around, Collins.”
“Hey, hey. I’ll have you know I’m here on official Page workshop business.”
“Oh, really? And what is that?”
“We’ve got a wedding sugar confection for a very important client.”
“And where is that sugar confection? I only saw a regular carriage outside, not a crafter’s wagon.”
“Oh, that’s easy. It’s still in my head!”
“You lazy ass—”
While Elliot and Kat bickered, Anne scooted over to Shall, helping him put the wood away.
“It sure has gotten more lively,” she whispered.
“Has it? I tuned them all out since day one.”
Anne shoved him slightly, but the grin on her face betrayed her amusement. “Don’t tell Mythril Lid Pod, or we won’t hear the end of it.”
“Ha. I don’t think we’ll ever have trouble hearing him.”
She held her hands out to take another log. Shall took the opportunity to bring her hand to his mouth, using his body to hide the gesture from their friends. It wasn’t like he had trouble with displays of affections, but Anne and he could do without the teasing.
Especially Collins’s.
“Only two more weeks,” he murmured, voice pitched low, just enough to reach Anne’s ears. She felt every twist of his lips, every syllable pressed in her skin. In the low light, Shall’s eyes gleamed a beautiful dark amethyst.
She blushed, feeling warm, and squeezed his hand back with a shy smile.
“Hey, lovebirds! Get over here before the shrimp eats your share of the pie,” Elliot interrupted with his oh-so-great timing. True to his words, Mythril’s cheeks were full, resembling a squirrel.
Shall and Anne exchanged a look, sharing similar thoughts. Those would be the longest two weeks of their lives.
“I wasn’t expecting everyone to be here already… I’m a bit embarrassed.”
“You’re right on time actually, Keith! Bridget came in early because she wanted to help with the wedding prep, and Elliot and Orland tagged along. And Kat left Snowpoint ahead of time because he didn’t want to be stuck if the roads got snowed in.”
“Still, if I had known, I would have pushed for mister Radcliffe to let me out much earlier.” Keith pointed to the back of his wagon with a hopeful smile. “I hope my sculpture will make it up to you. It’s one of the pieces I’m most proud of!”
“I’m looking forward to it! What did you make?”
“That’s a secret. I can’t have you spoiling your own wedding gift.”
Anne pouted. “Everybody’s so cagey! First, it’s Bridget kicking me out of the venue, then Elliot telling me I can’t go home because he and Orland are making my wedding candy on behalf of the Page workshop.”
“What about Shall? And mister Hingley?”
“They’re checking with the innkeeper if we have enough rooms for all the guests.”
So far, all five artisans and three fairies had piled up in Anne’s and Shall’s home, with Anne and Shall sharing the master bedroom, Bridget in the guest room, Elliot and Orland in the other, and Kat and Mythril sleeping downstairs in the living room. However, after the reception, Anne and Shall would want for intimacy on their wedding night, and so their friends needed somewhere else where to sleep.
“The two of them? Will they be alright?” Keith asked, referencing to Kat’s short temper and Shall’s ability to get a rise out just about anyone with pinpoint precision. The two men got along like… well… cat and dog.
“Mythril Lid Pod’s with them, but if I had known everyone would give me the boot, I would have gone with them,” Anne sighed.
“In that case, do you know what to do when something’s bothering you?”
“Run and leave it all behind, right?”
Keith blinked, but a pleased smile appeared on his face. “I’m surprised you remember that. It’s been so long ago.”
“Of course! I was under a lot of stress back then, you know? Your words were a big help, they really cheered me up.”
“Just my words?” he teased.
“You know what I mean!”
He laughed. “I’m glad I could help.”
They lapsed into comfortable silence, watching the flowers sway in the slight spring breeze. All the snow had already melted, and the land was slowly regaining its colors, waking up from a long deep sleep.
“To think you’re getting married…” Keith murmured under his breath.
“Ah, I was thinking out loud…” He sighed. There was something wistful, but also peaceful about his smile. “Talking about the past got me feeling nostalgic. To think that back then, our biggest worry was whether we’d make silver sugar master.”
True. A lot happened in just a few short years: Anne and Shall’s abduction by his brother Rafael fen Rafael, Shall taking his responsibilities as a potential fairy king and bargaining with the human king to slowly give fairies back their autonomy, Rafael fen Rafael’s return, and Anne and Shall almost dying at his hands and paying the price of surviving such an ordeal with their memories (Anne of her painstakingly hard-earned sugar crafting skills, Shall of his meeting with Anne and all those she brought to his life)…
It had been a worrisome whirlwind of drama and tragedy, but their happy ending was finally within reach.
And not just Anne’s and Shall’s… everyone’s: Bridget and Orland were engaged and most likely the next to get married; Elliot had assumed the reigns of the workshop, taking the strain off Glen’s shoulders; the Page workshop was flourishing ever since the Holy Beginnings exhibit; Kat and Keith kept up their work as sugar masters, refining their skills and gaining in recognition.
Everyone was moving forward towards a bright future.
But a part of Anne missed the old days, a time where life was much simpler.
“This might sound silly, but I hope we all stay in touch. I… I don’t want us to drift apart,” she said, fighting to get the words out of her tightening throat. She was suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of sadness and bittersweetness.
“Of course.” Keith patted her on the back, kind and comforting, and the gesture almost made Anne lose her composure. She sniffed the tears back. “We can meet up for the Royal Fair, for the Holy Beginnings, for Valentine’s day… Your birthday’s on the sixth month, right? So that will be our summer reunion.”
“If we only gathered for my birthday, that’d be unfair.”
“Alright, alright. Let’s come up with our own summer holiday, then. That way, no one’s jealous.”
Anne laughed, shaky. “As long as I don’t have to come up with the name.”
“You can design incredible sugar sculptures to wow royalty, but you’re stumped by names?”
“Hey! I’m a silver sugar master, not a name master!”
He laughed. Keith kept on patting her back until she felt better. She was truly lucky to have such an attentive and thoughtful person as a friend.
There was so much she wanted to thank him for, but she doubted she could ever convey the depths of her feelings, so Anne poured all her gratitude, her happiness, and her appreciation into two simple words: “Thank you.”
Keith wrapped his arm around her shoulders and squeezed. He whispered, barely a murmur on the wind, “Anytime.”
“Anne! Anne! Congratulations on the wedding!”
“Actually, it’s ‘congratulations on the engagement.’”
Noah ignored Valentine’s correction, clinging to Anne. “Can I see your dress?”
“Not today!” Anne laughed at the fairy’s pout. “Don’t worry, you’ll see it in two days.”
“But that’s too faaaaaaaar.”
“Noah.” It was Glen who spoke. The older man was on the edge of his seat, waiting for Anne and Noah to clear the way so he could get off the carriage. “If you’re that excited, why don’t you go check the church? That’s where the ceremony will be held.”
“Oh, in that case, could you tell Bridget, Orland, and Elliot that mister Glen is here?” Anne added.
“Will do!”
And just as quickly as he had latched onto Anne, Noah was off. Nadir and Valentine sputtered, giving Anne their regards before running after the fairy. Noah might be older than them both, but he was as innocent and carefree as a child.
“Mister Glen. You seem to be doing well.”
“I am. I feel much better these days.” Glen stood and Anne hovered nearby just in case, but the older man managed to make his way out of the carriage on his own. He regarded her warmly. “I believe you’ve grown. I don’t remember you being this tall.”
“I think you shrank, mister Glen,” King said. He waved at Anne. “Yo, thanks for the invitation. And congrats!”
“Thank you! I’m glad you could make it!”
“Of course. You’re one of us, even if you don’t work for the workshop officially anymore,” Glen said. “If you had told us earlier, we could have organized you a grand wedding. But what’s done is done. Are you all set?”
“Yes! Bridget was a big help. I thought I had everything handled, but there was so much more left than I expected!”
“The missy planned her own wedding months ahead. She knows her stuff.”
“Before I forget. Here.” Glen handed Anne a leather pouch, heavy and thick. There was a tinkling sound when he moved it, almost like that of coins. “For you.”
“Wait, why are you giving this to me? Are you not staying?”
“Don’t look so alarmed. I wouldn’t miss your wedding like I wouldn’t miss my daughter’s. This is a long overdue payment.”
“For what?”
“For your time as our head artisan.”
Anne blinked. She had assumed that role years ago, her goal to retrieve Shall’s wing, then to fulfill her promise to revive the Page workshop. It had never been about money.
“Mister Glen, I can’t—”
“Can’t accept it? It’s rude to refuse a gift, you know?”
“Just take it, or he’ll just ask Noah to hide it so you can’t return it to us,” King said.
Anne sighed. All her friends said she was stubborn and impossible to sway once her mind was set, but they were as equally headstrong when they wanted to be.
“Thank you, mister Glen. I appreciate it.”
“Treat yourself, Anne.” He patted her shoulder. “It’s good manners to make use of the gifts you’re given. It shows your appreciation more than saying thanks ever will.”
She was working on that, on relying on her friends, on accepting their goodwill and affection (whether through money, gifts, food or kind words) without falling back on old habits of doing everything on her own.
“Then I’ll buy myself some strawberry cakes. I’ve been craving those for a while.”
“That’s the spirit,” he laughed.
Anne flopped around like a fish out of water, sleep eluding her. Shall sat up from the bedding they’d laid on the ground, next to the bed — he would have been more than happy sleeping with Anne, but she’d claimed it improper before the ceremony. His guess was that she was still shy with anything beyond hugs and kisses, but also didn’t want to risk Mythril finding them twined together which… fair enough — and leaned in, cheek against his palm.
“What’s wrong?”
“I can’t sleep.”
“I can see that. Too excited for tomorrow?”
“I… I kind of don’t want tomorrow to come.” Anne gasped and put her hands to her mouth, as if she realized how her words could be interpreted only after the fact. “Ah, no! I didn’t mean it like that! I…"
He let her talk. With her tendency to ramble, her true feelings would come spilling out sooner and later. And his patience was rewarded.
“I’m so happy, you know? The past few weeks were so fun, with everyone coming and staying over. I didn’t realize how long it’s been since we were all together. But once the wedding’s over, everyone will leave… we’ll all go back to living our own lives…” She sniffed, voice shaking. “I know it’s silly, but I miss everyone. I miss them even though they haven’t left.”
Shall was reminded of Hugh’s words, many years ago — words he knew true, but words he’d never forgiven the man for since they meant to separate him from Anne. “Humans get used to comfort so quickly, they forget how to go back to their old lives.”
They seemed to sum Anne’s feelings perfectly.
“The Page headquarters are a day of travel away from here, and Lewiston less than half a day. Cat also gave you his shop, but you know him. He’ll show up to check on you once in a while,” he told her, cupping her face. This caused Anne’s unshed tears to bead at the corners of her eyes, and he wiped them away with his thumb. “Those you love and who love you will always be close to you, no matter the distance. But if the feeling gets too unbearable and you want to see them again, then let’s hit the road together.”
Anne’s smile was wobbly, but it was a start. He opened his arms, and she gladly went for a hug, burying her face against his chest as her shoulders shook quietly. He patted her hair, and she relaxed in his embrace after a while. She smelled nice and she was soft to hold.
“Thank you. I feel much better.”
“You should go to sleep. You have a long day tomorrow.”
“Oh, and you don’t?”
“I don’t need as much sleep as you.”
“I know. It’s so unfair. Do you know how much more work I could get done otherwise?”
“You’d just throw yourself at silver sugar until you passed out from exhaustion. Which you have before.”
“What if it’s just an excuse so you’ll carry me to bed?”
Such underhanded schemes weren’t like Anne, but he humored her just the same. “Just ask me then. No need to go to such extremes.”
“Hey, you guys still awake? Is this a bad time?”
At Mythril’s voice, Anne scooted out of Shall’s laps, putting a respectable distance between them. She ignored the disgruntled expression on his face. “No, we were just talking. Did we wake you?”
“Nah, I wanted to check the moon. It’s overhead, which means it’s now officially your wedding day!” He sauntered over to them and held out two small boxes. “And I wanted to be the first one to give you your gifts!”
Shall and Anne shared a look before taking the gifts. Shall’s was a pendant in the shape a golden full moon, the metal so polished it reflected his face. He glanced over to Anne. She had received the same thing.
“They’re matching necklaces!” Mythril exclaimed, taking his own out. “When we’re apart and you get lonely, just look at it and remember we’re all under the same sky, watching the same moon.”
Huh. Did he listen in on them or was it just an incredible coincidence? Then again, it was possible Mythril had picked up Anne’s underlying fears over the past weeks — he could be surprisingly perceptive.
Anne, whose emotions were already running high, was once again on the verge of tears, but she looked touched, rather than sad.
“Oh, Mythril…”
“H-hey, are you crying? Why are you crying? Do you hate it that much? Don’t cry, Anne, I’ll get you something else! S-shall fen Shall, help! Do something!”
“They’re tears of happiness, dummy.”
“Huh? Don’t be stupid, how can you cry from being happy?”
Anne shook her head with a small laugh, scooping the tiny fairy and bringing him close to her chest. She cupped one hand around his body and gently laid her cheek on the top of his head in the best approximation of a hug she could manage considering their size difference.
“Thank you so much, Mythril Lid Pod. I love it,” she whispered, overflowing with gratefulness.
He clutched at her front, cheeks pink and eyes downcast in embarrassment. “...you’re welcome.”
Anne set him down, wiping her eyes, and stood. “I just keep crying lately. I’m going to freshen up. I’ll be right back.”
Shall nodded. Mythril sat down on Shall’s pillow, playing with his necklace. It was quiet, if not for the occasional sniff coming from the small fairy. Shall didn’t comment on it.
“Hey, Shall fen Shall?” Mythril said after a while.
Another sniff, longer. “I think I get it. Happy tears.”
Shall snorted softly.
“Hey, Shall fen Shall?”
“Can I sleep on your pillow tonight?”
Looked like Anne wasn’t the only one hit with a bout of nostalgia and dreading separation.
It had been a while since they all slept in the same room. It was a necessity at first, born from the fact Anne barely had enough money to afford even a single room in inns. Even after she’d won the thousand cress prize in Philax, she kept her frugal ways.
It was only after the second royal fair, once Anne made sugar master and established her reputation, earning herself a commendable wage, that they started to rent extra beds or, on rare occasions, extra rooms.
And then everything went down the drain when Rafael fen Rafael returned, upheaving their normalcy. Once things had settled down, their new normal was for Mythril to sleep on his own while Shall kept watch over Anne, sitting in a chair or lying in nearby bedding.
This would be the first (and probably the last) time in months they would share a room.
“Please, please, please! I promise I won’t make a peep! I’ll even— what did you say?”
Shall laid down, covering himself with his blanket. “Go to sleep, Mythril Lid Pod. It’s late.”
When Anne came back, she found Shall and Mythril lying side by side. The smaller fairy was sprawled out like a star, his eyes closed. Not wanting to be left out, she slipped in with them. Shall scooted backwards to give her more space.
“Good night, you two,” Anne said.
“G’night Anne… Shall fen Shhhh…”
It wasn’t long before the two were asleep. Shall adjusted the covers over them and watched over the two people most precious to him.
“You can’t!”
“Someone, stop him!”
“Easy for you to say!”
“What’s all this ruckus about?” Bridget asked, pulling away from where she was putting the final touches on Anne’s make-up. She frowned at the muffled screaming. The door to the dressing room shook and rattled, as if someone was leaning against it.
“Bridget, you gotta help us!” Elliot shouted from behind. “Lock the door!”
“What’s going on, Elliot?”
“Move aside,” Shall said. His voice might be muffled, but his annoyance was clear.
“I told you man; it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony!”
“That’s ridiculous. I should be able to see my wife whenever I want.”
“You’re not married yet, you dumbass. Show some patience.” It was Kat.
“Actually, they are. They signed the paperwork months ago.”
Mythril gasped, as if realizing he had let slip something he shouldn’t have.
Too late. It was like someone had sucked all the sound out. You could hear people’s breathing with how quiet it was.
“What?” pretty much everyone shouted in unison. Bridget turned to Anne, gaping, whereas Noah tilted his head in confusion, not understanding the fuss.
Anne would have buried her face in her hands if she didn’t risk ruining her make-up. Of course this would get brought up right before the ceremony and in front of all of their friends. Gathering the poofy skirt of her wedding dress, she made her way out of the dressing room, intent to explain the situation.
Instantly, six pairs of hands blocked Shall’s line of sight. The fairy huffed.
“When Shall and I looked for someone who could officiate our marriage, most of the priests we asked refused to.” Many of them had squirmed at the idea of a human and a fairy marrying, the result of decades, if not centuries, of subconsciously ingrained bias. “I told Hugh about this, and he said that as silver sugar viscount, he was authorized to oversee our marriage. So we signed the paperwork with him and Mythril as our witnesses.”
The silent was thick and heavy, everyone processing the information. It was Elliot who broke down first, bursting with laughter.
“That’s— that’s—” He could barely speak with how hard he was laughing. “Oh man, and you guys call me a schemer.”
“It wasn’t like we were trying to hide it!” Anne retorted, cheeks puffing. “It was just a formality.”
“Only you would call being married on paper ‘a formality.’”
“Because it is!”
“Sorry to break it you, kiddo, but that paperwork is as binding as any vow. As far as the kingdom’s concerned, you’ve been husband and wife for months now,” Hugh added with a smirk. He looked all too pleased and amused at Anne’s embarrassment. “Though I suppose if you asked Shall, he’d say it’s been even longer.”
The fairy crossed his arms, but didn’t deny Hugh’s claims. Anne was glad for the heavy layers on her face because she was sure her blush would have been as bright as the sun. She certainly felt as warm.
“You look very pretty, Anne,” Keith said, changing the subject. It triggered a flood of compliments from the other guests, their kind words overlapping.
“Yeah, you look great!”
“Hey, where’s your veil?”
“I got it!”
“You’re all doing this on purpose,” Shall grumbled. He could easily have plowed through the crowd to check on Anne or moved aside the hands blocking his vision, but he had grown tolerant of his friends’ shenanigans.
Anne was filled with a surge of appreciation for her fiancé. He had come so far compared to when they first met.
“If you’re all ready, how about we proceed with the ceremony?” Glen said.
“Go on ahead, everyone. There’s something I want to say to Shall.”
Her friends looked at Anne, then back at Shall, uncertain.
“Shall, are your eyes closed?”
“They are.”
“There you have it. I promise I’ll be quick.”
Satisfied, they all filed down the hallway, headed for the altar, leaving Anne alone with Shall.
Given the opportunity, she took in her fiancé’s (husband’s) appearance. He had always been a beautiful man, with fair smooth skin, glossy dark hair, high cheekbones, and a sharp jaw. His striking features made people’s heads turn.
Some might find his wedding outfit simple — a long dark tunic over breeches, with jewel-patterned embroidery lining his shoulders, his sleeves, and his lapels — but in Anne’s opinion, it only made him more handsome, if that was even possible.
“So you’re allowed to stare all you want, but I can’t look at you?”
“Just a little longer. Once the ceremony starts, you can look.”
Anne grabbed and squeezed his hands, a small compensation for all his patience. His hands slowly traveled up her arms, her shoulders, and curled around her jaw, as if trying to perceive her through touch since his eyes weren’t allowed. Anne felt goosebumps at the feel of Shall’s strong and slender fingers on her bare skin.
“You better not shy away,” he breathed.
“I-I won’t.” Anne felt tongue-tied by their proximity. She felt like she was getting sucked in, but she resisted the urge to move in for a kiss — she wasn’t sure she’d find the strength of will to pull away. “Sorry about earlier. I forgot to tell you about that little tradition.”
“It’s fine. I waited years, I can wait a few more minutes.”
She smiled, even if he couldn’t see it. “Then let’s not waste any more time. I’ll be going first.”
She turned around, but was stopped in her tracks as arms wrapped around her waist, firm and unyielding. There was a puff of hot air on the back of her neck, and Anne’s whole body tensed when she felt a pair of lips on her skin. She squeaked as they moved up to behind her ear. Her legs trembled and her heart was pounding in her temples.
“Tradition says I can’t look, not that I can’t touch or taste.”
Anne’s mouth was dry. She was frozen in surprise and excitement, but just as quickly as he had embraced her, Shall let her go. There was a satisfied and smug look on his face, even with his eyes closed.
“See you soon, my future wife.”
She didn’t need to be told twice, and basically sprinted out of there before Shall got more handsy and frayed her nerves. She met with Glen right outside the doors leading to the altar. He had offered to give her away, as she didn’t have any blood family, and Anne couldn’t think of anyone better suited for the role than a father himself.
“All set?”
She took a deep breath. Her heart was doing flip-flops in her chest and her hands were faintly shaking as she linked arms with Glen. “All set.”
He smiled at her, calm and reassuring. All their friends were seated and chatting with one another, but the second she stepped in, they turned to look at her. Elliot, Nadir and King hooted, Kat, Keith, and Valentine waved, Orland nodded and Bridget smiled at her, and Mythril jumped up and down in joy.
Anne waved as she passed each row of guests. She deliberately avoided looking at Shall, waiting for her at the altar. She knew whatever expression he made would make her weak in the knees.
Glen led her down the aisle, and she swapped his arm for Shall’s. She kept looking at her feet. It would be embarrassing to stumble and fall at this point.
Finally, once they stood in front of Hugh, their officiant, she allowed herself a glance at her fiancé (and on paper husband), immediately regretting and glad for her earlier choice.
She had been right. Shall was looking at her like she was the sun and he a sunflower. His eyes were intense, half-lidded and heady, and his strong features showed a fierce warmth and passion. She felt both like running away and wanting to stay in place to bask in such a rare expression.
“Alright everyone, I’ll be officiating this ceremony. I won’t bore you with a long speech,” Hugh said. The attendees got quiet, expectant. “Anne Halford, will you take Shall fen Shall for a husband?”
“I do.”
“Shall fen Shall, will you take Anne Halford for a wife? Will you love her from now on for better or for worse? In sickness and in health? In silver sugar obsession and in creative drought? In—”
Everyone snickered and even Anne giggled quietly. It was obvious Hugh was doing this to aggravate Shall, who bore the unnecessarily prolonged vows with admirable patience. Anne could tell when he tuned Hugh out, because he rolled his eyes and decided to look at her instead. They shared a smile, expressions soft with love, as they waited for Hugh’s speech to end.
“I do.”
“Good. Any objections from the guests?”
“None! You know there’s none!” Mythril yelled. “Hurry it up!”
“Then by the powers conferred to me as silver sugar viscount, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss—”
Shall didn’t need to be told twice nor was he going to wait a second longer. In one swift move, he’d lifted Anne’s veil and leaned in to kiss his proper wife.
“—the bride. You know, it’s rude to interrupt people when they’re talking.”
Cheers and shouts and clapping and confetti and flower petals burst all around them, swallowing Hugh’s friendly teasing. Not that Anne and Shall paid any mind to anything that wasn’t their spouse. They pulled back from their kiss, grinning, forehead and nose touching. Their happiness was obvious.
And just as all those weeks ago when they received the invitation, everyone shared the same thought.
It’s about time.
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mythical-song-wolf · 1 year
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale AU that has no proper name yet but Anne is raised by Kat & Hugh in a comedic co-custody arrangement part 2 (part one here)
Shenanigans that occur before Anne is 15, plus whatever random shit my brain's rattling off
Kat & Benjamin having matching ascot things when Benjamin just starts wearing his wing around
Between Kat and Hugh, the most responsible parent for Anne is Salim. This small child was not part of his contract when he started working for Hugh but by god is he letting two idiots raise this poor girl alone
When Hugh becomes the Silver Sugar Viscount, the King and Queen meet Anne when Hugh had to bring her along once. They adore her, but the fairies serving them love her even more. Alas, Anne's encounters with them are incredibly far and few
Lady Christina lives in this AU since Anne has been making confections for her when Hugh could no longer
Hugh or Kat make the "terrible" decision of taking Anne with them to the Paige workshop
Anne & Bridget pack bond immediately like two lost birds in the middle of winter
Bridget and her dad have A Talk about thing, and suffice it to say Bridget's future is still tough but brighter
Bridget & Anne have a Sister Dynamic because Women Supporting Women goddammit, and by their many similarities
Anne grows up studying her mom's notes, but also the styles of the many fellow artisans she gets to watch growing up
She hits a brief slump of not finding her own style, but on a rare breezy summer's day, she gets to witness Lady Christina fly and that's when it clicks
Now onto her Dads™, smart and capable men, yes, but by god are they not at all prepared to father a small child. Benjamin and Salim are the main reasons Anne didn't die
But that doesn't mean they were bad dads, just not prepared at first, once they get the hang of it, its a mix of who's the mother hen at any moment
Anne loves her dads very dearly, she mostly calls them by their first names but when she does call them dad, they're dying inside because they love their daughter so very very much
Lady Christina & Sir William always plan their monthly visit to Lewiston around an event happening within the city or area at the time, so generally they're there during the festival for the royal medal
Naturally, the Mercury Workshop knows of Anne, but given who her dads are and the fact that even after several classes with both the Viscount and Alph Hingley, they can't catch up to Anne's early nurtured talent, so most accept her as their own, a collective little sister/cousin in a sense
The Radcliffe Workshop knows of her, and generally despises her because Master Marcus doesn't like nepotism unless it favors him and his favorite students (even then, Anne's situation isn't nepotism, he's just bias and cannot fathom why a girl would be considered talented in a craft that is etched into her bones)
Jonas is the technical heir to the workshop, but by Master Marcus' favoritism, if he could he would make Sammy the heir and Jonas knows this but that won't stop him from doing whatever he can to become the Master of the workshop and become the next Viscount
Keith & Anne are childhood friends, though they don't get to hang out as long as they'd like as they get older and Keith joins the Radcliffe Workshop
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romancemedia · 3 months
SAFT Vols 12 & 17 Short Stories
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Volume 12
Alph Hingley aka Katt's Introduction (Episode 5 of the Anime)
Katt and Benjamin's relationship
Anne as a child makes a surprise present for her mother, Emma on her birthday.
Katt and Hugh's relationship when they were younger.
A story about a fairy fortunate teller? (the translation was confusing and hard to understand)
A story taking place after the Page Workshop are selected for the Holy Selections. It seems to fully explain how fairies bodies/injuries differ from humans. Anyway, Shall is injured and to help heal him, Anne makes him a moon candy confection.
Volume 17
Anne and Shall's wedding. Shall was planning a secret wedding to surprise Anne and got Eril to help with the preparations and planning. Shall went out with Bridget to help pick out Anne's wedding dress. Anne got suspicious and was feelings anxious being separated from Shall after being apart for a whole year. (She even suspected that Shall had a lover when he had amnesia) Finally Anne learns and is surprised to find out about the wedding and finds all all the friends they've made throughout the series have been invited and Hugh officiates. Everyone has a great time.
A short story about the year Anne and Shall were apart when Shall and Lafall fell off the cliff and suffered from amnesia as a result. Despite having lost his memories of Anne, Shall's love for her remained and eventually during the annual sugar apple harvest, Shall regained his memories of Anne after smelling the scent of silver sugar and went off to find her. Lafall doesn't regain his memories and instead has found a home/close bond with the elderly man who saved him and Shall.
This story takes place in the year Shall was missing. Keith was still dealing with Anne rejecting him, but seems to come to terms with it after he accidentally adopts a little girl as his daughter?
Another story about Hugh and Katt with a twist where apparently Hugh fakes his death?! Also it seems Katt is now broke.
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petratherrock · 2 months
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Sugar Apple Fairy Tale - Title Card Endings
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petratherrock · 11 days
Rewatching SAFT because I miss them
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petratherrock · 2 months
Isn't there anything else abt Cat from the novels? Maybe some more background info abt him, or his family, sibling perhaps? I love this dude
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romancemedia · 9 months
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romancemedia · 1 year
Lafall kidnaps Anne! (1x21)
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Everyone celebrates the Holy Beginnings Festival
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maruren · 28 days
hi there, it’s probably been eons since you’ve thought about sugar apple fairy tale, but i just thought i’d stop by and say thanks! your post on hugh and kat’s relationship made me feel a little less lonely in my delulu- and also really grateful for people who are able to keep whimsy and fun in fandom spaces- so thank you, from the other kat/hugh shipper floating aimlessly on this app,,, i’m happy your here!
Oh you are welcome, precious. Your words were really heartwarming, I'm glad my little art inspired someone to love this ship. Honestly, when I first saw them in the anime, my first thought was "Wow, you have a spicy relationship for JUST ex-friends". But there was very little direct interaction between them in the anime. So I found the full novel (all 17, I think) in Japanese and threw it into the translator (which was quite an experience, I literally broke Google Translate). In the next books, after the end of season 2, their relationship gets more and more interesting. But no one in the English community knew about it! So I may have been the first one to start drawing for this ship. Heh, I still have two paired keychains with them. Maybe I should find those fanfic crumbs of them I wrote last year and throw it on AO3. Anyway, here, my dear, some extra art of them for you that I forgot to post a while back.
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Shall and Cat fight over Anne
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