ask-xi · 8 years
Hi guys. As part of a massive overhaul of my blog, I’m dropping the following threads. Apologies that I’m having to do this as I’ve loved playing with everyone possible but I can no longer devote the time to the amount of threads I have going. I don’t know if the mention limit really is 10 or if I’ve pulled that out of thin air, but I’m going to dash-spam today in blocks of 10 mentions.
If you had an idea you were looking forward to in any of the threads I am dropping, please don’t be afraid to message me or send me an ask if you want to talk plot. Otherwise if you are still keen to play with me and you have no other threads with me, keep an eye out for any plot things or memes I do in future and I’ll see what I can do.
@affirmativedoctormaster Found The No Longer Tin Dog
@alowlysilvanelf Sonic Capability
@angelic-din-mortem Hug Attack 
@arkytiorthebadwolf Thread
@askthejackfrost Thread
@asktheredreaper Thread
@askthesyraxian Thread 
@askvickipallister Gift Horse (Missy)
@averyleeharper You Can’t Leave That On My Lawn
@brave-heart-juliet Thread
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[text] As in… the entire fraternity? [text] That’s impressive. [text] Teach me your ways.
[ TEXT; ]: Yes, I fear it was all of them. [ TEXT; ]: I do hope it was only kissing. I can’t remember anything more. [ TEXT; ]: Well.. [ TEXT; ]: Only if you wish. [ TEXT; ]: Though I don’t even know how it started.
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ask-xi · 9 years
Role Call (XI’s Rounds)
It’s that time again. Batches of 10 mentions at a time to ensure Tumblr doesn’t choke on them. Please note I will only mention you once for any thread that is owed, so if you’re sat there thinking we forgot each other, do get in touch.
I’m waiting for the following people to pop me a reply to a thread or more. You’re perfectly welcome to ignore this or let me know if you moved the thread(s) somewhere and I’ve lost it/them somehow, or if you want to do something different. These include my sideblogs and Notchy’s blog so feel free to message me for any clarifications, though I will include links to the threads below. If you have taken longer than 10 months to reply to me (you’d be surprised how fast that time goes for me), your thread will have been archived - but that doesn’t mean it can’t be reinstated if you just ask me.
I’m also trying to cut down on my threads and (when I’m not being a greedy fool) limit people to 1-2 threads at a time per my blogs from now on. Existing threads still stand until finished or we can pop some on hold. Please don’t take this as an opportunity to think that you’re not important enough for me to play with. If you’re enjoying yourself, I want you here. I’ve managed to cut back to 500 threads from somewhere over 600. Next goal is 400 :P
On with the mentions, interspersed with bits and bobs to keep me sane.
@agirloutofblackpool We Probably Shouldn’t Be Doing This (plus some previously called out)
@alowlysilvanelf Sonic Capability
@ameliapond-donewithwaiting  Wounded
@arkytiorthebadwolf  Mix & A Mingle & We Probably Shouldn’t Be Doing This & Thread
@asktheredreaper Thread
@averyleeharper You Can’t Leave That On My Lawn
@brave-heart-juliet  Wake Up Hon & Halloween
@burntbreadpeeta Blanket Fort
@bxbbyxjxhn Thread
@callfromthevoid  Valentine (plus one previously called)
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erynaran · 9 years
[text]: I hope you weren’t planning on getting much sleep tonight.
[text] oh?
[text] why’s that, baby?
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kiliofthemountain · 10 years
I just really wanna do it.... Mutuals only, please. But yeah, I really wanna do this
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beardedbowman · 10 years
Tumblr media
Sorry but this will always be my favourite… alowlysilvanelf, burdening you with this again ;3
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[text]:I'm going to CVS to meet the Craigslist guy who is going to buy my underwear. If I don't text you within the next hour, plz assume that I have been abducted by a stranger with an underwear fetish.
Texts from Last Night inspired text starters
[ TEXT; ]: Tauriel you better make your way over here right now.[ TEXT; ]: Do not do it. It isn’t safe.[ TEXT; ]: And if he turns out to be some sort of creep, I will not be there to help.[ TEXT; ]: This is a horrible decision. Listen for once.
*Two missed calls later*
[ TEXT; ]: I’m on my way there to get you. 
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ask-xi · 9 years
Since I believe there’s a tag limit on posts, I’m doing tagging/mentions in blocks of ten. I’m waiting for the following people to pop me a reply to a thread or more. You’re perfectly welcome to ignore this or let me know if you moved the thread(s) somewhere and I’ve lost it/them somehow. Some of them may be replies for my sideblogs, so feel free to ask xxx
agirloutofblackpool (I know you’re aware, sweetie, adding you anyway ;D)
@awomanofmanynames (won’t let me mention)
beautifulfragileclaraarchive (presumably stopped playing?)
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erynaran · 9 years
"Oh, my," the king breathed, after he broke the kiss. "Eager, Tauriel?"
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aran-ethuil · 10 years
a slow-building flame
The girl was late. Again. Had she forgotten that she was supposed to see the king this evening to give her patrol report? If he didn't know any better, Thranduil may have suspected a tragedy had befallen the guard, for why else would no one be able to find the elleth? But oh no- he knew. He knew that the girl had a straying mind, and an independence to rival his own when he had been young. It was not the first time Tauriel had disobeyed him, yet he would make certain it was the last. 
As Thranduil stood facing the reflecting pool in one of his private receiving chambers, footsteps sounded behind him. He knew it was her without even looking. At least the girl had had the decency to seek him out when she returned from wherever it was she had been. Not bothering to turn around, he spoke. 
"You are late." His voice was ice-hardened steel. "You owe an apology to Idhrenion. It was his night off, but I had to send him looking for you. The venture proved to be of little success, however."
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imsensingatriptoikea · 10 years
"Right Here"
Send Me “Right Here” For A Public Sex Themed Sentence Starter!30. “Let me come in the changing room and help you out of that.”
Mitchell and Taruiel were at the mall. She was in the changing room trying things on, but Mitchell wasn't interested in clothing. He walked up to the door of the change room. "Let me come in the changing room and help you out of that." He said through the door. 
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beardedbowman · 10 years
To those I write with
I’m very sorry for having been selective lately; it seems I don’t have much muse as of right now and it’s only short threads I’m capable of continuing. I’ve not dropped our thread, I’m just waiting til I get more inspiration to reply since I don’t want to give a bad response. Sorry!
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erynaran · 9 years
shit. you know things are fucked when tau wants to go back to her foster parents.
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