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multifandomfern · 2 years ago
In honor of Matthew’s birthday, how about how we celebrate birthdays in the household headcannons like what do the husbands/wives do for their significant other, who will want the birthday person want to invite, etc?
I like to imagine for whoever's birthday it is, their partner is the one who makes the cake! If they suck at it then they can get help!
Going off of that the birthday person's partner is basically trusted with everything! Party decorations, food, events, planning stuff like that! But if it gets too stressful we can all help with that! After all having your partner get overwhelmed and stressed is not a good birthday present! Also it's just not good in general.
Here's some times of the wives doing the planning!
I think for some of Kiku's birthday parties @fweebie has made them anime themed. Also she gives him more affectionate bites!
Every year for Alfred's parties, @a-dorky-american gets him freedom kebabs!
For one (or maybe more of this one) of Matt's parties, it was Encanto themed with him and @piscesgirl2020 dressing up as Felix and Pepa!
@koolkat9 has definitely reserved a party at some fancy restaurant, but considering the cost it wasn't too long. Arthur still really liked it though.
For one of Lukas's parties, I made it butter themed. The cake was decorated to look like butter which he found funny. Though I am not decorating a cake like that again.
That's all I can come up for now! Like always feel free to add on or elaborate! :)
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gilverrwrites · 6 months ago
Imagine Romam calling all his daughters for a family dinner to maybe convince ex wife to stay cause they are such a great family and being little shits all four of them are daughters bring their boyfriends and ex wife brings her ,,there is definitely nothing between us for sure” friend Bruce. And know Roman is basically having a family dinner with wayne’s
Maybe also he has a younger daughter around damians age and Bruce brings him and now they are friends. You might as well kill Roman he is already living in hell
Roman, calling Jim Gordon: I’d like to confess.
Jim: To what?
Roman: Anything. Everything. I just can't live like this anymore, lock me up before I kill myself everyone in this room.
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I kind of think it would be funnier is Damian befriends like, his biggest, meanest, scariest dog? Just turns that thing into a pampered pooch straight away. His wife, his kids, and now his dog? Mans best friend my ass!
Fr tho thinking about him swallowing all those pent up emotions. All his anger. At what point does his pacemaker just stop working?
Roman, on the backseat of his minivan he didn't even want, surrounded by his children and their boyfriends as Bruce fucking Wayne drives them all to the hospital because his heart is failing from the stress: If I die, there's one thing I need you all to promise me.
Forgotten child: Of course dad!
Favourite: Anything.
Rebel: … go on?
Roman: Get better taste in men!!!
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so0ppa · 4 months ago
hrm something something franky stopped being a shipwright because the ships and weaponry he created was used to hurt his loved ones umm smn smn so part of the reasoning for his body being That Way is its the only weapon he can be sure to control (himself). idk ok yeagh idk. um
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sinisterain · 2 years ago
sayoナラ 🧡🐯
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lali-hoe · 6 months ago
Hitmen: hey we've come to kill you. Do you want to choose the way you die?
Me: well, that depends. Either one of you a vampire?
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txmedsolutions · 2 years ago
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In the ever-evolving world of logistics and supply chain management, the ability to attract high-quality leads and forge sustainable business relationships is essential for growth and success. Enter TMS Brokerage, a premier provider of transportation management system (TMS) solutions.
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nickolasnickname · 10 months ago
*Melloni ties "Kura" to a tree with some wire that she had on hand*
Are we sure this IS Kura and not someone who looks incredibly similar to her?
*The crow lands, he seeemse lost*
Where am I?
*Bunny Melloni looks at the crow*
Who are you?
*She has two robotic legs and one robotic arm*
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justasaiyangirl · 2 months ago
heart goes out to intersex people who aren't able to hide from the doctors. we talk alout about how many intersex people avoid health care for any reasons necessary, but love to those who are disabled or something and cannot help but escape the treatment doctors give us. Peace and love🤍
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multifandomfern · 2 years ago
Incorrect wife quotes (with the husbands showing up)
Fweebie, tending to Fern's wounds: How would you rate your pain? 
Fern: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Ari: I hardly slept last night
Scout: When you can’t sleep, it means someone is thinking about you. Someone who loves you.
Ari: Who would be thinking about me at 3 a.m.?
Matthew: [panic]
Arthur: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Alfred : Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!
Matthew: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Alfred: Can I bother you for a second? 
Scout: You're always bothering me, but go ahead.
Arthur: You treat an outside wound with rubbing alcohol. You treat an inside wound with drinking alcohol.
Lovino: I love sarcasm! It’s like punching people in the face, but with words!
Lukas: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
Matthew: I hate taking off my glasses, because without them, my vision goes from Full HD all the way down to buffering at 240p and I just can't handle that.
Lovino: I wish I was a cat, but not in a furry kinda way, more like a “I can sleep all day and hit people with no consequences” kinda way.
Ari: Are they stupid?
Scout: Yes, but they prefer to be called Alfred .
The Squad: *walking at the mall*
Arthur: Hey, have any of you guys seen Alfred ? They’ve been gone for a while..
Ari: Eh, nope.
Matthew: No, I haven’t...
Scout: Probably ran off to McDonald’s or something.
Alfred : Hey.
Arthur: Ooh, there you are-
Ari: What the fu-
Scout: I- where were you?!
Alfred : Walking right behind you guys.
Scout: I dare you-
Ari: Alfred is not allowed to accept dares anymore.
Scout: Why not?
Alfred : "I have no regard for my own or others personal safety", as some would say.
Lukas: Hey there demons, It's me, ya boi.
Fern : Lukas, NO!
I love these! For the first one I probably tripped down the stairs lol. Also same Lovino I wanna be a cat too.
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artsy-anon · 6 months ago
*there is a couple knocks on Alout's door*
*Alout was trying on some new clothes that he had gotten a few days ago when he heard the knocking*
*He had turned the fluff that used to cover his breasts into a scarf*
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alt-tug-2 · 8 months ago
Tug: *he blushes* h-heh…
Tug: *knock knock knock* oh god I hope he doesn’t hate me
(I’m sorry for not interacting ;-;)
*Crow opens the door, and smiles*
Oh! Hi darling!!
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honeysodas · 2 years ago
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Mimic doodles and the entity thingy... I like them alout
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smolbeanjerma · 9 months ago
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npgnomno nomnomnomnmon. OUHOUHOHUOHUOUHUHOU!
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roykhanlover · 6 months ago
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I miss Ivan vandroiy alout
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grimoireemil · 10 months ago
Just thinking alout before bed. I wonder if Pokemon game prices are gonna go down once Bank goes offline. One of the only perks to having a physical game instead of emulating it was being able to transfer Pokemon forward into Home... But without that perk, I'm not seeing why most people would chose to soend these exorbitant prices when they can just emulate.
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its really still a problem. i am reading mark aurel which is all about focusing on urself and pracising kind hearted not comparing urself too others not envy and so on and then this stunning stunning stunning young woman comes, dark hair teint skin beuatifuk mouth beuatofuk smile suoer young oerfect akin very beautifuk body but akk in a very subtle way. she smiles to me i smile bavk i admire her but and this sistrubs me i still envy her. i wish i had her beauty and her eaziness soorit the effortless sex appeal. next to her i feek old, wasted and kind of trying to be ridicule. i need to wear rhose toght things to he recognized I need to really ahoe my hody but she is not doing anything kf jt and still glowing. but it ahoukd he omay and i ahoukd not feek bad aboht mysekf just because she js suoer stunning. why am i doing it. its all just to put myself down. but i knkw irs a fact a fact i just oainky should accept and mkve on. be grateguk for the bidy i am in as i an prraching everyday and saying hoe much i love myself now. apparently i am not there yet. hiw can i get over it and just recognize and cherish her beuaty fulk stop. i dont hate her fir being behaitfuk i just wish it coukd be me instead. i think my kifr woukd be so much better if i looked like that but what woukd be better? i know she is a beautifuk kind soul the way she smiles gives jt off. its not like i would be taking this beautiful body and losing a beautiful character bc she clearly has it all…so what am i scared for. the man or woman I like, likes her better fir her beauty and her character? so it be, then it simply means they are a better match. if she is oreferred for something like getting into a club I am not, so it be. it is not my oath to be in this club as it is not my path to be with this person. but then how to jot feel sorry for urself as it all just seems unfair. and i think this is the crucial part. everythingabout us is beautiful if we are doing it with a compass liek mark aurek out of honesty purity and kind hearted ness every little thought ( it is okay to be jealous I am not there yet) but I am really trying. I might bit get into the club, i should say c’est la vie, and might go hoke with a fresh mind crrating something amazing. it has the same value. or does it not? therr is no such thing as objectively speaking thats why POV became such a thing i guess but yes. lets try to oretend objectively which means a lot kf opinions gathered she is getting into the club meeting tons of amazing oeiple and sancing to incredibke music. over girl going home and chilking thwre no ine cates aboht her. but it is also with what aurek says caring about what ithers think and do its espeically the problem!! I inky have my now and here out if my eyes and my heart and it is supposed to be like that. and ofc im thinkinf hundert peopke consider it to he better like this or like that basically this is how democracy works, how can I vakidate my own opinion as much as them 100 if it comes to, it is the same good to be rejected and go hike than be in the club? its the same old same okd question about. which opinion values how can i crrate my value without the measurements of others. i am always coming to this. i sint want peiple to think i am a narcisisit egoman if i dont give a fuck aboht theyre opinions amd weigh mine way higher. it is trucky to maneuver in that mindest without becomung ignorant. but at the same time i dont want to live through grow through prosper thorigh affirmation hell no that aounds like hell. i want to affirm mysekf. it is maybe because ut is the sustainabke way. when we think about rivers and flyids which i cam to visualize when we had a saying about einfluss neglej und beeinflussen which also inckudes the river interesntinfky and aurel is talking alout aboht the stream and i think it is pary of live as blood is streaming through our veines and we need ghe water and the fluids, the circulation is life. bht coming back to the asoect of sustainabikty. listen imagine your own body giving ur own body ur own bacteria ur own blood cells when we tal
lol my paragrpah was maxed oht i do too much bla bla. but yes if we i somt want to go into biologism to much i never want to dsocirmante bodies espeicalky when it comes to genetics we always have to he carefuk to not get into any natuonalism discimnating fucked up shit. but I think my own body loves theri own system the most and it csn get a lot of her own system. its a little bit maybe kets talk about skin its better. my dahrer always refused to wash us too much as babies and in general he as this pladoyer: ur own bidy crrates fat that oeitect the skin, washing it away sith oerfumed shampoo gel to then out chemical body lotion sossnt seem to be an enhancement for the skin seems pretty ligicak to me. I mean everyone has their own bekiefs and ways but I kove to appreciate what my vody creates and what my body does. I know i am talking aboht an abled healthy skin ans i know some peiple just love to smeell like thousand rose leafs. byt i find that metaphor pretty good for also souk stuff. what my own body gives to my body is because it is healthy important disclaimer sensefull and good for me. it pribably matches my needs better than any artificial or natural product which fits affirmation from outside. of course fhe cream snells nice i feek fresh but then, my bidy get used to this crram wnats more of this crram and stips crrating its own fat to protect the skin maybe. I always have to buy this cream and its exterior, it will never last. i need it nee alk the time
i need rhat affirmation it feeks good but it wont last, my own afformation whereby comes naturally fits my needs and it is independent on any outer things. and this is why the value for me of my own affirmation wighs heavier than any of other people. i feel free and i feel good avoht jt but ifc still i am here comoaring mayelf to a maybe 19 year old woman that i wikk never be and never was. and its okay like fhaf but i need ti remind myself and i am disappointed inmyself still that it affects me so much and my head us gilled aitb it instead kf kther thints. but at the same time i lay down write this down and reflect on it so i hope i pray but i also
know that the next time i get inti a situation like that ill feel differently. I see feel hear taste the world thourgh my eyes and I love that I appreciate so many good food so much so many nice music ao many beuatofuk animals buidlings chikdrens families situations ( sometimes i dont of course madness, sexism, racism exploitation hatred and injsutice of the workd) but Its all meant for me. and i need tk accept and allrecate this. trhough my mind baby through my mind and love ur mind, it diesnt mean you think her mind sucks, it is beautifuk for sure, but its her mind her life her feelings hers and its good to see ssomeone havinf it like that its just an insoiratuon and a joy if beuaty and smiles which is for free and contagious( but Its all meant for me. and i need tk accept and allrecate this.
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