#alorhna the songbird
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alorhna · 1 year ago
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I’m sorry too ivory. You’re a weird ghostie. Who steals PCs pills.
That’s it guys. I must admit. I like the weird ghost. I’m weak I know-
Man it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these lol-
Originally this guy was extremely creepy, like who randomly kidnaps a random person out the room.. RANDOMLY. Like unless you join the church and go through ivorys memories, you will most likely never know the full story of this ghost. So when my first Pc was really just one day abducted like that I was like”- aight- guess this is my life now-đŸ«„â€
But then after learning his lore, I must say as a writer myself I’m enthralled, I’m attached. OBESSED even.
Especially after the latest temple update. Ivory has so much potential not just as a possible future LI, but as a solitary character. They have presumably reasons to hate the PC so much that they’re willing to drag both of you down to the pits of despair.
But even if PC isn’t the one who screws them over ivory still becomes obsessed, because their obession with PC didn’t begin out of hatred, it was from love. From knowing PC in a past life, of loosing them to their enemies of the opposite faith. And finally FINALLY when they see their past lover again

They’ve been born anew. But why? Ivory is a ghost damned to the lake, why does pc get to run around and fall in love all over again. and not with ivory?, no, no. PC has the freedom to love whomever they wish.
Because they’re Alive.
But that’s not fair, ivory and pc were bound “forever as one” they should have never been born anew!
And just for PC to even have the possibility of forming another “bond” with a member of their same faith? To have the nerve leave ivory and bind themselves to someone else!
Such a dirty, lying, retched,....lover.
I don’t believe ivory could ever truly hate the PC, because they never did. From the beginning ivory was always going to see the PC and become obsessed. Because originally PC was theirs. Solely theirs to love and defile. Their obession to the PC is only shadowed by their obession to their necklace.
Whether or not PC does anything. Ivory was always going to do something. That’s all there is to it.
((Which is a mentality a lot of the LIs internally have towards the PC. Some more obessively than others.))
All the PC can do is avoid them but that doesn’t last for long. Eventually they’ll be caught.
Because they are loved, deeply. And love is obsessive, chasing you beyond your grave, possessing each waking thought. And leaving nothing expect carnage in its wake.
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alorhna · 1 year ago
fun fact! Ivory Wraith says, "You are wedded to calamity" only if you've gone through the rite of promise with Sydney
Wait for real?! :0
That’s actually super interesting. Especially since if you consider the opposite outcome (rite of defilement) ends in Sydney becoming possessed (possibly by ivory themselves) in the prayer room đŸ€”
It’s also weird how the two of them have the same phrase..
“Together as one”. “Forever as one”
Does that mean ivory has connection to Sydney
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alorhna · 1 year ago
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So alorhna met the bishop, and looks like Sydney is Jordan’s successor if you keep him pure (aka a virgin) sadly Alorhna took away his purity so he no longer quailfies, and because Jordan’s purity is so powerful it basically acts a shield against the sin in the town atleast for the future. Which means Jordan holds the same role as Ivroy and Sydney do for the church the bishop even mentions how if Jordan were to loose his purity or gain awareness of the sin the town another schism would happen similar to the schism of ivory.
Also it’s confirmed Sydney’s mother was also part of the church but not only was she part of it, she was JORDANS PREDECESSOR. Which is confusing because well.. she has a child? She lost her purity but no schism happened unless there’s a way to loose your purity without breaking the church. So the rite of promise? Or some other ritual
AH I HAVE SO MUCH TO ASK- also it’s the fact Vrel has confirmed there’s more to the temple and that PC can continue to climb ranks so there must be much more than we know

ALSO- the BISHOP is the SAME PERSON who TELLS US about KYLARS MANOR! The children of Aurgia are the ones who harmed Kylars parents to begin with as well.
Y’all- this temple update brought so much.. like the temple of Virgo, the children of Aurgia. And the fact PC is some prophecied entity meant to help the church.. or possibly destroy it as the game is ambiguous and certainly can choose to go either path.
I’m gonna recreate Orianas save and keep Sydney pure in the future to keep him as the successors to the church. And once I max out Alorhnas feats I’m gonna return to to give Oriana to give her the advantage she’s gonna need in her future.
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alorhna · 1 year ago
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What forgotten horror..?
What does the PC know? Is it somehow connected to that mysterious song that PC, Sydney and ivory are constantly singing?
Also I recently found out that PC sings that tune a LOT. Like when their soothing plants, when their ‘tending’ in the catacombs in the forests etc. that song seems to be a comfort not only to PC but a way for PC to mend the world around them.. which makes me even more curious to what this song is and where they learn it.
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alorhna · 1 year ago
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Like innocent Sydney is precious but like, corrupted Sydney has me on my KNEES.
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alorhna · 1 year ago
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Awe does Mickey have a crush on the PC. That’s cute.
PC and Landry seem fully aware of Mickeys crush which makes it extra funny. I wonder if they’ll become a LI in the future đŸ€”
When it comes to Landry and Mickeys relationship, I personally head-canon that Landry takes on a parent-type role with Mickey, making sure their fed and safe.
I do wonder how both Landry and Mickeys characters will be developed in the future đŸ€”
It would be interesting to go on more missions in the underworld for them. Considering their regular tasks for the PC can become repetitive and a bit boring 😅.
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alorhna · 4 months ago
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I’ve been at the moors 24/7 now, with the Great hawk update Alorhna may never return to the town 👀
Lowkey in her nesting phase, she’s been hunting everyday to fix up the tower and make it nice and homey for her and her birb husband.
This update literally soothed me bruh. The Great hawk has always been my favorite of the Love interests and now he has so much more to offer and do, before alorhna would only visit the tower every other weekend or so because there wasn’t much to do there besides sleep and sing, but she still checked up on her hubby. Now with the hunting and fixing the tower, ambushing lurkers and people?? and the lore,- yup shes abandoned city life.
Her grades are lowkey suffering but it’s okay it’s worth it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And bless whoever wrote the GH’s lines, their adorable
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alorhna · 4 months ago
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While Alrohna was out hunting with Great Hawk. They came across an abandoned baby hawk.
Quite sad. Alorhna knows the moors are dangerous, and no place for a child, she’s always been a loving caretaker, from the orphans back home, to protecting robin, Kylar and helping Alex reclaim her farm. She’s always fought to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves.
Thus a new addition has been made to the tower, as painful as life in that sinfilled town is. Love is better than loss.
And baby Amoria will always be safe in the nest Alrohna has made with the great hawk, protecting over the moors has become a much bigger responsibility. Not only for her own safety, but for her new charges safety as well.
Birds of a feather. Always fly together.
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alorhna · 1 year ago
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So I now know that Ivory wraiths responses towards the PC heavily depend on well the PC themselves as well as who they interact with (like Sydney for example)
Originally this sentence popped up a few times but it was always “Two as one, one as two, never to be parted” something along the lines of this, but now it’s different.
Who’s the “third”.. who else is part of the weird bond we as the PC share with ivory ? And Sydney technically too as this is also Sydney’s favorite line.
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alorhna · 1 year ago
DOL RAMBLES of the Day!
Okay so I’ve recently been told of a thing that ivory does specifically because of Sydney and now I have so many ideas running through my head and I need to write them down before I go crazy lol.
So ivory wraith and Sydney are connected right?
And if you have the promise with Sydney the ivory wraith states this
“You are wedded to calamity” which is ivory talking about your relationship with Sydney.
But what if, Ivory and Sydney have the same soul?
We don’t know what the Ivory wraiths “true” name is, or who they really are besides what we know from when they became a wraith after their death due to the schism that happened a long time ago in the part of the forest behind the town before it sunk and became a lake
And a “wraith” is basically the vengeful piece of someone’s soul that remains on earth after their death continuing to lurk and basically be angry at their death and general situation.
But- ivory isn’t like that, (unless you take their necklace that is) ivory in general is a very calm and sometimes even playful, ghost which leaves the idea to believe that they don’t have regrets regarding their death but rather something else and that’s why they became a wraith.
Now then, we know that ivory had a lover in the past, but besides that we don’t know anything about said lover besides the fact it’s heavily implied that the PC is the ivorys past lover reborn.
Also regardless of whom takes the necklace, PC, winter etc Ivory will ALWAYS direct their rage or obsession towards the PC, which leads me to believe that Pc is the second most valued possession or being that Ivory has.
The necklace brought ivory peace of mind during the schism and the tragedy they faced, but PC was their lover who brought them joy and light during their time alive
And ivory still considers themselves “Forever as one” with the PC despite the fact PC has no idea why this ghost is obsessed with them.
Now then onto Sydney, no matter if Sydney is corrupt or Pure, his loyalty and devotion to the temple remains intact, he may become more aware of the darkness in the temple but he won’t ever actually abandon the temple despite this.
The only other thing Sydney is this loyal to is PC, but Sydney isn’t just loyal to Pc, he slowly develops a hint of obession over Pc, it doesn’t quite reach Ivorys level of obession nor Kylars but it’s still there, in the way that Sydney is possieve over Pc.
But here’s another matter, perhaps it’s due to the temple and it’s teachings but both ivory and Sydney can hum a familiar tune to Pc
A song that PC has never once heard before in the game but feels that it’s familiar the minute one of them sings it to her. Sydney says he learned the tune from Jordan but I have never heard Jordan sing that tune before (unless it’s in a future update) but for now I’d like to believe that Sydney just naturally knows the song and thinks he must’ve learned it from Jordan since Jordan is someone they deeply admire similar to how ivory admired their own Cardinal in their past.
But another thing I find interesting this may be just something that can happen but, the game always starts on a Sunday. And you know whose at the temple on sundays? Sydney.
When I first started my new game as “Alorhna” that Sunday morning the first place I went to was the temple to take the chastity test for the chastity belt, and the person who I met afterwards in the temple was Sydney.
And in the game my character already recognized Sydney from school as being a good student and helper etc, giving the air that the two new each other, post-game timeline aka in the past.
In the ivorys memories they also recall meeting the “new initate” the day of their chastity test. However in ivorys memories it says how they hugged the initate and how they were happy that they passed their test which leaves the mark to be believed that ivory met the initate before they took their test as well.
But yes you can meet Sydney in the same way as ivory meets their own initiatie, almost as if history is repeating itself
And if you go through the rite of defilement quest with Sydney and go to the prayer room, Sydney acts in the same madness as ivory when they have sex with you, also just like ivory Sydney won’t let you escape until after he’s satisfied (so you have to do it with him around 4 times) and it’s the same thing with ivory they only let you go after their done. (This is also implied by the fact that ivory may be the one possessing Sydney but Sydney can still be rough with the PC sometimes outside of the prayer room if their agitated enough)
So both ivory and Sydney share a blind devotion to their faith (Sydney to the temple, ivory to their necklace) a growing obsession with you the player that seems to stem much longer than we are aware of. And a familiar song that only the three of you know.
I deeply believe that Sydney is ivorys soul reborn, just as PC’s soul was reborn. but due to the tragedy that ivory faced, their regrets broke off from the original soul and became a wraith.
That’s why this line “You are wedded to calamity” is still my absolute favorite.
for me the line insinuates that ivory is warning PC , that their repeating history by loving Sydney, by loving another piece of ivorys soul. And that Sydney has the potential to become just as bad if not even worse than ivory is now.
“You are wedded to calamity.”
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alorhna · 1 year ago
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So recently discovered that Sydney can also appear in the Confessional of the temple.
It’s interesting to see how no matter how corrupted Sydney is, he doesn’t really stray from his virtues as much as we’d expect.
I have Sydney fully corrupted and even then he still has doubts and feels bad about acting sinfully despite the corruption. Also this man is so loyal to Pc I love him-
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alorhna · 1 year ago
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One of my favorite quotes by the ivory wraith.
As trouble does seems to follow the player no matter where in the world they go to and given the implications of the Pc’s past life as the ivorys lover.
It would only be fitting for them to be —
“Wedded to calamity.”
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alorhna · 1 year ago
There is canonical evidence of Sirris and Sydney living on Danube Street! If you pray late at night with Sydney, Sirris offers to drive you home--and then you see their car heading towards Danube after you're dropped off.
Asfgkgvjj yeah the lore around the temple (and how it pertains to Kylar's family, Sydney, and the Ivory Wraith) drives me wild. I love all these crumbs. Delicious
Muah! 💋 Thank you for confirming Anon :D
Then that means that Sirris and Sydney must be rich or atleast somewhat stable (which in dolvile is literally an achievement that town is EXPENSIVE to live in 😭)
(or perhaps they came from from old money? maybe like Kylar? since Kylars family is implied to be the fallen aristocract mentioned by winter their most likely nobles in the town aka old money) đŸ€”
I know since Sydney’s temple necklace was a hand-me down from sirris that must mean sirris used to attend the temple and maybe in some aspects is still connected to it ?
What if he saved up his monthly money from working at the church for a few decades before getting married and having Sydney and that accumulated money just became their natural income/wealth ?
Maybe it was a similar situation with kylars family since we know they also attended the temple and worked there before they were cursed into monsters

It could also explain how Kylar has a pepper spray lab that he set up himself. he even states their expensive, maybe working in the temple and with his families accumulated wealth he was able to purchase the necessary materials.
So many theories.. so many questions 👀
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alorhna · 1 year ago
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Finally unraveled the mystery of Kylars manor.
The plot do be thickening. It’s strange how the temple saw it fit to turn his parents into beasts, or snake people- it’s hard to tell what exactly they are.
While I doubt his parents would ever hurt Kylar as we can see when Kylar’s parents first meet the player they are very untrusting of PC (despite this the parents never harm the player, and the player even sates how the monster handled them with “care” when separating them and Kylar, which does give the idea the parents are conscious and aware of what their doing) and very protective of Kylar, and for a young child to have to grow up with beasts as parents it would be traumatizing. Most likely enough to turn Kylar into the boy we know now.
But this scene makes me curious, Jordan seems uneasy to tell us what happened to Kylar and his manor as well as his family but this other member of the faith had no issues telling us.
Is there a schism in the temple? Perhaps Two different sides of the faith ?
Maybe one half is blind in the light, while the other can see the large shadows cast by their own ignorance.
Also not to forget the fact Bailey and Jordan seem to have a history together, as the first person Bailey contacts to help rescues the player is Jordan
(if they choose to be rescued as you can also wait for Kylar to set you free himself which is what I did)
So many mysteries

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alorhna · 1 year ago
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.well this is extremely ominous, since when does the horny ghost care about PC lol-
I lowkey forgot what Alorhna was doing exactly when she got this line but for the ivory wraith to be warning her to run presumably somewhere safe. —Makes me concerned.
I wonder if ivory will ever directly try to save PC from danger. ((Besides the elk street quest were we as the PC help them and they ensure our safety in the progress. ))
I’d like to see this ghost show some actual protective traits like the LIs do. Considering their obession with the pc i feel like it kinda fits ? But ion know đŸ€·â€â™€ïž
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alorhna · 1 year ago
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Yes you are very much taken my fluffy birb husband UvU đŸȘ¶
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