#alongside Widargelt
humblemooncat · 2 months
Lohi's turn! :3c
Without taking new pics, post one of your OCs as a:
Romanceable NPC
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Final Boss
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robynostornwyn · 1 month
Robyn Ostornwyn
Warrior of Light. Bulwark between worlds. Wandering vanguard.
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There is nothing more important to her than protecting her family. She spent her childhood looking after her adopted siblings, Elio and Osk. They were separated during the calamity, hoping the others were alive but fearing the worst. Failing her duty, Robyn dedicated the rest of her life to protecting others in an attempt to atone for her failure. She learned the way of the Free Paladin, and stumbled her way into working with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. The rest, as they say, is history.
Falling in love with Y'shtola was unexpected, embracing the twins as her own siblings less so. Slowly her family grew and became her anchor and her strength. A wound sustained from a battle with a certain scythe wielder weakened her shield arm, so she has taken up the gunblade instead. Anything to keep moving forward unto the next dawn.
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Elio found his way to Ala Mhigo, walking the path of the monk with Widargelt and helping him revive the Fist of Rhalgr. He joins the Ala Mhigan resistance, fighting on the outskirts where speed and agility are most needed. During a battle, he found himself fighting alongside a certain dragoon who seemingly wondered into the fray. A fast partnership formed between the two, and they were often deployed together on strike missions. And of course, their partnership quickly evolved into something far more romantic.
When Elio and Estinien found Robyn passed out on the battle field (due to crystal exarch related shenanigans), they both spirited her back to Ishgard for healing and a long overdue and very teary reunion. Elio stays by Estinien's side helping out the scions and all that entails through the final days and beyond.
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When Osk was found to have a natural talent with white magic at a very young age, her older siblings did everything they could to allow her to learn and grow that talent. She was the only one of them to get any sort of formal schooling, and understood the sacrifice that was made to give her the opportunity.
After the calamity, she apprenticed under a chirurgeon, seeking to augment her magical ability with what healing science she could. Staying in and around the Twelveswood, she worked in hospital camps wherever needed - supporting though the war with Garlemald and the final days.
One day, a passing traveler seeking a nights refuge in their camp shared stories about the Champion of Eorzea. Of course stories of the fabled hero were popular tales, and often wildly exaggerated, but this traveler actually had a name for the hero of the tales - Robyn Ostornwyn.
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Finally, years later, the siblings were reunited. Their hearts full, the pain and hardship they endured never forgotten but worth it to get where they are. Ready for their next adventure.
Forward unto Dawn.
Hey, I'm E - and this is my blog dedicated to FFXIV, my OCs, and other works that inspire me. I've only recently started to get into modding and gpose, and am continuing learning as I go. Hope you enjoy!
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storms-path · 2 years
Day 9 - Yawn
“...And so, as any enlightened mind could surely tell you…”
“...Which of course meant that the Sil’dahn…”
“...Fell into ruin long before that, of course…”
“...And led to the Order of the Fist as we know them today, alongside… you even listening to me, young woman?”
No. Fareena just about managed to bite her tongue on the reflex response, as well as the pointed reminder that she was over twice Erik’s age and then some. But that would just send him spiralling into another lecture about how age is far more of a mental thing than it is physical and of course Fareena is just a child and it would take even more effort not to strangle him. Unfortunately, Erik was the only man who knew where Widargelt had hared off to, and as Stalwart kept reminding her, murder was still very much illegal in Ul’dah.
Unfortunately, her traitorous body did absolutely nothing to stifle the yawn that burrowed its way out of her throat, loudly proclaiming to all the Goldsmithing guild (and Erik) how little she cared about Thanalan’s rich political history and its relation to Ala Mhigo. Alas.
Erik looked horrified. Serendipity looked just about ready to jump for joy. The silence was deafening (if one ignored the tnk tnk tnk of goldsmith hammering). Fareena was unrepentant. After several long, arduous moments, Erik regained his composure.
“I see that I am boring the illustrious Warrior of Light, so allow me to be brief.” Erik proceeded to not be brief by even the most generous definition of the word. Fifteen minutes (which felt closer to fifteen years) later, Fareena finally had her location for the rendezvous.
A good deal of people (lovingly referred to as “idiots” by Fareena) wrongly assumed that viera were immortal. And while certainly they lived a good deal longer than even elezen, their time on the star was far from infinite. Which made it all the more infuriating that Erik sought so dearly to waste her much-limited time. Half the history he spouted had been lived by her family tree, but trying to tell him that had only led him to scoff. Bastard that he was.
Another yawn crept in just thinking about the man. This time Fareena anticipated it, tilting her head back to fully enjoy it. An odd thing to do in the middle of Ul’dah, but Fareena took pride in being odd. It was one of her most charming points, she thought, and to hell with anyone who disagreed. She was never one for company in the first place, even her fellow blessed champions. Stalwart was a stick in the mud and Arashi had a hair-trigger temper and no taste for jokes. No fun at all, the pair of them. But someone had to keep them on the right track, and it stopped the damn voice in her head, so…
She was out past the gates now, her skin blasted with glorious sunshine as she left the great shadow of the city wall behind. Another blisteringly sunny day in Thanalan, same as it ever was. Alas, the heat did nothing for her already-wearied mind. And the shade of the nearby tree looked so very tempting… But no. She had a man to track down, some ancient monk-y secrets to uncover! Or something like that. Truth be told Fareena just did what felt natural with her hands and feet and it mostly worked out alright. Mostly.
She conveniently did not remember the time she had almost broken her foot trying to smash a golem with a leaping kick. As far as Fareena’s ego was concerned, that had never happened.
Somehow, she’d found her way under the mighty bough of the tree. Somehow she found herself nestling herself amongst its roots. Somehow she found her eyes slowly closing, her mind drifting off...
Several hours later, a very, very late Fareena was sprinting to Widargelt’s last known location, hoping against hope she wouldn’t have to speak to Erik again.
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vagabond-sol · 3 years
WoL Cazhim’s Class Progression:
Pre-Eorzea: Trained by his father to survive in the Dalmascan sands, Cazhim was trained in the ways of archery and survival. Unbeknownst to him he also bears the Warrior’s Inner Beast as his mother did before him. All necessary skills for his escape from Garlemald’s tightening grip.
Pre-ARR: Abandons the bow and does his best to stifle his Inner Beast in hopes of letting go of the past. For a few years he takes an apprenticeship under his fellow refugee from Dalmasca, Ms Snow, learning the techniques of the Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith and Carpenter. After things settle for the duo Cazhim feels a calling for adventure as a means to clear his mind, see the realm and help others as he so deeply desires. With Ms Snow’s blessing he leaves La Noscea and heads for Ul Dah and happens upon the Pugilist Guild. There he quickly takes in their teachings and masters the art over a few short months, making him their star pupil. He then takes his first step down the Monk storyline, unlocking a single chakra.
ARR: As he proceeds through the story he unlocks the remaining six chakras and takes up a deep interest in the Primals he is so often thrown at. In time this interest becomes a prolonged study of Summoners and their ability to grasp the essence of a Primal and wield it, especially classic Summoners before tomes became a common focus. Through trial and error and a lot of luck Cazhim manages to channel the essence of Titan, after their numerous battles, into himself and wield it in tandem with his Monk techniques granting him an earthshaking advantage in battle. While his studies into what he begins to call the “Primal Fist” he also begins dabbling in Leatherwork in an attempt to stay self sufficient. Turns out he’s got a knack for the trade and quickly gains the Guildmaster’s trust.
HW: Influenced by the nation’s Dragoons and Widargelt’s tales of the Way of the Lance monk techniques, Cazhim takes up a polearm during Heavensward. The recent betrayal by the Crystal Braves urging him to take better care as the realm’s supposed hero, Cazhim begins looking into his next Primal Fist candidate: Ifrit. It’s a slow crawl but over the journey Caz becomes a lancer almost on par with the Azure Dragoon himself, though with his newfound Primal Fist form Ifrit…most would bet on the Warrior of Light in a fight. During the fight with Nidhogg, with Hraesvelgr’s eye empowering him, Cazhim unlocks an even higher power for the Primal Fist: the ability to summon Shades of the Primals to fight alongside him, however brief, instead of merely mimicking their command of the elements.
Pre SB: Cazhim furthers his studies of the Primal Fist and his method of channeling their essence. Now he can very briefly summon a Shade ,his interpretation the Primal he is channeling, to strike at his foe as he did during the battle with Nidhogg. These summons last long enough to strike once and generally do not exceed his own size by much as he cannot feed them much aether effectively yet. He also discovers that it is difficult to switch between Shades without switching to the weapon he learned them with, taking several minutes and losing much of his control when not using the corresponding weapon.
SB: Once defeated by Zenos Cazhim, feeling the weight of his failure, dives back into his studies. Doubly so as he feels the Inner Beast returning even fiercer than before. His studies of swordsmanship and the next Primal Fist form proceed…slower than he’d like and for much of the journey he silently blames his Inner Beast while trying to maintain his calm demeanor in front of the others. There are slips along the way but in the Azim Steppe he finds a strange comfort and through a few talks with the Elder of the Mol he finds that the attack on Rhalgr’s Reach had reminded him too much of a past he’d locked away and now the only way to move forward was to accept it and himself. Cazhim…began to do so, though he could not do so fully, relieving just enough of the weight from his shoulders to begin taming his Beast. From here on his training proceeded at great speeds and when the time came to fight Zenos, his Shades were ready.
Pre ShB: Keeping the elder’s words in mind Cazhim goes to visit Ms Snow and discuss the things he’d done during the escape from Dalmasca, to know her mind and if she still loved him or if she simply tolerated the beast in her company pretending to to be something he wasn’t. She expresses guilt over letting him act that way, she meant to see what revenge did to him and see if she should allow him to live. She tells him more of how the events shaped her and him and how she is still proud of him despite everything. Cazhim returns to the field with renewed conviction that grants him command of not only his Inner Beast but his Shades as well, becoming able to mix and match both Shades and the weapons he uses while channeling them though their remains much training to be done on that front
ShB: Due to being pulled into the First unarmed Cazhim begins to fight with just his fists and Shades but finds that the Sin Eaters are too monstrous and numerous to rely on fists alone. In a pinch he takes up the Dark Knight’s Greatsword and focuses on being able to instantly summon and switch Shades without switching from his crowd clearing greatsword. However he still finds battles a struggle but with the help of Feo Ul and Xavier he realizes he never tried using his Inner Beast, only held its reins, never truly accepting this violent nature. Upon realizing this he focuses almost entirely on the Inner Beast and finding what he wants in this life. As such mastery comes easy as it was meant to be until his final confrontation, where he proudly wields all of his powers at once.
Pre EW: Cazhim has mastered the Inner Beast and the Primal Fist Shades. Now he seeks one last Shade…
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One of my goals for 4.X was to level monk to seventy - and over a year after the fact, I managed to find a spare weekend to make that happen.
The monk job quests have consistently been one of my favorite story arcs in XIV, and the sixty through seventy quests were no exception. It had so much of what I was hoping would be present in 4.0's main story: the fate of Theodoric's long-lost heir, more backstory on the Griffin, the Corpse Brigade... yet considering how riveting it was to experience this story as a standalone arc, I'm now pretty glad that Widargelt didn't feature in the 4.X MSQ à la Estinien.
I managed to record the quests in their entirety, split up into three separate videos, for the future reference of myself and anyone else who’d like to experience or revisit this arc.
Some things to note:
I leveled monk after completing the 4.0 MSQ, and some parts of the dialogue reflect that; nevertheless, there are no major differences in the text, and it’s clear that a monk leveling to seventy alongside the MSQ would have had a similar experience to mine.
I edited these videos even less than I usually edit my clips - which is saying something - so if there happens to be a few seconds where nothing’s happening, it’s because I just want to get this footage off my hard drive.
If people want my thoughts on specific elements of this quest, I’d be thrilled to weigh in after 4.3 Return to Ivalice coverage wraps up!
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