#almost ran us into a fence yesterday where I literally yelled “oh fuck FENCE
I’m currently working a little bit with a horse who bucks anytime you ask for a lope (or canter if you’re an English rider), and I did not think I would be so sore today after riding him yesterday 😂
But all I can think about is cowboy Bakugou working at a ranch and getting assigned these kind of horses day after day and on his weekends he just walks around the house sore as hell muttering under his breath “I love my job” over and over.
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takeiteasypeasybaby · 4 years
Save Me: Chapter 61 - A Foiled Plan
~Hey guys! I hope everyone is doing well under the current circumstances :) I hope everyone enjoys this chapter and as always have a good week!~
Michonne and Negan decide what is best for Molly, on the basis of their own good intentions. But, will Molly be able to respect their wishes or will vengeance get the best of her?
The following morning...
I awoke early, having not really slept well last night because my mind was buzzing with thoughts of killing that woman.
I know that Negan didn't want me going out there by myself, but regardless of the outcome, I had to do this for Tara and for me.
I tiptoed past Lydia's room and down the stairs where I picked up my jacket and my weapons.
The snow was clearing now and I couldn't wait any longer, I had only promised to wait until the end of the storm, which I did.
Hardly anyone was about so I managed to walk to the front gate unnoticed.
Just as I creaked the gate open, Michonne stood behind me and said warningly 'don't try it Molly'.
I sighed, saying sternly 'I have to do this, you have to let me do this. If it was Rick, you wouldn't stop'.
She contemplated my plea, but still insisted.
'I'm not gonna let you go out there' she said pulling out her walkie talkie.
'I want all eyes on Molly, under no circumstances can she leave the compound. George and Sam, I need you two to guard Molly' she spoke into it.
I scowled, saying 'you can't be serious'.
'I'm deadly serious, you're not well Molly' she said pleadingly.
'Who said that?!' I asked furiously.
'You're acting rashly' she continued.
But I wouldn't let up, 'who said that?' I asked again.
'Who?!' I added, getting increasingly frustrated with her silence.
'Does it matter?' she asked as George and Sam started to walk towards us.
I looked at them and begged again, 'it matters, tell me'.
'Negan, he came to me and said you weren't ready' she said sternly.
I just looked at her in shock.
'He wouldn't' I said angrily.
'You know that he would Molly, if he thought it would protect you' she said calmly.
I stormed off as Michonne pointed to the two guards to follow me.
I barged past them both, almost knocking them to the ground as I marched down to Negan' cell.
'What the hell?!' I screamed at him.
He sighed, saying 'so Michonne spilled the beans...'.
'How could you do this to me?! After everything I said yesterday, did that mean nothing to you?!' I yelled.
He stood up and said sternly, 'it means everything to me, you mean everything to me so I'm not sorry that I didn't want you going back out there when your judgement is blinded'.
I paced around the room angrily and yelled, 'that's what you think?! That my 'judgement' is blinded?!'.
'Yeah I do! I know exactly what you want to do, you wanna go out there guns a blazin' by yourself and take her down and you don't care if you die in the process! You can hate me all you want for this, but if it's what keeps you safe and alive, then screw it' he yelled back.
'It wasn't your decision to make' I said sadly.
'Well I made it. Look, I want you to kill her, but you have to be 100% because if not, you will be putting yourself and everyone else at risk. What happens if something goes wrong? She could kill you and then come here and kill everyone you love. You are strong as shit Molly, but you have to be all in, you can't be dealing with grief when you do it' he said sternly, but like he was more afraid for me than angry.
'I don't think that's the whole truth' I stated angrily.
'What do you mean?' he asked as I got closer to the bars.
'I think you're sabotaging us, you're backing out. Looks like you're saving your own ass by going to Michonne. Was that you trying to get in her good graces?' I said harshly.
'That's not fair' he replied.
'Oh isn't it?! Literally hours after we kiss in front of everyone, you give Michonne intel. You can't say that that was all about me' I said sadly.
'You really think I'd do that?' he asked with hurt in his voice.
'You could've gone to anyone else, you could've asked me! But, instead, you make me feel like some sort of mental patient trying to break out of an asylum! I have burnt all of my bridges for you, over and over again fully knowing that the people I love will hate me for it, why haven't you?' I asked as I walked out of his cell.
When I left the cell, dumb and dumber followed me back to my house and stood outside the front door, effectively caging me in my own home.
I needed to do something in our fight against the whisperers and this morning Michonne seemed like she was hiding something from me.
I rifled through my bag and boxes until I found an old walkie talkie.
I audibly shouted 'yes!' as I tuned it to the Alexandria radio, to listen in on the latest intel.
It took a while but soon enough Luke connected the line and said that a hoard was heading towards Hilltop and that it was probably the whisperers.
I had seen that hoard and connecting the pieces it all made sense, she wanted to hit me where it hurt, my former community.
I packed a bag and chucked it out of the window which faced the fence.
I knew no 'eyes' would be watching me from that angle, so I hopped out the window and jumped down to the ground.
I winced as I felt my legs shudder, but there were no sprains or broken bones so I was all good.
I knew that climbing the fence would clang and rattle, alerting my guards so I brought a shovel and dug a hole straight under, filling it mostly back up so that walkers couldn't get in.
I sprinted for the woods and was undetected as I ran towards Hilltop.
I knew it would take several hours on foot so I kept running as fast as I could until I came across any abandoned vehicles.
Most of them had no gas and were practically falling apart but a miracle must have befallen me when I came across an untouched motorbike.
I whispered, 'yes!' to myself as I hot-wired the engine and it had enough gas to get me to Hilltop.
As soon as I got there, the gates opened as Luke welcomed me frantically and said 'boy am I happy to see you! But I thought that Michonne said-'.
I stopped him and said, 'that doesn't matter now, we need to get ready'.
He nodded seriously as we both briefed everyone on the plan.
I knew that Michonne and Judith would be here somewhere so I did my best to hide in the shadows until I saw the whisperers.
A few of our snipers fought some off, but they increasingly started to surround our defences.
Many stabbed at them with long pikes from the watchtowers and others simply shot them dead.
I made my way to the front gate when I saw Michonne and Judith battling off walkers outside the walls.
'Shit' I said as she saw me.
'What the shit?!' she yelled as she kept on fighting.
'Can't stop me Michonne' I shouted as I ran off in the opposite direction and slipped through the back gates.
I sliced down walkers that came after me and shot a few whisperers.
The only advantage was that they didn't have guns, only knives.
I was starting to get swamped by them when a shadowed figure mowed them down with an assault rifle.
When the smoke cleared, I looked up at the watchtower to see Lydia.
'Lydia?!' I shouted.
'Molly?! Doesn't matter, I can cover you' she said enthusiastically, clearly ignoring the part where she forgot to tell me about her going to Hilltop.
I looked at her sternly but nodded, thanking her for helping me out.
Amidst all the chaos of dropping bodies all around me, I saw her.
The woman who murdered my sister was standing away from it all.
My eyes locked onto her and I sprinted towards her, not caring about the whisperers near me.
The woman smiled sinisterly as she saw me running after her and started to run into the forest.
I grunted and paced after her, when suddenly, like in slow motion, I saw Daryl and Connie going after a tall whisperer.
He looked like her right hand man.
I hesitated and shot a couple whisperers chasing me and then changed my course of direction and headed to help Daryl.
As much as I wanted to kill that woman, I needed to prove that my judgement wasn't clouded.
I sprinted after Daryl and Connie as they chased the tall man.
I shot at him, but he managed to weave in and out of the trees, avoiding each bullet.
'Son of a bitch' I said as a whisperer came out of nowhere and tackled me to the ground.
Connie stopped and was about to help me when I told her 'Daryl'.
I struggled with the masked man as he tried to strangle me but using the barrel of the gun, I whacked him across the side of his face, sending him toppling off me as I drove my dagger into his skull.
Then a dozen whisperers came after me and then Connie after I caught up to her, we were encircled and unable to go after Daryl.
It took a while, but standing back to back, Connie and I managed to take them all out.
We took a deep breath as I said 'okay let's go' just as Daryl came running back towards us.
We both looked at each other in confusion, as Daryl said breathlessly, with his daggers covered in blood 'that son of a bitch is dead'.
I nodded and smiled, saying 'yeah, we did some damage here too' as I high fived Connie.
Daryl smiled slightly and said 'c'mon let's get the fuck outta here'.
I chuckled, saying 'don't have to ask me twice'.
I thought I would feel angry or at least upset that I didn't go after their leader, but killing some of them was enough and knowing that Daryl had taken out her second in command, made it all the more sweeter.
Negan was wrong, I was ready.
But, I was also wrong, whether he thought I was ready or not, he had lost me all those years ago and he just didn't want to lose me again.
I knew that now.
The only guilt that wracked my brain was what I said to him before I left.
Fuck I could be a bitch sometimes...
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