#almost like the fandom forces on him the “cutesy” kind of stuttering
not-a-blog-blogs · 1 year
Tfw fanfic authors just unanimously decided Tweek Tweak has the repeating letters/sounds sort of stutter instead of his actual stutter that involves repeating entire words
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a-milky-strawberry · 7 years
Onew x Reader - You Did Nothing Wrong (Fluff)
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This month’s events have been hard on your husband, Lee Jinki, or has he’s better known as ‘SHINee’s Dubu Onew’. Everyone knows that Onew is a little huge clutz. But, he does it in a way that’s sorta charming and super cute. Even if someone was new to the fandom, they’d know that about him in a few minutes. That’s how he earned his own silly condition named, “Onew Sangtae”.
Besides that, Onew is generally a sweet guy and super caring. He would never intentionally hurt someone or something. He would never ever ever EVER in his life put his hands on a woman that wasn’t in a protective sense. You remember the first time he ever put his hands on you. It was an accident, obviously. You guys were walking in a park on a nice little date when you noticed a small little cutesy pupper playing in the grass. In your burst in excitement you sprinted off to pet said pupper. Unbeknownst to you, a speeding bike was heading straight towards you -- or rather you ran in front a speeding bikes pathway. What Onew meant to do was slightly tug you back and let the bike speed by. What actually happened was Onew grabbing your arm with slight force causing him to trip over his own feet and falling on top of you. The bike came to a screeching halt and you guys were given some weird stares. Onew was so embarrassed that it took him at least 2 weeks to get him to hold your hand again.
While that was all laughs and you never seem to ease up on teasing him with that day, these days haven’t been the best for teasing. Onew was in a major scandal and it wasn’t a light one either. It was a sexual harassment scandal -- the worst of them all. You remember the day like it was yesterday, given that it was about a week ago. Onew was a wreck. You had gotten a notification on Twitter notifying all the fans of his scandal. At first you couldn’t believe it and refused to answer any of the bombarding, not to mention rude, questions that were being sent to you. You were even contemplating ignoring Onew until you got your emotions under control.
Turns out Onew was given the bad end of that stick. You came to the house on his hands and knees, crying and begging for forgiveness, even though it wasn’t his fault. He explained that he was drunk and thought it was a pole to steady himself from his drunken stupor. It was an honest mistake, but it didn’t appear that way to the woman. Onew decided to stay out of the limelight until this blew over which is a good move, but he’s been a mess. He almost never left the room and whenever the scandal would be brought up to talk about, he’d blame himself. You were starting to think this whole thing would damage him.
You were now watching him from the door frame. Onew was looking down at his phone and judging from the blue light that shined on his face, he was on Twitter. You can see tears building up in his eyes and quiet sniffles that he tried to cover up. You quickly walked over to him and snatched his phone. Onew’s head snapped up to you and he quickly tried to hide his tears and stay strong. You put his head in your chest and rubbed his head softly.
“You did nothing wrong.” you whispered softly.
The quiet sniffles were getting a little heavy.
“Yes, it is. I should’ve been more aware of my surroundings--” he tried explaining.
“You were drunk. You did nothing wrong.”
“Why… why was I born like this?” The sniffles turned into heavy sobs.
“You’re unique, Onew. And being a clutz can be cute sometimes. You did nothing wrong.”
Onew was now sobbing fully into your chest. You rubbed his back and hummed softly. It broke your heart to see him like this. Onew is a very sensitive man. He doesn't cry at the drop of a hat, but it also doesn’t take that much to make him cry (as well as blush).
“I-I-I… I just-- I-”
“Hey, hey. Deep breathes, hun. Breathe in, breathe out.”
Onew takes in some breaths before speaking again. “I-I just want to know if what I’m doing is the right thing…”
You sighed. “Of course. Staying out of harm's way is what’s best for you. That also means staying off Twitter.” you tease jokingly. You hear a tiny laugh. “I guess that’s true.”
You pull away and give him a kiss on his forehead causing a blush to form. You giggled. “Why don’t we order some pizzas and watch some dramas together.”
Onew nodded. “Sure, as long as I can hold you like this I’m fine.”
You gasp playfully. “Did THE Onew just be verbal with his skinship?!”
Onew’s blush turned brighter and he tried to pull away. “N-No!!”
You laughed and held him tighter. “Nope! You said you wanted to be like this, so I’m giving you what you ordered. It’s just like that date we had in that park--”
“JAGI!!” Onew yelped, blushing even harder (if that were even possible). “You said you’d never bring that up in this kind of situation.”
“Well, I thought that since you were feeling better and I got a couple of chuckles out you than I have in this whole I just thought--”
“Let’s just watch some dramas and eat pizza, okay?” Onew cleared his throat and dragged you along to the living room.
You giggled. “Yes sir!”
With Twitter left behind, you guys enjoyed a nice movie date night that included a few of Onew’s musicals for nostalgia. You snuggled into your husband and listened to his stories, now in a much better mood.
These were the times that you loved. Whenever you were feeling down or being tabloid about, Onew was always there to cheer you up. Your heart swells knowing that you can do the same for him. After all, he didn’t do anything wrong. He was just a clutz and an even bigger one when drunk, but he’ll get better and bounce back. He always does.
hey guys! here’s another scenario. sorry of this seems a little OOC for Onew. i just love blushy and stuttering Onew. i think it’s super cute. so, this whole scandal thing is a bummer since Onew is such a fucking sweetheart. especially that smile. i hope he’s doing well and this isn’t a big thing that people continue to talk about. it was an honest mistake and no one knows that better than him and his fans. please treat him with respect guys. the worst type of fan is a disrespectful netizen. fighting ONEW!!! anyways, sorrynotsorry for the rant, please enjoy.
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