#almost all of the characters are here besides Faux the Oldheads Benni and Berlage
dragonmarquise · 2 months
BRC Headcanon Full Names
I have another BRC ask to work on tonight, thus I figure I should post this now. So then, behold! A big ol’ list of full name headcanons!
Basically a continuation of this post I made a long while back. This covers pretty much all the major characters, at least the playable ones. Plus even specific crew members from the rival crews!
Some of these have specific meanings that I used for the particular character, others were just kind of more general vibes, like “Oh this sounds cool/cute/etc.” A few of these will have extra notes on why I picked particular given/family names, but otherwise just assume it was because I liked the sound of it! Went with mostly Dutch last names for most of these characters since, well, dialog in parts of the game imply New Amsterdam is still in the Netherlands, so that made it a bit easier when I couldn't think of anything else to try, y'know? :P
Also note, not everyone here has a middle name. Not everyone irl has one anyways! Also also, some of the Dutch last names may be in the format of “Van (something)” or “De (something”, so just wanted to point that out in case anyone might get confused and think Van/De is a middle name, lol
Starting with the main cast:
Tryce = Tristian Christoffel
Bel = Annabella Pieper
DJ Cyber = Cyrus Rafaël Nassau
Felix = Bernard Manfred Van Steen (I still maintain that Felix looks like his real name would be Bernard, lol)
Vinyl = Florence Zoë Hendriks (when she was a child, she would sometimes write it as “Hendrix” and try to convince people she was related to Jimi Hendrix; it worked more often than it probably should have)
Solace = Levi Smit
The five bonus BRC members:
Rave = Vanessa Yvonne Ziegler (A headcanon, note, her dad is a black German, and her mom is from the Dominican Republic! Since she has a bunch of lines in German, and at least two in Spanish (one in particular being specifically Dominican slang), so that’s how I’m handled this :P )
Mesh = Bassam Karimi (first name means “smiling” in Arabic, last name is derived from the given name Karim/Kareem, which in turn means something along the lines of "generous, noble" or “dignity”; my research into this yielded differing results, but this seems to be more or less the overall idea. Honestly think it both sounds nice and really suits him!)
Shine = Sol Bakker (“Sol” just means “sun” in Spanish and Portugese, basically the idea is she derived her street name from that!)
Rise = Josephine Katherina Thomas (She hates being called any sort of nickname for her first name. It’s either Rise or Josephine, that’s it)
Coil = Oscar Meijer (Fun fact, the English equivalent of Meijer is Meyer/Mayer. I genuinely did not intentionally make Coil’s real name to be a roundabout reference to the lunch meat, but now that I realize it, I’m definitely keeping it this way, loool)
Some others:
Rietveld = We know here full name is Irene Rietveld, but a bonus idea: the rest of BRC point out it’s a bit awkward for her to go by her real name as her street/writer name, so she eventually settles on Rivet as an alias! :D
Escher = Matthias Conrad Escher (Originally just Matthias, but then decided to make a reference to the actual M. C. Escher, “Yeah, my parents knew what they were doing.”; thanks to @slappels for the suggestion way back when!!)
My Devil Theory OCs! The season in parentheses is what in-game palette they correspond with.
Sai (spring) = Tomás Lucas Ortiz
Nunchaku (summer) = Roxanne Beverly Sullivan
Daishō (autumn) = Hiro Francisco Morikawa (first name using the character for “prosperous” (浩); last name using the characters for “forest” (森) and “river” (川). Not that he ever gets a chance to write them in Japanese characters anyways :P )
Bō (winter) = Gavril Jansen
Now for DOT EXE! A repeat from the full DOT EXE headcanons I made a while back, but still including it here for convenience.
Cueball = Ernesto Alberto Visser (Dutch father and Italian-American mother; “Her side of the family were like, the conservative Italian-American types. The kind that makes an annoyingly big deal about celebrating Columbus Day.”; his first and middle name come from two different great grandfathers on his mom’s side)
Eight Ball = Frederik Visser (older half-brother to Cueball, they share the same dad)
Cinco (five ball) = César Hugo Raúl Garcia-Flores (last name got hyphenated when he moved to New Amsterdam while getting his papers in order and stuff; not sure if I ever clarified it in the original post, but in most (probably all?) Spanish-speaking countries, people have two last names, one from their father and the other from their mother. When moving to a country that doesn’t allow for two last names, some people end up forced to pick one or the other. Cinco went with just hyphenating it to be able to effectively keep both.)
Neun (nine ball) = Sebastián Montero Sebastian Jäger
Twoson (two ball) = Beau Driessen
Fourside (four ball) = Robin Zaal
Jūrō (ten ball) = Maximilien Théodore Perrault
Quatorze (fourteen ball) = Marie-Madeleine Lucille Perrault
And heck, the rest of the New Amsterdam crews too while I’m at it. Same as with DT and DE, the season in parentheses is the corresponding in-game palette for the playable rival character.
The Franks:
Flesh Prince = Ruben Vos (last name meaning fox, and apparently was/is a nickname for a clever person… or a person with red hair, lol)
Bill (spring) = Caspar Westenberg
Charles (summer) = Thomas Vogels
Michael (autumn) = Abraham Joël Admiraal
Larry (winter) = Lennard Van Herten
(For their street names besides the Prince, they’re named after famous basketball players, specifically from this list; Charles, Michael, and Larry are probably obvious, with Bill there’s at least two different Bills on that list lol)
Eclipse: (Street names come from constellations, I tried to go with more (relatively?) obscure ones for the names)
Vela (spring) = Sara Al-Ghazzawi
Aquila (summer) = Melissa Agnes Fortuin
Lyra (autumn) = Hannah De Klerk
Cassiopeia (winter) = Xandra Gemma Daalmans (given name is actually Alexandra, but she goes mostly by Xandra for her business)
And finally the rest of FUTURISM: (see my recent short headcanon post about them!)
Nyx (spring) = Laura Kappel
Jazz (summer) = Vincent Linden
Veronica (autumn) = Paula Prinsen (Paula is the feminine form of Paul, which in turn has roots in the Latin word Paulus which can mean humble. This is an intentionally ironic name choice for this character, lmao. Also Prinsen means “son of the Prince”, so this one is more in line with her haughty attitude)
Quantum (winter) = Esther Katja Hoedemaker (She goes by Kat as a nickname)
This next one only applies to my fanfic AU of “What if we take the postgame at face value and Red somehow became a separate person from both Felix and Faux”, but anyways:
Red = Russell Miles Van Steen (Picked the first and middle names himself, note that Russell just means “red” lol. He took on Felix’s last name since they see each other as brothers after a certain point. And it’s not like Red could come up with a better last name anyways. His middle name when paired with Felix’s middle name is a Miles Edgeworth reference :P )
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dragonmarquise · 2 months
BRC MerMay Ideas
And now for my BRC MerMay headcanons!! Like I mentioned in the poll, every year I try to do a drawing for MerMay, which is usually just a mermaid version of a favorite character. I’m hoping to do something for BRC next year, so I’ve got a bunch of ideas for mermaid versions for almost every character!
Benni, the Oldheads, and Berlage are not here, but maybe they can stay as humans in this… I guess it’s basically a MerMay/mermaid AU by this point, lol
Starting with the main cast:
Tryce = red snapper
Bel = floating bell jellyfish (Get it, bell, Bel, lol)
Vinyl = sailfish, probably the Atlantic sailfish in particular
Felix = coelacanth (for headcanons-derived-from-implied-lore reasons, hee hee...)
DJ Cyber = manta ray, specifically the giant manta ray because they're cool as hell
Solace = garden eel! He pops in and out of the sand.
Solace: *popping out of the sand* Hello friends! How are y-- Tryce: You get back in that sand hole, or so help me-- Solace: *going back into the sand* Oh, okay, sorry!!
I’m sorry, I just find the idea funny, lol
Some bonus BRC members plus Escher:
Rave = wahoo
Mesh = threadfin butterflyfish
Shine = sunshinefish (was originally going to make her a sunfish, but I decided to be nice to her :P )
Rise = leopard seal
Coil = rainbow wrasse
Rietveld = orca
Escher = whale shark with prosthetic tail (I headcanon that the original Escher has non-cybernetic prosthetic legs, below the knees, so that’s getting carried over to his MerMay design)
Okay so also! With Rietveld and Escher in this weird AU, they used to be humans (Cops? Part of a navy who tried to hunt mermaids maybe?) who said “Screw this, we won’t be the bad guys anymore!!” and found a way to turn into mermaids. I guess. :P
So moving on, for the rival characters from here, besides DOT EXE, the seasons in parentheses indicate which in-game palette corresponds to that character. Just so you know!
The Franks = stitched together of different sharks and dolphins!
Bill (spring) = common dolphin + lemon shark
Charles (summer) = dusky dolphin + blue shark
Michael (autumn) = Commerson’s dolphin + thresher shark
Larry (winter) = bottlenose dolphin + leopard shark
Flesh Prince = Atlantic spotted dolphin (Spots and freckles!!)
Eclipse = all octopi
Vela (spring) = common octopus
Aquila (summer) = blue ringed octopus
Lyra (autumn) = mimic octopus
Cassiopeia (winter) = giant pacific octopus
DOT EXE = Robo fish mermaids!! So not specific fish species here, just general shapes/appearances basically.
Twoson (two ball) and Fourside (four ball) = robo guppies
Cinco (five ball) = robo sailfish
Neun (nine ball) = robo stingray
Eight Ball = robo shark
Jūrō (ten ball) = robo eel
Quatorze (fourteen ball) = robo octopus
Cueball = robo dolphin
Devil Theory = all sharks (more specifically picked species that have been most commonly reported in shark attacks)
Sai (spring) = great white shark (the guy with the anger problems of course gets the shark with the most reported bites :P )
Nunchaku (summer) = tiger shark
Daishō (autumn) = blacktip shark (Not blacktip reef shark! That is actually a separate species)
Bō (winter) = bull shark
Fun fact! Leopard seals are apex predators, and are even known to eat sharks on occasion. This is why Rise is allowed in Devil Theory’s turf (waters?) in this MerMay AU, lol
FUTURISM = stingrays, like with DJ Cyber
Nyx (spring) = eagle ray
Jazz (summer) = bat ray
Veronica (autumn) = whiptail stringray
Quantum (winter) = electric ray (maybe the marbled one in particular?)
Bonus round of “Red is somehow a separate person from Felix and Faux” stuff because I like the idea of that (but not as a replacement for Felix, the hate I have seen against Felix just to prop up Red that I have seen in this fandom is ridiculous...)
Red = A red guppy! So then Faux was this before being defeated too of course. Red in this AU is like… a talking hermit crab taking shelter in the old Red helmet. Felix was putting the helmet back together to use as his new mask, and found Red.
He decided to let the crab have the helmet (especially since it needed it more than him, having a hard time finding an actual shell after being bullied by other hermit crabs) plus Faux's old body. Using the helmet and some advanced set up inside of it (probably with further modifications by the Flesh Prince and DJ Cyber), Red can use it to control the body just like any other mermaid! Huzzah!
Faux's head is found at some point later, miraculously still alive and well! He gets attached to a non-mermaid sea dragon at some point. Not an actual sea dragon, but a leafy seadragon. Basically the Flesh Prince and DJ Cyber tricked him into agreeing to the new body, omitting the “leafy” part, lmao
They promise to get him a proper mermaid body if he behaves and properly repents for what he did (he still killed Felix here and tried to kill the others before being stopped), but uh, suffice to say at the moment he's got a long way to go.
It doesn’t help that he keeps trying to outright steal his old body from Red. “Dude, you literally threw it away to try and steal Solace’s body!!” “Don’t care, give it back!!” lol
So yeah! That's all of what I have for MerMay ideas! Feel free to let me know what you think of these :D
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