fictionadventurer · 2 months
Oh... I just had a thought. I know I sent you an ask about fictional book recs of sorts when you had first posted it, but if I can, I'd like to make an amendment to it. (As rambling as I was that time too.)
What if; The Scorn Prince, was a time travel story instead.
Oh, are you talking about The Scorn King? Because let me tell you, that is one of the wildest sequels I've ever read, and if you want to know where I stand on the fandom controversy, it's that I love it to bits.
The more I think about it, the more I love that Meryl North had the audacity to follow up The Scorn Prince this way. Because it starts as such a normal-sounding sequel--a few years after the bittersweet ending of The Scorn Prince, the Yates siblings have at last found a magical artifact that will let them travel to Jerrigan's kingdom of Ardwick. And we naturally assume this will lead to another cozy-yet-silly fish-out-of-water tale, this time with the Yates siblings learning to navigate Jerrigan's world.
Except, the artifact that lets them cross worlds also messes with time, and the very act of their arriving changes history--the ripples across time created phenomena of glowing lights that were interpreted as omen signifying that Jerrigan was meant to rule, which meant that the coup that displaced him and drove him to our world never happened, so he was able to take the throne and has been ruling for several years without undergoing the character reformation that happened when he was in our world.
And I've seen people outraged at the fact that the sequel erases the events of the first book. But the thing is, it doesn't. The fact that the Yates kids are from a different world lets North justify some timey-wimeyness where the kids remember the old timeline while finding themselves in the new timeline, facing a King Jerrigan who's a great big jerk who doesn't remember them at all. And the tension between those two timelines, as they try to reconcile who they know Jerrigan could be with who he is now is so painful and so great.
The political intrigue alone! Ruth stubbornly holding onto the idea that Jerrigan can be reformed despite no signs that it'll happen in a place and a time where he's secure in his power, while her brothers are tempted into helping a revolution to overthrow him. On the one hand, you want to side with Ruth in liking this guy we grew to love in the last book, but on the other hand, the boys kind of have a point that maybe the revolution is the only way to spark his character arc, but on the other hand, if the Yates kids betray him, they're not going to be in a position to help him undergo the character arc the way they did in the last book.
And they're stuck in a scheming royal court with its intrigues, which they have no experience navigating, and Ruth is kind of wrestling with the tiny bits of romance with Jerrigan that came from the last book, and Jerrigan himself is having to face the fact that these weird people from another world are disappointed in him and for some reason he cares and starts to undergo a character arc that might be too little too late.
It's just so complex and not at all what I'd have expected as a follow-up to The Scorn Prince, and I know that makes some people mad, but I adore it. If people want to ignore the sequel and write their terrible fluffy fanfic versions, that's fine, but I am going to treasure this story instead.
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👗 please!
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💾 Have you read any of the challenge stories that have really stuck with you? (Any stories you still think about/go back and read)
📝 If you’ve previously participated, which team (or teams) have you ended up on?
🖋️Which team are you hoping for?
💻Which team do you least want to end up on?
Have you read any of the challenge stories that have really stuck with you? (Any stories you still think about/go back and read)
Tell Your Dad You Love Him, by @queenlucythevaliant
The salt metaphor resonated just a tad too close to real life. Like, right in the feels. 10/10 would definitely recommend a reread.
If you’ve previously participated, which team (or teams) have you ended up on?
I have not participated before! But I'm very excited about it (:
Which team are you hoping for?
Oh I can't decide! Team Tolkien and his time travelling wizards (<- longest idea by far) vs Team Lewis and his sweet epistolary letter from a planet exploring botanist? It's damn near impossible!
Which team do you least want to end up on?
Team Chesterton for sure. Though I have un-ironically placed my shortest and simplest idea on his team, the trouble would be three-fold. Little time writing it and plenty of time to agonize over it. ;D
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griseldabanks · 15 days
🖋️Which team are you hoping for?
💻Which team do you least want to end up on?
🖨️Which genre/s excites you the most?
🖋️Which team are you hoping for?
I'm hoping for Team Lewis, because I've got a few thoughts already for a portal fantasy I'd like to explore. Team Tolkien would also be great, because Secondary World fantasy is my bread and butter.
💻Which team do you least want to end up on?
Team Chesterton - partly because I know him least out of the three authors (I've only read a few Father Brown stories and The Man Who Was Thursday, which I barely remember because I feverishly read it over a spring break during a semester of college where I had to read an unconscionable number of books in a crazy-short time), partly because I don't feel like I have a great grasp on what counts as intrusive fantasy or earth travel.
🖨️Which genre/s excites you the most?
As mentioned above, I'm excited to explore a portal fantasy! I'm trying not to plan too many specifics until I know what team I'm on, but this could be a great excuse to work out some of my fledgling Narnia-esque imaginings. I've also got a few Secondary World fantasy novels already on the back burners, so it would be fairly simple to just write a short story in one of those worlds. I've also got some vague ideas for a sci-fi story, but if I get Team Lewis, I'd totally doing a portal fantasy.
Inklings Challenge Ask Game
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isfjmel-phleg · 3 months
Tamett Short Story 2
Again, I am so sorry that I did not check the documents before adding them to the list. This is a completed story that somehow didn't make it into the completed folder. You can read it in its entirety here.
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lydiahosek · 14 days
💾 Have you read any of the challenge stories that have really stuck with you? (Any stories you still think about/go back and read)
📓Which of this year’s theme/s are you most drawn to?
💻Which team do you least want to end up on?
🖨️Which genre/s excites you the most?
🖋️Which team are you hoping for?
💾 - Oh yes! The first to come to mind are
"Floor It" by allieinarden
"Fable" by fictionadventurer
"Lily & Leandros" by mademoiseli
"Tidings of Comfort and Joy" by imissthembutitwasntadisaster
📓 - "Counsel the doubtful", "Pray for the living and the dead". Depending on which team I end up on, "Forgive all injuries" could work with an unused idea from a year or two ago.
💻 - There are no bad options, but I've been on Team Lewis the last two years.
🖨️ - That shiny new earth travel genre sounds promising. I think a bunch of the themes could be used in interesting ways with time travel, too.
🖋️ - I've never been on Team Tolkien...
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popcornfairy28 · 16 days
🖋️Which team are you hoping for?
💻Which team do you least want to end up on?
📃Which genre/s do you feel least confident about?
📜Which genre/s do you feel most confident about?
Thanks for the ask!
🖋️Which team are you hoping for?
I'm hoping I'll get Team Tolkien this year, since I've already got an idea that would fit Time Travel the best. I could probably find a way to make it work with the other teams though, and hopefully it will not be my only idea lol.
💻Which team do you least want to end up on?
Since I was on Team Chesterton last year, I don't really want to end up on that team again this year. I'm also just a bit more familiar with Tolkien and Lewis' works anyway. It would be cool to try out the new Earth Travel genre though, since I was one of the few that tried the Adventure genre.
📃Which genre/s do you feel least confident about?
Probably Intrusive Fantasy, followed by Space Travel.
📜Which genre/s do you feel most confident about?
I'd have to say Secondary World Fantasy.
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plainshobbit · 11 months
Trick or Treat🎃
Two children are born the same night in the same hour -- the heirs of two rival kingdoms. A girl is born to the leaders of a kingdom whose symbol is a dragon. A boy is born to their rival kingdom whose symbol is a phoenix.
That night the weaver finishes a magnificent tapestry of a phoenix and dragon intertwined rising into the night sky, trailing flame over crossed swords. Below the Pheonix crown lies crushed and shattered amid smoke and ash.
It is clear to the Pheonix king that this means that if his child should meet the child of his rival, they would unite and overthrow him. But he is a cunning and cruel man. He takes measures that he believes will prevent the prophecy from seeing its fulfillment. 
The years pass and the two children grow to be skilled warriors and fierce protectors of their kingdoms.
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siena-sevenwits · 7 months
Happy Shrove Tuesday!
You get "Gari-gari" performed by Trio Mandili! I love how much fun they always seem to be having in their videos and that they go for an unfinished, singing while walking style. This song just has such a fun beat, too. I love joyful singing in minor keys!
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allisonreader · 1 year
Well that's certainly an interesting way to misspelling my own name.
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inklings-challenge · 18 days
2024 Inklings Challenge Participants List
This is an ongoing list of writers who have expressed interest in participating in the 2024 Inklings Challenge. I will be updating this list until October 1st, 2024, at which date everyone on the list will be assigned to one of the three Challenge Teams.
I have erred on the side of including people, so if you’re on the list and you do not want to participate, let me know and I’ll remove you. And it’s very possible I’ve missed names in the shuffle, so if you’re not on the list and you do want to participate, let me know so I can add you.
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
Just because I am so curious what you would come up with this title….
The Scorn Prince- historical fantasy
When I picked The Scorn Prince by Meryl North off of the library shelf on a whim, I had no clue that I was getting all my favorite fantasy tropes in one middle-grade (borderline YA) book. We've got a cozy sibling tale. We've got fantasy political intrigue. And we get a portal fantasy where the person from another world crosses to our world.
The Scorn Prince is one Jerrigan, crown prince of the fantasy realm of Ardwick, so-named because of his intense pride and sharp tongue that lead him to disdain basically everyone as his inferiors. As you can imagine, this doesn't make him many friends, and he winds up being overthrown in a revolution and driven into the wilderness, where he stumbles upon a portal that leads him to a coastal village in 1940s Maine. There, he's discovered by Ruth Yates and her brothers Walter and Edwin, who, naturally, think he's crazy, but decide to help him find food and shelter and navigate their world. There's all sorts of silly fish-out-of-water shenanigans, but also a surprisingly touching character arc, as Jerrigan learns humility and the kids learn to overcome some of their own character flaws that they see mirrored in Jerrigan. It's such a touching little tale of friendship (even a hint of romance), which makes the ending that much more bittersweet. I loved that Jerrigan had matured into someone who was worthy of and could reclaim his throne, but I'll admit that I teared up when he had to leave the Yates family behind. It's such a simple (almost too simple) story, but it hit so many things I love that I was kind of obsessed.
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Previously on...
text by @allisonreader | art 1 and art 2 by @lady-merian
It's been so long you probably thought this project was failed and buried...
But no! The spine was glued. A case was made. And I finished! It's beautiful! There are gilt edges on the text block!
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I could have made the case a smidge smaller as it turns out, but eh. Live and learn. I haven't decided if I should add a title on the front--it would be on the red, like the spine, but those iridescent feathers on the blue are just so. cool. (I couldn't find any paper like I was envisioning, so I had to paint my own design.)
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rowenabean · 3 months
Hampered in this pick four characters business by the fact that I have one character that I identify with SO strongly it's barely even about the character any more and it eclipses all other possibilities, but it seemed too fun to pass up:
Originally this was a tag thing, thanks @allisonreader but I'm not gatekeeping please do it if it seems fun and feel free to tag me so I see it to vote if you do!
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nurfhurdur · 2 days
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I have to go back as far as middle school probably, where I would write my own 'stories' in notebooks with ideas from different fandoms before I even knew what fanfiction was. Then I did find fanfiction.net AGES ago. Those were some interesting and definitely cringeworthy times.
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
I'm not sure I want anyone to know that's happened lol
But it does remind me of a really old post I tagged @24hrsoda in about how people would probably die if we ever teamed up to do anything 🤣
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I am so out of the loop on fanfics. I'm in multiple fandoms at the moment but really couldn't tell you a specific fic off the top of my head.
@allisonreader is a good writer.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
@allisonreader has been there pretty much since the beginning.
@velitmentis has awesome asks and makes me really think about my characters on a deeper level
@peachymcqueen 's and my mutual love of the face claim for Jesse Hudson 😂
There are other mutuals I haven't talked to in a long time but I am applauding them in their different fandoms from affar.
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isfjmel-phleg · 9 months
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! I hope you had a wonderful day! ❤️💚
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