#allete toupine
melody-of-scream · 7 years
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“Mon petit chéri... your little alouette missed playing with you. But playing along you and the other’s side might proof to be quite interesting all the same.” - Allete Toupine aka “L’alouette de France”/”The French lark”
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discord-of-laughter · 7 years
The OC challenge! - Phase 2 & 3
Phase 2 – Getting to know them
Who gets angry-drunk?
Cardia – don’t get her drunk or she will get fierce and you have to stop her from stumbling her way to revenge… also it would be underaged drinking!
Gabriele – actually turns into a reckless drunk but is super easy to anger – handle with care
Loreley – honestly just don’t, at first she’s just grumpy but give her more and she might strip and try to kill someone, preferably all men in the room
Lou – everything he hates about staying in control so much might bubble up but since his powers don’t subside just because of alcohol he becomes extremely dangerous + underaged drinking!
Phionee – you don’t want that. Will arm wrestle and just wrestle everybody and cause havoc also becomes very dominant and might just drag a poor soul to her quarter… that only happened twice and to the same “poor soul” but he looked pretty beaten up the next morning
Vanessa – it takes a while for her to get drunk… but then you better be ready to listen to her lashing out about injustice in the world and if someone is present who has done something bad she’d go and punch him/her… gets a bit better with age and when staying home with her partner but towards the end of the night of her wedding things were close to escalate
Who gets sad-drunk?
Bel – want to have a sobbing demon on your shoulder, get her drunk but be prepared to end up broke because of how much it takes to get her there
Damian – there’s only a short time window between him being drunk enough and passing out to unlock his sad past
Jennifer – that might correlate with the fact that she only gets drunk when someone died to begin with… once she’s done crying though she gets clingy and sweet and wants to slow dance, but will cry again if you don’t comply
Rachel – there has happened a lot to cry about in her life, be nice to her
Skadi – gets all delicate and honest and it is heart-breaking, but dude you can’t afford to get her drunk anyway
Mariana – has a lot of insecurity bottled up and will easily cry if given a reason for it… if not expect some dancing on the counter and less clothes because she feels hot
Who gets happy-drunk?
Allete – ever wanted to hear a femme fatal/female agent giggle, get her a bunch of drinks high in alcohol content and have fun
Jo – she gets totally mushy and easy-going, might want to cuddle though and if you don’t comply she’ll turn into a sad-drunk and wail about being lonely
Ophelia – turns into the sweetest girl imaginable when her defence mechanisms are down, super sweet and kind, a bit clingy though and falls asleep quickly
Kayleigh – thinks everything is funny when drunk – can hold more than one or two drinks though – loves the whole world and takes care of any sad-drunk in her proximity
Jason – best drunk to have at a party, becomes open, jovial, wants to sing and is in for pretty much everything that sounds like fun… becomes the heart of the party quickly and keeps it going
Cain – turns very sweet and soft for a very short while and then pukes his heart out – don’t feed the fish(boy)!
[Deicida doesn’t get drunk at all, she hasn’t the physical capacity for it… don’t give her alcohol though enough and she might just fall over + underaged drinking… kind of… well she looks the part.
Aquila just falls asleep when she gets drunk, so it is hard to tell.
Daniel is a wild card… depending on unknown factors it can be either and any of the above.]
How do they interact with a romantic partner?
For Allete flirting and seduction are part of the job and at first she would be the smoothest person in the world… until she notices that she really caught feelings and then everything gets difficult because all those gestures and tricks she always used suddenly seem bland and not enough. Hands shaking, lips quivering, she’s nervous like a little school girl and it would take a while to get her back to ease. After that she would be a surprisingly dotting girlfriend, but she needs reassurance once in a while that her partner can still stand her and her job and the danger.
Bel would be utterly confused by falling in love and therefore would avoid a potential romantic partner at first + is in need of a therapy session to get things cleared up. Love – that is such a human feeling and… and it makes you catch cooties, right? If said partner still wants her… it’ll take a long time to groom this queen of hell into a romantic partner to be taken seriously… and even then she’d be more like a terribly possessive friend.  
Cardia is the kind who would still blush once in a while after getting together and she’s rather shy around a partner only moving on and forward very slowly… emotionally. But she’s rather romantic deep down and would definitely try her best.  
Jo is not made for a relationship and would laugh off any attempts. She’s just not made for it, friends with benefits sure when she’s not on the road. But everything else… not so much. And she wouldn’t open up either, not because of trust issues just because… she can’t imagine any of this for herself… it scares her… much like being too happy does.
Damian would feel guilty for not having kept the person at arm’s length but he is also so happy that sometimes he just cries after his partner fell asleep. He’s completely shaken and torn but would even change his way if that’s what his partner asks for. In a way it’s puppy love because he wants to give them everything he can as long as he still has time for it. He would hate to make them sad by dying and ends up nervous and anxious about it once in a while… but when that isn’t the case he’s a sweet but teasing boyfriend with a thing for small romantic gestures… that don’t cost much… because he’s still broke, but he tries. 
Deicida would be a bit clingy. But mostly because she doesn’t really know what to do with herself… but she knows that being with this person feels good… after it took her ages to realise it. Because she would never think someone could be attracted to her… also there are the doubts if it’s okay and right… what would her bearer think… isn’t this meant to not work out? All of this while there are tons of conflicting feelings… she’d definitely be a mess, but a cute and blushing one. 
Gabriele wouldn’t want to catch the feelings… they make her weak but… it’s so hard to resist when you just want to cuddle up and let your guard down like her. She wants to be protected, she wants to hold hands… and throw terrible pick-up lines around. To flirt and feed each other ice cream and be sweetheart with some rough edges around her partner. But she can’t not now… maybe never… so in the end she’s out to break another heart.  
Jennifer… sweet forehead kisses, a soft hand on a shoulder, slow dancing… just being together in the same room. Inside jokes and anniversaries, she’d be a soft lover and ready to be swept of her feet too but not one for much public display of affection at all.
Ophelia – kiss her in the rain and she’s yours. No but really, she’d be the best worst girlfriend in the world. A criminal who can get utterly lost in love. She would have a hard time believing she makes the same mistake again but just goes with the flow… she knows she wants her partner before they do themself. She’d be the one to come back after a one-night stand, she wouldn’t beg not for someone to love her, but she really craves some affection, sleeping in someone’s arms again, knowing there is someone able to love her.  
The person who caught Aquila’s eye better is prepared to get swept off their feet and spoiled without being ask. She doesn’t fall in love easily, but she falls hard and turns into the perfect and attentive girlfriend or wife people dream about. If she has set her sight on a person her patience is endless and you can be sure… she’d even kill for you.
Kayleigh wouldn’t know what to do with herself. She can’t fall in love… not in her position and yet… here she is… sweet, maybe making jokes because she doesn’t know what else to do. She only knows love from stories but is open to her own version once she got over the initial doubts… but there are still things she even can’t tell a lover… things even a lover isn’t allowed to do. And Kayleigh would really hope they honour those things she can’t tell and those things she can’t let them do.
Loreley is mistrust issues incarnated. She longs to be in love, to be the world of someone… but she’s utterly afraid that things end up the same again. She couldn’t stand being left behind again, last time she killed others and tried to kill herself only to turn into a myth an mythical spirit in the end. She’d also be a kind of clingy person to a point, but really trying to make her romantic partner and herself happy.
Lou – the shyest and sweetest guy you can imagine. Utterly amazed someone actually wants to be with a time bomb like him but eternally thankful. Also master of shy flirting and then not believing it worked or that his target actually noticed it and picked up on it. Total gentleman too. His partner should be prepared to get a second family along with Lou’s love though.
Phionee is a secretive lover but expect passion behind closed doors. She’s also someone who’d turn down playful flirting, even when it’s coming from her romantic partner the very moment things get serious… she just really doesn’t want to blush or mix up private and public things/life.  
Rachel wouldn’t recognise she’s in love until it’s too late. She’d enjoy being close with someone but prefers a relationship with no strings attached. She’s grey-romantic and considering her life and what she considers her duty to be more important than being with someone… though things happen that make her doubt that mindset at least slightly.  
Human Daniel actually was very affectionate and devoted when in love. But the way he is now he’s more of the possessive kind, wanting to selfishly push through his unrequited feelings this time without actually really carrying for the feelings of his target… or targets… he likes to get what he wants now but it’s not quite clear if that would change if his feelings were answered… it would definitely throw him off at the very least though. [Not that he deserves it or could really be changed though.]
Skadi is aromantic and after an affair gone wrong and a divorce she doesn’t expect anything from this concept of love anymore. But with someone she is very close and who understands her pain she would be very considerate and sweet. Life has left her utterly sore though and all she is looking for is someone able to stand how broken she is. Someone who spends nights on the sofa in silence with her and leans on her shoulder, their existence alone a soothing reminder that life will go on. Someone who provides her with some warmth when sleeping next to her. The idea that she could find anything like love or the happiness that comes with it though seems like a ridiculous concept to her.
Mariana has high hopes in love and a deep-seated need to be loved. Her expectations might be a bit over the top considering the reality she lived in. And she also has a tendency to become slightly obsessed with love aka her romantic partner. She’d act like a very sweet romantic though when in a relationship so maybe slightly overbearing. But if you break up with her... you better be ready for consequences. 
Jason doesn’t like to think about romance too much because it makes him realise that he is kind of lonely. Also, he probably wouldn’t believe if anybody he knew would flirt with him, not in his line of work and such. But once someone gets him to believe it, expect him to blush at first before flirting back relentlessly and enjoying himself to no end. He’s not looking for love though.
Vanessa hasn’t been in love ever before. She wouldn’t know what to expect but would love to find someone who cares about her and wouldn’t mind doing the same. She’d be mostly looking for someone who’d be willing to try things out without making everything too awkward, just someone sweet she’d probably end up dotting on a bit.
Cain has the tendency to idealise the people he loves… and then being disappointed by them. He has a fear of being abandoned and rejection and that can lead to a quick mood swing. When in love he is generally difficult to handle, and he knows it. But the reason for it is mostly that he feels everything so very much and strongly. He also has a tendency to show his love with gestures he then plays down when he realises he might embarrass himself… but he knows some things aren’t right with him and he tries to work on all of it + he really means well.
What do they do for fun?
Allete – secretly likes to get high-class food and has a weakness for cheese, she also likes to sit in small, cozy cafés to read… and she is addicted to speed… not the drug, more like fast cars and such.
Bel – found out early on that she loved to lie to people, since then she has started to learn how to tell fortunes, she’s also surprisingly good at finding stuff of all kind and animals love her, so now she’s getting lost pets back… that and polishing her knives and playfully annoying Maze aka each other.
Cardia – likes to make paper flowers, to explore the surrounding area and card games.
Jo – travel, order strawberry milk shakes and get some souvenirs for the kids. Also, coming home and leaving.
Damian – singing and his music, going for a drink or a bunch… and there’s also the yoga course but shhhh don’t tell anybody.
Deicida – still isn’t quite sure what fun is, but she’s learning to “swim” lately and finds it really enjoyable.
Gabriele – she likes listening to music a lot, just watching some movies and tinkering with stuff. Or talking , eating sweets and having fun with her little makeshift family of kids having a hard time being a mutant and anger issues.
Jennifer – Hardly has time for fun since there is so much work to do. But she likes dressing up nicely and eating out, slow dancing... having a beer at a nice bar with someone she likes to talk to and... does falling asleep with her cat on her lap count as fun?
Ophelia – wrecking a little havoc, riding with the wind, training and just hanging out with people she likes or cares about.
Aquila – she likes singing [she seems to be a trained opera contralto], crossword puzzles and finds much joy in the art of photography.
Kayleigh – loves to play pranks to a certain someone, taking care of the artefacts and… pruning plants though that seems to creep out pretty much everyone who ever watched her.
Loreley – likes to go window shopping and generally to take care of her hair as well as getting into a bar in the middle of nowhere and flirting with the other customers.
Lou – he plays the violin [and actually wants to study music], browsing sweet shops for new sweets and generally staying out of trouble… he’s a trouble magnet though and it usually doesn’t work.
Phionee – surprisingly enough she actually likes plants and she also doesn’t mind a bit of action or a nice drink in a rundown bar on some planet.
Rachel – enjoys being on the road and sleeping while someone else is driving and she always enjoyed her job and figuring out new spells.
Daniel – a stiff drink, a few games with Rachel by his side, the wind in his face, he doesn’t ask for much, but he always liked to play silly computer games while Rachel figures out a new spell now his fun is more of the sadistic and torture kind… or tempting people to do the wrong thing.
Skadi – hunting, having warm tea with someone, ice skating, having someone with a nice voice read to her.
Mariana – dreaming and exploring the dreams of others, also hunting for the perfect cup of coffee.
Jason – training, having a beer after work, getting to know new jokes, there is not much time for fun stuff when he’s doing his job right though.
Vanessa – playing with her pet, trying her hand at baking and since she’s a half-muggle, watching movies.
Cain – training [forgetting all trouble by powering himself out], bathing or swimming aka just chilling in a lot of water, cooking.
Do they like/want kids?
Allete: maybe and not so much, but kids seem to like her.
Bel: hahaha no… and… well they are so gullible that’s nice.
Cardia: yes eventually and… but is kind of awkward around kids.
Jo: no… but wouldn’t say no if one was on the way because she actually adores kids.
Damian: isn’t entirely sure he doesn’t have one already… might want one and is actually absolutely brilliant with kids against what everybody might expect.
Deicida: is pretty sure kids are out of questions, doesn’t know how to deal with humans and kids are even worse than grown-ups or teenagers.
Gabriele: Not for now though she has nothing against kids per se.
Jennifer: Yes she likes kids, but is probably too old to have one of her own by now, wouldn’t have minded being a mother though… but her work seemed more important.
Ophelia: Doesn’t want to think about having kids but gets along just fine with them because they think she is interesting and a bit scary.
Aquila: With the right partner she might think about it… doesn’t get along too well with kids though and finds them mostly annoying.
Kayleigh: Want? Yes… but not biological kids… that seems like a bad idea but one day she might just go and open an orphanage for real, who knows.
Loreley: no… in the past maybe but not anymore and kids tend to not take her seriously and anger her.
Lou: Oh hell yes! Eventually though not right now. He has a big loving family and wants to carry on the tradition, besides kids totally adore him, he’s still working on the being a reasonable adult part though.
Phionee: She feels like she has a kid and she loves him very much even though she’s his adoptive mother at best, more like aunt Phionee, but that doesn’t matter… also there are others that are something like kids to her but only one is still alive… she considers him to be a second son.
Rachel: She’s not found of the though of having a kid for a bunch of different reasons. Besides kids are really annoying and she doesn’t know how to handle them.
Daniel: Before certain events he would have loved to have kids, two or more and was really enthusiastic and patient when interacting with them… but since then things have changed… he still wouldn’t mind having a heir for the Weston Family though.
Skadi: In a way she would want a family of her own… but she is afraid what mixing her race with humans could lead to… she wouldn’t dare, so instead she treats the two teenagers that more or less suddenly appeared in her life kind of motherly… or at least she – who didn’t have a mother she remembers – tries.
Mariana: Maybe… she was a teacher after all… but she also learned how bad the kids can turn out to be, so… maybe, an accident would be a happy accident though and she might end up finally having someone loving her as much as she thinks she deserves it.
Jason: He’s not sure… there just wasn’t a person he wanted to have kids with or raise some with, so he never really thought about it. And he doesn’t have much contact with kids in general either, so he really isn’t sure.
Vanessa: Maybe in the future and with the right person by her side… sure then she’d like to have two kids but that might change until she’s older + she’d need a husband who is good with kids because she isn’t exactly.
Cain: He’s a bit awkward around kids but usually they find him kind of interesting. He doesn’t really want some of his own… but if the right person begged him he’d probably give in and once the kid is there he’d definitely do everything to be a good father.
Do they own pets (if so, what kind?)
No: Cardia, Jo, Damian, Gabriele, Ophelia, Loreley, Lou, Phionee, Rachel, Mariana
Allete has a pretty ragdoll cat uncreatively called “Minette”.
Bel has… a lot of familiars of all kinds.
Deicida has two tiny fish in a huge bowl she adores very much, their names are “Diana & Steve”.
Jennifer has a huge, moody main coon cat called… I wish I was kidding “Lancelot”.
Aquila has gotten herself a parrot much to the dismay of everybody around her but “Shirly” is a really good girl.
Kayleigh has a pet since the magical realm animal incident… she has named the thing “FuFu” but it hates her… so it isn’t actually very much her pet but more or less Wong’s who is better at handling the little rascal.
Skadi did have three wolfhounds while she lived alone in the wilderness, but then S.H.I.E.L.D. showed up and she had to leave them behind… those three know how to make it though.
Jason actually has a turtle his neighbours take care of when he isn’t there. Its name is officially “James Lettuce III.” It’s also his first turtle as should be mentioned.
Vanessa has a pet snake she smuggled into the school, no one has found “Linda” so far, so all is good.
Cain has a bunch of water animals responding to his call that live in front of and under the former boat house he lives in. They aren’t really pets but on the pro side he doesn’t have to take much care of them either.
How do they handle pain/sadness?
Allete: With a blank mask of apparent indifference, but probably already plans to destroy or kill someone. But if she really trusts someone she might admit her pain/sadness.
Bel: Little pain/sadness is met with apathy all the way. Major pain/sadness on the other hand with over the top anger, tears out of rage and… someone will definitely end up dead, so that she can feel better about it.
Cardia: Tears. She knows it’s embarrassing but she probably wouldn’t be able to hold back tears. At least initially and as long as she’s alone or someone is present that she trusts. If only people that she doesn’t trust are around… she’d bit her lips bloody instead in an effort not to cry.
Jo: She’d flee. Just get away… just ignore it, leave it behind until she feels better and no longer like crying. Jo is the kind of person who’d cry in the car with the music at high volume and drive, drive, drive until she feels better.
Damian: He is used to it. There is no point in crying, so he wouldn’t and just shrugs it off. Damian is the type to only cry out of happiness and avoids things and people that hurt him or make him sad.
Deicida: With speechlessness. She can’t even grasp what was done to her or why in an extreme case silent tears stain her cheeks. She’d just be in a shock and probably later cursing Hephaestus name.  
Gabriele: You think you know what an ice queen would be like? You have no idea of how cold Gabriele could get if you hurt her… calculating, merciless and cruel she would be ready to rip someone’s heart out…no… to have someone do it for her watching without the slightest hint of guilt.
Jennifer: She would act like nothing happened… but the moment her job allows it, she orders pasta gorgonzola – her comfort food –, gets a bottle of whiskey all for herself and then cries into both.  
Ophelia: If you hurt her you better prepare to die on the spot. Because she will lash out with utter aggression… except when it is a person she loves… then she just falls silent and leaves for a short episode of crying and more silence and unspoken sadness.
Aquila: Becomes very quiet… and already has made up at least 10 ways to repay the person who hurt her. Torturing them either physically or psychologically. Once she is satisfied, she leaves and never looks back.
Kayleigh: Wide eyes, quivering lips, twitching hand. She loves life… sometimes even people… but if something was done to her she can’t just shrug off she won’t hesitate, a tiny moment of lost control and someone is dead, quickly, efficiently, without a second thought, even though she’ll probably regret it later.
Loreley: Loreley would leave… ponder her pain, turning it over in her mind over and over again and if it is bad enough, then until she breaks… again, seeming all nice and calm… until she leaves, a bloodbath lining her way. 
Lou: Fists clenched, gritting his teeth until his jaw starts trembling… lips pressed together hard… he does everything not to lose control again, everything to make his family proud. Knowing if he opens his mouth… everything he fought so hard for is over and lost. He just swallows whatever it is. Trying to tell himself, that no one is worth it. No one, no matter how much he wants to tell them to go and kill themself.  
Phionee: She would withdraw into herself. She doesn’t say much and there is an unspoken sadness in her eyes. But she wouldn’t do anything about it or tell anybody. In the worst case it would leave her as an empty shell without a purpose or a plan. But usually she would recover eventually and in the meantime, try to carry on like normal. [But thank you marvel for killing nearly everybody she cared about… so now I have to deal with the worst case scenario that is an empty shell with a death wish OC ._.]
Rachel: At first, she would bow her head and hope that it stops. And if that doesn’t work she would try to distract herself by acting reckless. Hoping the adrenalin helps. Last but not least suppression.
Daniel: A short burst of anger at first but with comparably little aggression. He would take some time to recover but generally handles stuff like that well + would busy himself by worrying that Rachel might suffer as well and that he should take care of her… formerly, now: he’ll make sure you regret being alive.
Skadi: She has been cold and merciless… but has become much more vulnerable over time. The pain or sadness eating away at her. But she wouldn’t raise her hand and only cry very few tears when she is alone… but she would have a hard time to just let go of it all.
Mariana: First tears, then unproductive anger and last but not least she would try to walk the high road and meet the matter with a terrible, defensive yet passive-aggressive arrogance.
Jason: For a second his mouth would twitch. But he knows better than to lash out. Secretly he needs reassurance now but a beer with the buddies should be enough to make him feel better and to put things behind him… but whoever caused this better is ready to be treated with spite from now on.
Vanessa: That depends a lot on who hurts her or makes her sad. But a small fit of anger – not very scary – would probably be normal. After that petty revenge and pranks would probably be her way to make herself feel better together with arrogance ~ still a Slytherin after all.
Cain: He’d back down and out. Probably leaves for a while, to recover and maybe even decides to close that door behind himself forever because he is actually rather sensitive and doesn’t handle being treated badly or being hurt very well… he just wants to avoid experiencing the same a second time…neither does he necessarily want to forgive.
What are their best traits?
Allete: passionate, intelligent, quick thinker
Bel: clever, charming, good with animals
Cardia: brave, ready to help, honest
Jo: adventurous, carefree, fun to be with
Damian: charming, loyal, caring
Deicida: brave, protective, kind-hearted  
Gabriele: independent, caring, brave
Jennifer: loyal, dependable, stays calm under pressure, compassionate
Ophelia: actually surprisingly kind under a rough shell, fair, lenient, has that weird talent that makes people sleep better when sleeping beside her
Aquila: cunning, intelligent, confident, perceptive
Kayleigh: humorous, witty, light-hearted, caring
Loreley: dependable, loyal, devoted
Lou: controlled, sweet, gives people a chance and brings out the best in them, honest
Phionee: brave, always doing her best, protective, outspoken
Rachel: smart, skilled, tough
Daniel: was protective, faithful bastion of calm, fighter… still a fighter, gets things done, devoted
Skadi: honest, intuitive, well-meaning, methodical, own moral code, loyal, intelligent, curious
Mariana: diligent, gentle, really wants to help others
Jason: tough, big heart he tries to hide, good listener, clever humour, natural leader
Vanessa: open minded aka candid, protective, curious, sly
Cain: outspoken, fighter, honest, attentive, affectionate, sense of justice, benevolent, dedicated
What are their worst traits?
Allete: manipulative, secretive, you never know if she is telling the truth, especially about her feelings
Bel: nicknamed Lord of Lies, short-tempered, vain when given the chance
Cardia: easy to anger, wary, sensitiv
Jo: restless, commitment issues, preference to run from problems
Damian: influenced by fear, hard time opening up, judgemental
Deicida: tough time to keep her emotions under control, secretly bloodthirsty, resentful
Gabriele: stubborn, out of touch with her feelings, when overwhelmed reacts cold and mean
Jennifer: it’s always head over heart, survivor’s guilt, drowns out her worries in coffee or scotch
Ophelia: moody, no faith in nothing loner despite wanting to be loved, gave up on trying to be good
Aquila: arrogant, manipulative, cold and calculating
Kayleigh: when angered… than devastating, tendency to take things too lightly, give and take mentality to a point
Loreley: vengeful, bitter, wary, emotional mess
Lou: trouble staying in control when angered or tired, attracts trouble, self-doubt, overthinking things
Phionee: too deeply hurt by tragedy, sensitive and troubled by what others think of her, only really cares about her group/family
Rachel: a tendency to come across hostile or heartless, cold, apparently lazy
Daniel: was too easy-going sometimes, willing to sacrifice himself, a bit curt… now possessive, aggressive, violent, mostly heartless
Skadi: quarrelsome, impulsive, stubborn, capricious, sharp-tongued, easily bored, sarcastic, sore
Mariana: trusts and loves too easily, seeks others’ approval a lot, easy to take advantage of
Jason: a bit reckless, hard time to push his emotions away, stubborn, doesn’t accept loss well, tendency to do what he thinks is right… for better or worse
Vanessa: sharp tongue, pranks people she doesn’t like, potentially arrogant attitude and aura, quick to anger
Cain: bears grudges, self-doubt and feeling of not belonging, argumentative, stubborn, tendency to be insensitive, always afraid to be abandoned, trouble with interpersonal relations, easy to anger
Foods: Are they a tea or coffee person? Do they eat meat or are they vegatarian? Spicy or mild? Sweet or sour?
Alette – Coffee, small doses but strong, with sugar. Rarely eats meat, not a vegetarian but just not very fond of meat in general. Mild with a touch of spicy… a very small touch. Neither to the extreme ~ she actually has high standards when it comes to food.
Bel – Liquor? So, none but she surprisingly loves smoothies a lot. Loves meat, could probably live on a meat only diet, if she didn’t like broccoli that much. Spicy, super spicy, the burns your tongue to hell and back spicy. Also, sour is cool. Everything that genuinely gives her other trouble than the ones she has for even a second. She especially likes super sour gum, even better if it’s also spicy.
Cardia – Tea – warming her hands, warming her heart, it comforts her but was hard to get on the Isle. Vegetarian… with the food on the Isle still the better choice. Mild and sweet, the sweeter the better, because she grew up rarely getting anything sweet… because there wasn’t much available and what they had on the Isle wasn’t necessarily affordable for her.
Jo – Strawberry milkshakes!!! But coffee is fine too, with a lot of flavours/syrup though. Jo isn’t a picky eater at all. If it gets her through the day, it’s fine. Would probably die for a homecooked meal though. More on the spicy side for a white woman, but aware that’s not much. Sweet… as you might have guessed already.
Damian – Coffee, black, a dash of sugar. That or the fancy Starbucks stuff – there is no in between. Yes, he does eat meat. He actually places value on being an omnivore though and sometimes feels like meat is everything in the world and sometimes like he never needs it again. Spicy makes him feel alive but his stomach doesn’t like it. And… bitter-sweet. He’d probably say with a wink, pulling a black coloured liquorice lollipop out of his mouth with a grin.
Deicida – Neither – both tastes terrible to her. She doesn’t really care about eating at all… but her body has proofed to accept vegan products more readily. Deicida doesn’t really need to eat though but she can taste and spicy stuff is not up her alley. She finds both sour and sweet interesting though.
Gabriele – Prefers hot chocolate but fruit tea is okay too. Yes, she does eat meat. Mild food, fond of sweet dishes and most kinds of porridge, mush or puree. Kind of sweet tooth, though more in the sweet dish and drinks way than actual sweets or candy. Would probably sell her soul for cheese.
Jennifer – Tea – black. What kind of question is that even. She does eat meat but prefers fish. Mild, she doesn’t care about the burning sensation. Sweet but not particular. She is the chips/crisps over chocolate kind of person. But sour is just not a kind of flavour she cares for at all.  
Ophelia – Tea, herbal, strong, sweet, hot. Doesn’t eat any meat except for chicken, turkey, mutton and goat meat. Doesn’t need meat with every meal though. She likes spicy things alright and has a secret sweet tooth she doesn’t want people to know about.
Aquila – Tea actually, black tea with milk and sugar. It doesn’t matter, as long as it’s cooked well and with the right amount of spices. Not a bad cook herself but loves when others do it for her. Not particularly into spicy food or against it as long as the spiciness doesn’t kill the taste. Sweet-sour actually like sour candies and such or some citrus fruits.
Kayleigh – Both actually. She loves hot drinks in general. She doesn’t eat meat and avoids eggs. Can tolerate traces of it but the whole thing makes her nauseas – it’s not an allergy though but something different. Likes milk a lot though. Minds neither. And sweet ~ amazed by all the sweet things humanity came up with and wants to try everything if possible. No holding back!
Loreley – Coffee with lots of milk but no sugar. Is from a time where only rich people did get to have meat and unlike with the coffee never accustomed. Probably won’t turn it down when offered though but probably wouldn’t go for a meat dish either. Mild – very mild. And obsessed with dark chocolate and ice cream.
Lou – Tries to avoid both. But aunt Isabella’s café de olla is hard to resist. Otherwise raspberry ice tea is his favourite. Overall, he’s not too picky with his food. Likes simple dishes and those with a hundred spices. What is spicy? Doesn’t really have a sense for that, could probably eat cayenne pepper and chilli powder by the spoonful with a shrug… he had worse when aunt Valentina cooked. Is super sensitive too sour stuff though and not particularly fond of overly sweet stuff either. Doesn’t like caramel for example but lollipops are fine. Ironically, would run into even the most obvious trap for pecan pie.  
Phionee – What is coffee… or tea? She’s from outer space, but she likes most kinds of milk. No, she doesn’t eat meat nor vegetables. Has found out supplements and a lot of water and ice work best for her. Needs a lot of salt though and could probably live of nutritious mud. Doesn’t care about spicy or mild, sweet or sour stuff, can’t even taste the latter pair. But she likes food with a bit of crunch. Would love plain cornflakes if she was introduced to them.  
Rachel – Coffee all kinds. But rather as a remedy for exhaustion and fatigue instead of for the pleasure or taste. She doesn’t see the point in avoiding any food as long as it meets her three criteria she’s in for it. 1.) dead – like not moving 2.) done – like fully cooked 3.) not rotten in any form or way… will make an exception for fermentation in many cases though. Mild is less trouble. Sweet promises more energy. Food is mostly fuel and remedies though… secretly really loves pancakes and fried eggs with sweet-chilli-sauce though.
Daniel – Coffee – lots of it and little sweetener. He enjoys the bitter taste and the warmth. Life is short, food is good. As long as it’s warm and good he only picks out mushrooms and olives and has Rachel eat them for him. Generally, eats what he feels like, as long as it isn’t too much. Is okay with spicy stuff, will order mild though when ask so that Rachel can try his food too. Would probably be tempted to sell his own mother for chocolate cake and dark chocolate brownies.
That was before… since then he has mostly stopped caring about food, as long as it keeps him going… also likes spicy and sour much more because they remind him of… something… feelings... ugh such a human and weak thing. 
Skadi – Tea mostly, anything except fruit tea. Also drinks it without sugar and  quite a bit of it, mostly during sleepless nights. She eats a lot of meat actually. And doesn’t like spices very much… maybe a dash of salt at best. But the closer to tasteless and plain food is, the better… has a really hard time with spices in general and tends to get sick from very well-seasoned food or cuisine that uses a lot of spices. Hates takeout because of that. Loves white rice, popcorn and white coloured food in general. Likes salty food best.
Mariana – Coffee. She LOVES coffee. Especially with a bit of hot cocoa mixed into it but generally all kinds of coffee. Mariana doesn’t mind meat and likes spicy food quite a bit. But she rarely has time to cook and relies a lot on take out and such even before the trouble with her mutation. And she also likes sweet things, especially in combination with fruits no matter if it’s sugar, honey, caramel or chocolate.  
Jason – Coffee… lots of sugar, kind of running on it in the morning. And he really enjoys meat and especially a good barbecue. He also likes sea food, and anything made from potatoes a lot. He tries to live a bit healthier than it sounds though and unfortunately isn’t much of a cook himself. He’s pretty good at preparing cold meals and provisions though. And he really likes spicy food even though he is not very good with it – it’s probably kind of a secret masochistic thing. Sweet-sour like in berries aka he likes all kinds of berries a lot.
Vanessa – Tea. Big mugs, with milk and a bit of sugar. She makes the best sandwiches you can imagine without having to try them first to know what ingredients go together well. That does neither exclude nor necessarily include meat. She’s doesn’t really like too spicy food and isn’t generally very good with it – so mild. And sweet, definitely sweet. She prefers baked goods over chocolate and other stuff though. Vanessa loves cherry Bakewell tarts the most, followed by Battenberg cake.
Cain – Tea, herbal is best, but cooled down already. Also iced tea, because he can’t really tolerate carbonated beverages. No, he eats fish and other sea food though. But meat doesn’t feel right in his mouth. Mild, he is kind of sensitive to spicy stuff but that is rarely a problem because he cooks a lot of his meals himself. Both – to a point. Sweet but not artificial sweetness. More like rip fruits or maybe honey. And sour goes well with a bunch of fish dishes… but he doesn’t like anything purely sour.
  <Insert your own questions and answers here!>
Their vice(s) and something they are really good in?
Allete: good food/pearls & going undercover
Bel: vanity/alcohol/lying & fighting, leading armies and dealing with animals
Cardia: sweets & telling stories/tending to flowers
Jo: cowardice/sex & tracking down people
Damian: alcohol/cigarettes/lying/caffeine & singing
Deicida: curiosity/recklessness & dancing
Gabriele: wrath/pride/lust? … hopefully never alcohol & repairing and constructing technical devices/videogames
Jennifer: alcohol/purses & gathering info/patching people up
Ophelia: anger/loss of faith/sweets & origami/taking people’s breath away
Aquila: lying/gambling/pride & poker/manipulating people
Kayleigh: gluttony when given the chance/keeping secrets & taking care of magical artefacts/keeping secrets
Loreley: vengeful/envy/indifference & singing/manipulating people
Lou: indifference/anger to a point but mostly because his anger is so dangerous & music, especially playing the violin
Phionee: according to her own people the words: emotions/lust/narcotics & keeping a place together/stealing/escaping
Rachel: despair/remorse/caffeine & finding cases/magic
Daniel: before: caffeine/pride mostly, now: acedia/wrath & fighting/self-sufficiency/driving
Skadi: pride/distraction/remorse & hunting/skiing/standing the cold
Mariana: jealousy/concealment of wrong doing/caffeine & sleeping/dreaming
Jason: pride/berries/cigarettes when nervos & billiard actually/barbecuing/alcohol tolerance
Vanessa: pranks/bears grudges/pride & making sandwiches/potions and herbology
Cain: anger/pride/fruits/in his eyes being of mixed race & swimming/cooking/healing
Do they have a superpower?
Allete: No. She speaks several languages though.
Bel: Kind of. As one of the kings of hell who only answer to Lucifer himself she has 50 legions of spirits under her command. She is also able to create familiars, is stronger than a normal human, well trained with knives and has a very long lifespan.
Cardia: Yes, but it’s magic. She can find ways and portal that connect places and use them to travel, much like it was common custom in Wonderland before things first went array and then changed forever.  
Jo: Yes – she is a mutant. Her eyes are special. She can determine the strength of everybody she meets due to the number she sees above their heads, has night vision, heat vision and can see far very far and more. She needs reading glasses though.
Damian: No – not exactly. Though the way he can charm and manipulate people might as well be a superpower in the end. But not in general.
Deicida: Yes? Blade legs, would be hard to kill due to her skin, doesn’t really age, long living… all since she has been forged not born. That and that she can draw the blood of gods + transforming between a blade and a more human form.
Gabriele: Yes – she is a mutant. Her power is technopathy. She can communicate with technical devices via her thoughts. Find out what is wrong to repair it later… or pushing them to give it their all one last time and work. Technical devices in general try to do her favours and she can ready electrical signals.  
Jennifer: No – not in the classical sense.
Ophelia: Yes – she is a metahuman and able to control wind and air. She has the potential to be rather powerful but isn’t willing to find out her limits. Also, locking her in a room with poor ventilation aka only air-condition can kill her.
Aquila: No, not really. She is extremely clever and cunning though and actually a book character brought to life by an old magic… too cunning though to have made that known to others and be sent back so far… even though the name she chose is a kind of obvious play on her real name… or so she likes to think. But staying close to the truth often makes it easier to deceive people.
Kayleigh: You could say that. She is kind of goddess and her power is a terrible one. But without her the world would be in trouble too. And despite currently staying on earth she still fulfils her duty and has her “weapon” with her… but even if it did fall into the hands of someone else, her power would wear of the “weapon” quickly and it would soon be just a plain old… of what it is.
Loreley: Yes – she is not a god but an old mythological figure. Like a spirit. She has less powers but still some. Like her voice being able to lure people – mostly men – into danger and death. She also doesn’t really age. The gods are still much more powerful, but she has her own tricks.
Lou: Yes – he is a metahuman. Able to control people with his voice and make them bide to his will. If he leaves they are soon freed from his “spell”. If he stays but doesn’t say anything further, it still takes a lot longer. Lou has to carefully watch what he says to not accidently hurt people by using his power. A power because of which people tend to expect that he just has to be a villain.
Phionee: No, she is an alien and therefore has a few other perks and problems than humans. Like only living about half as long and needing cool temperatures. But aside of that and a tail she doesn’t have any superpowers.
Rachel: Yes and no? Not superpowers but magic. Rachel is a very versed, usually good, witch. Powerful enough so that there are rumours that she surely has a covenant with a demon going. Well it’s not a covenant for sure, but she is still pretty talented.
Daniel: No, originally he was close to peak human condition at best. But now things are different and he has obtained all the powers of a demon… unfortunately by becoming one.
Skadi: Yes, she is a frost giant and the Asgardian goddess of winter, hunting and skiing. Her magical powers controlling ice, snow, blizzards and the like are rather powerful. And she has all the perks of Jotun but also all the trouble. But it’s still a powerful combination.
Mariana: Yes – she is a mutant. Able to dive into the dreams of others while sleeping, to jump between dreams and control them to a point. Marianna can also “store” sleep for later and if she doesn’t actively control it she emits an aura that makes others sleepy. Before things went down she was known to hold night classes at the Institute, gathering the students in a dream and teaching their subconscious directly. She only has access to people that are currently sleeping… but if she kills someone in a dream… they never wake up again.
Jason: No – he’s well trained and fit. But he doesn’t have any superpowers he knows of.
Vanessa: Magic? Like all students at Hogwarts she knows how to conjure a spell, mix a potion, stuff like that. But there is no super outstanding ability people would know of or she would admit to.
Cain: Yes, kind of. Due to his mixed heritage he is able to change between a more human form and that of a merman, scally tail, gills and all. The folk of his mother also seems to know some interesting to potent magic. He is not extremely versed in it though since he opted against dedicating his life to magic and magic alone from a young age on.
What do they really want?
Allete: Peace and prosperity – no matter what she has to do for it.
Bel: Appreciation and acceptance – without having to change completely and the beauty she would get back that way.
Cardia: For her mother to get her meds, the nice normal life the good kids got and traveling [without having to worry about her mum].
Jo: Finding a place and a person to stay without feeling trapped and to keep doing something with her life that feels meaningful.
Damian: Not to die… the love of a certain person… neither of which seems archivable + success as a singer and musician would be nice.
Deicida: To understand emotions and be happy – at least for a while before she has to return to be a sword again.
Gabriele: A place where people like her are save. No more mistreated mutant kid like her and the others… but she has stopped believing in tolerance… so a parallel society maybe? Actually that she could just be normal and have normal problems… not feeling the burden on her shoulders or trying to provide a safe haven for the others.
Jennifer: For everybody to survive… and Kingsman to keep fighting for the right things. Also to be able to act on certain feelings… but that is not an option.
Ophelia: To stop being bad… though she can’t believe in it any longer. Then just to survive and for the irredeemable criminals to die… and she definitely believes that those exist. Also killing the Joker.  
Aquila: To proof that she is better than… but also not to return to her book. She actually likes to be more than a character of a fictional story.
Kayleigh: For life to keep blooming and being able to indulge in all the energy of life. Aka for things never to end and humanity and nature to keep prospering. Also, just to enjoy her disguise as long as she can.  
Loreley: That her sweetheart didn’t cheat on her all those many, many years ago. That her heart could be unbroken and not shattered… but also the power back she once had, when her name was whispered only because men feared her power and woman were mesmerised and scared, of what she could do and did, at the same time.
Lou: To be accepted as “not a villain” would be a start… that people encourage him instead of being so sure he won’t be able to make it anyway. Or to get rid of the power, at least for a bit to be able to tell people to “go to hell” and “I wish you were dead.” Without there being serious consequences. 
Phionee: A place to call home and be accepted for who she is… she had that for a while. Now that her “son(s)” has his own kind of family and place to belong to and the death of an important person in her life all she wants is to die… go out with a bang before her time is up anyway.
Rachel: Have the old days back. Those when she and Daniel were just traveling around hunting things and it wasn’t the end of the world what felt like every second month. She never realised how good and easy it was when her biggest problem was some poltergeist.
Daniel: The tiny bit of humanity left in him might want the same as Rachel does… the rest of him though… a comfortable life, Rachel as his slave/lover and to not be bothered anymore by all this doing good and saving people stuff. Maybe the reign over a small city would be nice too.
Skadi: A place to belong to in a way… and just to heal, slowly, at her own pace. Which means she’s comparably content right now but always afraid that it will just be over as well.
Mariana: Someone to love to and who loves her. Being valued for who she is… also to be accepted back into society and if that doesn’t work to rule it with her fellow mutants. But more than anything she wants to be loved… it seems that easy.
Jason: He’s not so sure about that. For life to be nice and an adventure? To people making it out alive of their missions and others getting better? He doesn’t really ask for much. Just wants to do his best in this life and place, while not forgetting about living and being a human being.
Vanessa: World peace? No but really, she wants for people – including herself – to be able to live a comfortable life, free of fear and filled with tolerance. But for now… just getting done with school and finding a job she likes would be nice. Also, there might be someone she has a crush on… but that’s a different story.
Cain: For people to forget the other half. No matter where he is, they never fully trust him. He always feels like shut out. And the one person he wanted a deeper connection with declined that… staying “just friends” is hard when he never feels like people trust him or want him around. All while all he wants is feeling like he belongs.
Phase 3 - FREEFORM!
Write a story about them (Are they from different worlds; how would they interact if they met up?) Make aesthetic board(s) for one or many. Have a snippet of dialogue between them. Maybe quotes from each of them? Whatever you want!
I might write a story, but later when I have the inspiration and time for it. For now, please enjoy my OC aesthetics with quotes ~
And thank you to @cantankerousintrovertedpumpkin for tagging me in this. Sorry it took me forever but OCs is... kind of thing for me as you might notice and there are so many... and I just couldn’t make up my mind to only chose 5-10 SORRY!!!
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discord-of-laughter · 6 years
As a kid, what did your OC want to be when they grew up? How does that compare to what they do now?
Allete: A dancer – well she is a spy and while she loves her job sometimes when she shuts her eyes… she still dreams of standing on a stage. But shhhh.
 Belial: A warrior, leading armies into battle with a fierce cry – as a king of hell a position only second to the actual ruler… tiny Bel would actually be pretty content with where grownup Belial is now.
 Cardia: A professional gambler or a princess living like one – she is not even close to either, but she still has some time and is in a far better place already than she was back then.
 Jo: An adventurer or a road house critic/tester – well she came surprisingly close to both. At least she is as free as she always wanted to be… even though it’s a bit lonely sometimes. But she is doing the right thing and living her dream – not too shabby.
 Damian: A singer, preferably famous – well he is not exactly famous. And most of the time he’s simply a very hungover looking barista… but at least he hasn’t given up yet… and knowing this is already enough to keep him going in turn… because the last word hasn’t been spoken yet.
  Deicida: She didn’t have a dream, didn’t think she ever could have one… or that she once would be able to decide what to do herself… so now being with these people, fighting for the right thing/s is honestly seems pretty good in her eyes.
 Gabriele: A pilot or an engineer – she always loved the idea of flying and found out that she has a connection to machinery of any kind rather early on. But she could have never dreamed how things would turn out for her… in another country, more or less one of the leaders of an underground organisation of traumatised teens. It’s tough, but she wouldn’t want it any other way.
 Jennifer: An astronaut – little Jenny loved the stars… Jennifer still does. But her parents had a different idea… and then Kingsman came along and being Guinevere is not as good as being an astronaut but it definitely tops being the lawyer her parents wanted her to be.
 Ophelia: A marine biologist – that was before she realised that maybe wind and air are more her element than water is… she still gets all excited about aquariums and such, despite trying to hide it. But being… an anti-hero at best is difficult to compare to what she originally had in mind.
 Aquila: An artist – but the little girl soon had to find out that painting and such was not exactly what she is talented at… unlike singing. So now she is a trained opera singer and a librarian and to be honest… she really likes this better, much like being real.
  Kayleigh: A… actually her and her sisters purpose became apparent very quickly, too quickly for her to actually think about what she would want to be. But looking back she would have probably loved being a landscape gardener or what she pretends to be, a fortune teller… anything but what she is.
 Cassandra: A scientist or mechanic – she actually knew early on what she wanted to be… and her fathers made it possible for her to follow her dream while she herself made sure to be one of the very best in her field. And the money and possibilities that came with it… they allow her to truly live her dreams.
 Loreley: A housewife and mother… she always hoped not to have a job at all… of course that was long before she everything changed leading to her becoming a mythological figure, blessed and cursed with eternal existence as long as people remember her name in the end.
 Lou: A superhero – that was before his abilities actually manifested and he had to acknowledge that he rather had villain powers than those of a hero. But he is trying… and found a new dream, to study music, but even this is proofing to be complicated with the hero/villain question and his bad luck interfering again.
 Phionee: Not like her relatives… not just one of a thousand emotionless working bees. She wanted to be able to leave the planet instead and being allowed to feel and… now, she got what she wanted, except that she is feeling too much… but the time in between… it was all she could have asked for.
  Clarience: A bounty hunter – out in space, catching bad and questionable entities. Maybe saving the Galaxy and being considered a hero? They are with the Guardians of the Galaxy now… so decided for yourself how that compared so what little Clara wanted.  
 Rachel: A witch? Maybe a hunter? – at least those were the games she and Daniel used to play… but by now she couldn’t tell anymore if that was what she wanted to be when she grew up. Though it definitely is what happened and how things turned out.
 Daniel: A hunter – saving people, killing monsters… but above all being together with Rachel forever… he now is one of the nightmares he wanted to hunt down and kill though. So, things didn’t quite work out for him after all.
 Skadi: A hunter or a Valkyrie or a princess – You know – go big or go home… in her case going big or staying home in the wooden cabin she was born in, spending her days hunting for game and surviving… that or becoming a princess or queen or one of the well-respected if not feared warrior of the Valkyries. She is an acquaintance of the avengers now… hunting for villains rather than game, but while a lot has changed since then, it is as close to being a well-respected warrior as her way probably allowed her to get considering all things.
 Mariana: A teacher – and that she became, at least for a while and before her mutant powers took over and changed her life for a while… only to end up being a teacher again for a bit longer and now… to call her a fugitive would be wrong, so would be calling her a rebel. But she is definitely no longer a teacher or necessarily one of those people who still believes in living side by side.
  Jason: A police officer like his dad or a baker or a soldier – in the end the latter was easier to get into at first and then… things kind of went their way and it turned out he was pretty good at what he was doing – unlike when trying to bake for example. Besides not to have to enforce the law always and at all times is kind of more of his thing as it turned out.
 Gabriel: A journalist! Or a famous author! – baby Gabe’s dream always has been writing… and that is what he is doing now… it’s just… that his passion became his weapon and he is the only one to blame for tainting it the way he did.
 Vanessa: She didn’t really think about it while at Hogwarts. Focused on her own task, her own adventure and mission… and then suddenly it was time and she was willing to get a desk job with the Ministry or a job as a curse-breaker for the sake of it… until a friend of hers asked her if she wanted to tag along, to maybe share his dream… that promised not only adventure but exasperated gasps from her family… and so she became a dragonologist and barely ever regretted it… at least not because of the dragons.  
 Cain: A guard and soldier of his kind or a doctor – he never quite let go of the latter and still knows a lot of remedies and ways to treat wounds and the like. But in a way he ended up being neither… but that is probably okay, considering that at one point his grandparents are bound to die and then he can return to his folk and claim the throne if that is what he wants… if he has enough of the dry world up until then.
 Robin: The treatment started to early. And if she ever knew what she wanted to be when she is grown up it was erased from her mind and memory by all those things necessary… and yet incomplete. Even now when asked what she would want to be all she could say is “I want to be the bird that flies away” both human society and jobs not really interesting her very much… but maybe a wildlife photographer wouldn’t sound too bad. She feels like photography could be something she might like.
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discord-of-laughter · 7 years
The OC challenge! - Phase 1
The sideblog isn’t ready, I [melody-of-scream] am not ready and the challange isn’t finished, but I just can’t hold back any longer, so I’ll just start by posting phase 1 only until I got phase 2 finished. Which takes forever with that many OCs.
The wonderful @cantankerousintrovertedpumpkin 💋 made this challenge up and tagge me. And how could I have resisted! 💛
Phase 1 – Introduction
How many are there?
21 – 5 male & 16 female – that are currently in use or in any way still present in my mind and used in my thoughts. There are more… trust me… Some are kind of @steverogershield’s fault because she keeps encouraging me instead of stopping me… fine Jason and Lou are just two but that’s 9.5% that could have been avoided! Just kidding dude ~
What are their names? [+ in my case which fandom are they from]
Allete “Alouette” Toupine [Man from U.N.C.L.E.], Belial “Bel” [Lucifer], Cardia Rose [Disney Descendants], Johanna “Jo” Jayne aka “Counter” [X-Men], Damian ? [Marvel’s Defenders], Deicida [Young Justice], Gabriele Hoffmann aka “Blueprint” [X-Men], Guinevere aka “Jennifer Elisabeth Kross” [Kingsman], Ophelia [...] Shilazar aka “Gust” [DCEU/Legends of Tomorrow], Aquila Pace [The Librarians], Kayleigh Fortuna Porter aka “Lady Luck” [Dr. Strange], Loreley [American Gods], Lucius “Lou” Kadin Perez Bowman aka “Voiceover” [DCEU/Flash], Phionee Esteria Usmin [Guardians of the Galaxy], Rachel Woods aka “Roads” & Daniel Weston aka “Danton” [Supernatural], Skandra Thorn aka “Skadi” [Thor/Avengers], Mariana Josefa Moraes Cardoso aka “Somnia” [X-Men], Jason Tiberius Green [Suicide Squad], Vanessa Lind [Harry Potter] and last but not least Cain Goldfin [Shadowhunters].  
What’s one word you’d use to describe them?
Allete: determined
Bel: demonic
Cardia: burdened
Jo: restless
Damian: lying
Deicida: emotional
Gabriele: torn
Jennifer: loyal
Ophelia: fiercely
Aquila: sly
Kayleigh: cordial
Loreley: wary
Lou: controlled/sweet
Phionee: lost [formerly reasonable]
Rachel: unyielding
Daniel: bossy [formerly protective]
Skadi: sore/persistent
Mariana: disappointed
Jason: stubborn
Vanessa: kind
Cain: angry/proud
What do they look like?
Allete: A lot like Eva Green, light skin colour, dark hair, blue-green eyes, tall, slender, full lips, from France.
Bel: A lot like Mariette Valsan, middle dark brown/Indian skin tone, brown eyes, under the right circumstances insanely beautiful… but her appearance changes based on the attitude of people towards her or humanity in general, she’s missing the little finger of her left hand though. Originally from heaven, then hell.
Cardia: Pale, red and black dyed hair, very dark eyes, short, stocky, curvy (on her belly too!), small hands, scars on her arms. From the Isle of the Lost.
Jo: Slightly tanned, light brown eyes that seem to glow slightly, very long brown hair, small nose, chubby cheeks, short, with a bad posture, from the US.  
Damian: Slightly ashen skin tone with a hint of olive hidden beneath it and a hint of yellow over it since he smokes quite a bit, black, short hair, blue eyes, not exactly tall for a guy, rather thin due to a certain lack of physical activity, leads a pretty unhealthy lifestyle in general, dark rings under the eyes, thin lips… despite everything he’s still kind of attractive though, from the US of unknown heritage.
Deicida: Grey skin… like really silvery-grey skin, looking like metal, dark grey lips, white hair and golden eyes, much heavier than she looks. Middle tall for a teenage girl, slender… the back of her legs is pointed like a blade and as sharp – yes blade legs and grey skin, she is weapon forged by Hephaestus and given a soul and can turn back into her original sword from if needed. From… well Hephaestus’s forge.
Gabriele: A lot like Sonja Gerhard. Short, blond, slightly curly hair, grey-blue eyes, like a perfect little white skinned angel. From East Germany (DDR) when the country was still divided into DDR and BRD.
Jennifer: Naturally red, curly hair, deep green eyes, rather tall for a woman, comparably skinny, small chest, prominent cheekbones, slightly bigger nose, in her late forties, early fifties, still considerably pretty. Of Irish descent.
Ophelia: Dark, Arabic skin tone. Long dark brown hair, with three green dyed strands of hair, eyes so green they seemed to glow and strange green marks running down from the middle of her lower lid to half of her cheek. Naturally rather red lips, but even brighter lipstick, hourglass figure, slender fingers, unfortunately creepy laughter but sweet smile, freckles on her chest, 6’7, in her end twenties. Of Iranian descent.    
Aquila: Think of Kat Dennings dressed fancy. Brown wavy hair, blue eyes, large chest, 5’3… the whole package. Usually dressed unassuming but tidy. Wears glasses to read. From… that would be too much of a spoiler, so let’s say the UK. Also her names a made-up fake as well.
Kayleigh: Assumed the form of black girl, rather dark skin tone, attentive eyes so dark brown they appear black, long, really long bright orange hair – says it’s natural, no one believes her, sly smirk, surprisingly pinkish lips, not very tall with little curves but not petit. Looks nothing like either of her sisters. From a place that is too much of a spoiler.
Loreley: Like Diane Kruger, straight, thin light blond hair, light blue eyes, pale lips, would be considered petit if she wasn’t a bit too tall for it. So pale and thin it’s close to making people worry. Often either dark rings under her eyes or red, slightly swollen eyes. She has lost quite some of the beauty (and weight) songs sing about. From Germany but that was a long, long time ago.  
Lou: Very mixed heritage reflected in his skin colour – Latin-Arabic and a bit of white. Black hair but buzz cut, grey eyes, unassuming, sweetest and brightest, toothy smile and perfectly straight teeth, slightly crooked toes, moderate height and weight. Tries to stay fit… but music and Aunt Isabella’s food are not helping. Long, slender fingers. Born in the US.
Phionee: White skin, not like a human white skin tone but white-white. Humanoid Alien. Dark pink, sharp eyes, slightly pointy ears and a long, slender tail that ends in a sharp point [kind of similar to Nightcrawler’s], feet that are a bit more claw like, white, straight hair usually worn in a pinned updo. Eyebrows that give her a snarky expression, light pink lipstick and pink eyeshadow, very cold skin and since she’s from an ice planet it’s usually to warm everywhere for her, so she wears short shorts and cropped tank tops when others are about to freeze off some parts. Still manages to make a point by wearing Ravenger red. Thin but athletic build. From the Usmin planet Sikon.  
Rachel: A lot like Natalina Maggio. Caucasian but likely with a southern European heritage. Green eyes with golden speckles. Thin, straight, dark brown hair. Unassuming figure but well-trained and a bit muscular for a woman. Thin face, thin lips, piercing gaze. Always seems to show a slight frown. Huge ban tattoo on her left side since she was a baby. Not very tall. Often dark fingertips from old ink and such. Found on the doorstep of a hunter family – Westons – when she was still a baby.  
Daniel: Light skinned but with a bit of a tan, short, curly, brown hair. Light blue eyes. Full lips, stubbles all the time. Tall, obviously well-toned and thoroughly fit body but a bunch of scares hidden beneath his clothes. Always seems to have an amused expression and sparkling eyes. Rachel sometimes calls him “Disney Prince” because he’s the pretty of the two of them. Youthful looks even though he is in his late thirties. From an hunter family which has been doing their job in the US for generations.  
Skadi: A Jotun goddess and born frost giant. Very tall with a swirling intricate pattern on her skin. Pure white eyes and hair and whitish lips. Strong and sturdy but athletic build. Full lips… and with a human form magic and living among the gods of Asgard allowed her to take on. Still kind of tall, very pale with a bluish touch with slightly bluish lips, pale blue eyes and a lot of long, full-bodied, wavy hair that she dyes black to not stand out so much. There is something rough and wild about here that tends to draw people in and push them away at the same time. From Thrymheimr and/or Asgard.
Mariana: A lot like a slightly younger Morena Baccarin with half-short hair. Black hair, warm brown eyes, rather light skin tone but still noticeably a Latina. Thin lips, a bit bigger ears, 32 years old, with surprisingly long legs. Has a nice smile but a tendency to frown due to bad decision-making. From Brazil currently living in the US with a work visa.
Jason: Like Seth Green – just google him, like that. 5’3 short, green eyes, ginger hair and beard, mole under his left eye, the best and worst smirk, more buff than Seth Green though. Small/Short power package. From the US and of Scottish and Polish heritage.
Vanessa: Kind of shortish, with a pale skin with a golden undertone, slightly prominent nose and chin, small ears, bilious green eyes and ash brown hair. Kind eyes. Hints of being a bit stout but working against it constantly. Very small feet and rather small hands. An unsuitable mean smirk. Inside and outside of the school day she can usually been found barefooted. From Wales.  
Cain: Soft facial features – a bit of a baby face – broad nose, narrow eyes the lightest blue imaginable. Round face, slightly tanned skin, short dark hair, full lips. Well-built but not very tall… in the form he got from one half of his parents. The other one granted him golden and black scales and rough golden and black skin, gills on the side of his cheeks, the same broad nose and narrow eyes of the lightest blue imaginable, but his features seem less soft like this. Oh and of course a golden fish tail. Lavish and to show off, he’s considered too flashy to be pretty by his mother’s people where he grew up.    
 Any illnesses/disorders/disabilities…?
Cain has BPD. Vanessa has a well-hidden but not specified anxiety disorder. Mariana is rather emotionally instable without an explanation so far… don’t know if that counts. Damian has a heart condition. Skadi is dyslexic but you can bet the goddess won’t tell anyone. Rachel has ADD and so has Lou. Bel is missing the little finger of her left hand. Cardia has gotten past self-harming tendencies and Mariana was thought to have narcolepsy for the longest time… until they found out it has to do with her mutation and an inability to control her power. And do Deicida’s blade legs count and the fact that human emotions confuse her? Not like on the autistic spectrum though just because she hasn’t had to do much with them before and is still learning.
 Who’s your favourite?
That’s not fair *whines*, they are all my kids!! Skadi and Ophelia are always high on the list but always rivalled by the OC or one of the OCs from the fandom I’m just in the most.
 Who is most like you?
??? There is a bit of me in every OC I make… but I try it to never be too much. However… Vanessa maybe? She’s probably the oldest of them and the most like I’m when it comes to looks. But personality vice… I’d like to think Jo maybe or Cardia.
 Do you ship any of the characters you’re talking about here?
Yes. Some but very few with canon characters mostly it’s just a thought though nothing I would insist or necessarily talk about. And I ship Rachel and Daniel with each other ~ it’s difficult though.  
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discord-of-laughter · 5 years
OC Overview
Miharu “Gaslight” Kemuri [BnHA] Miyo “Chesire Kat” Katsumi [BnHA]^* Kaoru “Killer Kat” Katsumi [BnHA]^*
Ophelia Yassamin Philomena Francisca Marielle Christabella Asteria Evangeline A’idah Chanda Malikha Desdemona [...] Shilazar [DC/Legends of Tomorrow/Young Justice/etc.]^** Lucius “Lou”/”Voiceover” Kadin Perez Bowman [DC/Flash/Suicide Squad]^* Jason Tiberius Green [DC/Suicide Squad] Seraphina [DC/Teen Titans] Deicida [DC/Wonder Woman/Young Justice]**
Seth Warren aka Óscar Guerra [Deadly Class]^* Esmé Smith [Deadly Class] Ambrose Smith [Deadly Class]
Cardia Rose [Descendants]^* Gewendolin Pan [Descendants] Alexander Liddell [Descendants]
Scarlett [Devil May Cry]^**
Kaoru Sakamaki [Diabolik Lovers]
Skayla Espe [Fairy Tail]^** Miro [Fairy Tail]*
Vanessa Lind [Harry Potter]^** Charlotte Lind [Harry Potter]
Jennifer “Guinevere” Elisabeth Kross [Kingsman]^**
Belial [Lucifer]*
Skandra “Skadi” Thorn [Marvel/Avengers/Thor]* Damian [Marvel/Defenders]^ Fear [Marvel/Defenders] Kayleigh Fortuna Porter [Marvel/Doctor Strange/Thor]^* Cassandra Cottrell [Marvel/Ant-Man/Avengers]^** Celia Fortis [Marvel/Venom] Phionee Esteria Usmin [Marvel/GotG]^*** Clarience [Marvel/GotG/Spider-man]^ Gabriel Souza [Marvel/Avengers]**
Sasayaki “Whisper” [One Punch Man]
Cain Goldfin [Shadowhunters]^**
Rachel Woods [Supernatural]^** Daniel Weston [Supernatural]^**
Emily Sutton [Teen Wolf]^* Laoise Alva Quinn [Teen Wolf]^* Ava Pretorius [Teen Wolf] Iris Azalea Aconite [Teen Wolf]^***
Sophia “The Widow” Souza [The Boys]
Allete Toupine [The Man from U.N.C.L.E.]^
Aquila Pace [The Librarians]**
Asha Amara Sherwani [Umbrella Academy]
Karin Sato [UtaPri]
Gabriele “Blueprint” Hoffmann [X-Men] Johanna “Counter” Jayne [X-Men]* Mariana “Somnia” Josefa Moraes Cardoso [X-Men]**
Elena Nikiforova [Yuri on Ice]#***
      = still experimenting with ideas
*     = direction of the story set
**    = story mostly set
***   = story finished
#     = mostly used for AUs
^     = set love interest
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