#allen danziger
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 11 months ago
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redkillzzz · 3 months ago
Silly picture of Edwin Neal aka Nubbins Sawyer/Hitchhiker
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creepynostalgy · 5 months ago
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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - 16mm scan (1974)
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tyger-land · 2 months ago
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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙏𝙚𝙭𝙖𝙨 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙖𝙬 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙘𝙧𝙚 1974
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duranduratulsa · 1 year ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #thetexaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre #tobehooper #RIPTobeHooper #leatherface #gunnarhansen #ripgunnarhansen #marilynburns #ripmarilynburns #EdwinNeal #terrimcminn #paulapartain #rippaulapartain #JimSiedow #ripjimsiedow #AllenDanziger #williamvail #JohnLarroquette #vintage #vhs #70s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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fearsmagazine · 20 days ago
THE WEEDHACKER MASSACRE | Trailer, Poster & Images
The cast and crew of "The WeedHacker Massacre" film where gruesome murders occurred 10 years ago, and the masked killer was never found.  Bad acting, bounced payroll checks, and the killer's return threaten what is surely to become their worst movie ever.
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The WeedHacker Massacre is a comedy horror full feature filmed in April 2024 and now in post production.  Created by actor and Executive Producer Allen Danziger, the movie is written and produced by Ray Spivey, and directed by Jody Stelzig.
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THE WEEDHACKER MASSACRE stars David Treviño (Rent Free, Storage Locker), Molly Sakonchick (Storage Locker), Bobbie Grace (Fear the Walking Dead, Velocity Girl), Sean Reyna, Parrish Randall (Circus of the Dead, The Goldilocks), and featuring Allen Danziger (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) as Sheriff Danzinshoos. The film was co-created by Allen Danziger and Ray Spivey, written and produced by Ray Spivey, executive produced by Allen Danziger, and directed by Jody Stelzig.
THE WEEDHACKER MASSACRE World Premieres at the Golden State Film Festival February 20, 2025 – 6:00 PM at TCL Chinese Theatre 6925 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood, CA 90028. 
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bloodngames · 5 months ago
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spookytuesdaypod · 2 years ago
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spooky tuesday is a (now not so new!) podcast where we’re breaking down all of our favorite slashers, thrillers, monster movies and black comedies on the new scariest day of the week.
how has it taken us this long to cover one of the most influential films in horror history? on our latest episode of spooky tuesday, we're throwing it back to one of the very first final girls with the texas chain saw massacre (1974). the film that both introduced Leatherface to the world and invented the power tool as an instrument of psychological damage, this scary '70s story made a lasting impact on both the culture and hitchhiking crime statistics. but there's more to talk about than just that. despite the torture porn connotations of the franchise at large, the original flick is pretty subtle — and it's absolutely stunning, too.
give spooky tuesday a listen on apple podcasts, spotify, iheart radio, or stitcher
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ibrokemybac · 1 year ago
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This drawing took me an hour
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1whimsicalgal · 9 months ago
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Shooting Daniel Pearl’s Infamous Dolly Shot (From Pam’s POV) Or How I Got Lucky In Spite Of Myself.
When I came on the set that morning in Quick Hill, Texas, our make-up artist Dottie was repairing my make-up. I looked out of the corner of my left eye, over at the swing where I knew I was supposed to sit for our next scene of Pam approaching the house. Perplexed, I noticed Daniel Pearl, our cinematographer, lying down on his stomach, hunched over his camera, UNDER the swing, and exactly where I was soon to park my posterior. I noticed Danny wasn’t moving. He was settled in. I asked Dottie as she was powdering my face, “Hey, Dottie, what’s Daniel doing under the swing?” She mumbled something similar to “Idunno…”, and quickly walked away.
They told me they were ready and where I was to sit. Huh?? No way. Yes, the stories are true. I freaked out, 😱 Pam and Tobe began to argue, me refusing to do the shot. Meanwhile, and totally Unbeknownst to me, this was immediately following a giant argument he’d just had with the money dudes, the investors, who didn’t want him to do this new shot that Daniel had come up with the night before, at all. They were ranting at him, telling him that they HAD to stick to the storyboard. .. or else (btw, dpearldp tells that delicious story on his IG - link below). Well, I had No Clue what it was either. I was protecting my cheeks… if you read me. Chewing on his cigar stub, and none too happy with his troublesome actress playing ‘Pam’, Tobe had had enough and said, “Aw, goddamnit, Teri, we’re gonna shoot all around it!!!” Hmmmm, I’m thinkin’, ‘shoot-all-around-it’? Just what the hell does that mean? Anyway, I shut up and sat down, however, remaining highly, highly suspicious. I later learned that everyone, except me, was in on the tracking shot.
All I could think of was my mother 😲 O.M.G. (who was unsupportive at best of my chosen career) and my Aunt Gerry, who were both super-duper religious. I could literally picture them coming unglued when they saw it. Before it was released a year later, I dreaded watching myself on screen and THAT scene, having never seen dailies, I was haunted by the thought of watching it.
When it was released in October ’74, I was living in Dallas and drove with a friend to see it at a Saturday matinee in Tomball, TX, along with 300 screaming kids. When the scene started, my eyes were covered 🫣 I watched through my fingers, scared to death, and NOT of Leatherface. There, up on the screen, in CinemaScope and vivid Technicolor, were my cheeks in those red shorts… O.M.G. 🥶🥵
They certainly did "shoot all around it"!!! The irony of all my worry, neither one of them ever saw it. 😂
That scene has been taught in directing classes across the world for decades, and the 1974 film is held in the film archives of MoMA, The Smithsonian, and The Academy /Oscars.org.
MoMA recently announced a weeklong celebration the 50th anniversary of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre August 8-14, when members of the film’s creative team will join to discuss The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’s production and legacy.
How fortunate we are.
As many of you know, I didn’t come out of anonymity as 'Pam for ’35 years, till March 2008, when, Bill ‘Kirk’ Vail and I both first appeared at a humongous Cherryhill, NJ, Monster-Mania Convention.
Cut to 2008 when my sweet Aunt Gerry was in her 90's, I went to visit her in Arkansas at her apartment in Peachtree Village for a few days, and I told her, "Aunt Gerry, did you know I'm famous?" She said, "You are??" I said, "I certainly am." 😎 I got out my Mac, opened it to FB and showed her the shot above. She giggled and smiled. She loved it! We enjoyed a really good laugh together.💞😂
Tobe and Kim had apparently seen my picture in the Austin American Statesman for a play I was doing with Frank Sutton (Gomer Pyle's Sargent) at @Mary Moody Northern Theater. Somehow for many years, I always remembered my eyes were closed in the Statesman picture. When I recently looked at the picture, my eyes were open and it was Frank Sutton's and the corpse of the dead priest that were closed. 😂 Kim Henkel had called the theater and our director, Ed Mangum, gave me the message when I came in for rehearsals that afternoon. I was to return their call.
WHO KNEW??? Certainly, none of us!
🎥 Follow our amazing cinematographer, Daniel Pearl's 50-year career in his posts and stories and get his POV on filming TCSM '74 scenes
Instagram: @dpearldp https://www.instagram.com/p/CvtejukgJIP/ DP's website: danielpearldp.com/
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redkillzzz · 1 year ago
Japanese Tcm comic
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creepynostalgy · 4 months ago
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Teri McMinn and Gunnar Hansen on set of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
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toomuchlovereviews · 1 year ago
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ .5
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I know gays that decorate their house just like this, and I never once thought of them as someone that would be happy-go-lucky with a chainsaw.
And, to be totally honest, none of this would have happened if they hadn’t trespassed into a stranger’s house. Not saying they had it coming, but I think common sense should kick in at some point.
Plot was compelling, Leatherface is a cool villain, but I think some scenes could have been condensed - especially when the introductory scenes used text and a news broadcast to set the scene. Slightly lazy storytelling.
Side note: If you watch this on Tubi, like I did, the ads come in at the FUNNIEST times.
Watch this if:
You prefer off-screen horror
You can get past the last 30 minutes being only screams
Similar titles:
Halloween (1978) (scary, crazy, silent guy with a weapon)
Gaia (2021) (psychological thriller, great if you like the rural/eco horror)
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duranduratulsa · 1 month ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Plenty Scary Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽...The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #thetexaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre #tobehooper #riptobehooper #leatherface #gunnarhansen #ripgunnarhansen #marilynburns #ripmarilynburns #EdwinNeal #terrimcminn #JimSiedow #ripjimsiedow #paulapartain #rippaulapartain #williamvail #AllenDanziger #JohnLarroquette #edguinn #70s #vintage #VHS #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsasplentyscarymovie #plentyscarymovie #8sThePlace #ktul
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moviesandmania · 1 year ago
STORAGE LOCKER (2023) Reviews of comic book collector horror
‘What lives behind the door?’ Storage Locker is a 2023 American horror film about a comic book collector who encounters two beautiful, mysterious sisters who run a secret collectors’ society. To acquire the rarest of the rare comic books, he must battle a demonic presence in the sisters’ deadly storage facility. Written, produced and directed by Ray Spivey. Executive produced by Brian Jammer. The…
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redkillzzz · 2 years ago
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Just guys being dudes
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