twost3ps · 3 months
Hi Hi! I'm in love with your Adamangels ideas!
And I was wondering if you could do a small snippet of Lucifer reacting to how all of his brothers up in Heaven is literally giving Adam the Queen Treatment (like he deserves) and how Lucifer missed his shot once he decided that Lilith was better out of the two🙄 and instead of coming back to Adam he had the nerve to go to Eve and gotten Adam thrown out of his paradise.
Basically Lucifer realizing that he could of had it all (read: Adam) but fucked it up and now he has to live with that fact.
(Adam deserves to be Wifed up, in my humbled opinion, he already has the MILF looks🤭🤭)
Oh anon I'd love to....
Ik I do big chunks of writing for my aus but more yap than plot istg
But for you I'll write it out 🫡
So have this reaaaally crappy snippet that I left out for a while (btw thank you for the shipname lololol AND MILF ADAM FOR THE WIN)
It's under the cut cuz im headass embarassed
Warning: not lucifur lucifur friendly (his siblings are haters on Adams behalf) and poor grammer and all that jazz
Lucifur was not happy at all. He was going to have another draining pre extermination meeting once again with the man who would not shut up about his dick. For someone with a pretty mouth, Adam had some really ugly vocabulary. Didn't help that Adam really didn't hide his hate for Lucifur, always with his choice words. He'd mock Lucifur, Lilith, and if he was really feeling it, Eve.
Lucifur didn't unstand how Adam was still so bitter. (Man this guy needs understand that time does not heal 🙄)
Lucifur dragged himself up heaven's gates and into the embassy in the late afternoon and went searching for the meeting room. This time though, something was up.
Adam was waiting in his spot like normal, but his mask was off. And he wasn't alone this time.
Micheal and Gabriel, two faces that he hadn't seen in a long time (nor did he really want to see), stood firmly by Adam's side. For what reason they were here, Lucifur had no idea. They looked vaugly like gaurd dogs: stern, vigilant stares as if they were looking out for a threat.
Though, Lucifur guessed, that threat might be him.
Adam didn't seem to look all too bothered, though. Always with that carefree and smug look as if he had better things to do. He looked at Gabriel and Micheal's hard gazes and rolled his eyes.
"You guys are way to serious." Lucifur heard Adam say. Lucifur looked curiously as he saw Adam's hands move up to the shorter angels' heads and began to ruffle their hair.
Gaurd dogs turned into puppies- Micheal and Gabriel's demeanor changed in an instant. Neither looked bothered by Adam ruining their perfectly combed hair. Gabriel looked up at Adam, a big dopey grin on his face. He happily pushed up against Adam's hand and wrapped an arm around his waist. It wasn't that strange coming from Gabriel. The guy was always friendly and ready for attention. But Micheal...
Lucifur saw his brother's face contort into.. what was that? A smile??? A grin?? Shy eyes that looked up at Adam with adoration and care???
Lucifur watched Micheal gently take Adam's hand from his hair to his lips, kissing every knuckle, looking into Adam's eyes as he kissed each one. Adam rolled his eyes while Gabriel laughed. His twin looked very pleased with himself and gently squeezed Adam's hand. The taller angel gave him a soft smile in return.
It was very cringey and cheesy. But part of Lucifur, really deep inside him, was raging. What was going on? What was happening? Why were they here? And why was Adam letting them touch him like that? Why did it bother him so much?
Lucifur coughed to grab thair attention. Foreign happy faces quickly turned into familiar sneers as the trio spotted Lucifur walk up.
"Ah, brother." Micheal greeted. Micheals typically stoic face had clear traces of distaste as he looked Lucifur up and down. "You're here..."
'Don't need to look so bothered.' Lucifur thought. However, Micheal's gaze was a lot less hostile than his second in command. Gabriel looked like he was seething.
Ever since his betrayal, Gabriel hated his guts. As in really HATED him. The instance he saw Lucifur after his banishment, he immediately told him how he'd body him if he ever found him in Eden. He made it no secret to anyone. The man hated secrets after all.
"Fucking finallllyyy" Adam groaned, being the only one who was somewhat glad to see Lucifur, even if it wasn't really because he was there. "Lets get this shit over with already"
Adam draped himself on the two commanders' shoulders, who looked more than happy to let him, and kicked the door behind open. The tree angels walked in first, and Lucifur slowly followed.
As they entered the meeting room, it was like a whole family reunion.
At the furtherst end of the table sat Lucifur's siblings.
Beyond just Gabriel and Micheal who were walking along side Adam to their seats, there was Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, and Zadkiel. Even Azreal and Dumah were there.
They were surrounding three empty chairs, the one in the middle basically looking like a throne.
Lucifur shouldn't have been as bewildered when he saw Adam sat in the giant chair as Micheal and Gabriel sat by either side.
"Welcome back, yada yada." Adam waved his hand around, looking like he could care less. "You know the drill"
"Yes... and why are... they here..." Lucifur asked, waving in the general area of his siblings. Gabriel decided to answer for Adam.
"We've been anxious, Samael," Gabriel sneered. "Adam being alone with the likes of... you... didn't sit right with us. We wanted to see for ourselves how your yearly meetings go."
"What does it matter to you?" Snapped Lucifur, "And it's Lucifur to you."
Lucifur made a tsk in annoyance. "Adam can answer for himself, you know."
"Yes, but we don't want him to waste his precious breath on you any more than he has to." Micheal said simply.
They were really getting on his nerves. The disrespect, honestly. And it's barely been 5 minutes since he got here.
Lucifur grumbled as he sat down in his seat on the far end. He couldn't help but feel a little bit intimidated as he looked at the other side. They all looked like they were looking for an excuse to pounce, save for Adam, who just looked like he didn't want to spend any more time in the room than he needed to be.
"Same junk every year. Let's get this over with!"
If sitting for of that meeting with just Adam was hard, sitting in a room with Adam and this very happy family reunion was so much harder.
It was very clear that his siblings were watching him like a hawk, daring him to step out of line. For what? Looking in Adam's general direction? BUT THATS WHAT HE HAD TO DO!
Micheal and Adam were surprisingly the most friendly, letting Lucifur speak when he needed to and listening to him where it counted. Some shocking curtesy from Adam. For his brother, maybe there was still some sibling care deep down, but Micheal was always scrutinizing him. The rest of his siblings were not ask kind, more focused on Adam or loudly whispering amongst eachother.
But other than the tension and clear disintrest, it was all so unserious.
Lucifur had to watch as his siblings blindly pamper and not so subtly coo at Adam.
The chairs were all tilted in a way that somehwat faced Adam, just so they could look at him. He had them wrapped around his finger.
Adam had snapped his fingers mid meeting and suddenly Uriel was up and rushing out, coming back shortly with a tray of ribs.
The instance the sound of Adam's empty soda cup filled the room, Raphael had excused himself and brought quickly brought back another drink.
Wtf was this? What was next? Rubbing Adam's feet as he yapped about God, know what at this point. The conversation has strayed from the topic so many times. It's not like the rest of the room seemed to care. It was all queen treatment and glaring on their end.
It didn't help that Adam was directly placed in a spot where the light from an overhead window shined down on him like a holy spotlight. He looked like some divine royalty that was to be bowed down to. And his siblings FUCKING WERE!!! They were treating him like Adam was specifically created to be coddled by them. Like they were made to serve him instead of just watch over him.
It was all so belittling.
This was not a meeting. This was a pampering session.
And it felt like it was going on for HOURS.
"Alright, we're done!" Adam announced. He tossed back Lucifur's folder that he brought across the table, papers scattering everywhere as it glided. "And I'm outta here!"
He stood up, and like sheep, Lucifur's siblings followed, their eyes completely glued to Adam, watching his every move. Lucifur was the last to get up and leave the goddamn room, having to gather his things.
Exiting out, he could see the group already walking off without him. Not even a goodbye? Wow.
Adam was still at the center until Raphael had pulled up in his arms. Instead of getting mad though, Adam playfully hit his arm and got himself comfortable, resting his head on Raphael's chest.
The angels swarmed around Adam, flying around him or huddling close to him on the ground. They were like a protective wall and Lucifer could barely get a glimpse of Adam as they drew closer to him.
Lucifer saw Micheal, still determined to stay by Adam's side, hovering above the ground to get to Adam's height. His twin had squaked when Adam suddenly grabbed him and dragged him into his arms. He held Micheal like some sort of teddy bear. Some of Lucifer’s siblings were pouting in envy.
Lucifur envied him too, vaguely imagining himself in his twin's place as he watched.
Adam had a playful grin on his face as he leaned onto Micheal, who was blushing and squirming furiously in embarrassment.
Gabriel had been hovering around Adam as well, circling above Rapheal lazily.
Lucifur's breath hitched as he saw Adam pull Gabriel down for a soft kiss on the cheek. It caused Gabriel to soar up, performing happy loops in the air. Adam had found it entertaining, clapping when Gabriel fluttered to his side again.
The all angels laughed and eagrly looked to Adam for his attention, which he was gladly giving them.
The faint sound of laughing echoed through the embassy, leaving Lucifur just to stare.
Adam had a soft grin on the whole time as he looked at all of Lucifur's siblings with.... love?
Was Adam being genuinely affectionate? Sweet? He hasn't seen this behavior since Eden. It was almost scandalous.
But Adam looked....
And when Adam wasn't sporting his smug grin or a scowl, he was genuinely beautiful... a happy Adam was VERY beautiful. He was just as gorgous as he had been in Eden, if not more. As corny was, it sounded. He aged like fine wine.
Lucifur watched, entranced, as Adam's lips stretched into a fine smile, eyes crinkling just right as he looked at Uriel, who was showing him something on a board. Lucifur even spotted a dimple he never knew Adam had.
The mask Adam always wore hid is face completely.
And now, really seeing Adam for the first time in a while...
He realized how soft Adam looked. Maybe he had always looked that soft.
Lucifur dared to watch for a second longer before ripping his gaze away. He didn't understand why seeing Adam in the center of his siblings' gazes, absorbing it all all in, made him so.... peeved!
He took one last final glance and saw Gabriel staring at him. They guy had the audacity to look smug at him, like a final "fuck you"
Lucifur stormed off immediately.
"Fucking pussywhipped" Lucifur grumbled as he decended to hell. "The lot of them."
The image of Adam being surrounded by his siblings was burned into his mind.
And there were so many questions.
When did all of... THAT happen?
Why were they all so whipped?
How did Adam do it?
Why did did he envy his siblings?
How did they earn Adam's afffections?
What was it like to have have Adam affections?
His siblings were fools. Yeah.
Their ideas were pain and stupid, and Adam was a horrible partner. Lilith and Eve had said so. But....
Lucifur tried to keep his mind away from Adam. Lucifur wouldn't want to look as stupid as his siblings, fawning over the first man.
His siblings were probably kissing at Adam's feet like weirdos at that very moment.
He laughed at the thougut, shoving any sort of doubt right back down.
But there was a voice inside his head that never stopped ringing. The small part in his head wanted to go back up there, huddled up with his siblings as they coddled Adam.
As he fell asleep, his mind finally wandered, and he began to think:
"Had I just waited a bit more... would I be up there too?"
Strayed away from the go prompt whoopsss and it is not small so whoops again
Not really feeling this one but again, I’m not a writer o3o hope it suffices!!!
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Adam Boulton: On the other hand Kavanaugh can’t remember it at allAdam Boulton added,
Adam Boulton: On the other hand Kavanaugh can’t remember it at allAdam Boulton added,
Source: Twitter
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thevideogamekid-blog · 12 years
I miss her. 
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deejayr5 · 12 years
can people like this if they like Alladam or adalli whatever the ship name is
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allibhandarii224-blog · 13 years
u really want u some adam eh?
or that is the place he fit the best?
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twost3ps · 3 months
Heaven soldier: we heading down to the beach wanna join!
Micheal: I have important matters to attend to
Racheal: I have some work to attend to
Gabriel: I gotta train some of the newbies
Uriel: ...
Azrael: I have to deal with the some stuff
Jophiel: am not a beach person
Heaven soldier: adam gonna be there... he trying to beat his jump rope record
Uriel: why didn't you start with that
Everyone started to run towards the beach so fast they forgot they could fly
If Adam is there there is never a question
They lose all their common sense and heavenly judgement.
"Oh- Adam is there???? We'll shi-"
Have you ever seen the fabric of time and space rip before because some angels couldn't keep it in their pants? Trying to outrun/outfly one another? Now you have. It's over. It's done.
Heavens beaches are turned to dust as the siblings rip at eachother to get there first amen 🙏
But seriously, Adam's got them all wrapped around his finger. He's spoiled for a reason 🤷‍♀️
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twost3ps · 3 months
Nah for real
Lucifer: I have both your wives
Adam: okay..am feeling petty what your brothers names?
Lucifer: well there micheal and gabriel
Adam: Oh, micheal~
Adam: oh gabriel~
Lucifer: what are you doing?!?
Adam: am gonna sleep with your brothers what do you think!
Pfftttt- The ultimate act of pettiness would him going after ALL of Lucifurs siblings.
And imo he does it successfully LMAOOOO
Lucifurs pride is gonna take a mad hit XP especially now cuz he doesn't have the eden trifecta and somehow he's the only sibling that hasn't slept with Adam. Like, how??? Genuine shock and horror on his face when he finds out
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twost3ps · 3 months
Sadly I can't find the original post of adam guardian angels
But to make up for it!
Lute: adam, you are dating way too many people
Adam: I can't break up with them, that'll would ruin my plans
Emily: You can't start dating new people without breaking up with the people you dated before adam!
Lute: do any of them know about each other?
Adam: NO! Look, I just have to remember that jophiel is deadly allergic to peanuts, and Raphael loves peanuts
Adam: Oh, and I have to remember that lucifer, Micheal, gabriel, jophiel, Raphael, chamuel, uriel, zadkiel, arzeal, and dumah are all related. And weirdly, so are 7 deadly sins because of their whole thinking of each other siblings after fall- it whole thing
Emily: adam, this is really complicated!
Adam on a phone call: Hey chamuel! *whisper to lute and emily* Get me the chamuel folder
Lute: What?
Adam: *whisper* forget it, so chamuel what is it like being the angel of Pure love where you 5'6
Adam: Okay, I have to be at a meeting, an aquarium, and a salsa dancing class all at the same time
Adam throws clothes at emily and Lute: Here, put on these Adam clothes
Adam: lute you got micheal, emily you get zadkiel, and I get mammon
Adam: And remember, deny, deny, deny!
Lute: we are not doing that
Adam: Fine, I tell them I am sick or something
On another phone call
Adam: uriel can you hold, gabriel can you hold, you know what to do micheal, yep hold. Dumah!
This very long and fun to make
Maybe I'll find that post myself but THIS! THIS IS GOLDEN LOLOLOL
Poor emily and lute bruh 💀💀💀
So much info to retain Adam's got a catalog of each sibling. (Probably in something that Uriel bought him to be more organized. Definitely got a nice kiss from adam for it lol)
Adam's a homie hopper-omgggg
At some point thought they have to have realized what was going on right???
Adam somehow juggling like what? 16 angels?? 17 if we include lucifur. Professional clown behavior go off girl
At that point he's just has a wall of protection
If this was the truth, nifty you have been obliterated instantly for even looking at Adam in the finale 💀💀
For me, though, all of the siblings are very much aware that the other is with Adam. Some are more aware than others.
Like, Micheal is super hyperaware of where and who Adams has been with (he got that boyfriend intuition). If we're adding the sins, someone like Mammon would be mildly aware that Adam was seeing other people and somewhat aware of some but not everyone.... the sins are less aware, tbh cuz they don't see Adam as much o3o
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twost3ps · 3 months
Maybe like celebrities, they have a type of interview where all the angel answers some questions about what going on with heaven
Sera: Okay next one
Interviewer: Okay, everyone has been dying to know if adam chest is really that amazing
Micheal: ...
Uriel: ...
Gabriel: ...
Repheal: ...
Chamuel: ...
Jophiel: ...
Zadkiel: ...
Azreal: ...
Dumah: ...
Adam: if everyone dares to answer that question-
Uriel probably knows the cup size. Baby, speak your truth 🙄 we all know they're naturals but tell us how they really feel >>:(
Gabriel would say it, no hesitation. Imo, that man just let's his mouth RUN
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twost3ps · 3 months
Adam: damn it I ran out of my favorite snacks and my smoothie out damn
Adam: I know what to do
Adam texting in group chat: whoever get my favorite snacks and smoothie I allow them to touch my chest for however long they want
Ngl Micheal probably smelled Adam's dissatisfaction in the air the instance Adam felt it. He's a freak like that
Everyone else tho, it's like the Olympics. Heavens walls completely destroyed by the sheer force needing to get there first.
One would have assumed there was another rebellion from hell or maybe the rapture was coming. Hell thought it was the sound of a mega externination
but NO
Adam wanted a snack and some entertainment so he asked for a favor and suddenly everything is collapsing in on itself LMAOOO
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twost3ps · 3 months
Adam: am gonna get my petty revenge against lucifer by sleeping with all his siblings
(Warning a bit suggested)
Adam feeling sore because he keep forgetting lucifer has alot of siblings. And his house is cover head to toe in courting gifts
Adam: I didn't think this one though enough
He really didn't lololol
Micheal was already in his line of sight but everyone else kinda came as time went on.
Accidental rizz ig LMAOOO
Everyone is pretty mixed when it comes to the archangel/archseraphims
So my list is this:
I also have Azreal on my list but he's not one of the 7 archangels
Still messes with Adam though, alongside his twin Dumah (its this whole thing that ill get into once i post them). They in 2 of my posts from a bit back. I still consider them Lucifur's brothers so really Adam has 9 angels on his ass. O3O
The more the better imo 👌
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twost3ps · 3 months
Adam on his balcony on a phone call: you know it been pretty lonely here, i would love some company....a pet? Good idea lute I look into some pets tomorrow alright good night
Midde of night
Adam walking down the stairs to grab a snack
Adam turn on the lights to see million of pets in his kitchen
Adam: WTF! How did you get in my house!
And that is how adam ended up with a lot of animals
Someone hacked the phone 💀💀💀 or someone in the bushes or up on his roof
24/7 securityyyyyyyy
It was a group effort honeslty 🙄
The angels probably got an animal that represents each one of them and put them in charge.
I don't think Adam wouldn't have minded that much had it not been in his house o3o
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twost3ps · 3 months
Lute: adam are you done yet!?!
Adam: wait a min lute! Perfection does take time plus I wanna show off my gifts to lucifer face
Lute: it been 6 hours!
Adam: And? Now look should I go with the ring micheal gave me or the one uriel gave me
Meetings are always hell because Adam just be flaunting EVERYTHING
It's not subtle. He looked like a goddamn peacock when lucifur is there 🙄
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twost3ps · 3 months
Adam: you there was this really annoying angel and told micheal about them the next day I never saw them again. Crazy right?
Random Angel: I Don't know if this a threat or you just the smartest person. But either way am gonna take back the meal and give you right one
Micheal is Adam's little batman. 💀💀💀
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twost3ps · 3 months
I saw a au where all of the seven deadly sins and lucifer brothers (expect lucifer) all visted adam at some point in eden and all acted like his guardian angel without each other knowing.
And I found that very funny
Lucifer: I got two girl back in eden and now
Adam look
He bagged them all without him knowing.
That is though how I pictured it anyways god bless 🙌 🙏
Its that Spiderman meme
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