#all this came up because i got back into the stucky fandkm
crossthread · 6 months
This is just a thought, a random ass thought, but I know a lot of queer people. Even when I was living in a majority muslim south asian country, I knew queer people. Since I've moved to Europe, I've had the pleasure of being acquainted to so many more queer people. Its not everyone I meet, not even 50% of people I know, but from the top of my head I can name at least 5 people. If given time, I can name a hell of a lot more.
It means something. That I know so many queer people, despite not going to any bars, or joining any lgbtq+ clubs. Just random ass people I've met in everyday life. And these are just the queer people that I know. I'm well aware there's more people that I don't know of.
Just. Suddenly it means a lot to me that there's a sizable amount of us. It means something. And it means something when I watch a movie, or a TV show, and I don't see a single queer person in it. Rather than it being that there's no representation, what bothers me is that it's unnatural.
It's unnatural to see no queer people in a movie. And that is such a gratifying realisation to me right now because for the longest time, everyone's been rubbing it in our faces that what's unnatural instead is being queer.
And as someone who's still growing up in so many ways, it is so gratifying to have real proof that they're wrong.
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