#all the subtle subtextual ways Togashi tells us things is never not mind-blowing
koalatysleep · 3 months
Yusuke to Kuwabara in Rando fight, Toguro fight:
I would kill for you, I would die just to avenge you.
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Kuwabara to Yusuke in Toguro fight, Sensui fight:
I would die just to jolt you out of your grief-induced self-punishment so you can win & live, I would burn down the whole world and die just to avenge you.
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Both during Yukina rescue mission:
I would decimate a whole bunch of fodder demons in a rampage of subtextual romantic angst if I think you're in love with someone else 🤣🤣🤣
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Not even kidding🤣, Kuwabara actually was heartbroken in this mission because he mistakenly thought Yusuke was in love with Keiko after Yusuke gave his life to save the girls in Suzaku fight, which is why Kuwa was straight out on a rampage and literally sliced the fodder demons to bits (Kuwa, you're scary when your heart is broken):
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And Yusuke who was romantically pursuing Kuwabara since The Chocolate Shake Date post-Rando fight was trying his hardest not to feel jealous & unwanted/unloved (his childhood emotional wounds were triggered by Kuwa retreating from love with him 😭), while nobly letting Kuwabara have his supposed springtime of love with Yukina by not telling Kuwa Yukina is Hiei's sister (yup, this was actually Yusuke being noble 🥹, he wouldn't get in the way of what he thought was Kuwa really falling in love), which is why Yusuke also literally decimated the fodder demons (coz Kuwa's his moral compass and if Kuwa's doing it...):
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What can I say, this was their version of working through their feelings😅. In their defense, they were also repulsed by these fodder demons imprisoning one of their own kind (Yukina) until they found out humans are just as bad as demons and thus they are in no place to judge, thus they both regret how heavy-handed they were, which is why they made it a point to avoid taking life wherever they could in the rest of canon (Yusuke could have killed a lot of demons who deserved it in Dark Tournament, but he didn't).
But ya know, all bets are off if they think the other is dead. 🥹😭🤣
This Yukina rescue mission was also our heroes' "last gamble" (this is the double meaning of one of the manga chapter title in this arc) to try to showcase their strengths to each other in the desperate hope that the other will choose them, instead of their supposed female love interests 😭 which is also why they went all out.
Ironically, they each weren't romantically interested in their supposed female love interests, it's all a romantic tragic-comedy of errors and misunderstandings 😭😅
For the good of the world, raise your hands if you think Yusuke and Kuwa should get married 🤣🤣 ✋️✋️🤚🤚🖐🖐🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️
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