#all the babywols coming out of the woodworks
jjongslight · 4 years
Loving your passionate Jinki rant posts! As a babywol (even though I’m older than every member) I get kind of offended at how often Jinki’s vocals are overlooked for Jjong’s (not that doesn’t deserve praise for his). I think a big reason why I love their j-pop disco so much is because they utilize his voice more. Its his voice that caught my attention first, its his voice that I could identify first, and its his voice that made me want to hear more. Love, a fellow Canadian MVP 💕😘
Yo, when it comes to my hubby, SHINee, or anything I love, I’m burning with passion and I curse a lot. XD I’m preparing a video post of him being sexy at 1 am, y’all done fucked me up hahaha
I think you make such an interesting point by mentioning how distinctive Jinki’s voice is. I have never heard anyone sound like him ??? Like Jjong’s voice is unique, but there is that buttery, smooth quality to Jinki’s (and that doesn’t even being to describe it tbh!!!) that pulls you in and washes over all your problems like a warm blanket on a late afternoon or like hot cocao on a lazy winter evening. 
We really need to put respek on his voice. I wrote a post about that a few months ago and I was so happy to see so many people agreeing. I need to find that post again lol.
BUT WAIT YOU ARE A FELLOW CANADIAN MVP. EEEEEP.  💕 💕 💕 Nice to meet you. You can call me Sara or Mrs. Lee~
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