#all of this started with me going “but imagine brown tiger cub with white stripes how pretty it'd be”
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shiroganeryo · 2 years ago
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So... I may or may have not made a Dazatsu lovechild a while ago 💦 Decided to show her to the world after seeing some discourse on the neighboring site today 😅
I took inspiration from Yūko Tsushima, Osamu Dazai's daughter and novelist! Her ability is Child of Fortune.
A lot about her is still a WIP, but please check under the read more cut if you're interested in knowing more about her (and also see me exposing myself with the delirious idea that brought her into being)!
Feat. married Dazatsu, which is always good; but this post is looong.
So, how did this happen?
I'm very weak and give lovechildren to my ships often. I was thinking about how cute would be a child of theirs and conveniently found out about Dazai's daughter, who also was a novelist and everything simply fell into place effortlessly.
The actual backstory
Yūko is a byproduct of the Book. The text written into it desired a strong ability that could be easily manipulated to come into being. However, since the Book follows a certain logic, such ability manifested as a singularity; key traits of two abilities it considered powerful if combined merged and came into being as an infant's.
Still following the Book's logic, this weak, vulnerable being appeared in the vicinity of the ones who would protect it from harm.
And now the "serious" part is out of the way, imagine Dazai randomly getting up in the middle of the night for a glass of water and finding a sleeping cat that had broken into their home.
...Except when he touches it to put it back outside, it turns into a child.
This is a case of "instructions too vague, gave a random couple a child" lmao
What happens from there
What else would Dazai do if not wake Atsushi up, who at first doesn't understand why all that fuss just because of a cat that broke in until he sees it for himself. Both are extremely confused.
Then what else would they do if not resort to Kyouka next door because they're at a loss and need a female's feedback here. She's immediately smitten but Atsushi keeps reminding her they can't just keep her like a lost kitten, they need to find her parents.
This results in them deciding to take her to the Agency, they're detectives after all. The three of them walk in, Dazai with the girl in his arms (to prevent her from activating her ability and running off), Atsushi carrying a bag with the improvised provisions they had arranged, and Kyouka with the straightest face ever.
Everyone looks at them in confusion. Ranpo instantly knows what's up. Atsushi says he would love to say they can explain but he honestly has no idea whatsoever.
They tell the others what happened and since Ranpo likes to make things more amusing, he remarks on how similar she looks to both Dazai and Atsushi in appearance, and that her ability also resembles Atsushi's weretiger features. Dazai instantly picks up on the hints.
Kunikida is hellbent on finding the girl's parents before anything else, but Dazai suggests running a DNA test to test a theory of his. Kunikida resists a little because there's just no way you're implying what you're implying, but Dazai insists for the sake of ruling out possibilities.
It's a perfect match with both him and Atsushi.
The next steps
Apparently, they're her parents now. She needs registration documents and whatnot; Ango takes care of the bureaucracies and necessary paperwork to make this happen more smoothly because this is by no means your everyday occurrence, she must be properly recorded in the Special Division's files.
Since Dazai and Atsushi are married, this means they're also both her legal guardians. For safety's sake, her surname is registered as Tsushima (津島) instead of Nakajima (中島) to make her a little harder to track because there's definitely something up with that (or so Dazai thinks, which he tells Ango).
To help cover her identity better, she's also accepted into the Agency as an employee (she went through an entrance exam and all) of sorts, so Fukuzawa's ability takes effect on her. The ID card on her lanyard is her official detective ID.
Currently, she's learning how to read and write and undergoing training to better control her ability.
Yūko's ability was dubbed Child of Fortune (寵児, Chōji); it's still under observation to determine the full potential of her skills. So far, it's known that much like Atsushi, she's able of transforming fully into a tiger (except it's a tiger cub) or partially, into a weretiger. She supposedly has restoration skills, but they're still not fully developed.
Exceptionally strong claws.
She also has a powerful bite, observed to neutralize the effect of other abilities with the only exception being No Longer Human. The bite leaves a mark that renders the affected person unable of using their ability for a set time.
Some trivia
Since Yūko can't heal herself properly yet, her injuries are kept bandaged. Usually seen on the wrists or ankles. I left this detail to match Dazai's bandages, as a visual representation of the young age the irl author lost her father to suicide.
The reason why her left hand is bandaged in the second drawing though, is because she punched a classmate who was bullying her; she didn't mind the offenses until it sounded like they were badmouthing Atsushi and GOD FORBID she hears anyone say anything bad about any of her dads.
It's fine btw, they're best friends now. Dazai actually talked to the kid and they apologized after that; Yūko only apologized because Atsushi told her to.
I need you to imagine them being called to the school because Yūko got into a fight and Atsushi becoming disconcerted after learning the reason behind it from their daughter while Dazai tried very hard not to laugh because it would upset Atsushi but he was a little too proud of Yūko (defend your cinnamon roll dad!)
She's very easy to deal with, a very calm and obedient child despite having a strong, assertive personality. When she's not in school, she's hanging out in the Agency; she stays in the lounge area of the office and spends her time drawing or trying to write words. Both Atsushi and Dazai take turns checking on her.
Like any child, Yūko has a lot of energy and may tire out her parents, especially if she decides to activate her ability; she outsped Atsushi once and since then they're both surprised and terrified. She always falls for Dazai's trap of calling her by saying "pspsps" with a smile though and fails to understand why she turns back to normal every time.
Her training isn't just to teach her how to control her ability better, but also to teach her how to use it responsibly. Sometimes it looks a lot like gym classes tbh.
Yes, tiger Atsushi does carry tiger cub Yūko around in his mouth and gives her baths.
Yes, Dazai does whine there's yet another cat in his immediate family circle that he can't pet.
And if you read until here, I wish you a wonderful day, please know that I love you and am sending good things vibes your way 🫶
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canid-slashclaw · 5 years ago
The Outliers - A Guild Wars Love Story
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9,  Chapters 10 and 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16 , Chapter 17, Chapter 18
Chapter 19
A month had passed since Kaleb's last visit while Amalthia was still in the infirmary. She was now in the long process of finishing her recovery at her father's place. Kaleb had written to her often and she did so in return.
"That's quite a lunch you're packing, young man. Why there's enough in that thing to feed five people," Kaleb's mother quipped as she noticed her son shoving several brazed wild foul shanks into the basket.
"That's because I'm a hungry boy, mom. Anyway, I'm sharing them with a friend."
Overhearing the conversation, Rachel stepped into the kitchen and provided her own opinion on the situation. "The reason he's taking so much meat is because he's going to share it with that charr girlfriend of his."
Bristling over the comment, Kaleb tried to respond in a measured tone. "She's just a friend. Anyway, I haven't seen her in over a month."
Shirley frowned for a moment then drew in her breath, trying to maintain tranquility in the household.
"There is no need to be sassy with your brother, Rachel. Now go to your room."
Grumbling but obedient, she complied and left without further incident. However, once she got up the stairs, she eavesdropped on the conversation from the edge of the landing.
Mother Grimwald turned to her son and said. "Try not to let her get to you, son. She's just at that age. Anyway, I hope you have fun with whomever you have plans with."
"Thanks, mom. I'm sure we'll have a great time." Kaleb finished his packing and was about to leave when his mom made one final comment.
"It would be so romantic if you and Trish did a picnic together. Speaking of whom... you haven't mentioned anything about her in awhile."
Oh, great. I see where this is headed, Kaleb thought as he bolted from the kitchen.
Her mother started following him. "Why are you avoiding the question?"
"It wasn't a question, mom." Kaleb darted from the front door then closed it behind him.
Her prying ears never being far away, Rachel stepped down the stairs and commented once more. "It's because he's got a new girlfriend. Rawarrrrr!"
Gah. I would love to slap some sense into that kid. Shirley stepped from the front door a short time later and shouted to her son as he was walking from the property. "If you are seeing that charr friend of yours then remember the teachings of Dwayna. For the sake of your soul, I hope that's all it is." Quoting scripture. Now I'm pissed! *** Amalthia knew that Kaleb would be at the shop within the hour. She was in the process of trying to find the right outfit to wear, but thus far, nothing seemed to adequately fit the situation. It was at that time of the month when her heat cycle was in full bloom. Her body yearned for his closeness. More than anything, she wanted to physically bond with the one she loved. Ah. I think this one will do just fine. She examined the cotton outfit for a moment before putting it on. The sleeveless top revealed the ocher tiger stripes on her light yellow-orange fur. Covering the high-cut leather loincloth underneath, she wore a dark brown skirt that sported a slit up the right side. She decided to forego wearing shoes of any kind and, instead, chose to adorn her digitigrade arches with gold bangles. Once she had finished dressing she promptly headed down the spiral staircase towards the spice rack area. She sniffed the various aromas hoping to find a scent that would drive Kaleb wild. Jasmine oil with cinnamon powder. She purred with erotic pleasure over thinking of her hansom human mate. "Amalthia." Her father's voice called out from the hallway beside the meat counter. "Sire?" Her odor wafted towards his direction and he became visibly agitated. "I'm guessing Kaleb will be over soon, am I right?" "Yes. Of course he will. That is, unless he is suddenly abducted by a flock of harpies." Her father shook his head. "I know you and him haven't seen each other in awhile. And what I am about to ask may come across as my being a meddlesome sire... but Amalthia - I ask that you break off going out with Kaleb. At least until next week." Amalthia quickly realized what her father was pining to say. "I will be fine, sire. Trust me." Ludrick let out a low grumble. "I don't think now is a good time for you to be seeing him." "We are both responsible adults. Neither of use would do anything to dishonor you, sire." "Then why the jasmine oil and cinnamon? That's a traditional charr…" Amalthia abruptly cut him off with a terse response. "Because I happen to like the smell, that's why!" Her father relented then hung his head low. "Just remember your boundaries, cub. For your sake and his." Thirty minutes later there was a knock on the door and Amalthia ran to answer it. When she opened it, she found Kaleb standing there holding a freshly cut bouquet of chrysanthemums. "Kaleb! Come on in!" She hugged him then took the flowers and placed them in one of the empty cookie tins. "Good to see you too, Miss Mouthy," he said with a devilish smile as he waved around the picnic basket he was carrying. "I made one of your favorites - braised guinea fowl with rosemary and peppercorn." Amalthia's ears twitched as she gave him a large, fangy smile. "I can smell it from here!" "Mmm. And I can smell you. What is that you are wearing?" She walked up, placed her muzzle against his left ear and whispered. "An ancient charr arousal perfume." Kaleb's mind was already awash in carnal thoughts as he gazed at her revealing outfit. "I'm ready when you are," she said as the pair departed from the shop. Upon locking the door, Amalthia turned to Kaleb then pointed in a westward direction. "Sire wanted the day off so I'm shutting things down. Anyway, there's a place I wanted to take you to. It's really beautiful." As the pair walked towards their destination, Kaleb looked over his love and commented. "It is you who looks beautiful. I never knew your people wore outfits like that." "I got it at a boutique in Lion's Arch run by a human and sylvari couple of all things. The sylvari woman is really into designing things that reflect a blending of the races. The briarthorn gown really tempted me, but I think she took the design a bit too literally. I mean while thorns may look good fashion-wise, they don't really feel good, especially when wearing them." Amalthia laughed as she gave Kaleb a playful squeeze on the wrist. "A sylvari and human? That's amazing! At least we aren't the only oddballs in Tyria," Kaleb said with a chuckle. "Jest... Jestin! That's the human's name. The sylvari's name is Ariyana. She's got a really interesting, quirky personality to say the least. Anyway, it took me forever to find an outfit that blended human and charr cultures together." "Hmm. It doesn't say much, does it?" Kaleb noted. "No. It doesn't. But somewhere, someone has to change it, somehow." She turned to him looking him in the eyes. "I was terrified that I would never see you again, Kaleb. That is why I'm not afraid anymore. If people can't accept us for being a couple then they can just shove it where the sun doesn't shine!" Kaleb smiled drawing closer to her muzzle. But just when he was about to kiss her, she playfully placed her clawed finger on the middle of his forehead and laughed. "Follow me... we're almost there." The two of them reached the edge of a lake that was shadowed by an enormous rocky outcropping with a massive waterfall cascading down the middle. When Kaleb looked up he could see the shimmering rainbow effect coming off the foaming mist. "Behold, Thunderfalls. At least that's what many of the locals around here call it anyway. Isn't it just amazing?" Once they had found a secluded spot, Kaleb nodded as he opened the picnic basket. Within moments the pair began sharing a hearty lunch together that consisted of brazed wild foul, roasted potatoes and peach cobbler. Amalthia lay on a satin blanket sprawled out with her back to the sun. She removed her top allowing the rays to more evenly warm her fur. As Kaleb saw her intricate pattern, he began tracing his fingers over the individual stripes starting just below the nape of her neck then eventually working down to her lower back. "Your fur is so beautiful. I just never realized that until now." He began tracing out the stripe contours around her upper thighs then around her lower calf muscles while her long fluffy tail twitched in delight. Amalthia purred in pleasure as she rolled over on her back exposing her white underbelly and the small patch of partially grown fur from the wound she had received two months prior. Kaleb gently worked his hands from her shoulders then down across her chest until he reached her abdomen where he felt some of the scar tissue that was left over. "I am so sorry this happened. I wish I was there to protect you," he said as he began stroking her left ears then ran his fingers along the contours of her muzzle. Amalthia rose up, rotated around then placed her large pawed hand on the side of his face, as she looked him in the eyes. "You already have."
Kaleb noticed the sunlight refracting off her amber eyes as he drew close to her. "Your eyes. The way the sun catches the hues of your irises, makes them stunning beyond imagining." But just as they were about to kiss, Amalthia placed her clawed finger on Kaleb's lips then laughed aloud once more. "Hold it there you silly mouse. There's something I have to show you. Follow me!" She immediately bounded off on all fours leaving him far behind. As Kaleb ran over the hill to catch up with Amalthia, he found that she had discarded her skirt and bangles. When he got closer to the water's edge, he found that her undergarments and crop top were lying on the ground as well, but with no sign of her to be seen anywhere. When he looked around to find her, he suddenly heard her voice coming from the lake.
"Over here! If you are a strong swimmer, head over towards the waterfall." She waved to him covered only in the pelt she had been born with. It was at that moment when Kaleb realized that the next phase of the courtship ritual would transpire. Upon knowing this, he promptly disrobed until; he too, was clad only in his skin. He could see Amalthia off in the distance as her feline form disappeared under the waterfall. It took him a good couple of minutes to swim there. However, once he reached his destination, he was greeted by a deep nook that lay just under the torrent of rushing water. Under the constant stream, rested a slab of smoothly hewn limestone that lay just a few feet below the surface of the falls. "Behind you, silly!" Kaleb turned around to see her wet furred form bobbing up and down to the undulating current smiling with joy. As he swam over to greet her she grabbed his arm then pulled him towards the rocky slab. The sun-heated gush of water poured over the pair as the two of them drew together. Amalthia laughed as she ran her clawed fingers though the soaked hair that covered half of Kaleb's face. "How can you see like that, silly little man?" She reached behind his head as he clasped hold of the smaller horns on either side of her face and the two became locked in a passionate kiss. "I think you will find, Miss Steelblade, that there is very little, that is little about me." Kaleb's manhood was in full bloom when the tip of his spear found its sumptuously warm mark. Amalthia's legs parted to accommodate him, being very careful not to inadvertently jab him with her dewclaws. Once his angle was true, he thrust deeply inside of her. Amalthia's body quivered with unhinged ecstasy as she could feel him going deep inside. Her muscles tightened around his engorged member causing her to let out a caterwaul, the likes of which he had never heard. The two lovers began an elegant rhythmic motion, being buoyed by the water, as they moved with a synchronicity of one body and one mind. They switched positions as Amalthia clasped hold of the limestone rock that jutted out from the rocky slab. Kaleb positioned himself from behind and began thrusting into her causing her vaginal walls to contract on him even tighter. The sheer intensity of the moment caused him to gush his seed as she let out another primal and glorious moan. The two lovers - one human, the other charr - climaxed with each other several more times before their bodies had become completely spent from exhaustion. For today was one of the few days on Tyria where two souls from two vastly different worlds had intimately joined together as one.
(All chapters have been posted to AO3. Chapter 19 is posted here.)
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frangipanidownunder · 6 years ago
Returning the Past: part 1
Okay, so after more than a year of working on this beast, I am finally going to post what has become known as my ‘Aussie casefile’. (Hey @lepus-arcticus and @baronessblixen - remember this?) 
This started as an idea for a multi-chap fic set downunder by way of an explanation for that rowboat scene in IWTB. In this universe, M&S are newlyweds. 
This is ten chapters of nonsense, but written with love. I’ll post a couple of chapters a week and most of it will be under a cut because, you know, words.
Disclaimer: I am a fake Aussie. I have never been to the Daintree. But I am not a fake fiction writer - I made a lot of this stuff up...
Chapter One
There was a long stretch of white sand, the whitest she’d ever seen and where the ocean met it, blues and greens swirled in a tortoiseshell pattern. The row of trees bordering the beach was low, gnarly and the darkest green. A mint-fresh smell rose on the hot, light breeze. She could imagine the warm water dragging sand between her toes, the wind whipping her sarong around her legs, her hair across her face, the sun dappling her body. She closed her eyes and breathed in, long and slow. When she opened them again, the perfect view was still there.
                But Mulder wanted to go monster-hunting and he was practically out the door before they’d even unpacked.
                “Come on Scully, the Tasmanian tiger has been spotted in these parts on numerous occasions.”
                “And no doubt always by men who’d drunk too much of the local amber nectar. Thylacines have been extinct since 1936, Mulder. At the hands of man. And we’re 2000 miles from Tasmania. The Great Barrier reef is not, and has never been, the natural habitat of the Tasmanian tiger. And Romero Sands is an ‘exclusive honeymoon retreat offering the most private of accommodation’ , not a magical, mystery tour.” She turned to face him. “Besides, I want to do the tree top walk and the island tour. And there are those little row boats you can hire.”
                He grinned. “I know, I know. And we will do all those things, I promise. But please come tiger hunting with me first. Please.”
                She looked back at the beach, sun glinting off the turquoise water before turning to Mulder, decked out in camouflage gear and binoculars and not for the first time wondered what the fuck she was doing.
 They drove into the depths of the rainforest, following the nasal directions of the GPS. Towering ferns at the roadside cast crazy patterns the road, the tree canopy so tall that the highest branches looked like witches fingers scraping the blue sky. Even in the air conditioning, her sunglasses slipped down her nose.
              “There’s a lot of paranormal activity downunder, Scully.”
              She looked at his lap and smiled. “I bet there is.”
              He chuffed and drummed the steering wheel. “No really, there have been many reports of UFO activity and alien abductions over the years. I’ve been in contact with the UFO and Paranormal Research Society of Australia. It’s fascinating.”
              She twirled her hair in her fingers and laughed softly. A honeymoon in tropical Australia, about as far away from the darkness as they could get and yet. “I thought you wanted to find a thylacine, Mulder. Not a little green man.”
              “Grey, Scully,” he said, squeezing her knee. “All these years together and you still get it wrong.”
              “There doesn’t seem to be anything grey about Australia.”
              He looked out of his window and nodded. “Tropical rainforest. It’s either hot and wet or hot and dry.”
              “Sounds about right.” She gnawed on her knuckles as he gave her a look.
              “So, after we’ve done with Tasmanian tiger hunting can we go alien hunting?”
              She shook her head and laughed. “I didn’t realise that marriage would revert you to the little boy version of yourself, Mulder. Asking me what you can and can’t do like I’m your mother.”
              “And I didn’t realise that marriage would turn you into an even bigger stick in the mud, Scully. We’ve flown halfway around the world and you don’t seem to want to open yourself up to new adventures in a different hemisphere. I mean the water goes down the plughole the other way round. The animals are unique, marsupials and monotremes. This should be right up your alley.”
“Everything is out to kill you – plants, birds, fish, insects, reptiles.”
“But, Scully, the sky is enormous. There are different constellations. Australia is an amazing place. A continent in its own right. And all you want to do is lounge by the pool.”
              “Mulder, you’re whining.”
              “I think you’ll find that’s whinging, Scully. Over here, it’s whinging. I memorised the Strine dictionary to prove it.”
              “Strine or no Strine, mate, whatever it is, you’re fair dinkum doing it.”
              “I just want to experience everything that there is to offer here – rainforest, coral reef, marsupials extinct or otherwise.”
              “And Aussie aliens?”
              He turned and gave her the full watt smile. “Do you think they say ‘G’day, mate’ when they greet you here?”
              She reached in to her bag to get a bottle of water. “Yeah, and maybe they throw a prawn on the barbie as a welcome party instead of torturing you.” His smile fell away. He chewed his lip. She saw how his knuckles whitened on the steering wheel. “I’m sorry, Mulder. That was out of line.” She ran her hand over his forearm.
              “S’okay, Scully. It’s just sometimes it all comes back…”
              She rolled her lips. “I know.”
              Clouds gathered ahead, brooding grey. In her guilty silence she imagined the faces of aliens, hideous and tattered at the edges.
They turned down the narrow lane marked on her map as Eddie Romero Track and pulled up in the small car park, bays edged with pitted sleepers and low growing ferns sprouting at the corners. The air was full. Scully reapplied her sunscreen, sprayed insect repellent on them both and adjusted her hat. She shrugged a small back pack over her shoulders and Mulder took the heavier one.
              “What have you got in there, Mulder? A wombat?”
              He unbuttoned his khaki shirt further as the air grew thicker. “I might have packed for all occasions, just like the good little Indian Guide I was.”
              She walked to the map board that stood next to the trail entrance. “I don’t think that it’s likely to rain sleeping bags here, Mulder. Just the usual tropical stuff.” She looked up, eyeing the rolling clouds above.
              “It might not need to rain sleeping bags, Scully. But I might just get lucky, eh?” He pulled open the bag and showed her the rolled up silver fabric and telltale zip.
              “Mulder, if you think I’m sleeping out here, you are nuttier than the macadamia plantation we passed. Besides we’ve got that wonderful four-poster king-sized bed back at the villa. You’ll always get lucky with that thing.”
              He chuckled. “The guide should be here soon. I was told to pack all this stuff. Just in case.”
“Well, this is about the first time you ever been quite so prepared.” She wandered to the edge of the forest where the track began. There was a rustling in the undergrowth. She peered in further and saw two kangaroos. She beckoned for Mulder, putting a finger over her lips as he strode closer. The animals, smaller than she expected stood stock still, clearly sensing human presence. Their bodies marked with a reddish brown jacket, paler grey elsewhere and a distinctive black stripe across its face that set them apart from the photos she’d seen in tourist brochures. The animals turned and bounced deeper into the forest.
“Pretty good spot on the first trip here, Scully.”
“They were smaller and prettier than I’d imagined. I didn’t realise they had such distinctive markings.”
Behind them, car tyres scrunched over grave. They both turned to watch a land cruiser pull into the space next to their rental.
“Mr and Mrs Mulder?” The young woman held out her hand. “I’m Steph Callow.”
Scully stared at Mulder. He didn’t look at her, as he shook Steph’s hand. “Thanks for coming out with us.”
She smiled at him. “Not sure we’re going to see anything but there might be evidence.” She held out her hand to Scully. “Mrs Mulder, nice to meet you. Your husband’s enthusiasm has been full-on. I really hope we can find something for you both.”
“Dana Scully,” she said, shaking Steph’s hand. “My husband’s enthusiasm,” she eyed Mulder, who was finding the map very interesting, “is one of his most enduring traits.”
“Endearing, Scully? Did you say endearing?”
Steph stood between them before Mulder shrugged his backpack higher and grinned. “Let’s go and spy on some thylacines.”
 A way in and her legs were already aching; her new walking boots were heavy, making her feet sweaty hot. She was out of practice. Paediatric surgery was a million miles from chasing aliens, cryptids and human monsters. She sucked on the top of a water bottle and squashed another mozzie against her arm.
The noises of the Australian bush were a mix of musical and maniacal and she had quickly grown accustomed to the background sounds, but the feral growl that rumbled ahead had her throat drying. She stopped and tried to listen, but all she heard was Steph and Mulder chatting in the background. She picked up her pace to catch up with them.
              “So, where exactly was the latest sighting, Steph?” she asked.
              “Another couple of kays in.” She stabbed a spot on the map. “There’ve been a few sightings there. It’s a dense clump of Alpinia caerulea.  A native ginger. And lots of ferns and smaller understory plants. There’s a creek and the small marsupials, possums and tree kangaroos love it. It’s prime hunting grounds. The last time I saw one, a young male, was about a month ago.”
              Mulder swiped the sweat from his forehead. “And other members of the group saw a female with cubs at the same spot.”
              Scully pulled the map from him, flattening it out in her hand. It was just miles and miles of bush. Five hundred miles, in fact. “Group? What kind of group?”
              “Why so sceptical, Dr Scully?”
              She whacked his arm. “What kind of group?”
              He stretched his neck side to side. Steph drank from her water bottle, seemingly oblivious.
              The rumbling growl filled the air. They both looked towards it. Thick low-growing pines, bulbous trunks, eucalypts in silvery spotted greys dominated the view in both directions. The birdsong had silenced.
              “Could be a koala,” Steph said, looking up. “People often mistake them for dogs.”
              “I thought they were nocturnal.”
              “They are usually, but it’s not uncommon to see them during the day. And the group Mr Mulder is referring to, is the FNQAAS. We often head out here, to watch the lights.”
              Scully shucked off her backpack and let it drop to the ground. “The funkas? The lights?”
              Mulder shrugged and looked up again, shielding his eyes.
              “The Far North Queensland Alien Abductee Society. They hold regular meetings here to watch the mysterious lights that sometimes appear in the middle canopy. There are blue and white lights that bounce over the trees.”
              “And you’ve seen them?”
              “Oh, yes,” Steph said. “When I was taken they were the brightest they’ve ever been.”
              Scully licked her lips and looked at Mulder. “When you were taken?”
              Mulder stepped towards her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Steph is an abductee. And president of the FNQAAS. She’s been taken several times.”
              “Mr Mulder tells me you’ve both had similar experiences yourself,” Steph said, offering them a muesli bar.
              Scully sighed and shook her head. “I don’t believe this, Mulder.” She tried to keep her voice steady. “You said this was a trip to see thylacines, a nice little trip to the forest. But…”
              “The thylacine sightings are linked to the lights and the abductions, Scully. It’s a fascinating case.”
              “A case. On our honeymoon?”
              Mulder smiled over at Steph, who was bent down taking photos of an elegant fern frond that curled outward. “Scully, I didn’t tell you at first because I knew you wouldn’t come. There are more holes in the stories than the plants in this forest but it gets us out and about.”
“No, Mulder. It gets you out doing the things you want to do. I get out plenty. It’s you who sits in that house all day reading stuff about funky Aussie alien hunters. There are no thylacines here. There are no lights. There have been no abductions. These people have probably inhaled some exotic fungus and shredded their minds. And once again, you’ve fallen for it.”
She grabbed her bag and stalked away.
“Scully! Where are you going?”
“Back to the car. You can get a lift back with funky Steph.”
 She headed back along the path listening to Mulder’s footsteps crackling across the springy forest floor.
“Scully, wait.”
The path ahead seemed darker than on the way in, the gnarled branches twisting lower, obstructing her way. Leaves scratched at her arms and legs, leaving red marks.
As she rounded a bend, the first drops of rain began. She heard the low rumbling growl. The clouds darkened. The trees loomed higher and higher. Her breath came in hard spurts. Mulder grabbed her arm just as the first lightning strike lit up the sky. It flashed and arced, causing her to stumble. He fell with her. Steph was close behind and she knelt where they fell, pointing up.
Scully followed the blue light, low and flat, as it streamed off the canopy. Mulder shielded his brow and a slow smile spread across his face. The white light followed, in smaller dots, bouncing around. The air smelt of sulphur. The growl grew louder and louder until a peal of high-pitched barking filled their ears.
“This is amazing, Scully.” Mulder was holding her elbow and stood up, bringing her with him. A blinding flash crashed above them. Twigs snapped and split, raining down on them, bark scratching their skin.
An ominous crack, deep silence, then a large branch crashed through the air, sending them barrelling to the ground.
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