#all of these dramas has a very special place in my heart 🥺
gunsatthaphan · 11 months
~ 5 songs tag - ql shows edition ~
I was tagged by @leonpob and @wanderlust-in-my-soul thank you!! 💜
🎶 rules: when you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL media that you actually listen to. 🎶
anyone who knows me knows I struggle with bl soundtracks lol but here are 5 songs that I am fond of:
I. นับดาว - Gawin Caskey (Astrophile)
I never saw that show + it's not bl but this song is just,,,,,, makes me tear up every time lol. The instrumentals, the lyrics, Gawin's voice...... This song is near perfection. just makes me melt away lol.
II. แค่ครั้งเดียว - MSP cast (My School President)
This is definitely my favorite song from the show; the melody is so nice and their voices blend very well together!!
III. ท้องฟ้ากับแสงดาวและสองเรา - Joong A. & Dunk N. (Our Skyy2)
I really like this one!! It's the only OST from Our Skyy that's worth listening to imo lmao plus Joong's voice is 👌🏻👌🏻
IV. เหวี่ยง - Yacht P. & Oh P. (Between Us)
I listen to this one all the time lol it's so catchy and fun has easy lyrics to sing along to lmao, also Oh is definitely an underrated singer. They sound good together! Makes me miss WaanTul lol.
V. คนร้าย - Aye S. (PS I Hate You)
Queen Aye did it again lol her voice is sooo lovely and this is one of my favorite soundtracks for sure. And very fitting for the show itself.
Honorable mentions:
VI. ฝากเวลา - The White Hair Cut (3 Will Be Free)
This has such a nostalgic value to me, 3wbf was one of my early thai dramas and I loved it so much and this song captures everything this show stands for. it will forever have a special place in my heart 🥺
VII. 609 - Plakfai (609 Bedtime Story)
The show was confusing af lmao but the song is 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 I'm obsessed with the instrumentals and also the lyrics are super nice. A favorite for sure!!!
thank you for tagging me! 💜
I've done a few tags recently and I don't wanna annoy the same people lmao so I'm passing it on to anyone who wants to do it!!
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smoothshine · 1 year
Tag game: eight shows to get to know me
I was tagged by @scienceoftheidiot and @goneadrift (thank you!! 🥺💕), and now the deal is that I get to rant about a couple of shows I like, so let's get straight to it!
1. House M.D.
- Knowing how many seasons are there in this show, I think it says something that I purposefully rewatched the full thing several times, and I probably will do it again at some point. Many characters from this series have a special place in my heart, and oh boy do I love myself a good medical drama sometimes. + the different medical cases are just very interesting for me to observe, even though I am by no means a medical specialist, let's say I know a thing or two from this field x)) (and some of you are probably aware of that, ahah)
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2. Lethal Weapon
- This one is another one of these shows that I occasionally come back to for a rewatch, the chemistry between two main characters is amazing, and the main plotline is pretty good imo, + it's a classic detective-involving series, where, granted, not every case is super intriguing or complicated, but I think the characters and their development and relationships with each other - all this usually goes first when determining a series that I'll most probably like, and it delivers that part for sure! (Yes I used this specific gif because now I can't stop picturing this, but with Royais + Hughes, lolol, sorry I have a brainrot)
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Also, look at this silly little totally not dysfunctional guy, come on, you can't help but love him:
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3. Lucifer
- Ohohoho this one was one of the first quite long-term obsessions for me - I was watching it with my good friend as it was coming out (pretty sure starting from like, season 2 we began to watch it as it was airing, or at least I was and then I dragged this friend along for the ride, ahah), and I remember having so much fun with it - making theories, trying to predict the direction for the next season, simping over the main cast, being (more often unironically than not) frustrated with love triangles, all the good stuff. I also really like the soundtrack used in the series, and, of course, I have to mention the fact that its main leads are a blonde badass detective who is actually a sweetheart and her goofy dark-haired bastard-certified material partner who can actually be very scary and powerful to anyone but her :333
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Go figure if I have a type or not, right (omg I just realized she also has a cute pet name and it's "detective")
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4. Fleabag
- This one was such a pleasant surprise for me, the further I was watching the more invested into it I was getting, and in the end it turned out to be such an emotional rollercoaster, while also being able to handle a balance between more serious scenes and great humor really well. The romance plotline turned out to be very interesting too - overall, it's a great pretty short series that I can definitely recommend for people to check out at some point (I was indeed very happy when I found out @goneadrift was watching it too, hehe)
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5. Sherlock (the BBC one)
- Honestly, this one is associated with many good memories for me - we used to watch it for a couple of years in a row with my parents during New Year, and it was like, one of the highlights of our celebration. Life just seemed so much easier these days, and I always remember them with warmth and joy. But! Apart from the sappy stuff - I genuinely think it's a nice modern AU Sherlock adaptation, hehe, as always, I pay a lot of attention to the chemistry between the characters, especially the main cast, and I think pretty much everyone nailed it - I find the characters from this series to be very enjoyable to watch. The other point that I want to mention here is the directing - I remember myself being very impressed by some of the shots and directing/editing choices they made there, and, of course, the main soundtrack is now pretty much engraved into my memory, hehe
(So yeah, aside from the last season, which I don't think is that bad, but definitely not as good as the earlier ones imo, it's a great show!)
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6. Elementary
- Surprise surprise, another Sherlock adaptation involving detective storyline(s), who would've thought, right? Honestly, I don't remember a lot about it, since I haven't rewatched it in a looong time, ahah, but, believe it or not, I still love it and have a couple of good memories associated with it. Used to watch it during weekends back in the day when I still watched TV, lolol, but yeah, I think it's a pretty unique Sherlock adaptation, and you can definitely have fun watching it!
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7. Forever
- That one is unexpected, definitely not my usual series of choice, but surprisingly I finished it pretty quickly and was glad I decided to give it a shot x)
(For the record - it's a series about a guy who works in the morgue while trying to find how to get rid of his immortality curse 👀👌).
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8. Fullmetal Alchemist
- Gonna follow the lead of @scienceoftheidiot and add this one on the list too, because my god this series has me in a chokehold. Specifically Royai stuff of course, but I think in general this is the kind of anime (both FMA and FMAB btw) people who are generally not that much into anime can enjoy (I am saying as I am, apparently, one of these people, ahah). It's just a great story with a great cast and lovely imagery and soundtrack, I mean, what else can you possibly need? (Meanwhile here I am, going absolutely insane every time I think about my two beloved war criminals kissing)
O, here they are, by the way!
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Aand that's all for today, no-pressure tags for @lassusog @chrysopoeias @nightofnyx8 @fullmetalscullyy @jedidragonwarriorqueen and anyone who wants to participate (also because it doesn't allow me to tag more people for some reason??), in case you feel like it! :3
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leelany-world · 1 year
I have a question for you gorge, what are some of your favourite books/movies/TV shows? I wanna know your ✨ outstanding vibe ✨
And also how are you so funny please teach me 👉👈
Awww, you're such a sweetheart 🥺🤗
I really don't know, my brain always comes up with silly things and I can't stop them.😅
I don't think that I really have a vibe. I watch more TV shows than movies, and that through all genres, and I'm a little ashamed that I read far too few books, but when I do it's mostly fantasy.
Overall, I should start with BBC Sherlock. It was the first fandom I really 'joined', and that's what got me reading fanfiction!
So, I love crime drama/thriller, all those shows like Criminal Minds, Law&Order.
But also (historical) dramas: Jane Austen adaptations (Pride and Prejudice 💙), Downton Abbey, Bridgerton, The Crown, just for the heartache and cheesy stuff.
And of course funny stuff like Brooklyn Nine-Nine, IT-Crowd, Happy!
Or hero stuff like The Boys, Umbrella Academy, Gotham. In general, Marvel and DC shows and movies are nice to watch on the side.
I also really liked the world of Game of Thrones (until season 8) and House of the Dragon.
And right now, I'm hyped for Last of Us!
An honorable mention goes to: The Last Unicorn. This movie has a very special place in my heart since my childhood, it was always shown on Christmas Eve and my family watched it together.
Let's see which important ones I have forgotten and will add later!
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yellowloid · 2 years
ALL your fics are my favorite fics but ‘away from harm in my baby’s arms’ has a special place in my heart, tbh i remember the first time i read it i felt like u had read my mind in regards to alex’s drama lmao, and it’s just such an amazing fic and the way you depict their established relationship is so so so so sweet and hot and believable and every time i read it i feel like i’m intruding on a private moment between a real couple 🥺 just start to finish, alex melting at miles’ touch, his internal angst thinking abt his life and how lucky he is to have miles, their convo, THE BRAIDING, ending it all w them fucking again bc they accidentally just declared their desire to spend forever together and can’t resist each other… chef’s fucking kiss 💕 you’re so talented and i reread this fic all the time bc i LOVE IT so much. and to think you followed it w a ten chapter proposal fic. thank you for sharing your amazing writing w us all
STOP i'm literally being so normal about this :')💞
seriously, you have no idea how much what you said means to me. that fic started out very self-indulgently - i had this vision of miles braiding alex's hair, really simple per se, and i was going through a bit of a hard time so i needed to escape to something soft and warm. i started writing it casually, almost on a whim.
... and then it turned into alex reflecting on his life and drama with himself (lmao), them reflecting on their whole relationship and their future together, and also me finding an excuse to lowkey write my love letter to alex's hair skfjsjhs
it was supposed to be quick and easy. instead - the irony! - it very quickly turned into a whole series lmao. the moment i got the 'alex is planning to propose' idea i couldn't escape it, really sjfjsksks and i'm so glad it did turn into that bc then i got to write AWTEW, which helped me so much on so many levels. i'm really proud of it and... idk, it just means so much to me for many different reasons, which makes me even more thankful for all the love and support it got from the fandom <33
aaaand i got all emotional about my own fics once again sjdhksskjs that's just how it goes sometimes.
thank you so much 💗
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paleangels13 · 2 years
Tagged by @mondscheinprinzessin and @rosalba-robi 💖
rules: list your top 5 favorites of your fics, what they're about, and why you're proud of them, then tag some fic authors to do the same!
I won't tag anyone because I don't know who's done it by now and who hasn't ^^"
Baby, if I let you in, I know I'll be falling
This is basically just about Aleksi visiting Robin for a hook up but there is a very obvious hint at idiots in love at the end ^-^
It was the first fic I wrote after I think 2 or 3 years and started my whole journey as a writer in this fandom so it holds a very special place in my heart ☺️ I also found my amazing beta-reader (@bc-sideblog) thanks to this fic and I wouldn't want to miss her 🥺🥺❤️ there is a whole universe created around this story btw, I just need to write it down eventually... Maybe ✨
Sharing is caring
Well, this is omegaverse and besically it's about Joonas getting into his heat on the tourbus and the others (all alphas) helping him get through it. There is some tenderness and actual love going on in the last part so it has some sweetness and feelings to it 🥺👀
This was the second biggest fic I've ever written and it was so, so much work which I totally underestimated but I'm super proud about actually finishing it and yeah. Also went completely out of my comfort zone with this because I never planned on writing omegaverse... :) (also btw really like the difference between each of the guys with Joonas and especially the interaction between Joonas and Niko in the end!)
After the battle
Fantasy au with the boy being... Well, who knows ✨👀 Tommi is a werebear but that's the only thing that's very safe just from reading the story :D And aside from that it's about them being involved in a battle where one of them gets injured and doesn't come back to their safe house immediately so there is some drama and angst in this.
I just really love this AU and I definitely want to explore this some more! I like the way I wrote this not jumping straight to the point but rather giving more and more hints throughout the story ^^" I was super fun to write and I love the whole group-dynamic in this 🥰
More beautiful than the night sky on New Year's Eve
Robin invites Aleksi to a NYE party and they have some stuff to talk about with some realization hitting in (cute ending!)
First fully "fluffy" fic I ever (?) wrote and I like the setting a lot and it's idiots in love and dude you two are so stupid 😭🤲🏻 please just get your shit together everyone can see you're on love 😔
When he comes home... (/the whole Toxic Series in general)
Well the one I specifically mentioned is what it says in the title... Aleksi coming home to Joonas and Rilla. It just isn't a happy reunion.
I like the atmosphere in this one I think? Like nothing actually happens but it's still super obvious that something is incredibly wrong and also Rilla 🥺 being there comforting Joonas and probably being the main reason why nothing happens 🥺
About the series in general I can just say that I'm kinda proud of the whole atmosphere I created in each of the 3 stories so far and idk... I really went out of my comfort zone with this one when it comes to actually writing something in this direction down and not just having the idea but being too...scared? of actually putting it into a fic. But I also had a hard time writing the first part because I didn't want to go into too much detail about what's happening but also didn't want to skip it all together so I had to find something in the middle which was tough. There is at least one more (maybe two) part coming for that one in case anyone cares 😅🙈
Bonus: I can feel you looking at me
Aleksi and Olli work at a...bar. And finally Aleksi gathers the courage to talk to Olli about some things he had noticed during the past few weeks (idiots in love but with a little...twist..??)
I like this and I can't tell y'all why. I just do. Also got to write this into a little different setting thanks to a certain someone but you'll get to read that in the next few days (I hope) 🥰
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dntaewithluv · 3 years
Criminal Influence | pjm
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Park Jimin is a famous thief currently behind bars and has been your most important source for the last few months, but there’s only so much he’s willing to share over the phone with a panel of glass separating the two of you. You know there’s something he’s keeping from you and that it could be the key to the biggest story of your career. You figure maybe a change of scenery could persuade him to open up to you fully, but Jimin’s price for information, it turns out, is higher than you could have ever anticipated.
🚨 Pairing: thief/criminal!jimin x journalist!reader
🚨 Word Count: 12.8k
🚨 Rating: 18+
🚨 Genre: Strangers to lovers, criminal au, some drama and angst, fluff, smut
🚨 Warnings: Explicit language, mention of criminal activities and danger, visitation at a prison, restraint (handcuffs used for legal reasons and not so legal reasons later hehe), very very very very minor violence cause jimin tries y/n one too many times lmao, [redacted] turns out to be a criminal mastermind, jimin is such a little shit in this but also dom!jimin, sub!reader but also brat!reader sometimes oops, explicit sexual content, dirty talk, making out, marking/biting/scratching, praise, degradation, jimin uses petname kitten for reader throughout sorry not sorry, brief spanking, jimin wears black leather gloves and y/n has a serious glove kink lol, groping, fingering, slight edging (f receiving), use of restraint in the form of handcuffs (it’s a fun surprise at first but reader does consent), oral (f receiving), cum eating, more spanking yay, protected sex, rough sex, car sex, kinda public sex ig cause they’re in a mostly empty parking lot at night lmao, good ole choking kink makes an appearance, it’s really soft for like two secs and then shit gets real i am so sorry, betrayal (it hurts so bad ow), restraint using handcuffs without consent, it gets real sad and angsty sorry again, a lot of emotional and minor physical distress, my first non happy ending i think this shit hurted ngl, overall not great journalism practices oof my journalism degree is crying in the other room
A/N: Surprise! It’s technically still the 13th and Jimin Day where I live so I decided to spend the last two days finishing this fic. I had posted a teaser for Criminal Influence months ago, and decided not to repost it after coming back from deactivating just because I wasn’t sure when I would be able to finish it. So to anyone that has been waiting and still has interest in this fic, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart 🥺 I had a blast with this fic and especially with writing this Jimin. Criminal red haired bf Jimin with leather gloves is always going to have a special place in my heart 🥰 Thank you for checking out this fic if you decide to do so, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks as always for the continued love and support shown to me and my writing, you’re all so so lovely 💜
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Today. He would tell you today. You were sure of it. After spending the last few months visiting notorious thief and criminal, Park Jimin, and using that time to earn his trust while simultaneously sourcing information from him, you were confident that today would be the day the final puzzle piece fell into place.
Jimin had given you plenty of useful intel over the course of your little visits, but you could feel there was something he still wasn’t telling you. Even with you and your fellow reporters coming together to share all your findings, there was still a crucial piece of the story missing. Your coworkers had gotten all they could out of their sources, and all of them were convinced that whatever Jimin was withholding from you was the key to piecing everything together.
Fortunately for you, you’d had the good sense to make sure that your source didn’t just feel like you were constantly pumping them for information. There had been days where you had picked up the phone on the other side of the glass panel only to realize immediately that Jimin was not going to be in the mood to help today. Rather than just walking away from the conversation completely, you had opted instead to just spend the time talking to him, off the record.
Jimin had been surprised by this at first, but once he seemed to realize your intentions were genuine, he had been way more willing to open up. You knew he must’ve been lonely, you had been his first visitor in a long, long, time. Your friend Namjoon, who also was head of security at the prison, told you Jimin’s girlfriend used to come visit a lot at first, but then she started coming less and less until finally, she stopped visiting altogether. She hadn’t even had the decency to break up with him properly, instead sending one of Jimin’s friends who was currently on parole to deliver the news that she was dumping him.
Namjoon’s story had been confirmed by Jimin during one of your little talks. It had been one of your strictly off record days, so you’d had no qualms about saying, “Wow, what a bitch.”
Jimin had laughed at that, his first genuine one since you had met him. Most days he was either really sad or really angry when you talked to him, but after that day he had started to let you see some of the brighter sides of him. That was something you were truly grateful for because it had allowed you to see what a kind and warm and loving person Park Jimin really was. However, you were still a journalist, and you knew your facts. Jimin was a criminal. He had done bad things and worked for bad people. But all of this still didn’t stop you from feeling bad for him and wishing you could do something to help him.
Jimin and his friends had all been thrown under the bus by their boss, who was currently still at large. You could only hope that once the story finally broke, the man responsible for the entire operation would be brought to justice, and that the severity of Jimin’s crimes would be reevaluated. You knew you shouldn’t have and that nothing good would come from it, but you had grown to really like Jimin. He was funny and sweet, and on the days where the two of you just talked, your surroundings and the glass between you all fell away.
You found yourself wishing you could’ve met him some other way, some other place. You truly believed he didn’t deserve what had happened to him, and that was why getting this missing information from him was about more than just being credited on the story of a lifetime. It was about Jimin’s second chance that you so desperately wanted for him.
“Do you really think you can get him to tell you today?”
Namjoon’s voice pulled you out of your worried thoughts and brought you back to the two of you walking down the long cold hallway that led to the visitation room.
“I think he trusts me.” you replied as you wrapped your arms around yourself to regain some warmth.
The brunette chuckled, “That’s not what I asked.”
You let out a sigh of frustration and stopped walking for a moment, Namjoon stilling beside you to see what was up.
“I can’t force him to tell me. I just don’t understand why he wouldn’t want to help with something that could potentially mean his freedom, or at least a reduced sentence.”
“Yeah, but we also don’t know what he would be risking by telling you. Jimin, his friends, and you and these other reporters are all wrapped up in something really dangerous. I honestly just wish you would stay out of it all together, but I also know that’s a losing battle with you.”
He frowned disapprovingly at you and you gave him a sheepish grin in return.
“You’re friends with a reporter, Joon, danger is just part of the job description sometimes. I am being careful though, I promise.” you assured him, and your friend answered you with a skeptical look.
“I’m so close, Joon, I can feel it. This could be the biggest story of my career. I just need this last bit of information from Jimin.” you pressed as the two of you started walking again.
Namjoon stayed silent as he walked in step with you. You appreciated that he worried about you. You really did, but this was your job and you were gonna do everything you could to get the story. You were right outside the door now, and you felt the familiar nerves you always got before you were gonna see Jimin.
“Well good luck, Y/N. I hope you’re right and he tells you what you need to know. I’ll be right out here if you need me.” Namjoon offered as he moved to hold the door open for you.
“Thanks, Joon. I hope so too.” you said the last part under your breath, but you were pretty sure he still heard you.
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Something already felt off, and it only served to heighten your nerves. Jimin was always, always, right there waiting for you on the other side of the glass when you walked in. But today the only sight that greeted you was an empty seat. You stood there for several seconds, anxiously shifting back and forth on your feet, but still no sign of the thief. Maybe he was just running late today. That was the thought running through your mind as you sat down in your regular chair and glanced at the giant clock on the wall. He had never been late for one of your meetings before. What if something had happened. What if- You cut yourself off mid thought at the sudden appearance of a familiar head of striking red hair. You were quickly reaching for the phone next to you at the same time that Jimin was retrieving his from the other side.
“You know for a second there, I thought you had forgotten.” you greeted him.
Jimin gasped into the phone, “Forgotten? About our date? No. Never.”
You giggled and Jimin gave you a pleased smile. You tried not to think about how if the circumstances were different his date comment might not have been too far off.
“Well you better have a good reason for keeping a girl waiting then.” you chastised him further, drumming your nails across the metal counter in front of you for dramatic effect.
“Sorry, kitten, I promise it won’t happen again.” he said back, and you couldn’t stop your face from immediately heating up at his words.
“Jimin,” you hissed into the phone, “I told you, I am here as a journalist. You can’t be calling me stuff like that.”
“Oh please, you’re just mad cause you don’t wanna admit you like when I call you that.” he challenged back, a smirk visible on his features.
You glared at him as you leaned closer to the glass.
“If this glass wasn’t here I swear I would strangle you.”
“Ooh, now look who’s being unprofessional.” he quipped back as he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Jimin, please.” you groaned into the phone,
“Joke’s on you anyways since picturing your pretty hands wrapped around my throat is what helps me sleep at night.”
“Jimin!” you snapped, disguising how flustered you felt with anger and irritation.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. You know I always have to give you shit when I first see you.” he reminded you.
You just scowled at him in response, and Jimin laughed nervously.
“So, how is my favorite visitor?” he asked as if the prior conversation hadn’t happened.
“Jimin. I’m your only visitor.” you pointed out as you leaned back from the glass to survey him.
“Not anymore.” he said just barely above a whisper.
You still managed to hear it though, your eyes going wide.
“Jimin,” you started slowly, “who else has been coming to visit you?”
“Is that a new blouse, Y/N? You look lovely today by the way. You get all dressed up just for me?” Jimin flirted, obviously deflecting answering the question you had just asked him.
Someone else had been coming to see him. Was it one of his friends or someone from his old group? His old boss? Just the idea felt so unsettling to you, and you could feel your heartbeat picking up as you did your best to speak calmly into the phone, “Jimin, tell me please. Who came to see you?”
The red haired man looked around before turning back to fix you with his piercing gaze, and your fear was only growing.
“Tell you what, kitten, why don’t you come back tomorrow and maybe we can go for a drive and talk about it.”
You just stared at him blankly as your mind ran a million miles a minute.
“Jimin, what the hell are you talking about? You know you can’t leave. There’s no way they’ll let you.” you spoke in a hushed voice into the receiver.
He looked back at you completely unbothered. Something was seriously wrong.
“Well then I guess you better figure something out. Sorry but this over the phone thing really just isn’t doing it for me anymore.”
“Jimin, wait what-”
“See you tomorrow, Y/N. Looking forward to that drive.” Jimin finished as he cut you off before flashing you a wink and promptly hanging up.
“Jimin, Jimin, wait!” you tried calling after him, but he was already getting up and walking away.
You just sat there staring after him for several moments, at a complete loss for words. Well what the fuck were you supposed to do now.
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“You’ve been staring into your coffee for the past ten minutes like it’s gonna give you the answers you’re missing. It tell you anything good?” Jin teased, giving you an expectant look from across the table the two of you were currently sharing.
You had asked your friend and fellow reporter to meet you at your favorite coffee place as soon as you had left the prison, the two of you convening at your usual secluded table tucked away at the back of the cafe.
“I’m starting to think it would be easier to get it out of this coffee than the alternative.” you admitted as you stared at the beverage in defeat.
Jin leaned closer to you across the table, making sure to keep his voice low, “Jimin wouldn’t talk to you today?”
You just shook your head.
“Our visit was really...off today. I think someone else has been coming to see him.” you whispered back.
“Did he say who?”
“No, he didn’t.” you let out a sigh, “I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get any more info out of him as long as we’re confined to talking inside the prison.”
Jin’s eyes suddenly went wide and he moved closer so there was barely any distance left between the two of you.
“Y/N. Please tell me you’re not thinking about actually trying to help jailbreak Park Jimin. I know you like the guy but-”
“Of course not you idiot. I’m not fucking insane.” you hissed back.
“Okay, sorry, just had to make sure your ass wasn’t about to pull some Bonnie and Clyde shit. I love you, but no dick is worth that.”
He laughed at the way your face immediately heated at his words.
“Jin. We’re journalists. This is about the story. I’m not running off with a criminal so can we please stop talking about it.” you begged, still making sure to speak in a hushed voice.
You both took a moment to lean back into your seats and regain your composure.
“So what are you gonna do?” Jin asked finally.
“I don’t know... Maybe I can ask Joon to arrange for him to leave the prison. Just for a few hours so I can talk to him and get what I need.”
Jin had been taking a sip of his coffee while listening to you, and he had immediately let out a choking sound upon hearing your answer.
“Fuck, are you okay?” you inquired, worry evident in your tone as you watched your friend attempting to fight off his coughing attack.
Jin held up one finger to signal that he needed a moment to catch his breath, so you just sat and waited until he was ready.
“I think we need to revisit that whole thing about you not being fucking insane because this is a terrible idea.”
There was warning clear in his voice, but you did your best to ignore it.
“Look, we have been working on this story for months. We’re almost there, Jin, I can feel it. I know you can too. He’ll talk to me if it’s just us, away from everything else. I know he will. Just trust me on this, please.”
“I don’t know, Y/N... This could be dangerous, and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
You decided on a more blunt approach, “Do you think you can get Jungkook to give up the name?”
“Oh fuck off, that’s cheating and you know it.”
“It’s a fair question. You’ve been talking to him for as long as I’ve been talking to Jimin. Only difference is he’s not currently behind bars. So, in your journalistic opinion, does your source have the information we need?” you challenged.
Jin sighed and crossed his arms as he surveyed you, “No, he and all the other sources are still insisting that Jimin is the only one who knows.”
“I can get him to tell me, Jin. I just have to play by his rules. But he trusts me, he’ll give up the name.” you insisted for what felt like the millionth time.
“Clearly there’s no use in me wasting any more breath trying to talk you out of it. Good luck convincing Namjoon though.”
You shrugged and took a drink of your now cold coffee, “He’s let me do it before, and he knows how important this story is.”
Jin chuckled and shook his head at you.
“That may be true, but this is Park Jimin we’re talking about. I find it extremely hard to believe that he’s just gonna let you take one of the best thieves in the world out of his high security prison.”
“Yeah, well, sometimes people surprise you.” you retorted, giving him a knowing look.
“Sometimes they do.” Jin agreed quietly.
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“No way in hell.”
“Joon, wait! Please. At least hear me out.” you pleaded, gripping your phone tighter as you paced back and forth in your living room.
A groan of frustration sounded from the other end, “Y/N, you’re asking me to let you take a criminal out of my prison so you can interview him. And not just any criminal, no, it has to be the really famous, potentially really dangerous, thief. This sounds insane, you do realize that right?”
You rolled your eyes even though you knew he couldn’t see you.
“So I’ve been told. Let me ask you this, Joon, have I ever not brought a source back?”
Silence followed for several seconds.
“Well no but-”
“Exactly. I’ve never once let you down, and I don’t plan on breaking that streak now. Don’t you trust me?” you implored him further.
“Of course I trust you.” he let out a sigh, “Park Jimin? Not so much.”
“I get that. I do, but, Joon. We’ve been doing this for a few years now, and I’ve always gotten my story, and you’ve always gotten your inmate back.”
“This isn’t like those other times. This is different.” he insisted, his tone deathly serious.
“How? How, Joon? How is it different?” you queried back, nowhere near ready to give up yet.
“Dammit, Y/N, because it’s Park Jimin! Because we still have no idea who he was working for, and no one here seems to know who this new mystery visitor is either. I’m not gonna willingly let you put yourself in danger when we still don’t even know what the fuck is going on here!” Joon exclaimed, his outburst catching you off guard.
“Joon, I need you to understand something. This is my choice. I know Jimin will talk to me. He’s just scared to say anything where he knows anyone could be listening. And we can take whatever security precautions you decide on. Joon, I am begging you, please. I just need a few hours with him, and I promise I will bring him back once I get what I need. If I somehow fuck this up, I swear I will never come to you for help ever again. I mean, if I fuck this up, my career will be over anyway, but I’m not gonna fuck it up. You may not trust Jimin, but I do, and I know he trusts me. All I’m asking is for you to do the same.”
It was quiet for so long after your little speech that for a second you thought he had hung up on you, but then finally, “You can’t let him out of your sight for a single second.”
“I won’t.”
“He’ll have to be restrained so that I can be sure he won’t be able to try anything.”
“And he’ll have to have a tracker on him so we know where you guys are at all times.”
“Got it.”
“And if, if anything feels off or suspicious, you call the whole thing off and call me immediately.”
“I will.”
“I mean it, Y/N. Anything at all.”
“And I will call you. I got it, Joon, don’t worry. Anything else?”
“You’re sure about this?”
“I’m sure.” you replied without any hesitation.
“Okay, I will sit down with Jimin and make sure he understands the terms of this little outing.”
“So you’re gonna do your whole scary guard thing and intimidate the hell out of him?”
“Basically, yeah. Make sure he knows not to pull any stupid shit. Or else.”
“Well you’re big and scary, so I’m pretty sure you’ll have no problem getting the message across.”
“I’l bring him out through the back to meet you at 7 p.m. tomorrow night. Oh, and Y/N?”
“Don’t make me regret this.”
A nervous laugh escaped you, “Have a little faith in me, Joon. I can handle this.”
You always got your story. You wouldn’t let this time be any different.
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You rifled through your bag, making sure you had everything you would need before it was time for you to leave your apartment and head to the prison to meet Namjoon. Everything was charged and ready. You’d made sure to prepare your recorder as well as bring a pen and notebook in case Jimin wasn’t willing to be recorded tonight. You hated yourself for it, but you also had spent an extensive amount of time checking your appearance in your bathroom mirror. You figured it was best to be prepared in all aspects, you know, just in case...
Your apartment wasn’t too far from the prison, but tonight the drive felt endless. Even still, you had made sure to arrive at least fifteen minutes early because the last thing you’d wanted was to be running late and have to make Namjoon and Jimin wait on you. You couldn’t tear your gaze away from the back door, your fingers drumming nervously against your steering wheel as your stomach did flips. When the door finally opened after what felt like ages, the sight that greeted you was certainly not what you expected.
Namjoon’s broad frame came into view first, followed by the bright red haired thief. Despite literally being handcuffed and escorted by Namjoon, Jimin somehow still managed to walk behind him with power and purpose. You had expected to see him in his usual black jumpsuit, but instead his attire consisted of a loose baggy white tank, some distressed acid washed jeans, and a pair of black leather gloves that seemed vaguely familiar to you for some reason. He looked good, and you were doing everything you could to not think about it.
You could feel Jimin’s gaze on you as the two men approached your waiting car before stopping in front of the passenger door. Namjoon reached down to open the door, and Jimin was sliding in beside you a moment later.
“Thanks for the ride, kitten, been looking forward to it all day.” he greeted you with a cheeky grin.
You jumped in your seat when Namjoon was suddenly leaning down to your window and fixing your passenger with a threatening stare.
“You.” he began, pointing a finger squarely at Jimin, “You better behave. No funny business.”
“Joonie, please, I will be a perfect gentleman, I promise.” Jimin said back, pretending to be offended by the man’s implication.
Namjoon just scowled at him, his jaw clenched, before turning his attention back to you, “I’ll see both of you back here in two hours. Call me if you need anything.”
“Relax, Joon, everything is gonna be fine. I promise.” you tried to assure him with a sincere look.
It took a moment, but your friend’s expression finally relaxed, and he let out a sigh.
“I know. I know it is. Just, be careful. Both of you.”
You held his gaze and nodded, Namjoon preparing to step back from your car.
“Oh, Joon, wait. Before you go, I need the key.”
The brunette’s eyes went wide as he looked back and forth between you and the metal cuffs encircling Jimin’s wrists.
“Absolutely not.”
You reached out to grip onto his hand that was still resting on the door of your car.
“Joon, please.” you pressed.
“I said no, Y/N. I’m risking enough for you already. The man is still a criminal in case you forgot.” Namjoon went on as he leveled you with a hard stare.
“Yeah, and he’s also still a human being. In case you forgot.” you challenged back, and you could’ve sworn you heard Jimin snicker next to you.
Namjoon shook his head before letting it hang down, a huff slipping out from between his lips. He continued grumbling as one of his hands slipped into his pocket to dig out the key before holding it out to you. You reached out to take it from him, letting your hand close around it as you met his eyes once again, hoping to convey your appreciation for his trust, “Thank you, Joon.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just get outta here before I come to my senses and change my mind.” he groaned, finally stepping back from your car.
You gave him one last nod and smile in thanks before turning the ignition and pulling away from the back entrance to the prison. You waited until the building was starting to disappear in the rear view mirror to place the key Namjoon had handed you on the dashboard, making sure it was closest to you.
“Very funny, kitten, but you know I can’t reach that from here.” Jimin piped up from the passenger seat.
You gave him a quick sideways glance before turning your attention back to the road, your eyes scanning for a secluded area where the two of you would be able to talk.
The irritation in the thief’s voice was crystal clear.
“Are you gonna let me out of these cuffs? Or was all that back there with Namjoon just bullshit?”
Your hands tightened around the steering wheel and you flinched slightly at his harsh tone.
“Jimin, I promise I will let you out of them. After we talk.” you explained, slowing down to pull the car over to a cluster of trees.
You chanced looking over at him once the two of you were parked and God, if looks could kill…
“And here I thought we trusted each other.” he snapped, and you sighed in frustration.
“We do, but Jimin, you have to look at this from my perspective. I’m putting my safety and my career on the line. I’m putting Namjoon’s career on the line. I mean, how do I know these past months, all our meetings, that all of that wasn’t just bullshit? How do I know if I unlock those things right now that you won’t just take off and fuck me and Joon over without looking back?” you countered, looking to him for some sort of answer to your questions.
He didn’t appear as angry now, just definitely still frustrated. And you couldn’t blame him.
“I wouldn’t do that. Not to you. You should know that by now.” he said quietly after several moments.
You tentatively reached out to place a hand on Jimin’s arm, and he immediately turned to face you, big brown eyes full of intensity.
“Look,” you started as you tried to keep your voice calm, “if we’re gonna do this, then we have to do it the right way. I’m just asking you to trust me for a little bit longer. Do you think you can do that?”
The red haired man looked at your hand that was still resting on his arm and then back at you, his expression finally softening. A pout was suddenly forming on his face, and you couldn't help but laugh at the childish gesture. There he was. The Jimin you had come to know over the last few months. The misunderstood thief you had a soft spot for. Your Jimin.
"Okay fine, but."
You raised an eyebrow at him, "But?"
"I want a chocolate milkshake." he finished simply, and you stared at him dumbfounded.
"Jimin, Joon said we have to be back in exactly two hours. We don't have time for this." you insisted as you crossed your arms in defiance and scowled at him.
A wicked smirk spread across the thief's face, and you had the sudden urge to repeatedly bash your head against the steering wheel.
"Well then I guess you better find me a milkshake fast. Clock is ticking, kitten."
This whole thing was ridiculous, but you also knew you couldn't waste any more time. You started the car once more and pulled back onto the road, your hands angrily clutching the steering wheel in a death grip and Jimin's stupid self satisfied grin in your peripheral all the while.
"Fucking brat." you muttered under your breath.
The cackle Jimin let out let you know he had heard you though, "It's like I told you the first time we met. I always know how to get what I want."
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True to his word, Jimin refused to answer a single one of your questions until you had bought him his chocolate milkshake, the two of you convening in the mostly empty parking lot of the drive thru you had just gone through so he could drink his stupid milkshake. The little shit even made you hold it for him while he drank it since his hands were still bound, and you might have "accidentally" held the cup too high and gotten whip cream all over his nose, and you might have even laughed at him afterwards.
“Well that was real mature of you.” the red head remarked as you continued giggling at the cream covering his nose.
“Yeah, well, that’s what you get for acting like a spoiled little child.” you shot back, and Jimin narrowed his eyes at you.
“I hope you know I’m not telling you shit if you don’t get this off my face.”
“God, you are such a baby.” you huffed as you reached across him to rummage around in your glove compartment for a napkin or a tissue.
Jimin leaned down and you did your best to ignore his warm breath right next to your ear, “What do you need a napkin for, kitten? You’ve got a perfectly good mouth you could put to use instead.”
The split second of arousal that you felt was immediately replaced by the much stronger feeling of irritation and anger. Your hand finally closed around a napkin and you whipped it out to wipe off the thief’s face, catching Jimin by surprise when you gripped his nose through the napkin and got right in his face.
“Listen here, Park, if the only reason we’re going on this little drive is so that you can fuck with me and waste my time, then I’ll just spare you the rest of this hour and forty minutes and drive you straight back to the prison right now. If you’re not gonna help me, then why should I bother trying to help you.”
Jimin’s eyes went wide, and you released your hold on him before slumping back in your seat.
“I cannot believe I was stupid enough to fall for this shit,” you said, letting out a humorless laugh, “and to think that you were actually gonna be willing to talk to me.”
The man next to you remained silent as you shook your head and moved to turn the ignition.
“Y/N. Wait.” he spoke up right as you started to rotate the key.
Your hand froze and you chanced glancing at him, “What, Jimin?”
He shifted nervously in his seat as you waited for his answer.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I know you and Joon are both putting yourselves on the line for me. This...is just a lot for me. But, I promise I’ll tell you what you need to know.”
You let out a sigh as you removed the key from the ignition and placed it in your lap.
“Trust me, Jimin, I get it. I know you’re risking a lot here too, and I want you to know I’m beyond grateful for your assistance and cooperation. And I promise you, once this story breaks I will do whatever I can to make sure you come out of this a free man.”
Jimin held your gaze as a moment of silence passed between the two of you.
“Okay, let’s do this then. I’m ready whenever you are, but if it’s okay, I would prefer for this not to be recorded.”
You nodded in understanding, “Of course. I figured you might say that, so I brought a pen and notebook with me just in case. If you could please just try to be as detailed and specific as possible, so that way I can make sure my notes are airtight.”
Jimin waited until you retrieved your materials from your bag, placing your keys in there as you did so, and laid your notebook across your lap with pen in hand. You saw the red headed man swallow out of the corner of your eye.
“Last chance, Jimin, you’re sure about this?” you pressed, making sure to meet his eyes.
“I’m sure.” he replied without missing a beat.
Your pen clicked impossibly loud in the space of your car, “Alright then, tell me everything.”
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For the next thirty minutes the only sounds in the car were Jimin’s voice as he finally, finally filled in all the blanks, and the scratch of pen against paper as you furiously took note of everything the thief was telling you. It turned out there was still quite a bit you hadn’t known about this story. Your hand burned, but you willed yourself to keep writing so as not to accidentally leave out any important details. You could feel yourself growing increasingly more excited as the pieces began to fall into place. There was just one thing missing now.
“Jimin, your boss. The one pulling all the strings, can you give me a name?”
You hadn’t realized the extent of the weight the question held until it was hanging in the air between both of you. Jimin’s eyes reflected the uncertainty that you could tell he was feeling. He would open his mouth only to quickly shut it again. You were reaching out for his hands before you could stop yourself. There was a slight tremble in them that matched your own from the strain of your frantic note taking.
“I promise the information will be safe with me. I promise you’re safe with me.” you tried to assure him, your voice gentle.
You could almost see the gears turning inside the man’s head as he contemplated whether or not to speak. In a last ditch effort to try to gain his full trust, you reached for the key still sitting on the dash.
“Wait, what are you…” the thief’s voice trailed off as you inserted the key into the lock and released the cuffs from his wrists.
Jimin stared at you in awe as the metal dropped below into his lap.
“I trust you.” you said simply, giving him a small smile.
“Do you know Min Yoongi?” the red head asked a moment later, immediately sending you into a state of confusion.
You chuckled nervously, “You mean like the super famous and successful music producer? That Min Yoongi?”
“That’s the one.” Jimin confirmed, but you still felt at a loss.
“Oh my God, you’re fucking with me again!” you exclaimed, laughing slightly, “Alright, Park, that was a good one, I’ll give you that. Now, who is it really?”
“You asked for a name, kitten, and I gave you one.”
You waited for any sort of indication that he was joking with you, but Jimin showed none. A soft gasp escaped your lips, “No fucking way.”
“And there it is.” the thief teased you as the corner of his mouth lifted into a smirk.
Your mind was seriously reeling at this information.
“You-you mean Min Yoongi the producer...i-is actually a criminal mastermind? Holy. Shit.”
“Yoongi is a legit producer, but he also uses his label as a front for all the illegal shit he does. Me and Jungkook were both recruited as “new artists”, but really I got hired to be his personal thief and JK as his top hacker. And, as you know, as soon as shit hit the fan, the son of a bitch immediately threw all of us under the bus to save his own ass. Yoongi will get what’s coming to him, it’s only a matter of time. I’ll make sure of it.” Jimin voiced, one of his hands curling into a fist.
You gently touched his hand and the thief turned to look at you, his eyes blazing with emotion.
“I’m sorry for what he did to you. But now we have the chance to take him down. Together.”
“You really think you have enough for your story?” he queried back.
You laughed, “Jimin, are you kidding? This is amazing! Thanks to you, I now have everything I need. God, I could kiss you right now.”
An amused grin took over Jimin’s features as he raised a brow at you, making you realize what you had just said.
“Hah, sorry, writer’s adrenaline.” you quickly tried to explain, your face burning furiously.
Desperate to shift the attention, and also taking notice of them for the first time, your gaze was drawn to the marks coloring Jimin’s wrists just below where his leather gloves stopped. Mindlessly, you rubbed your thumb over one of them, causing Jimin to wince slightly.
“Shit, sorry! I would’ve taken them off sooner if I knew they were gonna leave marks like that.” you said quietly, unable to take your eyes away from the sight of his reddened wrists.
You looked back up at the sound of Jimin’s voice.
“Relax, okay? You act like I’ve never been in cuffs before.” he reminded you, trying to lighten the mood.
“Sorry, I guess I didn’t think about the other times you’ve been arrested…” you murmured as the embarrassment of the last few minutes continued to wash over you.
Jimin chuckled, “That’s not what I said, kitten.”
You frowned at him in confusion.
“What do you-”
You cut yourself off at the knowing look in Jimin’s eyes paired with the wicked smirk on his face. Oh. You felt your face grow even hotter just at the thought, and quickly pulled your hands back from Jimin’s. The thief burst into laughter at your flustered nature, and you did your best to ignore him as you turned behind you to dig in your purse for your keys.
“Ahem, well we still have just under an hour before I have to have you back, so I’ll take the long way back to the prison so you can keep the cuffs off for a while.”
Jimin remained quiet as your search was coming up empty. You were growing frustrated as you tore through every single pocket and compartment in your bag to no avail.
“Shit.” you hissed.
“What’s wrong?” came Jimin’s voice from beside you.
“I can’t find my keys. But I just had them. They have to be here somewhere.” you said as you continued digging in your purse.
You let out a sigh of frustration, only to hear a familiar jingle a moment later. You whipped back around to see your keys dangling from one of Jimin’s gloved hands. When had he…
“Jimin how did you even-”
“You forget, baby, I’m a damn good thief.” the man next to you bragged, smiling proudly.
“Okay yeah, real funny. You stole my keys, now give them back please.” you requested as you reached out for them, only for Jimin to pull his hand back at the last second.
“Jimin. Give me back my keys.” you insisted, staring him down.
“Oh, Y/N, after these last few months you really should know me better than that.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
Shit. Was he really gonna fuck you over after everything?
“I know the information I gave you is pretty crucial to this story of yours, and there is something that I would like in return.”
Jimin was giving you a look that you couldn’t decipher. Shitshitshitshitshit. Unfortunately, things had taken a turn and the man next to you had the upper hand right now. It looked like, at least for now, you were going to have to play by his rules again.
“Okay fine. But I’m not doing anything illegal for you, let’s just get that out of the way. What is it that you want?”
Jimin moved closer and you found yourself growing confused once again. His free hand reached out to grip your chin, his touch gentle but purposeful.
“Please don’t be scared, I would never hurt you. Never.” he whispered, and the sincerity in his voice and softness in his eyes made you desperately want to believe him.
“What do you want, Jimin?” you asked again, your own voice barely loud enough to be heard.
Jimin’s eyes flicked down to your mouth for a brief second before once again meeting your own as his leather covered thumb carefully brushed across your bottom lip, “You.”
You let out a small gasp, and the thief pulled your lip down to watch it bounce back into place. And just like that, things had taken a turn yet again. This one being the last thing you had expected.
“Jimin.” you breathed, your heart beginning to thrum violently inside your chest.
“I want you, Y/N.” he repeated, warm breath fanning your face at his close proximity.
“W-we can’t. I can’t. I’m a journalist. You’re my source. It would be wrong, Jimin, and you know it.” you told him, but still, you didn’t pull away.
The red head chuckled, and you could feel yourself drowning in him more and more with each passing second. You were terrified. Not of Jimin. But of just how badly you wanted this. Wanted him. But you knew you couldn’t let yourself. Wouldn’t let yourself. No matter how badly-
“I’m not gonna tell on you, kitten. And you know I can keep a secret.” Jimin went on as his lips dragged over your skin, dangerously close to your own.
Your flesh ignited under the warmth of his mouth, and a soft whine escaped you before you could stop it. You felt Jimin smirk against you as he continued teasing you.
“Let me ask you something,” he began, his mouth traveling down your jaw, “Pretend for just a second that who we are doesn’t matter. I’m not a criminal. You’re not a journalist. We’re just two people in this moment. Right here. Right now. Are you attracted to me?”
“Yes.” you answered without hesitation, surprising yourself with how breathless you already sounded.
“Mmm.” Jimin hummed as his lips seared against the skin of your neck.
“One more question, kitten.”
You did everything you could to hold in the moan you could feel building up in your throat, which became increasingly difficult when Jimin grazed his teeth against you and sucked hard enough to surely leave a mark. His sinful tongue darted out immediately after to soothe the spot, “Do you want me?”
“God, Jimin, yes.” you moaned out shamelessly.
Jimin’s hand left your chin to grab hold of the other side of your neck, holding you in place as he continued torturing you with his wicked mouth. You’d already let him know the effect he was having on you, so there was no point in holding back now.
“Fuck. I thought about how you would sound so many times. Imagined ravaging you in so many ways. Making you cry. Making you scream for me. Ripping those stupid little pencil skirts you always wear to shreds. But all those fantasies, they don’t even come close to the real thing. The way you sound for me, kitten...it’s the most beautiful fucking thing I’ve ever heard.” he growled against your skin before proceeding to suck more spots of color into your neck, earning a string of breathy moans from you.
“Shit, Jimin, this is bad. We have to, fuck, stop. It’s wrong, hhhhhhh.”
Jimin surprised you by actually pulling back, but it really wasn’t any better when his lust filled stare pierced you and he licked his lips hungrily.
“Come on, kitten. You and me? We’re the perfect crime. Forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest. And I’ve been fucking dying to know how you taste.”
It was a losing battle, and you both knew it. Desire overpowered logic, and your hands shot out to grab Jimin by his shirt and yank him to finally meet your mouth. His hand around your neck tightened slightly while his other hand slid up your thigh. The kiss was messy and wet, lips stinging from Jimin’s constant biting and sucking and your tongues tangled up in a primal dance. The thief was practically swallowing you, and you just did your best to try and keep up.
Jimin’s hands were in your hair, on your neck, digging into your hips, sliding under your shirt. Your own hands snuck underneath his white tank, desperate to feel more of him. His skin was warm under your fingers, and you could feel all his deliciously defined muscles.
Jimin pulled back from you, and you could feel the saliva running down from the corner of your mouth. His already plump lips were red and slightly swollen. You didn’t even get much of a chance to try and catch your breath before you felt Jimin’s still leather clad thumb pushing past your lips and pressing against the pad of your tongue. The pleased smirk on his face was enough to have you rubbing your thighs together as you drooled around his digit. Jimin increased the pressure, pinning you with his dark stare, “Clothes off, kitten. Backseat. Now.”
Your hands were shaking as you clumsily undid your top, your pencil skirt following a moment later, and both garments being tossed into the back. You hesitantly reached behind you to remove your bra, suddenly realizing just how exposed and vulnerable you really were. You could feel Jimin's eyes on you, but you had yet to actually look up at him.
"Look at me, kitten." came the thief's voice, husky and deep and full of desire.
You couldn't help the whimper that slipped out when you did as he requested, and were met with the sight of Jimin's eyes that were nearly black as he slowly palmed himself over his jeans.
"Jimin." you whined, your thighs brushing against each other once again in need of some friction.
The action didn't go unnoticed by the man in front of you, his gaze fixated between your legs as he gripped himself harder.
"You have no idea how many times I've dreamt about this, kitten. About you. Shit. Will you let me see you? Please." Jimin asked sweetly, although his voice was laced with desperation and want.
You let your bra fall from your body a moment later, and the thief let out a sharp intake of breath. You quickly slipped your nearly soaked panties off as well before you could start feeling self conscious again. When you looked back up, Jimin seemed to be physically restraining himself from pouncing on you. He gave a single jerk of his head to indicate for you to get in the back, and you were quickly scrambling over the center console.
You yelped at the feeling of one of Jimin's gloved hands delivering a swift smack to your bare ass. He let out a moan at the sight, "So much prettier with some color, fuck."
You had never let a guy spank you before, but something about the combination of Jimin and leather gloves had you dripping down your thighs. The red head waited until you were laid out on your back across the seat before climbing into the back to hover over you. He seemed to be contemplating something for a moment, and you worried that maybe he was having second thoughts.
You only grew more confused when he reached up to pull down the grab handle from the ceiling of the car. Jimin looked down at you with a mischievous grin, causing a chill to run down your spine.
"Hands up for me, kitten. And don't let go until I say so. Think you can do that for me?"
You swallowed as your eyes went wide, but nodded in agreement nonetheless. You reached up to grab onto the handle with both hands, the feeling strange, but not to the point of being uncomfortable.
"Mmm," Jimin hummed in content, "such a good girl."
You flushed under his praise, and the thief beamed down at you proudly.
"Hey, wait a minute. You're still fully clothed, no fair, Park." you pouted, earning a laugh from Jimin.
"Aw, kitten, don't pout. I'll give you what you want, but right now it's your turn." he said seductively as he trailed a single gloved finger down your body.
You noticed the bright red cursive initials scrawled into the garment for the first time. P.J.M. It clicked then that you had remembered the infamous gloves from the countless hours you had spent researching the man above you. Park Jimin was never seen without them, the trademark of a skilled thief. It was crazy to think that now those same gloves were greedily feeling up your body, and making you squirm underneath the thief.
"Having you under me like this right now, so obedient and willing, fuck, kitten. You make me feel like a free man." Jimin moaned, bending down to take hold of your chin and claim your lips once again.
You were desperate to touch him as Jimin licked into your mouth messily, taking his time to really taste you.
"Jimin, please," you cried in between dizzying kisses, "let me touch you."
The thief bit down on your bottom lip and tugged it between his teeth before drawing back to slowly release it.
"It's not time yet, kitten. Right now, I just wanna take my time to enjoy you."  Jimin mused.
Just as a response was forming itself on your lips, it was replaced instead by a gasp as you felt the warmth of Jimin's mouth wrap around your nipple.  He pinched your other bud between his leather clad fingers, and you cried out as your body twisted in pleasure underneath his ministrations.
"Jimin, shit."
He moaned around your nipple as his tongue flicked over it, and your hands clutched at the bar above you in a death grip. You could just make out the color beginning to blossom across your chest as the thief nipped and sucked his way to your neglected breast. You continued to writhe and pant beneath him as his lips closed around your other bud and began giving it the same treatment. Forget being a thief, the man honestly deserved jail time just for the things he could do with his mouth alone. The way he had your nipple caught between his teeth was nothing short of criminal.
You could feel him against your leg, hardening through his jeans. Just as you were starting to think you were going to cum just from the stimulation by itself, Jimin suddenly pulled off of your chest. He sat back on his haunches, his eyes hungrily raking over your figure as he admired all the little bursts of color he had left behind.
"Shit, kitten. I could spend hours marking you up," Jimin chuckled and shook his head, "if only we had that much time."
It was the first instance the time limit both of you were on had really crossed your mind since all of this had started. You knew being late back to the prison wasn't an option because Joon would already be well on his way to coming after the two of you. Jimin must have been able to tell what you were thinking because he rubbed his thumb over your thigh reassuringly, "Don't you worry that pretty little head of yours. I promise, I'll make every second count. I still have plenty of time to get you to cry and scream for me."
The predatory like grin he flashed you had you clenching around nothing. Jimin knew he had you wrapped around his finger, and when he made a dramatic show of taking off each of his gloves using only his teeth, it took everything in you not to lunge at him. The thief wasted no time in dipping one of his digits between your legs to swipe through your slick folds. You hissed at the contact, desperate to feel more of him where you needed him the most.
"Such a messy little kitten." Jimin whispered before popping the same finger into his mouth, closing his eyes as he did so.
Breathy little whines slipped from between your lips as your nails dug into the handle above you. The thief moaned as he sucked his digit clean, eyes snapping open to meet your gaze, making you feel like he was burning a hole right through you.
"It's like I said. Forbidden fruit, always so fucking delicious."  Jimin practically growled before his hand was diving back down, not wasting any more time as two of his fingers pushed past your walls.
"Oh my God, Jimin. Fuck!" you yelled out as your core greedily sucked his digits inside.
Jimin seemed mesmerized as he watched his fingers disappear in between your legs again, and again.
"Such a tight little cunt, kitten. And so wet too, shit." the thief snarled, pumping his digits into you faster.
You were a panting and shaking mess as you felt the beginnings of an orgasm creeping up on you once again. Jimin was biting his lip in concentration, and you were so focused on admiring him that you practically convulsed at the sudden addition of a third finger. And then Jimin's thumb was strumming your neglected clit, and you felt ready to cry.
"Doing so well for me, kitten. Your pretty little cunt taking my fingers so nicely." the thief praised just as your legs were beginning to shake, your release approaching much quicker now.
"Jimin, please! Don't stop, I'm so close." you begged him.
This apparently was the wrong thing to say because he immediately removed his hand from between your legs, leaving you right at the edge of your orgasm. Fresh tears slid down your cheeks, "No, Jimin, please! Please let me cum! I'll be good I promise!"
The red head was quick to wipe at your face with his clean hand, but you still continued to cry.
"Shhh it's alright, kitten. It's alright. You trust me don't you?" he soothed, his voice gentle.
You sniffled like a child, but still nodded because you did trust him.
"Okay, good. I want you to close your eyes for me. Do you think you can be a good girl and do that? It'll be for just a minute, I promise."
“I don’t know…” you said quietly, the uncertainty you were feeling reflected in your voice.
Jimin leaned down to kiss you sweetly, almost as if he could take away your worries that way.
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll still be here when you open them. Do you trust me?” he repeated, smoothing his thumb over your cheek.
“I do.” you replied, allowing your eyes to slowly shut a moment later.
You heard what sounded like Jimin rummaging around, and your nerves quickly started to resurface again. They only increased tenfold when you felt Jimin up near your head and heard a familiar clink followed by the sensation of cold metal circling your wrists. Fuck. Your eyes snapped open and you immediately looked up to see your still suspended hands, now in handcuffs. Panic seized you and on instinct you began to struggle against the restraints.
“Don’t do that, kitten, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Jimin warned, reminding you of his presence.
“Jimin, what the fuck is this!” you seethed.
“Please calm down, it’s not what you think. Do you still trust me?”
“Less and less by the second.” you snapped back.
“Please, just try and relax for me.” the thief pleaded as he moved down your body and settled himself between your legs.
“Jimin, I swear to God, if you don’t take these off right fucking no- Fuck!” you cut yourself off with a scream as Jimin buried his head between your legs and dipped his tongue between your folds.
He surfaced a moment later, plump lips glossed over with your arousal. Now that you knew what game he was playing, you felt the prior panic slowly diminishing.
“Can we leave them on, kitten, while I eat your sweet little cunt? Or do we need to take them off? I don’t want you to end up hurting yourself. It’s up to you, I promise.”
“I don’t care, “ you practically sobbed, “just please let me cum!”
Jimin grinned devilishly, “Alright, kitten, you got it. Try to keep those hands still for me okay? I’ll let you out as soon as we’re finished.”
His red head was disappearing back between your legs a moment later. He showed no mercy as he devoured your cunt, teeth nipping at your folds and his tongue fucking into you with fervor. The thief’s hands were reaching around to grab and roughly knead your ass as he made you come undone underneath his skilled mouth. It wasn’t long before you felt yourself approaching that high again, sobs escaping you as each swipe of Jimin’s tongue pushed you that much closer. He moaned as he slurped at your center, the vibration making your legs tremble.
“Jimin...so...close...please.” you panted out, doing your best to resist pulling against the cuffs binding you.
“Come on, kitten,” Jimin grunted, “scream for me. I know you have it in you.”
Determined to coax it out of you, the thief focused all his attention on your clit, lips encircling it and sucking harshly. Your body jolted at the stimulation, legs shaking much more violently now. Jimin flicked his tongue against your bundle of nerves, and you were so so close. His lips closed around you once more, and he moaned, long and deep. The sensation pushed you over the edge as you screamed his name and let yourself go.
Jimin let out a growl and continued to lave his tongue over your clit as you rode out your orgasm. You barely registered him reaching up to undo the cuffs, immediately pressing soft kisses to both of your wrists as soon as you were free.
“Fuck, that was amazing. You were amazing.” the thief commended you as he combed a hand through your hair.
“Mmm, it was amazing. But, if you ever cuff me again without asking, I will kill you.”
It sounded like such an empty threat with the dazed state you were still in, and Jimin chuckled as he smiled fondly at you, “Okay, noted.”
“You can cuff me next time okay?” he added with a wink, earning a tired laugh from you.
“Okay, deal.”
He bent down to press his lips against your forehead, and you felt your cheeks flush. You’d never been with anyone like Jimin, and you found yourself once again desperately wishing you had met under different circumstances.
“Hang on, I’ll find your clothes. You should probably change, and we should probably head back before Joonie comes after us.” Jimin teased, hand reaching down to search for your discarded garments.
You were quickly capturing his attention again when your hand reached out to grip his chin and turn him back to face you. For the first time that night, Jimin was the one who seemed confused.
“What’s wrong, kitten? Did I hurt you?” he queried, voice full of concern as his hands carefully ran over your body for any sign of injury.
He was so sweet, it made your heart swell. You shook your head, “No, you didn’t.”
The thief frowned at you, and you tried to stifle your giggles.
“Then what is it?”
You mirrored Jimin from earlier as you hummed and traced your thumb over his plump lips.
“We’re not going anywhere, until you fuck me.” you boldly stated, making Jimin’s eyes widen at your bluntness.
“I think that orgasm went to your head, kitten. It’s got you talking nonsense.” he said back, laughing slightly.
“Actually, my head is crystal clear. I want you to fuck me, Jimin. I have since the first time I saw you.” you went on, not a hint of playfulness in your voice.
Jimin hissed, “You sure about this, kitten?”
“I want you, Jimin. Wanna feel you inside me. Please.” you begged, and a growl immediately started to rumble in the thief’s throat.
You gasped when you felt him pressing himself up against you through his jeans, tortuously dragging his covered length back and forth.
“My greedy little kitten. Needs me to fuck her huh? Needs me to ruin this sweet little cunt of hers huh? Needs me to make her scream some more? My poor hungry little cockslut.”
The condescending filth he spat at you only fueled your desire for him that much more. However, you were still feeling pretty bold at the moment.
“Well, are you just gonna talk your shit or are you gonna fuck me?” you taunted him, a challenge present in your eyes.
Jimin looked furious, and your body was tingling all over in anticipation.
“Oh, I am going to ruin you.” he snarled, turning you on your side and delivering another harsh slap to your ass.
You squealed as Jimin effortlessly flipped you onto your stomach and brought his hand down on your flesh again, and again, and again. You were out of your mind with want, fresh arousal sliding down your thighs with each hit. The thief soothed your irritated skin once he was satisfied, and your ass stung, but in the best way.
“Who knew my kitten was such a little painslut too. Bet I could make you cum just from spanking you with how much you get off on this shit.”
Well. He wasn’t wrong. You didn’t answer him, instead reaching into your purse on the floor to dig for the condom that you knew was in there. Your hand closed around it, and you lifted it up for Jimin to see a moment later, “Shut up and fuck me already, Park.”
He snatched the packet from your hands, and you switched to laying on your back again, more than pleased with yourself. The red head was glaring daggers at you as he slipped his tank over his head. You marveled at finally being able to see his sculpted figure, your eyes drawn to the harsh jagged ink over his rib cage that spelled out NEVERMIND. He had the body of a Greek god, and you wished you had more time to explore it.
Jimin tugged down his jeans and boxers a moment later, his cock springing free with the angry red tip glistening with precum. Your mouth watered, you wanted to suck him off so bad. Hear all the sounds he would make, and see how he would look coming undone. The sound of Jimin furiously tearing open the foil packet with his teeth brought you back to reality. He hissed as he slid the condom over his hard length, immediately lining up with your soaking entrance.
“Any more little smart ass remarks before I fuck the brat out of you?”
You actually took a minute to think about it. Jimin looked ready to choke you, which honestly you wouldn’t be opposed to…
“Will you put the gloves back on?”
Jimin let out a dark chuckle, “Hmm, my kinky little kitten.”
He retrieved them from the floor and once again put on a show for you as he slowly slid them back on one by one. You wanted to keep up your snarky act for just a little bit longer.
“Hurry up and put your dick in me, Park, before Joon- Fuck, Jimin!”
You definitely got what was coming to you when Jimin’s first thrust knocked the air out of you, burying himself to the hilt right off the bat.
“Not so talkative now are we, kitten?” Jimin mocked you as he immediately picked up the pace, not even giving you a chance to adjust to him.
His gloved hands gripped your hips to hold you in place as he drove his cock between your walls with brutal efficiency. Now that you could finally touch him, your hands clutched at his biceps, nails digging in as each thrust bounced you further up the seat.
“Oh my God, Jimin…” you moaned out, and the thief growled before positioning your legs to hook them around his waist so he could have you closer, and you could feel him even deeper.
“Knew all you needed was some cock to shut you up. All that talk, all that sass, and look at you now. Completely fucked out and yet still begging for more. Greedy little cockslut.” Jimin hissed as his hands left your hips in favor of roughly groping your breasts instead.
You clenched around him at his degrading words, and the thief let out a breathy moan as he twitched inside you.
“You’re so cockdumb, kitten. Just taking everything I give you.” he panted out, the exertion from fucking you so fervently really starting to show.
“Jimin…” you begged breathlessly, “kiss me.”
Jimin maneuvered the two of you to pull you closer, your lips meeting in a clumsy kiss. You whined into his mouth as his rhythm started to falter slightly. Your nails scratched down his back as his length slowly dragged inside of you. Jimin let out the most beautiful sounding moan you had ever heard as he desperately chased your lips.
“Fuck. I’ve been behind bars too long, my stamina isn’t what it used to be. Not gonna last much longer, kitten.” the red head warned, his voice strained.
“Me either. I’m getting close. Are you gonna cum with me, Jimin?” you rasped out as his cock was reaching all the right spots inside you.
Instead of answering, Jimin kissed you with so much passion that you felt like you might break apart from the inside out. You whimpered helplessly into his mouth as one of the thief’s gloved hands slid up your body to wrap around your neck. Jimin squeezed just slightly, and your walls clenched down hard around him. He groaned, his speed starting to pick up again as his thrusts grew more stuttered. Jimin pulled back so he could look at you as you neared your high together, his hand around your throat applying pressure every so often and making you feel weightless for a few moments at a time.
“Jimin...can’t...gonna cum.” you cried, beginning to shake in his hold.
“I’m right there with you, kitten. It’s okay.” Jimin reassured you before tightening his hold around your neck, “Cum for me now.”
You were coming undone as soon as the thief’s hand let up on the pressure around your throat, a string of curses and cries of Jimin’s name leaving your lips.
“Shit, kitten.”
Jimin bit down on your shoulder, stifled moans and groans escaping him as he twitched and filled up the condom inside you. He carefully pulled out a moment later and helped to move you to lay back down to catch your breath for a few minutes. Jimin found a trash bag to put the condom in before redressing himself. He beamed down at you in your still post orgasm haze and took your face into his hands.
“You know something?” he started, his voice soft.
“Mmm, what’s that?” you asked back, your own voice sounding far away.
Jimin leaned down to press his lips to your temple, “If I had to go through all of this again, and I mean all of it, just to have this one night with you. I would do it in a heartbeat.”
The tears that pricked your eyes made you feel more vulnerable than you had for this entire ordeal. Jimin frowned at you before kissing them away, which only made you cry harder.
“I don’t wanna go back. I don’t wanna take you back.” you sobbed, and Jimin was immediately pulling you up and into his arms..
“I know, I know. Shhh, it’s okay, kitten. It’s all gonna be okay.” he whispered into your hair.
Several moments of silence passed with Jimin just holding you while he waited for you to calm down. Once you had composed yourself, you began picking up your clothes from the floor and redressed with Jimin’s help. The thief flashed you a sad smile as you turned the ignition and prepared to back out of the parking lot and back to reality. You froze, however, when your phone suddenly lit up with Jin’s name. Jimin noticed it too, and you could’ve sworn he looked almost, nervous?
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s Jin, he’s probably just worried about me. I’m just gonna let him know I’m okay, and then we’ll head back.” you told Jimin as you retrieved your phone from its holder on the vent closest to you.
“Jin, hey. I know you were really worried about tonight, but everything went fine and I actually have really good news.” you greeted him.
“Y/N, I need you to listen to me very carefully. Where are you right now?” Jin demanded, sounding noticeably on edge.
“I’m still with Jimin, but we’re about to drive back. Why?”
“Wait. You’re with Jimin right now?!”
“Yes. Jin, what’s going on?”
“Y/N, you need to get out of there. Right. Now.”
You felt the beginning of a pit forming in your stomach.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
You saw Jimin shift nervously in his seat out of the corner of your eye.
“Listen to me, you have to get out of there. I just talked to Joon, and Jimin’s mysterious visitor paid off one of the guards at the prison to let him in to talk to Jimin. Y/N, it was Jungkook that went to see him. I tried to go by Jungkook’s place tonight to talk to him some more, but when I got to his apartment the door was unlocked and all his stuff was gone. I think they’ve been planning something this whole time. I think Jungkook is probably on his way right n-”
You gasped as Jimin ripped your phone out of your hand and ended the call. You stared at him in shock, the pit in your stomach growing larger and larger.
“Jimin, please tell me he’s lying. Tell me this wasn’t all just a set up. Please.” you pleaded, surprised to hear the brokenness of your own voice.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but it had to be this way. Once this story gets out, I’m not safe, and neither is Jungkook. I can’t just sit in a prison cell and wait for Yoongi to come after me.”
Your heart sank, and tears were filling your eyes once more.
“J-Joon is c-coming for us, s-so it’s not gonna m-matter anyway.” you stuttered out as it got increasingly harder to breathe.
Jimin just shook his head, “Jungkook will be here long before him. And by the time Joon does get here, we’ll already be way ahead of him.”
“Jimin, please! Please don’t do this! I can still help you!” you sobbed, desperately grasping for his hands.
The thief just brushed you off before once again retrieving the handcuffs. Your hand was already reaching for the door handle, but you were just a second too late as Jimin closed the metal around one of your wrists and the other around the steering wheel. He pulled your car keys out a moment later and threw them over your backseat and into the trunk, along with your phone and the key to the handcuffs. You stared at him in horror as you frantically pulled against the cuffs.
“You bastard! Don’t do this!” you shrieked, and your heart broke even more at seeing the sight of tears in Jimin’s eyes.
“I’m so sorry. Please forgive me, Y/N.” he cried before burying his face in his hands.
“Please, Jimin,” you begged, choking on your sobs, “don’t do this. Don’t leave me.”
The thief was picking his head up a moment later, seeming to have regained his composure for the moment.
“Y/N, I need you to listen to me.”
“Go to hell.” you spat back at him, the anger of the betrayal starting to overcome the sadness.
“Look, Jungkook is coming to get me. And like you said, Joon is coming for you. Now listen, you still have your story, and no one needs to know what really happened here tonight. Jungkook and I disappear, you get to keep your story and your job, and Yoongi is brought to justice. When Joon gets here, you’re going to tell him that I overpowered you and knocked you out, and when you came to, you were cuffed to the steering wheel and I was gone.”
You scoffed, “Go fuck yourself, Park.”
“Y/N please, don’t ruin your career over this. Over me. Tonight will stay between you and me. And for what it’s worth, I meant everything I said to you. Every single word. I know you have no reason to believe me, but it’s true. I wish we could have met some other way because I think I could have really fallen for you. Thank you for giving me my freedom tonight and for actually treating me like a human being all the times we talked. I was dying in that prison, and you saved me.”
You let out a broken sob, your chest aching. You heard the sound of what seemed to be a motorcycle pulling up next to your car on Jimin’s side. A gloved hand was knocking on the window a moment later, and Jimin rolled it down to reveal Jungkook.
“Hey dude, you ready to go? I think Jin might be onto us and- Whoa what the fuck is this? Not that I’m not used to seeing you with girls in handcuffs but-”
“Kook, we don’t have time for this! Jin knows, and Joon is coming for her. We gotta go. Now.”
“Shit, okay. Well hop on, and let’s get the hell out of here then.”
Jimin turned back to look at you, sadness lingering in his eyes.
It was a plea, a wish, a goodbye, a promise.
Jimin reached across to cradle your cheek and press his lips to yours one more time. You could taste it. His sorrow, his regret, how much this was tearing him apart. And yet he was still doing it. He was still leaving you. The thief pulled away after what felt like forever, and set something that you couldn’t make out through your tears on the dashboard.
“I’m really sorry about this, Y/N. And please tell Jin I’m sorry too.” were Jungkook’s parting and only words to you.
And then the two of them were swinging themselves up onto Jungkook’s bike and tearing off into the night.
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When Joon arrived shortly after, along with a private detective named Kim Taehyung, you could barely register the world around you. You were drained, and you felt hollow inside. After retrieving your things from the trunk and freeing you, they both questioned you on what had happened, and you tried to piece a story together as best as you could. You could tell Joon knew you too well to know there was more to it, but he also could see the state you were in, so he didn’t push it.
“Why don’t you come stay with me tonight? I’ll crash on the couch, and you can have my bed. You’ve been through a lot, and I don’t think you should be alone.” your friend suggested as he stood next to you outside your car with a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah, okay.” you agreed quietly.
“Alright, so let’s get your things and I can take you back to your car in the morning, okay?”
You just nodded before retrieving your bag from the car, the item Jimin had left behind on the dash finally coming into focus as it blinked a bright red in the darkness. His tracker that Joon had placed on him. Crafty bastard.
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The next day, you met up with Jin by your car bright and early. You knew you wouldn’t have to explain anything to him, and that you could trust him without putting his job at risk.
“Remind me what we’re doing out here at the ass crack of dawn please?”
“I never wanna see this car again.”
“Y/N, what do you mean?”
“I mean I want this car to be destroyed. Demolished. Completely gone from my life.”
Just like Jimin… Jin gave you a sympathetic look, and you could feel angry tears burning your eyes.
“Will you help me?” you asked him, sounding like a small child.
Your friend smiled sadly at you, “Of course.”
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"You know, you should at least cheer up a little. We’re sitting on the story of our careers, just hours from being published.” Jin said as he was driving you back to your apartment after the events of the morning.
You just nodded and tried to give a genuine smile, before turning your attention to staring out the window. It was silent for several moments before Jin spoke again.
“Sometimes the best stories come with a price. You and I both know that all too well.” he reminded you.
And he was right, of course. The price for this story had just ended up being so much higher than you ever could have prepared for. A thief had stolen your heart and ran away with it. Your thief. And who knows if you would ever get it back...
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 years
Can I ask you something? And you can totally say no, or just ignore this text, or if you're going to actually write your ff about Cruel Intentions just skip it.
But I would love to read a little thing about those two when they actually are in love and maybe they are judging someone or something. I would totally love that if you're up to! Again, if you can't or don't want, totally understand.
Thank you very much and Merry Christmas to you and your family! Your ff have a special place in my heart and they totally are my favorite to read (multiple times), they helped me a lot during a bad moment this year, so thank you! Hope 2022 bring you everything you wish. 😊
Of course! I'm really glad they could bring you even a bit of distraction or comfort during a difficult time🥺 that's always so lovely to hear. Merry Christmas to you too, I hope things are better for you now, but no matter what may 2022 be calm and relaxing and beautiful 💕💕💕
It's still a little strange three years in.
Feeling her hands wrapped around your waist instead of your throat. Not that you don't still enjoy that from time to time, but this is certainly better.
More calming.
Her hands help you feel more settled than you think you've ever been.
Because while everything has changed so much since your confessions, Lexa is still exactly the same. A woman of few words that when spoken hold a certain weight to them, but the majority of her communications come in touches and smiles and looks.
The way she slides her hands across your back to play with the curled ends of your hair tells you she's thanking you for wearing it down for the event. There was never a question anyway. You know it's her favorite. And the way she sighs and sways to the piano with her cheek gently pressed to yours, tells you how overwhelmed she still can get at the reality that she's allowed to do this now.
"You did a beautiful job tonight," you whisper in her ear.
"The centerpieces are gauche," she hums and nuzzles closer. "And I'm considering firing Harper just for wearing that ugly fucking dress."
You laugh and pull back just far enough to see the champagne sharpened glint in her eye. "Will you really?"
"Who wears spaghetti straps to a company party?" Lexa breathes with a roll of her eyes. "It's like she dressed herself from a strip mall homecoming grab bag. I mean really, darling. Would you be caught dead?"
You remember when she first started calling you that. Had been convinced she was doing it to make fun of you, but over the years you've come to realize it's just another one of those things about her that you'd never know until you know. How her affections come in the quiet things that can be so easily overlooked. How she prefers softly murmured pet names and brushed intimate touches over any form of overt displays of her love.
She's a hurricane of a woman. One that always carries you in the peaceful eye of her storm.
She's also such a little fucking snob and you love to kiss the taste of her snark.
"Want me to find a pair of scissors? Accidentally snip them off? Would you like a little drama to liven this funeral up, dear?"
Her smile is tempered but her eyes gleam and you know you would've gotten a laugh if you were alone. But in public she insists on her picturesque facade of poise.
You respect that about her now.
Even if you still continuously try to ruffle her feathers.
"No need. She can embarrass herself for the night in peace. I don't plan on us being here much longer anyway," she says instead as the song ends. Her hands run along your hips with all the subtlety of her well practiced charm, and it's not as embarrassing as it used to be when you find yourself chasing the touch.
"Okay but if you do fire Harper I want to be there," you hush and nip at her chin. "You know how wet I get when you go full Commander mode on your little minions."
Her grin is enough to set you on fire.
"My little slut," she cooes with absolute adoration and a kiss light enough to have you floating but still not ruin her lipstick.
"Bitch," you grin back and steal a slightly fuller press of lips. And you want to live inside the sound her pleased hum as she lets you take everything she's willing to give.
"I'm going to go find Indra and pass the reins off," Lexa says when she finally nudges you back with a push of fingertips to your collarbones. "Why don't you go upstairs and wait for me."
It's not a question, but rather a command, and you're still not the best at taking those no matter how good they sound from her lips.
"Just go," she says with an exasperated shake of her head when you arch a brow and stand your ground. "I had a few things sent up earlier."
"Presents?" you grin and pull her close again.
Her sigh is the sweetest music you'll ever hear when she runs her hands over your chest and gives you the ghost of a nod. "You've been so wonderful through this whole merger, darling. Taken such good care of me. I thought you deserved a thank you. So, I had a few things arranged for us so I can show my gratitude."
She taps a finger to your nose when you go to speak because she knows you fucking hate it.
"Spoiled. I'm not telling you what they are, so don't ask."
You grit your jaw and let her slip from your hold.
"Now, be a good girl and go upstairs. I'll be there in a moment, and I expect you to be ready for me."
She places one last kiss to your petulant frown before turning and striding away.
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I have 2 au's that I want to see more stuff about. The first one is a Jily/everyone lives au where Jily also has a daughter and Remus gets to be the godfather and she is basically James' little girl. The other one is a Goblet of Fire au with Sirius x professor!wife reader where they try to help Harry as much as possible with the Triwizard Tournament tasks but reader also sneaks out to see Sirius a lot and they have cute dates. Just wholesome loving stuff basically
Everyone living au is the only thing my brain can settle on in my scenario before bed
The ‘another potter child’ has a very special place in my heart, I’ve never thought that Remus would be her godfather but it does make so much sense!! But in my mind she was also James little girl, the other thing I add is that she ends up with Draco malfoy for some drama 😌
And now I am obsessed with professor!reader so the gof au is so cute 🥺 they definitely make posters in support of Harry (even though they probably shouldn’t because of like Cedric) and if it was anyone else it would’ve been embarrassing but all the students think they’re cool so it isn’t (even if Harry is still probably embarrassed)
And the Yule ball!!! Omg everyone knows they’re dating so of course they’re going to go together, but Sirius definitely overhears a group of them (probably like the twins, Harry, Ron, dean, seamus etc) talking about how hard it is to find dates and Sirius is like ‘you just gotta ask them, it’s not that scary 🙄’ and they’re like ‘that’s because you’re already married?’ And he’s like ‘well I had to ask her to marry me didn’t I?’ And they just huff because he has a point
But anyways everyone is obsessed with them at the Yule ball because they’re just so cute 🥺
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panlyv · 4 years
top 5 dramas 👉🏽👈🏽
thank u for playing with me jo!!! i'll answer my fave kdramas ok 🥺
1. strangers from hell: LISTEN.......... this? a fucking masterpiece. oh my god what even is this drama. too much tension at all times, will make you go insane and question your every move, despicable but extremely hot serial killer and his poor boyfriend who only tried his best Yet....... the acting is superb and the ost? SLAPS!!! please everyone needs to watch strangers from hell it's too good
2. it's okay to not be okay: my weekends were never the same after iotnbo ended :( i miss this little family an immeasurable amount and they taught me sososo many things :(( i related to kang tae so much and seeing his growth really did something to me. their journey was troubled but u kno... they got there and now they are happy and free and that's what makes me sleep at night !!!
3. where your eyes linger: PHEWWWW WHAT. A. DRAMA. wyel just blew it outta the park with the story and the acting and the aesthetic and ughhhh i miss taegook SO MUCH i hope they found their new tteokbokki place <3
4. sassy go go/extracurricular: i just love shows that say how much the school system is fucked up and talk about real life struggles and even tho both are Very Different (sassy go go will Not make u have an anxiety attack every five minutes like extracurricular lmao) they are two reeaaally good dramas that got me super hooked from beginning to end
5. reply 1988: this drama man :((( idk it has such a special place in my heart for so many reasons and it was one of the first dramas i've ever watched 💓
send me top 5 anything!
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liveindiatimes · 4 years
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Chris Hemsworth’s ‘Proman Dao’ scene from Extraction is making tweeple swoon - it s viral
It is no secret that Chris Hemsworth is the dreamiest of all dreamboats. If this Australian legend already had you drooling, get ready to swoon some more!
In Netflix’s recent action-drama Extraction, Hemsworth plays broody Tyler Rake who is on a mission to ‘extract’ an Indian drug lord’s son from some Bangladeshi gangsters. We won’t dwell too much on the plot because the film which has a star-cast including Randeep Hooda and David Harbour is already out on Netflix and worth a watch. We will, however, focus on this one particular scene from the movie that has got tweeple losing all their cool.
In this scene, we see Tyler negotiating with said Bangladeshi kidnappers in their mother-tongue. You heard that right! Thor says “proman dao” which means ‘show proof’ in Bangali, not once, not twice, but four times in a span of 15-seconds. Here is a clip of the scene for reference:
Tweeple seemed to be very impressed by Hemsworth’s bilingual efforts.
Here are some of the best reactions from the micro-blogging application:
@chrishemsworth even got the enunciation right for ‘proman dao’…a feat not even managed by many non Bengali speaking Bollywooders 😁
— Priyanka Mukherjee (@priyankachatty) April 26, 2020
Thor, the thunderer, son of Odin, king of Asgard once very humbly said “proman dao” #extraction @chrishemsworth @netflix @NetflixIndia @NetflixFilm
— Aditya Bhandari (@Aadi_Bhanda) April 25, 2020
@chrishemsworth #Extraction has taken a special place in my heart. You shot this film on my mother land,India. And you spoke two words on my mother language also,”Proman Dao”. I can’t explain my feelings how much I loved to hear bengali words on your sexy voice. Keep going, Man💜
— Susmita (@SusmitawithU) April 26, 2020
never knew i needed a clip of chris hemsworth saying “proman dao” until now
— tanha 👻 #AfterHours (@zaynberryy) April 26, 2020
Chris Hemsworth’s Bangla is so cute 🥺 “proman dao.. proman”
— Ypsilla 🌹 (@bengvliprincess) April 26, 2020
Chris Hemsworth: Proman dao (Gimme proof) Me ( 😳 ): Mummy, damad mil gaya!
— Mowgli (@Muumpy) April 24, 2020
Never gonna get over @chrishemsworth saying: “Proman dao.” #Extraction
— Nirmalya Dutta (@nirmalyadutta23) April 24, 2020
Hearing Chris Hemsworth say “proman dao” made my stomach go 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
— maisha🌺 (@maiishaxkhan) April 27, 2020
Another Twitter user said, “Yes, I can die peacefully now. Chris spoke Bangla ‘Proman dao’”. While another wrote, “@chrishemsworth every Bengali flipped out when you said ‘proman dao’. Loved Extraction”.
What are your thoughts on this action-packed flick? Have you checked it out already or is it still on your watch list? Well, if you haven’t seen it yet, Chris Hemsworth speaking in Bangla may be a good enough reason to do now!
Live India Times
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aylinaliens · 3 years
what are your top 5 underrated drama?
Someday or One Day (Taiwanese): this drama was a literal masterpiece and it physically pains me that it’s not more well known. this drama has a perfect mixture of mystery/comedy/romance/angst and the cinematography/OST is phenomenal. i can’t go into the plot without giving away spoilers but ugh!! it’s so good. p.s. SDOOD also is getting a movie sequel/prequel AND it’s getting a Korean adaptation so...this might not be that underrated but it is in comparison to other dramas
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Lovely Us (Chinese): oh gosh, Lovely Us is such a lovely little slice-of-life drama that deserves so much attention because of how wonderful it is. every single character is lovable, the romance is *chefs kiss* (slowburn childhood best friends to lovers is my favorite thing ever) and this is absolutely no unnecessary drama going on. this is my go to comfort drama to watch whenever i’m sad and in need of cheering up. plus it’s only 16 eps so it makes for a really great binge watch
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The Best of You In My Mind (Chinese): this drama is very cliche but it makes me feel so happy and warm inside. slowburn childhood best friends to enemies to lovers is my weakness so as soon as I heard the premise for this drama I jumped into it. Like I said, it’s pretty cliche but the lovable characters make up for it. the romance between the leads was hilarious, wholesome, and healthy which is always a plus and this has one of the most satisfactory endings out there!
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I Don’t Want To Be Friends With You (Chinese): this drama has literally everything i love. time traveling! slice-of-life! slowburn friends to lovers! tragical romance! second male leads who deserves better! complex mother-daughter relationships! ah, this drama was wonderful and heartwarming and probably my third favorite Chinese drama of all time (the first is Go Ahead and the second is The Untamed). it’s been like a month since i watched this but i still can’t get over it.
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Voice in the Rain (Thai): i just started this a few days ago and i’m already so in love with it. i don’t hear many people talking about this but it’s so good!! i spend every single episode speechless because the FL, Rin, is breathtakingly beautiful (as is the ML so in all their scenes i’m just sitting there like “hand in marriage ma’am and sir). the concept is really cool too and even though i have yet to finish this i’m already putting it on this list.
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