#all of these are adapted from either AFI or poet Susan Richardson
treemaidengeek · 4 months
(Someone asked about the story to help select correct vibes. so:
In previous installments, two complicated men (Wen Zhuliu / Meng Yao) had a messy affair. One of them thought the other one was dead (he was, but he got over it) & by the time they reconnect, they've realized how much they were on opposite sides of the war that just ended. They hurt each other in a way that leaves them accidentally magically connected.
In this installment, their magical connection fucks then both over repeatedly while they navigate the landmines of postwar life with the power balance between them pretty completely flipped on its head. Meng Yao went from prisoner/spymaster to a gilded seat precariously balanced on top of the world. Wen Zhuliu went from the feared right hand of the most powerful man in the world, to a fugitive trying to hide and protect a group of hunted refugees.
Chapters alternate narration between the two, sometimes bridged by unwillingly shared dreams/nightmares.)
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