#all of them would be literally the cutest fathers ever im hurtinnggg
xoexoxhoe · 5 years
Monsta X Reacts: Baby’s First Words
@pckmx Request: “Monsta X reaction to his baby’s first words”
A/N: Ahhhh a Monsta X request! So happy! Here’s to all the monbebe’s out there! And thank you so much for the request girl, this was such a cute one to write! Hope ya’ll like it! 
Monsta X & Y/N
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Shownu was an amazing father, husband, and everything in between. When he’d come back from the studio, the first thing he’d do is greet you in the kitchen, and kiss your beautiful daughter who sat comfortably in the high chair next to the counter.
One night, you both were eating dinner, discussing what he should eat for his next episode of Nunu’s Yum Yum Yum. Of course, this happened every Sunday night, regardless if Shownu was eating or not, as he always thought of food.
He sat next to your baby, cutting her food for her and playing with her, making her laugh each time he’d put a chopstick on his lips while puckering them, holding it in place with his nose.
You couldn’t help but feel warm inside as he kept interacting with her. Tonight was your turn to clean the kitchen, and you cleared the table quickly, letting Shownu enjoy himself.
In the next two minutes, you heard Shownu begin shouting from the dining room. You dropped the dishes in the sink, turning around with soap covering your arms only to find Shownu with your baby in his hands, raising her above his head as if she’s Simba from ‘The Lion King’.
“Honey! She said- she said my name! She said ‘da-da’! I am Da-da!”
You turned back around to face the sink both in frustration and with laughter, hitting the counter, “Shownu, you gave me a heart attack- And, Honey, please don’t let our daughters head hit the ceiling.”
He slowly brought the baby back down, resting her on his muscular forearm, “But… she said da-da…”
Wonho never really wanted to get married, nor did he want children at first. But, as soon as he met you, things changed. He wanted kids, and he wanted an amazing life with you by his side.
When you both had your first baby boy, he was adorable and couldn’t contain his happiness. He laughed at the way your baby gripped his fingers, saying that he would be just as strong as him some day. When your baby cooed, he’d always sing and tell you, “Y/N, he’s gonna have the best voice, I can feel it.”
One night, Wonho came home late from the gym and his training. You had already began to put the baby to bed, but he insisted on carrying him around the house, calling it his ‘cool down’ after his workout.
You sat in your bedroom, folding clothes and watching a new tv show when Wonho came back into the room, handing you the baby.
“Babe, it talked.”
You looked at your little boy, laughing as he began to knock over your first pile of shirts, “Wonho, it’s a baby, they begin to talk around this age- and wait why did you say ‘it’ he has a name, babe, you gave it to him.” You giggled uncontrollably.
Wonho just shook his head furiously, “No ways! I refuse to believe it!” Tears started to stream down his face, “He’s growing up, and I don’t like it.”
Your baby babbled another word, this time saying ‘mama’ in a cute voice. Wonho tossed his head back, falling to the floor, “Look at him now! Talking back to you already! Oh my gosh! Say sorry to your mother right now!”
You couldn’t stop laughing for the rest of the night.
Minhyuk loved to sit in bed with your baby, holding an iPad for the both of them, watching the most obscure animal planet documentaries, history channel marathons, and anything that had education.
Minhyuk always talked to her, “This; this is a platypus, I don’t want you to touch it, alright?” Your baby would just look at her dad and smile, sometimes cry if he got really stern with his passion on how cute puppies were.
One day, you came home from work only to see him jumping up and down in the living room, screaming for you.
You ran in and he grabbed your wrist, telling you to jump with him. Your baby began to look at him, then to you, before babbling the words, “papa”.
You both turned to each other screaming, picking her up and running around the house with her, telling her to do it again, even though she began to cry once Minhyuk lifted her up and started singing. He handed her off to you and grabbed his phone, immediately videotaping her.
You both sat in bed with her for the next two hours, taking videos and listening to her babble even more words like ‘mama’, and ‘puppy’, to which your Minhyuk was quite happy.
He texted in the group chat with his fellow MX members, saying that your baby finally spoke. He constantly sent them videos and pictures of her saying puppy, telling the members that she’d make it on Ellen soon enough, only making your heart flutter even more.
He laid in bed with you that night, telling you about how he truly wished to hear her say platypus, only to which you replied that it would probably be too hard for her still.
The next morning, to no surprise, you found Minhyuk straining to teach your daughter the word platypus. “Repeat after me, baby. Pla-”
He threw his arms up yelling, “Close enough! Honey, hurry up and grab the camera we’re taking this to Ellen!”
Kihyun was a great dad, but throughout the entire time leading up to your baby’s first words, he always taught your child how to say ‘mama’.
You’d find him in the kitchen, singing to her the word ‘mama’ alone over and over again, always finding it really adorable yet strange how he was so eager for her to speak the word ‘mama’. 
The day that she said her first words, you both were on the couch, talking about work while watching her play. She sat up and began saying ‘mama’ repeatedly, to which you started freaking out.
Kihyun’s face was filled with surprise, causing him to stand up and run in place, unsure of what he should do.
"Should I grab the recorder? Use my phone? Should I call your mom?”
You pulled him back down, “No! Don’t- just- let’s watch her again.”
Another word slipped from her lips, this time it was “da-da” on a constant loop.
Kihyun looked to you, “She said dada?”
You nodded in excitement, “I taught her!”
Kihyun looked to you, “I taught her mama… why’d you teach her dada?”
You bit your lip, “I… I wanted her to call you instead of me at night because I want to sleep…”
Kihyun stood up from the couch, “I WAS DOING THE SAME THING, WHAT THE ACTUAL-”
Hyungwon held your baby to his chest one night, playing with him and patting his back while he stayed fussy
He gave up bouncing him up and down once his arms got tired, telling you that it was too much work for one night and by the time he finished being a father, he expected to be as big as Wonho
“Honey, that’s impossible.” You laughed, grabbing the baby from him
“So is Wonho, but here we are.” He brushed back his hair and you couldn’t help but snort at his response.
Your baby fiddled with your hair and Hyungwon watched as the little one grabbed your shirt, attempting to say something but closing his mouth before saying anything, continuing to mumble random sounds
Hyungwon had his eyes wide, “Babe… is- is this how people feel when they expect me to say something but I don’t during fan signing?”
You burst into hysterical laughter, “HYUNGWON? What?”
He sat back, staring his baby in the eyes, “Say something, little one. I dare you.”
Your baby looked at him, touching a hand to his nose before stuttering, “Da-da.”
Hyungwon threw his hands up, “AIGOOOO. I promise I’ll never not say what’s on my mind anymore goodness the anxiety killed me.”
Jooheon always had the baby with him, barely letting you get more than five minutes alone with your beautiful baby girl, but you didn’t mind because it was the cutest thing to see him interact with her.
He always brought her to the studio with him, waltzing her in with oversized earphones and making her stick her tongue out to the fellow MX members who only melted over her deep dimples and bright smile.
Every time he’d write music or raps, he’d sit with your daughter on the dining table, constantly running things by her as she babbled away at nonsense. Eventually, she’d cry when he made too much serious faces, which led him to doing his ‘Circle, Square, Star in my heart’ routine that even you couldn’t resist.
One day, you went to the studio with them, meeting the rest of MX while watching your baby since Jooheon was in the booth.
He stepped out and she lifted her arms to him, “Da-da!” She screeched, causing you to look up at Jooheon whose jaw was already gaping, you yourself barely being able to contain your excitement.
All the members were screaming as well, everyone freaking out and pinching your daughter's cheeks, asking her to say something else, but she became overwhelmed and started to cry.
Jooheon picked her up, putting her on his hip and walking into the booth, clicking on the monitor to speak, “Everyone, please welcome the eighth member of Monsta X, my beautiful baby girl, who’s definitely better than you, Kihyun. Now, let’s get to work people as she is kind of heavy and I think she has a soiled diaper.”
I.M became nervous every time he picked up the baby, but you reassured him, “Honey, he can walk a bit, just hold on to his hand.”
He’d wince once the baby would latch onto his shirt, pulling at his suit jacket as well, “Y/N, oh my god, babe, no I can’t.” You left the room, leaving him to fend for himself, but after about five minutes, you already heard loud beats thumping from his recording room.
You pushed the door open, seeing your baby playing with blocks on the floor, wearing large earphones as IM worked on a beat. He turned around, “Babe, I’m gonna drop a mixtape soon, and I need to have our baby on it.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Honey, he doesn’t even speak yet.”
IM lifted a finger, “Wait just a minute, mama.” He picked up his baby by the hands, bringing him to stand while taking a few shaky steps and gripping IM’s fingers. Your baby started looking at you and saying “Mama!”
You gasped, placing your hands over your mouth before laughing, “He spoke already?!”
IM nodded his head, “And of course, I recorded it the second time and started to make the beat. Our son’s a natural, Y/N.”
Your eyebrow twitched, “Changkyun… You mean to tell me... YOU DIDNT CALL ME WHEN HE SAID HIS FIRST WORDS?”
IM’s scrunched his nose, sheepishly smiling before placing the baby on his lap and swiveling his chair around, pressing the spacebar on his monitor to have the loud bass begin to play.
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