#all oc cast
mareenavee · 10 months
WIP Whenever, once again <3
Hi Friends!!!
I'm swamped with holiday stuff, work for Skywind, fic, and also a significant novel collab I'm working on with a very dear friend of mine! Original, too! We're in the prewriting stages and I'm HYPED.
(This is why I am not tagging anyone on these, I have vanishingly few minutes for Tumblr.)
But back on the fic wagon, I have been working on both World Chapter 32 and an Untitled Ghost Story set in Morrowind-times, speaking of Skywind.
My same very dear friend and I have adopted these OCs from cut content in another project and I've decided to write him a fanfiction.
Veru Bavani belongs to Indoril Jinumon. Ulpar Enakul is, technically, both of ours. (:
The palindrome verse was Indoril Jinumon's work, originally, written for this character's dialogue.
The Ald Chimeris below was written originally by Strager (on AO3) and means: "You dare come here!?"
CW for canon typical violence and general spookiness!
Without further ado, under the cut, today's selection is from Untitled Ghost Story! 798 words.
Veru’s heart sank. Enemies from all directions, and this was how they treated their captives. She closed her eyes and bowed her head in a silent prayer, just in case nobody had bothered to remember this one when they were alive.
As she was recounting her verse, she could have sworn she heard murmuring and then movement in the air, as if someone had walked past. She opened her eyes and whipped around to check, but the corpse was exactly as she left it. Everything remained as unchanged as it had been when she’d discovered this place. A chill ran down her spine, air going cold—or so she thought. Was that her breath fogging? Of course not—it was as dry and overly warm as it had been for a while now. She exhaled through her nose and turned on her heel. It was a dead end, anyway. She would have to climb back out to the main chamber and try again. As she began her ascent, she turned and looked over her shoulder one last time. Wait—had the skull shifted? No. No. Don’t be stupid. Let the dead rest.
Back at the main chamber, she chose the middle path next, marking another Vehk rune before she moved on. This one was pristine in a strange way, the rocks beneath her feet smoothed over as if, long ago, it had once been a kind of road. Now nothing remained, not even an echo of the civilization which had made their last stand here. Nothing except ashes, if even that.
Veru walked for what seemed like hours, the gloom crushing in around her as she descended further into the depths. She stopped only to carve more Vehk runes, the first ever. This could have been below the citadel—the way seemed correct, the last she was able to determine. As she made her way, the stalactites thinned, replaced instead with high ceilings of twisted, once-molten rock, sharp and curled like the spiked armor on a dremora. The light of her torch did nothing to alleviate the oppressive vastness into which she could not see. Anything could be up ahead. Her throat felt like it would close in the silence, but it would not do to risk her voice now, when anything could be out there and so much was at stake. Gritting her teeth, she stepped carefully in time with the verse in her head. She drew her sword and adjusted her grip on the torch. The flame flickered, her shadow like a monster merging with the greater darkness. She inhaled deeply, eyes wide and watchful for any hint of movement. 
Swords, like words said with pride, cutting pride with said words, like swords.
Between one inhale and the next, something screeched out of nowhere in a rush of freezing wind which smothered the flame of her torch. Though blinded, she was prepared for something like this—some nefarious Dwemer abomination. There was another screech to her right, and with a yell, she struck out with her sword. She was met with the pale green-blue glow of a revenant, its sword locked with hers, ice crystals crawling along the blade of hers. His face was twisted in an ugly snarl, eyes not inches from hers as he advanced with all his strength.
“Ni kana shanta sino?!”
The voice sounded myriad, like a thousand-thousand souls had been woken from their slumber to scream the words. She didn’t know this language, and in her inability to respond, the spectre was thrown off guard, just so. It was enough. She parried, the sharp screech of ethereal metal against glass echoing out into the void around them. The ghost charged at her again, sword raised, leaving him wide open. Veru stepped left, dodging his strike only to stab into his ectoplasmic form from the side. A shriek unlike anything she’d ever heard before pierced her skull. She cried out and tried to block out the noise with her hands. The ghost disappeared and reformed feet in front of her, the noise of its scream still disarming her as it reverberated.
He raised his sword, and in a flash that stung her eyes to tears, flames sprung up around the perimeter of the room from sconces in the wall. Veru wiped the sweat from her eyes and rushed in for another hit. The ghost was faster than she anticipated, and struck out with the pommel of his sword, uttering another sharp shriek that seemed to come from everywhere all at once. The pommel connected with the side of her head, sending another explosion of pain through her skull, enough to pull the darkness back into the edges of her vision. She screamed and, though dizzy, moved in for another stab in the opening his ill-advised blow left.
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uss-vermont · 7 months
From a friend on discord, I present Mekon, the fabulous bartender of my OC ship, the USS Vermont!
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Art is thanks to
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axoqiii · 2 months
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akira 😢
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nonomives · 1 year
Some Vampire Wally AU lore I did today
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(Dont judge a book by its cover btw, this isnt how Howdy and Eddie usually act in this au)
So a lil bit of infordump below:
In this AU mythical creatures interact with regular peeps on a daily basis. Theyre just people you'd see in your day to day life, but they are under extreme scrutiny due to how dangerous some mythics can get.
For this very reason, the Hunters Association was made. It's an international company that collects data about various kinds of mythics, and comissions mercenaries to either capture or kill dangerous mythics (a.k.a. monsters). While H.A. assists more on intel, and weaponry, they also, sometimes, provide manpower with their own trained soldiers, Eddie is one of them. These soldiers often work as support for mercenaries who need the extra hand in taking out monsters.
The Pillars (Howdy lmao) is one of the Association's longest standing collaborators, aiding in capturing and killing many, well known as heroes to many. Its a generational thing for family members to become monster hunters or work inside H.A. itself.
Oh! And another thing, a mythic is only labeled a monster if they commit any sort of crime, could be a single major crime (i.e. genocide) or multiple small crimes (petty theft and shuff). So yeah, mythical creatures can walk around in broad daylight and not get shot at so long as they dont have a criminal record in H.A's eyes lol--
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nohh-r · 1 month
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stinkrascal · 3 months
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style swap 🦇
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ragsy · 26 days
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when your tabletop system of choice says that everyone knows magic by default, you gotta get creative with how your otherwise completely nonmagical guy knows anything about casting spells
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spookberry · 7 months
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generally this is how I imagine the twins are when theyre older
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syaolaurant · 3 days
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Just a random fluffy moment I came up this afternoon, continuation of The Gift ~
Babe Violette got so excited to learn new spell 😆
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lucabyte · 4 months
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this time on purrgatorio: ali and markus learn why i havent made normal pride art in years
Bonus: Ascending to Godhood lets you look at the spreadsheets
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cocoapowderpictures · 3 months
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Finley Marsh
Age: 23
Finley Marsh, a shy and reserved lifeguard, was an enigmatic figure at the park. Despite his reserved nature, he chose to work at the loud and colourful Indigo Park, a decision he never fully explained to others. He found solace in collecting trinkets like seashells, shiny rocks, and coins, which he kept as treasured mementos. 
As a lifeguard and part of the security team, Finley kept watch over the park's water attractions, preferring the shadows to the spotlight. His tall, lanky frame and pale complexion often drew comparisons to a giant sea serpent, leading guests to nickname him "Finely the Sea Serpent". He hated this nickname.
Although he didn’t talk much, he formed a close bond with his friends, particularly Melanie, who made him feel at ease. Sandra, however, sometimes unsettled him. 
Finley was the third to disappear. 
Finley is here!! He's one of my favorite Indigo Park characters, and writing him to fit my AU has been so much fun! I decided to keep his original name because I found that it suited him well as a human. I also liked the idea of making him a super pale lifeguard who likes to do his own thing instead of involving himself with the big, bustling crowds in the park. He's kind of like the introvert who was adopted by a group of extroverts (i.e. Randy, Melanie and Lou).
For those unfamiliar, these characters are part of my Cast Chronicles AU, an Indigo Park AU set in the 1960s. In this alternate reality, the main cast mascots are human employees who worked together at Indigo Park. As the story unfolds, we delve into their roles within the park and the friendships they form. However, things take a turn for the worse when they begin to mysteriously disappear, one by one.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have about this AU!
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uss-vermont · 2 years
One of the (many) OC crew members of the USS Vermont, my fan ship in the Star Trek universe.
Meet Sarah Vas'Trixia, chief science officer, winter sports enthusiast and self styled whimsical science gremlin.
Art is thanks to https://www.instagram.com/dorkiestsmile/
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mizzle-moths · 4 months
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im making covers for my isat playlists that ive dubbed the 'in tunes and time' series sooo heres a mirabelle!! mira for you!!
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crystallizsch · 3 months
tinkerbell oc tinkerbell oc tinkerbell oc tinkerbell oc tinkerbell oc tinkerbell oc---
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(rambling about them below the cut ;;;)
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he’s been rotting in the drafts for months bc im still not 100% about their design 😭
i’ve been back and forth between making them a 3rd yuu or just an oc but i finally settled with the latter
anyways some work-in-progress facts about them that may change:
his name is yuuyu laya (he/they) (he’s not yuu/mc but a 2nd year ramshackle student who transferred from diasomnia)
double yuu,,, “w”???
he’s also somewhat inspired by peter pan and wendy
doubleyu was fascinated by the infamous prefect who almost had the same name as them and wanted to keep up with their shenanigans and then just transferred to ramshackle in his second year
(yuu/mc “went home” after the first year and ramshackle’s current prefect/housewarden is grim <- lore i still need to figure out)
gets compared to the “original yuu” a lot
w is mute (he doesn’t choose to be, he literally has no voice) so he only makes whatever noises he can make with his body (whistling, finger snaps, tongue-clicking, etc.) or maybe he uses things like small bells to get other people’s attention (in relation to the fact that fairies sound like little bells to humans in the movies)
human raised by fae but sucks at magic (it was a miracle they got into diasomnia)
quite the macgyver, able to craft things seemingly out of anything but he’s insecure about it thinking it’s stupid that’s the only “good” thing he can do
spelldrive club bc flying??? (maybe loves the thrill and competition bc at least that’s something to be “worth” recognized for especially that he’s terrible at magic)
unique magic would be something like “faith, trust, and pixie dust” or something about the tinkerbell fairy movie lore about the baby’s first laugh giving birth to a fairy
also something something oc x canon with either floyd or silver
i'll get a feel for him first once i draw him more then I can finally settle on an intro post :0
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a couple more of my Guys <3 i need to start putting them all in fun outfits. also i need to draw them more the brainrot is Real
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wolfsbaneandthistle · 4 months
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The crew of the exploratory ship, The Little Bird. The captain, Diaf, hired this crew to traverse the stars, learning more about both the worlds around them… and themselves.
Think sci-fi adventure but the characters all have the vibes of a bunch of scientists stuck in Antarctica.
Hán and Cereza are the only humans onboard, the majority of the crew being aliens. This is a trend that continues for the galaxy at large for entirely non-suspicious totally not plot-related reasons.
I’m still working on worldbuilding for a lot of these guys but a couple of the tags I made for them have a decent amount of stuff. I made this bc I finally got around to finalizing the design for most of the characters! There are… a few that I will probably rehash again, but there shouldn’t be any major changes. The old version of this post went outdated when I updated the designs, so this is pretty much just a redo of that with the rest of the crew.
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