#all it takes is a bit of explanation and usually The Child (in my experience) will go like 'yeah okay whatever'
mothbaaalls · 10 months
i so don't understand ppl who don't like it when children ask questions bc like? i have the time of my life when ppl are actually interested in what i'm talking about and want to understand?
The Child will ask me like seven questions in a row and the only thing that bothers me is when it's distracting us (as in BOTH OF US) from what we're supposed to be doing...
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belit0 · 1 year
i'm curious, do you have any romantic headcanon (or something cute or idk) of Indra? 👀👀
IN FACT, YES, I can talk about this man all day long, I never run out of ideas for him 😭💕I love to picture Indra as a father, it warms my heart.
I usually paint Indra as the worst villain and a terrible person in my works, but I also like to fantasize about a beautiful, human, real side of him🤗❣️
Here's a little bit of that, romanticism and cute stuff, Indra being a nice father and a good husband💫🙏
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- Unexpected, but the best father of all Uchiha men. He grew up so lonely and abandoned by his parental figures that no matter how consumed he is by the curse of hatred, he has a special place in his heart for his children (and he has a lot of them, yes). People would think he is absent with his children, but he is in fact the mama bird of the relationship.
- His best way of showing trust is by allowing her to touch his hair. He has an intrinsic affectionate relationship with his mane, it is impossible for him to cut it or reduce its size because it has accompanied him during all his odysseys, it is his sign of power. Allowing (Y/N) to comb it, or make a braid, a ponytail, is because he genuinely trusts her.
- Special affection for animals. Who initiates the family cat tradition, and is personally in charge of feeding all the living beings he allows to inhabit his house. He has only one dog to symbolize the companion he lost as a child, but about eight cats mixed between nature and his home.
- He is the one who teaches his children how to take care of their hair. Having inherited his father's imposing hair, Indra himself is in charge of telling them how to wash it, comb it, and what styles to use for comfort and practicality.
- Every night and when the children are already asleep, he likes to sit on the engawa of his house facing the garden, and ask (Y/N) to sit between his legs resting her back against his chest. Staying in that position, for a good few minutes, brings him peace.
- Never having been able to express in words how he feels about her, he chooses to show her firsthand. He gives her a beautiful graphic explanation of everything he feels for her through his eyes, using his Sharingan to give concept and form to the beautiful things only she can make him experience.
- He is not a person of many words, but every time he comes across her at home during the day, he kisses the crown of her head, resting his cheek against her hair after a few seconds and closing his eyes, breathing in her perfume and recharging his energy.
- He only says I love you when he thinks (Y/N) is asleep. Indra finds it insanely hard to accept he is only human, that he feels, and hates it when people acknowledge him as such. Only when he thinks she cannot hear him is he can put into words what he feels, and (Y/N) always waits to hear him by pretending to sleep.
- His love language is giving gifts. Without affinity for the verbal part of the relationship, he decides to show how he feels with expensive things, clothes, jewelry, make-up, you name it. Sometimes, if he is in a good mood, he leaves a note with a heart drawn next to his gift, but he hopes (Y/N) won't comment on it.
- He is happy seeing her happy. After achieving his main goal and the reason his life functioned, he found that taking care of his wife's fulfillment gave him the same satisfaction as trying to destroy his brother. He focused 100% on her, and no matter how many children were in between, (Y/N) never ceased to be his priority.
- With their first born and in his first months of life he loved to have him sleep between the two of them. Indra would put him to bed between mom and dad, enveloping him in the presence of his parents and wanting him close at all times. He loves his babies sleeping on his chest too, good winter naps laying on daddy.
- He loves flowers, madly appreciates their beauty, and loves to gather a small sprig from the garden to leave on (Y/N)'s bedside table for her to see when she wakes up. Again, he hopes she doesn't thank him or comment on them, but simply sees them and thinks of him. He always makes sure to interchange types and colors so as never to repeat the same pattern of flower arrangement. With the arrival of his children, he has assistants assembling the perfect bouquet for mom.
- The best at singing lullabies. He doesn't remember where he got them from, but he knows so many bedtime songs there is no doubt who is in charge of putting the little ones to rest. His voice becomes extremely soft when it comes to them, and they fall asleep in a matter of minutes with daddy's voice.
- With his first child, he didn't sleep the first three nights of the baby's life, worried that something would happen to him while he was resting or that someone would steal him. He stood guard all night and took care of all the child's cries, Sharingan always active just in case any threat was near. Ultimately, after giving in to a full afternoon nap, he chooses to tuck him into bed with them both.
- He does not like (Y/N) to work or exert herself, always surrounding her with his best servants to ensure she has everything she needs and lacks nothing. If she refuses to receive assistance like royalty, he himself will do the chores so his wife won't lift a finger.
- He loves to cook. He refuses to have a personal chef, almost always taking care of all the day's dishes. On the nights they spend with (Y/N) for their dates, he is usually the one in charge of dinner, and if she wants him to not have to do anything, they go out to eat at some fine food stand.
- He loves all of his children, but his favorite is his little girl. The last of all to arrive is the one who steals his heart completely, his princess. He kills and hurts for anyone in his family, but this little girl has him in a chokehold. He fulfills her every whim without complaint.
- He always seeks intimacy with (Y/N), be it a small moment of the day or a night dedicated to themselves. Loves and needs her emotionally as well as physically, and always prioritizes adult time with no children around. He takes it upon himself to get a babysitter so he can shower his wife with quality time and good sex.
- He doesn't really know how to be romantic, but he tries by preparing special dinners with (Y/N's) favorite dishes and asking her how her day was after a tiring one. His love language consists of gestures and gifts, and he tries to make them present so that his wife never doubts his love.
- (Y/N) caught him several times telling the children about their uncle Ashura, what a good man he was, and the honorable way he fell in battle. He never mentions their fight or his family's conflict, and she assumes it is to preserve a favorable image of their uncle. Perhaps after his death, Indra made peace with his brother.
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writeandsurvive · 11 months
Maybe we can get some Parker x pregnant!reader? Maybe with some angst? I love your writing so much
You asked for some angst, I shall deliver. 🫣 hope it's what you wanted!! Thank you for your kind words ❤️
(yes, I'm a bit obsessed with the band Måneskin)
Warnings: pregnant!reader, false alarm, hospital, bed rest, cheating, Alden screwing up big time, lots of crying
I wanna hate you ~ Alden Parker
You didn't know how you were going to go through this. It was supposed to be the most amazing time of your life, an incredible experience, but everything was ruined. Stroking at your belly, you kept replaying the past week in your mind and cried.
It was your second anniversary with Alden. You had plans to have an early dinner at the restaurant he took you two years ago and then go to a concert. Your boyfriend wasn't fond of the idea, as you're entering your third trimester, but you definitely wanted to. It was a band you've been dying to see for ages, got Alden to love their music, and luckily there was a specific area for disabled people and pregnant ladies like you. Everything would be perfect.
Except that you couldn't figure out what to wear. You spent hours trying on different outfits, some were maternity clothes that you hated, some were your usual clothes you didn't fit anymore. "Baby, I love you so much, but you make me so big." You told your unborn child. "I want to look pretty for your daddy, but nothing fits." You sighed, taking one more look at yourself in the mirror. Nope, not this outfit.
You changed one more time, to put the dress you had in the maybe pile. "I guess that could work with my doc martens." You tried to convince yourself. "It's gonna be your first concert, baby! I hope they'll play Coraline. Let's put it on." You grabbed your phone and played 'Coraline' by Måneskin, the band you were seeing tonight. You and Alden agreed to keep the gender a surprise till birth, but if it's a baby girl, she'd be named Coraline because of that particular song.
Listening to your Måneskin playlist, you finished getting ready. It was after putting on lipstick that you realized you still haven't heard about Alden. Checking the time and realizing how late it already was, you called him. No answer. You waited a few minutes and tried again. Same. "Alden, don't do this to me." Obviously, his work asks a lot, and you're very much aware of that, but Alden always makes a point to be there for the special occasion. He wouldn't miss it, unless there was an emergency. So, that's where your mind went.
You decided to text Kasie.
You: Hey boo! 😘 I was wondering if my man was near you or if there was an explanation as to why he's not answering?
Kasie typed, stopped, typed again and stopped. It took a few minutes to get an answer.
Kas: Hey babe ❤️ Sorry but I left the office a while ago, no idea where he's at! Wants me to ring him on Bandium?
You: Did everyone else leave too?
Kas: Idk, Parker was still there when I left.
You: Okay, thanks for answering love!
Kas: Of course, keep me updated. ❤️
An hour later, still nothing. No answer, no text, nothing. You should already be at the restaurant but instead, you didn't know where Alden was, what he was doing or even if he was okay. Your anxiety level was extremely high, which wasn't good for the baby. Kasie stayed on the phone with you and offered to pin his phone.
You gave in and told her to.
"Huh, that's weird." She said.
"What?! Where is he? Please don't tell me he's at a hospital or something." You were on the verge of crying.
"No no, not at all. He's like an hour away from DC. Got the address but it doesn't seem to be anything particular."
"What does it mean?"
"Well, do you know someone who lives on (address)?"
You thought for a moment. "No, no one! Can't you find out who lives there?"
"Pinning Parker's phone is already very unethical--"
"You're right, sorry. Thank you for doing this, I owe you one."
"You're growing my godchild inside of you, we're even." She managed to get a small laugh out of you despite the situation.
Everything went through your mind, you imagined every possibility as to what was going on, what happened to the father of your child. It was driving you crazy, you were pacing around the entire apartment, texting back and forth to his team, who had all left work a while ago after they closed their case. But somehow, you had this nagging feeling that they were hiding something from you. From the beginning of the relationship, you knew Alden couldn't tell you much about his job and you were okay with that. But that night, you were not. You needed to know.
You needed him.
By the time he finally came back home, you were a complete mess. You rushed to the door as soon as the noises of keys reached your ears. You jumped into his arms, the baby bump getting in the way. "Thank god you're okay!" You cried in his neck.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm so so sorry." He hugged you back, as tight as he could. Your anxiety dropped down, as you were finally able to breathe again. No idea what happened yet, but at least he was there, alive and well.
You let go reluctantly and scanned him entirely, making sure he wasn't hurt anywhere. But what caught your attention was the tears in his eyes. His hands were resting on your belly, and the baby was clearly awake, probably aware that daddy was home. Alden dropped to his knees in front of you, kissing your bump, and apologizing over and over again.
"What happened, baby? Are you okay? Where were you?"
He looked up to you, tears rolling down his cheeks. You grabbed them softly, catching them with your thumbs. "Talk to me." You whispered, still crying too.
"I shouldn't -- I should've never --" he broke eye contact to press his forehead against your baby bump. "I'm sorry, to both of you."
After a moment there, you managed to get Alden to follow inside the apartment. Sitting on the couch, with a huge sigh of relief - it was getting harder and harder to carry this tiny human - Den dropped his head on your lap. You stroked his hair and waited for him to talk.
"I made a huge mistake." He finally said. "The biggest mistake of my life."
"What would that be?" Anxiety was coming back in a rush.
"Please don't leave me. Please, I will do anything for you--"
"Alden, you have to tell me what you did, right now."
"I slept with my ex."
And just like that, your entire world fell apart. Your heart broke into thousands of pieces. Silently, and quiet slowly, you pushed his head off your lap. Alden tried to hold onto you but knew he had to let go. His touch was the last thing you wanted at this very moment. You tried to stand up but your legs immediately gave up, finding yourself back on the couch but further from him. His reflex kicked him as he tried to catch you but you snapped his arms off. "Don't touch me." You couldn't look at him.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I know you hate me right now, but--"
"Shut the fuck up."
He did.
You stayed silent for a very long moment, tears of anger and heartbreak covering your cheeks. But the worst was what you were feeling in your lower abdomen. That pain was not normal. In your mind, you talked to your baby. "Honey, it's okay. It's gonna be okay. Stay inside." But you let out a muffled scream and curse when a sharper pain hit.
Alden was quick on his knees next to you, asking if there was something wrong with the baby. Between the long hours of waiting and now this, something wrong was definitely happening. "Drive me to the hospital."
Alden was asking a bunch of questions as he helped you to the car. You didn't understand any of them, as the pain was increasing and you were silently begging your baby to be okay, telling him and her that it was going to be fine. You hoped you could believe it.
"If anything happens to my baby, Alden, I want you out of my life, for-fucking-ever."
He stayed silent because nothing he'd say would be good enough.
It was the longest hours of Alden's life. He wasn't allowed in as the doctors were checking up on you and his child. Alone in the hallway, he cried. He wished he could be outside of his body to give himself a beating down. He deserved it. If you left him, he'd deserve it too. He screwed up, he ruined the best thing he ever had and for what? His first love he hadn't seen in over 30 years?
If anything happened to you and/or the baby, Alden would never recover. He'd never forgive himself.
He kept going over to the front desk, asking for news. He grabbed every nurse and doctor he saw. Finally, the nurse he remembered taking you in earlier came up to him.
"How are they? Where are they?" He probably looked like a lunatic, but didn't care. She invited him to sit down but he refused. "Tell me where are my wife and kid!" He yelled.
"They are fine, sir. I'll be taking you to them in a minute. We'll be keeping your wife here at least for the night and as of right now, she's on strict bed rest."
It was fine. He'd take the next three months off if he had to.
The nurse took Alden to you.
Laying down on the bed, with a monitor on your baby bump, you turned your head away when you saw him coming in. "God, I was so scared." He dried his tears off as he approached the bed. "Can I?" He asked, his hand a few inches from your belly. You nodded and he gently touched and stroked where the product of your love was. "How are you feeling?"
You let out a humorless laugh. "You fucking kidding right? I almost lost her, Alden!"
He locked eyes with you. "H--her?"
You sighed. "The doc didn't know I didn't know the gender." You explained.
"We're having a babygirl," his emotions were all over the place, he cried again.
You allowed him to stay after he begged, as long as he stayed silent. You wanted to sleep, feeling both physically and mentally exhausted, but it never came. You stayed awake, feeling Alden's presence on the chair next to your bed. He was looking at you, looking at your belly, looking at the machines. It was only when you saw him typing on his phone that you broke the silence. "Texting her while I'm next to you, Parker?" You asked, in the coldest ton you've ever used.
"God, no! Absolutely not! Baby, I --" he sighed and stopped what he wanted to say. "I'm just writing some stuff down so I don't forget." He showed you his phone but you turned your face away.
After another silence, as you were stroking your belly, you broke into tears. You cried like a baby, having no more self control. Alden didn't hesitate long before moving to the bed, and bringing you to his chest. The only reason you didn't push him off was that you didn't have the strength. "How could you?" You struggled to say.
"I don't know. I wish I could give you a reasonable explanation but there's none. I'm a fucking jerk who ruined the best thing that ever happened to him." He held you tight, breathing in your shampoo. "There's nothing I wouldn't do to get your forgiveness. If you just let me--"
"I hate you." You simply said.
A week later
Back home, you've been on bed rest per doctor's orders. Alden had taken some time off work, even though you didn't want him to. You wished you could just tell him off, leave the apartment, leave town even but you couldn't go anywhere with your baby girl inside you. Plus, as much as you hated his guts, he's your daughter's father, no matter what. You'd never let your girl grow up with her daddy.
Alden tried to talk to you numerous times but you always shut him off. He made sure you had proper meals everyday, and you forced yourself to eat for your daughter. He'd bring your favorite snacks and refill your water, leave flowers on your nightstand, and buy books. He offered you massages (turned them down), offered to brush your hair (turned him down), offered to play games to keep you busy (turned him down). And every afternoon, he'd play piano in the living room, making you cry every single time.
The only time you allowed him to stay near you was when he asked if he could read something to his daughter. He would grab a baby book and read it to your belly. Sometimes, your girl would be completely still, and other times, she'd move and kick around a lot. The only way for her to calm down? Feeling daddy's hand.
You wanted to hate him so bad, and a part of you really did. But when he was there, talking to his daughter, you couldn't. And it hurt.
Your sleep schedule was a mess and babygirl wasn't helping at all. It was 3am, you were utterly exhausted - yes, despite the bed rest -, and your daughter was taking your uterus for a gym. Or a dancefloor.
On the verge of a meltdown, you texted Alden who had been sleeping on the couch since the hospital. The guest room had already been turned into the nursery.
You: You sleeping?
Hearing his phone ping from the living room, it didn't take long until he was knocking at the bedroom door. "Are you okay? Do you need something?" He asked, after you told him to come in.
"I need you to calm her, please." He heard the exhaustion in your voice.
Alden walked over to the bed. "Is it okay if I lay down?"
"I guess."
He laid down next to you, above the covers. Despite the dark, you could sense he was in his useless night shorts and shirtless. You did hate him a little.
He put a hand in your belly, "Shh, babygirl. It's time to sleep now, mama is tired." He stroked your skin exactly where he felt a kick. "Hush, little baby don't say a word. Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird. And if that mocking bird don't sing. Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring..." He sang softly.
"Why did you do this, Alden?" You cried.
He took a deep breath. "I think I needed closure. I-- it was like 16 years old me took over and forgot everything else." You felt his free hand grabbing yours. "I know it's no excuse."
"It didn't have to involve sex."
"You're absolutely right." He squeezed your hand, his mind having a victory dance that you weren't pulling away. "It shouldn't have. I'm willing to do anything, my love. Jeremy gave me the contact of the therapist him and Josie went to, after the accident. Will you agree to give it a try?"
Your daughter was calming down. Daddy's power.
"Maybe." You answered.
"I'll take it." You heard him sniff. It'd be too easy and too soon to reach out for a hug, no matter how much you needed it. "I love the two of you more than anything in this world. I hate myself for what I did."
You didn't answer, couldn't.
You didn't realize how cold it was outside the blankets until you felt Alden shivering by your side. The man had been above the covers the entire time. "Get under the blanket, Alden."
"Are you sure? I may-- fall asleep here if I do,"
"It's fine. Just -- don't cuddle me."
He respected your barrier. You thought you heard him snore not too long after.
"I want to hate your guts so bad, but what they said is true. Sometimes, the person who hurts you is the only one who can make the pain go away. Don't ever hurt me again, please."
He wasn't asleep. He squeezed your hand as an acknowledgment.
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cruyuu · 13 days
Last chapter leaked and is so, so bad
Hi anon.
I've actually skipped looking at leaks this time (and would do so in the future) because I've wanted to experience one chapter in its entirety and not just have it vaguely translated. Besides, I started to really hate how popularized leak culture is in this fandom. It's gotten so bad to the point that some people don't even read chapters, they just read leaks and that's it.
I understand why you might think it's bad. I also think so. There's two chapters left and, as a fan of the story, I dislike the direction of everything. It feels rushed and forced... it isn't fulfilling at all. I'm happy for those who do think it's good but for me it's a hard miss. Landings in shonen usually aren't pretty though so I'm used to it. (and even though there are two chapters left it still wouldn't change much really.)
As a Yuuji fan though, oh am I having fun lol.
I'm going to put the rest behind the cut (which is my opinion on this chapter).
We get explanations because of course we do. There were many fans who disapproved and called bs on the way the entire Sukuna fight was handled. I have to admit that even though I do think what Gege wrote makes sense, it still feels overtly complicated and just a tad plot convenient how everything played out perfectly. It's all just... I don't know. Too much explanation and little to do with imagination. I'm not a child so I don't need a chapter dedicated to spelling out little things that could've easily been mentioned at an according time (like during the battle).
Still... the way the powers work here in this story does require you to really sit and think and do require block after block of text. This is the one part that I never liked about jjk because explanations like these make character-oriented moments feel less alive and make all of them behave like a bunch of dolls because one moment you'll see them talking but the next panel you're met with a whole class on jujutsu. It was always bizarre to me how little interaction there was between characters... hell if you take away the class sessions, they rarely have moments where they talk amongst themselves for themselves instead of giving a lesson on jujutsu or strategizing. It's admittedly a bit strange but oh well... it is what it is ig.
There's a reason (aside from certain characters being hot) why jjk's tag on ao3 has a lot of works. Some people take what we know and expand on it in a far less Gege-way by having characters interact with each other. I have grown to like more characters in fics way more so than in canon. In canon, only a handful of characters get my love and I'm sad to admit that those that do (such as Maki and Higuruma), quickly slip out of that loving spot and now I can't really feel as happy as I did about them before.
On that note, I haven't felt anything when Higuruma showed up alive. Yep lmfao. I used to feel for this man a lot and he is one of my top 3 (aside from Yuuji and Sukuna) but... I can't say I am happy that he's back. Now his sword disappearing in Yuuji's hand is for nothing and him clearly dying in front of Yuuji was for nothing. I still do love him and can't really dislike him (absolutely not) but canon... man the story really is kicking me in the butt when it comes to execution because ever since 265, the story had been a literal mindfuck. When I think I have a sense of where it is going to go, it goes a total opposite direction (and usually the one that doesn't really fit the vibes of the previous chapter). To me... the story's now all over the place which is contradictory because everything is being spoonfed to the readers and everything is "fine and dandy".
I still will complain because Shibuya arc had me thinking that I'd be reading something different (like CSM did) but then... here we are. There are practically no real consequences (aside from Gojo) in the Sukuna battle but at this point I wouldn't be surprised if he, too, gets a pass and gets resurrected. I would love nothing more than to read a shonen where the dead don't come back and where there's actual troubling consequences but then that wouldn't really be a shonen but would be a different genre all together (a seinen) so... yeah. I'm not going to count in Megumi's sister (because she's barely even a character) nor reincarnated cursed spirits (because we couldn't really even invest ourselves in them before they were gone) so you could say the only real casualty of the whole vs. Sukuna (aside from the Merger which wasn't even a real threat since Kenjaku wasn't even that intent on that plan in the end) is my time.
I'm just joking ofc, but I hope you get my point. It's not rewarding, not fulfilling and definitely not a good conclusion for someone who could barely even invest themselves into other characters. I still can't give a fuck about Yuta, or Kusakabe, or Panda. I feel just as stone-faced as Nobara and Yuuji did during the latter half of 268 when Megumi joined them. It's all so... whatever. (and it's kinda hilarious to me because the fandom is losing their minds and meanwhile the characters are lowkey behaving like dolls lol)
Still for those who did enjoy this and do love how everything is unraveling and so on and so forth, good for them. I'm just stating my opinion. Some might get the impression that I would love for jjk to be a tragedy, and tbh, I would not but I really would've loved if Gege, as an author, made me care about the side characters more. Instead the side characters to me feel like empty husks and I attached myself to Yuuji because his development seemed interesting only for it all to amount to weird ass interaction with the entire cast and back to being benched. He's literally playing spectator now in this chapter and yeah... it's really disappointing.
Again, two chapters left and this is where we're at. Lol.
I don't want to be a killjoy but yeah. It's not all so bad really but it is frustrating how little there is about the world and in general how many things have been shelved in favor of what we got now. Instead of seeing these interactions (which was just recycled "ok so this happened which wasn't explained") we could've gotten explanations regarding Yuuji's linage, his talk with Gojo, or for that matter, had character behave a little less like npc's in a video game that repeat the same dialogue when you come up to talk with them.
What this chapter did reveal which was also funny (said with anger btw) to me is this:
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So Yuuji's "gloves" weren't really a cool feature that came from swallowing his half-brothers but by mr. Chosen One himself. Le big sigh.
Okay so... the Yuta glaze. No offense to people that like him but since when did he develop this much that he overshadowed everyone (even the King of Curses) in the end? Not only is his plan this successful but turns out that without him, everything would've failed.
I'm just straight up baffled at the amount of attention he's getting because last time I checked he wasn't the one who brought back the literal threat of the series and had absolutely no connections with the secondary antagonist (Kenjaku). Instead of the supposed main character who never had gotten the spotlight in his own fucking story (which is just proving those haters right atp because truly what the actual hell is jjk about? Everyone but Yuuji.) to get something that belongs to him... Nope. None of that.
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If you thought this was an actual serious story then well... jokes on you. This panel is actually lowkey hilarious but because I really had grown fond of the story I just find it frustrating.
Yeah I... I don't know what to say really but Gege really disappointed me with this. I'm not much hopeful for the future (because the writing does feel quite cheap) and therefore will stop treating jjk like I did before. Does this mean that I hate it? No. I'm just disappointed.
I will keep my head up for like two chapters more since I'm curious what else can happen but then will definitely move on. Not from the characters tho who (luckily) can exist outside of canon. Yuuji and Sukuna will always be my babies and others are still there in my heart even though I'm very much so frustrated with the story.
So yeah... there you go. I probably might skip answering asks regarding the chapters in the future bc I really don't care anymore. If Yuuji's linage get addressed (which is the only thing I care about atp bc everything else is starting to annoy me) I might be okayish with whatever the hell we get as the ending.
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 2 years
can i request an AOU avengers cast x teen!reader. so the reader is starring in the movie as wanda’s like badass kid sidekick sister or whatever role you come up with and she’s the complete opposite of your average kid bc she’s so quiet reserved and uptight like even with rdj jokes she’s just straight faced bc her parents are rarely around bc they’re very successful in Hollywood but when they do get the chance to be around her they always criticize everything she does and generally dog her(mainly her mom) so the cast just wants her to have a different experience from that and have fun while shooting a film
This is an old request, sorry for taking so long T-T also this gif is adorable
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You worked with marvel ever since you were ten, they were basically family to you. You were the youngest there, so naturally you were cared for by everyone. When you don't have anywhere to stay, one of them would offer you to stay at their place. If you want to go somewhere but don't want to go alone, just call one of them and they would immediately go with you. The fact that your parents are not always around makes them even more protective of you.
Your parents are famous Hollywood actors, and for that, they never really where around. They were always traveling and leaving you alone most of the time. When you where younger, you were convinced that you didn't need an adult in your life at all, so whenever some adult tries to help you, you would get annoyed. Frustrated even. You feel that way with every adult except the cast of the Avengers. They never made you feel that way.
Today, you were expecting to see your parents. You were not excited at all. With the new avenger movie coming out, you knew they would criticize the shit out of your performance. They did that every time a movie you were in came out. You would think that the amount of time that they criticize you would make you numb to their comments, but you weren't. You felt each and every one of them. But you hopped that they won't do the same thing today because you thought that you did amazing in the movie. Apparently you were wrong, they started criticizing you about literally everything.
You were confused, you did the best you can, is it not enough? these thoughts has been haunting you even the next week when you had an interview about the new movie and while you were preparing for it, the cast noticed how you were more quite than usual and looked like you were deep in thought about something. Some of them, like Robert and Scarlet tried talking to you to cheer you up a bit, but it didn't work. Then they decided to tell Lizzie about it since she is the closest to you. "She isn't alright I can tell, she didn't even laugh at my jokes, everyone likes my jokes," Robert said.
Lizzie started to get concerned about you, that was not your nature, what is going through your mind? She walked up to you while deep in thoughts and sat next to you. "Hey," She said. "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing fine," You said, not even having the energy to look at her. "Is there something wrong? You know you can tell me. It's okay," She said slightly rubbing your shoulder. You couldn't hold your tears back. How could they be so nice to you when you probably ruined their movie because of your bad performance. When you started crying, the cast gathered around you to know what is going on. When they heard your explanation, they all were heartbroken. How can your parents do that to you? You were their child!
They kept on reassuring you that you did amazing and the fans loved you so much, there is no need to listen to your parents because they are dead wrong. The cast refused to let you live with your parents because they didn't appreciate you at all so they made you live with them and brought you with them to go to trips to make out what you were missing from your parents.
Quality time.
Guess who has a final tomorrow but decided to write a fic instead of study? meeeeee
my requests are open :)
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thatbitch151 · 10 months
Hello y’all! Gonna info-dump about a disorder I have now! (There’s a specific mutual that this is for and if you see thing you’ll know it’s you :D)
So I have P-DID, aka Partial-DID, aka Partial-Dissociative Identity Disorder
Before I can go more in depth about P-DID, first I need to explain regular DID, so
What Is DID? (Btw I’m not a professional so this is may be worded wrong but I’m trying my best)
DID is a dissociative disorder that forms when a child, roughly between the ages of 2-8 but those can have some wiggle room, goes through extreme and/or repetitive trauma. Basically, this disorder causes a split of the base identity into at least 2 distinct identities, but there can be any number of identities, or alters as I will refer to them from now on. A person with multiple alters is referred to as a system.
With DID, but not required of every system (there are other disorders that can cause systems, like OSDD and UDD) there are memory walls. The effect of these memory walls is to, well, block off memories between alters. The strength of the amnesia differs from system to system, with some not remember anything unless they are in front (or driving the car that is the body), while others can remember what other alters do crystal clear. Not only does the strength change from system to system, it can also change from alter to alter. Meaning that the wall between alters A and B might be strong and A won’t remember anything B does and vice verse, the wall between alter C and D could be thin or nonexistent so they share memories.
That’s the basics of DID, if anyone wants a more in depth explanation of that, or anything else in this post either, let me know and I’ll happily do so.
Now, what is P-DID?
P-DID is exactly like it sounds, Partial-DID. This means that some of the effects of the disorder are not as pronounced as regular DID. What does this mean?
It can, but doesn’t have to, mean little to no memory walls. It can, but doesn’t have to, mean less alters/less defined alters. It can, but doesn’t have to, mean that there is less switching of front (when alter A takes control of the body after alter B was out and vice versa).
What does that mean for my experience?
In my system, there is significantly less switching. Instead, 95% of the time me, the host (meaning the alter who is in front the majority of the time) is in front while the other 5% of the time a different alter is in front. Instead, the majority of the time I am usually co-con with someone else (co-con means co-conscious, when 2 or more alters are in the brain seat at the same time, or it could be both in the driving seat, or one in the driver one in the passenger ect. It means we are both conscious of the out side world at that moment).
It also means that between me and Most (not all) alters, there is very little memory wall. I remember the majority of what the others do when in front and vice versa.
It Also means that while we have a large number of known alters (and a probably larger number of unknown ((to me)) alters) most of them are fragments, or not as defined alters.
What is my experience like?
Like I said earlier, I am usually co-con with someone else. About 60% of the time, I am not alone in the front and 35% of the time I am (5% left for when I am not in front at all).
More over, in that 60% when I am co-con, about 30% of it is when someone else is in the driver seat instead of me, so I am left to watch what they do but not do it myself. I can give feed back and talk to them and such, but ultimately they are in control until I am back in the drivers seat.
I also experience little memory wall, when it comes to the front at least. There are only about 2 alters who I remember little to nothing when they front. This made it a bit difficult for me to even figure out I had the disorder since I had very few memory gaps. Instead, the memory wall that is there between most of the alters an I is an emotional memory wall.
For example, this means when I think about a trauma that I did not experience/it’s not my job to hold, I can remember what happened, sometimes in excruciating detail, but I do not feel the emotions connected to it. I can remember that we were upset or hurt or whatever during the event, but I do not feel anything for or from that event myself.
I only figured it out because I remembered a short period of time where I wasn’t the host, and instead someone of a completely different gender than me was. This, for pretty obvious reasons, led to me being confused and questioning it until eventually someone reached out and told me that yes, I was in fact part of a system. This took many months of questioning and even talking to a different system and asking questions before they finally told me.
How does having P-DID affect my day to day life?
Honestly? Not very much. Sometimes I’ll feel random emotions and be confused before I remember that there are others in my brain and it’s probably them, or I’ll have occasional bad memory and suddenly someone will tell me the thing I need to remember (or more often than not hear someone laugh at me for forgetting, the bastards).
Sometimes I’ll starts disassociating really hard and then suddenly someone else is moving our body and talking with our voice.
Another big way it affects me is that as it turns out I am a fictive. A fictive is an alter that is made based off of something that already exists, whether that’s a whole other person or a character from a book, game, movie, ect. This means that I Do Not match what the body looks like on the inside, this was another way I figured it out because everytime I looked in the mirror I would go “hey wait a minute, that’s not my face” before realizing that yes, it was in fact my face.
That’s the most of it for now, if anyone has any questions, or wants further explanation, you can either comment/reblog asking for that, or you can DM me directly :)
Thanks for reading, and for the one specific mutual I hope this helped in any way at all
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nancyheart11 · 5 months
I wish I had more to offer but I can offer you some Ordon Fam that’s been sitting in my drafts:
Rusl always knew that whenever he came home, there would be warm food and an even warmer hug waiting for him. Whether it was from working in the forge, delivering something to Castle Town, the more covert affairs of the Resistance, or more recently the shroud of darkness that had engulfed Hyrule, Rusl could always rely on Uli to hold the fort at home.
Of course, he tried to pitch in as best he could. When he wasn't doing any of the aforementioned activities, he at least tried to maintain cleanliness in the house, and of course he always looked after the children when he had time to do so. Uli generally managed the home happily on her own, though, and he thanked her for it every day.
So it was a strange and concerning thing when, one evening, Rusl returned home to find Uli sitting on the sofa, no fire crackling in the fireplace, no food to be seen or smelled, and a general dark atmosphere to the space.
"Uli?" he questioned, walking towards her. "Are you alright?"
Uli jumped, startled, having been lost in thought. "Oh! Dearest, I--I'm so sorry, I just--"
His wife paused, sighing and sagging a little in the sofa. Rusl knelt in front of her to be at eye level and looked her over. She seemed very out of sorts. "What's wrong?"
Uli shook her head. "I'm just tired. I'm sorry. I'll work on dinner."
Rusl laid a hand on her knee. "If you're tired, then rest. I'll take care of dinner."
Uli's posture changed, stiffening a little as she shot him an uncertain, questioning glance.
Rusl tried not to be offended by the look. "Just because it didn't quite go that well last time doesn't mean I can't make something for you. Go rest in bed. I'll take care of everything."
Uli watched him a moment longer before sighing and nodding. Rusl kept an eye on her until she vanished into the bedroom, and he nodded to himself, setting to work. The cleaning could wait until after dinner. As for the children, he knew Colin had Hana as he usually took babysitting duty around the evening. He saw them outside just a moment ago. So that just left dinner.
And a bit more from that story…
Colin paused, expression growing worried. "Is Ma okay?"
"She'll be fine," Rusl assured his boy. He had to smile at the child's concern; Colin had such a big heart. Although it was a valid question since Uli usually never faltered, Rusl did know his wife had her slumps just as much as anyone else. He was more than happy to take care of her and the family until she recovered. "But we can make the load easier for her for a little while."
"Where are we going?" Colin questioned next.
"Well..." Rusl paused as they found their way to the last house in the village. "I figured I'd recruit some help."
Rusl and Link had both been on their own journeys now, after the attack on Hyrule. Rusl usually got by with scrounging together something somewhat edible, but he could just as well go a day without eating until he reached a settlement. Link might have better experience - the boy used to help Uli cook when he was younger.
Rusl was humble enough to admit he was a terrible cook, after all. But he was certain they could make something together.
Link was inside munching on a carrot (Rusl sincerely hoped the boy wasn't just going to eat that for dinner). After a brief explanation and another assurance that Uli was, indeed, going to be okay, the three put their heads together on the matter.
"What about an omelet?" Link offered. "It's better than just boiling them."
"How about egg stew?" Colin picked up a glass of milk and shook it. "Ma always says milk is great for stews."
"I've never heard of egg stew, I'm afraid," Rusl laughed. "Is that something you had in Kakariko?"
Ahhhh Lofty you're so sweet!!
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I love how Rusl wants to help Uli, but isn't afraid to ask for help in the kitchen.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello~ My name is Pidge and I'm looking for one, possibly two roleplay partners to create amazing stories with!
Everything You Need To Know:
*I’m a 30 year old female, who has roleplaying experience for about 15 years now, which has greatly helped improve my writing skills.
*I am in Central Time Zone
*I’m a pretty literate writer. I write in third person, usually multi-paragraph form. My posts are usually 1-3 paragraphs to 4-6 or more depending on what I have to work with, as I like to go into detail. I can also write multiple characters if needed.
* I currently work overnights, so I'll be most active and have plenty of time to work on writing at work. Daytime replies will be slow as I also have a child to take care of during the day, and need to get some sleep.
*Preferred RP medium can be done over email or Google Docs, whichever is easier. Communications can be easier over Discord as well!
* My pairings are usually MxM and MxF. I play mostly male characters. I do play female characters at times, but I’ve run into many people that only play female and require me to play the male. I have a few handfuls of previous characters I've created over the years I could reuse or I can create brand new characters.
* I LOVE drama and romance! The more dramatic the roleplay gets, more ideas surface and the better it gets. I have been known to come up with some crazy ideas, but the crazier the better! I am also known to like a bit(a lot) of violence, so if you don’t like that, then I’m not the partner for you.
* If there is the possibility of smut in the future, my partner HAS to be 21+. It is not required that smut be in the roleplay at all. I will quickly deny those underage if they even suggest it.
*I will NOT answer those who email me with one liner/short explanations as to why they want to roleplay with me, or if they have completely ignored my info and rules. Please, I beg of you! Tell me what you want! I cannot do all of the work and come up with all of the ideas, so I don't want any 'Oh, whatever's okay with you' or 'It's whatever you want'. It is one of my biggest pet peeves and I will stop answering if it gets to this point. I'm very laid back and easy going when it comes to the idea/plot making process, but I also enjoy the aspect of coming up with ideas together as a team.
*I WILL roleplay:
Experiment x Scientist***
Human x Angel/Fallen Angel**
Human x Dragon Hybrid**
Prince x Princess
Prince/Princess x Servant/Knight
Dragon Hybrids***
Medieval Fantasy*****
Arranged Marriage*****
****** = what I really want to do or what i’m used to doing!
I’m open to mixes of roleplay of any of the list above. 
I am open to new genres of roleplay, if you want to roleplay one that isn’t in the list above, go ahead and tell me what you would like and we could work something out. 
*I will NOT roleplay:
Any TV/Movie/Anime Show
Slice of Life
Horses/Wolves/Animals in general
Real life people such as celebrities
You can contact me by this Email: [email protected]
I hope to hear from you soon! 
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okamirayne · 10 months
O’Rayne!! Stalking your posts and totally freaked at your mention of HHU (please no pressure tho Rayne just see it as support and stalker interest lol) and was curious…is it your burnout that is the toughest part for you regarding HHU and your original works? Stupid question probably??? >.< I haven’t written in a looong time myself (so many unfinished fics heh >.>) but I think it’s block and not burnout. Is there a big difference?? I get confused but I know you’ve been struggling and always said it was burnout not block? I’m sorry and hope you heal soon. 🧡🧡🧡
Hello, hello! 🤗💜
Stalking your posts and totally freaked at your mention of HHU (please no pressure tho Rayne just see it as support and stalker interest lol)
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[..] is it your burnout that is the toughest part for you regarding HHU and your original works? Stupid question probably???
Not a stupid question. And yes. It is undoubtedly the toughest, most frustrating, and devastatingly painful thing I've had to face regarding my creative journey.
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I haven’t written in a looong time myself (so many unfinished fics heh >.>) but I think it’s block and not burnout. Is there a big difference?? I get confused but I know you’ve been struggling and always said it was burnout not block?
Oh luv, I'm sorry you've not been able to write for such a time. I'm not sure which camp you're in but I'll try to give my two cents re: differentiating between Block and Burnout. Please note: this isn't a one-size fits all explanation, as I can only speak to my own experience.
So for me, personally, the distinction is this:
Block = I have no ideas or inspiration; I have gas in the tank, just no map and no destination. Maybe my tyres are spinning in the mud a bit. I need a jump-start. Or maybe I need to figure out which gear I'm stuck in. With the right mechanical mojo, I can take the wheel.
Burnout = I have a destination, I want to reach it, I even have a map, but my engine is shot to shit and my tank is empty. I cannot be jump-started by my usual tricks and my gear-stick is broken. I have all the ideas and even sparks of inspiration yet I possess absolutely no capacity to actually get it OUT of my head onto the page. I am a fuming roadwreck. Even Jesus can't take this wheel.
Burnout, (again, I'm speaking to my personal experience of it) is a severe, scary, and surreal kind of shitshow that feels like my brain has mutinied and is gaslighting itself. Unlike a block, burnout is defined as 'a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress' (said stress is different and unique in each case). Basically your nervous system has been sadistically rewired into survival mode, your creative tyres have been slashed, and you're not firing on all cylinders because your cylinders are now warped scrap metal in a flaming junk yard. It is a godawful state of breakdown. And when you try to rev, it costs you.
Blocks are cordons that can be navigated or bulldozed...burnouts are the love child of napalm and Greek Fire. You can't smash or power through them. Unless you like third degree burns on your psyche and soul.
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Drama. I am full of it. I know. This is what happens when a writer isn't writing. Monsterous. Inconsolable. Insufferable.
I’m sorry and hope you heal soon. 🧡🧡🧡
You're a sweetheart. Thank you so much, Anon. I really hope you manage to clock what's got you stuck (I sincerely hope it's block, not burnout) and that you are back to writing again ASAP! 🧡
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 2 years
Soul Mates
Author’s Note: Soul mate au is always a popular trope so this is my little take on it. Enjoy!
“Elena, are you there?” A soft knock at the door interrupted Elena’s time gazing out the window. 
Which was a lie. She had been zoning out, trying not to think about the latest turn her life threw at her and tge knock at the door was only reminding her of it. 
The soft, unsure voice, one who usually gave her so much comfort and joy. . . now she wished it would go away. Just enough for her to get her thoughts together. 
But her thoughts immediately went to him anyway. His hazel eyes filled with understanding. Remembering the feel of his comfy wizard robes. The slight curls of his hair brushing her forehead when he leaned close. How he made her feel safe, special, like the only girl in the room. 
But then the image went distorted. The surroundings changed to that of an arid jungle. His wizard robes were replaced by a cotton tunic and feathered mask just as he looked the first time they met. 
The first time they met. . . 1,000 years ago in the Maruvian age. 
When those disturbing images had come,she had frst thought it was some new power from Takaina manifesting. But when she described these strange flashbacks it was IXlan who provided an explanation. 
“Youa re the reincarnation of Queen Itzel Malezas. Her blood runs through your veins as you are the rulers of Avalor. Her life runs through your mind.” 
“No, no, no you mean I am descended from Queen Itzel. I don’t- we’re not- I’m not reincarnated!” 
But no. She was a descendant of Queen Itzel as most of the Castillo family line was, but she was the specific reincarnation of Itzel because of her relationship with Mateo according to Quita Moz. 
Queen Itzel had married her royal wizard, a relationship they swore would last for lifetimes. Now it seemed their wish was fulfilled. 
Then Mateo admitted he had been seeing those strange flashbacks too. That he had freaked out and researched for the answer but had stayed quiet because he thought he was alone in experience. 
Not so much. She tried to ignore it. She could ignore a few moments of deha vu but when she kissed him, the feeling became so strong. It was like shw was thrown out of her body and watching someone else. Watching Itzel and her husband dance together, feeling a rush of immense maternal love holding their child. Gripping jim as tight as she could as the final darkness descended upon them, a tiny bit thankful that at least she was with him. 
All these memories she had never experienced. 
Yet she had. 
She couldn’t wrap her mind around it. If she was reincarnated, did it mean her feelings for Mateo, so wonderful and comforting, was just her repeating history?
“Elena, may I come in? If you want?” Her heart ached from how unsure he sounded. That wasn’t like them, they were always so in sync.
Or was it Itzel and her love that were always in sync?
On the other hand, she really wanted Mateo right now. She had been avoiding him for two days and she missed him. She knew she actually missed him because the pain wasn’t as powerful as when she experienced the deja vu. It was a “regular” sort of longing so to speak. She always felt better after their talks, he understood her whole also challenging when he disagreed. He wasn’t patronizing though. He was Mateo. Sweet, dependable, and so much more. 
“Can we talk?” Mateo stepped inside, hesitantly sitting next to her. 
Too hesitant. She hated that. They relied on each other, trusted each other in their most vulnerable moments and now this stupid reincarnation had them both on edge.
“Yes, we can.” Elena took his head in hers and instinctively curled her fingers into his, his eyes looking directly in her own, waiting patiently for her to say something but she felt her throat constrict. 
She cared for Mateo. . . she was pretty sure she loved him even though it took her a while to grasp her own burgeoning feelings as something stronger than friendshop. But now, she didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t that she thought he would get upset or mad at her but it was also so complicated. The situation was insane.
Mateo sensed her conflict and spoke first. “I know this situation is not ideal. . . It’s crazy and weird and it feels like everything we’ve been through together is-It’s tainted somehow because it was destined or reincarnated or whatever. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you about my flashbacks. I-I didn’t want you to think I only loved you because I had to.” “Do you?” Elena felt her chest constrict tightly at this. Did this mena he realized that his feelings for her weren’t real? Were hers? Should they break up?
“No, I don’t think so. I don’t really know what Itzel was really like. But I love you for your passion, your fierce spirit in fighting for Avalor and all the people here. I love your compassion and the way you laugh at your own puns. I love your sweet tooth and the adventures we get into. You make me smile, you make me believe that I could be better than I thought I was. All of that is undeniably you and that’s why I fell in love.” 
Elena’s breath caught in her throat yet better than that, her mind cleared of the pounding in her head and the pounding of her heart when Mateo was near that felt like she was going to die. 
She felt grounded. . . normal. As if all the magic that surged inside f her since the Well of Takaina was gone. She was focused on everything Mateo said, remembering each of the small moments, and big adventures, the reasons she loved him. 
Her doubts faded away. They loved each other, no reincarnation could influence that. Mateo was Mateo and she was still herself. They were different people than Itzel and her wizard. Just similar circumstances.
“I love you too,” and she sprung forward to kiss him. His lips were at once familiar and exhilarating after their separation. Her mind blissfully blank of any thoughts or flashbacks. 
They pulled away, flushed, only for the necessary air. 
“Did you feel anything?” Mateo asked 
Air, and apparently to see if anything changed. 
“No,” Elena panted, grinning brightly and clasping her hands together to keep from pouncing again. 
“Oh,” Mateo rubbed his neck, “I did. But-but that’s okay. We’re just starting out. We’ll. . We’re going to make our own memories soon enough. It could overpower the ones of our reincarnations. They can’t touch our memories at the Tepet Muul or facing Shuriki in Coronando.
“You’re right,” Elena moved closer, almost onto his lap, a mischievous idea coming into her mind. 
“You know those flashbacks that happen when we’re kissing. . . would the solution be to have grander, more memorable kisses?” 
“You are an irrepressible minx, you know that?” Mateo smiled, but he did as she wished nonetheless. 
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riverofrainbows · 2 years
I'm kind of ranting, also over past experiences, in this post.
I'm really annoyed with people who try to parent or discipline other people's children. Not with providing another safe adult or being kind to children. I mean things like telling your guests kids (or your grandkids!) that they have to finish their plate or eat the food they don't like. Or when we were to guest at some of my parents friends, of which we knew the children well enough so it wasn't horrible, but we all slept over and i was told to brush my teeth and the father of the family we were staying with was also brushing his teeth and i was done first, because i wanted to get it over with (i was very stressed about staying over tbh) and he said "Why are you stopping it wasn't 2 minutes yet, you have to brush 2 minutes". Like first of all we did not have that rule, second of all shut the fuck up?! You don't know anything about me?? If he was truly super passionate about dental hygiene he could have brought up the 2 minute thing in a friendly non intrusive way (like "Wow you're so quick, i always try to brush for two minutes so i know i brushed enough") to introduce me to it. But I was done with all regions of my teeth, i did not want social interaction with anyone, especially if i didn't know them well, and it was none of his fucking business. I hate when people assume things. Even when babysitting (so it's actually more your business) you should always ask first if you find something odd. Not everyone live life the same way. Or when a friend of my mother's (who i usually really like) came to visit a couple years ago, and i was making myself lunch to take for university, and was just trying to ignore the added stress of a visitor and the masking that necessitates while i was already on my last leg having to make myself a meal (I can't really eat the food at the cafeteria), when she came over to talk a bit and asked what i was making and then asked why i wasn't cooking a portion for my mother too. I didn't because as I said I was barely hanging on (that time of university really really stressed me) and including another person's preferences in my meal was too much stress, and not doing that is rude, so i cooked only for myself. The real question is why my mother didn't cook anything for me, and that is because she hates cooking and it stresses her 🙃. Anyway i stammered some explanation and she apparently thought it was really rude of me and my explanation not sufficient. My mother then told her after I left that it was totally fine by her and that i was just doing my thing for cooking and such, but it really upset me. It was NONE of her business if i am rude to my mother, especially since i was not actually, i was actually in active trauma and severe burnout and two energy sucking disabilities in full blow because of the situation. Which she did not know but WHICH I ALSO DID NOT WANT AND DO NOT HAVE TO TELL HER FOR HER TO LEAVE HER NOSE OUT OF IT. In her eyes it was a calm capable adult child purposely only cooking one meal when they could have easily cooked more, when in reality me being an adult has nothing to do with it and i was a multiply disabled person in survival mode who was seemingly calm because i cannot move fast because of my fucking disabilities and exhaustion. Stop fucking assuming things.
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booksteaandtoomuchtv · 5 months
To set this up, I knew this wasn't my cuppa but the adverts kept pushing it on me. And, it reminded me of a Formula 1 series that I ended up devouring and enjoying, so I thought maybe social media is on to something.
I got the book.
And.. it was not.
However, it was fun to tease… (heads up it is a mature book so mature content below)
I made it to this bit of the prologue and started taking notes.
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The thesis statement is that it is not surprising she doesn't know a guy. All the supporting statements are about why she thinks she should know him. I know how pedantic that explanation is. And, I usually don't give care about any sort of structure in a story. (I love it when an author is experimenting and playing with conventions.) But, this isn't that.
Just don't say "It's not surprising, though." Just leave that part out and the paragraph would work.
Page Seven and we get the info dump on the male love interest.
He used to play hockey. He had a scholarship for it. Then..The accident happened so he went to a smaller school where he was kicked out because he had an affair with his professor's wife.
His mum pulled strings at the university to get his past swept under the rug and got him enrolled at the school
So…Our hero. the hero of this story is a privileged asshole and she just puts that on the 7th page as his sad backstory.
And guys..
"Nothing is going to get [him] back on the ice."
……..i bet something does….
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I am not saying it is inaccurate but a college-aged man had this thought? Does he have a secret child? Does he babysit? That is the only reason for this thought.
Hero has confirmed bf is a cheating misogynist, so I guess Hero is better than that since he isn't about that 'puck bunny' life “anymore”?
It wasn't enough that hero confirmed bf is trash last chapter. Next chapter, he confirmed that bf has been screwing a different person every night since he moved in a month ago
So, we are really hammering home that concept
The hero describes the heroine as "Fucking precious. Innocent." when he first sees her. GROSS
He is seeing her and confirming hotness using words like… fucking precious and innocent.
I am happy to eat up an instalove connection, but that usually relies on me believing they saw one another and confirmed hotness, lust, sexiness, etc. But, this man said, "she's like a doll. fucking precious. innocent.” Like a creepy predator.
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DO WE LIKE THE INNOCENCE OR ARE WE DISAPPOINTED BY IT? you cannot have it both ways… if you are so pulled toward her innocence, you cannot be put off by her naivety.
The current setup is that Hero is going to flirt with heroine because "if [bf] is reckless enough to openly cheat on her, he deserves [hero] to be messing with her."
This isn't even the book form of reality TV trash - I don't what this is…
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Funny how in a different context OR further into their relationship/attraction, that could be sexy.
This author shows her character work on the page. Like… someone mentioning your sister doesn't mean when need the entire background of your sister in your thoughts. I can already see all the other couples in the series and not because they have any chemistry or on-page interactions.. just the straight-up info dumps in our main character's thoughts.
bf has stopped her attempt at morning sex because he got a text and checked it when she straddled him.
So much has already happened and yet nothing of any substance.
She has been wearing her roommate's (hero's) shirt for a MINUTE. Like… chick grabbed it the night before. Hero clocked it when they bumped into one other in the middle of the night. The next morning they bump into one another again and I think we are about to have the scene.
I did really enjoy that he told her "I like it. It suits you." when they bumped into each other again.
That is a fun kind of asshole.
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That is not a flaw. That is unfuckable behaviour. "Messiness" isn't "prefers his mom or girlfriend to clean up after him."
bf has clocked roommate's shirt and is losing his mind over i…t.and… i don't really see the issue. The jump from "wearing someone's shirt" to "you are fucking that someone" is… far. this dude isn't a hockey player, he is a long jumper.
After bf throws the fit, hero tells her to keep his shirt because it looks good on her. And, again, I do appreciate this kind of asshole.
From everything being laid down, his dad died in an accident - maybe one that was hero's fault. And that is why he doesn't play any more. Sorry.. why he will never get back on the ice.
Don't even ask him.
He is NOT doing it guys.
if i never finish this book, i will skim to find out when/how he gets back on the ice. I feel like we all need that...
Hero has talked bf into treating heroine better. It was a strange scene…they are working out together for some reason sometime later. Pissed off at the girlfriend, working out with the roommate that she is “fucking”.
As one does. It is a whole weird thing that ends with “treat her better because you cannot do better” and bf being like "yeah, you're right."
Anywhoosies, the heroine is conveniently a tutor and tutoring counts as hours toward her teaching program (because the author definitely knows how colleges work). Hero needs a tutor, so now we are double forced proximity! She is getting paid and teaching hours for this tutoring… so… i mean… she has to..
So, are we into gritty voices? It just makes me think he smokes a pack or three a day. And, I was very confused as to why that was used for a sexy voice description
The author has confirmed bf is a selfish lover. I am thinking we will get the hero is the first to go down on her… or at least the first to do it without the implication that she has to suck him off since he is doing this huge favour for her.. trope.
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This is the HERO'S POV?!
The first tutoring session started off with a download of information about one another immediately. There has been no tutoring.Gotta set up that lazy ass exposition
Hero has defended heroine's best friend from her possessive ex at a bar because he is a hero… but he wants to be the hero because he is the villain in his own story… dun dun DUNNNNN
Best friend didn't know it is hero. Hero and best friend are going on a date.
Heroine just learned and connected the dots and she cares. She cares sooo much.
She did kick out her best friend and suggest this date so she could have her house empty for bf though.
she really shouldn't care but she does for some reason.. So, he pulls her into him and says "I like your dress, sunshine" into the shell of her ear and…She says that he isn't allowed to like her dress, which is a dumb line.
But, he delivers this beauty "Then you aren't allowed to be jealous” And, facts. That is a fair response.
Still not sure of the point of this date though. Do people date people when they want to date other people? If I don't think something is going anywhere, I am definitely staying home.
Heroine tells her bf that she is tired. Bf is like "so we fuck now?"
So, you know, still hammering home that he sucks.
Hero returns with best friend when heroine is walking out with bf. As bf and best friend leave, hero catches her to ask if bf noticed her dress. She informs him that he is not allowed to ask that, but - guys..bf did not notice.
Heroine went to bf's house to fuck him loudly so hero could hear. Hero took care of himself in the adjoining bathroom to her sounds,,so…. that is a scene that I have read.
She goes to the bathroom after fucking and they bump into each other. She apologizes for either interrupting him or moaning so loudly that he couldn't sleep. He accuses her of faking for his benefit and discovers she was picturing him during that enthusiastic session…and again…Why doesn't she just fuck him? He is right there and she was already thinking about it and mad at bf soo?
I'm not saying cheat because you're mad. I'm saying why hold on to your failing relationship when you're doing way worse than cheating by dreaming of someone else to fuck him?
So, she called bf because her car broke down in the rain. bf said he was at work and roommate/hero overheard and went to get her.
I think maybe the accident with this dad was in a storm? guess we will find out
BIG UPDATE GUYS: he is getting skates
He tells her that bf is a pos and she needs to end things because bf isn't the guy she thinks he is and she deserves something better. Then, she tells him that she isn't a quitter like he is with hockey. And then somehow she says that he is dating her best friend, which it is pretty clear that he is not but the roommate sends a well-timed text that she can read because his texts aren't blocked from preview and in the preview, it says "boyfriend" and so heroine flips and threatens to walk home in the rain and he is like "don't do that, take the truck, I'll pick it up later."
Anyway, cut to the next scene and he is working out and decides to get into skates. And, so her low fucking blow in an argument has him back on the ice?
does this make sense to you??
Bahahahahahahahahah. bf broke up with her via this lovely text
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That is just amazing
She goes over to shout at Xbf and hero ends up kissing her.
She gets the flutters and all that. I am just confused bc if I came to shout at my x for breaking up with me via text and someone was like "let's make out" I am not sure I would feel anything but more anger..
Hero is fake dating best friend as a deterrent for best friend’s crazy ex.
She opens the door and greets him for a tutoring date after they share a kiss and don't discuss it for a week. This sentence is after she says “hey”… "Her gaze dropping to the floor. Shy. Unsure. Sexy as hell."
This man is a predator.
Shy, unsure is sexy if it is the first time they are naked together and maybe she has some scars or something she is self-conscious about.
"if only I knew what was going through her pretty little head" GROSS. I will never not fucking hate "pretty little head”. ick
"then I eat at her like a starving man.” I eat. AT. her.
Is that doing it for anyone?
"there. right, freaking there.” Yes, because when someone is eating at you, you often say “freaking".
First time together and he goes with fucking her from behind with her hands on the wall…and that is a choice.
I was correct that he would go down on her, he did that first. But was like been waiting months for sex with this woman, we should go for her hands on the wall and me coming from behind And not saying that is a bad position but first time together and you have thought to yourself previously that you want to worship every inch of her or something like that and you go with from behind… her hands on a wall?
It is certainly a choice
Oh, yay. We have the she says she just wants it to be a casual thing trope.
I do really hate this one. It breaks my silly heart every time. I mean, I love it. And I hate it.
After she says they should just hook up and keep studying and whatever, she kisses him and he calls it innocent. Dude…. she just said she wants a fuck buddy. She softened the delivery with a kiss. And you are still like "so sweet. innocent” lol. whatever.
This book is confusing as fuck..okay, so he agrees to no strings because he will take whatever she will give him, in those words. And then, he comes up with a night for them to hook up and she turns him down because she "might like him too much to keep it casual"
It was HER idea to keep it casual.
He has literally said he will do complicated and serious, if she'd let him.
"a sore va-jay-jay” this book has been explicit about licking her slit but fucking….can't say vagina? or pussy? or cunt? this grown woman thought to herself "a sore va-jay-jay" of her motherfucking vagina.
Oh, we do get this lovely fucking nonsense about how her roommate has bad taste in men because she had an absent father and so her radar for good men is broken…so that is always a fun bit of bullshit to read as someone with an absent father. She is meeting the family. And of course there is the mum tell her that she makes him happy like she had never seen before scene.
Okay..so…Hero is fake dating the best friend to protect her from her abusive ex. Hero and heroine are screwing but not serious because that is what heroine wants. A mutual friend setup a double date with hero and best friend, heroine and mutual friend. Mutual friend is going to be heroine's wingman. Hero gives heroine a way out but she agrees to go because she doesn't want to hurt mutual friend. Then she gets mad at hero about the situation once mutual friend leaves.
He says he'll break of the fake dating off because this is all bullshit and she tells him off about it and then cancels the tutoring session because she "doesn't feel like studying".
You aren't his study buddy. You are his paid professional tutor. He is fucking her in the toilet at the double date place she's upset about the situation and then suddenly he is getting her off and making her say that she is his. While I often appreciate a "say you're mine" this seems like a real ick time to go for that move
Best friend dumped hero after the double date so that strange plot line is done.
High school hero was late to practice because his gf had been out of town and he wanted to see her and hero's dad was pissed they were running late. A semi crashed into just his dad's side while they were fighting about being late. His dad died on impact and he walked away fine.
Guys….He is going to play again. And, she’ll watch all his home games.
Who could have seen that coming?
Hero told the asshole ex that he was dating heroine. Ex thinks everyone should get together, which will likely be absolutely fine.
She's wearing his shirt to turn him on for sexy fun times. It was extremely effective. He pounced immediately.
Guys, he is going to fix her complicated relationship with her parents..Oh, he fixed it. Turns out you just have to be direct with neglectful parents and they just act right after decades of indifference to their offspring.
"I guess what they say is true, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince.” She's only ever dated the shite ex and hero.
So it turns out, the ex is not cool with her dating someone else. Who could have predicted that?!
Apparently, the ex fucked hero's high school gf. 😂😂 Ex tells heroine about that and heroine confronts the hero. Hero didn't know, but since ex was trying to start shit hero is beating up ex.
Heroine went to the last home game of the season with her family and hero's family. The team wins.
That was like 3 seasons of a soap opera condensed into 50K words
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hazelcephalopod · 7 months
Listen. So 911. Imma be honest Buddie ship is great, I’m here for it, I think they should do it. In the canon of the show -bonus if the relationship is 99% the same except they kiss now. Do I really believe that has always been the endgame for them? No. Absolutely not -and maybe I’m wrong idk the deep lore I’m just a slightly more than casual viewer whose recently noticed the fandom. That said… to be clear this isn’t me trying to call the show out but just analyze the text in a colloquial way. This is normal mainstream tv and my expectations are real low*.
The show has that old school “look how close these two guys are. Like sooo close. Mm if they were different genders this would 100% be a will they won’t they dynamic” thing, the “this probably started as, a little bit of a joke about how close these two guys -or sometime girls!- are” while being a genuine friendship but there’s a vibe. (Or the oopsie option, also possible here tbh. S/x actors just do a thkng but imho it’s the other creatures responsibility to work with that?) Which, later the show starts to play into that more and more, usually creating a queerbait. Now, to be clear I’m using that descriptively. No judgment here, just that’s what I’m seeing. As I said could be an accident, coulda dig themselves into the old QB hole.
Because. Let’s go over it. You’ve got these two guys, they meet. They click instantly. They become the most important people in each other’s lives. They do all the other things the romantic couples do in the show. Meta the creators clearly know people are shipping them and play into that a bit while backing off by pairing each with random woman. In canon there’s jokes and comments about their really close relationship. One of them adopts the others child basically. Sometimes when one is hurt the other looks like they might weep or cry in agony. Sometimes you swear the looks they give each other have no straight explanation possible. Canonicly they are still just really close bros*. These. Are all hallmarks of a queerbait.
Now, maybe they have shifted to making it end game, at some point, during all this. But tbh, bc of all the history of queerbait in mainstream tv for the past idk, minimum 20-30 years? Really hard to tell the difference. Without some obvious signs it isn’t just queerbait, it’s just looks the same! Until one of them… has… queer experiences, and clearly is like “hmm. Maybe I. Am not straight.” Some obvious “this relationship is indeed being teased. As a real possibility and not just a joke” then I remain skeptical. It’s ok, I’ve been on the great queerbait train many times, and I will take those ships to my -and the characters- grave! But it means I am on the look out for them. *theres several points im going to cover under the cut
Yes this show has. A lesbian couple, maybe a gay side character. And some queer characters on the spin off show, which is run by different people -at least enough it’s different, and now it’s on a different network, also there’s 1 same sex couple last time I checked. Tbh. While there’s some wonderful exceptions. It I commons for a mainstream show like this to have a max of one same sex couple per show. It’s a bad thing, I don’t like it, there should be room one these shows for multiple main queer couples. But it’s pretty standard for 1 max.
Yes men can be friends. Bros. Very close platonic bros. Absolutely.
You know who are also very close friends? Hen and Chim, I’ve never ever thought they were anything but close friends. Or even Athena and Hen -tbf I imagine there’s some shippable stuff there and go for it have fun- they seem really close, but not really like they’re gonna become a couple tbh.
you know who seems way closer than that? Bobby and Athena, or Chim and Maddie, or Hen and Karen, and Buck and Eddie often seem closer than them tbh.
Also. Let’s be honest. I also like QPR Buddie, but this is mainstream TV. I repeat. They can barely have more than one lesbian couple and a gay side character so, I have little faith they are going to grapple with, asexuality or aromanticism and QPR’s, especially with long standing cis so far het man main characters. But maybe I’m wrong and they might go there, and I’d be delightfully surprised. I’ll settle for just make them kiss already plz. (Tbh I admit the vibes of premier of season 7, increase my belief a little.)
I admit. Shippers are gonna ship. People like doing it it’s fun. S/x on almost nothing at all. Here I really do think, there’s some good reasons people are shipping these two characters. People can bring receipts. Anyway. I can only advise, not being an asshole. Either to shippers or shippers, shippers don’t be an asshole.
Personally I just needed to hash all this out. Get ready to be kinda disappointed and know… it’s just how it goes. Idk.
Also. Tbh. If they don’t do some of the “this isn’t a queerbait” signs soon -and this part is a criticism- than they are either ignorant, incompetent, or if not irresponsible, rude. Imho. Or at least like fully… explore that idea of them being in a romantic relationship and then reject it. I won’t like it but I’ll respect it.
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mydearselff · 10 months
no longer scared.
As a kid I knew that I may not end up with someone. I prepared myself from then until age 25. Which helped because through my entire teenage years and my early 20s I never felt left out or cared enough to wonder why I didn't have a boyfriend. I convinced myself enough that I didn't want to be a burden on anyone because of my skin condition; I felt unworthy of love. But truly, that was okay.
I remember my older cousin, who was in either high school or college, telling my middle school self that it's okay to end up alone- it's society that put's a pressure on us to have to be with someone and have a whole family. He wasn't aware of my thoughts about being single forever so it made me wonder what he was going through at the time to have said something like that. Whatever it was, I'm so glad he shared this opinion of his out of nowhere because i felt normal. I didn't feel alone.
At 25 (really about a week before I turned 26) I met this man, who very slowly changed my thoughts on everything I thought wouldn't come true. He told me in the beginning that he wanted to have kids and start a family and settle down and marry someone and this...scared the shit out of me. Especially because it was so early on. So I usually ignored that topic. Meeting him felt like everything was too good to be true. Every time I thought he seemed like he was lying, somehow my friend was able to back up the story/explanation/reason (whatever you wanna call it) without me even asking; it would someone get brought up in convos. I think there was some times I'd ask her about his personal life and it would still match up to what he was telling me.
But even then when I got scared and I tried sabotaging us. Every time I got scared, any chance I could take to try and catch him on something I would take it. And he would always be there to never give up on me; on us.
And the more we kept our relationship going the more I began to trust him. Sometimes I'd doubt my trust to save myself from being disappointed, but every day, minutes by minutes, I'd trust him more and more.
April 2023, a year and a month later, he had almost my entire trust (again i was still holding back to save myself from disappointment because everything felt too good to be true). We talked about moving in together once his lease ended in August. I was scared but I also really wanted to move in with him and see where life takes us. Inside I had already committed to him a while back; that if we were married you don't give up on that person, you work together to make it all work. I think we both had that mindset.
August 2023 he came a few years into the month to bring his stuff together and a week or so later he finally brought himself to our apartment.
October 24th 2023 I had a wonderful surprised that I was positive for pregnancy. I wish I would have recorded his reaction to my three urine test that I left on out bathroom counter but I was a bit in denial, and I was worried because I was on a medication that strongly recommends that you do not get pregnant while taking those pills.
Nov 13th 2023 we had our first ultrasound and even though he couldn't take that day off he still came to see the first part of it. He went out of his way just to see our first child. And even though I wish he had gotten the experience to see a better ultrasound of the baby, he still got the chance to see it on our first appointment- and that's all I could ever ask for.
Dec 21st 2023 will be our little wedding day. and today 12/4 is when I gave the card to my family. and to my surprise i didn't know he was trying to get a blessing from my dad until my dad told me over the phone. god i started bawling bc i thought we had given up on trying to tell my dad about it, and instead have him find out through my little card i made. It'll be a very small ceremony for only my family and his. Everyone else can find out slowly. June 2024 is our baby's due date if everything goes well so please if you're reading this, keep us in your prayers.
Dec 4th 2023 and I trust him entirely. I'm no longer scared to invest everything I have in myself and us because he is the person I want for the rest of my life. I truly believe that he loves me for me and not one bone in my body for the entire time I've known him did I ever doubt him as a person.
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head---ache · 2 years
i loveeeeee emmie, she's so cute!! i was wondering if you had a run down of her character, like her background and story, when/how shadow and sonic had her/etc? i want to pinch her lil cheeks! <3
AAAAAAA I'm sosososo glad you like her! She's my baby!!!
So!! Imagine Sonic and Shadow around their mid twenties, they're having conversations about their relationship and all that, and the topic of children comes up. They decide on having a child and here's when the how appears.
You know Shadow's half alien and was created in a lab, with these exact same words my brother thought I was building up to an m-preg explanation, but no I'm not NSJXJSKDJSK I was just thinking, if soooo many years ago a group of scientists were able to create a living creature in a lab, then surely a (former) kid genius could do something like that!
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In short: Emmie came out of a tube.
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Usually when I draw her she's either five or fifteen, I don't think I've ever drawn her older than that njxiwkksjwisk
Personality wise, she's kind of an ambivert. She's very charismatic, and great with people, however she also really enjoys her time alone, and has a small group of close friends. She's a big tree hugger, so most of her time alone she spends it around nature. She's very high energy, and, she's Sonic and Shadow's daughter, so of course she's fast. Sonic used to take her on runs and she absolutely loved it.
When she was little she was a total cinamon roll, the most adorable little thing, but she would act cuter around strangers on purpose because she likes the attention lol
When she got older she got a bit more rebellious. Of course she has the heroic bone in her, and she would often go behind her parents' backs to fight some bad guys, but of course she doesn't have much experience in saving the world so she usually needs help. She gets very reckless, and Sonic and Shadow have to go looking for her more than once.
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She's not necessarily a good leader, but she does do most of the talking for her shy friends (Sparks lol)
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And uuuuuuuh yeah! That's Emmie for you! I guess the only thing left is that her full name is Emily???? But now you know so whatever ndkndidjsicms
Thank you for asking! And sorry for the long ass answer I guess I just got inspired lol
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Memory - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where Bucky's a vampire but still manages to develop a breeding kink
Warnings: smut, breeding kink, vampire!AU, creampie, daddy kink, mention of blood because of biting
A/N: this is for my darling cousin @whisperlullaby​‘s challenge, and also my own! Like I explained here, I’m going to try to fill every single AU I listed with the characters I picked for the challenge, and since the deadline if May 27, these fics will be posted randomly, as I finish them, instead of on Thursdays, which are my usual one-shot posting days. I hope you guys will enjoy this silly idea of a vampire with a breeding kink 💛 I had a blast writing it! Unbeta’ed because I almost died this week and cannot be bothered to stare at my writing for any longer.
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Bucky’s P.O.V.
“Okay, let’s play truth or dare!” I groaned as silently as possible at the proposition. One of the downsides of dating someone in college was having to deal with the immaturity of their friends, especially when I was unable to escape yet another invitation for a weekend getaway.
There were only so many encounters a man could refuse before mysterious became annoying, and I knew I was toeing the line, even if my girlfriend never complained.
She understood just how irritating these gatherings could be to me. It would have been easy to imagine if there was a realistic age gap between us, but considering the centuries that separated our birth dates, it was laughable that anyone would entertain the idea of me with a bunch of young adults who only wanted to get laid, smoke some weed and drink their asses off.
Of course, her friends didn’t know my true age, so they only thought I was a little bit irked by their behavior. Y/N knew the truth, and so evidently she tried to get me out of it, but I resisted.
I wanted her to take part in the normal experiences people her age were having. There was already so much that she was missing out on just by being with me - and I wasn’t even referring to the blood that she granted me every night.
I’d accepted to be there with her that evening. I was going to immerse myself in the full experience, if only to learn a bit more about her and those she surrounded herself with.
Her best friend let out a little excited yell when she noticed that we were joining the circle and I forced myself to smile at her. “Alright, let’s do this.” One of the male friends rubbed his hands before reaching for the bottle, making it spin as I frowned. I thought that was a different game, but apparently I was mistaken.
It landed on a girl I had yet to get acquainted with, and so I disconnected myself from the conversation as I watched my beloved laugh and have fun with her friends. It made me feel warm. It made me grateful I had decided to join.
A few more rounds went by without anything of essence actually happening. I was about to excuse myself when the bottle surprisingly stopped while pointing at Y/N.
She gasped as she stared at the man who was responsible for deciding her fate, and I already knew I wouldn’t like what was coming next. But she was smart, so she avoided the dare that would undoubtedly enrage me, leaving her to answer a question that I also would have preferred not to hear.
“So… Y/N…” He began, taking far too much pleasure at the situation, and by the way she rolled her eyes, I knew she was thinking the same.
“Yes, Simon.” He opened his mouth to say something, but instinctively looked my way. I was trying my best not to let any emotion slip through the cracks of my perfectly constructed mask, but whatever it was that he saw seemed to make him change his mind.
He closed his mouth and frowned, for a second deep in thought, before he sighed and finally voiced his question. “Just tell us one of your kinks.”
It sounded like he was trying to get this over with, and although Y/N seemed just as confused, she cleared her throat and gave him an answer.
“Oh, I don’t know… I guess.. Creampie?” Little giggles and comments rose around the circle, but nothing really stuck out and they were quick to motion her to spin the bottle so another person could have a turn.
It was a different reaction that I was expecting, especially considering what everyone did for much tamer answers, but the explanation for the lukewarm crowd was made clear by a groaned comment from Simon to the man beside him.
“This is no fun now that she isn’t single.” A small giggle resonated by my side, and I turned in the direction it came from to find my girlfriend trying to suppress her amusement behind her palm.
“Something funny, little one?” I knew they’d take notice of the pet name, but I honestly couldn’t be bothered to even pretend to care, and the fact that she smiled openly up at me showed me that she didn’t, either.
“Not at all.” She pulled me closer to deposit a quick peck on my lips and I was sure if my heart was still beating, it would have fluttered at the way she looked at me. “Thanks for coming tonight.”
“Of course.” Thankfully, the game didn’t last much longer - for us, at least. Somehow, the bottle didn’t land on me once, and Y/N started to yawn, her head resting against my shoulder after the third consecutive “Who would you rather bang?” question.
“I think we’re gonna leave for the night,” she excused us even though I knew she wasn’t really sleepy. She really could be an excellent actress when she wanted to.
We walked up the stairs to where the bedrooms were located, quickly getting in what had been assigned as ours for the weekend. She smiled softly at me as she reached for her backpack, no doubt looking for the one shirt of mine she always slept in, but I had a few things in my mind I wanted to ask her about.
“Why do you like creampies to much?” The words spilled out at me so unusually, considering the silence in the room, it didn’t surprise me that it took her a while to answer. When she did though, I was surprised to find her biting her lip, a look between amused and horny in her eyes when she approached me.
“Dunno.” She shrugged, taking my hands in her and playing with my fingers. I knew it was a way to avoid my intense gaze. “Guess I have a bit of a breeding kink, actually. It just felt too personal to share with those guys.”
The answer took me by surprise as I stared down at her, blinking a couple of times as I made sure to really process what she had said.
“A breeding kink?” I confirmed, and she rolled her eyes in that way I knew she did when she was embarrassed but trying to play it off as annoyed.
“Yeah, you know.” She pulled away from me to sit on the bed, legs dangling off of it almost like a child. “I like the idea of being bred. Even though I’m in no way ready to become a mother,” she added in a serious tone, making sure I understood what she meant.
But I didn’t. I didn’t and I guess it was clear in my face, because she quirked an eyebrow and jumped out of the bed, coming to stand before me once more.
“Why is this so weird to you?” She inquired, head tilted in amusement. “You’re over a century old, I’m sure your expectations regarding sexual relationships were related to impregnation for most of your life.”
And I mean… she wasn’t wrong. But I hadn’t thought about that for so long, I guess it didn’t occur to me that there was an actual term for it these days.
“There’s no way you don’t have a breeding kink.” The affirmation sounded almost like a dare, so my instinct was to fight it, wrap my arms around her torso so I’d keep her close to me, but deny it.
“You know I can’t ‘breed’ anyone anymore, darling.” But she wasn’t giving up. Her fingers softly traced my jawline, eyes sparkling with a dangerous glint as she countered, “Doesn’t mean you can’t like the idea of it.”
Even though I didn’t need the oxygen, I inhaled sharply, suddenly fascinated by her every movement, the way she gently unwrapped herself from my arms to slowly unbutton her simple dress, the one she made it look like a fucking gown.
“Think about it, Buck…” Every inch of skin that became exposed to my eyes still had my mouth watering, desperate to taste her all over.
“Wouldn’t you want to see me round with your child?” The question provoked my imagination, playing with her features as I thought about what she proposed. Her breasts fuller, stomach protuberant, and maybe a little feet rubbing against the skin, something I could kiss.
“See me carry your genes, continue your lineage… Wouldn’t you want that?” Her innocent eyes spelled trouble when she stood before me again, close enough to touch.
And I couldn’t deny that the idea did something to my heart - even though it didn’t beat anymore. Most undeniably, it definitely did something to my cock, which now strained against my pants, the arousal that the image of her impregnated by me provoked bursting as I looked at the creature that I loved in wonder and fascination.
“Are you trying to tempt me, doll?” She bit on her lower lip to stop herself from giggling before I pulled it away from her teeth when I took her in my arms again, naked breasts rubbing against my shirt.
“Is it working?” She breathed out, eyes connected to mine while she tried to gather my feelings about her attempt. I pressed her body closer, making sure she’d feel the hardness in my pants before I even voiced it.
“Very well,” I whispered in her ear, enjoying the way my cold breath awakened goosebumps all over her warm skin. She never complained about the difference in temperature, something that I was profoundly grateful for, since I loved to feel her hot blood pumping underneath my fingertips whenever I trailed my digits over her flesh.
“So tell me,” she pressed, still going for seductive even though she sounded slightly out of breath, her desire evident in the way her pupils had dilated. “Would you like to breed me, James?”
A shiver went down my spine at the question and I closed my eyes for just one second, just to relish in this sensation before I opened them to confess, “You have no idea how much I’d like that.”
My hand easily spread her lower lips, middle finger running between them to test her wetness and finding her soaked, like she always seemed to be for me. The knowledge had me smiling as I lifted my hand to taste her before making quick work of my belt, observing her slowly walking backwards towards the bed as I followed, almost like there was a thread connecting us, keeping us close.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned against my ear as he buried himself inside of me and I clutched at his shoulders, desperate to feel every part of him connected to every part of me.
Only he could get me this way. Chest heaving, mouth open just from the simple act of feeling him stretching me open. It didn’t matter how many times he took me, it still burned the same - and I loved it.
“Tell me, doll,” he panted, hypnotizing eyes connected to mine, unwilling to let my gaze escape his hold. “Tell me you’d want to have my child. You’d look so beautiful with your body changing because of me, wouldn’t you want that?”
I groaned, throwing my head back as James fucked me senseless, his cock ramming against my sweet spot over and over again. He knew no mercy, I knew that. I just never anticipated to have such an overwhelming reaction to a silly little kink I never even thought I’d ever get to explore.
“Answer me, little one.” His fangs came into play then, piercing around the nipple that he sucked, galvanizing me into actually responding, “I would, I would, daddy,” while pulling on his hair without even realizing.
He let go of my breasts to look at me with dark eyes - not because he had come in contact with my blood, oh no. It was clear that this was the reaction to the name that escaped me so easily, waving its way into him until it broke the last bit of his control and left him completely undone, only determined to fuck me.
I watched him lick his lips before he ordered, “tell daddy you want his cum inside of you.” Hearing him acknowledge this other secret kink, refer to himself as it had me delirious, unable to formulate any words to obey him, so I opted to hide my face in the crook of his neck, hoping the feeling of my burning cheeks would satiate him.
What a mistake.
“Oh, so now you’re shy?” He mocked, rubbing his jaw against my cheek as I whined against him. “Want daddy’s cum so much but can’t be a good girl and beg for it?”
I came with a long drawn-out gasp right then, my body twitching underneath his as his cock dragged along my walls once, twice, a third time until it spilled his cum inside of my channel. The act was so hot to me that it had me pulling on his hair, whispers of “I love you, I love you,” tumbling out of my lips.
He silenced me with a kiss, still managing to keep on thrusting until I had to push him away because of my sensitivity.
“Spread your legs for me, little one…” He ordered, brushing his tongue over his lower lip in contemplation. “Let me see the mess I left there.”
I was still a bit nervous about the whole ordeal now that the wave of horniness had left me, but I did eventually spread my legs for him, whimpering as he bit down on his own lip at the sight of his spent dripping from my abused pussy.
“Oh, you look so good like that, darling.” I could barely contain my giddiness as he laid down by my side and pulled me to rest on his chest, pressing a kiss to my temple while he caressed my arm. “But one question remains unanswered.” To my almost sleepy hum, he proceeded, “Why do you like the idea of breeding so much?”
That got me thinking, wiping the tiredness off of my muscles like a bucket of cold water. It felt weird to admit it, but at the same time, I wanted nothing more than to bare my soul to the man I loved, to have him aware of every little thing about me…
So I admitted, “I like the idea of being yours… in this very scary, slightly territorial way.” At his silence, I giggled, hiding my face on his chest as I waited for his response.
“But you are mine,” he reminded me, and even as I rolled my eyes, a silly smile painted my lips, loving that he felt like he needed to tell me that.
“I know I am,” I recognized. “It’s just another way I’d like to be claimed by you. Besides, I can just imagine how well you’d take care of me…”
Silence filled the room as we both got lost in the images of what could never be. Me with a fully-grown belly, walking like a penguin as he held up tiny onesies that looked ridiculous in his huge hands.
My heart ached for what could never be, surely, but I couldn’t really grieve a future I’d never have while I was so happy with the man who wanted to give me one.
“I’ll always take care of you.” He kissed the back of my hand, and even though he knew it wasn’t exactly what I meant, it was just enough. “I’m sorry that I can’t ever give you children.”
The guilt in his tone was almost palpable, and I wanted to do anything in my power to make it disappear. This wasn’t what I intended when I shared my sexual fantasies with him. They were just that - fantasies. I wouldn’t trade my reality for any alternative version the universe could offer me.
“It’s alright, babe,” I assured him, depositing a kiss on his chest, right where his heart would be beating for me if it could. “I think the way you want to claim me is just as territorial… and much more final.”
Bucky held me close, breathing me in - even if he didn’t need to do that to survive - before he asked me the last doubt that still hovered in his mind.
“Aren’t you scared?” And as I laid there in his embrace, feeling loved and cared for, I knew the only acceptable answer that I could give him was, “It’ll be worth it.”
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