#all is good in the world if a Httyd series characters r a mess
readbyred · 1 year
I can’t emphasise this enough - I am a spontaneous and occasional viewer of D9R. So when I tell you I just saw Eugene for the first time in an episode where he screams ‘mommy’ several time and MOANS at one point I’m not exaggerating. That was his character entrance for me
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hello-em75 · 7 years
Tagged by the wonderful @angies-team , @travelerchrisedward , @wilderwestqueen , @nightfurylover1112 , and @crazy4dragons ! Thanks so much guys! These were so fun to do!
1. Always post the rules.
2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you.
3. Write 11 questions of your own.
4. Tag 11 people.
My Questions:
1. Best memory from the HTTYD fandom?
2. What are you hoping to see in RTTE S5 & 6 / HTTYD 3?
3. Who in the HTTYD fandom is the reason your heart beats (to quote the famous words of sleep-deprived Snotlout Jorgenson) ?
4. Have you been mistaken for someone else?
5. Any guilty pleasures?
6. Live action or animation?
7. Who do you think you would connect with the least if you were a Dragon Rider?
8. How many times have you binge-watched a TV show?
9. If you were able to choose to return to any point you wanted in your life, where would you go?
10. Have you ever met anyone in real life who’s reminded you of one of the Dragon Riders (I know this girl who has the last name Jorgenson and it’s pretty crazy) ?
11. Favorite snack food?
I tag @chiefhiccstrid , @drchee5e , @dragonlovertr , @fanaticfangirl2602 , @astridthevalkyrie, @fangirling1998 , @fanwriter02 , @lutavero , @spacekeet , @astrxd , and @dragontails89 !
Angie’s Questions:
1. What is your absolute favorite song?
I always jam out to Let Her Go by Passenger but I really love a whole bunch of songs and just happen to be very indecisive in choosing a favorite :)
2. Favorite form of physical activity?
What physical activity  When I’m not being pressured to do it, I enjoy running. Just don’t get any bright ideas and sign me up for any marathons or anything.
3. Favorite 5 fanfics?
Okay, the fact that this was hard for me means I’ve definitely read too many:
1) Chasing Thunderstorms series by @tysonrunningfox . This was the first full-length fanfiction that I read when I joined the fandom a couple years ago and it totally blew me away how real and well-written the characters seemed when she wrote them. I haven’t reread the whole series in full IN AGES but sometimes I reread some of my favorite chapters  and fall in love with it all over again!
2) Young God by @oh--you--pretty--things. If there was a fanfic that forged its own trail, this one would do just that. It’s so incredibly different from any other Hiccstrid or HTTYD fanfics out there in its plot and universe, but still manages to remain true to the characters and their personalities --even if its hidden somewhat under Punkcup’s incredibly hot exterior.
3) The Quest by @funkytoes. I love how unique the story is how characters like Astrid, Hiccup, and Eret are portrayed in such an exciting and new way! Plus, anything where my queen is rocking it as a resident badass always gets good marks in my book. 
4) You’re Everything I Want (and Nothing I Can Keep) by @wilderwestqueen. The story is so fun and engaging to read and I’m SUCH a sucker for friends to couple AUs. Hiccup and Astrid are also both complete cuties in this fanfic so that’s always enjoyable to read.
5) I Knew You Were Trouble by @astridthevalkyrie. I really enjoy how this story humanizes Astrid: she’s not just a fierce and tough as nails badass, but she has a soft spot for kids and cares deeply about her friends. Not to mention that Jerkcup is actually an undercover cutie that I love to pieces.
4. Ice cream or warm, home baked, fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies? >:)
5. What inspires you to be creative?
My friends and family. If I know my friends and family are behind me, then I’ll have the will and the mindset to unlock my more creative side and actively express myself rather than just give a passive effort.
6. Does music influence how you act while it’s playing?
Definitely. Once Romantic Flight comes on, I’m a hot fangirl mess of emotions.
7. How do you express yourself creatively?
I really like wearing different kinds of clothes to express myself. Something about mixing and matching accessories and clothes to make an outfit I’m proud of gives me a sense of satisfaction.
8. Do you think Jar Jar Binks is a waste of a character? 
I’m not a hard core Star Wars fan so I don’t really have an opinion.
9. What would cheer you up if you’re having a bad day?
Anyone just taking the initiative to even ask and sit down to listen always makes me feel better whenever I’m down. But sometimes I appreciate little gifts too, like when my mom brings me a drink from Starbucks on her way home from work if she knows I’ve been stressed.
10. Where have you traveled that you would love to travel to again? (or) Where would you like to travel to?]
I’d love to travel to Europe and explore all of those cliché tourist spots like Paris and London and Rome and all that, especially since I’ve never been out of the USA before.
11. Who is your Tumblr crush?
There’s actually way too many to count for me to just say them here but I’ll let you know that you’re on the list @angies-team ;)))
Chris’s Questions:
1. Favorite villain in TV series / movie?
Viggo Grimborn (whether dead or alive) will always be remembered as one of my favorites (but also one my most hated) villains because of how different he is from the typical villain mold in the Dragons series. He runs on his intellect rather than his physical strength; a quality to be appreciated whether you’re the protagonist or the antagonist.
2. Have you been abroad before?
I’ve never been outside of the USA, so unfortunately no :(
3. Favorite class at school?
I love studying history! Learning about the past of the world strangely always makes me feel more in touch and connected with what’s happening in the present.
4. What’s your preferred lifestyle?
I don’t like moving around too much, so I’d prefer to live a more sedentary and constant lifestyle rather than always be jumping around from place to place.
5. Are you afraid of anything?
If we’re talking material things, than not really. But if we’re discussing more abstractly, then definitely things like failure and being isolated and not wanted.
6. Describe your Tumblr dashboard in three words?
Informative, fun, and crowded :)
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Favorite musician / band?
I’m pretty mercurial as far as music preferences go, but right now I’m hardcore rocking out to Ed Sheeran.
9. When did you get into your biggest fandom?
I think I joined the HTTYD fandom almost three years ago? I look back on some of my posts I made when I first came onto Tumblr and can’t help but cringe.
10. If you could be a new, original character in your favorite TV series / movie, what would you be like, and what would you do?
I’d like to think that I’d be the sarcastic and friendly Dragon Rider that people enjoy spending time with but who knows?
11. Favorite dragon?
The Night Fury is absolutely amazing! But if I wasn’t able to choose the obvious, probably the Triple Stryke or the Deathsong.
Wilderwestqueen’s Questions:
1. What one thing never fails to make you smile?
Listening to music always has a way of making my mood improve, no matter how horrible life can feel sometimes.
2. If you had to make your own Awesome Mix (Guardians of the Galaxy style), what tracks would be on it? 
The entire soundtrack of HTTYD and HTTYD 2, plus probably a bunch of random pop songs that I like (hopefully there’s no song limit).
3. Biggest celebrity crush?
I actually have the biggest girl-crush on America Ferrera. But why wouldn’t I? She’s an activist, a talented actress, and immensely successful. Sounds pretty much like a person that I’d want to get to know.
4. What’s your favorite book and why does it mean a lot to you?
It’s been forever since I’ve actually sat down and read a book just for the sake of enjoyment, but I really enjoy The Book Thief because of how meaningful the story is. It has so much depth to it that not many other books can claim to have.
5. What song makes you want to get up and dance?
Right now, I’m the One by DJ Khaled, Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper, and Lil Wayne is my favorite dance jam!
6. If you had to make a superhero team out of any fictional characters, who would you choose?
Astrid Hofferson, because she’s an amazing and intelligent warrior; Black Widow, since she has so much spy training and I can imagine would get along great with Astrid; and Allura, because she’s also an accomplished fighter as well as another strong leader.
7. What fictional world would you choose to live in?
8. Dream job?
Teaching has always been something that I’ve had at the forefront of my mind as far as careers are concerned, but if I was more musically inclined or dramatic I would probably want to be a musician or an actress.
9. If it was your last day on Earth, and you had to pick one last meal, what would you have?
I’d devour all of the Indian food I can. Bring on the samosas.
10. Least favorite movie? Why?
I don’t know what possessed me to see the Peanuts movie, but let’s just say I almost fell asleep three times.
11. What kind of fictional character is your type?
Pretty much anyone that’s anything like Hiccup would be my type. Humble, smart, funny, caring, and fiercely loyal.
Nightfurylover1112′s Questions:
1. What is your hair color?
I have dark brown hair, but it looks pretty black if you’re looking at it from a distance.
2. Who is your favorite animated character?
3. iPhone or Android?
iPhone! But my iPhone is staring to show signs of age after about a year and half of having it unfortunately.
4. Have you ever been on a plane?
I have! Can’t say I enjoy the experience though.
5. Where do you want to be right now?
Exactly where I am is pretty nice -- sitting in my living room in a HTTYD blanket typing answers to asks is fun!
6. You have one wish. What would you do?
World peace is where it’s at y’all.
7. Do you have your ears pierced?
Yep! I kind of want to get another piercing in my ears (I only have one right now) but my parents would definitely go against that.
8. Are you tall or short?
I’m short and proud of it, thank you very much.
9. Why do you like your followers?
Because you’re all so friendly and supportive of each other! I’ve found so many great friends in you guys!
10. What do you mostly like to do at home?
Besides sleeping, being able to binge watch Netflix and go on my phone and scroll through Tumblr is pretty fun for me.
11. Do you like dragons?
Nope, I hate those useless reptiles more than words can describe. Such a nuisance LOL.
Crazy4Dragons’s Questions:
1. Favorite movie?
I count the series as one thing for the sake of this question so HTTYD/HTTYD 2!
2. Are you a fan of any sports?
Not too hardcore. I’ll root for home teams (anyone from California) for any sport but I won’t be too broken up if something doesn't go my way and they don't win.
3. Would you rather be stuck in a library or stuck in a movie theater?
I’d probably be okay with either, but more so in a movie theater.
4. If you could marry any fictional character, who would it be?
Hiccup is the only man for me everyone so HANDS OFF (jk).
5. Coffee or tea?
I like both, but I actually need coffee to function normally so COFFEE
6. What’s the furthest you’ve been from home?
Without my parents, the furthest I’ve been from home was when I was in Pennsylvania for my 8th grade trip. Probably would have been more exciting if I had actual friends to talk to that whole week.
7. Do you/did you like school?
Right now, school and I aren’t on speaking terms.
8. Favorite dessert?
I love pies. But not like creamy ones, the ones full of fruit filling that are warm from the oven and have vanilla bean ice cream just oozing down the sides (crap now I’m hungry).
9. Do you have any pets?
Nope, but I have two younger siblings if that counts.
10. Have you ever seen the ocean?
I live in California, so I’ve had my fair share of ocean-viewing lol.
11. What’s your least favorite food?
I’m not that picky when it comes to food, but I can’t bring myself to eat hardboiled eggs; the smell is WAY too strong for me.
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