#all i know is that lyall is a cutie patoot and can succeed in any dream he puts his mind to
tumblunni · 7 years
Trying 2 think of names for this project AAAAA
Cos seriously it can’t just be “the test game thing” forever, lol!
Okay so.. what’s a name that describes what it is, but doesn’t sound boring? Things that it is: dating sim, friending sim, basically like Rune Factory but you do not run a farm, so more like animal crossing but with jrpg fantasy people, oh and also its a test game thing XD So I actually kinda wanna use the word ‘simple’ in it somehwere, to reference that its supposed to be my first game, and all? or maybe a synonym more like ‘humble’ cos like that’s the big thing I want to achieve. I just wanna make a chilled out fun game where u live a lil fictional life and make this tiny pixel man hang out with tiny pixel friends. Give him one of seven happy endings, woo!
So.. something or other that’s like ‘humble dream’ or ‘simple life’...?? But those are names that sound a bit generic so maybe something else that means the same thing but sounds cooler... aaaa....
A completely random thought that came to mind... Heartful Trade? Cos like... ‘hey put your heart into working at this virtual shop’ but also like ‘it has dating sim elements, plz giv ur heart to these eligable batchelors and batchelorettes~!’ Also I just have a soft spot for titles like that, where its two english words that just Sound Catchy and you generally get what it means even if it’s like.. not supposed to be in that order. Like Final Fantasy instead of ‘the last story’, or Dark Chronicle instead of ‘the dark story’ or Radiant Historia instead of ‘a triumphant story’ or like seriously there’s so many JRPGs that’re just synonyms for story. Also Bokujo Monogatari aka literally Farm Story, which DIDN’T have one of these titles yet became Harvest Moon in the dub. I just really like clever meaningful titles like that?? You instantly know its a farm story cos its a random farm related term, which also sounds hella catchy! Tho then there’s stuff like Rune Factory which makes no damn sense cos its also a farm story and doesn’t even have industrial age technology, lol. Plus runes aren’t even particularly important, they’re just the mcguffin of the setting. That’s like if Final Fantasy was Crystal Story, or Kingdom Hearts was Kingdom H- actually, that raises a good point. Name your mc guffin something random as hell and you automatically have a good game name!
Also, umm, lol, I uhh.. ACTUALLY NEED TO DECIDE WHAT TRADE IS HEARTFUL, YO... Like I don’t even know yet whether I’m actually gonna do any sort of minigame thing as an excuse for the protagonist being there. I mean Animal Crossing just has ‘you move in, and then you Live’. I don’t necessarily have to have a farm or a shop or a shopfarm or a farmshop.
Though I did actually think of potentially a reason for the protag to move into this town! He is a badass wandering adventurer dude so why does he suddenly settle down and why in this town in particular? I was thinking possibly he got injured on the job, and has to rest here til he recovers! DUN DUN DUN its a bunni brainwave seriously everything suddenly makes so much more sense now So he was just questing around this area and the townsfolk helped him out when he broke his leg, and maybe Village Elder Super Grandma Mayor let him stay in the guest room of her house. And then he was only gonna hang around til he got better, but OH NO he falls in love with the town and makes a bajillion friends and possibly stays forever! It’d be a good excuse to give mayor grandma a bigger role, and also an excuse why he’s starting off at low level stats even though he’s an established adventurer. Its less ‘you’re bad at this’ and more ‘don’t strain yourself while you’re still injured’, and like.. relearning how to do stuff that’s become harder now he’s got to use a cane. (A VERY FANCY CANE. POSSIBLY CUSTOMIZEABLE.)
Tho I dunno, maybe if there was a job minigame it could have something to do with working for the mayor? Like maybe you’re her scribe/ye olde medieval office assistant. or maybe you start up some other business that’d be easier while you can’t walk so much, like you renovate her spare room into a small flowershop or something. Or a teashop! or a tailor shop! Or a souvenier shop! Or some sort of cute!!! Hmm I like the idea of tailor/embroidery shop tho, cos I wanted to have one of the annual festivals be a fashion show. I wanna put Lyall in cute outfits because i love him and he deserves to be happy! Also sewing stuff could be a cool way to make gifts for romancing the various ladies (and dudes)~! Oh or maybe he could be an author and make books about his adventures?? Or maybe a chef and give everyone cakes??? ...I can’t really decide, I think i’ll just make it so that various cute careers are the endings you can get if you don’t date anyone. Cos it’d feel less like ‘the bad ending’ if its a big triumphant pic of Lyall moving in to the town for good and opening his new shop of various different kinds depending on your highest stat.
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