#all i know is i wanted to goof around with the fact that beej canonically has fucking mood ring hair
voices-ringing-out · 4 years
beetlejuice continued from this post with @evildecd​
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      “Oh, no, yeah, I know.” Beetlejuice nodded perhaps a little too enthusiastically, already regretting having been so open. Not because Ash had made him feel uncomfortable - as a matter of fact, he felt very safe when it came to being honest around Ash - but more that... well, Beetlejuice didn’t really know, actually. He supposed it might be because that meant he was becoming closer to the other, and being closer to others had never worked out for him.
      Strange how it all came back down to fear; how ironic that fear had coiled its way deep inside a being meant to be the one doing the scaring! 
      But he had already come this far, so the rest of what he had wanted to say came rushing out, hair going blue - pesky excuse for a mood ring, and who made blue the official colour for nerves anyway? “Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate you being willing to go through with the whole marriage thing, but I figure you’ve got things to do, places to be, uh, people to save and stuff like that. You’re not gonna be around forever. I guess it’s less me being afraid to know what not being lonely is like so much as it is now I know what it’s like, and I’m afraid of going back. You have a whole life out there, and human or not, it’d probably be kinda weird to have a living ghost hanging around.”
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