#all i can think is i probably smell like KC from head to toe
genderfluid-druid · 11 months
me: 🧍
guest cat: (walks up and rubs against my legs)
guest cat: (hisses several times)
guest cat: (strolls away)
still me: 🧍
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
♱  DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sakamaki Ryuuto | Maniac 10  ♱
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⌜ Scene: Yui’s Homeroom ⌟
Richter: Be quick with your allocated cleaning time* tonight. Ryuuto will meet you by the limousine in precisely fifteen minutes. 
There is still much to do before the time comes.
Yui: Understood, Ric… Err, Sensei.
ー Richter leaves the classroom. ー
Yui: ( Uu… I hate those sorts of ominous orders… )
…Alright. Let’s get to it.
( It’s kind of funny, though, how Ryuuto-san’s homeroom schedule and mine lined up! We both ended up on cleaning duty tonight. )
( It’s just a shame we don’t share a homeroom… It might be fun to act like a normal high-schooler with Ryuuto-san for once. )
Come to think of it, I almost can’t imagine it… fufu.
( Ryuuto-san cleaning? He’s probably making his partner do all the hard work. )
… …
Ryuuto-san’s “partner”…
( For some reason, I don’t like the idea of it… But what’s moreーー )
Where’s my cleaning partner?
???: Ya〜hoo.
ー Laito suddenly appears before Yui. ー
Yui: Laito…kun!
Laito: Eeh? Luck’s on our side again, wouldn’t you say, Bitch-chan? Turns out we’re cleaning partners for the night, fufu. 
Yui: B-But… You’re not in my homeroom, usually?
Laito: Nope, bu〜t! You see, after my latest misadventure, I’ve been given weekly cleaning duty as punishment. 
Yui: ( I don’t like the idea of hanging around Laito-kun, but… )
( Leaving now also spells trouble for me. )
…Right, then.
ー Yui passes off a broom to him. ー
Just take a broom and sweep, okay? The faster we clean, the sooner we’ll finish.
( And the sooner I’ll be back with Ryuut… )
ー Laito’s broom sweeps over Yui’s legs. ー
Laito: Hey, hey! Don’t move, I don’t want to miss any dirty spots.
Yui: Wha…What’s that supposed to mean?
Laito: It means you’re one・dirty・girl. And I’ve got to find some way to polish you up until you’re good as new again.
ー Laito gets even closer to Yui. ー
Yui: J-Just a moment, don’t get so close…!
Laito: I’m right, aren’t I?
With that scent coming off you… Ryuuto couldn’t possibly have held back this long, right? Even someone like him wouldn’t be able to contain himself, fufu.
ー Laito lifts Yui’s skirt with the broom. ー
Yui: ( My skirt…! He’s peeking right under! )
St-Stop that! W-We’re supposed to beーー
Laito: Cleaning? Nfu, I am〜! I’m cleaning you thoroughly, Bitch-chan, from head to toe; Cleaning you of someone like Ryuuto’s touch. 
ー He shoves her back against the desk. ー
Yui: Kc…! O-Ow…
Laito: So〜rry, did you hit your head on the table? My bad.
Yui: ( Nevermind that…! )
 Don’t lift my skirt any f-further…! 
Laito: But I need to clean all the places he’s been, you know.
Yui: …!
ー Laito creeps close to Yui. ー
Laito: Not even denying it? So it is true, hmm〜?
I should’ve known; I can just smell your arousal. How many times have you done it with someone like him, then? Did you fight back?
Hey, tell me, was it your first time〜?
Yui: …! Asking th-those sorts of questions…
Laito: Don’t wanna answer? It’ll only take a bite and I’ll be able to tell, you know, fufu…But weaselling the truth out of you is so much more fun, right? 
So, fess up, yeah? Have you even been bitten by Ryuuto, yet?
ー He pins her down. ー
Yui: Wh-What’s it matter to you…?
Laito: Nfu, woo!
Bitch-chan belongs to that old-man-lookalike, right? So, that’s got to mean you’ve definitely gone all the way too, by now.
Yui: That’s…!
Laito: Ooh, don’t tell me you’re waiting to consummate your marriage?
Yui: M-Marriage!? H-How did you…
( Am I… hearing things, or did he justーー )
Laito: Did I say marriage? Whoops, slip of the tongue, fufu. 
Just with you supposed to have been our sacrificial “bride”, it’s almost like you’re running away to elope with this strange man, you know〜
So, go and break my heart some more, Bitch-chan; Have you slept together〜?
━─┉┈◈ Selection ◈┈┉─━
  ❈  Be truthful⎨M⎬
Yui: S-So what if I have…?
( Uu, I can’t say anymore! It’s too embarrassing! )
Laito: Eeh? No way, I’ll admit I’m a little surprised by that answer, fufufu.
  ❈  Lie⎨S⎬
Yui: ( There’s no way I can answer something like that honestly…! )
Slept together!?
There’s n-no way! He’s not my type…!
Laito: Fufu, I thought you’d be better than that, Bitch-chan.
Yui: …!?
Laito: L i a r. Look at your face〜
Yui: ( It’s… no use… )
Laito: Nfu… S〜o, looks like we’ve come full circle.
Yui: What…?
Laito: Nfu, it’s funny, you know? All the things you’ve done together. Who would’ve thought that that sort of guy would have eyes for any other woman?
Yui: …? 
Laito: Looking at me so bewildered, like that… No way!
Ahaha, so you haven’t heard?
I’d have thought all the skeletons would have been cleaned out of the closet by now? You ought to have known how our Mother liked to dote on that guy?
In ways you couldn’t imagine. 
Yui: Wh-What are you talking about…?
Laito: You’re telling me you don’t remember, Cordelia?
Yui: …!
Laito: I don’t quite yet know how, but you can hear me, can’t you? You’re inside this human, right? Why else would Ryuuto be after you?
Yui: I-I don’tーー
Laito: Still trying to avoid the question? Have it your way.
I was getting peckish, anyway… And if your blood is anything to go by, I’ll get my answer out of you easily, fufu…
ー Laito undoes her blouse by a few buttons. ー
Thank you for the meal〜!
Yui: N-No!
ー Yui kicks out at Laito, hitting him hard. ー
Laito: Oompf… 
ー Yui shoves him off. ー
Yui: …!
( What a strike! Right between the legs! ) 
( I’m making a break for it…! )
ー She runs out of the classroom quickly. ー
─────── ≪ °♛° ≫ ───────
←  [ ✥ Maniac 09 ✥ ] ⎥ [ ✥ Maniac Epilogue ✥ ]  →
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━━─┉┈┈◈ Notes ◈┈┈┉─━━
  1. In Japanese schools, at the end of the day, they are usually tasked with each pitching in and helping to clean their homeroom and surrounding classrooms!
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faunusrights · 6 years
another saturday, another series of me screaming. not much of an intro up here just a plunge straight tino desert bullfuckery. here we GO-
Then the mass at the core of them took shape, practically glowing from inside like a coal in a burner. Glynda recognized the patterns of gold surging with Aura along Cinder’s dress, the long strides which carried her over the molten remains of the stone spire.
we’re opening with this quote because i feel like i never did express how absolutely God Damn Sexy cinder is in this chapter. there is something VERY attractive abt having someone become SO POWERFUL they are completely overwhelming. this is going from a candle to a blowtorch. i’m very into it. i don’t think i ever said that before BUT HERE WE ARE.
im pretty sure this is their first real desert encounter but i wonder if glynda would have noticed any marginal increases to cinder’s fire bullshit if she hadn’t been so focused on the hunt..... but no glynda needs to whapped in her face with a wet fish before she notices JACK SHIT,
glynda yr EYES,
Even the slightest graze against her Aura invoked flash sweats, the heat of the desert paling in comparison.
i get that shit from sitting in a 24C bedroom i would be DEAD BY NOW,
i wonder how fire like this feels to cinder... ive written weiss as being immune to cold before (which is hilarious when she’s trying to articulate how cold something is to someone who actually, yknow, feels it) and im like... is cinder like ‘well this is toasty warm’... cinder whats yr body temp.... hello..........................
honestly i just wanna know, as someone who hates heat, what its like, to not hate it,
Too much, if she was being honest, but staying here meant death, and death meant failure.
my favourite character trope is people who think failure > death, and honestly it makes me think of hermione when shes like... we could get killed, or worse, expelled. im just rly enjoyin this HYPERFOCUSED GLYNDA OKAY.............. shes just so 👌 and also a moron,
“It must be the heat.”
/distantly: ‘its cause yr so hot,’
Yet for all that Cinder must have known what rushed at her back, she didn’t waver, her eyes set on Glynda, never straying.
i mean lets be real you’ll have read to the end of this chapter before reading my blathering like a total Foole so like... consider how terrifying it must be to have yr rival ignoring the danger (because she has nothing to fear) just to focus on u. so powerful! u’d shit yrself! there’s nothing in the WORLD to draw her attention from u..... Oh No,
glynda Yet again refuses to fear Anything do u kno how many times this stupid lesbian ends up in trouble because of this??? Too Many is the answer. too.... fuckign many.
Glynda was as vulnerable as a rabbit in a snare.
velvet scarlatina is en route to break yr bones,
A jolt of terrible recognition shot down her spine at the sight of Cinder Fall silhouetted against the sunlight filtering in, her dress billowing around her as her flame construct faded into nothing behind her.
i stan this Aesthetiq Bitch!!!!! like HONESTLY she stood there, waited for glynda to fuckin look up, posing, silhouetted, the billowing wind.... darth vader who? only one bitch has the pizzazz, the willpower, the flawless Look(tm), and its cinder.
It was like looking into a mirror and trying to parse the empty gaze staring back at her.
oh bitch what a good line THATS A GOOD LINE WHAT THE HELL
oh no like. thats really good, actually, like, oh no. THATS. MMMMMMM-
He would have to take her destroyed body back to Beacon, for she could never return to the only home she’d ever known by her own feet again.
god thats. Rough. like i love the whole desert arc bit thing because it is Full Of gifts but also. it takes away so much.
Cinder’s toes curled against the stone. “Leave.”
honestly the references to cinder’s sigils are. very good. she is Hot and i would like cinder to step on me, and also kill me maybe,
Cinder stood silent and still as a queen, watching her soldiers lower their heads as they passed her by.
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i was threatened and the threat came to PASS, WHAT THE FUCK,
god cinder is SO GOOD IN THIS REMASTER shes powerful, sexey, a small gay loser....................... i am Lovin It and im EATIN HER UP...... but srsly tho the thirst,
there ARE still a bunch of 👈😎👈 moments but we finally had one of the bigger juicy bits drop (AND WE HAVEN’T EVEN SEEN ALL OF THE JUICE YET..... CHUG CHUG BABEY) so its Fine and also-
Alerted by some miniscule sound, Cinder’s head turned, eyes gleaming like an animal’s by night.
THE GLOWY EYES HAVE COME TO PASS THIS CHAPTER GIVES SO MUCH oh my god i have been waiting on the glowy eyes for. Years. i am 97 years old,
Instead, Cinder examined Glynda closely before crouching carefully before her, one knee pressed into the ground.
‘will u marry me’ ‘wh-’ ‘im attracted to idiots and i gotta say u have maybe 2 braincells going for u rn,’
“The great Glynda Goodwitch, on her knees before the enemy.” Cinder said, thumb smoothing an errant tangle of blonde hair out of Glynda’s eyes. “Do you understand what I could do to you?”
im losing my FUCKIGN MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is. god. u kno in films where the bad guy flirts relentlessly in a position of power.... well i never cared for it because it was almost always hetero but as it turns out, like most things, when its gay i am HERE 4 IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Red-hot and foreign, it was entirely unlike any other Aura Glynda had ever felt. In her years, Glynda had encountered hundreds of people and their Auras—but this was something dark and feral, wine-red and ichor-black, shooting scalding and angry through Glynda’s own body. A steady flow of blood or a seep of decay; Cinder’s Aura was so wild it barely felt human at all.
did i say i wouldnt 👈😎👈? jk i lied
honestly? diesel n kc can. die,,
god why is this scene SO...... WHY ARE THEY NOT KISSING YET, IS THE THING, IS THE QUESTION, I HAVE TO ASK-- like seriously this scene became. 3x more queer than it was before. are yall seeing this shit????????????
Just who was Cinder Fall?
okay so. okay. did i mention i love the desert arc? because i DO and i continue to LOVE IT and i cannot wait for the bullshit that was chapter 7 now chapter 9??? did i get that right i probably didnt. BUT STILL,
anyway this chapter was powerful and gay and i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CINDER, U SEXY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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lalainajanes · 6 years
KC, 97 & 86
97 Time Travel + 86 I  Didn’t Mean to Turn You On. 
Send me two (2) tropes from this list and I’ll combine them in the same story
The house is darkwhen she walks up, her mom’s car absent. Caroline’s relieved, glad she’ll havea little time for herself to process her whirlwind of a day.
The party was stillgoing at the Salvatore’s, when she’d slipped out Damon had been crowing aboutbreaking out another bottle of the good bourbon. She’s pretty sure no one hadnoticed her leaving and Caroline’s not mad about that. She’d spent the eveningtense, making an effort to keep her distance from anyone with super senses.
She smells like sex,like Klaus even though there hadn’t been all that much post orgasm cuddling,and Caroline needs to figure out how she feels about that before her friendsstart butting in.
She makes a quickstop in the kitchen, fishes a pint of ice cream from the freezer, a spoon fromthe drawer. She strips her jacket as she walks upstairs, tossing it in thehamper outside her room. Her shirt hadn’t made it out of the forest, nor hadher underwear, but her bra is fine. And it’s gotta go now. She tucks the icecream under her chin and reaches behind to unhook the clasp.
Her door’s ajar andshe pushes it open with her toes, reaching in to flip on the light.
She shrieks and dropsher ice cream when she sees that it’s not empty, feels her vision sharpen andher fangs cut through. She’s flashing across the room before she even thinksabout it, hands out and ready to rip into flesh. 
Her visitor isfaster, much faster, easily dodges her attack. When he says her name, frombehind her, Caroline pulls up short.
 Trust Klaus to springan insane surprise appearance on her twice in one day.
“What are you doinghere?” she spits, yanking her quilt off her bed. She wraps it around her torso,spinning to face him. “What happened to ‘I’ll never come back?’”
He’s leaning againsther door his eyes carefully fixed on her face. Considering how up close andpersonal he’d gotten with her boobs just a few hours ago she’s wondering whyhe’s bothering. “I’m afraid that’s a bit complicated.” He bends, picks up thecarton she’d dropped, setting it on her dresser.
Caroline lets out afrustrated noise, clutching the blanket tighter. “It’s always complicated,isn’t it? Start explaining.”
“I didn’tspend the day with you.”
Well that didn’tclear anything up. She stares at him, waiting for more. Klaus runs a handthrough his hair and wait a minute. Caroline takes a step closer, her fingersitching with the urge to reach out. She’s sure his hair had been shorter,hadn’t been much to grip at all. “You didn’t spend the day with me,” sherepeats slowly. “Meaning…”
If Klaus tells her hehas a doppelgänger she is going to lose it.
“I got into sometrouble with some witches. They’ve managed to throw me back in time.”
Caroline’s not sure if she finds that more orless believable that the doppelganger possibility. “Time travel. You’re tellingme you’ve time travelled?” She hadn’t known that was a thing but, in the grandscheme of random and weird and impossible she’s experienced over the last fewyears, it’s not that farfetched.
“About seventyyears.”
Caroline takes a stepback, sinking down onto her bed. “That’s… wow.” She studies him more closely,her eyes narrowing. Klaus straightens but stays silent, doesn’t fidget or tryto distract her. “I feel like I need a little more proof here.”
His expression growsexasperated, “I’ve been told not to tell you anything that might influence yourfuture path.”
Okay, that was a goodpoint. If Klaus wasn’t playing some weird trick on her - and she has no ideawhat his motivation could possibly be to do such a thing at this point - thenshe should probably tread carefully. “I don’t suppose you have a newspaper orsomething in your pocket?”
He huffs a laugh,“Print media is well and truly dead in my time, love. I do have my phone.”
That had potential.Caroline holds out her hand, “Gimme.” It’s placed in her hand and Klaus staysclose. “Passcode?” She prompts.
He shakes his head,“It’ll recognize your prints. Just touch the screen.”
She stares up at himfor a long moment, her mouth open as she struggles for words. “Oh,” she finallysays. Kind of dumb, but she’s not capable of anything more articulate.
“May I?” Klaus asks,nodding down at her bed.
“Not the first timeyou’ve been in my bed.”
“True.” He sitsgingerly. She can feel him, the heat he gives off, but he’s not touching her.
Caroline stares atthe phone in her hand, hesitating. Her fingers shake when she reaches to wakeit up. She gaps when her face shows up even though Klaus’ hints had been broadenough to give her a clue what was coming. “And it won’t be the last timeyou’re in my bed,” she mutters, more to herself than him.
“Also true.”
She looks the same inthe picture, of course. The same blue eyes, the same smattering of freckles onher nose. But she knows she’s never looked at Klaus like that, save perhapstoday. And he hadn’t been taking any pictures when they’d been stripped of theirclothes and greedy for contact out in the woods.
“What happened to notinfluencing my path?”
The sound Klaus makesis amused. His shoulder bumps hers. “If anything, I’m hurting myself here, hmm?The current version of you is stubborn enough to stay away for a whole century,maybe two, given what I’ve just dropped in your lap.”
He kind of has apoint. She can’t quite conceive of that much time at this point, seventy yearsor a century. Her life’s milestones are progressing at a normal human pace. Sheknows that won’t last forever, that her seventeen year old face will becomesuspicious, that she’ll have to start over someday.
It’s not somethingshe’s really thought about but, when she starts over, no matter how many timesshe does, Klaus will be out there.
It’s weirdlycomforting to know.
“So, what happened? Imean, vaguely. No need to go breaking the space time continuum.”
He laughs again andshe finds herself shifting closer, resting her arm against his. “Thingssometimes get… contentious in The French Quarter.”
That was the mostbelievable thing he’d said yet. “Have you tried not murdering them when theyrefuse to do your bidding? I feel like that would go a long way towards interspecies harmony.”
He smiles, shakes hishead, “Funnily enough, I’ve been told that often lately.”
“Sounds like you’vebeen hanging out with smart people.”
“I’ll be sure to passon your compliments once I’ve returned.”
Did complimentingherself make her a narcissist? Caroline is too exhausted to care. “I take ityour here because you need a place to crash?”
“The present versionof me and Rebekah spent the night at my house here. They’ll leave for NewOrleans early tomorrow. I’ll go then, contact some witches to straighten thingsout. Keep his promise.”
“How long until wesee each other again?” Caroline asks. She freezes once it’s out, not havingreally meant to say those words. It’s possible she’s had second thoughts aboutcompletely shutting Klaus out. Given how much supernatural nonsense went downin Mystic Falls he was a good ear to have.
And maybe it’s nice,at least occasionally, to acknowledge that being a vampire is awesome. Shedoesn’t get to do that with her friends.
“That’s up to you,Caroline.”
Cryptic, but sheguesses he makes sense. She thinks about offering him something to sleep in butshe doubts he’d be willing to wear anything that had once belonged to Tyler.“I’m going to grab something to sleep in. Make yourself comfortable.”
“You don’t want me tosleep on the floor?” Klaus sounds puzzled and Caroline smiles, gives herself amental pat on the back. How often did something puzzle Mr. Most Powerful BeingOn The Planet?
“We already had sex,Klaus. No need to strain and play the gentleman,” she teases. “Just don’t expect to share my ice cream.”
She shuts herselfinto the bathroom before he can reply. Something tells her he’s not going toargue. She’s decided that it’s not like anyone’s going to be less judgementalif she and Klaus have more sex. The first time against the tree hadpretty much sealed her fate.
Magic had a bad habitof screwing with her. It owed her something nice. Klaus in her bed, theirprevious deal intact and just on hold until tomorrow, definitely counts.
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