#all hail the crooked moon
effie-of-the-feywild · 5 months
That scarecrow was right. This place is in ruins
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(TW: Eye contact)
Why does the moon feel different?
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It feels…awful. It feels more evil. Did something happen?
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This isn’t right. What happened to my Crooked Moon?
It so much louder than before. It’s voice is no longer gently beckoning. It sounds so…demanding.
I don’t like this new moon. It’s too loud…IT’S TOO LOUD!!!
I came here for guidance. This- this is not what I wanted…
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sgiandubh · 8 months
Friends and friends of friends a network make
Boys are back in town, no rings (Real Life, not Instabuzz) and active networking:
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In this case, those who are missing from the pic are as (if not more) important as those who made it, riding in the rain.
Let's unpack:
John Laurie, Managing Director at the Glenturret distillery, where my personal favorite blend (oh, well, The Famous Grouse - I know, really LOL, but it is what it is) is made. A long, interesting career that started in 2000, as General Manager of a fitness club network headquartered in Irvine, California (LA Fitness) and got him more and more involved in whisky business since 2014, as General Manager of Edrington, the Macallan distillery. If it sounds familiar to you, well... always remember that #silly old slogan on the Pall Mall cigarette packs: 'wherever particular people congregate'. I know I do 😎.
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Something immediately piqued my interest in this short bio: 'opened a fine dining restaurant that achieved a Michelin star inside 7 months'. And it is, of course, true: part of the reasons I am always using LinkedIn to place people, is that it would be counterproductive to blatantly lie, there. Or childish: even McSideburns knows that, with his very empty page and 1 contact - but what the hell do I know, though, he's more private than if he worked for the MI-6.
The one starred Michelin restaurant who got 'le macaron' in seven months is The Glenturret Lalique Restaurant, that opened in July 2021, on the distillery's premises and got it by February 2022. The first time a distillery wins a Michelin star, by the way:
Now, where did I read a similar business story, not so long ago and wrote about it? Oh, that's right, Tom Kitchin's first restaurant in EDI apparently followed the same yellow brick road to instant success, back in 2007:
Again, I am sensing a theme, here. Associating with young, dynamic and daring entrepreneurial voices in the whisky business. Not exactly the manwhore, closeted gay, peasant and crook some hypocrites would like to portray. I have to say, I am always, always over the moon glad to see the real thing showing up from time to time: a consistent effort to get things done, properly.
But sure, you believe what you want. I cannot force anyone to go beyond a sometimes very limited world view.
Second person being missed is David Coulthard, F1 legend, but also...
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Company Director at Whisper Films, one of the most dynamic, fastest growing UK media groups. He founded it in 2010, along Jake Humphries, BBC F1 commenter extraordinaire and Sunil Patel, a former BBC producer, but also a Board Member of the Edinburgh TV Festival:
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And for those who might not know it (I didn't), Coulthard hails from Dumfries & Galloway. Mmmhm. Well done, S. Well done.
S knows exactly what he's doing, where he's going and when and with whom he is seen. By this point in time, I think we might safely think his somewhat lackadaisical recent Insta follows (Romanian female MMA athlete? ROFLMAO, really and I howled) as gently trolling this very obsessed invested fandom. As I wrote it many, many times already, the Scottish Mafia is a reality - and good for him, really, to use what is readily available. And if you still had any doubt that was a business informal meeting, The Highland Chieftain tagged SS in his story.
He's going to laugh all the way to the bank, this one. You'll see. Great news and I will always be here to put it in context. Some of the things being heavily peddled around in here might not be very interesting to me - but this yes: this is exciting.
Also, many, many thanks to the two of you who immediately keep me up with these: you know who you are and you are loved, of course, why even ask?😘🙌
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bluedevilsrpg · 2 years
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Os Ferventis Prison ⤬  January 13th 12AM 1706. 
BOILING MOUTH, a prison with a reputation to house lunatics, murderers and the scum of the earth. Savery is a form of survival beyond this impossible prison that stands tall like a tower - located near the fortress of Solaro. To dream of death is mercy to those shackled like animals for slaughter in this madman’s house. Here you’re chained by the throat to suffer silence as you bide your time in the despair of awaiting to be offered a measly plot in a nameless graveyard. Surrounded by the ocean on all sides, it is a sentence murmured for the damned - pray to all the Gods and perhaps they shall grant you a painful and restful demise. 
But tonight is a night like no other. 
Solaro shines in its glory as it celebrates its Emperor’s birth. Crowned and hailed as the almighty and great Emperor Antiochus II, the country and its many citizens are expected to hold extravagant festivities offered in gold, pearls, land and people. And thus, the ornate revelry of the kingdom has set the stage for an impossible mission that has never been achieved before. A dangerous idea set in motion by one arrogant man. Painstakingly, GOD KILLER has spent the last several years orchestrating an intricate plan into motion. The beginning is now, and from the shadows he shall step to launch forward in the Great Pirate Race. With or without birthright, it’s time to make his own mark. 
Yet despite the chaos that follows and the unraveling of events from the outside, the Captain who’s set forth all in motion remains missing. 
Instead, he’s sent a message - one for each squadron; carefully selected and chosen to join him on the race for the hunt of GOD. Each and every one invited for select criteria; that being - degenerate filth with the appetite for violence and crimes, each being worse than the next. And yet there’s pride in his decision, one that feels like the start of cementing a myth itself. Freedom lies beyond the horizon, this is the first trial that stands in this crew’s path. Paradise is impossible if you haven’t tasted Hell. 
Machinations set into motion - the Marines have set their focus elsewhere for this evening, some choosing to succumb to all the sins offered to man. And through careful persuasion of twisted mouths; blood between the knuckles and a blade plunged through tender skin - each and every one has assembled. And yet, they stand amongst their enemies in perplexation as a note is left, messily scrawled in words that appear akin to chicken scratchings. 
A note marked with AT, a scribble of what appears to be a knife and a skull in the corner. 
Dear Whores, Scum & Pieces of Shit 
If you’re reading this, I’m already long fucking gone. But, this isn’t to say that I’ve abandoned you from the proposition I’ve made. Rather, I’ve provided an opportunity for each and every single one of you to join me on my journey to capturing GENESIS. Your first trial lies ahead. You don’t have much time so unless you’d prefer to rot to your death, I’d hurry the fuck up. Also, it's up to you to remove the collars on your neck, if you don’t it’ll detonate the moment you step off this prison. 
Also, I’m expecting all of you. Should one person be found slaughtered, you’ll be trapped here for the remainder of your ungrateful shitty little life. So don’t fuck it up. See you soon assholes. 
The Best Captain.  Axar 
― ♦ ―
The group reads the note to their annoyance as they stand amongst each other. CROOKED HOUND pries the piece of paper off the wall, they flip it over to study the back, “I believe it’s for the best we work together to make it out alive.” FLOWER OF ICE seemingly nods her head but her eyes flitter to MASTER OF DEATH in utmost distraction - a person of interest who was finally standing before her. MOON BLADE parts her mouth, “I think that’s a brilliant idea brother,” a feigned innocence in her voice as she licks the corner of her lips, a dig just for him. BLOOD THIEF ignores the others and is the first to navigate in another direction. From a distance, the sound of footsteps and quiet murmurs could be heard from the approaching guards. 
There is no other choice but to move onward, the collective group making their way to an iron door. And it’s with the strength of FLOWER OF ICE that unlatches it, making way for them. 
Pitter patter. 
It continues to drip. 
A gurgle of sound echoes from beneath the ground. “Oh no …” MOON BLADE is first to notice. 
There’s nothing quite like walking through filth and being knee high in the putrid stench of contaminated water in combination with excessive waste disposal. 
― ♦ ―
The hostility is thick in the air as there is indisputable tension lingering between all parties. CURSED SOLDIER is the first to speak, “there’s something on the back of this.”
“Well tell us what the hell it is,” QUEEN OF PLAGUE hisses the words with lethality. The others glance at the paper, there are two drawings, both which appear entirely unfamiliar to all. “It’s a series of arrows,” DEMON EATER pieces together, “and a fucking symbol,” MADAME MASSACRE finishes. “Let’s fucking go then, I’m planning to make it out alive,” RAZOR FIST announces as he sprints off first. KING OF DROUGHT follows quietly after but his steps are paced more carefully as he looks toward the signs on the wall and the paper. 
It isn’t long before they arrive at a twelve foot door, made of steel, intricate carvings marked on all parts. DEMON EATER lifts up the paper - the symbol matching perfectly. Now lies the problem of opening the gateway to whatever hell lies beyond. “Fuck, do you think we can run through that?” 
“Unless you want to die,” says KING OF DROUGHT to RAZOR FIST. 
“Let’s look around, there’s got to be a way in.” DEMON EATER interrupts. 
― ♦ ―
LITTLE MISS RED flips over the note this time - the words are written in a language she doesn’t quite understand. The others stare at the words in equal confusion, some blatantly more lost than others. “I can’t read,” SAINT GUILLOTINE confesses. ANGEL OF TERROR eyes the other, making no verbal comment but the expression that lingers on his face is enough to reveal his feelings. 
“We should fucking burn it,” CHILD OF FLAMES declares, pyromancy apparently the answer to everything. “And where would we get the fire?” SUNKEN WITCH remarks, a brow turned upward. 
“Read it later, we got a prison to escape,” BELLS OF HELL quips.  The path that unfolds before them is one that looks both decrypt and touched by grime. It appears to be a secluded area within the prison that’s never been touched. The walls are covered with what appears to be moss and vines, small insects crawling through the cracks present. The group walks onward with little trouble. 
But a rumble can be heard from a distance. 
― ♦ ―
Please make sure to utilize the #OOC discussion [story] channel to plot ooc with your team! To begin the journey, make sure to @all members of your crew and create a thread for your team in the #admin plot drop section. 
Stay on the lookout for ADMIN interjections within the #admin plot drop section / group thread. 
All current game time involving the prison break out will be secluded within 3 threads ( one per group ) 
Please use the forums to tag accordingly (1x1s). Two forum sections have been provided, one for member characters and one for admin & mod team! 
If you’d like to rp with me (admin emma, axar will be available for prologue threads - read below for more info. ) 
A PROLOGUE SECTION is provided for characters to interact with days prior to the prison break out, a schedule of the prison’s daily running can be found below. *These threads must take place before January 13th. [ Estimated dates to use are January 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th ] 
Os Ferventis Prison [ A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A CRIMINAL ]
8AM - 8:30AM [ SECLUDED BREAKFAST // consists of slop ]
7PM [ SECLUDED DINNER // more slop ] 
In order to progress to the next part of the drop, please make sure to prioritize the group threads and work with your team members. The rp will not move forward until everyone completes & participates! For further questions, please contact Emma. 
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catniplynx · 2 years
got autistic about warrior cats and had to make a spreadsheet
clan exclusive prefixes:
thunder (32): bay, briar, bumble, chestnut, cricket, dandelion, elder, flicker, flip, fuzzy, golden, goose, half, larch, long, lynx, moon, mumble, myrtle, pear, rook, rose, seed, snap, soot, spark, stem, sweet, thorn, thrift, thunder, tulip, weed
shadow (45): arch, badger, blaze, blizzard, bluebell, broken, brown, cinnamon, claw, cone, drift, ferret, fir, flax, flint, frond, gull, hope, jump, lavender, light, log, maggot, marigold, newt, nut, olive, pool, puddle, quiet, rat, russet, scorch, shadow, spire, stream, strike, stumpy, swamp, violet, wet, whisper, whorl, wish, yarrow
wind (25): bark, boulder, brook (HOW is that not riverclan??), brush, chive, crouch, dead, down, flail, flutter, furze, gale, heather, hickory, hill, hoot, midge, rye, sheep, slight, stork, stripe, whisker, whistle, woolly
river (27): copper, crooked, curl, cypress, duck, fog, hail, haven, hay, heavy, loud, mallow, minnow, misty, mossy, otter, perch, pike, primrose, river, rush, shimmer, shy, sneeze, soft, swan, vixen, wave
sky (26): bounce, brave, creek, curly, ebony, fin, fallen, fawn, fennel, fidget, fringe, gravel, hatch, kite, lichen, mistle, mottle, nectar, odd, parsley, ridge, root, sandy, sharp, shining, snip
sky again but the daylight warriors in a separate category (5): bella, billy, harry, harvey, riley (31 total with regular skyclan)
-windclan has the fewest named cats of any clan, being one fewer than skyclan
-to no one's surprise, thunderclan has the absolute fucking most cats
-shadowclan is the only clan to not have a 'robin'
-there are 3 separate seedpelts. all of which are from thunderclan.
-sky and wind are both used as prefixes in clans that aren't their respective clan (skyheart rc & windflight tc)
-surprisingly shadowclan has the most exclusive prefixes! some of these are because of stuff like rat and claw but some of them are cool like gull
possible errors:
to make things easier because i really need to sleep and shouldn't spend 2 hours on a project that is going to gain me nothing but autism points, i just copied the entire list of each clan category on the wiki and put it into a spreadsheet and compared the lists. this means that cats that switched clans, like yellowfang, may appear in multiple clans. where cats switched clans i tried to remember to put them only in their birth clan. there also could be errors in the wiki's categorization that i didn't catch such as cats that do not appear on the list (lioneye, for example, didn't appear on shadowclan's list)
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chimeric-art · 2 years
Rain loved the moon.
She loved the entire glittering tapestry of the night sky, really--she liked the idea of navigating by stars, but her memory was filled with holes that even constellations slipped through. The way Rain saw it, she got to enjoy the splendor of the starry sky with renewed awe each night.
She never forgot the moon, though, as large and easy to spot as it was. Even when shadows eclipsed her vision, she could still make out its light--which, more often than not, resulted in a tiny gasp followed by a reverent "Look at the moon!"
Hail had even likened her to the moon once, musing over the way shadows overtook her and subsided again, waxing and waning as surely as a lunar cycle.
As Rain sat and watched the night sky from his office window, waiting for his return, she felt the comparison was undeserved. The moon was so bright and lovely and grand--and she? She was a tiny insignificant slip of a shadow, completely useless to everyone and everything. It was a flattering compliment, nothing more--certainly not a comparison she deserved.
She didn't notice the world around her start to dim and stutter as shadow filled her eyes. Her gaze stayed on the moon shining beautifully round and full.
- - - - - - -
Rain didn't know how much time passed, but she'd know Hail's voice anywhere. Hearing it, she scrambled down from her window perch and all but slammed into his waiting arms--arms holding open his coat, ready to wrap her in a hug the way she liked.
As it often happened, Rain had no awareness of her shadowed state. She struggled to make sense of his words and respond as best she could--unaware that her responses weren't spoken but displayed across the shadows obscuring her face, reduced to symbols or monosyllabic words.
She sat beside him on the couch, feeling hazy and disconnected. A shadow of a shadow. A worthless. A nothing.
"Are you alright?"
Those words shot through her like electricity. For the first time during their conversation, she felt her shadows shifting. Uneasily. Warily. Not keen on being observed.
She wasn't sure how she answered, but Hail's voice took on a note of knowing patience.
"Well, why don't you tell me about what you're feeling? We can investigate together."
She tried her best. The answers were stilted and halting, vague and fleeting. She grasped at them, offered them in a daze. Feelings of inadequacy, the fear of abandonment, the aggressive erosion of her self-esteem: each a layer of shadow that dissipated with his firm yet gentle reassurances.
Color returned, then light, dim as it was past midnight. Her words were coming easier now, both from the fuzzy warmth of the security Hail provided, and the exhaustion that came with receding shadows. At some point as they talked they had repositioned so she was now tucked into the crook of his arm, head pillowed on his shoulder, while he alternated between gently scritching her feline ears and smoothing her hair.
"Don't think I'm good enough to be the moon," she confessed, biting back a yawn.
"Oh? And why not?"
"Moon's big 'n bright," she mumbled, aware she was now speaking in fragmented thoughts but confident he would catch her meaning. "Lights up nighttime. It's important."
Hail was thoughtful for a moment, and Rain nearly fell asleep from the soothing motion of his cool hand through her hair.
"I stand by what I said then," he decided.
Rain made a sleepy confused noise at him, so he elaborated: "You may be physically smaller, but the brightness of your heart rivals even the fullest moon. You most certainly light up my nighttime, and you--"
Rain clapped her hands over her ears and squeezed her eyes shut, for all the world feeling like she was going to melt on the spot. Her cheeks blushed so fiercely they stung. He couldn't be serious--he couldn't seriously think those things about her!
Hail watched her fluster with thinly veiled amusement. When she finally lowered her hands from her ears and peeked at him, he cupped her rosy cheek in an icy hand that felt refreshing to her flushed skin. She leaned into his touch and shyly met his wintery gaze that was paradoxically cold and warm at the same time.
"You are important," he declared with a tender smile. "Particularly to me."
Rain blinked away sudden tears and ducked to hide her face in his shoulder. He let her go without complaint, simply returning to his task of stroking her hair. Her shaky breaths evened out over time and turned to the slow, deep rhythm of sleep--worn out by feeling her own feelings, kept safe in a snowy embrace, she fell asleep with a hidden smile.
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dankusner · 5 months
The Dedication of the Southwestern Writers Collection - Part VI
Billy Lee Brammer
Books: Fenstemaker for President
Friday, Aug. 21, 1964
THE GAY PLACE by William Brammer. 462 pages. Crest. 95¢.
William Brammer's The Gay Place first appeared in 1961, and Lyndon Johnson was not amused by the politickin', manipulatin', connivin' chief character who was all too plainly modeled after himself. 
He told Bill Brammer, 35—a sometime speechwriter for Johnson when he was a Senator—that the book was not worth reading. 
Now that the novel is out in paperback, the President might take another look at it. 
It is a lampoon on Texas politics, but the book's L.B.J. character, Governor Arthur Fenstemaker, is warmly portrayed. 
Fenstemaker is a little cruder than the real-life Lyndon, maybe kindlier; and he stands head, shoulders and ten-gallon hat above all the other heroes of the current political fiction.
It takes an uncommonly big man to run a state like Texas, or "Coonass country," as the Governor calls its rural hinterland. 
Fenstemaker goes with the job as red beans go with fatback. 
His instincts are generous, his vision broad, even if his political methods are not exactly taught in civics class. 
To ram a school bill through his ornery legislature takes all the wiles of a sagebrush Machiavelli.
First, after picking a not-too-friendly legislator to manage the bill on the floor, Fenstemaker wears him down with Bible-belt hectoring: 
"World's cavin' in all round us; rocket ships blastin' off to the moon; poisonous gas in our environment; sinful goddam nation laden with iniquity, offspring of evildoers. My princes are rebels and companions of thieves." 
Next Fenstemaker prevails on the speaker of the house to move the bill up on the calendar. 
"He's a reasonable and honorable man," explained the Governor. "All I had to do was threaten to ruin him." 
Then he persuades a left-wing newspaper editor to oppose the bill so that it will be more palatable to the conservatives, who are "all stirred up and worried about taxes and socialism and creepin' statesmanship." 
Fenstemaker gets his bill.
Texas liberals, who are unhappy with their Governor because he settles for so many half-loaves and refuses to talk like a liberal, are scathingly portrayed as a cynical, ingrown coterie that spends most of its time boozing and rutting. 
Fenstemaker, groans one liberal, is "Mahatma Gandhi and Rasputin, the Prince of Darkness and the goddam Mystic Angel." 
But he concedes that the old fox "knew what absolutely had to be done; he could engage himself and then withdraw without losing that commanding vision."
By the novel's end, Fenstemaker has managed to elect an upstanding young Senator, destroy a McCarthyite type, arrest a crooked lobbyist who has been bribing legislators, stave off a segregationist march on the capitol, and give many a liberal a lesson in Coonass politics. 
That ought to make even Lyndon Johnson proud.
Only the names were changed April 30, 1995 | Dallas Morning News, The (TX) Author/Byline: Tom Pilkington | Page: 8J | Section: SUNDAY READER | Column: BOOKS 715 Words
By Billy Lee Brammer, with a new introduction by Don Graham (University of Texas Press, $17.95 paperback)
Two notable first novels by Texas writers were published in 1961: Larry McMurtry's Horseman, Pass By and Billy Lee Brammer's The Gay Place. 
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Though the Texas Institute of Letters awarded its prize for best Texas novel of the year to Horseman, Mr. Brammer, a politico-turned-journalist-turned-novel- ist, was considered in the early '60s a more promising writer than Mr. McMurtry. 
The Gay Place garnered lavish praise from reviewers across the country, and its author was hailed as a strong new voice i n American writing.
Mr. Brammer, however, never completed another book-length manuscript. 
He embarked on a number of ambitious projects, but for whatever reason - writer's block and escalating use of various addictive substances are explanations that have been offered - they never came to fruition. 
He died of a drug overdose in 1978 at age 48. 
Billy Lee Brammer (inducted as “William Brammer” before 1966)
He remains an example of that peculiarly American phenomenon: the one-book writer.
But what a book it is. When The Gay Place appeared in l96l, I immediately bought a copy and read it avidly. 
I was a college student at the time. 
I was interested in politics and was aware of the small band of liberals making a splash in state government in Austin, knew something about the so-called Texas Observer crowd and the Observer's brilliant editor, Willie Morris. 
I thought I could identify several of the characters in the novel.
As Don Graham points out in his excellent introduction, The Gay Place is Texas fiction's most successful roman a clef. 
Most of its people were drawn directly from real life, from the Austin political arena of the late '50s.
The best-known character in the book - Gov. Arthur Fenstemaker - is a thoroughly compelling literary portrait of Lyndon B. Johnson. 
Mr. Brammer had been an aide to Mr. Johnson when the latter was Majority Leader in the U.S. Senate, and his admiration for Mr. Johnson appears to have bordered on idolatry.
What attracted me most to The Gay Place back in 1961, however, was not the vitality and larger-than-life dimensions of Arthur Fenstemaker. 
It was, instead, what had attracted me to Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises and Fitzgerald's Tender Is the Night: the chic, aimless hedonism of the characters, their vaguely bittersweet existential angst and self-pity, their perpetual adolescent navel-gazing.
I don't know if he set out to do this, but Mr. Brammer became the poet of a generation of Texans that I found attractive. 
Every generation, I suppose, believes itself uniquely burdened, even doomed. 
Mr. Hemingway proudly displayed Gertrude Stein's description of him and the other 1920s Paris expatriates as the epigraph to The Sun Also Rises: 
"You are all a lost generation."
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The generation of young (but aging) idealists rapidly becoming dissipated cynics that Mr. Brammer depicts in The Gay Place may be the best literary approximation we will get of a Texas lost generation. 
"You are all a depressed generation," says a minor character, Sarah Lehman, in a direct parody of the Stein quote.
Coming back to the book more than three decades after my first encounter with it, I found The Gay Place both timely and dated. 
There are in it descriptions of Austin and of the world as it existed 35 years ago that seem so remote as to be almost
On the other hand, the human "flea circus" Mr. Brammer reports on retains its immediacy: the people — politicians, journalists, assorted hangers-on — still seem to me living, breathing human beings, flawed and fumbling, uncertain and insecure in their daily and professional lives.
Their nervous, often absurd caperings are set against the gargantuan backdrop of Arthur Fenstemaker, spouting an endless stream of cynicism and folksy political wisdom. 
Unlike the lesser mortals around him, Arthur knows who he is, and instinctively he knows the appropriate course of action. 
He is almost godlike, and he is the glue that holds the narrative together.
Don Graham's new introduction to The Gay Place adds important information to our knowledge of Mr. Brammer's life and career, and his assessment of the novel's significance is succinct and helpful. No Texan, native or naturalized, should be ignorant of this classic of the state's literature; the University of Texas Press' handsome reprint is welcome and appreciated.
Tom Pilkington is University Scholar for Literature and a Professor of English at Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas.
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Chapter 7
They had been three weeks on Tuvok's ship with no sign of Amal of the lost Lohengrin. Starfleet Command had reluctantly commission the expedition on the proviso that they also carried out missions in the sector they were searching. Most of these were tasks that Starfleet didn't want to send a larger ship to do and were often relationship building with semi friendly species. Today they were sent to checkin with the Gablath people in the hope they would join the federation.
Tuvok and Janeway were treated to a series of long and fruitless talks followed by a rather large evening banquet. "Lord Commissioner, as I previously mentioned we cannot get involved in Partisan wars, however the Federation takes the task of defending its people most seriously" Kathryn said as she threw a crooked smile at the Gablath leader. "Admiral, I can assure you our people have been inhabiting the Vrindor Moon for millennia, the Trinn are colonising it for its precious metals" the Commissioner countered. He stood to pull down a large screen attached to a wall when a large explosion shook the dining hall. The ceiling was falling in and fire was burning through the hall. "Tuvok to Voyager" Tuvok called as they ran for the exit but there was only static in response. Kathryn could see armed soldiers coming in from the main entrance and pulled Tuvok down a small corridor, as they raced down, they noticed to their dismay that a fallen pillar blocked the way ahead. They stood for a moment catching their breath when Tuvok noticed a small handle on the floor. He pulled it up revealing a set of steps.
The basement was damp and dingy, there were small rat like rodents scampering into the holes and the air was humid. "Well that was not how I expected the evening to end, I'm glad I wore flats" Kathryn tried to lighten the mood. She saw Tuvok bent over "Admiral, I regret to inform you I think my ankle is broken, you may be forced to escape without me" he stated sadly.
"Tuvok, I went all the way to the Delta Quadrant to rescue you. Your bravery and widosm has saved me a thousand times over. So with all due respect, shut the fuck up old man" Kathryn smiled. "You need to at least raise it and I'll explore this room, it looks like it may connect with others, this might be our way out."
On board Voyager Chakotay was frantically trying to locate the officers' life signs. The small ships had come out of nowhere and he watched in horror as the main city went up in flames, building complexes disappearing before his eyes. He tried hailing the small ships to no avail and couldn't contact anyone on the planet either. "I'm taking a shuttle to the surface, we don't have much time" he said the Commander, who retorted "Captain Tuvok would certainly not approve of putting another officer at risk, seems your Maquis ways have not left for good".
"He'll thank me later" Chakotay shouted over his shoulder"
The planet's surface was a chaotic inferno, people running everywhere. Chakotay hurried against the crowds to Tuvok and Kathryn's last knowm co-ordinates. The hall was a heap of rubble, even using his phaser Chakotay couldn't cut through it. He noticed to one side an alien that did not look like one he had encountered before. She was much shorter with whiskers that reminded him of Neelix, she seemed to be stuck under a bar. Chakotay ran over and lifted it up, the alien studied him, seemingly unsure whether to attack or not.
"You don't belong here?"
"No, we are passing through, my friends were in this hall before it collapsed. Did your people do this?"
"The Gablath have commited many atrosities against my people, this is relatiation for those we have lost. You would be wise to leave immediately"
"I can't leave without my friends" Chakotay turned to leave.
"There is a large, deep basement system under this complex, I could guide you to them? However I am vuberable as my weapon was destroyed, I see yours is intact" the alien nodded at Chakotay's phaser.
Chakotay touched his belt. Giving federation weapons to a race who would immediately use them against a possibly innocent enemy with deadly force was absolutely against the Prime Directive. Chakotay knew he should leave but he thought of all the times Kathryn had put herself in her own personal morality hell in her desperate journey in the Delta Quadrant and found his feet rooted to the spot.
In the basement The situation had become dire. Kathryn struggled to breathe in the subterranean air not meant for human lungs. Tuvok could breathe but do little more than hobble, he held his friend in his arms as her pulse weakened fighting against his own sadness to provide Kathryn with solace in her final moments. He felt a tear trickle down his cheek as he heard a familiar voice and shouted with all the strength he could muster "Captain Chakotay, you must help Kathryn immediately, over here, before it is too late". Chakotay could have sworn he saw the Vulcan look relieved as his torch found their bodies in the darkness.
"You did WHAT?????" Kathryn was fully recovered and unleashing her fury on Chakotay in Tuvok's ready room. "I'll happily take the court marshall, I'll happily leave Starfleet. There was no way in the universe I was leaving without you, to hell with the Prime Directive and the almighty rules" Chakotay was taken aback with his own forcefulness. Weeks of pain and worry about Amal and now compounding it with the almost loss of Kathryn made Chakotay feel he had little to lose. In the Maquis he had experience guaging which side of the fight to pick, it almost felt good to connect with those ways again.
"Tuvok, will put this in his logs you know, so I'll have possibly lost my son and lost my stupid fucking husband to bloody PRISON" Kathryn yelled, unable to believe Chakotay's actions.
"Actually admiral" Tuvok interjected "I have no proof of the alleged trade, the alien helping us did not seem to have a Starfleet issue phaser on his person when he arrived, there was a lot of commotion when we exited the basement, it could have fell, been pick pocketed or simply left behind when Chakotay carried the admiral. I will offer my theories in my logs but logically, the city was razed, the phaser was likely destroyed. Now, with all due respect Admiral, Captain, as this is my ready room you are dismissed"
Kathryn couldn't contain her anger as she walked through the corridors to their quarters. "Chakotay, you are jepordising this mission, Amal needs us to not be drawing attention to ourselves and getting into trouble. This is exactly why I couldn't allow a relationship when you were my CO. Less than a month in and our personal feelings have allowed Starfleet WEAPONARY no less into the hands of a hostile alien." They reached the door and walked through, Kathryn marched into the bathroom and furiously locked the door. Chakotay heard the bath taps running and sank against the wall closing his eyes.
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avatarofseshat · 2 years
Pairings: Steven Grant x f!Reader, Marc Spector x f!Reader
Warnings: Smut (not too explicit) , Minors DNI. 18+ Only (to be safe)!
Technically part four of The Sun & The Moon series but can be read alone as well.
Moon Knight Masterlist
“How are you always so sensitive?” You whisper half in amusement and half seductively as you run your fingers down Steven’s toned chest admiring how the golden hue of the morning sun made his olive skin glow.
“Anything for you, love,” his voice trembles as you continue to brush your finger across his torso as you admire every slight imperfection.
“You are so pretty,” you praise as you place a kiss to his toned chest.
“No, y-you are,” he stutters as your hand wonders lower and dips beneath the duvet that covers your shared bed “c’mere…” he mumbles cupping your cheek and pulling you into a passionate kiss “I love you” he voice his husky as he briefly pulls away. As soon as his lips meet yours again he flips you over causing your hand to rapidly move to his back in an attempt to move with him “as much as I adore your touch, darling…I have a better idea.”
It was late morning by the time you both emerge from your shared residence with fingers entwined as you headed towards the street to hail a taxi. It was Saturday - and it happened to be your anniversary - it had become your custom to attend the local outdoor market.
You had caught Steven staring at you doe-eyed more than usual that day and you could help but notice how his eyes would scan up and down your light blue sundress before meeting your gaze.
“Like what you see, Mr. Grant?” You mumbled against his lips before peppering him with sweet kisses.
“Hmmm,” he mumbled against your neck completely oblivious of the odd looks you two were probably attracting. He had that effect on you, when you were together the rest of the world didn’t exist.
As the warm rays of the sun gave way to the cool night air you noticed how he seemed to grow more anxious. You were hoping it wasn’t because they had leave and cancel your dinner plans. You were relived when that wasn’t the case as you sat across from each other at the restaurant. He looked beyond gorgeous in the shirt and jacket you were sure Marc made him purchase as it was classic black and white.
In a sudden burst of confidence Steven reached across the table and took your hand in his as he other hand fidgeted with his jacket pocket.
“Y/N, darling…” he whispered as he took your hand “do you have any idea of how much you mean to me…us,” you had no doubt that Marc had just said something “and I don’t know what I would be without you…you’ve excepted us and have loved us unconditionally. I only hope that I can return it.” You could just hear Marc scoff at that.
Your eyes widened when you noticed the small box he had in his free hand as he slides from his chair to kneel before you on the stone floor. You smiled as he struggled to open it with one hand before relenting to release your hand “Sorry…darling,” he mumble an apology as he opened and a smile spread across your face.
It was a gorgeous natural oval cut Lapis Lazuli surrounded by several smaller diamonds all set in gold. You met Steven’s chocolate gaze both of your eyes rimmed with tears with overflowing emotion.
He took a breath to steady his racing heart “Y/N…darling…my love…will you marry me?” Us.
“Yes!” You instantly replied, you weren’t just saying yes to Steven, even though he was the one to ask. You were saying yes to Marc as well and even to the third alter, whomever he may be. They’re a packaged deal.
A big grin spread across Steven’s handsome face as he went to place the ring on your finger. Before both of you embraced, few knew of how great of a kisser your shy boyfriend - fiancé - was. This kiss easily took the cake, it was full of passion, devotion, and promise.
“You’ve made me the happiest man alive,” He mumbles into the crook of your neck and you just smile into his his neck “I love you so much, darling.”
The rest of the evening passed in a daze as Steven just started at you with doe eyes. He was endlessly adorable and charming and unbelievable gorgeous.
“Steven, let’s go home.”
The morning sun glinted off the blue stone around your ring finger as you rolled over just to find the bed empty. You sighed to yourself as you found a set of lounge wear before gathered up the clothes that were scattered on the floor. You couldn’t help the but smile as the memories of the previous night filled your head and your heart.
When you reached the kitchen you couldn’t help but smirked when you saw Marc’s T-shirt and Jean clad figure. Steven may be keen to hide himself behind too big clothes but mark was the opposite as he usually preferred his clothes snugger.
“Enjoying the view, sweetheart?” He cheekily inquired in that deep slightly-Chicago accented voice as he turned slightly in profile so he would slightly see the pink rise to your cheeks.
Everyday it amazed you how different they where - not that you didn’t expect it. Steven was awkward and somewhat shy while Marc was confident and intense. Their personalities weren’t the only stark difference you have come to know.
“Always.” You cheekily respond as he playfully shakes his head.
He turned to completely face you as his dark chocolate orbs met your (eye color) ones “I’m glad you’re not disappointed.”
You round the kitchen island so that your face-to-face with him “When have I ever been disappointed to see you?”
“This is a special time for…”
You cut him off as you step closer “all of us…a packaged deal, remember?” He wraps a strong arm around you and pulls you in for a kiss that is full of promise and relief.
Suddenly the smell of something burning reaches your nostrils “shit!” He curses when he realizes breakfast is burning. You give him a peck on the cheek as he releases you.
Something catches the corner or your eye and you turn curiously towards it. Your eyes soften as a smile spreads across your face when you spot the bouquet of red roses sitting on the counter. You look to Marc thinking they must be from him as you snatch the small card from its holder.
Don’t believe everything you hear.
I’ll see you soon, mi amore.
The signature looked like it read “Jake Lockley”. You drop the card as realization reaches your mind - the mysterious third alter!
Once Marc finishes preparing breakfast he turns to see why you’ve become so quiet. He nearly runs to your side when he sees the paleness of your features “baby, what’s…,” he stops short as he spots the card on the counter and quickly picks it up to scan it.
‘Marc! What’s are we going to do?!’ Steven is so frantic Marc can barely think.
You’re not afraid of Jake, apprehensive yes but not afraid. You’ve see monsters and as far as you knew Jake wasn’t one. If he was he’s had ample opportunities to show such. The color had quickly returned to your features as you took a calming breath.
“Y/N?” Marc’s chocolate brown eyes were fixed on you, his voice laced with concern.
“I’m fine,” you assure him “I wasn’t expecting it…that’s all.”
“Sausage? Bacon?” You question eyeing the spread before you and knowing of Marc’s Jewish heritage.
“Turkey,” he clarifies before pulling you into a sweet kiss and pulling out your chair. Breakfast was delicious and much to Marc’s amusement you ate more than your share “where do you put it all?”
After breakfast Marc was insistent on joining you in the shower despite having already showered himself. He now had you with your chest pinned against the cool tile as he devoured your neck and shoulder, his hand griped your hips as he ground his hard length against you.
“You like that don’t you, baby?” He breathed into your ear his breath hitched as you ground against him “Shit! You’re such a tease!”
“Marc…” your body ached for him as you turned your head and he eagerly consumed your mouth with his.
“I know honey,” he breathed as he he slid one hand between your bodies as he adjusted himself so that he could enter “you are so perfect,” he groaned as he steadily entered you and he only paused when he heard your sharp in take of breath as your core stretched around him.
Marc soon had you pressed tightly against him as you met his rhythmic pace and you could feel the familiar coil in your stomach as his calloused fingers came into contact with your sensitive perl “that’s it…baby…come for me.” He had you seeing stars as you came around him and you could tell that he was close himself as his rhythm faltered as his mouth sought yours.
Marc had been unusually quiet all day and by the far off look that graced his brown eyes you could tell he was lost in thought as he rubbed a palm up and down your bare legs that where resting across his lap. He only made eye contact when you went to move.
“I’m gonna call him,” he suddenly spoke as you shifted your legs off of his lap.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” he respond with a sigh “I’m doing it right this time…I want us to be a family. You know. If we have kids they should know their grandpa.” You simply smiled at him as he pulled you close to bury his nose into your hair.
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eul0gies · 2 years
the strange men playlists
[ - songs that remind or are related to the characters/story of Uri’s strange men RPG games ! + 20 songs in each playlist ]
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songs -
lit up - radiator hospital // eros - the buttertones // henry - lowertown // cursive - billie marten // caught up - sights & sounds ft. nicole dollanganger // sometimes - radiator hospital // stomach it [ acoustic ] - crywolf // ghost under my bed - johnny goth // foghorn - puzzle // my propeller - arctic monkeys // fever dream - kitty sucker // send the pain below - chevelle // folklore and tall tales - w.c lindsay // lullaby - the cure // dragon bones - jamie t // structure - odd sweetheart // flowers for all occasions - blood culture // the boy who blocked his own shot - brand new // crutch - pinback // dumb - pretty sick
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songs -
one day robots will cry - cobra starship // the prettiest star - david bowie // rises the moon - liana flores // last words of a shooting star - mitski // sleep eater - slothrust // bad dream - johnny goth // monodrama - benches // eye dozer - spirit club // hot faced - margaux // congratulations - mgmt // flies - aubrey key // insomniac - memo boy ft. chakra efendi // you are the moon - the hush sound // roots - billie marten // pool - paramore // the more i sleep, the less i dream - we were promised jetpacks // caroline - lowertown // preoccupied - save face // why even try - hippo campus // fingers - it looks sad.
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songs -
i could be dangerous [ demo ] - reverie sound revue // wires - the neighbourhood // evil - interpol // if you were there, beware - arctic monkeys // it was a pleasure - echo & the bunnymen // moon waltz [ piano verson ] - cojum dip // sparks - coldplay // counting - heavens // you’ve seen the butcher - deftones // a little death - the neighbourhood // gun shy - widowspeak // i know it’s over [ demo ] - the smiths // mr. fear - siames // too much to ask - arctic monkeys // a beginner’s guide to destroying the moon - foster the people // song seven - interpol // this charming man - the smiths // maybe it’s a fantasy - johnny goth // i know - private island // blindness - metric
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songs -
fortress - pinback // mice - billie marten // leave me be - computerwife // hole in the earth - deftones // mt. washington - local natives // hazy - vulpix // ykwim? - yot club // drowning - johnny goth // six flags in f or g - surfer blood // to kelly lee - the speed of sound in seawater // agoraphobia - deerhunter // lavender blood - fox academy // dear child ( i’ve been dying to reach you ) - anthony green // we live underground - lights on // mother make me golden - dear and the headlights // spellbound - siouxsie and the banshees // stardust - amarante // last snowstorm of the year - hippo campus // younger - the hails // welcome and goodbye // dream, ivory
i hope you enjoy !
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rw47vr-key · 3 years
Princess Queen MC!x Jake
(Part 1/3)
Warning: dark,angst,mention of death
Synopis: Dark Magic which is known only by royals, becomes forbidden after a terrible war broke to attain the 'Magical Sapphire' among the kingdoms because of the evil Magician'Ravenblack'. You,the Queen of Esmond known as the only young Queen to rule a kingdom in the entire continent,is the protector of that precious gem.But trouble always follows you.
Quick note: Hello my dears!!💖💕 So I tried writing this plot and I'm not even sure how it has come🙈.I'm just an amateur forgive if there's any mistake🙃.Let me know what you think.Take care Lovelies!💗
"Hail to the the future king and queen of Rogers kingdom!"
"Hail to the future king Richard Rogers and future queen Jessica Hawkins!"
"Congratulations on your engagement!!"
"Long live the future king and queen!"(continuous praise)
_inside the Rogers palace_
'I have to see Queen MC!!' , she says her steps pounding with her heartbeat.
A voice in her head whispers,"You can't escape from me.Hahahaha"
She casts a little spell and tries to write something in a portrait of someone , before she completes, a black fog surrounds and she disppears.....
A raven caws as if announcing about the game of nightmare beginning.
* Clang*
*clash* *clash* *clash* *clash*
(sword falls down)
"Woah!! Milady! You always defeat me.This isn't fair!!"
"You were the one who taught me sword skills, Knight Anderson"
"Yeah yeah.But still..."
A Maid:"Your Majesty, it's time for your afternoon meal.You didn't have your breakfast too"
You give your sword to knight Daniel Anderson and say,"Ah,yes I will"
"Milady, this is not good! Why are you training without having your meal nowadays!"
"Don't worry Knight Dan, you are used to my stubborness"
You change from your armour to an elegant silk gown and enter the dining hall.
You weren't eating well after all the disasters happening.Princess Hannah,of The Donfort Kingdom ,has gone missing 2 days before and evil magician of the duskwood province " Ravenblack", will anytime try to kill you and take the precious gem which is the symbol of Power,but a dangerous one which could destroy the whole world.
You were barely eating when someone dashed inside surpassing the guards.
"Greetings,Royal Highness. I've something important to ask you."
It was none other than the cunning Lord Norman ,who is in-charge of trade.You gave a death glare as if to engulf him and he immediately jumped in fear but still continued,"M-Myy apologies for disturbing your meal time,your Majesty. But I need to ask you a favour. Please let me take care of the rich clothing, newly opened for the common people.Why did you give that to a rookie, Milady?"
He knows he's running towards a dark tunnel yet he does so.You slowly get up with your fork in your hand,he moves back in fear and you whisper in his ears,pointing the fork in his eyes
" Go against me,and those emerald eyes won't be where it is supposed to be."
"Oh, didn't you try to sell that Art of someone's as yours? How about you pay for that too?"
And like always, he swiftly gets out of your sight screaming.
"I don't know why you still have him here,Milady", Knight Anderson says.
"I know he's crooked but he's of help too in someway",you smirk and put down your fork.
You are frustrated that he ruined your meal and you ask your maid for a cup of coffee.Royals prefer tea but you love coffee more.That's the only thing that'd pacify your mind.
This all started when Ravenblack,out of greed ,yearned for taking Sapphire as his own property.For that,he used malicious dark magic.For which he needs to kill one person,and curse another person on a special night of the first moon of a particular year that occurs rarely.He cursed young Prince Jacques Donfort,an illegitimate child of the kingdom who was sadly not cared by his people and he tried to kill you, who was born on that same special day,but a different year.Though you were young that time,your magical power was so strong that you saved yourself,and the whole war was stopped by you.That made the people to crown you as the Queen at a younger age.But still the curse on prince Jacques wasn't gone and since people didn't care, they tried to kill him out of fear of the curse.He still resides hiding away ,people thought that he is dead already, but he is not.And you were afraid that there are only 3 Days for that awaited night.
"Milady" "Milady"
"Royal Highness MCCcc!!"
"Ah! Sir Dan! What?!"
"What are you dreaming ,Milady?.Aaaa fine, here's lovely flowers for the lovable Queen".
Knight Daniel always gives you flowers everyday and even has his own garden that he takes care of by himself.You love it but teasing him too is fun.
"I've got this specially today since that bastard ruined your mood and meal."
You smile and receive,"Thank you"
"Keep smiling like that Milady,if you get furious it's difficult for me to stop you".
Next day
Duskwood province is the largest with forests,a beautiful lake and many small kingdoms out of which three main are The Donfort,Rogers, and Hawkins.You are now in the Rogers palace,to visit Jessy Hawkins who is now engaged to Richard Rogers.She is your best friend and sister figure to you and you're visiting her since she's upset that Princess Hannah vanished on her auspicious engagement.Even you who visited the engagement,wasn't able to sense any dark magic and was shocked about her disappearance.No one,even Richard could calm down her.She's still weeping and worrying.
"You are here!",she hugs you and cries like a baby.
You couldn't control your emotions too.You join her and you both let out your feelings and talk for some time.
After an hour,Prince Rogers entered the room.
"Greetings Queen MC!"
You bow just like him and greet" Greetings Prince Richard".
" Ah,I told you to call me Richy"
"And I told you to address me as MC"
You three were best friends ever since you were kids.So it's been like this always.You love them but you're afraid that you will put them in danger.
You have a nice long chat which you haven't had for many days since you were busy playing the role Queen.
"Milady,I have to show you something",Princess Jessy says to you and hands you a portrait of you written in magic as HELP
You ask"Where did you get this?"
"It was in my room which I found after princess Hannah's disappearance.She is the one who uses this type of magic.
Prince Richy: "But we didn't give this to the Donfort King yet.Since it is your portrait,we wanted to inform you first Milady.Do you know what this means?"
You too wondered why.But you had an inkling that it must be because of " magical Sapphire".
"I'll try to find it.Thank you for trusting this to me."
"You needn't thank us Milady!"Sir Richard says and so does Princess Jessy.
You greet them and leave the palace,where the royal advisor Dark,who accompanied you waits.
"My Princess Nesrin! What took you so long?"he asks you.You get angry everytime he calls you Princess 'Nesrin' Which means 'Wild flower'. you weren't Solandis (a delicate flower) and you accepted that fact,but him calling you Princess,as if you're under his control annoys you.
And as to express anger you always use a little spell to hurt him in his head.
He coughs little blood and frowns"Ah!! Sorry Milady.i thought you were in a good mood.So, will you take my advice?"
"What is it?",you ask entering the chariot.
"Like I always say,why don't you use your sapphire to stop this chaos?.You and me can end this my princess!!.Just listen to me!"
You know he wants to rule Esmond and doesn't like a mere young woman dominating instead of him who has been an advisor and great magician of Esmond ever since you were born. You scoff and reply,"You're just my advisor,not the Emperor,and even if you were ,I won't kneel for your command.Just wait and see what happens."
No one can defeat you whether it's sword fight or word fight.
That day evening
You receive a little note in your room.Prince Jacques writes letters to you, though he couldn't express his feelings in it ,you and him still Iove doing this.But he never meet you in person after that terrible incident, fearing that he'd put you in danger.So Nymos,a red eyed young lad ,so younger than you , who always accompanies Jacques brings you those letters and you write letters too .They both get rid of the evil magicians in duskwood forest,but on the outside They disguise as thieves,but they're theives for a good cause,to help the right persons who suffer due to Ravenblack.
You don't love him just because he's a former prince,You love him for being himself.You see a dark figure behind the bushes.
"Hey Nymos.Why did you ask me to come here.Someone will see you",you say.
"It's me,Milady"
You knew it wasn't Nymos.It was the person who makes your heart flutter everytime you read his letter.
"I came to ask about Princess Hannah"
Your heart shattered and so was the flower pots near you because of your spell magic out of frustration.After visiting all these years,he's not asking how do you do or atleast a formal greeting?! You hide your anger and ask"What do you want to know Prince Jacques?"
"I'm sorry if your suprised,and please address me as Jake"
He says so since that's the way his late mother called him."In that case,Prince Jake I've something to show you".
You and him talk there a lot about everything that's gone a disaster and he assures you , he'll end this altogether.
"It's already late Milady,I'll right a letter soon.And I'm glad I could see after a long time",he says and tries to leave.
"That's all you've come for?,I thought I was important to you, doesn't seem like it",you say with anger loudly.
He turns around with sadness and anger in his bright blue eyes that changes to red sometimes Because of the curse,and pins you to the wall and says"You know how much I like you.And how much I can't resist you.Its dangerous for now.Remember that Milady."
He slowly takes your hand and kisses in the hand"And remember, you'll always be My Queen", you stand in awe stuck in wonder.
Jake:"You trust me right?"
You hug him and say"Of course I trust you".
He tells his plan and before you could react he vanishes as always.
" Milady,what are you doing in the garden?!"
" what's the hurry,Sir Anderson?"
"I've been searching for you to give these Two important invitations.One is from King of Donfort and another from Princess Cleo."
You grab Donfort king's invite and looks like he wants to talk about Hannah.
"Why Princess Cleo sends me an invite?That's rare"
"This invite came a week ago.you said you don't want to see it,Milady.Remember? That new waffle and pancake she introduced in her famous restaurant she owns.Today night is that inauguration".
You wonder why the best friend of Princess Hannah,despite her disappearance, didn't cancel the occasion.
"Hmm, strange"
" Of course it is,Milady!. By the way,why is there broken flower pots here?
At the night food inauguration
Princess Cleo: "Thank you for all who've come here! Enjoy the feast!"
A loud applause is heard in the hall.
Prince Jake in disguise,uses his cursed red flame magic to signal Princess Cleo.She spots his place and approaches,"Hello my love Jake,What brought you here?"
To be continued......(other parts in description)
Hope you like this.i don't know if you noticed some dw fandom references,I included it because I love you guys so soo much (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ .And this story next part might be slow update.Please forgive me😅.and sorry about that poor sword sound effect...
Have a nice day/eve/night dears!!💕💕🌺
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effie-of-the-feywild · 5 months
How to leave Druskenwald help
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hxneyandespressx · 4 years
sweet tea in the summer
summary: little blurbs of jj and elle being in a relationship
pairing: jennifer jareau x elle greenaway (jelle)
word count: 1.8k
lemon tea: mornings
Usually, Elle and JJ were up in the early hours of dawn, getting ready to head for work. The two of them don’t slow down as they just want to get out of their shared apartment. On the weekends, however, these two liked to take their time, savoring the calmness. Sometimes they rolled around in bed as Elle peppered butterfly kisses on JJ’s nose and cheeks. Sometimes, JJ woke up before Elle and made coffee for both of them. Two creams and two sugars, just how Elle liked it. And they spent their time in bed, sipping on their coffee and have sleepy conversations.
peppermint tea: ice skating
During one of their visits to New York, Elle and JJ were ice skating at Bryant Park in the crisp December air. Neither of them were experts at it, so a few tumbles onto the ice were granted. JJ held onto Elle’s arm tightly, as she was scared to fall down. After a while, JJ was able to balance and slowly skate alongside Elle. The two of them went skating around the rink, bypassing the other couples. At one point, Elle slowly brought JJ close to her and placed a chaste kiss on her chapped lips. After their time ice skating, Elle and JJ went to go get hot chocolate at the nearest kiosk and walked around the park before heading back to their hotel.
chamomile tea: bedtime
Either of them doesn’t have a set sleep schedule. They sleep when they can. But during the rare times when they get home early, Elle and JJ liked to take their time doing their nightly routine. JJ made some chamomile tea for the both of them while Elle fed their pet cat. They both drank their tea and talked on the balcony, letting the tea calm their body and mind. Slowly, they yawned and put their mugs away in the sink. JJ flopped onto the bed as Elle grabbed the blanket to cover the both of them. JJ cuddled into Elle’s arms and the two women fell fast asleep, catching dreams of moving to India forever.
earl grey tea: flirting
Elle was known to be the flirt in the relationship and JJ loved it whenever Elle flirts with her and makes her blush, even though the blonde wouldn’t admit to it. One day, JJ wanted Elle to get a taste of her own medicine. When both Elle and JJ working from home on a Friday, the blonde mustered up all her courage to at least try out her pick-up line. JJ called out Elle’s name and the brunette looked at her girlfriend. JJ said her cheesy pickup line and Elle laughed, but not at her girlfriend. It was at the pickup line. JJ pouted and slumped in defeat. Elle smiled happily and quickly pecked her sad girlfriend’s lips.
milk tea: hugs and kisses
Elle snuck up on JJ as the blonde was cooking breakfast. The brunette tickled JJ’s side as the shorter woman laughs hard, trying not to burn herself from the oil. Wanting the ticking to be stopped, JJ shooed away Elle, but her sneaky girlfriend couldn't keep her hands off of her. Elle gently wrapped her arms JJ’s waist as the blonde was curious as to what the brunette was going to do next. Elle placed two kisses on JJ’s cheeks. Then her forehead. Her nose. Finally, her lips. JJ deepened the kiss between herself and Elle. It was like it was only them and nothing else matter. That was until Elle smelled burning eggs and JJ furiously tried to salvage them.
iced tea: moonlight
Stars twinkled across the night sky as Elle and JJ took sips of their red wine. They were having a date night in and decided to finish off the night at the balcony. The moon shined bright, almost like a spotlight on Elle. JJ took in the sight that was next to her. The blonde was lost in her thoughts until Elle called out for her. Once being back to reality, JJ blushed in embarrassment and looked away. Elle tried her best to comfort her girlfriend, hoping that they could continue their quiet night while watching the moon.
black tea: baking
JJ and Elle were baking cookies for a Christmas cookie party. They were having fun until Elle threw some flour at JJ’s face. JJ stood in shock as Elle smirked, feeling proud of herself. That was until JJ scooped up some flour with both her hands and dropped it on top of Elle’s head. This started a food war between the two women, who were also wasting a lot of baking ingredients that were necessary for the Christmas cookies. JJ realized this in the midst of this food fight and had to stop Elle from throwing some sprinkles at her. The two women laughed to their hearts’ content and started to clean up themselves and the kitchen, hoping to salvage something for the rest of the Christmas cookies to be made.
pomegranate tea: fireworks
It was the Fourth of July and both Elle and JJ made plans to watch the city’s firework display. Packing up a small picnic for dinner, JJ hummed as she was making sandwiches. Once finished, JJ called out for her girlfriend to head out and seek the best spot. Elle appeared in time and the pair went their way to the nearest park. Elle set the blanket while JJ took out the food she made earlier. They quickly ate their sandwiches and guzzled some ginger ale. JJ quickly cleaned up their area in time for the firework show. The blonde cuddled up to Elle’s chest as the two women watched the sky is filled with many colors. They enjoyed their time watching the fireworks display. When it was over, Elle and JJ went on their way home, but not without having some ice cream to end the night.
matcha tea: drunken conversations
Elle and JJ were giggling loudly at a bar in their city. JJ took her last sip of her beer as Elle fumbled to try and find her wallet. Once the tab has been paid, Elle hooked her right arm with JJ’s left and the drunken pair slowly waddled out of the bar. Since the apartment wasn't too far, it wasn’t necessary to hail a cab. JJ shushed Elle as they entered their apartment building and was greeted by their stoic doorman. Their giggles got muted as the elevator door closed, JJ closing the gap between her and Elle.
chai tea: holding hands
JJ played with their hands as they were laying in bed late at night. Elle intertwined the fingers and softly placed a kiss on each knuckle on JJ’s hand. The blonde snuggled into Elle’s side and slowly closed her eyes. Elle watched her girlfriend, whose sound asleep, for a few minutes. She took in the beautiful sight in front of her. Gently pushing her blonde locks away from her face, Elle placed a kiss on JJ’s forehead and prepared herself to sleep. The brunette closed her eyes for the night as she continued to have her fingers intertwined with JJ’s.
hibiscus tea: road trips
Music played loudly as a car zoomed along the interstate. Elle and JJ had taken a month off to do a little road-tripping. JJ held her hand out of the window to feel the rush of the cold wind. Sometimes Elle would take little glances at her girlfriend to remind herself of the beautiful memories they will make. The blonde reeled her arm back in and started to search for the snack bag for one thing. When she couldn’t find it, she asked Elle, who in turn didn’t know. That started a very silly argument about where the Cheetos bag went. Soon enough, JJ found the bag of Cheetos right behind her passenger seat. She sheepishly smiled as she opened the bag, Elle laughing beside her.
green tea: bonfire
Elle poked at the small bonfire to get the fire going as JJ prepared ingredients for s’mores. The brunette sat down by her girlfriend, wrapping herself and JJ with a large plaid blanket. JJ handed a marshmallow on a stick to Elle and started to roast her own marshmallow. The crackling of the fire provided warmth as the brisk November wind passed by. Once the marshmallows were ready, both Elle and JJ constructed their s’mores as quickly as possible before the marshmallow would fall onto the ground. Giggles were heard as a smear of chocolate appeared on Elle’s upper lip. JJ took this opportunity to lick it off and laugh at Elle’s shocked expression.
russian caravan tea: music
Soft indie music played into the night as Elle and JJ danced slowly across the cold kitchen tiles. It was one of those nights where either of them couldn’t sleep. JJ had her head in the crook of Elle’s neck as the brunette had her arms wrapped around JJ’s waist. They let the music serenade them as they circled around the kitchen. Wanting to check up on JJ, Elle looked down and saw that JJ had closed her eyes. Elle gently waddled her way to turn off the music while trying not to wake up JJ. She picked up JJ in bridal style and walked over to their bedroom, gently putting JJ down on the comforter. Elle scooted up next to her and cuddled her in her arms, falling asleep to JJ's gentle heartbeat.
english breakfast tea: beaches
Elle and JJ held hands as they walked along the beach. The waves gently touched their feet from time to time. Something sparkling caught JJ’s eye and the blonde took the time to pick it up. To her discovery, it was a half piece of a seashell lined with nacre. Elle complained that she didn’t want to take home a smelly seashell but JJ wanted it. JJ was able to convince Elle into taking it home by her charming looks that Elle can’t resist. A smirk appeared on Elle’s face as she thought of a mischievous idea. Elle dragged JJ into the ocean up to their knees. JJ shrieked due to the cold salty water and proceed to scold her girlfriend for ruining her dress.
rooibos tea: anniversary
Both Elle and JJ would rather have a lowkey day for celebrating their one-year anniversary. Neither of them expects any gifts, as they do not want any expectations presiding in their relationship. They would have breakfast in bed together and reminisce their memories over the past year. Afterward, they would get ready for a hike at Shenandoah National Park. Depending on their mood, they pick a trail that could either be easy or more difficult, so they can challenge themselves. But once they reach the top, Elle and JJ take in the view of the sun slowly setting down over the trees and hills. Elle would grab JJ’s hand and take a look at her beautiful girlfriend, how the sunset rays filter her already beautiful face. They tell each other happy anniversary as they sit on the craggy boulders, watching the sunset over the horizon and the moon rise up into the twilight sky.
taglist: @homosexualyearning / @ssajelle / @iconicc / @sunlightgalaxy / @pumpkin-stars / @lgbtbau / @hotchgans / @abbyprentiss / @pen3mily / @morcias / @hotchsbabygirl / @gravelyhumerus / @notsosmexy / @cherrychris / @hqtchner / @girlbossjareau / @a-writers-ramblings
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windcalling · 3 years
wei wuxian playlist | see the coffin jump
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on spotify | twitter | ao3
vanderlyle crybaby geeks - the national | mowgli’s road - marina | featherweight - fleet foxes | gopher guts - aesop rock | thunder & lightning - brown bird | hail to whatever you found in the sunlight that surrounds you - rilo kiley | bright mouths - electric president | jumping coffin - aesop rock | rumors - josh ritter | his hands - blegh | rings - aesop rock | midday moon - astronautalis | we all die young - the decemberists | good grief - dessa | older and taller - regina spektor | enough to go by - vienna teng | bone of song - josh ritter | my love follows you where you go - lori mckenna 
track notes under the cut.
vanderlyle crybaby geeks - the national All the very best of us string ourselves up for love
mowgli’s road - marina Oh Lord, I have been told That I must take the unforsaken road (forsaken road)
featherweight - fleet foxes In all that war, I’d forgotten how many men might die for what I’d renounced I was staging life as a battleground No, I let that grasping fall
gopher guts - aesop rock Today I pulled three ghost crabs out of rock and sand Where the low tide showcased a promised land I told them, “You will grow to be something dynamic and impressive; you are patient, you are gallant, you are festive.” Then I let them go. Oh.
thunder & lightning - brown bird Cut down by the cruel and the crass fold Catch hell from the mighty and high Ain’t nowhere left for the good to go No truth in a world full of lies
hail to whatever you found in the sunlight that surrounds you - rilo kiley Hail to whatever you found in the sunlight that surrounds you Pretend all the good things are for you
bright mouths - electric president We are the thoughts that you were warned about We are the shadows in your basement When you say doomsday we say everything’s alright But it’s all the same
jumping coffin - aesop rock Some try to combat any kind of odd force tryna make contact, nah Let it in, let it in Let it in, let it in
rumors - josh ritter Hey, what the hell if it helps me I put a whip to the kick drum but the music’s never loud enough
his hands - blegh You’re too real for me You should got to something better I’ll give you to someone better I have friends that’ll be on earth for longer I have friends that won’t feel like monsters
rings - aesop rock They will chop you down just to count your rings Just to count your rings Just to count your rings
midday moon - astronautalis This is how they came to me, one at a time Pilgrims to my building on the cemetery grounds All they wanted was an answer and I could never let ‘em down I couldn’t promise them forever but I could buy a lot of time
we all die young - the decemberists we all die young!
good grief - dessa I’m willing to work for this Just show me where to dig And I’m ready to hurt for this I know exactly what this: good grief
older and taller - regina spektor I remembered you older and taller but you’re younger and smaller so who’s gonna call her and say  that you’re back again?
enough to go by - vienna teng I’m wanting your anger I only want to see if I can shake you out of sleep And bring you out under this flooded sky At any price
bone of song - josh ritter I am the only unquiet ghost that does not seek rest
my love follows you where you go - lori mckenna Up the steepest hill, a dark and crooked road My love follows you where you go
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haileyyanneupton · 4 years
under the stars (just you and i)   🌌
hailey upton x jay halstead 
prompted by tumblr post by @snowwhite013​ and post by @upstellaride (on twitter)
| masterlist |
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Chicago was chaotic by nature. The Intelligence unit had been completely and utterly slammed for months now. With increased gang activity not only in the 21st District but all over the city, everybody was being stretched to their absolute limits in every way possible. Jay and Hailey — whose romance had been placed on the backburner when the surge began — were no exception to this; they were both equally as overworked and exhausted as one other. Their apparent inability to pass up a case was costing them not just their precious beauty sleep, but quality time to spend together as a couple, leaving them both frustrated every time the phone rang. 
“You and me, Bartoli’s.” Hailey glanced up from the paperwork in her hand at the sound of her boyfriend’s voice. He was sitting across from her on his side of the desk that had slowly but surely become their communal desk over the years, his feet up on the edge of the surface as he stared at the blonde haired woman, awaiting a response. “When?”  The question was simple, but it was one that hung in the air for longer than either of them would have liked. It was a simple question that in theory required a simple answer, but with the unpredictability of work as of late, both Jay and Hailey were unwilling to offer up a time or day without proper thought being put into it. “What about after shift tonight?” Jay offered, hesitation evident in his voice as Hailey’s eyes flickered to the rest of the unit — it was relatively empty. At least, the emptiest it had been in a while. “It’s been kind of mellow today, right? I mean, the fact that we have time to be here doing paperwork is usually a good sign.” “Tonight. After shift. . .” Hailey considered it for a moment, humming lightly to herself in thought. “Sure. Tonight after shift sounds good.” Jay couldn’t help but grin as he hid his face in his coffee — caffeine was the only thing keeping him going at this point — he had been dying for a night out with his girl. It had been far too long since the two of them had been able to just talk, and his Hailey withdrawal symptoms were coming in fast and hard with no place to go. Sure, they worked together every day — but with how spread out the Intelligence unit had been, they were lucky if they even got to say hello to each other. All of these reasons put together were contributing factors to his particularly pissy mood when Voight made his way back upstairs and informed everybody that they wouldn’t be going home until they could pull up a lead on the drug-bust-turned-triple-homicide they were working out in Jefferson Park. “Guess this means we’re cancelling. Again.” Hailey sighed deeply as she stood beside Jay, the pair of them watching as Kim placed the victims photos up on the board. “This is what — the fourth time now?”
“It’s not my fault, Hailey,” Jay mumbled under his breath. “Don’t blame me. Blame the guy who shot three people for his fix.” Hailey’s eyes snapped over to him, the blue of her irises darkening as she made it very obvious she wasn’t about to put up with his bullshit for another long night shift when they were both exhausted. “I know it’s not your fault Jay. Did you hear me say it was? Because I sure don’t remember those words coming out of my mouth.” Jay mumbled again, although this time it was a practically silent sorry that Hailey’s Vulcan hearing only just managed to pick up on. She could feel his frustration and despite knowing it wasn’t intentionally being directed at her, she also wasn’t about to let her get pushed around to make him feel better, even if he was her boyfriend.  That’s how the next week or so went. Both Jay and Hailey were snapping at each other left and right, and although they both were mature enough not to hold a grudge against the other for longer than a few minutes, neither of them were exactly enjoying themselves. Their triple-homicide came and went, and before they knew it they had been thrown into an arson case — they couldn’t catch a break, no matter how hard they tried.  Jay had walked into the locker room one evening after Hailey had disappeared for a while, his search for the woman coming to an end quickly as he spied her sitting on the bench with her head in her hands. Just when he thought he’d give her some time alone, (he figured she was probably trying to gather her thoughts or something) the sound of almost silent cries coming from the blonde caused his heart to ache painfully. At first, he wasn’t sure — but when the sight of her back rising and falling sharply with each cry, Jay practically bolted over to her in panic. “Hails." Jay sat down on the bench beside his girlfriend, his voice soft as he placed a hand on her shoulder. “Hails, what’s the matter? Why are you crying?" Hailey shrugged his hand off of her shoulder — not in a cold way, just in a 'I don't want you to see me like this' kind of way. Nonetheless, Jay persisted as he wrapped his arm around the woman's torso, pulling her closer to him until her head was resting in the crook of his neck. Hailey tried to wipe away her tears roughly, the woman clearly worked up as Jay ran his fingers through her hair in a feeble attempt to offer up some comfort. "Hailey?" "I'm fine, Jay." Hailey's response was much too quick for Jay's liking. Even if she hadn't been crying, her response alone would have provoked concern from the man. He only frowned down at his girlfriend sadly, his heart aching; Hailey wasn't one to show her emotions to anybody. Any time Jay saw Hailey this way, he felt his entire body tearing apart in some inexplicable way — he had the overwhelming urge to find a way to fix it. Because seeing Hailey upset was the absolute worst thing he could ever see. It was so heartbreaking and tore him apart so severely that it could (and would) keep him at night. "You're not fine," Jay's voice was gentle and unthreatening, but he still balanced on the line of pushing as she took a deep breath against him. "You don't have to be fine. But I think it'd help if you talked to me — you're the one who taught me that, remember?" Hailey stayed silent, not daring to utter a sound. Instead, she fixed her gaze upon one of the lockers standing in front of her, studying it as if it were the most interesting thing in the world before she found her breath getting caught up in her throat all over again. Before she knew it, tears were pouring down her cheeks all over again, half of them sad and half of them angry, partly because she had no idea what the hell she was crying for. "Please tell me what's going on," Jay practically begged his girlfriend this time as he rubbed circles on her back, his brows shaped in a concerned V. "Please tell me so that I can — I don't know." "I'm just so tired," Hailey breathed, her sentence being interrupted by a hiccup as she ran her palms down her cheeks. "I haven't slept a full night in days, Jay — neither have you. I'm tired of fighting you and arguing every time we're in the same room together for no other reason other than the fact that we're both exhausted, I'm tired of the lumpy couch and sleeping without you. I miss you, Jay. I miss you so goddamn much it's physically painful right now and I genuinely just don't know how to deal." Jay was sure he could feel his heart breaking into two right there and then, his grip tightening upon Hailey as he held her close. Hailey only sunk into his hold in response to the gesture before sniffling softly, barely moving as the pair froze in time for a short while. It was Jay who broke the silence a few minutes later, his hand still circling her back as his words were muffled slightly by her head. "I'll tell Voight we're both coming down with something." "Jay —" "I'll get Platt to cover for us." "But —" "No buts. We're working something out right here, right now so that you don't have to spend another minute here in pain because if you're in pain. . . I'm ready to kill, maim or otherwise seriously injure whoever's responsible." Hailey let out a small snort of amusement despite her mood. After all — how could she not? It was Jay. Cracking-jokes-at-the-most-inappropriate-of-times Jay. Her Jay.  And despite the fact that she was still weeping silently in frustration and all of the other emotions that had decided to make themselves at home without her go ahead, her Jay was always able to put a smile on her face. "Let's just finish this shift." Hailey exhaled deeply, using a few fingers to wipe away her tears once more. "I'll be okay, Jay." Jay didn't seem all too convinced. "Are you sure?" "I'm sure," Hailey nodded as she wrapped an arm around her boyfriend and rested her head on his chest. She could hear his heart beating beneath his skin; the sound was oddly calming. "I just had to have a little cry." Although Jay was still hesitant to let Hailey go (mostly because he loved having her close and she was so, so warm) he knew that his girlfriend was one of the most headstrong women to ever walk the earth; once she said they were finishing the shift, they were finishing the shift. As soon as six o'clock came around, Jay and Hailey were out of the 21st district and packing into Jay's truck, switching their phones off so that they could have plausible deniability if they were called back in for a case. Yes, the detectives were dedicated to their job and by extension, the city of Chicago, but tonight was a night for them. A night where they could breathe a little bit. God knows they needed it. Hailey had no idea where they were going once Jay passed the turnoff for not just his house but her's too, but quite frankly, she didn't care. She didn't even question it when she saw the "Thank you for visiting Chicago" sign, she and Jay sitting in silence until they arrived in an empty field. It was dark by then, the sky being lit up by nothing than the moon and stars above them. "Come with me." Jay wore a lopsided smile on his features as he spoke, heading around to Hailey's side of the truck as he opened the door up for her and helped the woman out with an extended hand that she gratefully took. Hailey couldn't help the suspicious (and slightly concerned) expression she wore on her features, just as Jay couldn't help laughing at the very same expression.  His lopsided smile turned into a grin as he pulled Hailey along, almost giddy as he pulled down the back part of his truck so that it laid flat. She wasn't sure how she hadn't noticed it before, but now that her attention had been bought to the back tray, she could see the pile of blankets of pillows that had been packed in there along with a 6 pack of beers calling her name from the back corner. Hailey's look of concern brightened into one of love and affection almost immediately, her eyes softening as she snapped her head up to meet Jay's. "You did this?" "I did." Jay was clearly very happy with himself. "You like it?" "It's absolutely sickening." Hailey's sarcasm didn't go unnoticed by Jay who grinned smugly as he watched his girlfriend clamber up into the back of his truck. Its height momentarily posed a challenge for the woman, but it was just another challenge that she overcame as she vaulted herself inside and practically pulled him in after her.  With the mountain of blankets pulled over each of them, Hailey and Jay sat side by side as Jay held two beers in his hand, handing one off to the blonde who took a sip as soon as it was made available. Neither of them had the words to verbalise it, but they both knew this was what they needed. They both knew this was perfect. As the night grew older, Hailey found herself laying with her head on Jay's chest and a hand comfortably resting on his thigh; his hands were running through her blonde locks absentmindedly — he had always found Hailey's hair remarkably soft. The pair of them were still sipping on their beers, but the conversation had shifted to a much calmer and heartfelt topic. "I love you," Hailey had declared suddenly, though, it wasn't the first time she had uttered the three words to her boyfriend and partner. "I love you and your grand gestures, and your smile, and your laugh." "I love you. I love you and your eyes, and the way you scrunch up your nose when you find something funny, the way you're impossibly stubborn but yet incredibly reasonable." "I love you and how you make me feel okay, and how you can understand what I'm trying to say without me ever having to say it, and how you hold me at night and when I'm upset. I love you and how you showed me a million shades of colour that I had never experienced before." Jay's lips curled up into a warm smile, though his eyes showed it more. It was hard to distinguish whether or not it was the way the corners of his eyes creased or if it was the sparkle among the green that did it, but she didn't mind the not knowing. When she was with Jay, she didn't need to know anything except that she loved him and that he loved her — that was enough. It had always been enough. An exhale escaped Hailey's lips as she gazed up at the sky above them, the twinkling orbs that were even brighter away from city lights filling her vision as she studied them closely. They twinkled and shimmered beautifully — almost entrancing — Hailey could barely peel her eyes or focus away from them for more than half a second. "They're amazing, aren't they?" Hailey wasn't expecting a response, but she wasn't shocked either when she received one. "The stars?" "Yeah," she nodded her head against Jay's chest lightly. "They remind me of you, in a way." Jay chuckled with a puzzled look on his face. "They remind you of me? How?" "They're pretty. They're perfect. . They're also everywhere, just like your freckles are. Not to mention that half of them are on the brink of exploding, just like you." He poked her in the side playfully as Hailey laughed heartily in response. "It was so sweet, and then you decided to make fun of me." "Making fun of you is my only hobby, Halstead. How else am I meant to fill my time?" "I don't know! There's a whole world out there — you could take up boxing, or knitting!" "You see me sitting still for long enough to knit?" "No, that was a stupid suggestion. I should have known." Jay's chest rose and fell beneath Hailey's head as he laughed. "Since you're you, I guess I'll let you get away with it. You're both far too dangerous and far too attractive to stay mad at." Hailey only smirked as she turned her head, finally tearing her eyes away from the night sky and gazing into Jay's impossibly green eyes. "Oh yeah? Far too attractive?" "Well—" Jay shifted slightly as his hand brushed up against Hailey's bare arm beneath the blankets. "— maybe — maybe you'll have to remind me just how attractive." "Oh, I can do that." 
aaaa okay i hope this was good! i don’t know if i did it justice lmao
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lizzieraindrops · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Destiny (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Osiris/Saint-14 (Destiny) Characters: Saint-14 (Destiny), Osiris (Destiny) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Touch-Starved, Grief/Mourning, First Kiss, Self-Destructive Tendencies, Caretaking, Trauma, Comfort, Trauma Recovery, Loss, slow-developing relationship, not in the fic but like in universe, Sometimes New Trauma Reignites Old Trauma!! Summary:
Sometimes you need to be with the only person you'd feel safe to break down around, even if you never have. In the immediate wake of Sagira's death, Osiris comes to find Saint in the City. POV Saint-14.
wrote this because i made a fic-writing pact with @hencegoodfortune
i have never destined a knee in my life but i am care about sad bird boys
read here or on AO3
Saint had never thought the sight of Osiris would strike dread into his heart. But there was something completely wrong with the sharp-soft-fluid outline of his gleaming helm, his cowl’s feathery tresses and the flowing robes. His posture remained as impeccable as always as he strode through the echoing Tower hangar. Yet something troubled the lines of him. It was as if each exposed surface were on the verge of collapsing inward on a vacuum, and the only thing preventing it was the sheer force of his considerable will. Saint had never seen him like this. A cold feeling ran through his body as if injected directly into the ducts of his circulatory ichor.
“Osiris,” he whispered, even though they were not yet within earshot. Saint trotted out on restless feet from the shadow of the Gray Pigeon to meet him. They drew together at the end of the long sun-emblazoned rug that sprawled before his ship. Saint could not help but begin to reach for Osiris, but he stopped when he saw the man’s unresponsive stiffness.
“Hello, Saint,” he said shortly. He crossed his arms. Only a stripe of his upper face showed between his helm and his mask. The lines around his eyes had gone flat and the ones between his brows had deepened.
“What is wrong?”
“Take your pick. This time? The Hive.”
“No. What is wrong?”
Osiris just gave him a pained look. “We should speak inside.”
Saint nodded acquiescence. He turned his feet back onto the path of the rug, slightly crooked: a rumpled casualty of Guardians playing soccer in the hangar. After only a moment’s hesitation, he offered his arm to Osiris, looking at him in askance.
Osiris blinked, surprised. Then it was Saint’s turn to be surprised when Osiris tucked one hand into the bend of his elbow and placed the other hand atop it, gently squeezing and encircling his armored forearm. They fell in step together and walked all the way back to the ship that way. If Saint hadn’t been so worried, the rare tenderness would have left him radiating contentment.
Saint took them to the Gray Pigeon’s close yet comfortable living quarters. It was just a simple serviceable room with a few little tables and a bunk, and probably more cushioned seats than the space warranted. Saint took a seat in one of them and removed his helmet so he could take a proper look at Osiris, who was doing the same. His skin looked weathered, as always, but darker than usual below the eyes. They both sat their helms down on the table between them, trying not to knock over the abandoned teacups there.
Osiris’ lip quirked at the sight of their tea-stained insides. “Ikora has been here, I see.”
“Indeed,” Saint chuckled. “A woman of fine taste. She believes the tea grown in the City these days tastes different than it did a few centuries ago. Less… what was it? Astringent? Smoother now, she said, more mellow. She wanted the opinion of someone who has not been drinking it throughout the entire transition as she has.”
“Of course she did.”
“Yes.” Saint eyed the way Osiris’ hands molded themselves to the armrest of the chair and went still. Likewise, his feet remained flat on the floor. His usual energetic presence, like an overflowing cup, was now subdued, stilled as if frozen. Saint waited for him to melt and kept talking.
“You would think I am the perfect test subject. I had not tasted tea for many, many years since I left the City. And I certainly had tea with Ikora many times before that, when your studies distracted you from visitors. She and I had many fine conversations. After my return, I ought to be perfectly poised in time to tell the difference.
“Ah, but I think my answers disappoint her. I do not know, because for me, everything has become new again. Not only the tea and the cookies - there are the new faces of all the new Lights and of the Traveler itself, and the City has grown, of course. But even that which remains the same still feels different now, yes? New eyes,” he said, watching Osiris’ softly closed ones.
“It is sometimes hard to tell the changes in others from the changes in myself. So yes, Ikora’s tea remains a mystery. I shall be surprised if she does not recruit you for her research, as well. If you stay in the City for more than a few hours, that is.”
“Hmm.” Osiris’ rigid demeanor had softened, but he had crossed his arms, head bowed. His eyes were still closed.
“I did not even know you were in the City,” Saint said, softer. “I believed you to be still roaming the Shore for answers. Geppetto has heard nothing from Sagira, not even a hail when you arrived.”
Osiris flinched.
The cold that had flooded Saint earlier crystallized into pure ice.
“Osiris. Is she -“
“Like I said. The Hive,” Osiris said shortly, unmoving.
“Oh, my dear,” Saint breathed. He stood up only to kneel before Osiris in his chair, reaching for his hand. Osiris let him take it. Even in its glowing gauntlet, his hand was so small. No wonder it was so tense yet listless, without that brilliant presence shining beside him like a second sun to his own fiery brightness.
The initial rush of grief made the pistons in Saint’s chest hurt, aching from his core to his broad plated shoulders to the twisted cables of his neck. But he set it aside for now: Osiris needed him.
But Osiris had other ideas. He withdrew his hand from Saint’s caress.
“The Hive are going to pay.”
“Undoubtedly they will. That does not mean you cannot take the time to grieve.”
“I do not have time for this. Time is critical. Xivu Arath is fast approaching, and growing more powerful each day. The intelligence I have gleaned regarding her methods and movements is invaluable, and I must -“
“You do not need to do this alone, Osiris.” Saint rose to his feet.
Looking wounded, Osiris stood as well. “I am well aware that I cannot, now, Saint. But I’ll be damned if I don’t do everything necessary to avenge Sagira. To that end, I’ve enlisted the Young Wolf’s assistance.”
“Yet you are still acting as you always do. As if you must do everything yourself.”
“I cannot simply stand by! Without her, there is even more I must do, all that she would normally do for me.” Osiris broke his fierce stare and cast his eyes downward. “It is the very least I can do when I am the reason she is gone.”
If Saint could have cried, he would have then. How strange it was, to be separated by fourteen lives and untold centuries from the last tear he could possibly have shed, and yet still long for a release he could not even remember.
“Osiris,” he said, voice low. He slipped off the shining metal of one of his gauntlets, so that he could lift Osiris’ face with the most delicate touch of two brushed-alloy fingers on his dear, scruffy chin. “It is not your fault.”
Osiris’ eyes followed his fingers, traced his face. “It is,” he said hoarsely. “She even told me not to pursue the Celebrant on the Moon alone. I was rash.”
“Be that as it may, I know you would never willingly harm her. You have already told me this was the doing of the Hive.”
“Saint, please don’t…”
“Then why did you come to me?” Saint set his other gauntlet aside and cupped Osiris’ face in his bare hands. “Surely you knew I would not let you be cruel to yourself.”
Glistening golden-brown eyes rested between gleaming silver fingers. “I needed to know you were still here.”
“I am here. Because of you.”
Osiris looked away and laid his hands on Saint’s wrists, pulling himself free.
“You would not have been lost in the first place had I not betrayed you, as well. I will not make the same mistake a third time. I will learn to take responsibility for my actions, and do what it takes to contain the fallout.”
“You are not taking responsibility, you are punishing yourself.”
“Two birds, one stone,” Osiris sighed. He drew away from Saint while he was stricken into stillness by the statement’s casual cruelty. The negative space between them wrenched at the pins of Saint’s every joint like it was a magnetic field, and he made of nothing but so much iron filings.
Saint fell an unsteady step forward, but Osiris was already picking up his helm and angling himself toward the door. Saint did not need to simulate the future to know that if Osiris left in a state like this, he would likely not return.
“Osiris. Just - stop.”
Osiris stopped. The feathers of his cowl floated idly, suspended and directionless in the close air of the small room.
“Do not do this. If you will not hear your own pain, hear mine. Do not do to me what I did to you.”
Beneath the morbid weight of his resignation, Osiris went rigid. He turned to look at Saint, really look at him. Yes, he’d faced Saint before, many times, with exasperation in his brows or fondness around his eyes. Saint had been thinking about how he’s seen more and more of the latter lately.
But this gaze was something piercing and haunted. In it, Saint could hear the echoes of a keening that had never fallen on his ears, could see the marks left by an invisible memory wrapped around the man before him like grappling vines of poison ivy. He watched Saint, wordless and wounded.
“If you continue like this, you will hurt yourself, not to mention those who care for you. Sagira would not have wanted -“ Saint broke off, looking down at his fist. Its faint tremor faded as he sank deep into himself as if into the Void, calling stillness into his shaking.
“I am afraid, Osiris. For you and for myself. I do not want to lose you. I do not think I can bear that. I have seen the way you still look at me. Like...”
“Like you are... like I am still lost to you. I have seen how that loss haunts you, even though you have flown in the face of everything to undo it and succeeded. Even when you are finally here, your mind slips away like you cannot bear to be here. Are you still searching?”
“Of course not.” Osiris’ eyes did not meet his.
“Then what is it?”
Silence. “You died, Saint.”
“I am sorry.”
Osiris blinked, looked at him again. “You are apologizing for dying?” he said, skeptical.
“For causing you such hurt that it did this to you. Even in the best of all timelines that brought us both here: I hurt you.”
“Saint,” he said, reaching out for his hands and seeming unaware that he did so. Saint held them oh so gently, afraid they’d fly away.
“You cannot - Saint, you died,” he repeated. “This isn’t your fault. I’m the one who should be -“
“Oh, it is always about you, is it,” Saint chuckled.
Osiris scoffed. He made as if to pull his hands away. But when Saint made no move to stop him, he stopped himself.
“Truly, my dearest. If our places had been reversed, I have no doubt that the endless loss would come to outweigh the pain of the long but finite fall, in the end.” Saint closed his eyes. “Please, do not reverse our places. Losing each other once was enough. I have no brilliant schemes, no Sundial to bring you back, nothing but the strength of my arms and of my heart. And we have already proven that those are not enough.”
“Don’t say that.”
“It is true. I died before I could find you.”
Saint’s fingers were seized in a sudden vise grip. “Don’t. Do not speak that way. You are enough. You have always been so much more than enough. To me, you are - you are.”
“You know I feel the same.” They were standing so close, it was simplicity itself to bow his forehead to touch Osiris’.
“I know.”
“Then why? Why cannot you allow yourself to rest, here with me, even now? Especially now? Let me care for you.”
Silence stretched between them.
“I don’t know how,” came the whisper, barely loud enough to carry the short distance. “You should not bother with me.”
“Oh, my dove,” Saint sighed, and pulled Osiris to his chest and wrapped his arms around him. There, in Saint’s arms, Osiris finally crumpled against him like an empty spinfoil can as the absence inside him yawned wide, swallowing any resistance left in him. “Hush. I will always bother with you. I am here.”
Since arriving in this strange, strange future, touch, like everything else for Saint, had been different. Titan to his roots, bracing claps on the back and casual embraces had always been his native language of both camaraderie and comfort. With the long familiarity between him and Osiris, it had been easy enough to believe that an arm slung around the warlock’s shoulders or their hands long clasped in victory were merely an extension of the same. Though Osiris had often complained in mock protest, he had rarely refused the contact. Neither of them had admitted that it meant more until it was too late.
Now, though, in this City brighter than either of them remembered, every moment of this second chance was overwhelming. It was one thing to spend endless years isolated, touch-starved and battle-weary only to arrive in the new Tower, where homemade pastries were handed to him by scores of soft-handed civilians and eager-eyed Kinderguardians crowding close enough to brush shoulders with a legend. Though at first it jolted him like sparking Arc, each casual touch brought him a little more back to life.
It had been something else entirely to find the person he spent centuries searching for finally standing before him, close enough to touch. The idea of contact was a little too much for both of them, at first. They’d had to start sparingly: a palm on a shoulder, none too rough; knees or elbows brushing together when they could be avoided, but weren’t. It wasn’t the same as before they were separated by so much space and time and suffering, and they both knew it. The shape of Osiris was so familiar to him, but the illumination of that mutual knowledge made the lean old frame as new to Saint as those endless lost years did, if in another wholly different way. Together, such perspectives made a simple caress pierce him like a shout of devotion. They made a hand on a hand, on a heart, a home.
Although Saint was learning how to let the immensity of such small closenesses become mundane, he was near engulfed by the reality of Osiris, now yielding the entire weight of his body to Saint’s protective embrace while he shook and shuddered and clung like a desperate and heartbroken thing. It was so much, but the only thing Saint could do was hold him, hold his shattering self close and dear.
Saint had never seen him break like this. When the pressure of the lives laid at his feet as Vanguard Commander had become too much, he had always been more given to bouts of brooding and intensive study for sleepless days on end. But through all of that, Osiris had always had Sagira, who knew when to jolt him out of his melancholy with a sharp word, to soothe his weariness with a wash of Light, or to nag him into a semblance of eating and resting. No more. Though Saint could not weep, Osiris’ tears traced a shining abstract filigree upon his silvered breastplate. He ran soothing fingers along his spine with touch-aching hands, needing to offer any comfort he possibly could. Saint held him and waited for the storm of grief to subside.
Saint ended up seated on the rug on the floor, leaning against the side of one of the chairs with Osiris draped across his lap and curled against his chest.
“I do not know…” Osiris murmured. His head was tucked under Saint’s chin, one arm upraised to blindly trace the deep-violet ridge of Saint’s plated cheek with the pads of his fingers.
“What do you not know?” Saint asked just as softly.
“How to do this. Without her. Without the Light.”
“Mmmm,” Saint mused. He adjusted his grip around Osiris’ waist, making sure he was secure. The weight of him was comforting. “You will grieve. And you will learn. You are the strongest person I know. And that has nothing to do with your Light, your prowess in battle, or even your Ghost, may her Light be a bright and blessed memory. It has everything to do with just you. Just the strength of your heart, your determination, your tenacity. You, my dear.”
Osiris scoffed half-heartedly. “She was always the better of the two of us.”
Saint chuckled deep in his voicebox, his jawlights flickering gold. “She would agree. But of all the people in all of history she could have chosen to raise, she chose you for a reason. If you cannot trust my judgement, perhaps you can trust hers.”
Osiris uncurled and sat up to look at him, face to face. “Well, you can hardly claim not to be biased in my favor.”
Saint barked a laugh. “Take the compliment, you terrible man.”
“Hm, I suppose I am terrible. But you like it.”
“I absolutely do not.”
“Hmm,” Osiris said again. He brushed a light kiss against Saint’s sharp lips, making his purple optics go bright with surprise. What a sheer paradoxical kind of beauty, that this unfamiliar and unprecedented form of touch between them should feel the most natural of all.
Osiris studied his face, tracing every detail, his eyes soft yet alert like the morning sun. “Thank you, my love,” he said.
Saint hugged him, hard. “Welcome home, my bird.”
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snowbird-down · 3 years
Are You There, Garlemald?
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There’d been plenty of distractions the last few moons. Ul’dah had done what it did best and began dry-heaving corruption again, this time robbing the Bellworks of a lucrative contract and awarding it to a suspiciously-positioned rival. That made this the second time that Laelia had tried to make an honest living out of the place, and the second time it had gone awry.
Not that it bothered her all that much. It was kind of fun to watch Eliane and Valeriaux do what Elezen seemed to do best and scheme their way towards solving the problem. Laelia was happy to help where she could but, like the rest of III Squad, had a rather specialized skillset and could only do so much. Her schedule went uninterrupted for the most part.
Until one sun when she pulled a company airship into Ul’dah for a routine parts pickup. Airports were a natural hub for rumors, and word was that the Legion had been sighted moving on Amal’jaa lands to the south. Nobody knew why, and the Flames remained tight-lipped about the whole thing. Couldn’t have folks fearing invasion, after all. But what the fuck was that about? A few moons ago she’d heard that Garlemald was in another civil war, and now it was invading? You couldn’t have both, so which was it?
That anxious feeling came back. Something clearly wasn’t right.
That night, Laelia returned to where she’d hidden the Delphinus in a crook of the nearby canyon. She hated having to move it these days, as it forced Valeriaux to have to re-glamour it to match the cliffside, but...this couldn’t wait. Muscle memory kicked in as she powered up the craft; it’d become an extension of her body long ago. And with that, she killed the lights, raised from the canyon, and turned towards the south.
Towards that damn tower.
She hadn’t thought much about them since the last time she’d tried to investigate; that weird frequency had been more than enough to turn her away. Again she tuned the vox to all the known frequencies the Legion communicated on. It was a touch risky: if anyone was monitoring the airwaves they could, in theory, track her down. Catching her in the air, however, was much less likely.
She almost wished it would happen. It’d been too long since she’d had a proper dogfight. The White Devils didn’t count, because the Voyage wasn’t hers; no, the last time the Delphinus had fought was against a flight of griffon riders, shortly before the Wall fell. They’d had a veteran with them. He knew to stay in the sun and go for the wings. It was Victoria who’d finally climbed out on the hull and rid her of the menace.
“...ry...be to...lemald...”
Laelia blinked down and scrolled back. What channel was that?
“Glory be to Garlemald.”
Okay. Yeah, that’s...fine, sure. She didn’t agree, but sure.
“Glory be to Garlemald.”
Why did they keep repeating it? Why did it sound so droning?
A numbers channel, maybe? There was a possibility it was a pre-recorded message, played on loop to fill the air. Spies would be told to tune in to the channel at a specific time, and then and only then would the message briefly change. But she’d never heard of a numbers channel using a full phrase as filler like this.
Laelia frowned and pulled her mic down from her headset. There was one way to test.
“Squadron reporting in. Do you copy?” she said, in Garlean. “We’ve gotten turned around in this damnable desert. Please advise, over?”
“Glory be to Garlemald.”
Ok. Ok, that just confirmed it was a numbers channel. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d tuned into one on accident; vox technology was still new and there weren’t that many frequencies in existence.
But her people had one skill, and that was a powerful sixth sense. Right now it was screaming at her. This wasn’t normal. This wasn’t right. She had to know, dammit.
Laelia kicked up the thrusters and began angling in closer to the tower. She could just begin to see a familiar constellation of lights on the ground: the stark reds and blues that often were telltale signs of Garlean magitek. She decided at the last minute to turn the Delphinus’ flight lights on as well; after all, they’d surely welcome the sight of an Imperial airship flying in.
Someone ping me, dammit, she thought. Notice me. Ask who I am. Fucking anything.
Little fires were burning down below. Campfires. It made her think of the nights when they were out in the woods just outside the Wall, when De Meer would get jumpy so Dec and Valens would--
The Delphinus lurched as something pinged off its bow. That was NOT what she’d meant, dammit!
Laelia flinched upright, glancing around as the targeting systems auto-activated and the console went red. Something else streaked past, screaming. A flash of claws. Beating wings. A shadow plunged from the moonlight. For a moment she could see those griffon riders again...
Laelia boxed one of the shadows in her crosshairs and squeezed the trigger. It exploded into meat, not feathers. She caught sight of leathery wings as it fell.
Was that a fucking dragon?
She’d kicked the hornets’ nest now. A whole cloud of black was headed her way. Laelia grit her teeth and sharply banked right, fishtailed around, and punched it back in the direction of the Goblet. Alright, fine. Fine! She’d leave. Fucking dragons! When did the Empire get dragons?!
But she couldn’t help glancing down at the vox. Even with all that attention just now, still nobody had hailed her.
The rear turrets auto-activated. She could feel the ship shudder as they fired. Now was not the time to waste ammunition, dammit; there was no way she could get more Imperial-grade rounds out in Eorzea, not without some dubiously-legal market browsing. But she couldn’t deactivate them; those things were as fast as they were dogged. Back in the day she probably could have dusted them, but not now that the Delphinus was laden with furniture. All she could do was evade and hope that some of the dishes survived.
500 rounds remaining.
320 rounds remaining.
116 rounds remaining.
92 rounds remaining.
The counter froze there, blinking at her passively. Laelia activated the rear camera in time to watch the cloud of wings merge back into the night sky. Back to their nest. Back to their tower. She was safe, for now.
But the pilot couldn’t help brooding the entire flight back to the Bellworks, and sleep didn’t come much at all afterwards. She knew she was going to have to go back, but...next time, she’d go by ground, and she wouldn’t go alone.
She had to know what was happening.
For better or for worse, she had to talk to her people again.
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