#all I can say is that this minecraft fic is sooo fun to write
chaosduckies · 3 months
So remember that minecraft g/t fic I was writing? Well it’s done. Um. I don’t really know what to do with it honestly.
If you want to read it just know that it’s a cursed giant trope. So um, do what you will with that :D
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officialgleamstar · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank u for the tag @cerealmonster15 :] sorry for forcing you into tagging me and then FORGETTING TO DO IT ONCE I GOT OFF WORK but insomnia is killing me tonight sooo tag game time :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
127 fics on my account, and then 130 anonymous fics, and two? maybe three? orphaned fics lol
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
826,251! getting close to 1 mil... maybe that should be a writing goal for this year :0
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently its oxventure all the way down, baby bfdjgfdhhj i have a few dndads fics im still working on though, and i have an aftg fic im working on for an event right now as well! i need to... make sure i finish that on time, actually
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
they aaare mostly anonymous LOL but! for fics i list, these ones. the way that three of these are from 2017 and 2018... i know that makes sense because theyve had more time to accumulate kudos and also are for more popular fandoms but :') man 1. Cleaning Up - Haikyuu!! - 908 kudos 2. heart under your sleeve - 3rd Life - 616 kudos 3. four am - All For the Game - 502 kudos 4. his soul - Empires SMP, 3rd Life - 391 kudos 5. "Are you dense, or do you just not know how to say no?" - All For the Game - 288 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes i do!!! im bad at it, but i do :D
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
just like cereal, i dont write much angst, but probably you know i love you, right? or these feelings, they're not gone :0
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of my fics are disgustingly sweet and sappy so its hard to judge
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have a few times but not enough to be a trend, lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah lol if i cant write pet play and/or breeding kink i wither up and die. who said that
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
just once! (can you kiss me more) absolutely beloved
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
two times that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah lol someone translated a handful of my old rpf fics into russian :]
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, but never a finished fic
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
you simply cannot make me choose. you cant make me choose. please.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Divorced Dad Rock Mix you are everything to me but chapter 3 thru 6 are probably never seeing the light of day
16. What are your writing strengths?
im really good at telling a compelling story in a very small amount of word :] also, SPEED WRITING. i can write very quickly when i put my mind to it!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
im so awful at ending fics just absolutely dogshit at it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
its . writing dialogue in another language, i guess? lol its fine
19. First fandom you wrote for?
pokemon or harry potter i think. maybe my little pony or minecraft. or world of warcraft but i think that was later? id have to dig through my deviantart and i dont feel like it lol
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
god that is a hard question to answer, i love all of my fics a lot bfdgfjhdbghjd i think... the first fic to come to mind was, naturally, my beloved your love is tried and true-blue. normscary <333 AND my glennry soulmate fic as well, so where do we begin? hmmm... the johnny spells thing comes from a very personal space, and its a fic that i thought about for literal years, so its very near and dear to me in that sense as well. and on our dates, it's never daytime is a super self-indulgent fic that i reread a lot because its so perfectly targeted at myself lol same thing for fall (back) in and i love mine, mine, mine for more recent examples. uh. okay thats a lot of rambling LOL those i guess :3
tagging: hmmmmm @bidoofenergy and @cookies-over-yonder i think!!! have fun guys
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
LMAO REAL I can imagine him rolling off his futon and like steamrolling the rest of Team V at night
IM SO READY SHDHSHS your writing gives me life fr
Omg Yukimiya fic….thats true gotta balance out the tabieitaken distribution LOLL I feel like there’s many interesting routes you could go with…if you wanna brainstorm I’ll gladly dump my thoughts out HAHAHA
Oh my the poison dragon how could I forget (I’m NGL the multiple different outcomes of two element combos irked me like wdym I can get flower/poison or blue flame/cold fire???)
LMAOO I love the randomness of smash its so fun I lowk miss playing
Ok im just gonna smack my response to your response on the commentary here so you don’t have to go read separate asks LMAO
SHDHSHSH BRO THE MEET CUTE IM CRYING ok but when I read all the quotes from y/n with the emojis I’m imagine that like bang/boom sound from the vine soundboard LMAOOOOOO the “you have a stupid name” one is especially funny HAHAHAH
Bro the “I want you to belong to me” SOLD ME LIKE >>>>> I love it sm I love the flavor it brings *chefs kiss*
OOOOOOOOH I’m buckled in guys I’m so ready for ~10 chapters of gold (also LMAOAOA it’s funny imagine you ballpark 40k words and it ends up doubling like how fwtkac also doubled in length and ended with a 16k final I love it)
Also unrelated but I went back to read hollyhock 1 and then 2 again and in the process passed by your masterlist and decided to read seabird too and WOW (as we’ve discussed) I’m not really a Sae fan but the way you write him makes me wanna be one SHDVSHDH maybe you just sprinkle some sort of magic spice into all of your characterizations that’s by far one of the best versions of Sae I’ve seen written out there the constant “I beat you to paying” was so funny too!!! But yeah honestly I was like ykw it’s 11k words Mira must’ve cooked something again idc if I don’t like Sae we go and lo and behold you indeed cooked LMAOAOA
-Karasu anon
LMAOOO zantetsu and reo get absolutely flattened on the daily 😭 maybe that’s why reo was so insistent on scoring enough goals to get fancy beds 😩
I WILL TAKE YUKI THOUGHTS AT ANY MOMENT!! your requests have lead to greatness in the past so if you have any ideas for him i would not be opposed hehe…i agree there’s def a lot of diff ways to go with him!! truly a very versatile guy
i had to sell so many random dragons in the pursuit of getting like the really rare ones omg 😭 but yeah what they did to the poison dragon is a travesty it is SUCH a cute baby and such an ugly adult??
smash is so fun precisely because it’s so random…like what other game has bowser beating up steve from minecraft yk?? i miss playing as well all of my friends rn are mario kart players which don’t get me wrong mario kart is a blast but sometimes you just want to beat people’s little video game avatars up 😰
PLEASE OMG IT LITERALLY IS LIKE THAT like y/n saying everything completely straight faced like 😐 meanwhile karasu is like 😨😱😓 the whole time…she did not give bro a second to breathe 😫 POOR GUY SHE EVEN MADE FUN OF HIS NAME AS IF HE CHOSE THAT??? he’s lucky she didn’t say anything abt his hair fr
oh i was giggling writing that LMAOAOA…i feel too like it’s also a role reversal almost?? idk the power dynamics between them are so odd because they’re so nuanced based on their societal roles and whatnot and just when you think you have them figured out they throw another wrench in things 😩 but it adds sm more fun and flavor than just “big strong talented protective man and shy weak gentle helpless woman” imo!!
honestly i would not at all be surprised if this ends up being longer 😟 i think it just depends on how in depth i decide to go with the military stuff but honestly the plot i have planned spans several YEARS soooo expect to be in for a ride
OMG SEABIRD AHAHA that was like the first or second request i got for my event (and also ever) so i was really excited to write it even though lowkey i was like “sae 🙁⁉️” i got sooo carried away w it too (as you can tell by the 11k< word count KFJDJD) and it ended up being sm fun!! reader and sae’s relationship (as well as her little brother’s random cameos) was so silly summer cutesy so it rlly fit the vibe considering i wrote it in the end of may/beginning of june. ofc yk how i feel abt sae and the itoshi bros in general but i always try to set aside my biases when writing!! it’s my goal to write stories that you can enjoy regardless of the characters they’re for. and yes i really tried hard to characterize seabird sae as close to how i actually see his manga self!! i think his dry emotionless soccer-brained personality meshed really well w the reader’s which is probably a part of the charm he has in that story!! i’m glad you gave it a chance and ended up liking it though 💖
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