litfeathers · 2 years
I am once again thinking about the nuance and tragedy of the wittebro situation, and especially about the impossible choice Caleb had to make. As a reminder this is what he looked like while he lived in Gravesfield:
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TOH is very deliberate about details, especially in the shortened season three, where each second is precious. We can pretty safely all agree that they want us to know that he was miserable.
But then he meets a witch in the woods. And what happens next is important.
He left. Hit da bricks, as the kids say. But we still don’t know exactly how or why Caleb left. Hopkins’ book and the tale of the brothers Wittebane are our only two sources. And they are not exactly reliable for one important reason. There is only one person who could have been a solid primary source for the legend:
And knowing his track record, I don’t think he would be above leaving out key details of the story. So we need to take everything we’ve been told with a large grain of salt.
(Btw I’m not including HM in the stuff we know since we don’t have a painting that shows Caleb leaving. So maybe that in itself hints that Philip wasn’t present for it? Hmm. Food for thought, and I digress).
Anyway. Let’s get back on track.
Did Caleb hit his limit with Gravesfield and casually decide to peace out to the BI to chase his bliss? We don’t know!
Did he do something very uncool and leave while Philip was young and still needed a caretaker? We don’t know!
Was Philip also friends with Evelyn? How long were Caleb and Evelyn “very good friends” before he chose to leave with her? Did they try to convince Philip to leave with them, and did Philip refuse? Did Caleb even tell Philip he was leaving? Did Caleb have to escape to the BI in an emergency because he got caught hanging out with a witch? We don’t know!
But what we DO know is that, in some capacity, Caleb had to choose between Gravesfield and the Boiling Isles.
My siblings in Christ, he had to make SUCH a horrible choice. Either way, there is no winning. One one hand you could stay in Gravesfield and be miserable, but also have comfort that you’ve still got your little brother. Your only family. The person that has leaned on you for so long.
But by staying you won’t ever get to fully be yourself. You won’t ever get to relax and enjoy your blossoming relationship with a fascinating new friend, except in shadows and secret.
Because you come from a community of witch hunters. And your friend is a witch.
You will always be looking over your shoulder and wondering and waiting. Waiting to get caught. Waiting to go on trial and possibly die for your illicit actions.
Either way, Caleb is losing something. Pick the Demon Realm and lose Philip. Pick Gravesfield and lose Evelyn. Pick happiness and lose your only family. Pick your only family and lose your passion.
Happiness or misery. Leave or stay. Live or die.
What a heart-wrenching choice.
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