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gunmeister · 3 months ago
finally - baccanovember day 30!! i can't believe it's over. anyway, this prompt was "ending" and i wrote about the poorhouse crew, from the perspective of upham.
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nakeddeparture · 2 years ago
Bridgetown, Barbados. Question: Do you think Trevor Dyall will get his money back?
Returning Nationals have uphill battles adjusting to Bajan society. Naked!!
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mx-mizaqx · 8 months ago
more about my car crash au
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thanks to @ogzieoggleton for making me realize he has a nagging voice so now all this mf says is “she calls me” and nobody knows who he’s referring to until the ninja come
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raouwul · 1 year ago
Behold! Ashnah, the sister of Havistinn
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At first I was thinking she should be this bitter envious character but like that’s too similar to my daughter Cain 😅 So now she’s smokes fantasy weed? I haven’t really thought out everything but here’s an idea:
I already said Havistinn’s parents were shitty because they HEAVILY encouraged the triplets to be cruel to each other in order to be ‘the most promising’ so that’s what Ashnah is. Out of all three of them she was the smarter one, the best dancer, the most confident and the better liar. Bla bla she didn’t pay any mind to Amithul (Havistinn’s actual name) since he was the weakest and she was busy competing against Alkin when they were kids, but then they all grew up. He was the first to mature into getting powers so he was sent away, it no longer mattered who was winning to their parents so she flops? She’s still arrogant but now she is lazy and without direction. She did so many things to get that praise and now it barely even matter to them. She starts to be more kind to Amithul though, feeling guilt. He was EXTREMELY codependent to the point he’d agree to be peoples bf because he was so desperate to keep anyone who was remotely nice to him around (not in a cute romance way but the getting manipulated into unhealthy relationships) from not receiving any praise or love growing up.
Alkin is the bitter one now, like he has blinded himself to be better at being a wizard. He’s also kind of a transphobe? He believes Ashnah transitioned to get more favour from their mother, still deciding if I should make him heal/improve as a person or doom him. I already have too many doomed characters so idk
This is all prologue stuff and Havistinn forgets all of it 🥲
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metroidprime2-echoes · 1 year ago
Did you just say that Metroid dread is a better combat focused metroidvania than Metroid prime 2: echos, Tumblr user metroidprime2-echos?
Prime 2 was a tank controled gamecube fps about slow-paced exploration. If ur on wii it has motion control aiming instead I guess but thats hardly better. prime 2 had spider guardian
Dread had a dodge button, parrying, and a 4 phase final boss that featured taunt punishing
Both games are good but prime 2 is not a combat focused game in the least, it's kinda absurd to claim it's more so than any mercury steam metroid, let alone metroid dread
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newhavengossip · 8 months ago
Who in town looks the most breedable?
Me. Well aren't you just STRAIGHT and to the point? Well if really want to know I think there's plenty of breedable twinks and men out there for you to get your hands on. The alphas arent really doing it for me, but maybe ask again and Artemis can help you with them. But honestly I see three major options
Mr. not trying to hide it one bit - @skylarxgraham Mr. acts like he doesnt want it, but we all know he does - @ocelotattimes
and finally, Mr. quiet but could get it anyday of the week @goodbuckhavefawn
If youre not on this list and expected to be, then try harder my sweets. You clearly aren't being promiscuous as you should.
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reidfaulkner · 2 years ago
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player characters in my Heart game I've been running with friends. Fisher the Human Deadwalker
Gentle-Winters-Light the Aelfir Junk Mage
Alkin the Gnoll Cleaver
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alkinwatersoftner · 3 months ago
An alkin water softener is a system that softens hard water while potentially raising its pH to make it more alkaline. It typically works by removing calcium and magnesium minerals and replacing them with sodium or potassium ions. Some systems may also adjust the water's acidity for health or taste benefits.
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vargdottern · 2 months ago
best comment ever.
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I want to introduce:
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alkinwater123 · 3 months ago
Get the Alkin Water Dispenser with RO, the best RO water cooler in India! This top-rated water dispenser has a high capacity, making it perfect for families and offices. Enjoy hot and cold water whenever you need it. As one of the top 10 water coolers in India, the Alkin Water Dispenser provides clean and safe drinking water with its advanced filtration technology. With its stylish design and reliable performance, Alkin Water is the best hot and cold water cooler in India. Experience the best water cooler with more capacity today!
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valkyries-things · 8 months ago
“She was a publisher and spy for the Parliamentary forces, known as Parliament Joan. She was also a mother of three who had time to do some nursing of the wounded. She was a member of the ‘Mercury Women’ who published newsbooks, and public several newsbooks with Royalist sounding names so she might win the confidence of Royalist sympathisers and get them to reveal the location of illicit printers. By July 1655, Elizabeth was commissioned to look after the sick and wounded men in the port of Harwich.”
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alkin-water-ionizer · 10 months ago
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imarpanosu · 1 year ago
#MerkezBankası'nın çok tartışılan kira/vergi önerisine ekonomistler #TunçŞatıroğlu, #OzanBingöl, #AhmetBüyükduman, #ŞenolBabuşcu ve #EmreAlkin'in tepkileri ile #detay #haber için tıklayın...
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johnbiggsny · 1 year ago
Alkin returns with the Model Three diver
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pkansa · 1 year ago
Alkin returns with the Model Three diver
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nakeddeparture · 2 years ago
Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Stephen Owen McDonald Alkins sent home.
Why did Naked Departure have to remind the QEH that their security is made up of (some accused and before the court) pedophiles? Naked!!
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