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lyrics365 · 1 month ago
Todos buscamos siempre alguna señal para volver a empezar iba rogando una oportunidad queria volver a amar y te encontre enseguida creí que mi vida empezaba a cambiar tus ojos mi bella allí descubri el cielo reflejado en el mar es que la vida sin amor no es nada de nada vale cantar antes de ti por las calles vagaba y hoy que estoy contigo mi vida vuelve a empezar si tengo tu amor lo…
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mycological-mariner · 1 year ago
What I am writing and what I am listening to are two extremely different beasts
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kissmefriendly · 2 years ago
Tagged by @spifflocated (cheers!!)
Relationship status: I shouldn’t like to say at this stage
Favourite colour: I’m a fan of earthy tones in general but I do love purples and golds
Song stuck in your head: Una Cita - Alkilados (a favourite from when I was like 16; my friend in pottery class introduced me to this band via this song and it’s a total bop)
Favourite food: Medianoche!!! (Or a steak pasty; Cuban food is a hard find in England ngl)
Last song played: Lifeboat Man - The Dreadnoughts
Dream trip: Just like. 2 months travelling the world with my favourite cousin. Dream trip is low stress and very inexpensive. At some point, Antarctica. Hungary. Wales. Peru. The Appalachian Trail. American west coast (I’ve never been and I wanna see the cryptids they hide there). American east coast (New England, babyyy more cryptids and lore).
Last thing I googled: classical guitar how to string?
TBH don’t know who to tag, so @‘ing you if you want to. Have at it!
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norteenlinea · 6 months ago
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sefaradweb · 9 months ago
Un Kambio de Vida
Eran las dos de la tarde y me palpitavan los párpados del kançancio. Mi madre y yo nos preparávamos para el avió mientras terminábamos de empakar. Ya era kasí la ora de embarcar para Atlanta, Georgia, por primera vez. Nunca habíamos volado antes, y tenía un nudo en la garganta. Mi anksiedad subía y bajava hasta que mi madre tuvo que darme un medicamento para trankilizarme. Antes de salir de kasa para ir al aeropuerto, mi madre me dió una bolsa kon borekas de keso para komer durante el viage. Mi padre, komo siempre, no nos ayudó, komo nunca jamás lo hazía. "Uno podría imaginar las dificultades de tener solamente a un padre al que no le importáis para nada." Mi madre llegó a la entrada de mi kuarto después de media ora; me avisó que el kamión había llegado. Korremos hasta la puerta para tomar el autobús, el kual mi madre había alkilado la noche anterior. Fue el que nos llevó al aeropuerto. El shofér del autobús salió para ayudarnos a poner nuestras maletas en el baúl. Kuando entré al kamión, olía a vómito, a fumo y a aguardiente. No me agradava para nada este ambiente, pero mi madre y yo empezamos a komer nuestras borekas para kalmarnos y kreer que todo estaría bien. Este descuento que había enkontrado mi madre se volvió un desastre. No obstante, llegamos al aeropuerto sanos y salvos para tomar nuestro avión y luego partir para Atlanta.
Nuestro vuelo ya había aterrisado cuando nos reunimos con nuestra banda de teatro. Ya todos habíamos pagado para tomar el autobús kolektivo para el hotel, el kual se yamaba The Waverly. Aquí, en este bús, es donde mi madre komenzó a konocer más a los otros padres de mis kompañeros; formó unas relaciones kon ellos. Este akontecimiento era importante para que mi madre hiciera unos amigos durante el viage para que no se sintiera sola y tuviera un grupo de amigos kon kien salir. Mientras mi mamá hablava con los otros padres, yo konversava con mi banda de amigos ke había echo durante los ensayos. Todos estábamos muy emocionados por darlo todo en la funsión y nuestra presentación.
Nos akerkamos al hotel y todos nos kedamos en shoke al ver tanta jente. El hotel era monumental, kon piso tras piso. Si fuera a kontar los pisos, diría que eran 13 o 14. Sin embargo, ya no me sentía tan seguro. Al pasar por las puertas korrederas eléctricas, uno entra en el lobby del hotel. Había un poko de todo: restaurantes y bares, y unas tienditas. Una vendía una multitu de recuerdos para los visitantes, y la otra vendía kafecitos y pasteles. Este alojamientu tenía los elevadores más lujosos que hasta hoy no he vuelto a ver. Se kontaban cinco. Brillavan kon un oro falso, kon ventanas ke te permitían ver todo el vestíbulo desde 5 perspektivas diferentes. En esos tiempos, mis amigos y yo disfrutávamos de subir y baxar en ellos konstántemente. Incluso se podía konocer a invitados especiales y famosos ke habían venido al evento.
Los días siguientes estuvieron llenos de práktika, ensayos, y audiciones. Durante la presentación de mi grupo, los juezes me eligieron para una audisión ke me daría la oportunidad de ir a Nueva York y hacer grabasiones de baile junto a las estrellas de Broadway. Kuando se lo konté a mi madre, ¡no lo podía kreer! Nunca esperávamos ke sucediera algo así, era imposible de kreer mi fortuna. En fin, las audiciones se habían terminado, pero nos dijeron que no sabríamos si habíamos sido elegidos hasta que pasaran unos meses. ¡Qué lástima la espera! A fin de kuentas, me escogieron. Mi madre y yo fuimos a la Ciudad de Nueva York, donde nos kedamos una semana. Un día, fuimos a un barrio judío y komimos knishes de papa mientras paseávamos por la calle. Fue un momento especial para nosotros dos.
En mi vida, he visto un poko de todo. El apoyo de mis padres me permitió tener experiencias verdaderamente fuera de este mundo. Debo todo el agradecimiento a mis padres porke permitieron ke viajara a Atlanta y luego a Nueva York para tener estas grandes oportunidades. Mi madre siempre me ha dado su apoyo incondisional, lo ke me ha dejado una marka sobre kién soy yo y lo ke aprecio. Los momentos ke hemos tenido juntos mi madre y yo son los ke me hacen sonreír durante las malas rachas. Estos recuerdos ke tengo de mis viages kon ella son los ke me llenan el korazón de añoranza, los ke llevaré konmigo hasta la muerte.
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luciochaves · 2 years ago
Alkilados - El Amor Es Más Fuerte (Video Oficial)
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afrobeatsindacity · 4 years ago
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Afrobeats City recently sat down with fast rising UK based Nigerian artist TBaze to find out more about his journey in music, how he survived lockdown, his forthcoming EP and more. 
This interview will definitely leave you feeling encouraged and enlighten. Enjoy!
How would you describe your journey to becoming a musician? 
My journey to becoming a musician, if I was to say it in one sentence, I will say it’s been challenging, eye opening but at the same time fun. I say challenging because when I started music, I just had pure passion and love for music. I didn’t understand so many things about the industry. I started recording in 2014 whilst at Uni I knew a producer who had a studio so I used to go there and record, I was recording professionally but didn’t know how to release my songs.   Afrobeats was also not really popping then so I thought even though I liked it, people are not going to really like it. It was challenging in that sense.
It was eye opening because throughout the journey I have learnt so much not just about music but also about how to deal with myself, people, how to market myself, different life skills and I also learnt more about music in its self. The combination of it being challenging and eye opening for me has made it so fun. You know when people listen to my music, when I go to perform, the whole of it. I like challenges and learning and the whole thing makes it worth it for me and fun.
You released your debut single “Carry You” in 2017, how do you feel your style has changed over the years?
Since 2017 a lot of things have changed, but the foundation is still the same. 2017 when I released “Carry You”, Afrobeats was widely accepted and I was not expecting the reception that “Carry You” received. Straight away after releasing “Carry You”, it opened me up to a lot of different platforms including the BBC.
Afterwards I was trying to beat that and have better songs. It also helped me to go to learn more especially now that I being open to a wide range of people and listeners. It was not at a crazy level, but it was at a level I was not expecting so it forced me to learn so much about the music aspect. I wanted to learn more, enjoy my music, and just do what I feel comfortable with. From 2017 till now, things have increased massively. I feel I now know my direction in terms of who I want to be as an artist.
You are an independent artist, how has that been for you. What struggles have you encountered?
Being an independent artist is not easy, that’s why when I see an independent artist, I really respect them. You are the person who has to think about what song to promote next, how to promote it, what is the strategy, plus how am I going to afford the studio and also pay someone to mix my masters. Everyone wants to be paid, the producer for the beat, the director for the video. So, in terms of finances it is a lot pressure. You are not just focused on one thing, you are focused on different things, it’s not really that easy.
When creating music, who or what inspires you?
What really inspires me when creating music… I think some things are unconscious. For example, my experience, what I’ve experienced growing up, my background. It is a combination of different things so it’s either my background or my culture. My experience being a young African boy that came to the UK and now the difference in culture or even my experience from relationships, not just with a female but relationships with friends etc.
My experience in general inspires me when I am making music and most especially what is happening around. If I see something happening around and it’s something that touches me or an experience, I’m going through I want to talk about it in some sort of musical form. Music gives me a way to express myself. Some of the things I might not be saying directly in person, I can say in music.
During the lockdown you released the visuals to your single “Dreams are valid”, How was lockdown for you and as an artist do you think lockdown made you more or less creative?
Before the lockdown I didn’t have a studio in the office, so I had to be in a position where I was still able to create. It is sad that lockdown happened and a lot of people were affected, lives were lost, people were affected financially and health wise, it’s been crazy but for me it was an opportunity to sit at home, have a plan and look more inwards and see what I have been doing, what can I change. It gave me more time to think about where I want to be.
“Dreams Are Valid” is a statement for me, I wanted to pass that message across to the world and it was also a message for me to say “Believe In Yourself”. It was a thing whereby I was thinking I need to do things in a way of acceptance but then the lockdown made me actually soak the information in, even though the song was recorded way before the lockdown.
I took it in and was like, you keep doing what you’re doing. Believe in yourself it does not matter if nobody else likes it as long as you feel like you are doing the right stuff and you’re doing what is good for you and your journey.
I was able to write so many different songs, build my studio and towards the end of lockdown, I was like I have enough content to put together a body of work. I thought ok cool, I am going to record these songs, get them mixed and mastered and put them out. Hopefully this will be blessed which is where the name of the album comes from as well. Lockdown definitely made me more creative and gave me an opportunity to write and plan things more properly.
Which leads me onto my next question, you are currently working on releasing an EP titled Àlùbáríkà (Blessings), can you tell us the creative process behind the EP and what we can expect from the EP?
The EP is amazing, I am releasing a song from the EP titled Monkey, with the visuals. (since this interview, TBaze has released “Monkey”) this is part of the songs I wrote during the lockdown.
The creative process behind Àlùbáríka, being at home during the lockdown, I was able to put my thoughts and things together. Some of the lyrics I had written before the lockdown but it was a thing of just listening to the beats and just talking about what I want to. Vibing to what I want to, making what I would like to create. My producers KBeatz, JoJo F and Oy Productions sent me beats and I would listen to them and then I wrote and recorded everything and once they were finished, I sent them to be mix and mastered. This body of work is a thing where once someone listens to the songs from A-Z they will feel blessed because it touches on so many different things.
Àlùbáríka touches on different aspects of my life and experiences but not just my experiences but of the society that I am around. One song talks about you being blessed, everything I do being blessed and me being a blessing to my environment. Another song talks about a girl that I like, you know spending time together and that type of vibe. Another song talks about things going on with the BLM. I am a believer of BLM but we should not only focus on what is happening in the western world, with BLM we need to look at things that are happening in different black countries in the world, not just America and the UK, so I included that in my EP as well. I talked about what is happening in Africa, Nigeria my own country, different parts of the world really.
It’s called Blessing because the whole EP, when I finish listening to it I felt blessed. Àlùbáríka, means blessings in Yoruba and every day when I wake up, I pray for blessings and when I was younger every time we wake up in the morning, my parents would also pray but more so my dad always would say unfailingly about 5 times Àlùbáríka, in his prayer (without fail). He’s always saying it and even to date when I told him "Dad I want to go into this direction", he said “ok, I pray you can have Àlùbáríka, in everything you do”. I thought this is my first body of work and I’ve actually poured my heart, passion, my everything into this EP and I have recorded it at a time when I am myself and this is the direction that I want to go. It then bought back that memory of, if I was to go to dad with this EP and tell him this is what I want to do, he would say "I hope it is going be blessed, God will put Àlùbáríka, into your work" and that is all I wish for.
When are you expecting to drop the EP?
No date at the moment, I am really keen to drop it soon. Everything is ready and I want to shoot one or two videos first so maybe around September.
It was recently announced that Afrobeats will officially have its own chart in the UK, as an artist what impact are you hoping this would have on the industry more specifically within the UK?
I really think having an Afrobeats Chart in the UK is amazing. I said before I think the UK has played a huge huge part in the promotion of Afrobeats from the start. It was the UK that even coined the word Afrobeats, so I really think it is good we have a chart. It’s a progress and a statement for Afrobeats. The impact I am hoping it would have is being able to be more recognised not just for the main stream artists. For example, I have seen Mista Silva there and different names you would not usually see on those sorts of things so it’s amazing to see it and I think it is off to a good start from what I can see.
There are names you would not usually hear of and it gives the UK Afrobeats artists an opportunity to be known, seen and credited for their work, because I think a lot of UK Afrobeats artists are doing amazingly well but not getting the credit.
For me I think it’s a good opportunity and rather trying to get Afrobeats into the UK chart and begging to be in another chart, we should have our own chart. I was proud to say yes this is ours. It will be impactful and motivate a lot of artists to work harder and smarter, so that we can be in the charts. I am also hoping it would make UK artists want to work closer together.
If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
What I would like to change and this is because of what I stand for and believe in as an artist and the direction that I am trying to go towards, but I want to see more collaborations across the industries and not just within this industry. Its already happening, for example, we have Davido making songs with Meek Mill, Wizkid and Drake. It's great for the industry but it needs to not just be at the top, it needs to happen at mid/lower levels. Not just with artistes but also with fashion designers, events, DJs, producers. Can producers amongst themselves collaborate?
Can we just get along and unite to see the progress.
More talking about what matters, a lot of artists feel they can only talk about balling in the clubs, buying lots of bottles, women (which is sometimes disrespectful) or talking about how rich they are otherwise they feel they can’t blow. I would like to see a change in that, yes, I do those things but that is not the only part of my life. So many different things are happening, we can talk about issues in society, we need to have diversity and be realistic.
I know music is meant to uplift people but we should be talking about real issues as well. For example, I like Dancehall/Reggae and I listen to Vybz Kartel and everyone knows he is the king of dancehall but he still talks about society issues when he needs to. I feel that is what makes a musician. You want to be the voice of the party but not the voice of the community, but to me, you have to be an artist that I can trust and believe in. That is the way that I see it and I want to see more of that.
So, collaboration, more vibes, elevation and growth within the industry. When I say collaboration, I want to add that in Afrobeats especially, people are too egocentric and its bad but what changed my mentality is when I was approached by Alkilados, a Spanish Grammy group nominated, who are massive in South America. They got in contact with me because they liked one of my songs (Stay With Me) and they wanted to do a remix. When I spoke to my friend in Nigeria, who is a music consultant, he said that would not happen in Nigeria or Afrobeats and I said I know but why? He explained because you have nothing to leverage, your name is not big yet and you’re not paying them, why would they reach out to you, these guys are big. I said these guys did and his response was that is them, that is Oyinbos for you, they have no sentiment. I said, that is wrong and all they care about is making a good song. Because of my mind set then, it took me about 8 months before I could trust them because I was paranoid.
What is the best advice you’ve been given?
The best advice I’ve been given was at a performance I went to and someone said “There is a difference between the music world and real life” and when the person said that to me, I thought it was useful not just for an artist but also for listeners. A lot of people listen to music and they get influenced by what they listen to and they do not realise that is not the reality of things, the reality is so different.  That was good advice in terms of me being able to know that if I get a no, it's just the music life and doesn’t mean that the person is not a good person in real life or it just means they are not ready yet to take whatever it is I am giving to them. It helps my mental wellbeing; they are just not feeling it and I can continue living my life and doing my life. It keeps me motivated, it's not real life, in real life I can go back to the drawing board and get things together and they might like it but another way of looking at it is that not everyone will like what I am doing and I should not try and seek validation and that is what the song “Dreams are valid” is about. When I put that advice into my own perspective it worked out.
Another advice which is a massive one for me is “Believe in yourself”.
What is next for Tbaze?
Greatness and elevation are what is next. My EP is coming out. There is a lot in store, a lot of my music didn’t make it on the EP and I have songs that have not been written yet. My vision is clearer, and people should expect good music, good vibes, progress and elevation from me plus a lot of collaborations as well. I have laid a good foundation and it is time to build more and widen my audience.
Just for fun, finish off the sentence….
Without music, I would be… a troubled person either to myself or society.
My favourite artist(s) is… Fela Kuti
My favourite Afrobeats song is… Monkey - my own song!
The first record I bought was… 2Face - Grass to Grace album
Support Afrobeats because… It's a lifestyle, it's the life!!!
Follow @TBaze on Instagram
This interview was conducted by Shade A (@shardeya) / Afrobeats City doesn’t own the rights to the image used.
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musicisthelife · 6 years ago
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sofokelatino · 3 years ago
Alkilados – La Playa
Alkilados – La Playa
Alkilados – La Playa
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lyrics365 · 1 month ago
Esto es amor
Cada vez que me miras siento que se me alimenta la vida una sola ruta coge la brisa y es por tu pelo que se riza, que se ondula, que me hechiza. Cada vez que me miras siento que se altera el sistema, siento la barriga en donde tengo la cabeza, dame una sola razón para creer que esto no es amor… Nada es mejor, si tengo tu calor,… Si esto no es amor, no se que lo es !ie¡ Cada vez que yo…
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mycological-mariner · 1 year ago
Tagged by @quatregats (cheers!) to post the first 10 songs that show up when I put my "On Repeat" playlist on shuffle (oh boy)
1 — “Deylo Syvy” - Brenda Wooton
2 — “Troy” - Sinéad O’Connor
3 — “Una Cita” - Alkilados
4 — “Disorder” - Joy Division
5 — “Duke of Cornwall’s Reel” - Fools Rock
6 — “Bold Nevison the Highwayman” - Jack Rutter
7 — “El Dragón” - Maná
8 — “Lay Me Down” - Coope, Boyes and Simpson
9 — “Entre Dos Aguas” - Paco de Lucía
10 — “Look on the Bright Side of Life” - Monty Python
Tagging @bookyholic (lol), @gohoubi @seaglassandeelgrass @some-cold-and-some-violence @agarthanguide @zsofiarosebud and anyone who wants to
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elranki · 4 years ago
Alkilados Ft. Jessi Uribe – Dicho y Hecho
Alkilados Ft. Jessi Uribe – Dicho y Hecho
Alkilados Ft. Jessi Uribe – Dicho y Hecho
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unicornio12am · 7 years ago
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Canciones / Amor a primera vista - ALKILADOS
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officialtbaze-blog · 5 years ago
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My year in Music releases 2019 🔥🔊THANK YOU for vibing with BAZE! ❤️🇳🇬🇬🇧🌍 1. TBaze - Dont Matter (prod by @jojofmusic ) 2. TBaze - Fire (prod by @officialkbeatz 3. @ortzy X TBaze ft @alkilados - Stay With Me 4. TBaze - Powerful (prod by @officialkbeatz 5. TBaze - Dreams are Valid ft @greatadamz (prod by @jojofmusic) —————————————————— #recap #2019 #songsoftheyear #music #musicreleases #newmusic #independentartist #indie #myyearrecap #goodmusic #afrobeats #ukafro #naija #collaboration #spanish #columbia #alkilados #ortzy #greatadamz #tbaze #jojo #haidro #jxhar #kbeatz #jojofredroom #2020 #thejourney https://www.instagram.com/p/B6wKnACpfqH/?igshid=uaetlk2h34vy
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afrobeatsindacity · 6 years ago
New Music: TBaze x Ortzy x Alkilados  - Stay With Me
TBaze has been nothing but consistent with his releases and now the UK Afrobeats artist has collaborated with Grammy nominated Columbian band, Alkilados and DJ/Producer Ortzy to present an Afro-latino pop song perfect for the summer titled “Stay With Me”.
With the content being in English, Spanish and Yoruba, this collaboration aims to reach all corners of the world whilst encouraging love and good vibes.  
Stream Link  – TBaze x Ortzy x Alkilados  - Stay With Me
Listen, Share & Enjoy “Stay With Me”
Afrobeats City
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